IBM21 SM Session24
IBM21 SM Session24
IBM21 SM Session24
Session 24
Strategic Management
A S S T. P R O F. O F P R A C T I C E ( S T R AT E G Y A R E A )
Strategy Implementation
[ Corporate Governance and Ethics] Done
Today’s Agenda
1. Leadership Implications for Strategy (Source: Chapter: Strategic leadership in “Strategic
Management: Competitiveness & Globalization: Concepts and Cases, 12e” Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson, 2017.)
Role and importance of strategic leadership for formulating and implement strategies
The three elements of effective leadership: integrative thinking, overcoming barriers of change,
creative use of power.
Importance of strategic leadership in managing firm's resources.
What a strategic leader can do to establish and emphasize ethical practices.
2. Article: What makes a leader? (Published in: 2004) Authors: Daniel Goleman
Strategy Implementation
Leadership Implications for Strategy
Role and importance of strategic
leadership for formulating and
implement strategies effectively.
Strategy Implementation
Leadership Implications for Strategy
The three elements of effective leadership: integrative thinking, overcoming barriers of
change, creative use of power.
Integrative thinking : a process of reconciling opposing thoughts by generating new
alternatives and creative solutions rather than rejecting one thought in favour of another.
There are 4 stages:
Salience : to take stock of what features of the decision you consider relevant and important.
Causality: to make a mental map of the causal relationships between the features, that is, how
the various features are related to one another
Architecture: Use the mental map to arrange a sequence of decisions that will lead to a specific
Resolution: Make your decision.
Strategy Implementation
Leadership Implications for Strategy
Overcoming barriers of change: Organizations at all levels are prone to inertia and are
slow to learn, adapt, and change because: Many people have vested interests in the status
quo; There are systemic barriers; Behaviour barriers; Political barriers; and personal time
Systemic barriers: barriers to change that stem from an organizational design that impedes the
proper flow and evaluation of information.
Behaviour barriers: barriers to change associated with the tendency for managers to look at
issues from a biased or limited perspective based on their prior education and experience.
Political barriers: Barriers to change related to conflicts arising from power relationships.
Personal time constrains: vested interest in status quo, People are risk averse and resistant to
Strategy Implementation
Leadership Implications for Strategy
creative use of power a leader's ability to get things done in a way he or she wants them to
be done. There are different ways a leader exercises such power:
Organizational base of power: a formal management position that is the basis of a leader's
power (Legitimate, Reward, Coercive, and Information Powers)
Personal base of power: a leader's personality characteristics and behavior that are the basis
of the leader's power. (referent power and expert power)
Referent power: a subordinate's identification with the leader (charisma helps the
subordinate see the leader as powerful)
Expert power: Leader's expertise and knowledge in a particular field.
Strategy Implementation
Leadership Implications for Strategy
Importance of strategic leadership in managing firm's resources
Strategy Implementation
Leadership Implications for Strategy
Importance of strategic leadership in managing firm's resources
Strategy Implementation
Leadership Implications for Strategy
Importance of strategic leadership in managing firm's resources
Strategy Implementation
Leadership Implications for Strategy
Importance of strategic leadership in managing firm's resources
Strategy Implementation
Leadership Implications for Strategy
What a strategic leader can do to establish and emphasize ethical practices.
1. developing and disseminating a code of conduct.
2. continuously revising and updating the code of conduct, based on inputs from people
throughout the firm and from other stakeholders
3. disseminating the code of conduct to all stakeholders to inform them of the firm’s ethical
standards and practices.
4. developing and implementing methods and procedures to use in achieving the firm’s
ethical standards (e.g., using internal auditing practices that are consistent with the standards)
5. creating and using explicit reward systems that recognize acts of courage (e.g., rewarding
those who use proper channels and procedures to report observed wrongdoings)
6. creating a work environment in which all people are treated with dignity.
Strategy Implementation
What makes a leader?
Thank You!
Any Question?