DLL - English 6 - Q4 - W3
DLL - English 6 - Q4 - W3
DLL - English 6 - Q4 - W3
B.Performance Objective The learner… Uses library skills to gather Uses the classes of words aptly in
appropriate and relevant information oral and written discourse
Uses liguistic cues to appropriately
construct meaning from a variety of
texts for a variety of purposes
C.Learning Competencies/ he learner… * List primary and secondary sources Determine images or ideas that are *Use compound- complex
Objectives Distinguish text types according to of information;revise writing for explicitly used to influence viewers sentences for effective
( Write the LC code for purpose and language features: correctness/validity of information such as stereotypes, points of view, communication of information and WEEKLY TEST
problem and Solution and propagandas ideas
each) EN6SS-IVc-5
EN6RC-IVc- 3.2.5 EN6VC-IVc-7.1,7.2,7.3 * Observe politeness at all times
2. Self correct when reading
A.Reviewing past lesson or What stories of creations have you What are the Primary and seondary What do you call the images and What was our topic yesterday?
Presenting the new lesson heard before? sources of information? ideas used explicitly to influnce our
(Drill/Review/Unlocking of way of thinking?
B.Establishing a purpose of the Find out how the following selection If you were to look for other stories of Can you give examples of each Do you remember our story “
new lesson (Motivation) is different from the ones you have creation, what sources will you be based on their definitions? Bathala and The Story of Creation?”
already read. making use of? -Stereotype
-point of view
C.Presenting Examples/ Read the story: List down all the primary and Watch a video Study the sentence below taken
instances of the new lesson secondary sources of information you (https://www.youtube.com/watch? from the story “Bathala and the
(Presentation) “Bathala and the Story of Creation” will use. v=23NZ1OW5DTY) Story of Creation”
Primary Secondary
Before Galang Kaluluwa died, he
instructed Bathala to bury him in
his preferred spot and Bathala did
as he was told.
D.Discussing new concepts and Answer the ff. Questions about the Which among these sources you have From the video you have watched, The sentence above has two
practicing new skills no.1. selection: listed will you use to check the answer the questions that follow: independent clauses that make up
(Modeling) 1. Who are the characters in the correctness of the story you have 1. How are your feelings, beliefs one compound sentence; one
story? Say something about each written above? and ways of thinking changed after complex sentence. What are those?
character. Original File Submitted and Formatted viewing the video? Explain.
2. What made two of the gods in the by DepEd Club Member - visit
story lonely? depedclub.com for more
-pls. see LM on p325
E. Discussing new concepts and A problem-solution relationship Go to the library or use computer to Discuss a compound-complex
practicing new skills no.2 describes a problem and discusses check out the list of sources you have sentence and its parts.
(Guided Practice) possible solutions to the problem. listed, to verify the correctness or
validity of the story you have written. Give more examples;
Browse the selection again and chart 1. I decided to enrol in an english
the problem-solution relationships program and my friend Richard
you get a chance to read upon came along with me.
F.Developing Mastery Group Activity: Revise your work to address concerns Determine the images in the video Draw a slash mark(/) to separate
(Leads to Formative Assessment Identify the problem- solution on incomplete details or errors in that influence viewers. Explain your the independent clauses from the
3.) relationship which could be explicitly characters or plot. answers. dependent clauses of each
or implicitly stated in the following 1. Stereotype sentence. Circle the coordinating
(Independent Practice) situations: 2. Point of view conjunction used.
-pls. See LM on pp. 326-327. 3. Propaganda 1. I usually pick up whenever I play
the guitar, or I just use my fingers
-pls. See LM on p. 33q
G. Finding practical application of Do you solve your own problem? Why is it important to assess the Do we need to believe all the
concepts and skills in daily living How? credibility of a source of information? information from different media?
(Application/Valuing) Why?
H. Making Generalization and What is a problem-solution What are the primary and secondary How do viewing materials in What is a compound -complex
abstraction about the lesson relationship? sources of information? different media affect/ influence sentence?
(Generalization) our way of thinking.
I. Evaluating learning With your groupmates, create a List down 5 primary/secondary Use rubrics to evaluate their activity Combine the sentences into one
problem-solution organizer for your sources of information. above and make it a compound-complex
chosen topic from among the structure.
following: 1. a. Education plays a vital role in
* Student life your lie
* Friend Conflict b. You should be educated.
* Sibling Rivalry c. It gives you a better life.
2. A person without education is
B. Educating makes man a good
C. Education is a lifetime
3. A. Education is a necessity not a
B. the world is competitive.
C. It is the solution to any
4. a. Education allows us to
understand deeper the meaning of
B. It is not just lessons from the
C. It is about lessons of life.
5. a. No child is left behind.
B. everyone has the right to be
C. Make a better change for the
J. Additional activities for What other stories of creation do
application and remediation you know? Write a short summary of
(Assignment) it.
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why?