RPA Fitment

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RPA Fitment

“What to RPA or not-to RPA?“

Somnath Das Aditya P Dutta

Senior Architect Senior Architect
somnath.das@in.ibm.com adidutta@in.ibm.com





What to RPA

Driver Requirements

Type of Use Cases Non-Functional Requirements

• Simple processes that need to • High Availability with Disaster

run from a desktop either in Recovery
assisted or hands off mode to
improve productivity • Network Connectivity

• Processes involving • 24X7 hands off Automation

communication between multiple
digital systems in hands off mode • Cloud and Security Policy

• Secure and robust command-line

based scripting

RPA Functions

Common business
processes and activities Commercial functions
• Cash management • Marketing

• Data operations • Sales

• Reporting • CRM

Support functions Industry specific functions

• Tech Support
• Banking
• Technology actions
• Insurance
• Finance
• Telecom
• HR
• Retail
• Operations

• Procurement
Function: Common business processes and activities

Quote-to-cash Procure-to-pay Customer onboarding Data migration and entry Data updates
issues in the operations side RPA bots can fill gaps in this process is critical to RPA can prevent manual setting up bots for auto
of selling can result in integration of ERP, CRM, reduce churn and get labour of migrating data using updating relevant data from
customer complaints or banks, vendors, logistics customers to start using the formats like CSV from legacy forms or email can ensure
selling at reduced prices due companies etc. product. systems and potential clerical that departments can access
to clerical errors. errors it brings. fresh and correct data.

Data validation Extracting data from PDFs, scanned Periodic report preparation and Generating mass emails
documents and other formats dissemination
there’s data validation tasks mass emails relying on data
such as cross checking data screen scraping, OCR (Optical Character preparing reports and sending them over from multiple systems
against publicly available data Recognition) and basic pattern recognition every week or month is not labour intensive
technologies enable data extraction from but also distracts employees
almost any format.

Function: Activities in commercial functions

(Marketing) Lead (Sales) Creating and (Sales) Updating (CRM) Loading a detailed
(Sales) Updating CRM
nurturing delivering invoices scorecards customer profile

Leads arrive through a myriad This is a case of data Updating interactions to CRM Companies that lack including customer’s previous
of channels such as LinkedIn, replication. Same sales data is time consuming and integration between HR and interactions with support
lead collection forms and needs to exist in both CRM unproductive yet necessary. CRM systems can leverage
vendors. and accounting systems. RPA bots to ensure changes in
CRM are uploaded to
scorecards so sales reps can
see real time progress

(CRM) Getting detailed billing (CRM) Updating user preferences (CRM) Resolving simple but Automating multi-step complex tasks
data and other user-information common customer issues that require little decision making

Customer service rep scrambles to pull User preferences and other For example, resetting a broadband Some legacy systems force customer
consumer’s billing record and information sync as a background customer’s connection to the server service reps to complete numerous
understand it. With an RPA bot observer process as an example can fix some simple connection steps to complete some common
programmed to retrieve that data, issues. tasks.
consumer’s payment data can be
invoked in seconds with a single
click from the rep.

Function: Activities in support functions…1

(L1 Tech support) (L1 Tech support) Fault (Technology) Opening up (Technology) Software (Technology)
Regular diagnostics remediation internal tools to installations Automated testing
customers or employees
Regular diagnostic work by Remediate faults RPA can enable single click While tests can be built into
It is difficult to expose legacy
bots puts tech support teams installations of complex software, it is important to
internal tools directly to
one step ahead of all other systems with interdependent test from a user perspective
teams and lets them respond customers or employees components. and mimic user interactions.
without training. However
to possible failures before
they can be noticed by RPA offers a solution.
regular users.

(Finance) Financial (Finance) Bank statement (Finance) Daily P&L (HR) Candidate (HR) Employment
planning reconciliation preparation sourcing history verification
it involves the unexciting Extracting data from bank Large financial services Companies relying on legacy This process includes
exercise of processing and statements for reconciling companies, especially those HR systems can use bots to numerous routine steps such
merging financial statements records and comparing them in the trading business, track automate aggregating CVs, as arranging interviews,
from numerous departments against the company’s own P&L and risk exposures daily. assessment results and maintaining records.
records. interview notes using bots.

Function: Activities in support functions…2

(HR) Hiring& onboarding (HR) Payroll (HR) Absence (HR) Worker’s (HR) Expense
& headcount reduction automation management compensation claims management
for growing or shrinking firms repetitive processing of RPA bot to cross check workers’ absence due to Most companies still use
hiring and firing brings payroll taking into myriad absentee reports against time injury or sickness needs to be outdated systems that require
significant burden on HR and regulations and company logged in the corporate reported to the claims employees to provide details
other support functions like rules. network and let your teams management service provider on their expenses. Most of
IT, security, facilities fill in the absences they had. to manage worker’s the details are already
management. compensation claims. available in the receipts
provided by employees.

(HR) HR virtual (Operations) Updating (Operations) Issuing (Operations) (Procurement) Updating

assistants inventory records refunds Compliance vendor records

Putting all of the HR services typically involves Process of issuing refunds is Changing business, regulatory Vendor master file is
together for employees is reconciliation across multiple far less optimized than more or tax requirement require important to keep up-to-date
also possible through chatbot systems. frequent processes at a businesses to validate to ensure that different
company, leading to thousands of records. departments or units can
significant delays and coordinate their
customer spending.

Function: Industry specific…1

(Banking) Know Your (Banking) Loan (Banking) Trade (Banking) Same day (Banking) Account
Customer (KYC) processing execution funds transfers Closure
if your company does not this process is also suitable In cases where legacy systems The co-Operative Bank needs it requires the manual
prefer to use any emerging for RPA automation as are not capable of storing to complete payments using cancellation of direct debits
KYC solution, it is possible to complex business logic can be complex limit orders, RPA The Clearing House and standing orders, transfer
use RPA bots to automate embedded in bots partially bots could help. Automated Payment System of interest charges and the
portions of KYC process automating loan decisions (CHAPS) which offers same transfer of funds from one
and the manual processes day funds transfers. account to another etc.
that follow the decision

(Banking) Validating and (Banking) Audits (Banking) Logistics – (Insurance) Claims (Insurance) Appeals
processing online loan Trade Finance processing processing
Bots have been used to find it involves multiple parties Since customers make claims some claims result in appeals
intermediary bots between
all the customer’s accounts coordinating and insuring the at a time of misfortune for which is another process that
the online system and the year end balances and return delivery of goods and them, customer experience can benefit from RPA
main frame, for example, that the audit to the audit clerk payments. and speed are critical in
uses business logic to ask the
claims processing.
user to fix incorrect

Function: Industry specific…2

(Insurance or Telecom) (Telecom) Credit (Telecom) SIM (Telecom) Customer (Telecom) Porting
Responding to partner checks swapping dispute resolution customer numbers
Required for post-paid Assigning a new SIM to a user Automatically classifying Customers switching to other
It is crucial to serve accounts and typically disputes, resolving ones that operators need to get their
company’s partners in a involves manual processes can be automatically resolved numbers ported which can be
timely manner to maximize and assigning the more fully automated.
their sales complex ones to related

(Retail) Product (Retail) Automated (Retail) Trade (Retail) Inventory/supply

categorization returns promotions chain management

need to harmonize SKU data Automating returns can both require a significant amount RPA bots can perform
from multiple markets to be improve customer of backend admin work such constant checks on legacy
able to look beyond numbers satisfaction and reduce as creating and allocating systems providing data on key
to insights manual labour. funds for promotions, metrics like items with low
generating reports that give stock levels or rapidly
visibility of promotion changing stock levels.
performance etc.

What NOT to RPA

Key Drivers NOT doing RPA

§ Benefits not justifying the investment

§ Feature is more of an AI system than Robotic bots
§ RPA should not be used for processes that haven’t been standardised or
§ Tasks with low manual transaction volumes in relatively complex environments
with unstructured data
§ Transactions and activities that are seasonal, sporadic or unpredictable in nature
§ ‘Stacked solutions’ from a broader view, that use other tools, such as workflow
and application programming interface (API) calls, in conjunction with RPA
§ Focus is more on customer experience than on transaction volumes
§ NFR based requirements such as more faster processing, more scalable etc.

RPA Tools Comparison

Typical Use Cases to be used to compare between Tools
§ Capability to read incoming mail (alerts) and to decide further actions like login to any
other system for remediation

§ Capability of taking input from excel and login to any other system

§ Capability to read data from a system , create an excel and send mail with that excel

§ Capability to connect to a machine using remote desktop and running a program in that
machine without having a need to install anything on the target machine

§ Capability to connect to a machine using VPN Thick Client and running a program in that
machine without having a need to install anything on the target machine

§ Capability to connect to a machine using VPN over Internet (e.g., Citrix) and running a
program in that machine without having a need to install anything on the target machine

§ Capability of developing reusable object

Significant Criteria to be used to compare between Tools
§ Ease of Implementation
§ Reusability
§ Inward/outward integration ability
§ OCR capability
§ Auditing and Logging including Custom Logging
§ Job Scheduling
§ Work with different type of database
§ Work with file types
§ Access two-tier, three-tier application using Direct Link/Shortcut/VPN/VPN over Internet/Remote Desktop
§ Exception handling
§ Text and Image recognition
§ Intelligent Wait
§ Elaborate loop and condition
§ Version Control
§ Security

Tools Comparison.1
Tools Pros Cons Best-fit Scenario
• Surface automation - no installation on Citrix • Server based & DB required • Not allowing Installation of SW on Citrix Server
server • High license Cost • Full automation
Blue Prism • Robotic Process Automation - full automation • Enterprise Apps scale limited • Integration with common enterprise app e.g., SAP
(BP) • Running backend, no user interfere
• Visual IDE

• Adapt most enterprise Apps • License forbidden on full • Installation of SW on Citrix Server, or non-Citrix env.
• Lower license cost automation • End-user interacting automation
Desktop • Client only – simple structure • No support OCR or screen • Integration with common or special enterprise App,
Automation • Support both Remote Mode and Mixed Mode scraping function e.g., Siebel, PeopleSoft, BMC Remedy, Kana Email,
for Citrix Oracle forms
Open • Visual IDE
Span • Wrap automation into WS - Integration with • High license cost • Installation of SW on Citrix Server, or non-Citrix env.
(OS) other IT solution • Only fit full automation • Full automation
• Virtual Machine Farm / workers (OS instances) • Not support OCR or screen • Multiple concurrent processes
Automation - concurrent processes scraping function • Interacting between legacy systems
Broker • Adapt most enterprise Apps • Integration with common or special enterprise App,
• Running Backend - no user interfere e.g., Siebel, PeopleSoft, BMC Remedy, Kana Email,
• Visual IDE Oracle forms

• Client Only – simple structure • No Visual IDE • Project funding constraint is over project duration
• Shortest learning curve • No Automation Monitor • Simple App integration (IE/Excel/Win App)
Smart Data Entry
• Lowest Cost • Adapters scale limited • Full automation or User interacting automation
• Fast team building and solution deliver • Not support OCR

• Client Only • Poor expansibility • Simple App integration (IE/Excel)

Win Automation • Fast delivery by Recorder • Adapters scale limited • Full automation
(WinAuto) • Pseudo codes based • Not support OCR • System event triggered automation
• File / Folder/ FTT Related automation

Tools Comparison.2
Tools Pros Cons Best-fit Scenario
• Surface automation - no installation on • High Dev. And Runtime • OCR
Citrix server license Cost • Business user oriented – by recorder
• Robotic Process Automation - full • Enterprise Apps scale • Full automation – scheduler predefined
automation limited • Dashboard required
UiPath • Extension Supported (C# code & lib)
• Visual IDE
• OCR / Screen Scraping

• Abundant reusable Actions / • No programming extension •Faces to business people, who can build
Commands(575+) to help build automation support (only supports automation using lots of actions/commands by
• Use like natural language to build VBScript) command language, without programming
Automation Anywhere automation, not using programming • Deployment needs Client / language.
(AA) language Server structure
• Visual IDE

Choice based on

Tools of Choice based on Applicability…[1/2]

If the Use Case demands … … preferred solution will be

§ Command-line based scripting automation

§ IPcenter as it will cover all, provided the target
servers are enabled with IPC i.e., network
§ Deploy centrally in “as-a-service” mode i.e.,
client would not allow local installation
endpoint connectivity established between
central Softlayer hosted IPC server and the
target application for automation
§ Security & Robustness are of prime importance

If the Use Case demands … … preferred solution will be

§ Command-line based scripting automation along
with GUI based activities
§ Automation Anywhere based solution, as AA
has pre-built connectors to support both
§ Local installation in client environment allowed
Command line and GUI based activities and
turn around time will be faster
§ Speed of development / deployment is of higher
importance than high Security & Robustness

Tools of Choice based on Applicability…[2/2]

If the Use Case demands … … preferred solution will be

§ GUI based procedural automation

§ Blue Prism based Automation, as BP Robots centrally

§ Deploy centrally in “as-a-service” mode i.e. client would hosted in IBM Cloud can operate Applications in Client
not allow local installation datacenter without any local installation, as long as
network connectivity is established
§ Security & Robustness are of prime importance

If the Use Case demands … … preferred solution will be

§ Simple file handling or few interactive steps as part of a
business process
§ Client does not allow any external network connectivity
for Automation but Local desktop installation in client § Win Automation based solution, as it runs on local
environment allowed desktops as an .exe and development is largely based on
§ Quick recording of process with minor scripting process recording without needing much coding skill
preferred. Security is lesser concern as locally deployed
and speed of automation delivery is of higher importance
than enterprise scale robustness

Comparison of Top 3 Key

Tools Comparison (UiPath vs Blue Prism vs Automation Anywhere)


Can create and manage business

Based on visual design this tool objects in the control center. An easy to use tool for freshers
provides faster implementation Basic programming skills are and basic developers

It is used for BPO automation. It It is used for Desktop, Web and It is used to achieve fair efficiency
Application or Use
shines in Citrix automation. Citrix automation. across all mediums.

RPA bots are used for the front-

RPA bots are only used for back- RPA bots are used for both front-
Software bots office as well as back-office
office automation. office and back-office automation.

Access Browser and/or mobile access App based access only App based access only

Cognitive Capability Medium Medium Medium

Tools Comparison (UiPath vs Blue Prism vs Automation Anywhere)


Recorders are available. It allows

Recorders are available. The
to record and modify actions and
Recorders (Macro Readers) recorded actions can also be No (does not exist).
supports smart record, web
record, and screen record.
Based on ‘web-based orchestrator’ Based on ‘client-server Based on ‘client-server
architecture architecture’ architecture’
Based on several technologies like
Technology Sharepoint, Kibana, and elastic Based on C# (C sharp) Based on Microsoft technologies

This RPA tool is good for

Often crashes while working on Offers limited deployment in large
Operational Scalability operational scalability. The
medium projects scale robot integration
execution speed is very high.

Process Designer Visual process designer Visual process designer Script based

Tools Comparison (UiPath vs Blue Prism vs Automation Anywhere)


It includes a moderate amount of High reliability is one of the most

Reliability Offers high reliability
reliability. important features of this tool.

This RPA tool has a high cost of

This RPA tool has aggressive, This RPA tool has a higher cost of
Pricing acquisition. It provides restricted
entry-level pricing. deployment.
It includes three types of
It has free online training and certifications. e.g., delivery It has recently launched several
certification programs. provider, capability provider, and certifications programs.
service provider.
Since it is based on C#,
Programming knowledge is not programming skills are required. Programming knowledge is not
mandatory. However, users can use it without necessary.
coding skills
Leading the way, being more Interest towards it is looking Remains generally on a steady
Google Trends Popularity frequently researched over volatile, seen to be declining Mar level, interest in UiPath growing
Automation Anywhere Apr 2020 over time


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