Onarse LP

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Content Standard: The learner demonstrates an understanding of the skills and task
appropriate for middle and late adolescence, and preparatory to early

Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to make a list of ways to become responsible
adolescents prepared to adult life

Learning competency: The learners evaluate one’s development in comparison with the persons
of the same age group.

Code: Esp-PD11/12DS-Id-3.2


At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:

1. define identity and role confusion;

2. perform a speech about the importance of understanding the changes in

adolescence and;

3. appreciate the importance of understanding the changes in adolescence.


 Topic: Changes in Adolescence

 References: Personal Development by Ricardo Rubio Santos
p. 43-44
 Time Allotment: 60 minutes
 Instructional Materials:
o Laptop
o Television
o Power Point Presentation
o Manila Paper
o Pentel Pen

Teacher’s activity Student’s activity

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Prayer

Okay class, Let us all stand for the opening Amen….


2. Greetings

Good Morning, class! Good Morning Ma’am!

Okay, seat down class! Thank You Ma’am!

3. Checking of Attendance

Do we have any absences today? No, Ma’am.

Very good class, there is no absentee today.

4. Checking of Assignment

Class, did I give you an assignment yesterday?

Yes, Ma’am
Okey, kindly pass your assignment in front.
( The student will pass their assignment)
5. Classroom Management

Class, before we go to our activities, may I

remind you with our classroom policy, First,
let’s respect each other. Second, no gadgets
Yes, Ma’am
during class. Third, if you have questions or
personal necessities like you want to go to C.R
just raise your hand and ask for my

B. Developmental Activities

1. Drill?

Class I will show jumbled letters and then you

just need to arrange them and tell what is the
word, you’ve made.

The student who finished first or got the right
answer will be the winner and a special
incentive will be given.

2. Review

What is Adolescence? -Adolescence is between childhood and


How many stages do Eric Erikson’s Stages of - There are eight stages in Eric Erikson’s
Personal Development have? Stages of Personal Development.

3. Unlocking of Difficulties

Egocentric -Having or regarding the self or the individual

as the center of all things.

Puberty -Puberty is the time in life when a boy or girl

becomes sexually mature.

-Role Confusion is being unsure of who you

Role Confusion are and where you fit.
C. Motivation

1. Today I will show you some pictures, I would

like you to observe.

(The students will observe the pictures.)

2. How would you describe the four pictures? The four pictures Ma’am illustrates the
attitudes and behaviours of adolescents.
3. What do you think reason for these attitudes Ma’am, I think the reason for these attitudes
and behaviours of adolescents? and behaviors of adolescents is because of the
changes happen in adolescents.
( Answer may Vary )

D. Activity

- Volunteer students will complete the puzzle
identifying 5 changes in adolescence.

- Volunteer students will complete the puzzle

for at least five (5) minutes.

E. Analysis

What have you observed with the answer in Ma’am, These changes happen in our life.
our activity?

As adolescents, are these changes happening Yes, Ma’am.

to you right now?

Why do changes happen to adolescents? Changes happen to adolescence for the

preparation of adult life.
(Answer may Vary)

Why understanding the changes of Understanding the changes of adolescence is

adolescence is important? important because it helps adolescents to be
responsible and to be prepared for adult life.
(Answer may Vary)
F. Abstraction

- Eric Erikson’s stages of personal

development state that there is a crisis or
conflict in adolescence stage either get
resolved or maybe left unresolved, resulting in
favorable or unfavorable outcomes.

-This crisis or conflict is Identity vs. Role


-Identity is the concept of an individual about

himself and is often referred to as “self-
identity”. Identity is a self-belief of what the
individuals thinks and feels about himself.

-Role Confusion is the negation of self-identity,

in a sense there is confusion over one’s self
concept or the absence or lack of such a

Changes in Adolescence

 The adolescents physiological

transitioning is very pronounced at this

 Cognitive growth among adolescents is

usually marked by the way they are
able to comprehend abstract concepts,
such as freedom and human right.

 The reckless behavior of adolescents is

sometimes attributed to the
development of their brains since their
ability to make plans and see the
consequences of their actions are not
yet fully developed unlike in adults.

 Experimentation is a common activity

among adolescents as they search
their identity.

* Different clothing and fashion

styles are often the most obvious ways
used by adolescents in expressing their
independence and in asserting their
unique selves.

 They also search for social group with

whom they find common interests to
further validate their chosen identity.

* Socializing among male and female

adolescents also occur.

 Sexual experimentation also happens

in this stage.

F. Application
5 minutes speech
- The class will be divided into 4 groups.

-In 10 minutes, each group will prepare a 5

minute speech highlighting the importance of
understanding the changes in adolescence.

-Each group will choose a representative to

present their output.

Here are the rubrics for this activity.

Score Description

5 Oral presentation is
exceptionally clear,
thorough and easy to

4 Oral report is
generally clear and
reflective of students
personalized ideas

3 Oral report reflective

of something
learned; it lacks

2 Oral report is unclear

and impossible to
1 No oral report was

G. Generalization

Did you have fun with your activity? Yes, Ma’am

Now, In our lesson what are the changes in The changes in adolescence are physiological
adolescence? changes, cognitive growth, reckless behavior,
experimentation, search for social group, and
sexual experimentation.

Why understanding the changes of Understanding the changes of adolescence is

adolescence is important? important because it helps adolescents to be
responsible and to be prepared for adult life.

Understanding to the changes of adolescence

is important because the whole community
have a moral responsibility to expand our
communication, expand our perspective, and
guide them in the right direction for a bright
and prosperous future.
I think you are ready to take the next level of
this lesson. So, let’s have a short quiz, class.
Prepare a ¼ sheet of paper.

H. Evaluation
Write T if the statement is TRUE and F if the
statement is FALSE.
____1. Identity is a self-belief of what individual
thinks and feels about himself.
____2. Role confusion is the negation of self-
____3. Experimentation is a common activity
among adolescents as they search for their
____4. Socializing among male and female
adolescents also occur in Adolescence stage.
____5. Different clothing and fashion styles are
often the most obvious ways used by
adolescents in expressing their independence
and in asserting their unique selves.
____6. Cognitive growth among adolescents is
usually marked by the way they are able to
comprehend abstract concept, such as
freedom and human right.
____7. Adolescent’s physiological transitioning
is very pronounced at this stage.
____8. Reckless behavior of adolescents are
sometimes attributed to the development of
their brains.
____9. Eric Erikson’s stages of personal
development stated that there is a crisis or
conflict in adolescence’s stage either gets
resolved or maybe left unresolved, resulting in
favorable or unfavorable outcomes.
____10. Sexual experimentation also happens
in adolescence stage.

I. Assignment
So for your assignment, read about the
adolescence and social behaviour & skills and
tasks appropriate for Middle and Late
Adolescence. (Students take notes)

That’s it for now. Hope you learn something

today. God bless.
Goodbye and Thank you, Ma’am.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Ivy May C. Onarse Mr. Ronell M. Salva, Lpt

Pre-Service Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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