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This internship report entitled “An Internship Report on Citizens Bank Interna-
tional Limited, Dhangadhi Branch, Kailali’’ which is submitted by us in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirement for the award of BBA degree of PU comprises only our original
work and due acknowledgement have been made to materials used in the report.

Prakash Giri
Symbol Number:20030911

Deependra Gairal
Symbol Number: 20030893

March, 2024


This is to calrify that the internship report “An internship Report on the Citizens
Bank International Limited, Dhangadhi Branch, Kailali” is the bonafide work of
Prakash Giri and Deependra Gairal for the partial fulfillment of the requirements of BBA
embodies the bonafied work done under my supervision. This report is forwarded for

…………………………… ...………………
Signature Signature
Mr. Megh Raj Upadhyay Mr. Jitendra Prasad Bhatta
(Supervisor) (Head of Department, BBA)

(External Examiner)

March, 2024


This report has been prepared as a part of curricular program for the partial fulfill-
ment of the requirement for the award of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
degree of PU. This report is the result of continuous effort and co-operation extended by
many people. First of all, we would like to thank the Pokhara University for including such
a wonderful task in the curriculum of BBA. We would like to express our deep gratitude to
all of them who assisted with their valuable suggestions and numerous ideas along with
valuable time while preparing to the report. We would like to thank Mr. Shivhari Sharma
Mudbhari, Managing Director of National Academy of Science And Technology, Prof. Dr.
Prem Bahadur Chand, Chief of National Academy of Science And Technology, Mr.
Jitendra Prasad Bhatta, Head of Department of BBA and team of the National Academy of
Science And Technology. We would also like to thank respected supervisor Mr. Megh Raj
Upadhyay for his guidance throughout the preparation of this report.

We would also like to thank Citizen Bank International ltd for providing us this
opportunity to get real time exposure to apply our theoretical concepts in real world.Our
heartfelt thanks also go to Mrs. Manju Pathak (BM) and Mrs. Kabita Joshi (OI) of
Citizens Bank International Limited, Dhangadhi Branch for the enthusiastic support. We
would like to show our immense gratitude to Miss. Vidya karki at Customers Service
Department, Mr. Bam Bahadur Buda (ABM), Mr. Mahesh Joshi, Mr. Mukesh Badu
and Mr. Dikshit Adhikari at loan department and Kriti Joshi at Cash Department and all
other staffs of Dhangadhi Branch for their cooperation and guidance throughout our
internship period.

Lastly, we would like to express our sincere thanks to all those who directly and in-
directly helped us to complete our report.

Prakash Giri
Depeendra Gairal


ABM = Assistant Branch Manager

ASBA = Application Supported by Blocked Amount
ATM = Automatic Teller Machine
BM = Branch Manager
CAO = Chief Administrative Officer
CBIL = Citizens Bank International Limited
CCO = Chief Credit Officer
CEO = Chief Executive Officer
CFO = Chief Financial Officer
CITO = Chief Information Technology Officer
COO = Chief Operating Officer
CRO = Chief Risk Officer
CSD = Customer Service Department
CSR = Corporate Social Responsibility
EMI = Equal Monthly Installment
EQI = Equal Quarterly Installment
FPO = Further Public Offer
IAD = Internal Audit Department
IPO= Initial Public Offering
MOU = Memorandum of Understanding
NEPS = Nepal Electronic Payment System
NRB = Nepal Rastra Bank
OI = Operations Incharge
POS = Point of Sale
SME = Small and Medium Enterprises

DECLARATION ………………………………………………........................... I
BONAFIED CERTIFICATE ….…………………………………………………II
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS …………………………………...…………………III
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS …………………………………...…………..........IV


1.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………..….1
1.2 Organizations Vision, Mission and Objectives ….……………………..……….….2
1.3 Major Markets and Customers………………………………………………...........3
1.4 Product and Services ……………………………………………………………….3
1.5 Major Services ………………………….……………………….……………..…..12
1.6 Organization Design and Structure.……………………….…..…….……………..15
1.7 Financial Structure of CBIL……………………………...………………………...20
1.8 Organizational Performance.…………………………….…………………………21


2.1 Organization Selection …………………………………………..……….……..23
2.2 Placement………………………………………………...……..………….….…23
2.3 Activities Performed in Customer Service Department……...……………..……23
2.4 Problem Identified and Solved………………………………………………...…27
2.5 Intern’s Key Observation ………………………………….……………………..28


3.1 Key Skills and Attitude Learnt …………………………………….……….........30
3.2 Feedback to Bank………………………………………………………………...32
3.3 Feedback to College ……………………………………………………..............33


List of Tables and Figures

List of Tables

Table 1.1 Saving Accounts Offered by CBIL …………………………………….4

Table 1.2 Interest Rates on Fixed Deposit …………………………………...…..5

Table 1.3 Locker Facility Charges and Key Deposit……………………………..12

Table 1.4 Citizens Mobile Banking Charges and Fees …………………………..15

Table 1.5 Board of Directors of CBIL……………………………………..……..15

Table 1.6 Management Team of CBIL …………………………………………..16

Table 1.7 Management Team of CBIL, Dhangadhi Branch……………………...17

Table 1.8 Capital Structure of CBIL …………………………………………......21

Table 1.9 Ownership Structure of CBIL ………………………………………….21

List of Figures

Figure 1.1 Departments of CBIL, Dhangadhi Branch …………………………...18


Organization Profile

1.1 Introduction
Citizens Bank International Limited was established on April 20,2007 (2064/01/07,
BS) as 20th commercial bank of the nation. Citizens Bank International Limited has its
corporate office at the heart of the financial sector of the country, Narayanhiti Path,
Kathmandu. CBIL is promoted by eminent personalities, business and industrial houses,
and reputed individuals having high social standing and has been managed by team of
experienced bankers and professionals. There are 188 branches and 143 ATMs all over the

The Bank has been handed by 7 Board of Directors, led by non-executive Chairman
Mr. Rajan Singh Bhandari and the Management team led by Mr. Ganesh Raj Pokharel as
chief executive officer. The bank has employed 973 staffs including 954 permanent staffs
and 19 staff on a contract basis working with various Departments and Branches across the
country. Actually, the date of registration of CBIL under the companies Act was October
13,2006, date of registration under income tax act was October 15,2006 and the date of
operation licensed from NRB was April 18,2007 (ltd C. b., ctzn executive team, n.d.)

With the value of being trustworthy financial partner for the internal progress of in-
dividuals and institutions. Citizen Bank International Limited has always meted out
excellent and reliable financial service to all its customers. A reality made possible by the
use of enhanced technology, effective systems, skilled manpower and most importantly the
support of one who believed in the bank. The CBIL has adopted the updated banking
software i.e.,Finacle. CBIL is committed to offer a wide range of banking products and
services tailored with the state of the art, technology to meet the unique requirements of all
the customers/clients and thereby delight them by exceeding their expectations. (Devex,

Massive changes and development have taken place during the past two decades in
the financial sector. Amidst all those changes, for economic growth and development of
new Nepal, liberalization, privatization and globalization in this sector has given birth to
"Citizen Bank International Limited", one of the leading commercial bank. (Wikipedia,

1.2 Organization's Vision, Mission and Objectives
Organization Vision
To be a leading bank known for its services excellence in the region.
Organization Mission
To be a trustworthy partner for the progress of individuals and institutions by de-
signing, producing and delivering the best financial solution. The Bank constantly strive to
inculcate in its services five corporate values as follows:
Customer Focus
The Bank is committed to meet the financial needs of its customers and exceed their
expectations through innovative solutions.

Service Excellence
The Bank promises to deliver customer-centered products and services par excel-

Corporate Governance
The Bank believes in being accountable, conducting business ethically and main-
taining transparency.

Social Responsibility
The Bank is committed to taking social initiatives for the development of the nation

Organization's Objectives

The Bank’s main objectives are as follows:

➢ To provide standard and reliable financial services to the general public, by pro-
tecting and promoting the rights and interests of the depositors and shareholders
of the Bank.
➢ To bring about such financial resources, from internal and external sources, as
may be required for the establishment, development, expansion and enhance-
ment of capability and productivity of agriculture, industry, service, trade and
other productive business which appears viable from business viewpoint, and
thereby render support for bringing about dynamism in the development of in-
dustrial, trade and agricultural sectors of the country.

➢ To provide financial resources and services to establish, operate, develop, ex-
pand and promote manufacturing and employment-oriented business in rural and
urban areas by properly mobilizing the available skills, labor and capital and
thereby render support for poverty alleviation.
➢ To provide financial intermediary service through institutional investment by in-
tegrating the capital scattered in the country.
➢ To be responsive to the needs of the society and taking responsibility to meet the
due concerns of the society through CSR.

1.3 Major Markets and Customers

CBIL has been providing services through 188 branches spread all over the country.
CBIL has variety of customers throughout the country. The major customers of Citizens
Bank International Limited in Dhangadhi Branch are as follows;
i. Professionals and students
ii. Farmers
iii. Contractor
iv. Teachers
v. Pharmaceutical Distributor

1.4 Products and Services

Citizens Bank International Limited is providing the full-fledge commercial banking
services to the clients. Since the bank organization bases its operation on providing services
to the people rather than producing products like other manufacturing entities, the major
services of the CBIL are providing with saving to the people and lending them with various
loans and advances. It is established in Nepal with the objectives of providing following
services to its clients/customers.
i. Accepting deposits from customers in various sectors like current, saving and
fixed account.
ii. Granting loan and advance in term of overdraft, demand loan, educational loan
iii. Discounting bills.
iv. Making investment on treasury bills, foreign bills and indigenous bills

The bank has introduced various products recognizing the various categories of cus-
tomers and their needs. Various deposit products of the bank are as follows:

Current Account

This account is non-interest-bearing account. It is offering various flexible payments

methods to allow customers to distribute money directly to others. There is no limit for
withdrawal and deposit in this account. It provides user login for this account in case of
single signatory.

Saving Account
A saving account is a deposit account held at a financial institution that provides
principal security and modest interest rate. The major schemes of saving account offered by
CBIL with minimum balance and corresponding interest rates are shown in the table below:

Table 1.1 Saving Account offered by CBIL

S.N. Account Name Minimum Interest

Balance Rate (p.a.)

1 Citizens Normal Savings Nil 4.00%

2 Citizens Mahila Bachat 500 4.00%
3 Citizens Muna Bachat (Only for Minors) 100 4.00%
4 Citizens Matribhumi Bachat 100 4.00%
5 Citizens Senior Citizens Savings Nil 4.00%
6 Citizens G2P Savings Account Nil 4.00%
7 Citizens Branchless Bachat Nil 4.00%
8 Citizens Ghar Dailo Savings 500 4.00%

9 Citizens Dasak Savings 500 4.00%

10 Citizens Saral Bachat Khata (CSBK) 100 4.00%

11 Citizens Bishesh Bachat Khata 100 4.00%

12 Citizens Smart Bachat Khata Nil 4.00%

13 Citizens Tinau Mission MF Savings Account Nil 4.00%
14 Microfinance Personal Savings Account Nil 4.00%

15 Citizens Enterprise Fund Account Nil 5.00%

16 Citizens Samrakshit Bachat Khata 1,000 5.00%

17 Citizens Privilege Savings Khata 100,000 6.00%

18 Citizens Talab Bachat Khata Nil 6.00%

19 Citizens International Remittance Saving account 5000 6.00%

20 Citizens Share Lagani Khata Nil 6.00%

21 Remittance Ipo Savings Account 1000 6.00%

22. Citizens Saving Account (FCY)

USD 20 5.25%

Euro 20 3.50%

GBP 10 4.25%

AUD 10 4.60%

Source: https://www.ctznbank.com/interest-rate

Fixed Deposit Account

Various Fixed Deposit schemes and its interest rate provided by Citizens Bank In-
ternational Limited are listed in table below:

Table 1.2 Interest Rates on Fixed Deposits

S.N. Fixed Deposits Individual Institutional

1. Citizens Fixed Deposits (3 months to 6 months) 7.00% -

2. Citizens Fixed Deposits Above 6 months to be- 7.25% 5.65%

low 12 months

3. Citizens Fixed Deposits 12 months and below 8.25% 6.15%

24 months

4. Citizens Fixed Deposits 24 month and above 8.50% -

Source: Source: https://www.ctznbank.com/interest-rate

A loan is a type of debt. Like all debt instruments, a loan entails the redistribution of
financial assets overtime, between the lender and the borrower. CBIL is offering various
types of products and services to fulfill the demand of its existing and potential customers.
CBIL also provides various types of loans for the convenience of its customers. Major types
of loans provided by CBIL are represented below:

A. Consumer loans
i. Citizens Home Loan

The Bank offers financing facilities to finance a purchase of a plot of land and/ or
readymade building, apartment, construction, repairs, renovation, additions and alteration to
the house/flat.

Features of the product:

•Terminating loan payable in Equal Monthly Installment.

•Loan size maximum upto NPR 50 Million.

•Repayment period of maximum 25 years.

•Maximum up to 40% (for property located inside valley) and up to 50% of Fair Market
Value (for property located outside valley) of the Collateral security or purchase price
whichever is lower.

ii. Citizens Mortgage Loan

The Bank offers loan facility to cater the needs of individual to meet their personal
financial obligations through Mortgage Loans.

Features of the product:

•In case of term loan repayment period is maximum 15 Years payable in Equal Monthly

•Incase of Overdraft 1year revolving facility.

•Loan size maximum upto NPR 5 Million.

•Loan portion upto 50% off air market value of the collateral security.

iii. Citizens Auto Loan

Auto loan is a vehicle financing scheme for purchasing new or used private and
commercial vehicles to salaried or self-employed Nepalese citizen or owners of the
business. The loan is provided against registration of vehicle in the bank’s name.

Features of the product:

•Loan size upto NPR 20 Million for private vehicles, NPR 7 Million for new commercial
vehicles and upto NRP 4 million for used commercial vehicles.

•Loan tenure is maximum upto 10 years for private vehicles.

•Terminating loan payable in Equal Monthly Installment.

iv. Citizens Education Loan

Bank has brought education loan, which aims to finance meritorious students who
choose to pursue a higher education (Professional or technical) in Nepal and abroad. The
loan is extended to students/ professionals desiring to pursue higher studies such as
Graduation, Post-Graduation, Specialization and Vocational/ Technical courses in the
country or abroad.

Features of the product:

•Terminating loan payable in Equal Monthly Installment.

•Loan size maximum upto NPR 10 Million

•Repayment period of maximum 15 years including moratorium period of 4 years or

education period whichever is earlier.

•Loan portion upto 100% of the cost of education but not exceeding 80% of distress value
of collateral security.

v. Citizens Margin Lending

The Bank provides loan against the shares of selected companies listed in the Nepal
Stock Exchange (NEPSE).

Features of the product:

•1 year for revolving and non-revolving facility.

•Loan portion upto 70% of the 180 days average price or previous day’s closing price
whichever is lower of the shares pledged.

vi. Citizens Bina Dhito Karja

Citizens Bina Dhito Karja helps to get loan without any collateral. This loan is of-
fered to meet the financial obligations to salaried individuals and professionals. The loan is
advanced to meet various requirements of the Borrower such as travel expenses, medical
expenses, social expenses, purchase of medical equipment and appliances for professional
use, home appliances, etc.

Features of the product:

•Terminating loan payable in EMI.

•Loan size upto NPR 1.50 Million.

•Repayment period of maximum 5 years.

vii. Citizens Equipment Loan

Equipment loan is an equipment/ machine financing scheme for purchasing new or

used equipment’s for Nepalese citizen or infrastructure/ construction companies. Equipment
loan is offered to those customers who have to finance import or local purchase of
construction related equipments such as Excavators, Backhoe Loaders, Dozers etc. The loan
is provided against registration and/or hypothecation of equipment in the bank’s name.

Features of the product:

•Loan size up to NPR 10 Million or 70% value of equipment whichever is lower.

•Loan tenure is up to 5 years.

•Terminating loan payable in Equal Monthly Installment.

•LC Facility available for direct import of equipment’s.

viii. Citizens Fast Track Loan

The Bank has offered Citizens fast track loan designed to uplift the living standards
of the under-privileged families by providing them financial support at the time of their
need. The purpose of this loan is to meet financial requirement of the borrower, both
individuals, and business units, for agriculture/business/personal use.

Features of the product:

•Can be offered as term loan or overdraft loan.

•Loan size maximum up to NPR 2 Million

•Repayment period of maximum 10 years in equal monthly installment for term loan.

•1-year revolving facility for overdraft loan.

•Loan portion is up to 80% of the distressed value in case of real estate property having
minimum 8 Ft. road access to be mortgaged in favour of the bank or upto 60% of the
derived value of collateral having less than 8 Ft. road access or no road access to be
mortgaged in favour of bank.

ix. Citizens One Zone One Product

The bank has especially designed product to meet the financial requirement of the
people involved in agriculture and/or agricultural business, for their economic upliftment.
The objective of this product is also to bring those who are deprived from formal banking
sector within reach of our bank and reduce the dependency off armers with the middle men
and are designed in such away, that the product promotes use of local resources, local skill
and local people’s involvement to carry out the business.

Features of the product:

•Can be offered as term loan or overdraft loan.

•Loan size maximum upto NPR 5 Million.

•Repayment period of maximum 10 years in equal monthly installment for term loan.

•1-year revolving facility for overdraft loan.

•Loan portion upto 70% of the derived value of collateral security or upto 80% value in case
of real estate property having minimum 8Ft. Road access to be mortgaged in favor of bank.

x. Subsidized Loans

The Bank has introduced the scheme of subsidized loan upto 5 years tenor for
providing various concessional loans to unemployed educated youths, returnee migrant
works, women entrepreneurs, Dalits, earthquake victims and other targeted groups, for the
motive of their economic upliftment. Details of various subsidized loans are as follows:

• Citizens Commercial Agriculture and Livestock Loan (Up to NPR 50 Million)

• Citizens Educated Youth Self Employed Loan (UptoNPR0.70Million)
• Citizens Foreign Employment Returnee Project Loan (Up to NPR 1Million)
• Citizens Women Entrepreneurship Loan (uptoNPR1.50Million)
• Citizens Dalit Community Entrepreneurship Development Loan (Up to NPR 1
• Citizens Higher and Technological or Vocational Education Loan (Up to NPR 0.50
• Citizens Earthquake Victim Residence Construction Loan (Up to NPR 0.30 Million)
• Citizens Technical Education loan (Up to NPR 0.20 Million )
• Citizens Subsidized loan (Citizens Youth Self Employment Loan) (Up to NRP 0.5

xi. Citizens Credit Card

Credit Card is provided to the individuals having regular source of income to make
payment of product/services at merchant locations via Point of Sale and cash withdrawal at
Features of the product:
• Up to NPR 0.25 Million
• US Dollar Credit Card available against lien over equivalent USD in account.

SME loan are meant for small and medium enterprises to help them meet the finan-
cial requirements. This loan is provided to finance working capital and/or capital expendi-
ture requirement as well as non-funded facilities such as letters of credit and guarantees for
small businesses including retailers, wholesalers, cottage and small-scale manufacturing and
processing units, exporters, importers, contractors, educational institutions, self-employed
professionals, medical /health facilities, etc. The loans to business up to NPR 50 Million are
categorized as SME Loans.

Facilities provided under SMEs Loan:

Funded Facilities
a. Term Loan
b. Overdraft/Working Capital Loan
c. Working Capital Term Loan
d. Trust Receipt Loan
e. Export Credit
Non-Funded Facilities
a. Letter of Credit
b. Bank Guarantee

Business Loans in excess of NPR 50 Million are categorized as Corporate Loans
whereas loans to large corporate under consortium arrangement are categorized as
Consortium Loans.
Facilities provided under Corporate Loans:
Funded Facilities
a) Term Loan
b) Overdraft Working Capital Loan
d) Trust Receipt Loan
e) Export Finance
f) Bridge Gap Loan

Non-Funded Facilities
a) Letter of Credit (LC)
b) Bank Guarantee (BG)

1.5 Major Services

The major services provided by the CBIL to its valued customers are as below:

Locker Facility (safe deposit vault)

In this service, the bank valuable ornaments and other valuable things are kept in
locker box very safely. It provides protection for valuable commodities like jewels, rare
stamps, medals and valuable documents like insurance policies, contract paper, lease paper
etc. For storing those valuable things with full security, bank charges certain amount
according to the facility provided, which is represented in the following table.

Table 1.3 Locker Facility charges and Key Deposits

S.N Dimension in Inch- Volume(in Charges Key deposit

1 H4 W7 D19* 532 Rs.3,000 p.a. Rs.10,000

2 H5 W7 D20 700 Rs.3,000 p.a. Rs.10,000

3 H6 W8 D19 912 Rs.3,000 p.a. Rs.10,000

4 H7 W10 D19 1330 Rs.4,000 p.a. Rs.12,000

5 H6 W16 D19* 1824 Rs.4,500 p.a. Rs.12,000

6 H12 W8 D19* 1824 Rs.4,500 p.a. Rs.12,000

7 H7 W21 D19 2793 Rs.5,000 p.a. Rs.15,000

8 H12 W16 D19* 3648 Rs.5,500 p.a. Rs.20,000

Rs.7,000 p.a.
9 H11 W21 D19 4389 Rs.20,000

10 H15 W21 D19 5985 Rs.8,000 p.a. Rs.25,000


Internet Banking
This is another type of service of CBIL that provides wide coverage services to its
valued customers, so that they can check their balance, transfer funds, cheque stop, cheque
issue, statement print, utility bills payment, various alerts as well as many more services
through the Internet network. Currently following services are available through Internet
banking for valued customers of CBIL;

i. Account summary/statement
ii. Balance inquiry
iii. Fund transfer
iv. Utility bills payment
v. Requests (cheque pad, status)
vi. Various alerts (through SMS/email)

ATM/Debit Card Facility

CBIL card act as an electronic cheque, which enables you to have direct access to
your bank account, for fulfilling your daily payments and cash requirements. It is an
alternative payment method to cash and cheques, which enable you to pay directly during
purchase of goods and services from merchants or draw cash from ATM centers. CBIL is
serving two brands of Debit Cards, namely they are;

i. Visa Debit Card (NPR)

Citizens visa debit card is issued by bank to its customer to use in any ATMs and
POS machines that are linked to visa network and NEPS Network. These cards can be used
24 hours a day and 365 days a year within Nepal and India.

ii. Visa Debit Card(USD)

Citizens Visa Dollar Debit Card is accepted in all visa network terminals all over the
world. This card can be issued to Nepalese citizens as well as Foreign Nationals having
USD account maintained at CBIL and Nepalese Citizens travelling abroad(other than
India), who are eligible to get Dollar exchange facility as per NRB.

Branchless Banking

Branchless banking is means of providing banking services without setting up bank

branch i.e., providing banking services by an agent of the bank. The bank has started its
BLB operation from Jestha30,2069 after taking the approval from Nepal Rastra Bank. This

service will help to penetrate the banking without the physical existence of the Bank. The
major services provided by BLB service are as mentioned below;

Financial Transactions
i. Cash deposit /cash withdrawal
ii. Fund transfer
iii. Mobile top up
iv. Utility payments
v. Any other services

Non-Financial Transactions
i. Balance enquiry
ii. Mini statement
iii. Any other services

ASBA Service
CBIL has been providing ASBA(Application Supported by Blocked Amount) ser-
vice to its customers since January, 2017. Through ASBA, you can apply for shares during
IPO, FPO and Mutual Fund through your bank account. As per the application submitted by
customer, his/her money gets blocked in the account until the allotment of the shares. The
amount as per the allotment is debited from customer's bank account only after the
allotment process. Customer will continue to earn regular interest in the amount held in the
account during the time frame. CBIL provides ASBA services from all of its branches
throughout the country, charges Rs 5 only and there is no charges applied for citizen smart
saving account.

Evening Counter

For added comfort and convenience of CBIL valued customers, CBIL is opened even
after banking hours. Various services are provided during evening counter. Some of them
are as follows;

i. Acceptance of deposit and withdrawal of cheques

ii. Remittance facility - online remittance payment and issuance of draft
iii. Accepting clearing cheque mentioning late clearing

Mobile Banking
As we know that mobile banking is very convenient in today's digital age with many
banks offering impressive apps. CBIL also provides the facility of mobile banking to its
valued customers. The App named 'Citizens Smart' provided by CBIL to its customers as
for mobile banking facility which leads to feel the customers that the bank is on their hand.
For using this service of CBIL, it takes certain charges from its users which is mentioned in
the table below:

Table 1.4 Citizens Mobile Banking Charges and Fees

Registration Renewal
Charge (In NRP) Charge (In NRP)
For individual 0 250

For corporate/institutional 350 350

Note: For Citizens Smart Saving the renewal charge is 50% Off.

Source: https://www.ctznbank.com/services/mobile-banking

1.6 Organizational Design and Structure

Board of Directors
The Bank Board comprises of prominent personalities having diverse areas of exper-
tise and wide range of professional excellence. There are altogether 7 non-executive
directors chaired by Mr. Rajan Singh Bhandari .

Table 1.5 Board of Directors of CBIL

S. N. Name Designation
1 Dr. Rajan Singh Bhandari Chairman

2 Mr. Prakash Chandra Mainali Public Director

3 Mr. Bijay Dhoj Karki Public Director

4 Ms. Seeta Karki K.C. PublicDirector

5 Mr. PrabaljungPandey Director

6 Mr. Sajan Sharma Director

7 Mr. Anil Gyawali Director

source: Annual Report of CBIL 2021/22

Management Team
The management team of the Bank comprises of pool of professionals with a vast
experience in banking led by Mr. Ganesh Raj Pokharel as Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
They are responsible for taking the bank into new heights of success and development.
Formulating vital strategies, decision making in vital issues are some of crucial activities of
the top managerial level.

Table 1.6 Management Team of CBIL

S. N. Name Designation

1 Ganesh Raj Pokharel Chief Executive Officer

2 Sumit Babu Khatri Sr. Deputy Chief Executive Officer

3 Paras Kumar Kafle Deputy Chief Executive Officer

4 Rajendra lal Shrestha Deputy Chief Executive Officer / Company

Secretary / Information Officer

5 Sanjeeb Kumar Shrestha Chief Information Technology Officer

6 Ravi Kumar Rauniyar Chief Operating Officer

7 Suman Mulepati Chief Credit Officer

8 Narayan Raj Adhikari Chief Administrative Officer / Spokesperson /

Grievance Handling Officer

9 Amit Khanal Chief Risk Officer

10 Pramesh Raj Kayastha Chief Finance Officer

source: Annual Report of CBIL 2021/22

Management Team of CBIL, Dhangadhi Branch

Management team of Dhangadhi Branch consists of 16 staff members. This includes
Branch Manager, Assistant Branch Manager, Credit Assistants, Tellors and CSD Assistant.

These members are the core operational staff members of CBIL, Dhangadhi Branch. The
remittance transactions are carried out by the tellors of cash department. The distribution of
staff members along with their designation is presented in the table below;

Table 1.7 Management Team of CBIL, Dhangadhi Branch

S.N. Name Designation

1 Mrs. Manju Pathak BM

2 Mr. Bam Badhaur Badu ABM/ Credit Officer

3 Mr. Mahesh joshi Credit Officer

4 Mr. Nirajan Bam Credit Assistant

5 Mr. Dikshit Adhikari Credit Assistant

6 Mr. Mukesh Badu Credit Officer

7 Mrs. Kirti Joshi Tellor Handler

8 Ms. Vidya Karki CSD Handler

9 Mrs. Pallavi Joshi CSD Handler

10 Mrs. Kabita Joshi Operations Incharge/ Tellor Han-


11 Mr. Akkal Bhr.Khadka Driver

12 Mr. Bal Bhr. Malla Security Guard

13 Mr. Dhan Bahadur Shahi Security Guard

14 Mr. Keshab Shahi Security Guard

15 Mrs. Basanti Khadka Office Helper

Source: Employee Attendance Register of CBIL, Dhangadhi Branch

Departments of CBIL, Dhangadhi Branch

No. of departments

Operation Department Credit Department

Cash CSD Remittance Clearing Vehicle Housing

Figure 1.1 Departments of CBIL, Dhangadhi Branch

Operational Department
An operation in banking like every other firm is established to carry out all the day
to day transactions of the bank. Operations may be involved in;

• Account opening and follow up of details provided by the bank customer.

• Processing of credit facilities requested by the bank customer and ensures
credit worthiness.
• Processing of bank instruments.
• Payments of all receipts on demand.
• Processing of domestic and foreign fund transfer.
• Closing of account on customer’s request.
• Proper recording of documents from the various transactions of the bank, etc.

Cash Department
This department is related to cash, cheque and draft, mostly they related with cash
transaction. The deposit and withdraw of cash are done in this department & the clearing of
cheque is also done through this department. There are mainly 2 employees in cash
department in CBIL, Dhangadhi branch where each of them performs different activities
which are related to cash inflow and cash outflow.

Customer Service Department (CSD)
Customer service is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer
satisfaction – that is, the feeling that a product or service has met the customer expectation
and the Customer Service Department (CSD) means the front desk of any organization that
enables face to face interaction with the customers who visits the organization. For any
organization it is the first place which makes an early impression to the clients. The image
and the reputation of bank depend upon effective functioning of this department. The
competence and attitude of the sales staff, complaints handling, customer dealings, and after
sales service are all areas that affect customers’ perception of the organization and also their
loyalty to organization. There is mainly only one employee in CSD department of CBIL,
Dhangadhi Branch.
Remittance Department
This department helps to exchange the foreign currency with Nepalese currency.
This department also helps to make travel cheque those who travel outside the Nepal. The
transactions performed by this department are fax transfer, performing pay order, money
transfer through Western Union & City Express and it had network problem time to time &
another is balance problem.
Clearing Department
In banking and finance, clearing denotes all activities from the time a commitment is
made for a transaction until it is settled. This process turns the promise of payment (for
example, in the form of a cheque or electronic payment request) into the actual movement
of money from one account to another. Clearing houses were formed to facilitate such
transactions among banks.
Credit Department
All types of loans are provided after thoroughly examining the credit pro-
posal/inspection/analysis in long process. Mainly loans are long term loan, short term loan,
overdraft loan, vehicle loan, personal loan, auto loan etc. There are mainly 3 employees in
credit department in CBIL, Dhangadhi Branch.

1.7 Financial Structure
Financial structure is the area of finance dealing with the sources of funding and the
capital structure of corporations and the actions that managers take to increase the value of
the firm to the shareholders, as well as the tools and analysis used to allocate financial
resources. The primary goal of financial structure is to maximize or increase shareholder
value. Although it is in principle different from managerial finance which studies the
financial management of all firms, rather than corporations alone, the main concepts in the
study of financial structure are applicable to the financial problems of all kinds of firms.
Source of Income
The major source of income of Citizen Bank International Limited are as below:

➢ Interest Income
➢ ATM card fees
➢ Locker Service Charges
➢ Letters of Credit
➢ Remittance
➢ Banks surety fees
➢ ABBS charge
➢ Mobile banking and internet banking charge
➢ Other fees and commission
➢ Counter/loose cheque
➢ Account opening charge
➢ Foreign currency exchange commission
➢ Loan processing fees
➢ Loan documentation fees
➢ DEMAT fees
➢ Loan renewal fees

Capital structure of CBIL
Table 1.8 Capital Structure of CBIL
Particular NRP in million

2021/22 2020/21 2019/20

Paid-up Share Capital at the end of the year 12,576.92 9,089.82 8,371.06
Less: Share Issued 1,624.05 2,759.92 467.63
Less: Bonus Share Issued - 727..18 251.13
Paid-up Share Capital at the beginning of the 14,200.97 12,576.92 9,089.82
Source: Annual report of CBIL 2021/22

Ownership Structure

Table 1.9 Ownership structure of CBIL

Fy2021/22 Fy2020/21 Fy2019/20

Amount(in %Hol Amount(in %Hol Amount(in %Hol-
million) ding million) ding million) iding

Institutional Promoter 614.22 4.33% 543.97 4.33% 457.46 5.03%

Individual Promoter 6,638.61 46.75 5,879.42 46.75 4,178.35 45.97
Shares % % %
Public Shareholder 6,948.15 48.92 6,153.53 48.92 4,454.01 49.00
% % %
Total 14,200.97 100% 12,576.92 100% 9,089.82 100%
Source: Annual report of CBIL 2021/22

1.8 Organizational Performance

Organizational performance comprises the actual output or results
of an organization as measured against its intended outputs (or goals and objectives).
Organizational performance helps to understand how an organization performs its task to
achieve its goals. Organization performance is the important factor that decides whether the
organization survives or dissolves. The bank’s major activities include accepting deposits,

lending to productive sectors and SMEs, investment in government securities, dealing with
foreign currency, processing domestic and foreign remittances, merchant banking &
correspondent banking services etc. these services help to satisfy the customers.
Awards received by CBIL
i. The institute of charted accountants of Nepal (ICAN) has awarded citizens
bank international with the Best Presented report Award (BPA) 2017.
ii. The bank had also received SAFA Best Presented Award 2015 held by south
Asian federation of accounts (SAFA) held in Bangladesh.
iii. The bank Received Celent Model Bank Award For Commercial bank Trans-
formation at 2020 .

Behavior Toward Customers of CBIL Staff

There is a Positive attitude towards the customers by the staff of the CBIL. Proper
information is given to the customers related to the CBIL by the staff of a Citizens Bank
International Ltd. There is a positive public image towards the Citizens Bank International
Ltd. Because of a positive image and better facilities given by the CBIL the greater number
of peoples are attracted towards it.
CSR Performed by CBIL
Being one of the leading commercial banks, Citizens Bank International ltd. involved
in various aspects of social responsibility such as;
➢ Environment protection
➢ Natural calamities relief program
➢ Education
➢ Customer protection related programs
➢ Health and hygiene,
➢ Social service.

Some other CSR activities that are performed by the CBIL, Dhangadhi branch are:

➢ CBIL has provided 2 computers set to the sharadamavi.

➢ CBIL has also provide computer set to the anath ashram.

➢ CBIL has provided dustbins to the Aristo English Boarding School.

2.1 Organization Selection
The Citizens Bank International Limited(CBIL), Dhangadhi branch was the branch
where the internship has been completed. CBIL is a bank having a strong presence in the
market and providing an excellent banking service to the customers. Due to the good
reputation of the bank in a market, the bank was selected for internship.

2.2 Placement
At the beginning day of an internship, we were placed at the Customer Service De-
partment (CSD), and staff of CSD teaches us brief about function of CSD and assigned us
different tasks. After few weeks, we were placed at the Credit department where the staff of
CSD and Credit Department teaches us how to work in Trustaml so that we can update the
KYC of individuals as well as Corporate Accounts.

2.3 Activities Performed in Customer Service Department (CSD)

Customer Service department is a primary level department that generally deals with
customers directly and regularly. Any interested customer who wishes to open an account in
CBIL is inquired about the type of account customer wants to open, then customer is
provided with account opening form and ask for any help to fill up account opening form
and attach all required documents. After the form is filled up, we verify the form and passes
it on to the CSD head for final verification. After the approval from CSD head, CSD staff
opens an account in bank on the name of respective customer. Then the customer is
provided with an account number and requested to deposit at least minimum amount
according to their account type.
During account opening time we asked customer whether customer need other ser-
vices offered by bank like the ATM Card service, internet banking service, SMS banking
service etc. and if customer is interested to get those services then customers are asked to
fill up respective forms to get those services.
The major functions performed by us in the customer service department are enlisted below;

Account Opening:
Assist customer in the opening of account and open account after receiving of all
documents which are essential for the opening of accounts. The access to the system was, of
course, under the supervision of the staffs.

Cheque Printing:
Printing the cheque and issued it as well as keeping the records of the cheque issued
in the register maintained for the purpose after getting the signature of the customers. The
customer was asked to fill up cheque requisition form (in case of cheques to be issued for
the very first time) or the cheque slip in the cheque book (for the new cheque book to the
customer to whom the cheques were issued previously).

Account Closing:
Customer was first encouraged not to close their accounts by CSD staff at first and
then encouraged by Branch Manager also (if). Finally, on their request the CSD staff would
close the account. We provide the account closing form to customer and help them for filled
up form. After the fulfillment of all procedures by CSD staff to close account, then take the
form to the Branch Manager for approval.

Reactive of Dormant Accounts:

If the customers don’t make any transaction in account within six month the account
automatically becomes dormant. The customer can only deposit in such situation but cannot
withdraw the amount. To make it active, customer have to fill the account opening form and
reactive of dormant form. As an intern we provided such documents and check the
document properly and make the customer to signature on the register as well.

Statement Printing
Any customer who wants to have bank account statement print, is requested to fill
up statement request form and submit it, and then as an intern, we verify account number,
account name, account holder’s signature and then provides respective bank account
statement print to respective customer (all the system functions are held under the supervi-
sion of CSD staff).

Scanning and Photocopy of Documents
Various documents like specimen signature cards, photographs, citizenship, pass-
ports etc. should be properly scanned and photocopied and entered into bank system so that
it could be accessed easily when it is needed. As an intern we do the above-mentioned

Handling Customer Queries

Different queries of different customers should be handled in a very effective way so
that customer gets satisfactory solution of their queries. While dealing with customers first
we need to listen to the customer patiently and understand their queries or problems only
after that we should provide the appropriate information or the solution as per customer’s
need in very polite manner. If we do not have the appropriate information about the
customer’s queries then we did ask to other staff and provide appropriate information to
customer as quickly as possible.

Phone Communication Handling

The CSD department is responsible for handling phone calls coming from outside.
As an Intern we were responsible to answer questions of the customers and provide account
related information via telephone. After receiving phone calls, we transfer it to the branch
manager, operational in charge and cash department and other departments as per costum-
ers' demand.

Signature Change
If any customer is willing to change customer signature for any genuine reason, a
form called” SPECIMEN SIGNATURE CARD” is given to fill up, CSD staff will verify
the form along with the documents, before that we review the document.
Instructing to Fill Up Forms for Different Reasons
There are many other works to be done in the bank by intern. Some new people
come to the bank for cash deposit. They are well drilled to fill up the voucher consequently.
Similarly, some people approach there if their account is dormant. The account becomes
dormant if no transaction is made for the period of six month. For these types of customers,
we provide form and instruct them to fill up for activating their account. As such in case of
loss of debit card, people come there and they are again privileged by a form in order to get
a new card. This all is executed by us as an intern with no negligence.
Filing and Documentation
Filing and documentation are very important task that the CSD staffs does. The en-
tire paper work has to be done simultaneously to the computer work. At the end of the
office day we were responsible to file the documents that has been approved the whole day.
Documents includes: account opening and closing form, dormant active form, acknowl-
edgement form, debit card form, SMS banking form and others.

Fixed Deposit (FD) Renewal/Settlement

During our internship we observed that an important task and somewhat complex and
of CSD to open and the renewal or settlement of it. Fixed deposit is an important a/c for a
bank so FD a/c holders are given special attention.
FD a/c opening: At Citizens Bank FD can be opened for a minimum balance of Rs. 50,000.
The interest is calculated daily but with quarterly posting. Hence for the purpose of interest
posting, the a/c holder must also open another a/c in the bank i.e., normal saving and
interest in fixed account is transferred to normal saving account of account holder.

FD renewal/settlement:

Once an FD is opened, the CSD has to keep a close watch over its expiry
date. Upon expiry, FD can be settled in three ways: it can be renewed for the next tenure at
the prevailing interest rate or the a/c holder can withdraw the amount or move it to the other
a/c where the interest had been accumulated. Hence before a couple of days of the expiry,
the CSD staff must consult with the a/c holder and do as instructed.

Working with Trustaml

Trustaml is a link which help us in updating the KYC of an account holder. In the
supervision of CSD staff we worked with Trustaml to update the KYC of old customers i.e.,
individual as well as corporate accounts.

Cheque Clearance

Cheque clearing or bank clearance is the process of moving cash from the bank on
which a cheque is drawn to the bank in which it was deposited, usually accompanied by the
movement of the cheque to the paying bank, either in the traditional physical paper form or
digitally under a cheque transaction system.

Stock Valuation

Stock valuation is a method of determining the intrinsic value. Unlike relative forms
of valuation that look at comparable companies, intrinsic valuation looks only at the
inherent value of a business on its own. (or theoretical value) of a stock.

Miscellaneous activities
Several other miscellaneous activities were performed during the period of intern-
ship. The activities performed in the CSD are listed as follows:
• Provided customer with balance certificates, statements, and customer advices
as per the rules and regulation of the bank.
• Arranged for the SMS banking and internet banking.
• Marketing and promoting the product of bank and convince the clients.
• Maintained good relationship with customers.
• Writing the applications as instructed by the supervisor on behalf of custom-
• Updating register (Manager Cheque, Cheque lost, Fixed Deposit, Chalani and
Darta register, etc)
• Issuance Of Balance certificates
• Filling up scheme change forms on behalf of customers willing to change the
scheme of their bank account.
• Filling up request from for mobile banking, ATM card and e-banking.

2.4 Problems Identified and Solved

During the internship program, although Citizens Bank is able to meet the changing
need of customers, in spite of that some problems have been analyzed and best suitable
measures have been taken to minimize the problem and solved them while working at
CBIL. During our whole internship period, we also got the opportunity to understand,
identify and solve some of the problems faced by the bank.

Here are some problems and difficulties that exist in the CBIL, Dhangadhi Branch:

i. There were frequent technical problems in the ATM machines which has led
to multiple ATM complaints.

ii. Unsystematic handling of things. For e.g., at CSD cheques order request are
taken and they are issued. Main problem was that when the customer visits
us and request for their cheque books, it would take a long time to search for
the respective cheque book. This had been a time-consuming act for custom-
ers resulting to their dissatisfaction.
iii. The cheque printer does not print properly.
iv. Congested space in the CSD area.

Possible solutions to those problems:

i. For the problem of unsystematic handling of things, we arranged the cheque

books and ATM cards alphabetically so that it took less time for providing
them to the concerned customers.
ii. We also took the initiative to take the frequent ATM complaints to the opera-
tion-in-charge, and as a result of which, the Dhangadhi Branch contacted the IT
department at the Head office and had them solve this problem
iii. The bank should monitor the behavior and attendance of the interns so that they
are encouraged to be at their best and feel like a part of their organization.

2.5 Intern’s Key Observations

At the period of internship, we were able to learn various things with the help of obser-
vation and practices that we did. Especially we observed the following things:

• There was good communication, healthy competition and healthy relationship

in between the personnel of CBIL.
• Each and every staff of CBIL were totally professional but still there was a
family environment making overall internal working environment delightful to
work with.
• Every staff dealing with customers calmly and with smile on their faces.
• The entire organizational environment seemed to be very familiar. If one staff
gets confused in the process of doing task then other staff doesn’t hesitate to
share their knowledge they have.
• All the staffs at Citizens Bank were well disciplined and their time and punc-
tuality is good at the bank.

• Enquire about the account balance are not provided over the phone calls.
• Customer himself/herself visit bank to collect ATM and cheque.
• Customer have to wait 2-3 weeks to get ATM card.
• Customer have to visit bank for renew Mobile Banking.



3.1 Key Skills and Attitude Learnt

The statement “more you learn more you will discover your ignorance” has seemed
to be appropriate during this internship period in CBIL. We have obtained insights into
career opportunities through interaction, observation and work experience in the organiza-
tion and also built another step towards success through interpersonal, managerial,
communication and entrepreneurial skills gained from this internship period. Being exposed
to professional working environment, we have understood the corporate social responsibil-
ity, change the attitude and behavior towards daily life spending.
Key Skills Learnt
The most important lesson that we learnt during the internship period is how to per-
form various tasks in an organization, to cope up with the real working environment.
Besides this, it provided us a great opportunity to work with the staff of the CBIL, Dhan-
gadhi Branch. It helped us to increase practical learning experience and provided a platform
to show ability of performing the job, the importance of the time management and the need
of good communication skills. The various skills learnt from this internship are:

i. Confidence build up skills

Participating in the internship program has significantly enhanced our confidence
levels. Previously, we often felt uneasy and anxious when engaging with others. However,
our experience at the bank required us to interact with various customers and agents,
addressing a wide range of issues. For instance, we encountered individuals with inquiries
about account management, loan applications, and investment options. Through these
interactions, we gradually became more at ease and adept at communicating with strangers.

ii. Development of communication skills

Continuous interaction with customers has been instrumental in honing our communi-
cation skills. Through these interactions, we learned how to present ourselves effectively to
ensure customer satisfaction with their inquiries. For example, during peak hours, when
multiple customers seek assistance simultaneously, we acquired the ability to multitask and
address their concerns efficiently. This experience during the internship period has been

invaluable in enhancing our ability to communicate effectively while managing our

iii. Development of patience skills

The development of patience skills is crucial when dealing with customers. Remain-
ing calm and composed in various situations is essential for fostering positive relationships
with different types of customers. For instance, when faced with a challenging customer
who is dissatisfied with a service, exercising patience can help diffuse tension and resolve
the issue amicably. This ability to maintain composure even in difficult circumstances is a
valuable skill gained through our interactions during the internship.

iv. Time Management Skills

Developing effective time management skills is essential, especially during busy
periods when addressing numerous customers concurrently. By efficiently multitasking and
prioritizing tasks, such as communicating with customers while carrying out other responsi-
bilities, we gained valuable insights into managing tasks within tight timeframes. For
instance, preparing tomorrow's tasks in advance allows for better planning and smoother
execution, facilitating easier task performance the following day. This proactive approach to
organizing work ensures optimal productivity and effectiveness in customer service.

Key Attitudes Learnt

Attitude is the expression of favor or disfavor towards a person, place, things or events.
An attitude is an evaluation of an attitude object, ranging from extremely negative to
extremely positive. Our attitude towards the organization, superior and customers were both
positive and negative. They can be outlined as:

• The organization provided us with hands-on experience in various tasks, offer-

ing valuable insights into their operations. However, there were instances where
we faced significant pressure to complete tasks efficiently. In these situations,
we learned to remain composed and focused, even under pressure.
• Through practical exposure, we acquired knowledge in document management,
navigating high-pressure situations, and effectively addressing customer needs.
For example, when customers approached us with incomplete documentation

and pressured us to expedite their requests, we learned to maintain patience and
guide them towards fulfilling the necessary requirements.
• Despite occasional challenges, the cooperative nature of most customers con-
tributed to our learning experience. These encounters taught us the importance
of remaining patient and providing accurate information, even in demanding

3.2 Feedback to the Bank

It was an interesting experience to do internship in Citizens Bank International Lim-

ited, Dhangadhi Branch. The staffs were highly cooperative and due to their keen help
learned big deal about activities in CBIL. This type of internship is good for the entire
development of our personality. It would be a great help to us for selection of job or future
field of work. With reference to the findings and the conclusion drawn out above following
recommendations can be sorted out:

i. It is observed that the employees were overburdened because of heavy work-

load so they have to stay at office till late at night. Though they are remunerat-
ed their efficiency is affected. Proper time management or hiring more employ-
ees can reduce their workload.
ii. Bank has provided many facilities to the customers like free ATM cards, e-
banking but only this is not enough, the bank should ensure smooth flow of
services without any complaints from the customers.
iii. A customer is the first priority so they should be given more attentions and
complaints of the customer should be promptly responded.
iv. Advertising in the different television acts or organizing different road show
campaigns and programs targeted to youth can be more effective in the maxi-
mization of the product popularity.
v. Bank should focus on the retention of the old customer by providing the quality
service and attract new customers by the new schemes in order to be competi-
tive in the market.
vi. Encourage the employee to become more customer oriented, thus, increasing
their attitudes, and behavior towards the customers.

vii. CBIL should undertake time to time survey with their customers about their
level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction from the bank and its service; then after,
the bank should improve as per their needs and wants.

3.3 Feedback to the college

University has its ultimate objective of educating students for professional
pursuits in business, industry and government for building up their carrier for the same. The
program stimulates creative and critical thinking and helps in developing interpersonal
communication skills among the students in terms of business and public administration.

The major feedback to the college would be as follows:

i. College should meet the respective head for proper guidance.

ii. College should request to the university to allocate separate single semester
for internship only.
iii. The college can be suggested to focus more on on-the-job training than theory
iv. College should start earlier in the morning to support students in managing
time for internship.
v. College should sign MOU agreement between college and the company/ bank
for the placement of interested students willing to join.

Bhatta, N. C., & Joshi, M. (2020). An Internship Report on Citizens Bank International Limited.
Dhangadhi: An Unpublished Internship Report submitted to NAST, Dhangadhi Kailali.

Devex. (n.d.). Citizen bank Banking Software. Retrieved from


Jagari, D. B., & Joshi, S. (2018). Internship Report on Citizens Bank International Limited.
Dhangadhi: An Unpublished BBA Internship report submitted to NAST College,
Dhangadhi kailali.

Limited, C. I. (2017). corporate-profile. Retrieved from

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Madura. (2014). International Financial Management. Mason,USA: Thomson South-

Western: 9th Edition.

Pokharel, Ganesh Raj. (2019). Annual Report (2018/19). Kathmandu: Citizens Bank
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Sigdel, A. (2019). General Banking Service of Everest Bank Limited. Kathmandu.

Wikipedia. (n.d.). development of nepalese banking sector. Retrieved from



Annex 1: List of Commercial Banks in Nepal.

S.N Bank Name Established Headquarters Paid-up capital

1 Nepal Bank 1937 Babarmahal, Kathmandu Rs. 14.69 Arab
2 Singhadurbarplaza,
Rastriya Banijya Bank 1966 Rs.15.64 Arab
3 Agriculture Development Ramshahpath, Kathman-
1968 Rs.18.88 Arab
Bank du
4 Nabil Bank 1984 Beena Marg, Kathmandu Rs.27.06 Arab
5 Nayabaneshwor, Kath-
Standard Chartered Bank 1987 Rs.9.43 Arab
6 Himalayan Bank 1993 Kamaladi, Kathmandu Rs.21.66 Arab
7 Kesharmahal, Kathman-
Nepal SBI Bank 1993 Rs.10.12 Arab
8 Everest Bank 1994 Lazimpat, Kathmandu Rs.11.77 Arab
9 Siddhartha Bank 2002 Hattisar, Kathmandu Rs.14.09 Arab
10 Citizens Bank International Narayanhitipath, Kath-
2007 Rs.14.20 Arab
Limited mandu
11 Kamalpokhari, Kath-
Prime Commercial Bank 2007 Rs.19.40 Arab
12 NMB Bank 2008 Babarmahal, Kathmandu Rs.18.37 Arab
13 Machhapuchhre Bank 2012 Lazimpat, Kathmandu Rs.11.62 Arab
14 Sanima Bank 2012 Nagpokhari, Kathmandu Rs.13.58 Arab
15 NIC Asia Bank 2013 Thapathali, Kathmandu Rs.14.92 Arab
16 Global IME Bank 2023 Kamaladi, Kathmandu Rs.36.13 Arab
17 Kumari Bank 2023 Durbarmarg, Kathmandu Rs.26.23 Arab
18 Laxmi Bank 2023 Hattisar, Kathmandu Rs.21.67 Arab
19 Nepal Investment Bank 2023 Durbarmarg, Kathmandu Rs.34.13 Arab
20 Prabhu Bank 2023 Babarmahal, Kathmandu Rs.23.54 Arab


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