SBL SampleNotes2025
SBL SampleNotes2025
SBL SampleNotes2025
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5 Strategic Capability 66
11 Applications of IT 160
12 E-business 183
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Chapter 1
Leadership: Is the process of influencing an organization (or group within an organization) in its
efforts towards achieving an aim or goal (Johnson et al, 2017: p.470).
Organizational success typically depends on good leadership. Visionary leaders are supposed
to express a clear vision for the organization's future and inspire others.
Ethics are key to leadership. Leaders are responsible for upholding ethical standards in their
actions and decision-making, which impacts the entire business. Later in this Chapter and Chapter
9, we will look more into ethics.
Perspectives on Leadership
According to Yukl (2013), there are several primary methods for researching leadership.
▪ Trait Approach
In the early 20th century, research assumed that ‘natural leaders’ had unique attributes including
energy, intuition, and persuasiveness. However, this research did not establish a set of attributes
that guarantee leadership success. Recent research emphasizes how certain traits impact
leadership behavior and effectiveness. Some studies highlight ethical leadership values. `
▪ Behavior Approach
This approach examines how managers handle job demands and limits to determine leadership
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▪ Power-Influence Approach
This discusses leadership effectiveness based on the power a leader possesses and how they use
it. Power extends beyond subordinates to peers, superiors, and external stakeholders.
Leadership can be autocratic where leaders exercise significant power or participative where
leadership involves reduced power and more decision-making and autonomy for subordinates.
▪ Situational Approach
Effective leadership traits, abilities, and behaviors vary by scenario. Effective leadership styles
vary based on follower traits, work kind, organization, and external environment. This is also
known as contingency theory.
▪ Integrative Approach
This means considering more than one type of leadership variable described above.
Leadership Roles
▪ Top Managers
▪ Communicate a clear vision of the future and plan to internal and external stakeholders.
▪ Aligned organization to deliver strategy, fostered trust, and empowered people to deliver it.
▪ Showing transformation is an organization's symbol and role model.
▪ Middle Managers
Middle managers play a wider role than just implementing top-down strategic plans.
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Change and Leadership
Change Agent: ‘Is an individual or group that helps to effect strategic change in an organization.’
(Johnson et al, 2017)
Organizations and individuals interact; thus, change is inevitable. How can leaders ensure their
organizations can adapt to change?
Change agency is the process of implementing change, which can be centralized or distributed
among a group, such as a project team or management staff. Consultants, for example, may
contribute to change agency.
Johnson et al (2017) note that leadership styles may be fitted into a general model of leadership
that recognizes two general types.
1. Instrumental leadership: Leadership based on systems and controls (also called
transactional leadership).
2. Transformational leadership: Leadership that energizes people and builds a clear vision
of the future (also called charismatic leadership).
In practice, these are extremes and there are many positions in between. According to the
situational approach, leadership style should be tailored to specific conditions.
Balogun and Hope Hailey (2008) identify five styles of change management which may be
appropriate in each context.
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Education and communication
• Explaining in detail why change is necessary, to win people round
Collaboration and participation
• Bringing people affected by change into the process of managing it
• Change is led by a change agent who will delegate some tasks to project teams; the idea
is that involvement of those teams will lead to greater commitment from them
• Management use their authority to establish their strategy and how change will occur in
a top-down fashion
• An extreme form of direction – change is simply imposed by management
▪ The long term this will mean several years, which can be thought of as ‘three horizons’.
▪ Horizon 1 means defending and extending the current business.
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▪ Horizon 2 businesses are emerging activities that should provide new sources of
▪ Horizon 3 ventures are new and risky and might provide returns in several years’ time.
Managers need to consider all three in formulating strategy.
▪ Strategic direction organizations will generally have objectives and then organize themselves
to meet those objectives.
▪ Organization: organizations generally contain people with differing views and interests, which
are relevant in setting strategy. It will also have to consider its internal and external
stakeholders and its boundaries – what it decides to include or exclude in its activities.
Levels of Strategy
Mission Statements
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▪ A mission needs to be supported by more detailed objectives.
▪ A simple model of the relationship between the various goals, objectives and targets is a
pyramid analogous to the traditional organizational hierarchy.
▪ Drucker (1989) was the first to suggest that objectives should be SMART. (Specific,
measurable, achievable, realistic, time related)
▪ Today, realistic is often replaced with results-focused, to emphasize that managerial
attention needs to be directed towards achieving results rather than just administering
established processes.
Strategic Values
Ethics in Business
Ethics underpins leadership. Leaders are responsible for upholding ethical standards in their
actions and decision-making, which impacts the entire business.
Business presents ethical challenges due to its focus on profit-making. Successful businesses
generally seek constant advantage over competitors, leading CEOs to feel compelled to pursue
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such opportunities. Pressures can cause ethically questionable behavior and poor business
▪ To operate ethically, leaders must treat stakeholders fairly and acknowledge their rights.
▪ Respect for workers' dignity, equality, diversity, and health and safety requirements are
▪ Redundancy makes ethical handling of staff crucial.
▪ Leaders must select redundancy candidates fairly and legally.
▪ The fair treatment of stakeholders includes respecting customer rights and not
intentionally exploiting them, such as by charging inflated rates for goods or services.
▪ This rationale also protects shareholder interests by avoiding hazardous or reckless
strategies that could harm their investment. Leaders must balance commercial viability
with stakeholder interests in business operations.
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Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Governance
Definition: Concerns the conduct of senior officers in an organization. It also relates to the way
organizations are directed and controlled.
Let’s see how the ethical values held by leaders supports and underpins corporate governance.
▪ Fairness
The leaders’ deliberations and values (and those of the board) that underlie the company must
be balanced by considering everyone who has a legitimate interest in the company.
▪ Openness/Transparency
Open and clear disclosure of relevant information to shareholders and other stakeholders, also
not concealing information when it may affect decisions.
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▪ Honesty and Loyalty
Relates not only to telling the truth but also not misleading shareholders and other stakeholders.
▪ Responsibility
Requires that leaders’ need to be willing to accept the credit when things go well and be just as
willing to accept the blame for governance failings in the event they occur.
▪ Accountability
Requires organizational leaders’ to be answerable for the consequences of their actions.
Accountability is closely linked to the issue of judgement. Leaders’ need to make decisions which
enhance the prosperity of the organization.
▪ Integrity
Integrity can be taken as meaning someone of high moral character, who sticks to principles no
matter the pressure to do otherwise. In working life this requires leaders to adhere to the
principles of professionalism and probity.
Strategic Management
Johnson et al (2017) highlight the main elements of strategic management as consisting of the
Later chapters address how strategic decisions can lead to organizational change, including
resource adjustments for new actions. Managing changes with cultural consequences is much
more challenging.
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Organizational culture: ‘A pattern of shared basic assumptions…considered valid and transmitted
to new members’ (Schein, 1985). It has also been described as ‘the way we do things round here’.
An analysis that compares the paradigm (assumptions) in an organization’s culture with the
physical manifestations of that culture.
Johnson (1992) developed the term cultural web to mean a combination of the assumptions that
make up the paradigm, together with the physical manifestations of culture.
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▪ Symbols – this can include logos, office layouts, titles and uniforms, often in the form of
‘status symbols’
▪ Power structures – people holding power in the organization. This may not just be based
on seniority, e.g. in professional firms’ technical experts may hold significant power
▪ Stories and myths – stories told to each other, outsiders and new recruits such as the
organization’s foundation or key decisions
You can remember these terms if you need to analyze an organization’s culture using the
cultural web by the mnemonic ‘CROPS PS’.
▪ The ability to examine cultural presumptions and practices to ensure that organizational
components are in line with one another and with an organization's plan is why the
cultural web is crucial for business strategy.
▪ If an organization's management is not getting the desired results, they can utilize the
web to determine whether the underperformance is being caused by the organization's
▪ Such an analysis has three stages.
▪ Management might start by examining the current organizational culture.
▪ Secondly, they can examine the culture as they envision it, and
▪ Thirdly, they can discern the distinctions between the two.
▪ These variations point to the adjustments that must be made to create the high-
performance culture they desire.
▪ The cultural network can thus be very helpful in managing change and altering
organizational culture.
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