Yourbookshelf 343 Edufa
Yourbookshelf 343 Edufa
Yourbookshelf 343 Edufa
> -
Efua T. Sutherland
Three Continents
Longman Drumbeat
Longman Group Limited London
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throughout the world
[abena is sitting on side seat, her head resting on her knees, her cloth
wrapped round her for warmth. She is gazing into a small, black, water pot
which stands on the step below her. Another pot, red, stands on the floor
beside her. She tilts the black pot, measuring its contents with her eyes.
Then she looks up, sighs wearily and rubs her eyes as if she can no
longer keep sleep away.]
And dreaming.
Dreamlike views of mist rising
Above too much water everywhere.
I heard tonight,
A voice stretched thin through the mist, calling.
Heard in that calling, the quiver of Ampoma's voice.
Thought I saw suddenly in the restless white waters,
The laterite red of an ant-hill - jutting
And rocking.
A misty figure on its topmost tip,
Flicking her fingers like one despairing.
I panicked, and came to this door, listening,
[She returns to her seat, puts her head back on her knees
and is soon singing.]
O, child of Ama,
Child of Ama in the night
Is wandering,
Crying, 'Mm-m-m-m,
How my mother is pondering/
O, child of Ama,
Why is she wandering,
Why wandering,
Why wand'ring in the night
Like the dying?
[She keeps up the last bars of the song for a while, patting
the black pot with one hand, and her own arm with the other
in a manner suggestive of self consolation. Presently, she
looks into the sky again.]
[She rises, tipping the black pot.]
[edufa'* hands reach out and pick up the pots. He is heard issuing
instructions urgently to someone inside.]
edufa: Pour first the dew water, and then the stream water,
over the herbs in the bathroom. Quickly. Then bring out
fire for the incense.
[ampoma has appeared unnoticed at the top of the steps, and is standing
is a look of near insanity about her. seguwa
there unsteadily. There
sees her first, and lets out a stifled scream.]
AM POM a: [Weakly] The sun is shining on the world, and I am . . .
seguwa: [With uncontrolled irritation] O, God! I cannot understand
it. [She picks up a wrap am pom a has dropped on the
steps f starts towards the gate, but gives up in confusion and
returns to the incense burning.]
AM POM a: [Moving and compelling edufa who is supporting her, to
move with her] I have come out into the bright sun.
There is no warmth in my bed. And no comfort. Only
edufa: Sit, then. Let us sit together here. [He urges her tenderly
to the seat near the kitchen door, takes the wrap from
seguwa and arranges it round her shoulders.] You want
[They sit.]
edufa: Come You've been out here too long already.
am pom a: [More calmly, moving again, halting now and then] Let me
talk with you a little longer in the sun before I step into
the dark where you cannot see me. Soon, my pledge will
be honoured. Iam leaving our children motherless in
your hands. Let me hear you say you love them, though
I know you do.
edufa: I love them, Ampoma.
ampoma: And will you keep them from harm? Protect them?
edufa: How else would I be worthy of the sacred name of father?
How worthy of your trust, brave woman? No harm shall
come to the children, that I can prevent.
ampoma: I fear the harm that might come to them from another
woman's dissatisfied heart.
am pom a: [Calmly walking away from him] Over me, the sun is
The voices travel farther into the distance.]
seguwa: [Returning] This what we are living with. This weakness
[She goes to the fire, throws in more incense, and withdraws
from it as if she hates it.]
[kankam enters through tlie gate. Hearing his footsteps, seguwa
turns round in alarm. She is torn between surprise and fear when she
notices who has arrived, kankam stops on the courtyard steps.]
seguwa: Tell Edufa?
kan kam: Yes, the man whom nature makes my son.
seguwa: Oh, grandfather, do I dare? So troubled is his mood, he
has ordered his gate shut against all callers.
kankam: [An angry tap of his umbrella emphasising his temper] Call
him; help him. God sent you here, I'm sure. I could tell
you things ... no ... I couldn't tell you. Oh, please
forget your quarrel with him and help us all. What shall
I say? Hmm. His wife Ampoma is sick, sick, very sick.
I happen to be your father, and you a man in whose
house water is the least of the things that overflow.
consult, [edufa zvinces.] And deeds done in secret can,
by the same process, be brought to light.
edufa: You know nothing. Diviners! Ho! Diviners? What have
diviners got to do with me?
kankam: That, you must tell me. I believe in their ancient art.
I know, at least, that Ampoma is sick, and could die. It
has been revealed to me that she could die. And why?
That you might live.
edufa: Absurd. It is not true Ampoma is a little ill, that's
. . .
edufa: He lies.
kankam: Who? Has that not been heard before? Has that not been
said to many of us mortal men? Why were you not content,
like all of us, to purge your soul by offering gifts of cola
and white calico to the needy, and sacrificing a chicken
My diviner does not lie. The very day itself when all
this happened was clearly engraved in sand.
edufa: [Huffily] All right, all-seeing, prove it. [He sits.]
edufa: Great God! If you were not my father, I would call you . . .
edufa: I owe you no such duty. Why don't you leave me alone?
kankam To
: kill? Say to myself, 'Father, your son wants to
murder', and go? All the world's real fathers would not
wish a murderer for a son, my son. Yes, in spite of my
rage there is still truth of father and son between us.
edufa: Rest. My wife, Ampoma, is not dying.
kankam: If she does not die it will be by the intervention of some
great power alone. An oath once sworn will always ride
its swearer. But there might still be a chance to save her.
edufa: Indeed, enough
in this age, there are doctors with skill
and I can pay their fees.
to sell for what's ailing her,
kankam: [Pleading] Confess and denounce your wrong. Bring out
that evil charm. And before Ampoma and all of us whose
souls are corporate in this household, denounce it. Burn
it. The harm may not be irrevocably done if we raise
cowardice? If you must lie, don't swear about it in a
house in which death is skirmishing, and the ancestral
spirits stand expectantly by. A man may curse himself
from his own lips. Do not curse the house in which your
children have to grow.
Spirits around us, why don't you help him save
himself. When he went to consult the diviner, he was
already doing well.You could tell. If you looked at his
new you could tell. If you looked at his well-
appointed house in whose precincts hunger wouldn't
Already, the town's pavements knew when it was he
who was coming. Nudging announced him. Eyes pivoted
to catch his smile. [With disgust] You could see all the
ivory teeth and all the slimy way down the glowing
gullets of those who were learning to call him sir. For
he was doing well in the art of buying friends by street
edufa: [Seizing on a diversion] Now you betray yourself. It has
taken me all these years to probe the core of your
antagonism. From what you say, it is clear at last that
you envied me. Oh What lengths a man will go to hide
his envy.
kankam: Pitiful.
men must be content or let ourselves be lured on to our
doom. But he wouldn't listen. He doesn't listen. It makes
me ill. Violently ill. I vomit the meat and salt I ate out
of ignorance from his hand.
I have finished. [Pause] It wouldn't be too much to
ask to see the lady before I leave?
edufa: She mustn't be disturbed.
rank am: [Picking up his umbrella from the seat] Well ... as you
wish, noble husband. There are enough women, I
the courtyard.]
edufa: One moment.
not my
place to disillusion your friends. I'll let them bow
to aworm. In time they are bound to know they're
bowing too low for their comfort. Were this matter a
simple case of crime, I would perhaps seek solution by
bringing you to secular justice. As it is, to try still to
save the woman's life our remedy is more probable in the
paths of prayer, which I now go to pursue away from
your unhelpful presence. [He leaves.]
edufa: Alone.
Tears within me that I haven't had the privilege to shed.
Call him back that I may weep on his shoulder.
Why am I afraid of him? He would stand with me,
even though he rages so.
Call him back to bear me on the strength of his faith.
He knows it all. I can swear he is too true a man to
play me But I could not risk confirming it. I dread
[The chorus is heard approaching edufa'j house,.]
They enter through the gate at a run. Their exuberance
and gaiety would belie the solemn nature of their ritual
observance. They stop below the courtyard steps.]
chorus: [Cheerfully] The gate of this house is always open.
seguwa: [Uneasily] Well . . . greeting . . .
chorus one: We have come to drive evil away. Is the man of the
And the lady? We are
house in? driving evil out of town.
chorus: From every home
From street and lane
From every corner of our town.
We the orphans cry.
CHORUS two: [Steps up, sniffing and trying to locate the scent]
seguwa: [Moving quickly forward] Whose funeral sends you out
in ceremony?
chorus: Another's, and our own. It's all the same. While we
mourn another's death, it's our own death we also
seguwa: [Touched] True. [She wipes away a tear.]
chorus: [Crowding near her] Oh, don't let us sadden you.
seguwa: There is so much truth in what you way. I would say,
do your rite and go in peace for it is most necessary here.
I would say, do your rite and do it most religiously, for
it is necessary here. I would say it, but I am not owner
of this house.
chorus one: Why do you hesitate? Is Edufa not in?
seguwa: I am trying to make up my mind whether he should be
in or out.
chorus two: Well, if a man is in, he's in; and if he is out, he's
Which is it?
chorus one: Make up your mind, for soon, noon will be handing
over its power to the indulgent afternoon, and our ritual
is timed with the rigours of high noon. Which is it? Is he
in or out?
seguwa: For driving evil out, he is in, I suppose.
chorus: Aha Then call him.
and . . .
chorus one: And it is hard for him to tear himself away Aha! . . .
seguwa: Yes No
. . Well ... let me go and find out. I can
. . . .
chorus one: What's her trouble? There was a riot in her eyes.
chorus two: We haven't come to beat her. [Showing her clappers]
These aren't cudgels to chastise our fellow men. These
are for smacking the spirits of calamity.
chorus one: [Snidely] Ampoma is lying down, she said.
chorus two: [Laughing] Sick, or lying down in the natural way?
chorus three: I would say, simply rich. Would you not do the
same in her place. Let her enjoy her ease.
chorus four: Imagine the fun of it. [She goes to the seat, right,
chorus one: We would not dream of passing up your house while
we do our rite.
edufa: Whose death is it? Is the rite for a new funeral?
chorus one: No. It's for an old sorrow out of which time has
dried the tears. You can say that we are doing what gives
calamity and woe the final push in the back - which is a
manner of speaking only, as you know . . .
chorus one: To purge your house also in the same old manner,
for calamity is for all mankind and none is free from woe.
edufa: Thank you. You may proceed.
chorus two: [In fun] Then cross our palms with the gleam of
luck. And give us a welcome drink.
And let the beautiful one, your wife, know that we are
edufa: She is not very well today.
chorus: [Genuinely] Oh! Sorry.
edufa: Nothing serious. In fact she is getting better.
chorus: [Relaxing] Good. We greet her and wish her well.
edufa: She thanks you. Welcome in her name, and from myself
[He takes a big gold ring off his finger and touches
as well.
thepalm of each of the women with it, saying:] Good luck
and good fortune to you, friends.
[Moving rhythmically at a slow running pace through the
court and courtyard, they perform their ritual with
Our mother's dead,
We the orphans cry,
We the orphans cry.
[Speaking at a halt]
chorus one: There now. We have done. Health to you. [edufa
is too removed to hear her.] Health to you, Edufa, and to
your wife and all your household. [To her companions]
See how he is moved. We have done right to come to the
house of one as pious as he.
CHORUS two: Such faith must surely bring him blessing.
edufa: [Stirring] Your drinks await you.
chorus one: [As her companions collect their drinks, her own glass
in hand] That's right. Tears and laughter. That's how
it is. It isn't all tears and sorrow, my friends. Tears and
laughter. It isn't all want and pain. With one hand we
wipe away the unsweet water. And with the other we
raise a cup of sweetness to our lips. It isn't all tears,
chorus two: Would'you sit us at your generous table? Eat with us?
chorus three: Charm us?
edufa: Yes. All in good time . . . some day soon.
seguwa: [Running out liappily] Edufa! Edufa! She has asked for
edufa: [Excitedly] For food. She has?
eguwa: [Making fast for the kitchen] For soup. She says, I would
like some fresh fish soup. Thank God.
[As edufa and the chorus are leaving, senchi, carrying a small,
battered leather case, swings in flamboyantly, whistling to announce
edufa: Indeed. You've come in excellent time.
senchi: And what are you doing here? Practising polygamy?
Or big-mammy? Or what? Anyone you choose to declare
will be against the law. I'm in transit, as usual. May I
spend the night with you?
edufa: But certainly. Do me the favour. It's very good to see
you, and my privilege to house one as lucky as you
obviously are.
senchi: [To chorus] Now he flatters.
edufa: I only wish we were better prepared to receive you.
senchi: Impossible. [His eyes on the chorus] You couldn't
improve on this welcome here. All good stock, by their
looks. Local breed? They're not dressed for fun and
games, though, are they? Pity.
chorus three: [Approvingly] He's quite a fellow.
senchi: [Sniffing] And I smell - what is that I smell? Incense?
[To edufa] Say, have you changed your religion again?
What are you practising now? Catholicism, spiritualism,
neo-theosophy or what? Last time I passed through here,
you were an intellectual atheist, or something in that
category. I wouldn't be surprised to see you turned
Buddhist monk next time. [The chorus are leaving.]
Don't go when I've only just come. [To edufa] What are
they going away for?
chorus: Our work is finished here.
edufa: They've been doing a ceremony here. Don't delay them
any longer.
senchi: Why, I smelled something all right. What are they?
Your acolytes? Wait a minute. They're in mourning.
Is someone dead? [To edufa] None of your own,
I hope?
edufa: No.
chorus: This was an old sorrow, friend.
senchi: Ah! I understand. One of those 'condolences' rites.
Why do you people prolong your sorrows so? [To
chorus] Though, I must observe, you have a funny way
of going about it, drinking and sniggering. [Very
playfully] Come on, give me those confounded sticks.
I'llshow you what they are good for. [He snatches the
clappers from the chorus, and a mock chase follows during
which he tries to smack them. He flings the clappers in a
heap below the steps near the kitchen.] Now, embrace me,
and be done with sorrow.
chorus: [Delighted] Oh! Oh! We were on our way.
senchi: To me.
senchi: Oh, how thoughtless of me. Has Ampoma been ill? And
I haven't asked of her . . . though I've brought her a song.
It's all your me. Sorry.
fault for distracting
edufa: . .and you too have come, my friend, and brought us
chorus two: We will be glad to help you celebrate.
senchi: Wonderful.
edufa: [With a great sigh] Oh, Senchi! This has been quite a day.
senchi: [Suddenly serious] Tired? Between you and me, my friend,
I'm downright weary in my b-o-n-e-s myself. I've
become quite you know, tramping out my life.
a wanderer,
It isn't as if I didn't know what I'm looking for. I do.
But oh, the bother and the dither. And the pushing and
the jostling. Brother, if you meet one kind, loving person
in this world who will permit a fellow to succeed at
[She strides ahead to the steps leading into the guest rooms.]
senchi: [Catching up with her] For the sake of a man's nerves,
can't you smile? I can't stand gloom.
SEGUWA: You should have your fun another day.
senchi: What particular brand of fun is this you're recommending?
SEGUWA: The party tonight.
senchi: That? Don't a party, woman. Call it something
call that
Come on. Now what have I said? Are you one of those
women who enjoy crying? I'll make a bargain with you,
then. Allow me to have my rest. When I awake, I
promise to make you cry to your heart's content - by
singing, merely. I make songs, you know. [Patting his
leather case] Songs for everything; songs for goodness,
songs for badness ; for strength, for weakness, for dimples
and wrinkles; and for making you cry. But I'll tell you a
secret. I never make songs about ugliness because I simply
think it should not exist.
abena: I'm glad she's better.
edufa: Oh yes. You did your work well, it seems.
. . .
abena: My work?
edufa: [Quickly changing the subject] How is your young
man? [He takes the tray.]
abena: [Shyly] I will see him today.
edufa: Good. You haven't had much of a chance lately, have
abena: No . . . er . . . Can't I take the soup in to her? I've had
such thoughts. I miss her. We were so happy before all
edufa: Let's get her up strong, then. You can see her tonight.
We have guests.
abena: [Appreciatively] Yes. I've heard him singing.
edufa: It's very good to have him here.
abena: He sings well.
edufa: Some women from town are coming to eat with us
abena: [With childlike joy] People here again. Laughter again.
edufa: [Smiling, but compelling her down the steps] Sister. Come.
[Intimately] Did you mind staying up at nights? Was it
very hard?
abena: [Unburdening] Not . . . too . . . hard. I didn't mind it
[As she goes through the kitchen door, sam enters through
There he is . . . back.
edufa: [Coaxingly] Sam, are you back?
seguwa: I don't know what he's doing with that thing. Let him
take it away.
edufa: What is it, Sam?
seguwa: An owl.
edufa: Take it out. [sam sulks.] We would do well
not to disturb him before we've heard what he has to
say. He can get very stubborn. [Sweetly] Sam, come here.
[sam doesn't budge.] You may keep your bird, [sam turns
to him grinning broadly.]
sam: [Pointing to the owl]My owl and I had a nice thought for
you on the way. When you are born again, master, why
don't you come back as an idiot? There are always people
to stop children throwing stones at us. They only do that
for idiots, I find.
edufa: [Smiling in spite of himself] All right. Now tell me quickly
what I want to know. [Anxiously] Did you find the place?
sam: It's an awful place. What do you send me to places like
that for? Not the village itself. That is beautiful, floating
in blue air on the mountain top, with a climb-way in the
mountain's belly going zig-zag-zig, like a game. [He
thoroughly enjoys his description.]
seguwa: [Impatiently] He's so tiresome with his rambling.
edufa: [Trying to be patient] Good, you found the village. And
the man?
sam: He is a nice man, tall as a god. And he fed me well. You
don't give me chicken to eat, but he did. [Thinks a bit.]
[He fetches the tin box and sets it down before edufa.]
[edufa catches them all.]
edufa: [Hoarsely] Yes . . . quickly, where is it?
sam: [With emphasis] The man says, burn it with your own
hands, before you bathe in the herbs for the last time.
edufa: No. Get something to eat. And rest. You are tired.
[sam picks up the box and walks eagerly to the bird cage.]
we . . .
edufa: [Gripping the pouch in his fists with violence] This is the
final act. I will turn chance to certainty. I will burn this
horror charm, and bury its ashes in the ground ; the one
act that was still hazard if left undone.
[A trestle table covered with a fresh white cloth is moved into the court,
close to the central seat. So is a loaded drinks trolley. The seats, left and
right, are shifted in. Wicker garden chairs provide additional seating.
abena and seguwa are preparing for the party, obviously enjoying
doing it with some taste. They move in plates, cutlery, serviettes, wine
glasses, etc.; pursuing their work without paying more than momentary
attention to any distractions.
evening dress, but has yet to put on his jacket, senchi looks noticeably
absurd in a suit that is not his size. He brings his leather case which he
edufa: I don't know. I thought I did until it got so confusing,
IAsk the town. They know who Edufa is and what
. . .
edufa: I wish I could, like you, dare to bare myself for scrutiny.
[Pause] I'm being compelled to learn however, and the
day will come, I suppose.
senchi: Ah, yes. We commit these thoughts to the wind and leave
it to time to them. [Snapping out of his serious mood]
edufa: Don't worry, they will not miss this chance to dine at
Edufa's house.
SEN CHI: [Preening] Do I look noticeable? [Making much of his
ill-fitting suit] I've never gone hunting in fancy dress
edufa: [Really laughing] Oh, Senchi, you're so refreshing,
you ass.
edufa: Our guests will soon arrive. Before they do, I have an act
of love that I must make tonight.
senchi: You surprise me. Can't you wait? You?
edufa: It is a gesture of pure pleasure such as my heart has
never before requested.
senchi: I don't need telling about the pleasure of it. What I'm
saying is, Can't you wait? You?
edufa: Just now, you judged me unemotional.
senchi: Don't worry; after this confessional, I absolve you of the
edufa: You see, I've never stinted in giving my wife gifts. Gold
she has, and much money can buy. But tonight,
I'm a man lifted up by her love, and I know that nothing
less than flowers will do for one such as she is.
senchi: Lovely.
edufa: [To abena] Little one, you who are soon to marry, I'm
giving you a chance to look at love. Take these flowers in
to Ampoma. [He speaks emotionally into the flowers.]
Tell her that I, her husband, send them; that it is she
who has so matured my would have presented
love. I
them myself, but I have learned the magic of shyness,
and haven't the boldness to look into her eyes yet.
[abena embraces him happily and takes the flowers from
senchi: Applause! Standing ovation! This is the first graceful act
I've ever seen you do. [As abena walks away] Keep the
door open as you go, and let my song keep tune to this
moment of nobility. [He sings]
Nne Nne
Nne Nne
O, Mother
Nne Nne
If I find you
Nne Nne
I'll have to worship you
Nne Nne
She's wonderful
She's wonderful
O, Mother
She's wonderful
Yes, if I find you
Nne Nne
I'll have to worship you
Nne Nne
bdufa: [Glowing] She does. I know. She loves. I know.
abena: 'Tell Senchi,' she said, 'that all will be left to those who
dare to catch in song the comfort of this world.'
senchi: That, I have understood.
abena: And she will join you later, she says.
ed ufa: Yes. She is able to, tonight. Great heart-beat of mine,
it is good to be alive. [Briskly] Senchi, a drink now?
senchi: [At the trolley\ his back on the courtyard] They are coming.
edufa: [Turning round and seeing nobody] How do you know?
senchi: [Also turning round] I'm highly sensitised, that's all. I can
feel women twenty miles away, minimum range.
chorus one: That was exciting, dodging those prying eyes in town.
edufa: [To senchi] You win. They are here.
chorus two: Won't they be surprised tomorrow when they learn
that we too have been invited here.
chorus three: There they are, waiting for us.
senchi: [To edufa, meaning his suit] Do I look noticeable?
edufa: [Sharing the fun] I don't stand a chance beside you.
chorus one: How do I look?
chorus four: Fine. [With relish] Look at that table. It is good
simply to see.
This is indeed most pleasant. I'll get you drinks. [He s
places the gift on the table and gets busy with drinks.]
chorus: Yes.
senchi: That means I must tell them, eh?
chorus: Yes.
senchi: What do I get for all of this, from you?
chorus one: We laugh for you.
senchi: And with me?
chorus: Oh, yes.
senchi: Yes. Yes. Do you never say no?
chorus: No.
senchi: Brilliant conversation. Senchi, you must make better
headway. [Pauses reflectively] Oh, yes you are. They say
they don't ever say no.
chorus one: Isn't he funny!
senchi: So it is. But, quickly before you start crying all over me,
here is a rumpus song all right. We will have the foolery
for which I'm fitly suited tonight. Here is the story of it.
And I came to this city called Bam, and there was this
man whether he is mad or simply stark raving poor, I
that. Wait a minute, I've written his story down. [He takes
some sheets of paper out of his leather case.] I'm a bit of a
writer, you know. [The chorus nudge each other.]
! ;
A man claimed insane walks through the city streets.
No prophet nor priest costumed in fancy gown is he
but he too, afire with zeal, feels that men must heed his
[He looks round for approval. The faces round him are
getting blank with incomprehension. He becomes more
to his accompaniment, ampoma appears unnoticed at the
top of the steps. She is tastefully dressed in a delicate colour ,
senchi: Yes, for such as you a man must sing. The song is yours,
made in the strain of your name ; my gift to you. [He takes
a sheet of music out of his pocket.] Take it. [She does.]
And accept me as yours, devotedly and positively for
ever . . . Amen!
edufa: [Whispering to her] Your hand is trembling. You're sure
you're not cold? you a wrap.
1*11 fetch
anything but the best to our friends. Eat. You don't
know how good it was to hear you fill this house with
merriment. Eat.
ampoma: [Deeply shaken] I will have some wine now. Thank you,
my friends.
I haven't ever seen Ampoma breaking through her
shyness. Besides, if she embraces you, then I can embrace
all the others; and so the night makes progress swingingly.
ampoma: [Embracing edufa] hope you don't think me
Women, I
and sky and water, and all things with which we shall
soon be one, that I am slave to your flesh and happy so
to be. Wear it proudly, this symbol of the union of our
senchi: [To chorus] You have seen truth.
CHORUS one: I couldn't have believed it if my own eyes hadn't
witnessed it. Ampoma?
senchi: Just do what she recommends, that's all.
[amfom A falls on the step with the sign of the sun on it,
seguwa to scream, edufa runs to her, yelling
with horror.]
concern. He's a man caught in the spell of high romance.
Why, if I were in his shoes I would be even more wildly
solicitous. [He thinks this over y forgetting the presence of
the chorus meanwhile.] In his shoes? No, not that.
I'm wearing his suit, I openly confess, but his shoes
I wouldn't wear. I, Senchi, must at all times maintain a
senchi: [Unnerved^ Woman, you are too excitable. What are you
fussing around like a hen wanting somewhere to lay an
egg for? [seguwa looks at him as if she's afraid he'll
hit her.] Control yourself.
seguwa: I cannot any more. She fell. Did you count? Ohl The
thought! She fell three times, and each time she touched
the ground. Oh! Oh!
seguwa: She fell off the sign of the sun; and the sun itself is
seguwa: [Out of control] Bad They would pose no menace
seguwa: [Terrified] I don't know. I have told you nothing. Get out.
I know nothing about it. Why did you come feasting here
tonight? Get out! Get out all of you. [She rears up against
the wall, pointing at the chorus.] Or, are you eager to
take Ampoma's place? Can you pay the price of sharing
Edufa's bed? Nothing less than your lives? Oh, he is
most dangerous.
chorus one: Do you remember this morning at our ceremony,
that woman's haunted look; her strangeness?
chorus TWO: Her fighting to say whether Edufa was in or out?
chorus one: And Edufa himself. If there wasn't something
terribly wrong, would he have been so conspicuously
when Ampoma asked for food?
senchi: Do you mean that all this happened here?
chorus three: Yes, this morning, in our presence.
senchi: [Grimly to himself] To me also, he has shown some strange
disturbances of spirit this day . . . And then, Ampoma's
wandering mind tonight, her But . . . let's not run on so.
We know nothing until I go in there.
seguwa: [Bursting out] Don't ask me to talk. Help me. You have
come to do the rite, have you not? Do it quickly, I implore
senchi: [At the top of the steps] Edufa!
seguwa: What is there left of sacredness?
chorus: By the souls of our fathers, speak.
seguwa: It is that evil charm on which the oath was sworn. We
cannot ever forget it. We cannot reason without it now.
senchi: What? Charms in Edufa's house?
chorus: What charm?
senchi: Edufa! It's Senchi.
SEGUWA: And yet he burned it. But the deed was done. He buried
CHORUS one: Died? For him? People don't die that kind of death.
chorus: Died? No. We have eaten here with her, laughed with her.
senchi: [Helplessly] Groans in there . . . like one who stifles agony
lest he sheds unmanly tears. I fear it is the worst, my
SEGUWA: Coward! Coward! Coward! He is a cursed man. Go. Tell
the town about the man who let his wife die for him.
[She breaks down.] Then go, and tell her mother. Oh,
mother! Will someone go and tell her mother, for I cannot
look her in the face. I cannot look those motherless
children in the face.
chorus: You lie. We will not believe you.
SEGUWA: Come, I'll show you where he buried it.
chorus one: Oh, Edufa. Has this woman fed from your hand, who
now maligns you so?
chorus: Great God, is it true that she is dead?
senchi: [Shaking him] Edufa. Friend. What's all this about
edufa: [Violent, his voice unnatural] I burned it. [He slouches
helplessly on the steps.]
chorus one: Do you hear him? He buried it, he says. There was
not know that harm could be done. I did not know it.
[Looking belligerently at senchi, and not recognising him]
Who are you? Why are you looking at me?
senchi: [Sadly] Senchi.
chorus one: He is raving.
edufa: I told her not to swear. I didn't know that harm could
be done.
chorus: Not to swear, or harm could be done. Alas!
senchi: [Seizing hold of him] Tell me all, Edufa.
lament.] Conqueror . . . ?
CHORUS: [Several voices together, and a single voice every now and
then, as they make their way out through the gate; rendered
at a slow dirge tempo.]
That we should be the witnesses.
Do not restrain your tears,
Let them stream,
Make a river of sorrow, for Ampoma is dead.
senchi: Blank. I have ended up blank once again. All that is left,
Will someone go and tell her mother? [He sings]
r^""" 1
night Is wan-der-ing,
i r^s —
is "~7 r i r 11 r ^ ^
Nne Nne Nne- I'll have to wo r-ship you Nne Nne Nne
thought thro ugh, and I'll bow to you right low and.
grant you a mas-ter's due. Fea - ther-fine
Ways of Sunlight
Samuel Selvon
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