N21 Integrated Humanities (English) Marksheme
N21 Integrated Humanities (English) Marksheme
N21 Integrated Humanities (English) Marksheme
November 2021
Integrated humanities
On-screen examination
31 pages
This markscheme is confidential and for the exclusive use of examiners in this examination session.
It is the property of the International Baccalaureate and must not be reproduced or distributed to any
other person without the authorization of the IB Global Centre, Cardiff.
The following are the annotations available to use when marking responses.
The following are the command terms used in the exam, along with their definitions as provided in MYP: From Principles into Practice.
Break down in order to bring out the essential elements or structure. To identify parts and relationships, and to interpret information
to reach conclusions.
Offer a considered and balanced review that includes a range or arguments, factors or hypotheses. Opinions or conclusions should
be presented clearly and supported by appropriate evidence.
State Give a specific name, value or other brief answer without explanation or calculation.
Consider the merits or otherwise of an argument or concept. Opinions and conclusions should be presented clearly and supported
To what extent
with appropriate evidence and sound argument.
Note to all examiners: The approach used in assessment in the application of assessment criteria is a “best fit” model. The examiner applying an assessment criterion
must choose the achievement level that overall best matches the piece of work being marked. It is not necessary for every detailed aspect of an achievement level to be
satisfied for that level to be awarded but it must reflect the balance of student achievement against the markband. For example, if student work matches two of the three
requirements within a markband but one is seriously lacking, the student should be awarded for the strands that have been met well, but the mark awarded should be at
the lower end of the markband to compensate for what is lacking in one strand. If the level of student work spans multiple markbands, compensation depends on the
performance in the higher order skills. It is worth noting that the highest level of any given criterion does not represent perfection.
Note to all examiners: Examiners should mark positively rewarding what is correct and not take marks away for what is incorrect.
Question 1a – Criterion A
Using data from Source A, outline the trend in social media usage by teenagers in 2012 and 2018. (2 marks)
Question 1b – Criterion A
With reference to the information in Source B, explain one way in which social media can help encourage young people to take action. (4 marks)
The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (1 mark).
The student states one way social media
1 can help encourage young people to take Social media makes it easy for people to know what is going on in their area.
A (1 mark) response is likely to be one sentence that hints at a single way.
The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (2 marks).
The student outlines one way social media
Social media makes it easy for people to know what is going on in their area, such as public rallies.
2 can help encourage young people to take
A (2 mark) response is likely to be a single sentence with a single way that is elaborated on; the detail
provided will be brief.
The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (3 marks).
Social media makes it easy for people to know what is going on in their area, such as public
rallies. Posting on social media will help spread the message to a vast audience and give
The student describes one way social people the details about where to go and when.
3 media can help encourage young people to
take action. One way should be considered in detail without any comprehensive reasons given. An example may
be used to support the description.
To provide the required level of detail for (3 marks), a short paragraph is likely to be required.
More important than the length of the response is the quality and depth provided.
The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (4 marks).
Social media makes it easy for people to know what is going on in their area, such as public
rallies. Posting on social media will help spread the message to a wide audience by giving people the
details about where to go and when. This could encourage more young people to take part, which
is more likely to bring attention to the issue in the hope of making a change.
The student explains one way social media
One way should be considered in detail, along with reasoning why social media could encourage
4 can help encourage young people to take
action. young people to get involved. An example may be given to support the explanation; names of social
media platforms are not essential in the response.
To provide the required level of detail for (4 marks), a short to mid-length paragraph is likely to be
More important than the length of the response is the quality and depth provided.
Question 2 – Criterion B
Note: Students do not need to discuss both strengths and limitations of every part of the investigation to access full marks. Marks are
awarded based on the quality of the response, not the number of strengths or limitations referred to.
Note: Bold is used to indicate the difference in depth/detail between markbands.
The action plan covers many different aspects of the topic, such as the causes of protests and
the outcomes.
The student outlines the strength(s) of the
youth centre’s action plan. Only one strength needs to be mentioned and elaborated on to warrant (2 marks).
However, if a student outlines three or more strengths, they can be awarded (3 marks).
A (2 mark) response is likely to be a single sentence with two clauses or two/three short
sentences; the detail provided will be brief.
The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (3 marks).
The action plan covers many different aspects of the topic, such as the causes of protests and the
outcomes. Therefore, this should help provide detailed information on youth protest that can
The student explains the strength(s) of the be used in the exhibition.
youth centre’s action plan.
Only one strength needs to be mentioned and elaborated on in additional detail with reasoning to
warrant (3 marks).
They are not doing any of their own primary research, such as interviewing a young activist from
their community about issues they care about.
The student outlines the limitation(s) of the
youth centre’s action plan. Only one limitation needs to be mentioned and elaborated on to warrant (2 marks). However, If a
student outlines three or more limitations, they can be awarded (3 marks).
A (2 mark) response is likely to be a single sentence with two clauses or two/three short sentences;
the detail provided will be brief.
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The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (3 marks).
They are not doing any of their own primary research, such as interviewing a young activist from
their community about issues they care about. If they only focus on national or global issues and
The student explains the limitation(s) of the
3 sources, they cannot be sure that these are also relevant to the local community.
youth centre’s action plan.
Only one limitation needs to be mentioned and elaborated on in additional detail with reasoning to
warrant (3 marks).
If a student outlines three or more limitations, they can be awarded (3 marks).
Overall the action plan is good, it has some strengths but it could also be improved.
The student provides a limited appraisal of
the youth centre’s action plan. The appraisal statement is likely to be a summary of the strengths and limitations or a brief judgment
on the investigative process.
The appraisal can appear anywhere in the response; it does not have to be a concluding statement.
The following are examples of the type of response that would be awarded (2 marks).
• Overall the action plan is good, it has some strengths as it covers various topics but it could be
improved by collecting their own primary data.
The student provides a detailed overall
appraisal of the youth centre’s action plan
The appraisal statement will weigh up both positive and negative points (this may be done implicitly or
explicitly) and make an overall judgement on the investigative process.
The appraisal can appear anywhere in the response; it does not have to be a concluding statement.
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Question 3a – Criterion B
Formulate a clear and focused research question that would allow you to investigate “Youth protest through time, place and space” within your
local community. (2 marks)
The student does not achieve a standard Rewording the exhibition title into a question should be awarded (0 marks).
0 described by any of the descriptors given
The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (1 mark).
Question 3b – Criterion B
Justify the relevance of your research question to the exhibition title “Youth protest through time, place and space”. (4 marks)
The student states the relevance of the My research question will help me to find out about a specific cause of social protest in my local
1 research question to the exhibition title ‘Youth community.
protest through time, place and space’
No detail is required. This is likely to be a single sentence response that makes a simple connection
between the exhibition title and the RQ.
The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (2 marks).
The student outlines the relevance of the My research question will help me to find out about a specific cause of social protest in my local
2 research question to the exhibition title ‘Youth community by focusing on climate change and its impact today.
protest through time, place and space’.
Likely to be a single sentence with two clauses or two/three short sentences that provides brief detail
on how the RQ is relevant to the exhibition title.
The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (3 marks).
My research question will help me to find out about a specific cause of social protest in my local
community by focusing on climate change and its impact today. It will show me how important this
issue is to local young people and whether other issues are also important.
The student describes the relevance of the
3 research question to the exhibition title ‘Youth At least one argument/factor should be considered in detail without providing reasoning why the RQ is
protest through time, place and space’. relevant to the exhibition title.
To provide the required level of detail for (3 marks), a short paragraph is likely to be required.
More important than the length of the response, is the quality and depth provided
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The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (4 marks).
My research question will help me to find out about a specific cause of social protest in my local
community by focusing on climate change and its impact today. It will show me how important this
issue is to local young people and whether other issues are also important. Up-to-date research
such as this will make it a more effective exhibition.
The student justifies how the research
4 question is relevant to the exhibition title At least one argument/factor should be considered in detail, along with reasoning why the RQ is
‘Youth protest through time, place and space’. relevant to the exhibition title.
To provide the required level of detail for (4 marks), a short to mid-length paragraph is likely to be
More important than the length of the response, is the quality and depth provided.
Question 3c – Criterion B
Other than researching and viewing news footage, state two methods of primary data collection that would help your investigation into your local
community. (2 marks)
Question 3d – Criterion B
Outline the usefulness of one of the methods of primary data collection you listed in part (c) for your investigation into your local community. (2 marks)
An interview would allow me to get reliable, up-to-date information on the opinions of local people.
The student outlines the usefulness of one
method of primary data collection. The student provides a statement/fact about the method’s usefulness with some brief
If the student incorrectly responds to question 3c, they should not be penalized in this question and
should be awarded (2 marks) if they provide an outline.
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Question 3e – Criterion B
Outline one possible challenge you might face when carrying out your investigation into your local community. (2 marks)
Question 4
Create a persuasive presentation based on the circular economy model to explain to your chosen company how to reduce their impact on the
environment so it benefits them and society.
Criterion A
Note: If the student provides knowledge and understanding in the annotations of the diagram, which is not repeated or covered in their presentation
script then this should be awarded under criterion A.
Marks Descriptor Notes
The student does not achieve a standard
0 described by any of the descriptors given
The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (1 mark).
The circular economy is a way to help your company by applying a process to make, use and recycle.
The student demonstrates limited knowledge
and understanding by outlining how to The textiles industry uses water and chemicals. There is a process of dyeing cloth that uses no water
1 reduce their environmental impact, using a and practically no chemicals, takes half the time and uses less energy.
limited example and limited relevant
terminology. As you can see, it is possible to care about your environmental footprint.
The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (3 marks).
The circular economy is a way to help your company show that you care about the environment.
You could now apply a process to make, use and recycle based on the circular economy model.
The textiles industry uses vast quantities of water and chemicals and produces toxic waste. There
is now a new process of dyeing cloth that uses no water at all and practically no chemicals other
than the dyes themselves. It uses carbon dioxide that can be reused. This process also takes half
The student demonstrates adequate
the time, uses less energy and costs less to you. This means that your products will also be
knowledge and understanding by describing
more affordable.
2-3 how to reduce their environmental impact,
using satisfactory examples and appropriate
As you can see, it is possible to care deeply about your environmental footprint. This new process
relevant terminology.
will make your company a leader in the textile industry.
It should be evident that the student has knowledge of the circular economy and environmental impact
of the company and they should be able to call on relevant example(s) to support their point(s) but
these examples might be lacking in detail or not be the most appropriate.
There is likely to be little or no reasoning provided in the response i.e. there may be some reasoning
provided but the examples/terminology/detail in the response is not sufficient enough to warrant a
mark in the higher band then a mark in this band should be awarded (see best-fit guidance at the start
of the document).
Terminology used should be accurately used in the correct context.
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The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (4 marks).
The circular economy is a way to help your company set a goal of being responsible with your
resources while showing that you care about the environment and the changing needs of the
world. With the global population constantly increasing, companies are using more resources
than the planet can provide. Our future depends on reusing what we have in a sustainable way.
Fortunately, one resource that is unlimited is innovation!
You could now apply an ingenious process to make, use and recycle based on the circular economy
model. The textiles industry in which you operate uses vast quantities of water and chemicals and
produces huge amounts of toxic waste, which is a major problem in many countries. There is
The student demonstrates substantial now a new process of dyeing cloth that uses no water at all and practically no chemicals other than
knowledge and understanding by explaining the dyes themselves. It uses carbon dioxide that evaporates and can be recycled to be used again.
4-5 how to reduce their environmental impact, This process also takes half the time, uses less energy and therefore costs less to you. For your
using accurate examples and appropriate clients, this means that your products will also be more affordable.
relevant terminology.
As you can see, it is possible to care deeply about your environmental footprint. This new process will
make your company a leader in the textile industry because the precious resource that is water
will no longer be needed.
At this level, students need to demonstrate good understanding of the circular economy and
environmental impact of the company by providing a detailed response to the question.
The student should call on appropriate example(s) that support their point(s).
There may be some reasoning provided but if the examples/terminology/detail in the response are not
sufficient to warrant a mark in the higher band then a mark in this band should be awarded (see best-
fit guidance at the start of the document).
Terminology used should be accurately and effectively used in the correct context.
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The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (6 marks).
The circular economy is a way to help your company set a goal of being responsible with your
resources while showing that you care about the environment and the changing needs of the world.
With the global population constantly increasing, companies are using more resources than the planet
can provide. Our future depends on reusing what we have in a sustainable way. Fortunately, one
resource that is unlimited is innovation!
You could now apply an ingenious process to make, use and recycle based on the circular economy
model that was developed after years of research with a clear goal to update daily operations to
support sustainability. The textiles industry in which you operate uses vast quantities of water and
chemicals and produces huge amounts of toxic waste, which is a major problem in many countries
like China, India, Vietnam and Thailand. Some of these substances can be hazardous and can
be released into the environment through production, consumption and disposing of fabrics,
The student demonstrates detailed
affecting the environment and people’s health. There is now a new process of dyeing cloth that
knowledge and understanding by thoroughly
uses no water at all and practically no chemicals other than the dyes themselves using pressurised
explaining how to reduce their environmental
6 carbon dioxide (CO2) that dissolves the dye and transfers it into the fabric. The carbon dioxide
impact, using accurate and effective
then evaporates and is in turn recycled and used again. This process also takes half the time, uses
examples and appropriate relevant
less energy and therefore costs less to you. For your clients, this means that your products will also be
more affordable.
As you can see, it is possible to care deeply about your environmental footprint. This new process will
make your company a global leader in the textile industry because the precious resource that is water
will no longer be needed to produce strong and colourful cloth all at a lower cost to you and to
your loyal costumers.
The response should be very detailed and provide clear reasoning, making use of example(s).
However, comprehensive understanding of the circular economy and environmental impact of the
company should be included.
The student may have demonstrated an excellent understanding, however this does not mean that the
response must be perfect or the best example of a response you have seen; there are multiple ways
of demonstrating ability and quite different responses may be awarded the same mark.
Terminology used should be accurately and effectively used in the correct context.
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Marks Descriptor
0 The student does not achieve a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.
The student structures information and ideas Ideas frequently build on each other in a logical manner.
3 in a way that is mainly effective and When appropriate, the student often uses effective transitions within sentences and/or between
appropriate to the audience. sentences and/or paragraphs to show relationships between ideas.
The student structures information and ideas Ideas consistently build on each other in a clear and logical manner.
4 in a way that is consistently effective and When appropriate, the student always uses effective transitions within sentences and/or between
appropriate to the audience. sentences and/or paragraphs to show relationships between ideas.
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Question 5a – Criterion D
Question 5b – Criterion D
Question 5c – Criterion D
Outline one value of the table in Source E to an MYP student researching economic and social development. (2 marks)
A (2 mark) response is likely to be a single sentence with two clauses or two/three short
sentences; the detail provided will be brief.
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Question 5d – Criterion D
Outline one limitation of the table in Source E to an MYP student researching economic and social development. (2 marks)
It is not clear which data comes from the two different years.
The student outlines one limitation of the table
2 in Source E for a MYP student researching Only one limitation needs to be mentioned and elaborated on to warrant (2 marks). The quality of
economic and social development. the response is what is rewarded, not the number of limitations referred to.
A (2 mark) response is likely to be a single sentence with two clauses or two/three short
sentences; the detail provided will be brief.
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Question 6 – Criterion D
Justify why migration has become such an important issue today that it requires indicators like those shown in Source F. (6 marks)
Today many people move from their home country to new places.
The student outlines why migration has become such
Often the governments of their new homes do not have policies in place to help them settle
1 an important issue today that it requires indicators like
in well. These indicators should help make migration successful for everyone involved.
those shown in Source F.
The detail provided will be limited; the response is likely to be brief. There will not be any
reason(s) provided.
The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (3 marks).
Today many people move from their home country to new places.
When migrants do arrive in a new country, whether illegally or legally, it can create
The student describes why migration has become such tension. To help them settle it is essential that their well-being and safety is looked
2-3 an important issue today that it requires indicators like after by local institutions. Often the governments of their new homes do not have policies
those shown in Source F. in place to help them settle in well or the policies are different in different countries.
These indicators should help make migration successful for everyone involved.
There should be a reasonable amount of detail provided but there will not be any reason(s)
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The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (4 marks).
Today migration has become an important issue because there are so many people
moving from their home country to new places in search of work or a better quality of life.
When migrants do arrive in a new country, whether illegally or legally, it can create tension.
The student provides a justification of why migration Some countries receive so many migrants that it is a challenge for the country to
4-5 has become such an important issue today that it integrate them successfully. To help them settle it is essential that their well-being and
requires indicators like those shown in Source F. safety is looked after by local institutions. Often the governments of their new homes do not
have policies in place to help them settle in well or the policies are different in different
countries. These indicators should help make migration successful for everyone involved.
At this level, students need to demonstrate justification by providing reason(s) why migration
has become such an important issue, without providing extensive detail.
The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (6 marks).
Today migration has become an important issue because there are so many people moving
from their home country to new places in search of work or a better quality of life.
Migrants are not always able to travel safely or legally and therefore put their lives at
risk. Indicators like those developed by the IOM are important because they aim to
make sure that migrants’ human rights are respected before, during and after they
When migrants do arrive in a new country, whether illegally or legally, it can create tension.
Some countries receive so many migrants that it is a challenge for the country to integrate
The student provides a detailed justification of why
them successfully. To help them settle it is essential that their well-being and safety is
6 migration has become such an important issue today
looked after by local institutions. Often the governments of their new homes do not have
that it requires indicators like those shown in Source F.
policies in place to help them settle in well or the policies are different in different countries.
These indicators should help make migration successful for everyone involved.
The response should be very detailed and provide clear justification. More important than the
length of the response, is the quality and depth provided.
The student may have demonstrated excellent critical thinking, however this does not mean
that the response must be perfect or the best example of a response you have seen; there
are multiple ways of demonstrating ability and quite different responses may be awarded the
same mark.
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Question 7
“Economic development is more important than social development.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
In a well-structured essay, you must:
• Consider both economic and social perspectives
• Provide examples from Source E and/or your MYP studies. (24 marks)
Note: Examiners should mark positively by rewarding what is correct and should not deduct marks for incorrect or vague parts of the
• At this level, students need to demonstrate a very good understanding of the issue/topic
by providing a detailed response to the question. An explanation requires reasons to be
The student demonstrates substantial contextual and
5-6 conceptual understanding in an explanation, using
• The student should call on appropriate examples that support their points.
accurate examples and appropriate terminology.
• Terminology should be accurately and effectively used in the correct context most of the
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• The response should be very detailed and provide clear reasons, making use of examples
that work to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the issue/topic.
• The student may have demonstrated an excellent understanding, however this does not
The student demonstrates detailed contextual and
mean that the response must be perfect or the best example of a response you have
conceptual understanding in a thorough explanation,
7-8 seen; there are multiple ways of demonstrating ability and quite different responses may
using accurate and effective examples and
be awarded the same mark.
appropriate terminology.
• Terminology should be accurately and effectively used in the correct context all of the
Criterion D
• Two perspectives (economic and social) must be included with substantial development
of these to show a good understanding of both and their implications, the two
perspectives will be equally considered/balanced but not enough details are included to
award a higher level.
The student provides different perspectives in an • Ideas on economic and social development are combined to form a clear and coherent
analysis and synthesizes information to make clear conclusion indicating whether economic or social development is important is required
arguments in response to the question posed. (students may conclude that they are equally important).
The synthesis (combining ideas) could appear in the main body of the essay or in the
• The response should include evidence of examples being used effectively to help inform
and support an argument.
• Two perspectives (economics and social) must be included with thorough development of
these to show an excellent understanding of both and their implications. The two
perspectives must be equally considered/balanced.
• Ideas on economic and social development are combined to form a clear, coherent and
The student provides different perspectives in a convincing conclusion indicating whether economic or social development is important is
detailed discussion and synthesizes information to required (students may conclude that they are equally important).
7-8 make clear arguments in response to the question • The response should include evidence of examples being used effectively to help inform
and support a comprehensive argument.
Although the student will have demonstrated critical thinking, this does not mean that the
response must be perfect or the best example of a response you have seen; there are
multiple ways of demonstrating analytical skills and quite different responses may be
awarded the same mark.
C1: Format
0 The student does not achieve a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.
Two of the following elements are included: introduction, a main body of argument or a conclusion
Note: The elements must appear as separate paragraphs. If this is not the case (0 marks) should be awarded.
Three of the following elements are included: introduction, a main body of argument and a conclusion
2 Note: The elements must appear as separate paragraphs.
Note: A conclusion should not introduce significant, new arguments into the essay (minor points or examples may be accepted).
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