Econ F241 Comprehensive
Econ F241 Comprehensive
Econ F241 Comprehensive
SEMESTER II 2020-2021
Writing Time: 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm TOTAL MARKS: 40
Attempt all questions
Note: For excel based questions write the answers in the answer script. Working is required in excel
and to be sent along with the scanned script.
Question 1
a) Serial independence implies that the disturbance occurring at one point of time does not carry over into
another period. True/ False. [1]
b) Exclusion of a relevant explanatory variable from the model, whose successive values are correlated,
will make the disturbance term associated with the model autocorrelated. True/ False. [1]
c) The autocorrelation problem becomes more prevalent when time series data with shorter time intervals
are considered. True/ False. [1]
Question 2
Question 3
Consider the data of log Y and log X provided in the data sheet named Q3 data. Assume that both the
series are I(1) [you are not required to test this]. [2+2+2=6]
a) Estimate the long run relationship between the two variables (log X is the regressor). Write the
estimated equation.
b) Use a suitable test equation to determine if the long run relationship holds. Write down the
parameter value of the test equation. Clearly write the null hypothesis and alternate hypothesis
and the conclusion at 5% significance level. What are the computed and the critical value of the
test statistic?
c) Is there disequilibrium in the relationship between the two series in the short run? Explain by
running a suitable model and write the estimated equation of the model. Can the equilibrium be
restored in the long run? Explain.
Question 4
Consider the following system of equations and solve the following questions. [2x4=8]
Model 1:
Demand function : QD 1 2 P D
Supply function : QS 1 2 P S
Equilibriu m condition : Q QD QS
a) In the above system neither of the equations is identified. True/False. Verify your response using
the reduced form equations.
b) Suppose you add income (denoted by I) as an exogenous variable in the demand function of
model 1. Supply function remaining the same. Call this new system as model 2. Can you identify
the slope and intercept of the supply equation in model 2. Show algebraically.
c) The assumption in Model 2 is that income does not influence supply. If this assumption is not
correct, your estimates of the supply curve in model 2 would be meaningless. True/ False.
Explain your answer algebraically.
d) Suppose you add income (denoted by I) as an exogenous variable in the demand function and
exogenous technology variable (T) in the supply function of model 1. Call this new system as
model 3. How many structural coefficients and reduced form coefficients are present in this
system? Is the identification of all the structural coefficients from the reduced coefficients
possible? Explain.
Question 5