A Research Title
Presented to the Grade 12 HUMSS-Parson
Tantangan National High School
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the
Inquiry, Investigation, and Immersion
Chapter 1
The influence of career choices has a lasting impact on Individuals, making a career
choice is a crucial phase in every student's life. It is well known that good career planning
leads to life fulfillment. Students should consider several factors before arriving at a career
decision. The purpose of this research is to identify the factors which affect the choice of
career among students. This study investigated the influence of several factors such as
parental education, profession and income on the career decisions of students. The influence
of peers on the respondents' choice of subject specialization was also investigated along with
nature of work and consequently leaves a mark on the personality, demeanor and outlook of
an individual. Thus, one wrong decision can change the fate of an individual. It is difficult for
everyone to make a decision regarding their career. This individual action is manifested on a
larger scale in the economic prosperity of a nation. Individuals who are misfits in their
workplace tend to be less productive and efficient, and therefore are unable to achieve their
goals. The concept has been explained by Onyejiaku (as cited in Jones & Larke, 2005), who
defines occupation as a means of living, which has the power to change personalities,
determine social status, predict expected earnings, determine social groups etc.
point to ponder upon as to how career decisions are made. A crucial influence in decision
making regarding career is the home environment (James, 2000) as it lays the foundation of a
child's personality. It's the parent's upbringing which is the basis of the outcome of the
personality. The values of the parents are transferred into the child. Besides the home,
another major determinant of career choice is media. It provides exposure at the earliest
stage. Media highlights social travails, global issues, trends and fashions, portrays the glamor
The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore how academic interest in humanities
and social sciences subjects influences the career choices and aspirations of HUMSS track
students. By conducting in-depth interviews and analyzing the narratives of these students,
the study aims to identify the factors that shape their career aspirations, the role of academic
interests in shaping their career goals, and any barriers or challenges they face in pursuing
Furthermore, The findings of this study can provide insights into how educators and
career counselors can better support HUMSS track students in achieving their career goals
and aspirations, knowing the factors that may influence students career track choices can be
helpful in the development of strategies that may help them make intelligent decisions.
In developing strategies that enable students to make good decisions, it may be helpful
to know the factors which might affect their career choices. Grade 11 (eleven) students were
analyzed using descriptive, and correspondence analyses to evaluate the variables related
with career track choice and the extent to which factors influenced it.
The results showed that the choice of SHS track and strand has a significant influence on
the chosen degree. The main influences have been identified as taste and parental influence.
Socio-demographic characteristics such as gender, age, birth order, number of siblings, and
monthly family income had a moderate relationship with the SHS track/strand choice. These
processes include gathering data and information that will enable humans to settle on formed
2.What are the potential problems in achieving the prospective career achieved among the
The findings of the study can directly benefit students at Tantangan national high
school by providing insights into how their Academic Interest in Humanities and Social
Sciences subjects influence their Career choices. This information can help school counselors
and educators at Tantangan National High School offer personalized guidance and support to
students in aligning their academic interest with their future career aspirations.
Additionally, in this study the students can contribute to the existing body of knowledge
on career development and education planning, particularly within the context of the Humss
Theoretical Lens
This study is supported by the theory of John Holland's Theory of Career Choice, often
known as the Holland Codes or the RIASEC model, can be used to provide a theoretical
perspective on the impact of academic interest on the career choices and goals of HUMSS
(Humanities and Social Sciences) students. Holland's theory classifies people into six
personality types based on their interests, values, and skills, which can help them make job
These theories and models will aid this investigation into the concept of career fit and
happiness for HUMSS track students. Educators and career counselors can provide targeted
guidance and assistance to HUMSS students by identifying their personality types using the
Holland Codes. This allows students to explore career alternatives that match their interests,
values, and skills. This can lead to increased job satisfaction and success for HUMSS
students as they pursue routes that are tailored to their unique talents and interests.
The researchers conducted this study in the primary ground of Tantangan National High
School. The researchers garnered information through interviews and recorded their answers
for better transcription of the data, consisting of questions related to the topic. A total of
ten(10) respondents, all Humss strand students, are chosen by the researcher. Specifically,
five (3) respondents from HUMSS Turner and Collins and four(4) respondents from HUMSS
Definition of Terms
a Students. They are learners or people who study from the senior high school level.
Academic Interest. Is your desired course of education. It can also be a specific area of
study or description.
Career Choice. The process of making choices regarding one`s career path in an
individual's life.
Career. It is the job or profession for which one is trained and which one intends to
To present this study well, the researcher will organize it accordingly based on the
concepts being presented in each chapter. There are five chapters organized for the readers to
Chapter 1 presents the background of the study, the purpose of the study, the research
questions, the significance of the study, the theoretical lens, its delimitations and limitations,
the different definitions of terms, and how the study will be organized.
Chapter 2 introduces the various related studies about the Academic interest on career
choices and aspiration. This will give readers further studies that influence and give related
Chapter 3 is all about how the study will be done. It will present who is involved and how
the data will be analyzed and gathered from the participants. Selected students will be the
participants of this study, and with their cooperation, here in this chapter, the process will be
presented with confidentiality and trustworthiness of the gathered data as well as their
Chapter 4 presents the findings of the study, which will be structured logically to convey the
Chapter 5, which is the final chapter of this study, will feature the discussions and
conclusions based on the results of the study. It will formulate the documented result of the
gathered and analyzed data from the participants. These chapters will also discuss its
implications, comparing it to the existing literature and addressing any limitations or potential
Chapter 2
This chapter contains essential related literature including research, and other online
resources that provide significant and additional needed data for this study. And the aim is to
identify the different choices that students have but they still need to decide on the best career
Career Choices
Career is an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person’s life and with
opportunities for progress. Career has many different choices that students have but they still
need to decide the best career they can pursue. According to Sharf (2016) ”Career decision
making is a process that describes or explains the choices that a person makes when selecting a
particular career”. It also helps to identify different factors involved in a person’s career decision
making and provides an understanding of the way these factors have an impact on their career
decision and choices. On the other hand career choices is defined as an interdisciplinary
curriculum that engages students and teachers in an interactive learning process, helping them
develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to successfully examines their own lives
explore and evaluate a wide range of education and career options and make reasoned and
researched goals for their future.But still there are factors that you need to consider in choosing
your career. In the study of Wildman and Torres (2017), ”family and friends are considered to be
an influential part of the students choice of major. Parents with an agriculture background most
often have an impact on where students go to college. Family role models have more of an
influence on what students major in. There are many people in a students’ life who can influence
their career decision. Most of the time, parents and friends play a large role, but coaches and
teachers can also have a huge impact on a students’ life”. The study of George Crislan (2020)
that talks about economic stability says that” Many students believe that to live a comfortable
lifestyle they need to be economically stable”. When these students look into a major or a career
path,they seek out the higher salary jobs or they look for a major that involves the most job
security. According to Beggs, (2008), Financial aspects that students consider includes high
earning potential, benefit and opportunities for advancement. According to Ferry (2006) further
asserts that adolescent occupational choice is influenced by many factors including the context,
personal aptitudes, and educational attainment. He contends further that whether college-bound or
work-bound, meeting the challenge of this development milestone is critical in adolescents' line.
Students all over the world usually fared with the tasks of career decision making. The choice of
careers, subjects and courses of study in school and of subsequent paths to follow are always
difficult problems facing perspectives under graduates. Often choosing the right subject
combination reading to the right profession can make the difference between enjoying and
discovering a career in the future. Dedicating oneself to career choices that are unattainable leads
to frustration. Each individual undertaking the process is influenced by many factors, including
the context in which they live their personal aptitudes, and educational attainment
(Bandusa,,2019). According to Khare (2015) that role models influence adolescents' career
choice. ”If a student has a good teacher who makes an impression or a family member who is a
pharmacist or a carpenter she took up to, she may decide on the same career” and such factors
relate positively to desirable career development outcomes such as career decision. Duffy and
Dick (2009), as cited by Quinter (2011) and Perronet. Quinter (2011) that career decisiveness of
college students is influenced by the role model supportiveness and the qualities of relationship
they have. John L. Holland, as cited by Staunt (2015), claimed that both people's work
environment can be categorized and then matched to each other. Holland’s theory aims to
categorize people according to what type of work they are most interested in and then categorize
occupations under the same scheme to measure their congruence. In Holland’s words” people
tend to act on their dominant interest and seek occupations in which their interest can be
expressed. Leong (2015) gets at the heart of the matter with existing theories in his paper on
cultural accommodations and Asia which looks at universal elements which will be applicable
across all cultures such as job satisfaction. ”I am assuming that every human being seeks
satisfaction from his or her work; it is correlates, their meaning and sources of satisfaction, that
are likely to vary across cultures. ”It is:” based on the underlying premise that career choice is an
expression of one’s personality and similar histories.” (Swanson & Fraud 2017). Choosing the
right career is becoming more and more important for young students today (Fizer,2013) and
preference of the student on the career to take in the future is affected by other factors other than
skills and personalities they have (Pascual,2014). According to McQuiad and Bond, as cited by
Quinter (2011) that students' perception of being suitable for particular jobs also has been found
to be influenced by a number of factors including ethnic background, year in school, the level of
achievement, choice of science subjects, attitudes and differences in job characteristics. And
Quinter (2011) concluded that the availability of advancement opportunities and learning
experiences are the most influential factors affecting career choices. Furthermore, he contended
that the learning experiences and career flexibility influenced most males in their career choice
while for the females are the availability of advancement opportunities and opportunity to apply
skills Family and friends are considered to be an influential part of a student's career choice.
Family role models have more of an influence on what students major in (Wildman and Torres,
2002). Most of the time, parents and friends play a large role but coaches and teachers can also
Three main traits characterize the current concept of career development interventions in the post-
modern era. First career interventions are conceived as being applied over the life span
(Super,1980). Second career development process is viewed as including all the transitions that
considered to be actors in their own career development. In the course of choices of course to
read in the Senior Secondary Schools and universities, a lot of influencing actions or decisions.
weight on them.There are many problems which directly or indirectly influence the Senior
Secondary School.
Three main traits characterize the current concept of career development interventions in the
postmodern era. First career interventions are conceived as being applied over the life span
(Super,1980).Second career development process is viewed as including all the transitions that an
individual experiences :school,job ,and personal (Schlossberg,1984). Third, clients are considered
to be actors in their own career development. In the course of choices of course to read in the
Senior Secondary Schools and universities, a lot of influencing actions or decisions.These general
are many problems which directly or indirectly influence the Senior Secondary School. To enable
studies make good decisions and this ease problem of jobs and skills mismatch, the Department
of Labor and Employment (DOLE) in Region 6 recently conducted orientations for guidance
counselors on the new Standards Manual entitled;Career Guide for High School Students and
Employment Guide for College Students and Jobseeker aimed at enhancing their capability on
Career and Employment coaching. The National Careers Service (NCS) built on the previous
Next Step and Careers Advice Service, and launched in 2012 to provide high quality careers
information and independent professional advice and guidance (BIS, 2012). It is a comprehensive
learning and funding opportunities that while focused mainly on adults, is also open to young
people. The service is accessible through a multitude of channels including advice centers,
Jobcentre Plus, libraries, housing associations, further education colleges, online, via telephone
and mobile as well as online chat. Careers support for adults in England is also delivered by
private and voluntary sector organizations. Private sector career consultants, employers,
recruitment companies, voluntary and community sector organizations, training and learning
providers also offer individuals career support. Other publicly-funded advisers, such as those in
Jobcentre Plus, and informal support from family, friends and colleagues have also been
identified as sources of careers advice in a recent evidence review (UKCES, 2011). The 2010
National Adult Learner Survey (NALS) asked individuals seeking information and advice in
relation to learning which sources they used. Employers were the most common sources of IAG
for formal and non-formal courses (reported by 40 percent of learners), followed by family and
Chapter 3
Research design
In this chapter, the researcher will focus on the methodology used to conduct the study.
It will outline the research methodology employed to investigate the influence of academic
interest on career choices and aspiration among the students of Tantangan National High
We, the researcher, will conduct the study and actively engage with the process of
gathering the needed information for this study. We will conduct an in-depth interview with
the participants of this study. I will ask permission to record our conversation for better
gathering of data and will transcribe it accordingly. And will collaboratively work together
We will carefully interpret the gathered data and make sure that the result will
contribute to the body of knowledge for future references of the teachers and future
Research Participants
The participants of this study will be ten (10) Grade eleven (11) HUMSS students and
ten (10) focus group discussions who facilitated the intervention program conducted among
They will be respectfully asked for their approval to participate in conducting this
study. Upon agreeing to be the researcher’s sources of information for this study, there is an
assurance from the researcher that all of the data gathered will be shared openly while hiding
There will be ten (10) Grade eleven(11) HUMSS students of Tantangan National
High School who facilitated the influence of academic interest on career choices and
aspirations, as the participants of this study that will undergo to an in-depth-interviews which
will be recorded with their permission to gather the needed information accurately.
Data Collection
share their experiences openly and candidly (Seidman, 2013). Each interview is anticipated to
With the parents’ consent, interviews will be audio-recorded to capture the richness of
their narratives accurately. Transcription services will be utilized to convert spoken words
into written text, facilitating a detailed analysis of the interview data (Fontana & Frey,
understanding of the conduct and impact of career choices in their academic interest at
Data Analysis
The researcher will carefully study the gathered data from the interviews. This is to learn
what the participants think about reading intervention at Tantangan National High School.
This part explains how to analyze data. It focuses on a careful method for understanding and
making sense of the narratives expressed and shared by the participants the researcher
(2006), it will be employed to identify, analyze, and report patterns (themes) within the
qualitative data. Thematic analysis provides a flexible yet systematic approach to explore rich
participants' experiences.
Next will be the coding process. The coding process will begin with open coding, where
initial codes will be assigned to segments of the interview transcripts. This phase involves a
line-by-line examination of the data to identify patterns and concepts. Codes will be
generated inductively from the data itself, capturing the essence of participants' experiences
(Saldaña, 2016).
Third process will be Refining and Defining Themes. Themes will be refined through an
iterative process of constant comparison. The researcher will continually compare data within
and across interviews to ensure the coherence and distinctiveness of themes. Clear definitions
and boundaries for each theme will be established, enhancing the reliability and validity of
the analysis (Miles, Huberman, & Saldaña, 2014). Fourth step will be Interpretation and
National High School, acknowledging the different experiences of the participants from the
analyzed data they shared. Contextualization has a pivotal role for providing an
understanding on how reading interventions are being conducted and experienced within this
specific setting.
utilizing direct quotes from participants to illustrate key themes. This reporting style
enhances the transparency and authenticity of the research, allowing readers to connect
directly with the participants' voices and experiences (Creswell & Creswell, 2017).
Ethical Considerations
Our work choices have an impact not only on our personal life, but also on the rest of the
globe. Even though an increasing number of people have the freedom to choose their job, few
consider the ethical consequences of their choices. Honesty and integrity are essential
components of any successful professional practice. Doing the right thing is critical to a long
The Value of Ethics in Career Choice: Ethical issues are crucial when choosing a
vocation since they affect individuals and society as a whole. The following list of factors
Personal Satisfaction: A career that aligns with your moral standards and ethical
objectives may enhance your sense of pleasure and Personal fulfillment. It enables you to
pursue a job that aligns with your values, resulting in a more fulfilled and meaningful life.
themselves. When your job aligns with your values, you are more likely to conduct ethically
and consistently, as well as avoid circumstances when you feel misled or compromised.
Favorable Effect: A common goal of ethical careers is to positively impact society, the
environment, or special causes. Working in such roles allows you to directly address vital
Prolonged Satisfaction: Careers founded on moral beliefs are more likely to bring long-
term satisfaction. Burnout and detachment When your values are reflected in your job, these
incidents are less likely to occur. In the long term, this could help you develop a successful
Improved Emotional and Mental Health: Pursuing an ethical career can improve
mental and emotional health. You will face fewer stressful ethical challenges and moral
discomfort. Making moral decisions at work can improve one's overall quality of life.
Better Recognition: Making ethical decisions can help you succeed and develop in your
career. Making ethical decisions on the job is related with higher respect and trust from
principles are more likely to recruit them. To build a more cohesive and values-driven
workplace culture, many companies prioritize employing people who share their ethical
Leadership with Integrity: Moral leadership can stem from ethical job choices. Those
that prioritize ethics in the workplace create an example for others to follow, sparking reform
Jones, L, ‘The Career Key’, accessed December 2008, ‘Big Picture View of Career