b1-001 Practical Aircraft Repairs
b1-001 Practical Aircraft Repairs
b1-001 Practical Aircraft Repairs
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© Air Service Training (Engineering) Ltd
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J Dobney
Theory Training and Exam Manager March 2010
© Air Service Training (Engineering) Limited
Part 66 – B1/001 Practical: Aircraft Repairs
SECTION 1 : Riveting 3
SECTION 2 : Riveted Joints 15
SECTION 3 : Riveting Inspections 23
SECTION 1 : Inspection and Testing 35
SECTION 1 : Inspection and Testing 37
SECTION 2 : Lubrication 39
SECTION 1 : Inspection of Gears 41
SECTION 2 : Inspection of Belts and Pulleys 43
SECTION 3 : Inspection of Screw Jacks and Control Rods 45
Solid Rivets
Solid rivets have the greatest strength and are therefore preferable to any other type
of rivet, but they can only be used where there is access to both sides of the
Rivets are always supplied to the operator with one head already formed and the
shank plain to permit insertion into the hole, the opposite end being formed into a
head by manual or mechanical means.
Rivet Dimensions
The size of a rivet is expressed as the diameter and length of its shank; the
exception is the countersunk rivet where the length is inclusive of the head. The
length of rivet used must equal the combined thickness of the metal to be jointed, the
grip length, plus the amount of shank necessary to form the second head, called the
rivet allowance. The selection of rivet size is governed by the thickness of the metal
sheet and the required strength of the joint. Usually, the rivet diameter is between
two and three times the thickness of the metal plate.
Parts of a Rivet
The parts of a rivet are known as the shank and manufacturer’s head, the head that
the operator form’s is sometimes referred to as the tail.
FLAT HEAD: for internal work where heads are not easily accessible.
Rivet Clearance
This clearance is the difference between the size of the hole and the rivet diameter,
rivet holes are normally drilled 0.003” oversize. Clearance is necessary, particularly
with light alloys to prevent puckering of the sheet owing to the metal spreading when
the rivet is formed.
Countersunk rivets are internationally standardised at 100 and these rivets are
normally to be used. Rivets with 90 and 120 countersunk heads are, however, still
supplied to meet the repair requirements of existing aircraft using these angled
Cut Countersunking
May be done by cut-countersinking tools. It is essential to ensure that the correct
depth of countersink is achieved, so that the rivet heads will fit flush with the surface
of the metal when the rivet is formed.
The tools should have a centralising spigot and an adjustable depth stop, which will
limit the depth of cut. The rivet head should always be slightly proud of the work
before riveting, and this can be set by trial drilling in scrap metal.
Aircraft manufacturers usually specify a tolerance on head protrusion after riveting,
and this is usually of up to 0.005 inch above the skin surface. It is not permissible for
the rivet head to be below the skin surface.
Dimpled Countersunking
May be affected by using hand punches (male and female), spinning or by squeeze
dimpling tools. Where applicable, all reference numbers and full operating
instructions for these tools are given in the relevant aircraft repair manual.
This is a process for indenting thin sheet material (not normally thicker than 20 swg)
around the drilled hole to accommodate a countersunk rivet. If correctly performed,
dimpling has a beneficial effect on the strength of a joint, but the method of dimpling
must be related to the ductility of the material to prevent overstressing and cracking.
The aluminium alloy skin panels commonly used for stressed skin structures are
either solution treated and naturally aged or solution treated and artificially aged.
The naturally aged materials and some of the artificially aged clad materials may be
satisfactorily dimpled at room temperature, although if dimples of 90 or less are
required, hot dimpling may be specified.
Punch dimpling is the simplest method of dimpling. The tool used is similar to a
centre punch but has a spigot which engages in a female tool of the same form. The
hole should first be drilled to the spigot size and then the male die driven or
squeezed into the female die to form the dimple. After dimpling the hole is drilled to
the rivet clearance size.
Spin dimpling is the most widely used method of cold dimpling. The sheet is first
pre-drilled and backed by a female die as for punch dimpling, then a rotating male
die is pressed into the hole, forming the dimple.
Hot dimpling, sometimes known as ‘coin dimpling’ is carried out using electrically
heated dies.
Snap: a form of punch with a hollow recess at one end, the same shape as the rivet
pre-formed head. The set and snap may be combined together in one tool.
Dolly: this is a metal block with a recess having the same shape as the preformed
head of the rivet. It is used to support the preformed rivet head while forming the
The preformed rivet head should fit squarely into the dolly.
NOTE: Riveting tools are available in different sizes to accommodate the various
rivet sizes.
When solid rivets are closed with a hand hammer, the preformed head should
be supported in a dolly and the tail hammered to a thickness of 0.5D. If a
snaphead is formed ensure 0.6D thickness.
When flush rivets are being closed, a ‘flat snap’ with a slightly convex surface is
Reaction Blocks
These come in a variety of shapes and sizes to suit a particular task. They may
even be made locally to suit an unusual situation but ensure the mass is sufficient to
‘react’ the rivet.
Strength of Joints
The factors that govern the strength of a joint are:
Plate specification This will be of such a material and gauge as to
successfully withstand tensile and bearing loads.
Rivet Specification This will be selected to withstand shear loads. In cases
where the specification of the rivet is not given, use a
rivet of the same material as the plate, with a diameter of
21/2 where T is the thickness of the plate.
Rivet Pitch This is important as too great a pitch will result in
insufficient rivets to take the shear loads and too small a
pitch will result in lowering the resistance of the plate to
tensile loads.
Multiply Chain Used on watertight joints and in places of high stress where
thick gauge plate is used.
Joggled Lap Joint The under plate is joggled to preserve the continuity of
the upper surface. This provides a flush surface but as in
the previous joint, the load is not truly axial.
Butt Joint Single strap, used on flush surfaces where high stress is
encountered, requiring the use of heavy gauge plate.
Butt Joint Double strap, used in places of very high stress, where
strength is more important than streamlining.
The faying surfaces are the surfaces of the plate that lie in contact with each other.
All joints have faying surfaces and these must be treated as specified in current
instructions. On normal joints where only structural considerations are involved the
surfaces are insulated with suitable jointing compound, such as pigmented varnish.
This is absolutely essential if dissimilar metals are in contact, otherwise rapid
corrosion of the parts will result.
On watertight or airtight joints the faying surfaces must be separated by polysulphide
jointing compound, this ensures the joint is watertight.
To make a good joint, care must be taken when preparing the plates to ensure that
there are no gaps in the faying surfaces, when the riveting has been completed.
The Pitch
The rivet pitch is the distance between each rivet in a row.
Joints subjected to high stress, the pitch should not be more that 4D and under no
circumstances less than 3D.
If it is merely an attachment joint, then the pitch will be 8-10D.
The Land
Rivets should never be placed nearer than 2D from the edge of a plate.
The Spacing
The distance between adjacent rows of rivets should be 2-4D.
Row spacing is less than the pitch when rows are staggered.
After components have been prepared for riveting the mating surfaces are normally
given a coat of jointing compound or sealant before final assembly.
The purpose of the jointing compound is to inhibit electrolytic action between
materials of different electrical potential and prevent the ingress of moisture,
whereas a sealant (normally a polysulphide type synthetic rubber) is used to seal
joints in fuel tanks and pressurised compartments.
Jointing compound should be applied in a thin even film, sufficient to ensure that all
mating surfaces, including rivets, are adequately covered, but sealant should
normally be applied in a layer approximately 0.030 inch thick so that it exudes from
the joint when the rivets are closed.
It may be recommended that the rivets are dipped in the compound before use but
the exposed shanks of some types of rivets should, after insertion, be carefully wiped
clean to ensure correct closing of the rivet. Riveting must be completed before the
compound or sealant has set and any excess material on external surfaces should
be wiped off or to a prescribed fillet while still wet.
Riveting Faults
The main causes of faulty riveting are as follows:
Excessive or insufficient shank allowance
Surfaces of metal not drawn up together, possibly due to burrs around the drill holes.
Wrong size of dolly or snap used, thus damaging the metal surface or forming a bad
rivet head.
Rivets not filling rivet holes correctly because initial hammer blows on the tail of the
rivet have not swollen the shank.
Riveting Faults
Removal of Rivets
For any particular situation the thickness and strength of the structure should be
considered and the method likely to cause the least damage should be used.
Before refitting a rivet of the same diameter, the hole should be checked to ensure
that its diameter is within the limits specified by the aircraft manufacturer.
If it is not within limits, an approved oversize rivet must be fitted and the hole
enlarged accordingly.
The usual method of removing solid rivets is as follows:
1 File a flat on the pre-formed (makers) head of the rivet. The preformed
head is more symmetrical about the shank than the formed head.
2 Mark the centre with a centre punch.
3 Drill through the head with a drill of the same diameter as the rivet
shank and to a depth slightly less than the thickness of the rivet head,
then carefully chip off the head with a small flat chisel.
4 Support the work locally to prevent buckling of the plate on hitting and
drive out the rivet with a parallel pin punch slightly smaller than the rivet
NOTE: The utmost care should be taken when drilling and punching, to ensure
that the original hole is not enlarged.
Refer to C/003 Common Parts
Refer to C/003 Common Parts
Refer to C/003 Common Parts
Refer to C/003 Common Parts
Refer to C/003 Common Parts
Bend Allowance
When making a bend in a sheet metal, the amount of metal required to bend the
material around a given radius and through a given angle must be calculated.
The bend allowance depends on:
The degree of bend.
The radius of the bend.
The thickness of the metal.
2 R 1 / 2 T 2 R 1 / 2 T
Bend allowance =
360 360
This shows the application of bending allowance. The method of calculating the
length of metal required for constructing the channel piece is shown overleaf.
Calculating metal required to construct channel piece illustrated from 18 SWG sheet
metal (0.048” thickness).
A = 1” – 3T = 1” – (3x0.048”) = 1” – 0.144” = 0.856
2 2T 1 / 2 T 90 =
2 0.096 0.024"90
360 360
2 0.12" x 90 2 x 3.142 x 0.12" x 90
= 0.188
360 360
C 5" 3T 1" =5” – 1.144” =.3.856
2 1" 1 / 22T 180
2 1" 0.924"180
360 360
2 x 3.142 x 0.976" x180
= 3.066 E = 2” – 1” = 1.000”
Total Length of Metal Required = 8.966
NOTE: When marking out on light alloys a pencil must be used, only use a scriber
for lines that are to be cut out.
Example 2
In the part illustrated it is assumed that the small bends B and D are 90.
Thickness of material = 12 SWG = 0.104
STRAIGHT A = 4/2 – (R + t + r) = 2” – (1 + 0.104” + 0.125”)
= 2” – 1.229” = 0.771
2 R 1 / 2T 2 0.125" 0.052"90
360 360
2 3.142 0.177" 90
2 r 1 / 2 T
2 1" 0.052"180
2 3.1421.052" 180
= 3.305”
BEND D = Same as Bend B = 0.278”
STRAIGHT E = Same as Straight A = 0.771”
Total Length = 5.403”
NOTE: The most common angle for making bends is 90, and in this case it is
convenient to simplify the formula and then consider the bend radius and
material thickness. It is then possible to use the fractional value for phi ()
Bend Allowance =
2 r 1 / 2 t
r 1/ 2 t
360 360
The Bed
A flat machined surface upon which, the work is supported.
The ‘Yoke’
Suspended above the Bed and extending the full length of it. This can be raised or
lowered, and has attached to its underside a steel bar which grips the work and also
acts as a former for the bend. The former is detachable and may be replaced by
others of varying sections to suit work requirements.
Bend Bars
Used for hand forming bends in sheet metal. The bars have different radii on each
edge and can be obtained in various lengths.
When the metal is in position in the bend bars, one bend allowance construction line
must be directly against the radius point of the block.
This is done by pencilling a line (known as the ‘sighting line’), at a distance equal to
the inside radius of the bend above the bend allowance construction line, on the side
being clamped in the bend bars. This line will then come directly in line with the
edge of the bend bar.
When the sighting lines can be seen level with the top of the bend bars, as shown,
they should be tightened and the metal can be bent over using a wooden mallet.
various special tools and machines are required to assist in cutting and forming the
metal to the desired shapes and forms.
When operating any machines, safety precautions must be observed. On no
account is the capacity of the machine to be exceeded. No machine is to be
operated without first being instructed in it’s use.
These are used for forming cylindrical work and consist of three rollers. The two
front rollers are in vertical alignment, the top being adjustable to grip the material.
The back roller is adjustable to form curves of different radii. The bottom front roller
has swivel bearing which allows the complete cylinder to be withdrawn from the
Usually treadle-operated machines, and are fitted with a long straight blade for
making cuts up to approximately 4 feet in length on metal not exceeding 18-16
gauge thickness. The blades are guarded to prevent injury.
Normally made with a beech or lignum-vitae head and beech handle. Used for
forming and shaping sheet-metal.
Shear or Snips
Used for cutting thin sheet metal. May be straight or curved.
Hard Solders
Hard solders may be divided into two groups:
Silver solders (copper, silver, zinc alloy).
Brazing spelter solders (copper, zinc alloy).
The term ‘spelter’ as applied to bronzing solder should not be confused with ingot
zinc, to which the term also applies.
The addition of silver to spelter containing equal quantities of copper and zinc
considerably lowers the melting point of the resulting alloy. This silver solders as it is
called, may be used; for instance, when joining thin brass sheet, which would not
stand the heat required for brazing with ordinary spelter.
There is a wide range of silver solders differing in melting points according to the
amount of silver used in their manufacture. Easy flow solder consists of 50% silver,
15% zinc and 20% cadmium.
Brazing spelter may be obtained in strip, rod or granulated form, selected according
to the class or work. When preparing to make a joint using granulated spelter, the
worker should first wash the spelter in borax water to ensure cleanliness and always
run borax water through the joint before applying heat.
One can generally assume that if the metals are clean and carefully trued, the
spelter will, when melted, follow the flux.
Borax is the best known flux for brazing and hard soldering, but there are several
other manufactured fluxes, which mostly contain borax in some form or another.
They prevents oxidation and helps the solder to flow.
It is beneficial to have the borax calcined (fused) as it then settles down to its work
immediately when applied to hot metal, whereas uncalcined borax will swell and
have a tendency to leave the work. This calcinated borax is used as a powder or
mixed into a paste with water.
When using very hard spelters, ie. those, whose melting point is very high, powered
glass is sometimes used as the flux.
The brass solder (‘spelter’) can be applied in one of two ways according to the job.
Lay small snippets of solder along the joint, this accurately controls the amount of
solder used. Bring the joint to red heat and then apply the spelter rod; this requires
some skill.
Joints consisting of metals of different thicknesses must be heated so that the whole
joint is brought to soldering temperature at the same moment.
The glass-hard remains of the melted borax flux except that the metals being joined
are usually non-ferrous with lower melting temperatures; care must be taken not to
overheat them.
Silver solders are available with a range of melting temperatures to enable complex
constructions, such as teapots, to have a number of soldered joints close together.
Welding is the joining of two similar metals by the use of heat.
There are two types of welding:
Pressure welding
Fusion welding
Oxy-Hydrogen Carbon Arc Spot Hammer
Oxy-Acetylene Metallic Arc Seam Automatic Hammer
Atomic Hydrogen Argon Arc Butt
In this process the metals to be joined are raised in temperature until they reach the
plastic state, which is just before the melting point. When the plastic state is reached
a flux is added and pressure applied to force the metal together.
In fusion welding the metals to be joined are melted then fused together. The great
heat required to melt the metals is obtained from burning suitable gases, eg. oxygen
and acetylene, or by electric arc. At the same time a metallic filler rod is melted into
the joint, adding thickness to the weld and replacing any losses incurred during the
In this type of welding the gas most commonly used is a mixture of oxygen and
acetylene, supplied to the welding torch at a regulated pressure from two portable
cylinders. The gases are mixed for burning by adjusting two valves on the welding
torch. Different metals require different flames, which are produced by alternating
the ratio of gases. Acetylene bottles must be stored upright.
Many adhesives are available for use on aircraft. The range of materials may be
divided into groups.
Adhesives for general purposes.
Adhesives for use where high temperature is encountered.
Adhesives for use where resistance to fuel, oilor water is essential.
Not one adhesive is available which gives perfect under all conditions on every
surface. It is most important therefore to ensure that the correct adhesive is used.
The advantage of using an adhesive as a fastening method is the ability of adhesive
to fill the joint area completely. This prevents air or water entering the joint.
Generally an adhesive is only as strong as the surface to which it is applied. If the
surface is painted, dirty, or greasy, the strength of the resulting bond is greatly
An example of an earlier matrix formula is the polymer known as polyester.
Polyester resin has been used with glassfibre for many non-structural applications
such as fairings, spinners and trim. These polyester/glassfibre formulas do not
provide sufficient strength to be used to fabricate primary structural members.
Polyester resins are cured by the addition of a catalyst. Only small amounts of
catalyst are required to produce the change. The catalysts are known as peroxides
and are thin liquids.
About 2% of peroxide is needed to cure a polyester, ie. 2 grams of peroxide for every
100 grams of resin. At this concentration the resin will set in about 30 minutes.
However, it will take several hours before it reaches its full strength. If the
temperature is high, the resin will cure more quickly, so workshop and storage areas
must be temperature controlled.
The length of time the resin remains usable after the catalyst is added, is known as
the pot-life. When the resin starts to harden too much, it will not mix properly with
the fibres. Note that when a large amount of resin is mixed with the catalyst, it
produces heat which speeds up the curing process. It is important not to mix up
more resin than can be used in a short time. Small amounts of resin cure more
In extreme cases, too much heat is produced and the resin can catch fire. This is
called an EXOTHERM.
An accelerator is sometimes added to a polyester resin to speed up the cross-linking
When high performance properties are required, epoxides or epoxy resins are used.
That is why they are preferred for the aerospace industry.
Epoxy resins are mixed with a hardener to allow them to cure. A typical epoxy
system may be cured by mixing equal parts of resin and hardener. The hardener is
usually a thick resin, like the epoxy itself.
Some epoxy systems cure at room temperature, but many need to be cured at
higher temperatures.
Epoxides have a number of useful properties which make them superior to
Very good resistance to chemicals.
Low shrinkage as they cure.
Variable curing time – different combinations of resin and
hardeners can be used to give curing times varying from a few
minutes to days. Pot life can also be varied by choice of hardener.
Variable curing temperature – some epoxides cure at room
temperature, but by choosing the right hardeners, materials can be
produced which will only cure when heated. This gives more time
in which to work with the mixed resin.
Epoxy resins do have some disadvantages:
They are more expensive.
They are more difficult to use than polyester.
They are possibly hazardous to health.
It is very important to refer to the manufacturer’s instructions when using resins of all
Composites are made from woven or chopped mat built up in layers. Each layer is
bonded together by the resin. The method used to produce a laminate depends on
the item being made and whether hot or cold curing is being used.
Cold Curing Laminate Manufacture
Before laying up a glass-fibre reinforced plastic part, a mould is required. To make a
box for example, the female mould must have internal dimensions which will form the
outside dimensions of the box. The mould can be made from wood, plaster or even
glass-fibre reinforced plastic. It must however have a smooth surface. It is normally
coated with wax, so that the part being made can be separated form it. Other
coatings called release agents can be used. The mould for the box is illustrated.
Next, the glass-fibre cloth is cut into pieces that will fit into the mould with a small
overlap at the edges. Several layers are used, depending on the thickness and
strength required in the final moulding. If three layers of cloth are used, the fibre
orientation should be 0o, 45o and 90o.
The glass-fibre cloth is weighed so that the resin can be weighed out to give the
correct ratio of resin to glass-fibre cloth. The correct quantity of catalyst or hardener
can then be added to the resin and mixed in thoroughly.
The lay-up must now be completed in about 30 minutes.
To form the glass-fibre laminate, a layer of resin is brushed on to the surface of the
mould and a piece of the reinforcing glass-fibre placed on top. Air trapped under the
fibres is squeezed out using special grooved rollers. The roller forces the resin up
through the cloth and separates the individual fibres to ensure that they are
thoroughly wetted with resin. Any air trapped between the layers of cloth will weaken
the moulding. The other layers are built up in the same way using up all the resin. It
is most important that the resin is used before its pot-life has expired.
When all the layers have been laid up, the resin is left to cure. A few hours later the
item can be removed from the mould and the edges can be trimmed.
The outer surface of the moulding is a replica of the mould inner surface. A smooth
mould will produce a smooth moulding. However, any defects on the mould surface
will also be reproduced.
A prepreg (an abbreviation of pre-impregnated) is a sheet of fibre reinforcement
impregnated with the resin/hardener system. The resin is chosen so that it is fairly
solid at room temperature in its uncured state. When it is heated it initially softens,
then cross-links to form a cured solid. Glass-fibre, carbon fibre, Kevlar and
aluminium mesh is available as a prepreg.
The advantages of a prepreg are that the resin/hardener ratio and the fibre/resin
ratio are carefully controlled by the manufacturer. Each batch of prepreg is identical.
The resin is already spread evenly throughout the fibres. This is important in the
manufacture of helicopter rotor blades. It allows the blades to be moulded to a
controlled thickness and weight in a repeatable process.
Prepregs can only be used with hot curing systems, because they must not cure
during storage.
Polymer resins deteriorate during storage. If prepregs or resins get warm, cross-
linking starts and the resins can cure before they are used. Resins must be stored in
an even cool temperature as specified by the manufacturer. Prepregs are stored in
a sealed bag at –18oC. A record must be kept on the package of the date and time
of each transfer of material in and out of the refrigerator. After warming to room
temperature the required amount of material is removed from the package. The
package is then resealed and returned to the refrigerator.
Each time the bolt of fabric is out of the freezer the time must be recorded and added
up. The manufacturer will specify a maximum out of freezer life. Once the
accumulated time that the material has been out of the freezer totals the maximum,
the fabric will no longer cure sufficiently in a repair to give the proper strength.
Resins and prepregs must be used before their shelf life expires.
Structural repair manuals often specify the use of prepregs when carrying out repairs
to composite structures. However, this may cause difficulties. An operator may
have a number of different aircraft types, and it is likely that each type will use
prepreg from various manufacturers. This would require the operator to stock a wide
range of prepregs in a number of freezer units. Most of these prepreg repair
materials would need to be discarded every 6 to 12 months as their shelf life expired.
Even people who are not allergic may get dermatitis if their skin
PROLONGED is in contact with a resin for a long time.
Inhaling Fumes
Polymer resins are not toxic in the sense that a small amount of the fumes does
harm. However, breathing the fumes in high concentrations day after day may result
in lung damage.
The worst substances are polyester resins which contain styrene and the hardeners
used with epoxy resins.
Safety Precautions
The following items should be available when working with polymer resins, and the
safety precautions observed.
One piece overalls, preferably with close fitting cuffs.
Close fitting protective gloves. Hairdresser’s gloves are ideal.
Eye protection should be worn at all times. A full face shield may
be necessary if there is a possibility of splashing chemicals on to
the face.
Barrier cream helps to protect the skin and helps remove any
contaminants when washing up.
Resin removing cream is the best material for removing resins
from the skin.
Re-fatting or after work cream replaces some of the protective oils
removed from the skin by various chemicals.
Cuts and abrasions should be kept covered.
Before removing gloves wash and dry them as you would your
hands, to avoid contaminating hands.
Always wash hands before eating, drinking or visiting the toilet.
Keep work clothes and other clothes in separate lockers.
Work rooms should be well ventilated.
Flammable solvents and resins must be stored in a fireproof
building outside the main workshop building.
Note that epoxy resins tend to be more hazardous than polyester
Accelerators are very reactive substances and must always be
added to the resin before the catalyst.
would be a violent explosion.
These belong to a group of chemicals known as peroxides and must be treated with
care. They are oxidising agents, and although not very flammable themselves, they
can cause other flammable substances to burst into flames if they are spilt on them.
For glassfibre or carbon fibre drilling, a dagger or spade bit can be used.
A countersunk hole should be produced to the proper fastener angle, proper depth
and proper finish. The tendency of aramid fibres to fuzz around a drilled hole can be
eliminated by using very sharp countersinks that are made for aramid composites.
The fastener must seat properly in the hole. All fuzzing around the hole should be
removed to allow good contact between the fastener and the hole.
The composite structural fastener described is available in both flush and protruding
head versions. The fastener has a large blind side upset which distributes the
bearing loads over a large area permitting the fastener to exert very high clamping
loads to the structure without damage to the composite. It is not subject to corrosion
when assembled in carbon fibre structure.
1. The Composi-Lok II fastener is inserted into the prepared hole. The installation
tool is placed over the screw simultaneously engaging the wrench flats and the
2. Torque is applied to the screw while the DRIVE NUT is held stationary. If the
DRIVE NUT is not already threaded down tight, then both the screw and nut body
rotate until the DRIVE NUT is ‘jammed’ against the nut body. This restrains
further rotation of the nut body. The screw continues to advance through the nut
body causing the sleeve to be drawn up over the tapered nose of the nut. Initial
blind head formation is started.
3. Continued tightening removes sheet gap, completes the large blind head and
clamps the sheets tightly together.
4. When the sleeve forms tight against the blind side of the structure the screw will
fracture in the break groove. The tool is pulled away and the pintail DRIVE NUT
assembly is discarded.
Weft (Fill) The end running across the width of a woven fabric.
Pot Life The length of time a resin system comprising the mixed
resin catalyst and accelerator retains a viscosity low
enough to be used satisfactorily in the moulding process.
Modulus Units.
Eight Harness Satin A type of fabric weave. It looks different on one side than
on the other. The fabric has a seven by one weave
pattern in which a weft thread passes over seven warp
threads and then under one. This weave is more pliable
than any of the others and is especially adaptable to
forming around compound curves such as radomes.
Shelf Life The shelf life of a resin system or prepreg is the length of
time that it can be stored before the flow and tack
properties of the liquid resin or the mechanical properties
of the cured resin deteriorate too far for the material to be
used. An average shelf life for epoxy resins is 3 to 6
months. Storage at –18oC will increase shelf life.
Gel Coat A gel coat is a polyester resin which is used during the
manufacturing of the part. The mould is coated with a
colour coat of polyester resin. The plies are laid down
into the surface of the coloured gel coat and impregnated
with epoxy resin. After curing, the gel coat is on the
outside surface and provides a smooth finish.
7 Draw the outline of the patch to the exact size on the polythene
sheet (cover with masking tape if necessary) and mark the
orientation of the fibres.
8 Cut out the patch with the protective polythene film. Use tweezers
to remove the bottom polythene film and place patch in position
on the repair.
9 Roll out the patch and then carefully remove the top polythene
layer and consolidate with a bristle roller.
10 Repeat steps 6 – 9 with the subsequent layers including the
sanding ply which should be made 20 mm larger than the largest
11 Cure the repair using the hot bonder.
12 When fully cured wet sand the repair lightly.
13 Restore the paint finish.
Resin/Hardener Ratios
Manufacturers normally state how many grammes of hardener have to be added to
100g of resin. This figure is often referred to as phr, or parts per hundred of resin.
For instance, the data sheet might say:
Recommended hardener loading (phr) = 60
This means that 100g of epoxy resin requires 60g of hardener for a complete cure.
Resin/hardener ratios vary immensely from as low as 10phr to as high as 150phr for
normal use. 100phr means that equal proportions of resin and hardener are mixed
If the final weight of resin/hardener mix was 35g. How much resin and how much
hardener is required to give this total.
Resin hardener ratio = 100:60
Proportion of resin = weight of resin
total weight
= 100 = 0.625
When the core and one facing have been damaged, the core and facing must be cut
back to sound material. A typical repair is carried out as follows:
1 Cut out the damage to the smallest circular or oval shape, using a hole saw or
router. The lower facing should be supported and the minimum pressure used.
2 Scarf the surface laminations to form a shallow depression, with a taper of 0.5
inches for each ply.
3 Sand the exposed core and surface of the lower facing. Sand the surface for one
inch around the repair.
4 Clean the area with acetone.
5 Cut a section of replacement core, to fit the
cut-out area. Ensure that the node lines of
the replacement core are parallel to the node
lines of the original core. Lightly sand the
bottom and sides of the new core and wash
in acetone. Sometimes the damaged core is
replaced with a mixture of resin and
Honeycomb Replacement Core
Coat all mating surfaces of the core and cut-out with catalysed resin and
press the core into position.
Repair the facing as described in the scarfed repair to fibre laminated
Cure the repair using the hot bonder.
This repair is carried out in two stages. The damage is cleaned up as described
previously. A scarf repair is carried out on the outer facing. The replacement core is
held in place using a distance piece the same thickness as the inner facing, and a
shaped mould.
Honeycomb with Through Damage with Core and Outer Skin Repaired
When the resin has been cured, the inner facing is then repaired.