Design Thinking Handbook

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Crack The Nut Series

A Handbook

Satya Duvvuri

Trinity Consultants


pg. 1 Satya Duvvuri, Founder Trinity Consultants and TAME, wrote this write-up solely to provide
material for learning of the Mentees. The purpose of this handbook is just to give a bird’s eye view of
the topic.

Copyright © 2023 Trinity Academy of Mentoring for Excellence - TAME

Crack The Nut Series

“to have a spot where you can go get a vibrant clean cuppa made according to

your preference with a nice cozy setting," says Nitin Saluja – the founder of


The one factor common between 2012 Indian start-ups – Chaayos, OYO Rooms,

and 2006 start-up Redbus is - meet the customer expectations. The success of

these start-ups and such other organisations has come mainly because they had

“Customer Centric Approach” in their mind.

The business model of these Organizations has evolved based on extensive

debate and discussion to offer that is well thought out and meets the long term

needs and expectations of the Customer base.

The core of the business models of these successful ventures is to improve the

user experience which is ever lasting.

The model adopted is a sustained and permanent model than a onetime break-fix


The road map adopted is process oriented taking the needs and aspirations of

the all the stake holders into consideration.

Over the period, many methods have been thought of and worked out to offer a

sustained and doable solution to address the challenge of Organisational growth.

Of these Design Thinking has emerged out to be the most effective tool.

pg. 2 Satya Duvvuri, Founder Trinity Consultants and TAME, wrote this write-up solely to provide
material for learning of the Mentees. The purpose of this handbook is just to give a bird’s eye view of
the topic.

Copyright © 2023 Trinity Academy of Mentoring for Excellence - TAME

Crack The Nut Series
Design Thinking has been developed on premise that infeasible ideas can

generate the best solutions.

The Evolution

Design Thinking originally came about as a way of teaching engineers how to

approach problems creatively, like designers do. One of the first people to

write about Design Thinking was John E. Arnold, professor of mechanical

engineering at Stanford University. In 1959, he wrote “Creative Engineering,”

the text that established the four areas of Design Thinking. From there,

Design Thinking began to evolve as a “way of thinking” in the fields of science

and design engineering—as can be seen in Herbert A. Simon’s book “The

Sciences of the Artificial” and in Robert McKim’s “Experiences in Visual


With the rise of human-cantered design in the 80s and the formation of

design consultancy IDEO in the 90s, Design Thinking became increasingly

popular. By the start of the 21st century, Design Thinking was making its way

into the world of business. In 2005, Stanford University’s b’school began

teaching Design Thinking as an approach to technical and social innovation.

Indeed, many of the methods and techniques used in Design Thinking have

been borrowed from the designer’s toolkit.

IDEO (Innovative Design Engineering Organisation) a business consulting firm

is credited with populating the concept of Design Thinking.

pg. 3 Satya Duvvuri, Founder Trinity Consultants and TAME, wrote this write-up solely to provide
material for learning of the Mentees. The purpose of this handbook is just to give a bird’s eye view of
the topic.

Copyright © 2023 Trinity Academy of Mentoring for Excellence - TAME

Crack The Nut Series
As a methodology, Design Thinking is relatively young.

It has just seen less than 15 years of adoption. Now, Design Thinking has

become common parlance in many industries and disciplines. The approach is

fresh and effective, and newcomers can easily learn and engage productively

with it.

Design Thinking has gone through a long journey of evolution. The foundation of

the Design Thinking principles was laid in the pre-1960s era, and was further

reinforced during the Second World War era in the form of industrial design.

During the 80s and 90s, there took place a resurgence – with design principles

evolving and taking the shape of human-centred design

What is Design Thinking

 Design Thinking is a problem solving approach that focuses on users and

their emotional needs while experiencing products and services. It helps

identify what adds value to various internal and external stakeholders in

the organisational ecosystem.

 Design Thinking is different from other innovation and ideation processes

in that it’s solution-based and user-centric rather than problem-based.

This means it focuses on the solution to a problem instead of the problem


 Design Thinking is a structured process to find solutions to complex

human problems.

 The uniqueness of the Design Thinking process is that it helps people to

define and solve problems that are unstructured and have no historical


pg. 4 Satya Duvvuri, Founder Trinity Consultants and TAME, wrote this write-up solely to provide
material for learning of the Mentees. The purpose of this handbook is just to give a bird’s eye view of
the topic.

Copyright © 2023 Trinity Academy of Mentoring for Excellence - TAME

Crack The Nut Series
 Design Thinking brings in innovation/creativity and emotional touch in

understanding the problem and offering a solution.

 Design Thinking seeks to solve complex problems in a user-centric way.

It focuses on achieving practical results

 Design Thinking is all about getting hands-on; the aim is to turn ideas

into tangible, testable products or processes as quickly as possible

The Premise of Design Thinking

Design Thinking works on the basic principle of looking at the people behind

the problem or challenge than at the problem or challenge.

Design Thinking works at addressing the challenge and get a solution than

fixing the problem.

Design Thinking works at taking a holistic view of a challenge and provide a

process driven scientific human centric solution that works in all situations.

How does it happen

Design Thinking process starts with the understanding of the users' needs and

the problem statement, and to gather as much information as possible from

them. After gathering the data, the leaders of the organisation create

prototypes and test these ideas with real people. Through testing and learning,

they can then refine their concepts and move forward with the process.

The key to a successful Design Thinking is to start with low-fidelity

experiments and then increase their fidelity.

Who can be a design Thinker

A design thinker’s skill need not necessarily be technical expertise.

pg. 5 Satya Duvvuri, Founder Trinity Consultants and TAME, wrote this write-up solely to provide
material for learning of the Mentees. The purpose of this handbook is just to give a bird’s eye view of
the topic.

Copyright © 2023 Trinity Academy of Mentoring for Excellence - TAME

Crack The Nut Series
However, they should be

 Good with working in teams, should be

 Empathetic towards humans and humanity, and should be

 Willing to try and ready to fail.

 Out of the box thinker

 A problem solver

 Focused on customer requirements

Design Thinking Helps in

 Understanding the Stake holders

 Challenging assumptions

 Redefining the problems

 Creating Innovative Solutions

3 Pillars of DT

 Design Thinking is Human Centric

 Design Thinking is Innovative and Novel
 Design Thinking is Iterative – Flexible but not rigid

DT Focuses on

 Gives solutions desirable for the user.

 Gives solutions viable to business
 Gives solutions that are technologically feasible.
 Solution based approach.

pg. 6 Satya Duvvuri, Founder Trinity Consultants and TAME, wrote this write-up solely to provide
material for learning of the Mentees. The purpose of this handbook is just to give a bird’s eye view of
the topic.

Copyright © 2023 Trinity Academy of Mentoring for Excellence - TAME

Crack The Nut Series
How to approach Design Thinking

1. Understand by asking the user need

2. Explore by finding patterns
3. Prototype by making tangible
4. Evaluate by iterating
5. Make it workable

The Process of Design Thinking

A typical Design Thinking is a Seven stage/process method consisting of:

1. Empathy

2. Define

3. Ideate

4. Proto Type

5. Test

6. Implement

7. Feedback


This stage is all about understanding the needs of people (or stakeholders)

through user research. To do this, designers must put themselves in the shoes

of the user and understand their challenges and pain points. This can be done

through research methods such as interviews, surveys, and observations. You

could even create a collaborative social media exercise using hashtags / polls /

brainstorming feedback activities to target users and easily collate results.

Artificial Intelligence – AI- tool can increase people’s empathetic

pg. 7 Satya Duvvuri, Founder Trinity Consultants and TAME, wrote this write-up solely to provide
material for learning of the Mentees. The purpose of this handbook is just to give a bird’s eye view of
the topic.

Copyright © 2023 Trinity Academy of Mentoring for Excellence - TAME

Crack The Nut Series
How to bring in Empathy

 Perform research and analyze to know the current state

 Be humane
 Eliminate Barriers
 Focus on the users
 Pay attention at micro level
 Empathy refuels our strategy, process and program with innovative

Summary of Empathy

 Understand the user needs

 Ensure the leader is non-judgmental

Empathy Mapping

Empathy Mapping means connecting the right/potential audience; it works to

understand the actions, behaviors and attitudes of the potential audience. A
right Empathy Mapping enables shift the focus from the problem to the people.
In the contest of Design Thinking Empathy Mapping plays a very crucial role.

How to create Empathy Mapping?

Set the goals

Gather maximum information from all the possible sources

Collect the research findings

Map the research findings into four quadrants

 Psychological needs
 Safety needs
 Belongingness needs
 Esteem needs
 Self-actualization needs
 Synchronize

Empathy – Compassion
pg. 8 Satya Duvvuri, Founder Trinity Consultants and TAME, wrote this write-up solely to provide
material for learning of the Mentees. The purpose of this handbook is just to give a bird’s eye view of
the topic.

Copyright © 2023 Trinity Academy of Mentoring for Excellence - TAME

Crack The Nut Series
Empathy is feeling of another person’s pain by putting oneself into the other’s
shoes. However, feeling alone will not address the problem unless there is action
to the empathy. Empathy without action is infructuous. Empathy with action
would channelize the Empathy into a useful way. Understanding the need but not
addressing the need is a waste.

So, empathy should follow a planned action – to get the best.

Empathy clubbed with action leads to Compassion.


The next stage is Define. Coming up with a problem statement. During this

stage, designers take the information they gathered in the empathize stage

and use it to identify the problem that needs to be solved. They also develop a

point of view that will guide them in finding a solution.

How to define

 Pay attention to asking right questions

 Take a holistic view
 Follow a well- oiled/defined problem solving process
 Build the most authentic problem statement

Summary of Define:

 Role Clarity
 Face decision challenges
 Be decisive


In the ideate stage, the design team generates ideas for solutions to the

problem they defined in the previous stage. Ideation techniques – typically

brainstorming with team members or ideation sessions with collaborative tools,

ideas can be whittled down through discussion or scoring. Once a solution is

pg. 9 Satya Duvvuri, Founder Trinity Consultants and TAME, wrote this write-up solely to provide
material for learning of the Mentees. The purpose of this handbook is just to give a bird’s eye view of
the topic.

Copyright © 2023 Trinity Academy of Mentoring for Excellence - TAME

Crack The Nut Series
selected the Designer should adopt BATNA (Best Alternative to Negotiated

Agreement) and WATNA (Worst Alternative to Negotiated Agreement)

How to ideate

 Address divergent styles of thinking

 Accept maximum and varied ideas
 Encourage out of the box thinking
 Isolate the Solution streams – BATNA/WATNA
 Merge and refine insights

Summary of Ideate

 Gather maximum ideas from every source

 Prioritize the ideas based on requirements


In this prototype stage, designers create a prototype of their solution or

versions of the product. A prototype is a scaled-down version of the final

product that can be used to test how well the solution works in practice.

After testing the prototype and getting feedback from users, it’s time to

move on to the final stage.

How to develop Prototype

 Prototype shows how something works

 Depicts functionality
 Useful for user testing
 Ideal for client feedback

Summary of Prototype

 Enables user testing

 Gives chance for quick iterations

pg. 10 Satya Duvvuri, Founder Trinity Consultants and TAME, wrote this write-up solely to provide
material for learning of the Mentees. The purpose of this handbook is just to give a bird’s eye view of
the topic.

Copyright © 2023 Trinity Academy of Mentoring for Excellence - TAME

Crack The Nut Series

In the final testing phase, designers test their potential solution with real

users in order to get feedback and make refinements before launching the

product or service. After testing is complete and any necessary refinements

have been made, the product or service is ready for launch!


The Tested idea/product goes for implementation – under the careful and

watchful eyes of the designer. Even in its final stages, a design idea must be

tested so that the implementation is hassle-free.

How to test and Implement

 Tested prototype is deployed in Live environment

 Performance is tested in each stage

Summary of Test/Implement

 Understand impediments
 Validate and correct efforts


 Feedback is a golden opportunity to gain trust and build credibility.

 Feedback helps in fine tuning the solution and get wider acceptance.

 Feedback opens the doors for all the stake holders to review and analyse

the ideas.

 Feedback helps to know what’s working and what’s not working and how

things/process can be improved

pg. 11 Satya Duvvuri, Founder Trinity Consultants and TAME, wrote this write-up solely to provide
material for learning of the Mentees. The purpose of this handbook is just to give a bird’s eye view of
the topic.

Copyright © 2023 Trinity Academy of Mentoring for Excellence - TAME

Crack The Nut Series
How to implement Feedback mechanism?

 Feedback should be a continuous process and not a onetime process

 Feedback should be taken without ambiguity

 Feedback form should be crisp, clear and handy

 Feedback should be analysed without any pre-conceived


 Feedback analysis should be done by third party than internal team to

the transaction.

How can Design Thinking be implemented?

Believe and have a conviction that Design Thinking help the team personally

and the Organization immensely.

Educate the team that with a design thinking mind-set, each member can

spend time effectively solving the right problems and building processes that

will impact his personal and the Organization’s success.

The first and foremost step towards implementing Design Thinking in an

organization is to sensitize the team and establish the culture of Team work.

Accept that the goal of design thinking isn’t perfection but finding the best

answer possible

Cultivate and encourage the teams to

1. See everything objectively

2. Make Teams feel – everything is doable

3. Out-of-the-box thinking and getting out of comfort zone is the key


pg. 12 Satya Duvvuri, Founder Trinity Consultants and TAME, wrote this write-up solely to provide
material for learning of the Mentees. The purpose of this handbook is just to give a bird’s eye view of
the topic.

Copyright © 2023 Trinity Academy of Mentoring for Excellence - TAME

Crack The Nut Series
4. Encourage teams taking initiatives without fear of failure

5. Encourage experimentation

6. Debriefing should be a continuous process

7. Teams should feel free to be open to express when things went


8. Teams should learn to view failures as learning

Design Thinkers’ Club

 Design Thinkers’ Club is an innovative approach to implement and

propagate the concept of Design Thinking across an Organization.

 Design Thinkers’ Club aims at hand-holding all the stake holders in an

organisation to bring in the culture of Design Thinking in the


 Design Thinkers’ Club makes the process of Design Thinking a habit

among the stake-holders than a forced activity in an Organization.

Design Thinking and AI

The full potential of Design Thinking can be harnessed using AI effectively.

AI can become an effective component in Ideation, proto-typing, user-testing

and even implementation.

As AI Continues to advance, it is even likely to have more impact on Design


AI Can generate entire Design Thinking concepts based on specific user inputs

and preferences, effectively automating entire Design Thinking Process.

pg. 13 Satya Duvvuri, Founder Trinity Consultants and TAME, wrote this write-up solely to provide
material for learning of the Mentees. The purpose of this handbook is just to give a bird’s eye view of
the topic.

Copyright © 2023 Trinity Academy of Mentoring for Excellence - TAME

Crack The Nut Series
AI can help the designers – the Team Leaders – focus on more strategic and

creative aspects of their work, while ensuring that solutions are user-centric

and personalized.

The future of design thinking may lie in the collaboration between AI and

human designers, with each contributing their unique strengths to the process.

This partnership could result in more innovative, effective, and efficient

design solutions.

By embracing AI and effectively integrating it into the design process, we can

harness its power to create more targeted, data-driven, and agile design

solutions, ultimately leading to better outcomes for users and businesses alike.

The Future of Design Thinking:

The journey of design principles has been fascinating from being applied as a

method to design products through industrial design to now re-designing the

organisational mind-set and the very weave of its culture.

The future of design looks bright and it is here to stay. Some data

substantiating the potential it carries: While Design Thinking as of now is being

applied to solving complex business problems across sectors and domains,

designers and design thinkers across the globe are working towards writing the

future story of Design Thinking. It is possible that Design Thinking principles

will be applied to even more complex areas like human behaviour design, space

ecosystem design, humanity design or even nature design.

The use of Design Thinking is no longer limited to the completion of design

projects, but begins to provide solutions to more realistic problems.

pg. 14 Satya Duvvuri, Founder Trinity Consultants and TAME, wrote this write-up solely to provide
material for learning of the Mentees. The purpose of this handbook is just to give a bird’s eye view of
the topic.

Copyright © 2023 Trinity Academy of Mentoring for Excellence - TAME

Crack The Nut Series
Now Design Thinking is being considered as an effective tool to address any

challenges in any domain – even in education.

With fast advent of AI in every sphere of life it is for sure that Design

Thinking becomes more and more relevant.

The Design Thinking mind-set is bound to enhance the Productivity – the most

sought after need of every organization.

Design Thinking become a part of work culture – both in private sector and well

as government sector.

With its people centric approach Design Thinking would get adoption and

acceptance irrespective of the size of the organizations.

FAQs about Design Thinking

What is Design Thinking: It is a Human Centric approach to Problem Solving.

Design Thinking differentiates by offering an ever-lasting problem solving

solution with a Bottom to Top approach as against a Break-Fix which is more of

a Top to Bottom approach.

How to find time in present day busy schedules to use Design Thinking: Till

the time Design Thinking becomes a practice – yes – it needs extended time. But

once it becomes a habit and culture it needs no specific time. So, initially Design

Thinking should be brought in with baby steps.

What do I do if I don’t have the technology? New Technology and AI are

quite useful for implementing successful Design Thinking. But it is not a must.
The Design mind-set and attitude are more important than Technology.

pg. 15 Satya Duvvuri, Founder Trinity Consultants and TAME, wrote this write-up solely to provide
material for learning of the Mentees. The purpose of this handbook is just to give a bird’s eye view of
the topic.

Copyright © 2023 Trinity Academy of Mentoring for Excellence - TAME

Crack The Nut Series
Is design thinking something you use all the time? Yes. Over a period, Design
Thinking becomes a culture and practice. It gets used in all the spheres of the
business at all times.

Are there short term benefits from Design Thinking: Yes? Design Thinking
brings short Term benefits as we as long term benefits. The immediate short
term visible benefit would be a cohesion and synergy among the team.


The requirements of the consumer are changing rapidly and they are now looking

at not a product or service in isolation, but to the entire experience as a whole.

It is more and more important for companies to break old assumptive models

and reimagine products, services, and business models to deliver experiences

beyond consumer expectations. Design Thinking could play a key role in helping

companies identify the complex latent needs of consumers. It can also help

design solutions to deliver experiences that can help them traverse the journey

from customer satisfaction to customer WOW!

pg. 16 Satya Duvvuri, Founder Trinity Consultants and TAME, wrote this write-up solely to provide
material for learning of the Mentees. The purpose of this handbook is just to give a bird’s eye view of
the topic.

Copyright © 2023 Trinity Academy of Mentoring for Excellence - TAME

Crack The Nut Series

Classic Examples of use the Design Thinking for Success

Heinz Ketchup bottle

Heinz introduced Ketchup in 1876. For next hundred years their packing was in

glass bottle. When Heinz commissioned a survey they had realised that 60% of

the consumers are kids of 5 years age. So, Heinz change packaging of the

ketchup from century old glass bottle to safer plastic bottle. A later

research/consumer survey found that the consumers are storing the ketchup

bottle upside down for an easy flow of ketchup from the bottle. Based on this

survey Heinz came out with an idea of upside down bottle. And this has

increased the sales of Heinz by more than 12%


Netflix is a classic example of success achieved using Design Thinking in the

recent past. Through extensive viewer surveys, Netflix understood the needs

and expectations of its customers and transformed its business model.

Making the customer a top priority and continually thinking about what would be

better for them helped Netflix to not only reshape the video rental industry

but also let Netflix become an essential part of how to relax correctly.

In its early days, Netflix delivered movies directly to customer’s doorsteps via

the mail. Initially, that was an innovative model — until cable companies started

offering movies on-demand.

Leaders at Netflix recognized the value of design thinking for what it is: a

method to consistently hone their business offerings. Teams were encouraged

to look for new opportunities to delight customers, drive engagement and

pg. 17 Satya Duvvuri, Founder Trinity Consultants and TAME, wrote this write-up solely to provide
material for learning of the Mentees. The purpose of this handbook is just to give a bird’s eye view of
the topic.

Copyright © 2023 Trinity Academy of Mentoring for Excellence - TAME

Crack The Nut Series
generate new revenue. The approach? Empathize with customers, unearth pain

points and find their unaddressed needs. Beginning in 2011, Netflix began

producing their own original movies and streaming series.

In 2016, Netflix adapted to the market again, rebuilding their main landing page

to capture user’s attention the moment they logged in. Instead of offering still

images or series posters, they added auto-play trailers that launched on mouse


Netflix leveraged artificial intelligence and predictive analytics to create a

unique experience for each viewer based on their own viewing habits.

Netflix discovered all of these innovations by using Design Thinking to

empathize again and again with their customers. Netflix knew their survival

depended on knowing exactly what each and every customer wanted to

experience when using their service, and consistently working to meet

customers where they were at. By identifying customer needs and adapting,

Netflix Succeeded – a classic case of adopting Design Thinking.

Classic Cases of failure – for ignoring the customers

While Netflix zoomed in the entertainment industry by empathizing the

customer needs, Blockbuster LLC and DVD Rental business in general failed to

stand in the market as they did not adopt the customer centric approach.

Blockbuster llc grew from a single store in Dallas to a chain of 9000 locations

over two decades. But Blockbuster faded away as they did not offer the

flexibility, convenience, extensive selection option and lower costs. Blockbuster

did not consider the mood of their extensive clientele. Blockbuster did not

adopt the new technology to match the needs of their customers

pg. 18 Satya Duvvuri, Founder Trinity Consultants and TAME, wrote this write-up solely to provide
material for learning of the Mentees. The purpose of this handbook is just to give a bird’s eye view of
the topic.

Copyright © 2023 Trinity Academy of Mentoring for Excellence - TAME

Crack The Nut Series

pg. 19 Satya Duvvuri, Founder Trinity Consultants and TAME, wrote this write-up solely to provide
material for learning of the Mentees. The purpose of this handbook is just to give a bird’s eye view of
the topic.

Copyright © 2023 Trinity Academy of Mentoring for Excellence - TAME

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