M21 Integrated Humanities (English) Markscheme

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May 2021

Integrated humanities

On-screen examination

29 pages

This markscheme is confidential and for the exclusive use of examiners in this examination session.

It is the property of the International Baccalaureate and must not be reproduced or distributed to any
other person without the authorization of the IB Global Centre, Cardiff.

The following are the annotations available to use when marking responses.

Annotation Explanation Shortcut Annotation Explanation Shortcut

Benefit of the doubt Alt+5 Highlight tool

Clear knowledge shown Alt+8 Irrelevant

Descriptive On page comment (text box) Alt+4

Effective evaluation Underline tool (can be expanded)

Excellent use of sources Alt+6 Seen Alt+0

Good analysis Synthesis

Good example Alt+7 Unclear Alt+3

Good explanation Unfinished answer Alt+9

Incorrect Point Alt+2 Vague

Good Response/Good Point Alt+1


The following are the command terms used in the exam and markscheme level descriptors, along with their definitions as provided in MYP: From Principles
into Practice.

Command term Definition

Break down in order to bring out the essential elements or structure. To identify parts and relationships, and to interpret information to
reach conclusions.

Describe Give a detailed account or picture of a situation, event, pattern or process.

Offer a considered and balanced review that includes a range or arguments, factors or hypotheses. Opinions or conclusions should be
presented clearly and supported by appropriate evidence.

Evaluate Make an appraisal by weighing up the strengths and limitations.

Explain Give a detailed account including reasons or causes.

Formulate Express precisely and systematically the relevant concept(s) or argument(s).

Identify Provide an answer from a number of possibilities. Recognize and state briefly a distinguishing fact or feature.

Justify Give valid reasons or evidence to support an answer or conclusion.

Outline Give a brief account or summary.

Select Choose from a list or group.

State Give a specific name, value or other brief answer without explanation or calculation.

Summarize Abstract a general theme or major point(s).

Synthesize Combine different ideas in order to create new understanding.

Consider the merits or otherwise of an argument or concept. Opinions and conclusions should be presented clearly and supported with
To what extent
appropriate evidence and sound argument.

Note to all examiners: The approach used in assessment in the application of assessment criteria is a “best fit” model. The examiner applying an assessment criterion
must choose the achievement level that overall best matches the piece of work being marked. It is not necessary for every detailed aspect of an achievement level to be
satisfied for that level to be awarded but it must reflect the balance of student achievement against the markband. For example, if student work matches two of the three
requirements within a markband but one is seriously lacking, the student should be awarded for the strands that have been met well, but the mark awarded should be at
the lower end of the markband to compensate for what is lacking in one strand. If the level of student work spans multiple markbands, compensation depends on the
performance in the higher order skills. It is worth noting that the highest level of any given criterion does not represent perfection.

Question 1 – Criterion A

Using Source A, state two adaptation actions that a community could take to limit the negative effects of climate change. (2 marks)

Responses may include:

 building flood walls
 raising the height of land next to bodies of water
 building removable storm barriers
 cooling cities by enlarging green spaces
 reducing black tarmac and concrete that soak up heat
 encouraging people to build away from bodies of water
 expanding the coastline into the river.

Question 2 – Criterion A

Explain the difference between climate change adaptation actions and policies to reduce CO2 emissions. (4 marks)

Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not achieve a standard described

by any of the descriptors given below.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (1 mark).

Adaptation actions focus on the environment and policies to reduce CO2 emissions focus on
climate change.
The student states the difference between adaptation
actions and policies to reduce CO2 admissions. A (1 mark) response is likely to be one sentence that hints at a single basic difference. The
response does not have to explicitly reference both strategies.

For (1 mark), the response needs to state the difference between the strategies, not
necessarily provide a statement on both.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (2 marks).

Adaptation actions focus on changing the environment while policies to reduce CO2
emissions try to slow down climate change.

The student outlines the difference between A (2 mark) response is likely to be a single sentence with two clauses or two/three short
2 adaptation actions and policies to reduce CO2 sentences; the detail provided will be brief.
For (2 marks), the response needs to outline the differences between the strategies, not
necessarily provide an outline of both.

If only one of the strategies is mentioned, then the maximum mark that could be awarded is
(2 marks).

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (3 marks).

Adaptation actions focus on changing the built and natural environment, making it more
resistant to the effects of climate change. Policies to reduce CO2 emissions, on the other
hand, try to slow the pace of climate change.

The difference should be considered in detail without any comprehensive reasons. An example
The student describes the difference between
may be used to support the description but is not a formal requirement.
3 adaptation actions and policies to reduce CO2
For (3 marks), the response needs to describe the differences between the strategies, not
necessarily provide a description of both.

The quality and depth provided are more important than the length of the response.

If only one of the strategies is mentioned, then the maximum mark that could be awarded is
(2 marks).

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (4 marks).

Adaptation actions focus on changing the built and natural environment making it more
resistant to the effects of climate change, but they do not try to change the pace at which
climate change is happening. Policies to reduce CO2 emissions, on the other hand, do try to
slow the pace of climate change, so that all environments are less affected by it.

The student explains the difference between The difference should be considered in detail, along with reason(s). An example may be given
4 adaptation actions and policies to reduce CO2 to support the explanation but is not a formal requirement.
For (4 marks), the response needs to explain the differences between the strategies, not
necessarily provide an explanation of both.

The quality and depth provided are more important than the length of the response.

If only one of the strategies is mentioned, then the maximum mark that could be awarded is
(2 marks).

Question 3

Many communities that are experiencing climate change are unsure which strategies will be the most effective for reducing the impacts of climate change.
You have been hired by a community to research the most effective responses to climate change.

Question 3a – Criterion B

Formulate a clear and focused research question to guide your investigation into the most effective responses to climate change. (2 marks)

Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not achieve a standard described

by any of the descriptors given below.

The following are examples of the types of response that would be awarded (1 mark).

To what extent is building further from the shoreline an effective response to climate change?

Are adaptation actions an effective response to climate change?

The student formulates a research question that is
1 either clear or focused and connected to the In the examples above, the RQs are clear (you can easily understand the intention of the
research scenario. investigation) and are connected to the research scenario by referencing a climate change
strategy (to clarify, it is not essential to name a specific strategy). However, they lack additional
focus by not referring to a specific element such as time/place/space, groups of people, etc.

This exact wording of the RQ: “what is an effective response to climate change?” should be
awarded (0 marks).

The following are examples of the types of response that would be awarded (2 marks).

To what extent is building further from the shoreline in Manila an effective response to climate
The student formulates a research question that is
2 both clear and focused and connected to the Are adaptation actions an effective response to climate change in Manila?
research scenario.
In the examples above, the RQs are clear (you can easily understand the intention of the
investigation) and are connected to the research scenario by referencing a climate change
strategy (to clarify, it is not essential to name a specific strategy). The RQs are focused on a
specific element (time/place/space, groups of people, etc) so merit (2 marks).

Question 3b – Criterion B

Justify the relevance of your research question to your task of helping a community determine the most effective responses to climate change. (4 marks)

Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not achieve a standard described

by any of the descriptors given below.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (1 mark).
The student states the relevance of the research
My question focuses on responses to climate change.
1 question to the task of helping a community determine
the most effective responses to climate change.
No detail is required. This is likely to be a single sentence response that makes a simple
connection between the research scenario and the RQ.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (2 marks).

The student outlines the relevance of the research My question should provide good information to the community of Manila about effective
2 question to the task of helping a community determine responses to climate change.
the most effective responses to climate change.
Likely to be a single sentence with multiple clauses or two/three short sentences that provides
brief detail (or a single factor) on why the RQ is relevant to the research scenario.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (3 marks).

My question references a specific group of responses to climate change. The outcome

The student describes the relevance of the research of the investigation should provide precise and useful information to the community of
3 question to the task of helping a community determine Manila on the extent to which adaptation actions would be an effective response to climate
the most effective responses to climate change. change.

At least one argument/factor should be considered in detail. There may be a reason why the RQ
is relevant to the research scenario but not enough details will be provided to award (4 marks).

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (4 marks).
The student justifies the relevance of the research
My question references a specific group of responses to climate change. The outcome of the
4 question to the task of helping a community determine
investigation should provide precise and useful information to the community of Manila on the
the most effective responses to climate change.
extent to which adaptation actions would be an effective response to climate change.
Investigating adaptation actions will lead to responses that are more effective than
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strategies to reduce CO2 emissions because they will give the community ideas that can
be more easily implemented.

At least one argument/factor should be considered in detail, along with reason(s) why the RQ is
relevant to the research scenario. There does not need to be explicit reference to the research

More important than the length of the response, is the quality and depth provided.

Question 3c – Criterion B

Outline one challenge you might face in your investigation. (2 marks)

Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not achieve a standard described

by any of the descriptors given below.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (1 mark).
The student states one challenge they might face in
1 It may be hard to find relevant information.
their investigation
For (1 mark), students would provide a statement/fact about a possible challenge.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (2 marks).

The student outlines one challenge they might face It may be hard to find relevant information about how climate change is expected to affect
in their investigation the city I have chosen.

For (2 marks), students would elaborate on the challenge with some brief detail.
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Question 3d – Criterion B

List two pieces of information/data that would help your investigation. (2 marks)

Note: Responses should demonstrably assist the investigation.

Responses may include:

 Examples of specific adaptation actions
 Percentage of shoreline that is currently occupied
 Number of floods last year
 Information about the process of putting policies in place

Award (1 mark) per valid piece of information/data, up to a maximum of (2 marks).

Question 3e – Criterion B

Outline how you would collect one of the pieces of information/data you listed in part (d). (2 marks)

Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not achieve a standard described

by any of the descriptors given below.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (1 mark).
The student states how they would collect one of the
1 I would use a map.
pieces of information/data they listed in part (d)
A (1 mark) response only needs to name a resource they would use to get the information/data.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (2 marks).

The student outlines how they would collect one of I would use a map that shows the number of houses in the area.
the pieces of information/data they listed in part (d)
For (2 marks), the student should name a resource and say how they would use it to get the
information/data they need.
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Question 4 – Criterion B

Another community wants to find out whether a proposed new skyscraper in their city has been designed with future climate change in mind. They
developed the action plan below to investigate this.

Evaluate the action plan. (8 marks)


Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not reach a standard described by

any of the descriptors below.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (1 mark).

The action plan gives detailed information about the investigation.

1 The student states the strength(s) of the action plan.
Only one strength needs to be mentioned to warrant (1 mark).
A (1 mark) response can be one sentence.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (2 marks).

The action plan gives detailed information about the investigation by setting out clear tasks
The student outlines the strength(s) of the action for each stage.
Only one strength needs to be mentioned and elaborated on with brief detail to warrant
(2 marks). However, if a student outlines three or more strengths, they can be awarded
(3 marks).

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (3 marks).

The action plan gives detailed information about the investigation by setting out clear tasks for
each stage, which will help investigators to focus their actions and carry out the action
The student explains the strength(s) of the action
3 plan efficiently in terms of time and resources.
Only one strength needs to be mentioned and elaborated on in additional detail with
reasoning to warrant (3 marks).
If a student outlines three or more strengths, they can be awarded (3 marks).
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Note: suggesting alternative methods can be interpreted as addressing limitations

Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not reach a standard described by

any of the descriptors below.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (1 mark).

The action plan relies too much on the company building the skyscraper for information.
1 The student states the limitation(s) of the action plan.
Only one limitation needs to be mentioned to warrant (1 mark).

A (1 mark) response can be one sentence.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (2 marks).

The action plan relies too much on the company building the skyscraper for information, which
The student outlines the limitation(s) of the action could lead to biased findings.
Only one limitation needs to be mentioned and elaborated on with brief detail to warrant
(2 marks). However, if a student outlines three or more limitations, they can be awarded
(3 marks).

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded

(3 marks).
The action plan relies too much on the company building the skyscraper for information, which
could lead to biased findings. It should be balanced with information from other sources to
The student explains the limitation(s) of the action
3 give more reliable results.
Only one limitation needs to be mentioned and elaborated on in additional detail with
reasoning to warrant (3 marks).
If a student outlines three or more limitations, they can be awarded (3 marks).
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Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not reach a standard described by

any of the descriptors below.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (1 mark).

Overall the investigation is good but there is room for improvement.

For (1 mark), the appraisal statement is likely to be a summary of the strengths and limitations
1 An appraisal is stated.
or a brief judgment on the action plan.

The appraisal can appear anywhere in the response; it does not have to be a concluding

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (2 mark).

Overall, the proposed investigation process has some strengths in terms of providing clear
guidance on the tasks to be completed but it could be more reliable by including other sources.
2 An appraisal is outlined.
The appraisal statement will weigh up both positive and negative points (this may be done
implicitly or explicitly) and make an overall judgement on the students’ investigative process.

The appraisal can appear anywhere in the response; it does not have to be a concluding
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Question 5

Select your team’s point of view:

Population growth does need to be limited to save our planet.
Population growth does not need to be limited to save our planet.

Your team has been asked to start the debate by explaining your team’s point of view.

To present your team’s point of view, you must:

 include an opening statement
 include one or more examples from your MYP studies and/or your own knowledge (these can be supported with evidence from the video, but
you must not use the exact wording from the video)
 end with a closing statement
 include an appropriate question addressed to the other team. (18 marks)

Criterion A (6 marks)

Note: if the selected point of view does not match the content of the response, marks should be awarded as normal.
Note: for criterion A, students should only be awarded marks for the content of their argument(s), not how or whether they address the
audience. Criterion A does not assess the format, style or organization of the response.

Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not achieve a

0 standard described by any of the
descriptors given below.
The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (1 mark).
 Population growth does not need to be limited to save our planet
The student demonstrates limited
The UN says that the growth will stop itself. There is no point in trying to do something about it.
knowledge and understanding by
1 outlining their team’s point of view,
Responses are likely to be brief, with little detail. Simply restating their team’s position should be awarded
using limited examples and limited
(0 mark).
relevant terminology.
There is requirement to include an example but the lack of one does not mean the student cannot be awarded
(1 mark).
Terminology may be limited in terms of accuracy and/or frequency.
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The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (3 marks).

 Population growth does not need to be limited to save our planet

The UN says that the growth will stop itself. There is no point in trying to do something about it.
We can see in different regions of the world that with better living conditions, such as access to health
The student demonstrates adequate
care, birth rates decrease slowly. Western countries have been showing a decline in fertility rates for
knowledge and understanding by
many years and this pattern is being repeated in developing countries.
describing their team’s point of
view, using satisfactory examples,
It should be evident that the student has knowledge of population growth and they should be able to call on
and appropriate relevant
relevant example(s) to support their point(s) but these examples might be lacking in detail or not be the most
There is likely to be little or no reasoning provided in the response i.e. there may be some reasoning provided
but if the examples/terminology/detail in the response is not sufficient enough to warrant a mark in the higher
band then a mark in this band should be awarded (see best-fit guidance at the start of the document).
Terminology should be accurately used in the correct context.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (4 marks).

 Population growth does not need to be limited to save our planet

The UN says that the growth will stop itself so there is no point in trying to do something about it as the
problem will resolve itself naturally.
We can see in different regions of the world that with better living conditions, such as access to health care,
The student demonstrates birth rates decrease slowly. One reason for this is that more children live to adulthood, which means that
substantial knowledge and families have fewer children and this slows population growth. Western countries have been showing a
understanding by explaining their decline in fertility rates for many years and this pattern is being repeated in developing countries, so we can be
4-5 team’s point of view, using accurate confident that population growth is not a risk to us or the planet.
examples, and appropriate relevant
At this level, students need to demonstrate good understanding of population growth by providing a detailed
response to the question.
The student should call on appropriate example(s) that support their point(s).
There may be some reasoning provided but if the examples/terminology/detail in the response are not
sufficient to warrant a mark in the higher band then a mark in this band should be awarded (see best-fit
guidance at the start of the document).
Terminology should be accurately and effectively used in the correct context.
– 17 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (6 marks).

 Population growth does not need to be limited to save our planet

The UN says that the growth will stop itself by about 2100 and the 12 billionth human will never be born so
there is no point in trying to do something about it as the problem will resolve itself naturally.
We can see in different regions of the world that with better living conditions, such as improved access to health
The student demonstrates detailed care, better education and higher incomes, birth rates decrease slowly. One reason for this is that more
knowledge and understanding by children live to adulthood, which means that families have fewer children and this slows population growth. Past
thoroughly explaining their team’s generations tended to have more babies because of the higher infant mortality rates. Western countries
point of view, using accurate and have been showing a decline in fertility rates for many years due partly to the ageing population and this
effective examples, and pattern is being repeated much more quickly in developing countries like Bangladesh, so we can be confident
appropriate relevant terminology that population growth will soon level off and is not a risk to us or the planet.

The response should be very detailed and provide clear reasoning, making use of example(s). Comprehensive
understanding of population growth should be included.
The student may have demonstrated an excellent understanding, however this does not mean that the response
must be perfect or the best example of a response you have seen; there are multiple ways of demonstrating
ability and quite different responses may be awarded the same mark.
Terminology used should be accurately and effectively used in the correct context.

C1: Format

Marks Descriptor

0 The student does not achieve a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.
Two of the following features are included:
 An opening statement that opens the debate in a recognizable way
1  A closing statement that should not introduce new ideas
 An appropriate question addressed to the other team
Note: it is not mandatory to reference the other team when stating the question
Three of the following features are included:
 An opening statement that opens the debate in a recognizable way
2  A closing statement that should not introduce new ideas
 An appropriate question addressed to the other team
Note: it is not mandatory to reference the other team when stating the question
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C2: Communicating information and ideas

Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not achieve a standard described by
any of the descriptors given below.
Language is rarely clear or appropriate to what would be expected in a debate. The text
The student communicates information and ideas
reads more formally e.g. like an essay.
using a style and language that are rarely appropriate
1–2 Language is basic/simple and doesn’t engage the audience effectively.
to the format of a debate for an audience of their
Text may be extremely short so that not enough evidence is available to award a higher
classmates and the purpose of explaining.
Language is clear and appropriate to what would be expected in a debate.
The student communicates information and ideas The text reads at times more like an essay and at times like a debate. (A debate that is
using a style and language that are occasionally written more like an essay is likely to be awarded (3 marks). If it is written more like a
appropriate to the format of a debate for an audience debate, it is likely to be awarded (4 marks). Best-fit should always be applied.)
of their classmates and the purpose of explaining. Some language features such as hyperbole, metaphor, rhetorical questions, concise
sentences and emotive vocabulary are used to engage and convince the audience.
Language is clear and completely appropriate to what would be expected in a debate.
The student communicates information and ideas
The text reads like a debate throughout, for example by regularly addressing the audience
using a style and language that are consistently
5–6 and other team.
appropriate to the format of a debate for an audience
Language features such as hyperbole, metaphor, rhetorical questions, concise sentences
of their classmates and the purpose of explaining.
and emotive vocabulary are often used to engage and convince the audience.
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C3: Organizational structure

Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not achieve a standard described by

any of the descriptors given below.

Ideas rarely build on each other in a logical manner.

The student structures information and ideas in a way
When appropriate, the student rarely uses effective transitions within sentences and/or
1 that is rarely effective and appropriate to the audience
between sentences and/or paragraphs to show relationships between ideas.
of their classmates and the purpose of explaining.
Text may be extremely short so that not enough evidence is available to award a higher
The student structures information and ideas in a way Ideas occasionally build on each other in a logical manner.
that is occasionally effective and appropriate to the When appropriate, the student sometimes uses effective transitions within sentences and/or
audience of their classmates and the purpose of between sentences and/or paragraphs to show relationships between ideas.

The student structures information and ideas in a way

Ideas frequently build on each other in a logical manner.
that is mainly effective and appropriate to the
3 When appropriate, the student often uses effective transitions within sentences and/or
audience of their classmates and the purpose of
between sentences and/or paragraphs to show relationships between ideas.

The student structures information and ideas in a way

Ideas consistently build on each other in a clear and logical manner.
that is consistently effective and appropriate to the
4 When appropriate, the student always uses effective transitions within sentences and/or
audience of their classmates and the purpose of
between sentences and/or paragraphs to show relationships between ideas.
– 20 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

Question 6a – Criterion D

State the origin of Source B. (1 mark)

Responses may include:

 Blog post by Tom Patrick
 Blogger Tom Patrick
 Tom Patrick
 A blog post
 Blog Innovation
 www.blog_innovation.com

Question 6b – Criterion D

State the purpose of Source B. (1 mark)

Responses may include:

 To provide information on ethics’ role in innovation
 To give an opinion on ethics’ role in innovation
Accept any other valid response.
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Question 6c – Criterion D

Outline one value of Source B for an MYP student studying the role of ethics in innovation. (2 marks)

Note: The same response cannot be rewarded for both 6c) and 6d), i.e. something cannot be given as a value and a limitation. The higher total out of the
two responses should be awarded.
Note: Values can refer to the source as a whole or the content of the source.

Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not reach a standard described by any of

the descriptors below.
The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (1 mark).

The blog post synthesizes the author’s thoughts.

The student states one value of Source B for an MYP
student studying ethics role in responsible innovation For (1 mark), students would provide a brief fact or hint about the value of the blog to
an MYP student.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (2 marks).

The blog post synthesizes the author’s thoughts in a short text that is clear and easy
The student outlines one value of Source B for an MYP
2 to understand and that includes examples.
student studying ethics role in responsible innovation
For (2 marks), students would elaborate on a value of the blog to an MYP student.
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Question 6d – Criterion D

Outline one limitation of Source B for an MYP student studying the role of ethics in innovation. (2 marks)

Note: The same response cannot be rewarded for both 6c) and 6d), i.e. something cannot be given as a value and a limitation. The higher total out of the
two responses should be awarded.
Note: Limitations can refer to the source as a whole or the content of the source.

Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not reach a standard described

by any of the descriptors below.
The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (1 mark).

The student states one limitation of Source B for an There are brackets in the blog post.
1 MYP student studying ethics role in responsible
innovation For (1 mark), students would provide a brief fact or hint about the limitation of the blog to an
MYP student.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (2 marks).

We don’t know the nature of the information that is removed in the brackets of the blog
The student outlines one limitation of Source B for
2 post.
an MYP student studying ethics role in responsible
For (2 marks), students would elaborate on a limitation of the blog to an MYP student.
– 23 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

Question 7 – Criterion D

Using Source B and your own knowledge, justify why ethics must be considered in innovation. (6 marks)

Note: Source B can help but information should not be copied. Do not consider material copied verbatim from the source when awarding marks.

Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not achieve a standard
0 described by any of the descriptors given
The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (1 mark).

The student provides a limited Innovations can have many consequences in the short and long term.
1 justification in a statement of why ethics
must be considered in innovation A (1 mark) response is likely to be one or two sentences that give a basic supporting argument for why
ethics must be considered.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (3 marks).

Innovations can have many consequences in the short and long term. Ethics can be viewed as a set
of guidelines that you can apply throughout the entire development process.

As users of innovations, we also have a responsibility to understand how they operate and what
The student provides a satisfactory
the risks are.
2-3 justification in an outline of why ethics
must be considered in innovation
In a rapidly evolving innovative environment, it is very necessary to proceed with caution.

The response will provide brief argument(s) to support why ethics must be considered. There is not a
minimum requirement in terms of the number of points/arguments made.

A (2 mark) response will provide less detail.

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The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (4 marks).

Innovations can have many consequences in the short and long term. Ethics can be viewed as a set of
guidelines that you can apply throughout the entire development process.

As users of innovations, we also have a responsibility to understand how they operate and what the
risks are. Therefore, ethics do not only apply to the developers. The consumer also needs to be
The student provides a detailed
aware of why and how they use the product. The consumer also has the responsibility to use
4-5 justification in an explanation of why
the innovation in the manner it was intended.
ethics must be considered in innovation
In a rapidly evolving innovative environment, it is very necessary to proceed with caution.

There is not a minimum requirement in terms of the number of points/arguments made.

Relevant details linked to the reason(s) must be included.
Examples must be specific.
In this response, developers and consumers are viewed as specific examples.
The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (6 marks).

Innovations can have many consequences in the short and long term. Ethics can be viewed as a set of
guidelines that you can apply throughout the entire development process. If the impacts are not likely
to be positive, an innovation should not move forward.

As users of innovations, we also have a responsibility to understand how they operate and what the
risks are. Therefore, ethics do not only apply to the developers. The consumer also needs to be aware
of why and how they use the product. The consumer also has the responsibility to use the innovation in
The student provides a thorough
the manner it was intended.
justification in a detailed explanation of
why ethics must be considered in
In a rapidly evolving innovative environment, it is very necessary to proceed with caution because of
the possible consequences. Maybe integrating ethics earlier in the development process might
be a solution to always keep the objective of improving the quality of life in mind.

There should be in-depth arguments and effective responses at this level, referring to specific details of
why ethics should be considered.

More important than the length of the response is the quality and depth provided.
At this level, candidates must demonstrate a very good understanding of why ethics must be
considered in innovation.
– 25 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

Question 8

Write a well-structured essay in response to the following question.

To what extent has one specific innovation impacted the well-being of individuals?
In your essay:
 you must consider different perspectives
 you must include one or more examples from your MYP studies and/or your own knowledge
 your chosen specific innovation (which can also be an idea or movement) must come from one of the four revolutions included in source C. (24 marks)

Note: The chosen innovation may be a specific invention or something broader such as an idea or movement, so long as they come from
the period of one of the four revolutions given in Source C. It is also possible to include multiple innovations.

Criterion A

Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not achieve a standard described by any of the
descriptors given below.
The student demonstrates limited contextual and conceptual  Responses are likely to be brief, with little detail.
1-2 understanding in an outline, using limited examples and limited  There is requirement to include an innovation, as per the question.
terminology  Terminology may be limited in terms of accuracy and/or frequency.
 It should be evident that the student has knowledge of the particular
innovation. Example(s) to support their point(s) are accurate but might
be lacking in detail or not be the most appropriate.
The student demonstrates adequate contextual and conceptual  There may be some reasons provided but if the
3-4 understanding in a description, using satisfactory examples and examples/terminology/detail in the response are not sufficient enough
appropriate terminology. to warrant a mark in the higher band then a mark in this band should be
awarded (see best-fit guidance at the start of the document).
 Terminology should be accurately used in the correct context.

 At this level, students need to demonstrate a very good understanding

of the innovation by providing a response that is accurate and responds
The student demonstrates substantial contextual and conceptual to the question posed. An explanation requires reasons to be included.
5-6 understanding in an explanation, using accurate examples and  The student should call on appropriate examples that support their
appropriate terminology. points.
 Terminology should be accurately and effectively used in the correct
context in most of the essay.
– 26 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

 The response should provide accurate detail throughout and provide

clear reasons that support the point(s) made, making use of examples
that demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the innovation.
 For (7-8 marks), the response must reference examples in detail to
The student demonstrates detailed contextual and conceptual support their points.
understanding in a thorough explanation, using accurate and  Terminology should be accurately and effectively used in the correct
effective examples and appropriate terminology. context throughout the essay.
 The student may have demonstrated an excellent understanding,
however this does not mean that the response must be perfect or the
best example of a response you have seen; there are multiple ways of
demonstrating ability and quite different responses may be awarded the
same mark.

Criterion C1: format

Marks Notes
0 The student does not achieve a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.
Two of the following elements are included: introduction, a main body of argument or a conclusion
Additional notes: The elements must appear as separate paragraphs. If this is not the case (0 marks) should be awarded.
Three of the following elements are included: introduction, a main body of argument and a conclusion
Additional notes: The elements must appear as separate paragraphs.

Criterion C2: communicating information and ideas

Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not achieve a standard described by any of
the descriptors given below.
The style of writing is rarely consistent with what would be expected in an essay.
The style and language used are rarely appropriate to the Language is rarely clear.
audience and purpose of informing. Text may be extremely short so that not enough evidence is available to award a
higher level.
The style and language used are occasionally appropriate The style of writing is not always consistent. Language is less clear in places.
to the audience and purpose of informing.
The style and language used are consistently appropriate The style of writing is consistent with what would be expected in an essay. Language
to the audience and purpose of informing. is formal and clear.
– 27 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX
– 28 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

Criterion C3: organizational structure

Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not achieve a standard described by any of

the descriptors given below.
Paragraphs/ideas sometimes build on each other in a logical manner.

When appropriate, rarely uses effective transitions within sentences or between

1 The organizational structure is rarely effective. sentences and/or paragraphs to show relationships between ideas.

Text may be extremely short so that not enough evidence is available to award a
higher level.
Paragraphs/ideas build on each other in a mainly logical manner.
2 The organizational structure is occasionally effective.
When appropriate, sometimes uses effective transitions within sentences and
between sentences and/or paragraphs to show relationships between ideas.
Paragraphs/ideas build on each other in consistently clear and logical manner.
The organizational structure is consistently appropriate
and effective. When appropriate, uses effective transitions within sentences and between
sentences and/or paragraphs to show relationships between ideas.

Criterion D

Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not reach a standard described by any

of the descriptors below.
The student provides one perspective in a basic
 One perspective is included and is only considered superficially, i.e. only general or
analysis and summarizes information to a limited
1 -2 vague points are made.
extent in response to the question posed
 The response might not reach a conclusion or fully answer the question at this level
 At least two perspectives (e.g. pros and cons; impacts on mental vs physical health;
The student provides different perspectives in an
impacts on different communities) must be included with development of these to
analysis and summarizes information to make clear
3-4 show some understanding and their implications; the perspectives do not have to be
arguments in response to the question posed.
equally considered/balanced.
 A conclusion is expected but is likely to be not fully developed at this level.
– 29 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

 At least two perspectives (e.g. pros and cons; impacts on mental vs physical health;
impacts on different communities) must be included with substantial development of
The student provides different perspectives in an
these to show a good understanding and their implications, although the
analysis and synthesizes information to make clear
perspectives might not be equally considered/balanced.
5-6 arguments in response to the question posed.
 Ideas on the impacts that an innovation has had on individuals’ well-being are
combined to form a clear and coherent conclusion.
 The synthesis (combining ideas) could appear in the main body of the essay or in the
 At least two perspectives or more (e.g. pros and cons; impacts on mental vs physical
health; impacts on different communities) must be included with thorough
development of these to show an excellent understanding and their implications.
The perspectives must be equally considered/balanced.
The student provides different perspectives in a detailed  Ideas on the impacts that an innovation has had on individuals’ well-being are
discussion and synthesizes information to make clear combined to form a clear, coherent and convincing conclusion to give a judgment
7-8 arguments in response to the question posed. on whether the impact is more positive or negative or equally balanced.
 The synthesis (combining ideas) could appear in the main body of the essay or in the
 Although the student will have demonstrated critical thinking, this does not mean that
the response must be perfect or the best example of a response you have seen; there
are multiple ways of demonstrating analytical skills and quite different responses may
be awarded the same mark.

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