History Note Unit 5&6 G10
History Note Unit 5&6 G10
History Note Unit 5&6 G10
Unit: 5
- The rise of Benito Mussolini and his Fascist party to power 1922 developed colonial ambition of
Italy setting targets such as:
Erase shameful scare of Adowa
Ambition of Mussolini prestige in military success
Divert people’s attention from economic difficulties at home.
Features of pre-Italian invasion Coverage ( hidden plan)
Didn’t opposed Ethiopia appealed of the league of Nation in 1923 but Britain.
As Pretext- Made warm welcome 1924 of Ras Teferi tour to Europe .
Signed peace & friendship treaty in 1928
Italy continued its Preparation under cover.
The preparation consisted of 2 activities
1. Subversive measures carried by Italian governor of Eretria (Corrado Zoli) - Bribe &
agitated the chiefs of Tigre, Wollo, Begemdir and Gojam
2. Military preparation
- Placed armies & war supplies in Eritrea and Somali
- Hoare- Laval (1934) agreement which allowed taking Ethiopia by Britain & France and in
order to encouraged not to ally with German.
Ethiopian first counter –offense at Meqele encircle (first military engagement) Under Kassa
Hailu and Seyum Mengesha.
But, Ras Kassa & Seyoum Mengesha were defeated.
8,000 Ethiopian died and wounded
60 officers, 605 low ranked soldiers 417 Eritrea Askaris were killed & wounded
Italian used Yipright or killer gas under Badoglio, who replaced DeBono
3. The second Battle of Temben late Feb 1936 Under Ras Kassa & Seyoum
resulted 8,000 Ethiopia killed and wounded
Italian killed wounded -34- Officers -350- Soldiers -188- Askaris
February 19, 1937 abortive attempt to kill Marshal Grazziani, the viceroy by Abraham
Debouch and Moges Asgidom,
which resulted wholesale massacre for three days 30, 000,and
499 monks/ Debre Libanos.
- Country- wide anti-fascist resistance characteristics /forms/ second phase - Carried out on
guerilla warfare (especially strong in Showa, Gojam and Begemdir)
The Patriots employed various tactics,
- Ambush of enemy convoys
- Cutting communication line.
Times striking(conditions favorable) Led by local notable persons.
- Italy’s entry into WWII on the side of Germany on 10 June, 1940 and it create threat on Britain
East Africa colonies. B/c Italy had 200,000 troops in East Africa.
- Britain decided to fight in North and East Africa.
Britain began to supply military assistance to the Ethiopian patriots.
- H/Sillassie arrived Sudan and opened military school at Soba
1. Fascist Italy
Fascism was come to power in Italy in 1922. Unstable coalition government since 1871 the
very extent of economic difference between north & poor south the situation more enhanced
with the emergence of Nationalist right wing & socialist movement
Mussolini founded fascist movement in 1919. Latin word, fasces, bundle of sticks bound
together with an axe- symbol of power and unity in ancient Rome.
Post- war event led Italy in to a grim of economic and political unrest
August 1922 socialist called general strike against the Italian government which favored
Mussolini to rise power.
October, king Emanuel III called Mussolini to Rome to form coalition government with
membership name the National Bloc. Mussolini arrived with his Black shirt to Rome and
invited to establish Fascist government (prime minister) consisted
Conservatives -
Emmanuel III approved Mussolini to enact law without the parliament and other parties
dissolved. Press and trade union banned. Army & police force increased in number High
position in administration posts were distributed to fascist party officials In 1928 Fascist
became the only party to have candidate in election. Italy became a single party state under
Mussolini adopted the title “II Duce” the leader. Established close link with Catholic Church
signed agreement with the pope in 1929. (Official religion in Italy)
2. Nazism in Germany
The Rise of Nazism in Germany (Hitler) (National Socialist party 1920) There were many
factors that brought Nazism to power.
The Economic depression - Forced the German government print excessive paper inflation
followed Falling wages and increased unemployment.
Nazi gained support of the middle class the workers and the unemployed due to its advocacy
of Fear of communism
Government - Republic government set up in Weimer town. Blamed for defeat and many problems
afterward. Weak and accepted harsh treaty. Many Germans became willing to support the Nazi party
and its promises in economy and glory.
Under the Leadership of Hitler who Born in 1889 in Austria Joined the Germany army in 1914
served in the western front. He was successful in forming national socialist party thanks to his
organizational ability
- Wrote the story of his life during his stay in prison (Mein Kempt)- My struggle (putsch-coup).
(S.A storm troops)
– In this book more discussed his motives of the Nazi Brown shirt party and Nazi Germany.
He initiated people against the Republican government.
To violence, Opposition & Mass rallies
- By 1932 his party have got 37% of total vote had become largest party in Reichstag. President von
Hindenburg forcefully appointed him chancellor In 1933 election Hitler wanted to win majority.
This political transformation Ended up Weimer Republic. Start Hitler’s dictatorial power, and took
the title “Fuhrer” leader
3. Militarism in Japan
In 1937, Japanese armies overran much of eastern China. Once again, western protests had no effect
on the conquror.
ary causes of WWII
A) Failure of Appeasement Diplomatic policy aimed at settling a grievance of the Axis powers
through negotiation rather than military force.
Has two distinct phases 1) 1920’s- 1937 must avoid war at all cost (Manchuria, Ethiopia ,
German rearmament and reoccupation of Rhineland) 2) 1937, Chamberlain, prime minister of
Britain sustain long term peace
The league forgotten principle of collective security and return to the old principle of “might is right”
1. Why League of Nation didn’t stop Italy to invade Ethiopia?2. Do you consider Ethiopia's Struggle
against Fascist as a part of ww2?3. Explain the Rome- Berlin-Tokyo Axis (Triangular Axis) formation
1. The First phase Sep. 1939-Octo 1940 - Marked the outbreak of Second Armageddon
B. Phony war: (Sitzkrieg)- setting war - Period Oct. 1939- April 1940 in the west.
some reports referred to this quite times as the “Phony war” Germany planned to attack Britain and
France .Russia in the East took Baltic nations and invaded Finland
The German were Landed the main Norwegian port, and Invaded Denmark. Norway was vital for
German industries (Swedish iron ore)
The Norwegian campaign had profound result for the Germans thus, German assured her bases and
iron ore supply. On the other hand, political unrest in Britain and France.
Two Britain Prime Minister were forced to resign, consequently Churchill came to power in Britain.
D. The fall of France (May 10, 1940) - Occupied nether lands, Belgium and France
- France except south and south east under puppet government, Vichy government under marshal
Henry Petain according 22 June armistice signed
E. The Battle of Britain (12 August- 13 Sep. 1940) Prepared Sea lion operation.
Military sites , Factories, Capital city (London) German faced strong counter- air attack RAF.
Hitler plan to attack Britain failed
- The Battle of Britain was the first major turning point to check Germany .
F. Mussolini invaded Egypt In Sept. 1940 to share Hitler’s victory in the East Britain defeated the
Italian force in Egypt (N. Africa) and Greece
A) North Africa & Greece - In Feb. 1941 Hitler moves to give support to Italy and dispatched
(Marshal Rommel- Desert Fox) .
Drove out the British force from Libya - In June 1942 German advanced as far as El Alamien
(Egypt). Drove out the British from island Crete in May 1941. In April 1942 invaded Greece .
Named operation Barbarossa after German emperor Fredric I (3rd crusades) German Invasion
against the Soviet Union had three motives
The German ambition to capture Moscow and Leningrad failed due to the winter season.
On 1942 German advanced south east to the Caucasus area to patrol the oil field but met similar
problem - Russian fought patriotic war “Behind us is Moscow, there is no room left to retreat”
C. The USA Enters the War: - On 7 Dec. 1941 USA ended its neutrality owing to Japan bombed
pearl harbor (USA naval base in pacific) .The event spread the war in the Far East Sank 19 and
destroyed 188 planes 2,400 people died
- Japan was dominated in the pacific .In May 1942 Japan controlled Malaysia, Philippines,
Singapore ,Honking and Burma (Myanmar)
2. The Third phase (1942-43) - Marked the war fully a world war
- The Allied powers beat off the Axis at the major three battles
B) El-Alamien - Rommel advance towards Cairo stopped by British and American force
- Prevented Egypt and Suez canal
- Marked the complete expulsion of the Axis force from N. Africa
3. Political Effects
Accelerated struggle for national liberation from colonialism in African & Asian
The emergence of nuclear era owing to the production of nuclear energy
Europe’s domination of the rest of the world ended
Unit: 6
Post WWII Global Development
6.1. The goals and structures of UNO
The United Nations Organizations
A. Steps towards the foundation of the UNO.
The Atlantic charter of 1942
- Fran. D. Roosevelt of U.S and Winston Churchill met on board ship in the Atlantic
- They had drawn the Atlantic charter .
The principles England and US
I. Desired no territorial gains
II. Respect the rights of all people to choose the government of their own form
III. Hoped that all men would like in freedom from fear and want
IV. Believed that nations must abandon the use of force
V. Would seek to establish “system of general security”
B. Tehran Summit 1943 - The USA, Britain and USSR gave support the idea of UNO
C. Moscow conference, Oct. 1943 - Foreign ministers of the three Allied powers
declared their willingness to establish a new international organization for maintenance of peace’s
E. Yalta conference (Feb. 1945) - The Big three, Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill - Agreed
on the procedures for voting in the UN security council - Called the united
nations to send their representatives to san Francisco to draw the charter
This laid establishment of UNO so nations approved the charter of UNO and formally setup on April
1. General Assembly
Is made up of representative of the UN member countries.
All had one vote. Though member nation may send upto five delegate to its meeting.
The Assembly meet once a year.
Responsible of General Assembly,
- admission of new members and expulsion of members.
- supervision of the budget.
- appointment of the UN secretary General.
- Maintain peace and security.
2. Security council
Responsible for the maintenance of Peace and security.
It is Leading organ .
Has five permanent members (Britain, France, Russia, USA and China) called veto power.
It had none permanent 10 and 1965-15 members.
Take military action against an aggressor.
Maintain international Peace and security.
Elect judges to international court of justice and security council.
3. Trust ship council.
The function was to protect the interest of people who lived in the trust territories and to lead
them towards self gov't.
6. Secretariat
Is mainly an administrative body.
1500 workers
Eastern bloc.
The Eastern bloc led by Soviet Union.
Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Poland, East Germany.
Made up of the favoured communist ideology and communist form of gov't.
Western bloc.
“the Western Bloc” led by USA and Great Britain.
- France, West Germany, Bulgaria, Canada, Italy.
Made up of Capitalist form of economy and democratic form of gov't.
The cold war was marked by international conflict in almost in every field of b/n the
power blocs.
Characteristics of cold war:
It is war of words ( propaganda)
Arms race (weapon race)
Mutual suspension and building military alliance
The development of Espionage (Spying)
arms clash (wars)
In October 1949, Mao Tse-tung declares the establishment of the People's Republic of China and
proclaims that "the Chinese people have stood up" after 100 years of subjugation by foreign powers
on China's soil.
October 10 is commemorated in Taiwan as Double Ten Day, the National Day of the Republic of
China. In mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau, the same day is usually celebrated as the
Anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution.[3] Many overseas also celebrate the anniversary in China
towns across the world.
In order to achieve economic modernization, the government that came to power in 1949 had
to find a way to squeeze the very small surplus out of the countryside (where 80 percent of
the population lived) and invest in industry.
Leaving it to the market was seen as slow, inefficient and inequitable, so the commune
system of collectivized agriculture was implemented. Property was pooled to form large
tracts of land that be farmed more efficiently.
Land was owned jointly by large groups of peasants who by sheer force of human labor
rather than relying on state investment, would together carry out projects of land reclamation
and water control. They were rewarded for their communal labor by a system of work points,
while the state exacted as much surplus as possible for investment in industrial development.
Families were given only very small plots for their personal farming, and markets for the sale
of rural produce were limited mostly to the exchange of goods among local residents.
Although the commune system did allow the state to extract the maximum surplus from the
countryside, at times it was disastrous, resulting in widespread famine, particularly during
1959-62 the end of the Great Leap Forward.
It was ultimately judged inefficient and having major disincentive effects, and was
abandoned in the early.
Mao and his particular vision of communism in China dominate from 1949 until his death in
1976. The Maoist period is characterized by mass mobilization and the prominence of
The Great Leap Forward of and the Cultural Revolution of 1966-76 are Maoist campaigns
designed, in the first instance, to bring China up to the level of the developed nations by an
economic "great leap" and, in the second instance, to rid Chinese culture of impediments to
the communist society Mao envisions.
The Great Leap Forward results in an estimated 30,000 deaths from famine; the Cultural Revolution
pits Chinese against Chinese in brutal persecution.
This led to first Arab-Israeli war in 1948 by which the Arabs of plastic supported by Arabia Trans
Jordan, Egypt, Iraq Syria Lebanon Yemen the Jewish won the war and proclaimed the new Israel
under David Ben Groin.
The second Arab- Israel war: In 1956 the Egyptian government Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized
the Suez Canal. Israel attacked Egypt and Egypt suffer loss.
The Third Arab-Israeli war or (six day war) was fought 10 June, 1967 between:
Israel and Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Egypt on the other hand in this war the USSR supplied weapons to
Arabs. The USA, Britain and Federal republic of Germany supported Israel and become victorious.
The Fourth Arab Israel War (Yom Kippur War): Took in 1973 when Egypt Syria and other
Arab states open war against Israel. The forces were defeated.
In Sep 1978 a frame work for peace in ME was signed in Washington D.C. Egypt gave recognition
to Israel.
The Camp David Accords were signed by Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat and Israeli Prime
Minister Meacham Begin on 17 1978, following thirteen days of secret negotiations at Camp
The two framework agreements were signed at the White House, and were witnessed by United
Following WWII, two hostile camps were emerged as a result of ideological difference. i.e.:
“Communist World” led by USSR and “Free World” by USA.
The movement had its origins in the 1947 Asian Relations Meeting in New Delhi and the
1955 Asian-African Conference in Bandung, Indonesia.
These Non-Aligned countries, representatives composed of 29 members held their first
conference at Banding inIndonesia in 1955.
They opposed colonialism in the UNO. India also participated in the 1961 Belgrade
Conference that officially established the Nonaligned Movement, but Jawaharlal Nehru’s
declining prestige limited his influence.
In the 1960s and 1970s, New Delhi concentrated on internal problems and bilateral relations,
yet retained membership in an increasingly factionalized and radicalized movement. During
the contentious 1979 Havana summit, India worked with moderate nations to reject Cuban
president Fidel Castro’s proposition that "socialism" (that is, the Soviet Union) was the
"natural ally" of nonalignment.
The principles serve as the basis of the Non-Aligned Movement in which members states architect
their policies during the cold war
1. Mutual respect for each other's territorial integrity and sovereignty
2. Mutual non-aggression
3. Mutual non-interference in domestic affairs
4. Equality and mutual benefit
5. Peaceful co-existence