2 Slouching Toward The Ordinary Current Trends in Co
2 Slouching Toward The Ordinary Current Trends in Co
2 Slouching Toward The Ordinary Current Trends in Co
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1 author:
Susan Herring
Indiana University Bloomington
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All content following this page was uploaded by Susan Herring on 07 August 2014.
Indiana University, USA
It has become a truism that computer-mediated communication (CMC)
systems, as compared with previous communication technologies, are cheap,
fast, and democratic; as such, their popularity continues to grow. Every year,
it seems, a new type of CMC enters the scene: ICQ (‘I Seek You’), instant
messaging (IM), short-messaging service (SMS, also known as text
messaging or ‘texting’), web logs (blogs). How has CMC technology
changed, conceptually and feature-wise, from previous technologies? More
importantly, is new CMC technology giving rise to new social practices,
and if so, in what directions is it steering us?
These questions, which regularly frame inquiry into the design and use of
CMC systems, reflect two underlying assumptions: first, that ‘new’ CMC
technologies really are new; and second, that CMC technologies shape
communication, and through it, social behavior. The first of these
assumptions is rarely challenged, other than by historians who note parallels
between the internet and previous teletechnologies such as the telegraph
and telephone (Baron, 2000). After all, who could deny that the social
hypertext of the world wide web (Erickson, 1996), for example, constituted
a radical departure from what came before? The second assumption,
technological determinism (Markus, 1994), was vigorously critiqued in the
early to mid-1990s (Spears and Lea, 1992; Walther, 1996), but has been
making a quiet comeback as a result of a growing body of empirical
evidence that the medium can shape the message, or at least, how the
message is packaged and processed (Condon and Čech, 2001). Now, the
Herring: Slouching toward the ordinary
CMC in the late 1990s was in some respects crude and fragmented. It was
mostly text-based, and its various modes were accessed by disparate means:
email required a mailer system, Usenet newsgroups a newsreader (already
incorporated by that time into the Netscape browser, but requiring server
set-up), Internet Relay Chat (IRC) required an IRC client, ICQ an ICQ
client, and so forth. While both of these characteristics were beginning to
change under the influence of the world wide web, many users still
experienced CMC primarily as ASCII text, and one had to have a
modicum of specialized knowledge in order to access its various forms (or
be provided access to them through an internet service provider – ISP).
These circumstances in no way hindered the popularity of text-based
technologies, however. Email was the acknowledged ‘killer app’, the default
mode of CMC for most users. Discussion lists, a mainstay of academic
discourse communities, were so active that many listservs had started to
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provide daily digests or ‘header only’ formats to reduce the email burden on
overloaded subscribers. Usenet continued its mostly subterranean,
exponential growth (Smith, 1999). When I conducted a six-month
ethnographic study of it in 1998, EFNet (the largest IRC network) was
bursting at the seams, a popular recreational hangout for young people in
the US and abroad. Even MUDs (Multi-User Dungeons or Dimensions)
and MOOs (MUDs, Object-Orientated) which previously had been known
only in restricted circles, had attained a certain notoriety through published
reports (e.g., Bruckman, 1993; Dibbell, 1993; Kendall, 1996; Kolko, 1995),
and were beginning to develop a reputation as respectable teaching
environments (Haynes and Holmevik, 1997). ICQ, which was newly
introduced in 1996, was already attracting attention as an alternative to chat,
especially for dyadic conversation.
The web, meanwhile, pursued a largely parallel course of development.
By the late 1990s, with e-commerce as the dominant activity on the web,
‘interactivity’ was becoming a buzzword, although most webpages were in
fact relatively static and allowed little human to human interaction (Ha and
James, 1998). In the non-commercial realm, personal homepages were
popular both among faculty at academic institutions (Arnold and Miller,
2000) and with young people, for whom the web offered an unprecedented
opportunity for self-expression to a mass audience (Chandler, 1998). The
‘jennicam’, established in 1996 as one of the first personal webcam sites,
received so many hits that Jennifer Ringley continued it after she graduated
from college, adding a live-chat feature (O’Sullivan, 1999). Projections for
the future of CMC at that time focused on increased use of multimedia,
especially video and audio streaming. Graphical virtual worlds such as The
Palace and ActiveWorlds, also introduced in 1996, were attracting
communities of recreational users (Suler, 1996), and generating speculation
about the potential of avatar-based communication in multi-dimensional,
navigable environments.
Social issues
In the late 1990s, the dominant discourses about CMC on the internet
were a sometimes jarring juxtaposition of social concerns with commercial
hype. Scholars, journalists, and other internet commentators expounded on
the benefits (and challenges) of virtual community, anonymity and online
romance, on the one hand, and e-commerce, ‘stickiness’, and trust (by
which was meant users’ willingness to provide their credit card numbers on
commercial websites), on the other. Concerns that bridged the social/
commercial gap included security, censorship, gender demographics, and
online pornography. Views on the latter two were sharply divided: earlier
utopian views of the internet as a gender equalizer enjoyed a renaissance as
the number of female internet users climbed, and marketeers proclaimed
Herring: Slouching toward the ordinary
Two internet-wide technological trends have affected broadly online
communication practices over the past five years: increased bandwidth, and a
growing tendency for different forms of CMC to be made available through
a web browser interface. More bandwidth, which is available to home users
through cable modem and DSL technologies, has meant faster connections
and a greater ability to access multimedia applications. For CMC, this means
that communication environments incorporating audio, video, and 3D
graphics are increasingly available. Yet, despite the growing popularity of
streaming audio and video for entertainment purposes, their use for
communication outside of videocam sex chats (Kibby and Costello, 2001) is
not yet widespread. Perhaps surprisingly, for those who had earlier predicted
that multimedia would eclipse text, CMC has yet to embrace its full
multimedia potential. Exceptions include peer-to-peer (P2P) music file
transfer protocols such as Napster, and massively multi-player online role
playing games (MMORPGs) such as EverQuest and Ultima Online which,
crucially, involve rich sensory media. However, although these protocols
allow some user-to-user communication, it is typically secondary to another
purpose, such as downloading music or playing a 3D graphical game.
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Herring: Slouching toward the ordinary
Social issues
Online discourse takes place today in a more subdued social, economic, and
political climate. The past five years saw the dot com crash and a subsequent
scaling-back of optimism about e-commerce. Although Y2K passed without
major incident, the terrorist acts that followed continue to remind us of our
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Herring: Slouching toward the ordinary
2003). They carry on earlier practices from chat; going back further still,
they function as a semi-private code to prevent teachers and parents from
understanding what is written, much like teens of earlier generations passed
notes ‘encrypted’ in special alphabets or writing permutations (Palfreyman
and Al Khalil, 2003).
A colleague recently expressed consternation in a posting to a professional
listserv that his undergraduate students no longer find the internet
fascinating. They do not relate to the utopian and dystopian speculations of
earlier decades, and find the debates of the 1990s about online democracy,
identity, and virtuality hyped and vaguely silly. The explanation, it seems, is
that they have grown up with the internet: using the web and
communicating with others online are taken for granted. IM and SMS are
no more exotic to this generation, it seems, than note-passing and talking
on the telephone were to mine, and blogging is just the modern analog of
keeping a personal journal.
Members of older generations as well have acquired extensive familiarity
with CMC over the years, especially in the form of email, distribution lists,
and webpages. While some embrace new paradigms, for others it is a relief
that the pace of technological change seems to have slowed – or at least,
that recent changes are less radical, building incrementally on established
paradigms. Constant innovation and complexity in online communication
tools exact a price; many users just want them to be stable, simple, and
usable across computing platforms, an impetus that no doubt contributes to
the enduring popularity of email.
In short, after barely more than 30 years of existence, CMC has become
more of a practical necessity than an object of fascination and fetish.
(Over)use, disenchantment, fatigue, ubiquity, indispensability, and the passage
of time all contribute inexorably toward this end. The most popular
technological trends that have emerged over the past five years lead in this
direction as well. Despite the availability of increasingly sophisticated
multimedia protocols, CMC remains predominantly grounded in ‘old’
textual practices. Idiosyncratic protocols are being united under a simpler
browser-accessible format, and blogs integrate text-based CMC and HTML
capabilities. The mobility of SMS (and wireless technologies more
generally), and the presence indicators of IM and ICQ, blur the line
between online and offline communication, a trend that is also evident in
increased uses of traditional modes of CMC in order to establish face-to-
face contact. These trends simplify CMC and appropriate it for ordinary
interactional purposes.
Certainly, the sheen of novelty of computer-mediated communication has
not yet worn off completely, save perhaps for the youngest generations of
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