Book Activities
Book Activities
Book Activities
1. Fill in the spaces in the brain storming with the information that you and your partner
2. Write a short report in English about the ideas that you put in the brain storming. Follow a
sequence to inform someone about the UK.
In this report we saw that the union of England can be made up of different regions as well as
different countries and it can also be reached from northern Europe as well as from the oceanic
Atlantic and it is also the 22nd country with the most population in the world and it has with
243,613 square km. The sports that are played the most in the United Kingdom are mainly soccer
and then rugby, cricket and finally polo. Queen Elizabeth reigned until 2015 of her long career, Big
Bennis is the bell of the clock. And you could also say that I travel a lot and they did it in England
and also that its history of England is very extensive because it can give you different things and
places until we can see a very beautiful landscape
Activity 2 “Summarizing information about the Celts”
2. Complete the next table with information related to the concepts given about the Celts. Follow
the example.
Concept Description
Origin of the Celts. The Celts came originally from central Europe
and settled in Britain, France and Spain
Celts in battle Julius Caesar, the great roman emperor
expressed himself about the Celts with this
phrase: "Most of the inland inhabitants of
Britain do not sow corn, but live on milk and
flesh, and are clad with skins. All the Britons
indeed, dye themselves with woad, which
occasions a bluish color, and thereby have a
more terrible appearance in fight. They wear
their hair long and have every part of their
body shaved except their head and upper lip”.
Roman and Greek writers described Celts as
fierce and warlike people. They were originally
ruled by kings, but by the time Julius Caesar
came to Britain, around 55 BCE, they had
broken up into many tribes, each with a
different leader. Both men and women could
hold positions of power
Physical Description They wear their hair long and have every part
of their body shaved except their head and
upper lip.
Druids In the Celtic culture, the Druids were an
important part in their society; they were
members of the learned class among the
ancient Celts. They seem to have frequented
oak forests and acted as priests, teachers, and
judges. Julius Caesar accounted that the
Druids took charge of public and private
sacrifices. They judged all public and private
fights or problems and decreed penalties. If
anyone disobeyed their decree, the person
was barred from sacrifice, which was
considered the gravest of punishments. The
Druids also offered human sacrifices for those
who were gravely sick or in danger of death in
battle. Huge wickerwork images were filled
with living men and then burned; although the
Druids preferred to sacrifice criminals, they
would choose innocent victims if necessary.
Agriculture The Celts were farmers and introduced the
iron plough to Britain. The ploughs that were
used earlier, were not very sophisticated,
basically a stick with a pointed end harnessed
behind two oxen. They were suitable only for
ploughing the light upland soils. The heavier
iron ploughs developed by the Celts
constituted an agricultural revolution all by
themselves, for they made it possible for the
first time to harvest on the rich valley and
lowland soils
Celtic Symbols One of the most distinctive Celtic designs,
from the Christian period, is the Celtic cross
which is still used for graves and memorials. It
has a circle added to the four bars of cross and
is often elaborately carved. This cross has been
adapted as a representative symbol by some
people who are from Ireland, country that
belongs to the United Kingdom. Another Celtic
symbol was the Nara Not, the term Dara
comes from the word “doire”, which is Celtic
for “oak tree“. Oaks were the most blessed of
trees to the Celts, the design of the knot
symbol is based on the root system of the oak
Activity 3 “Writing about the Roman invasion to Britain.”
I. Reread the information about The Roman Britain and answer the questions.
In 55 B.C. Julius Caesar, who was a general of the Roman armies in Gaul, decided that it would be a
good move to invade Britain (Ross, 2018). This was not possible because the inhabitants of Britain
were the Celts and they were excellent warriors. As it was said before, when Romans invaded
Britannia (the way they called it in Latin) the tribes of Britain had already established a culture. In
43 CE, Claudius became Emperor of Rome and he decided to revive the dream of expanding the
Empire to the British Isles, to do so, he needed 40,000 soldiers. Britain became part of the Roman
Empire and was systematically conquered for nearly half a century. The province had valuable
natural resources to despoil (steal), but the decision to invade was based upon more than its
material wealth. Prestige through warfare was paramount in Roman society, and that is just what
Claudius sought to achieve when he launched his invasion of the island.
2. Which were the three-different kind of towns that the Roman established in Britain?
These were the coloniae, towns pled by Roman settlers, and the municipia, large cities in which the
whole population was given Roman citizenship. The third kind, the civitas, included the old Celtic
tribal capitals, through which the Romans administered the Celtic population in the countryside.
Julius Caesar
During the period of their rule, Romans founded Many towns in Britain and others grew
considerably in size. The most important were Colchester (Camulodunum), Lincoln (Lindum), St
Albans (Verulanium) and London (Londinium). Colchester which was the original capital of the
Roman province was destroyed during Boudicca’s revolt.
In the fourth century CE, the Roman Empire itself suffered attacks from tribes who came from
central and Eastern Europe. Britain started being attacked from the west and north by Scottish and
Irish tribes and from the east by Germanic tribes such as the Angles and Saxons. Roman soldiers in
Britain needed to go away to defend Rome and eventually, in 410 CE, the Emperor Honorius made
a difficult decision, he declared that Britain must defend itself. With the Romans gone, the
Germanic tribes could take control of most of England’s territory.
Activity 4 “Writing about the Vikings”
I. Reread the information about The Vikings and complete the next concepts in the boxes.
Activity 5 “Reviewing information about ancient civilizations in the United Kingdom”
I. Complete the chart with information about the ancient civilizations that existed in the UK.
Reread the information presented before if necessary.
I. Describe the next British landsmarks by writing a sentence about them made up only SIX
Buckingham Palace.
“House of the United Kingdom’s Queen”.
a) Big Ben: A clock with a gothic construction.
b) Stonehenge: A circle with four circles around.
c) Hadrian’s wall: Delimits the Roman Kingdom of Hadrian.
d) Palace of Westminster: It has more of 1100 bedrooms.
e) London Eye: The most attractive place in London.
II. Define five landsmarks that are important in your country and write a sentence about each
one by using only SIX WORDS as you did it in the last activity. Take 15-20 minutes to do
this task.
Angel de la independencia: This is a big golden monument
Monumento de la revolución: It has four giant stone arches
Castillo de Chapultepec: It is located on top of a hill.
Palacio de bellas artes: Contains the exposed Mexican art.
Pirámide del Sol: Considered the largest stone building in Teotihuacán.
I. Fill in the charts with information about typical food in your country.
Tamales Tamales have their • Masa (corn dough) Tamales are a traditional dish
origins in ancient • Corn husks (for wrapping) made of masa (a dough made
• Meat (such as pork,
Mesoamerica, where chicken, beef, or seafood) from corn) that's filled with
indigenous civilizations • Beans (often refried beans) various ingredients, wrapped
like the Aztecs and • Chilies (for flavor and spice) in corn husks, and then
Mayans relied heavily on • Cheese steamed or boiled
• Vegetables (like potatoes,
maize (corn) as a staple carrots, or peas)
food. Tamales were a • Lard or oil
practical and portable • Spices (such as cumin,
way to consume maize, paprika, or oregano)
• Broth or stock
as well as other • Onions
ingredients like beans, • Garlic
meats, and chilies. • Salt
• Salsa or sauce (for serving)
Menudo Menudo's origins trace • Tripe (cow's stomach) El plato "menudo" tiene su
back to Mexico, where it • Hominy (dried corn kernels origen en México y es una
treated with an alkali
has been a part of solution) sopa tradicional mexicana
Mexican cuisine for • Broth or stock (often made hecha de callos (estómago de
centuries. The dish from beef or pork) vaca) y maíz molido (granos
• Onions
reflects the fusion of de maíz secos tratados con
• Garlic
indigenous ingredients • Dried chili peppers (such as una solución alcalina).
and Spanish influences. ancho or guajillo)
Menudo was likely • Oregano
developed as a way to • Salt
• Lime wedges (for serving)
utilize various parts of • Fresh cilantro (for garnish)
the animal, making the • Crushed red pepper flakes
most out of available (for additional heat, if
resources. desired)
Enchiladas Enchiladas are a dish • Corn tortillas (or flour Enchiladas are a versatile and
originating from Mexico tortillas in some delicious dish consisting of
with pre-Hispanic roots. variants) filled tortillas rolled up and
The word "enchilada" • Filling (can be beef, bathed in a chili sauce. The
comes from the verb chicken, cheese, filling can be of various types,
"enchilar," which means beans, vegetables, ranging from beef, chicken, or
to season or flavor with • Chili sauce (red, pork to vegetarian options
chilies. The ancient green, or other like beans, cheese, or
inhabitants of Mexico varieties) vegetables.
already used corn • Cheese (such as
tortillas filled with queso fresco or
various ingredients and shredded cheese)
bathed in chili sauces. • Onion and cilantro (for
Tacos Tacos have their origins • Tortillas (corn or flour) Tacos are a beloved and
in Mexico and are deeply • Filling (such as beef, iconic Mexican dish consisting
rooted in the country's chicken, pork, fish, of a folded or rolled tortilla
history and culinary shrimp, or vegetables) filled with a variety of
traditions. The word • Toppings (like onions, ingredients. The tortilla serves
"taco" is believed to cilantro, lettuce, as a vessel to hold the
have come from the tomatoes, cheese, and flavorful filling, which can
Nahuatl language, sour cream) range from grilled or stewed
spoken by the • Salsas (ranging from meats to seafood or
indigenous Aztecs, and mild to spicy, such as vegetarian options. Tacos are
referred to a rolled or pico de gallo, salsa highly customizable, allowing
verde, or salsa roja)
folded tortilla. individuals to choose their
Indigenous peoples in preferred fillings and
Mexico were already toppings.
using tortillas as a vessel
to hold various fillings
long before the arrival of
the Spanish.
British Dish Ingredients Description
Shepherd´s Pie • minced beef This classic 100% English dish is
• onion based on a stir-fry of minced lamb
• carrots meat seasoned with different types
• mushrooms of vegetables -onions, carrots,
• carrots mushrooms...- covered by a thick
• mushrooms layer of mashed potato -fresh, of
• mushrooms course-. Both parts are cooked
separately and then presented in a
dish where they are baked au gratin
in the oven.
Fish and chips • Medium potato This battered and fried fish and chips
dish, tremendously popular in the
• Skinless white fish fillet United Kingdom, is a delicacy that
(cod, hake or similar) we recommend you try at some
point in your life.
• Wheat flour
• Chemical yeast 3
• Cold beer
• Salt
• Ground black pepper
• Vegetable oil for frying
• Frozen peas (for mushy
Bubble and squaek • Boiled potato The British are a peculiar people.
• Cooked broccoli They drive on the left, measure in
• Cooked carrot miles, ounces, pints and feet and
• Extra virgin olive oil give their recipes curious names like
• Salt bubble and squeak, bangers and
• Ground black pepper mash or Eton mess. They have their
reasons, at least in the case of
bubble and squeak, the British
vegetarian recipe that today stars in
this space.
Cornish pasties • 500 gr flour This kind of pie filled with meat and
• 120 gr vegetable vegetables is a British recipe known
shortening worldwide as Classic Cornish Pasty, a
• 1 tablespoon of salt pie that was invented in Cornwall, in
• 25 gr margarine or butter the south-east of England.
• 175 ml cold water
• 1 egg beaten with a little
salt (for the glaze)
• 350 gr veal, steak or beef
• 350 gr potatoes
• 200 gr turnip
• 175 gr onion
• Salt and freshly ground
Wellington beef • 800 grams of beef sirloin Sirloin Wellington is a classic dish of
or beef tenderloin English cuisine, highly appreciated
• 2 tbsp. approx. of Dijon and valued in menus for special
mustard with white wine occasions. It is traditionally made
• 1 tsp freshly ground black with beef tenderloin, although there
pepper is also a version with pork tenderloin
• 1/2 teaspoon salt and it is even made with fish.
• 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
• 1 sheet of puff pastry
• 1 egg.
Holiday: April fool’s day
I. Re-read the information above and then complete the information about
governmentsystem in the United Kingdom.
1. Government
United Kingdom’s government is a parliamentary democracy
Kind of Government: with a constitutional
Characteristics: In the British Monarchy, the king or queen is the head of state, and a
Prime minister is the head of government. a king or queen reigns with some limits to their
power.government. a king or queen reigns with some limits to their power.
2. Prime Minister
3. Current Monarch
How is he/she elected: The title to the crown derives partly from statute and partly from common law
rules of descent.
Age: 96 eges.
She has been the queen for 60 years .
Years reigning:
4. Parliament
United Kingdom
Description of House of Lords:
Does laws, scrutinize the actions of the government,and provide a forum of
independent expertise.
Description of House of Commons: The House of Commons consists of 646
elected MPs.
4. How did the movie help helped you to understand better the historical event
presented in it?
It shows the emotions that the family and England in general felt about the tragic
event and how it impact their lives.
Activity 11 " Discussing facts about education in your
R- We would say it was new and sort of scary, but when you get used to the
environment, you really enjoy learning about the first subjects you see in elementary.
You meet new people and learn from them and obviously you experience new things
and learn new things.
R- The quality of this stage of education we'd say that it was solid, as in the schools
covered all the areas of knowledge and would teach us about certain rules/lessons in
life that we could come across, and also learn the fundamentals in school.
R- These facilities have the most sophisticated and most advanced equipment for
their students, so they can provide the best experience as they also learn how to do
certain activities of certain subjects/topics.
R- There are plenty of children that do go to school and get their education either in
private school or public school and all get the same education and make the best of
it, but also there is a really high percentage of children that don't get the opportunity
to get that so-called education.
R- Yes, this is a proven fact, but at the same time I understand why is more
expensive to get a higher/sophisticated education, a lot of people get to learn a 2nd
language at the age of 4+ years old, then again it was more expensive to get that
education, so I do understand why higher education is more expensive in Mexico.
(Come all
those who by
merit deserve
the greatest
(The increase
of knowledge
and the
of life)
(Law without
morals is vain)
- There is a library
- Dental clinic
- Transport
- Psychological attention
- Physical activity and sport
II. Write a brief essay about the advantages and disadvantages to study
abroad. (1 page)
One of the most difficult parts can be the adaptation. When you decide to
study abroad, you don't just have to mold yourself to your new university.
But also, to a different culture, a new city and a new residence. In addition
to missing our old habits, the food or your family and friends.
And we are not done yet, studying abroad carries a series of significant
expenses. From paying tuition; going through travel costs, new residence
and so on.
Regardless of how good or bad this experience is, the real deal is that it
will be unforgettable and worth the risk.
Activity 15 “Mexican Inventions”
I.- Choose from the inventions given the six things that were invented by a Mexican.”
Color TV
Rocket belt
Instant book marker
Mouse pad
Translucid concrete
Contraceptive pill
II.- After discovering the six Mexican inventions, write the person who invented them.
These are the inventors: Guillermo González Camarena, Juan Manuel Lozano,
Víctor Celorio, Armando Fernández, Joel Sosa and Luis Miramontes.
Name Thing
Guillermo Gonzalez Camarena Colored TV
Juan Manuel Lozano Rocket belt
Victor Celoris Instant book marker
Armando Fernandez Mouse pad
Joel Sosa Translucid concrete
Luis Miramantes Contraceptive pill
Penicillin is a medicine that kills harmful
bacteria, helping people recover from
serious infections and saving many
lives. I knew it was invented in London.
It changed the world because as the
time passed, it went really cheap in the
The internet revolutionized the world by
connecting people, sharing information
instantly, enabling global
communication, transforming
industries. Basically it changed the
entire world.
This one also changed the world, when
government provided electricity to the
community, electric devices started to
appear in the houses, it was a
modernization and improvement in our
lifestyle. When electricity appeared in
our houses, inventions started to
Capacitors aren’t an invention. I know
they are useful in the industry; they help
to suppress peaks of high voltage (with
this big capability capacitors in
industries they can help their electrical
motor to do a soft start). In some more
common use, they help to “clean” the
voltage on a circuit.
Activity 17 “Engineering design for the future”
I. Watch the video about Engineering in the future in the next link: Answer the following questions:}
1) Write a summary of the video ( 1 page)
The Hyperloop is a conceptual high-speed transportation system that was first
proposed by Elon Musk in 2013. The basic idea behind the Hyperloop is to create a
low-pressure tube or tunnel in which specially designed pods can travel at extremely
high speeds, using a combination of magnetic levitation (maglev) and vacuum or
low-pressure environments to reduce air resistance and friction.
How does it works?
1. Low-Pressure Tube: The Hyperloop system consists of a long tube or tunnel
that is maintained at a very low pressure or near-vacuum conditions. By
reducing the air pressure inside the tube, the system minimizes air resistance,
allowing the pods to travel at high speeds with less energy consumption.
2. Magnetic Levitation (Maglev): The pods are levitated using magnetic
levitation technology, which eliminates the need for wheels or tracks. Magnets
on the pods interact with magnets on the tube's inner surface, allowing for
smooth and frictionless movement.
3. Propulsion: The pods can be propelled using various methods, including
linear induction motors. These motors create electromagnetic fields that push
or pull the pods along the tube. This eliminates the need for traditional engines
and reduces friction.
Now, let's discuss the potential benefits of the Hyperloop for cities:
1. Energy Efficiency: The use of magnetic levitation and low-pressure
environments contributes to the system's energy efficiency compared to other
modes of transportation. This could lead to lower energy consumption and
reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
2. Environmental Impact: With the potential for reduced energy consumption
and emissions, the Hyperloop could have a positive impact on the
environment, especially if powered by renewable energy sources.
3. Improved Connectivity: Hyperloop networks could connect cities that are
currently not well-connected by existing transportation systems, making it
easier for people to travel between regions.
2) Describe the innovation shown in the video. (1 page)
The Hyperloop is a proposed high-speed transportation system that was initially
conceptualized by Elon Musk in 2013. While it has not been fully realized and
implemented on a large scale as of my last knowledge update in September 2021, I
can explain the basic principles behind the Hyperloop and its potential benefits to
How the Hyperloop Works: The Hyperloop concept envisions a system of low-
pressure tubes in which specially designed capsules, or pods, travel at high speeds.
These pods would be propelled through the vacuum-like environment inside the
tubes, greatly reducing air resistance and allowing for speeds that are much higher
than traditional modes of transportation.
The innovation of the Hyperloop concept lies in several key areas:
1. Speed: The Hyperloop aims to achieve speeds of up to 760 mph (1223 km/h),
which would significantly reduce travel times for medium to long distances.
This is made possible by the near-vacuum environment inside the tubes,
which minimizes air resistance.
2. Low Pressure Environment: The tubes in which the pods travel are
maintained at a low pressure, similar to the conditions at high altitudes. This
reduces air resistance, allowing the pods to reach higher speeds with less
energy consumption.
3. Magnetic Levitation and Propulsion: The pods are designed to levitate and
move using magnetic levitation (maglev) technology. This eliminates the need
for traditional wheels or tracks, reducing friction and enabling smoother, faster
4. Linear Induction Motors: The Hyperloop pods would be propelled using
linear induction motors placed along the tube's length. These motors generate
electromagnetic fields that push or pull the pods, propelling them forward
without the need for onboard engines.
5. Pod Design and Aerodynamics: The pod design is focused on reducing
aerodynamic drag, allowing the pods to travel efficiently at high speeds. This
includes features like streamlined shapes and air compressors to manage the
buildup of air pressure in front of the pod.
6. Renewable Energy Integration: The Hyperloop concept often includes the
idea of powering the system using renewable energy sources such as solar
panels installed on the tube's surface. This would help minimize the
environmental impact and reduce operational costs.
3) How was the engineering applied in the design and implementation of the
construction presented? (1 page)
1. Tube Design and Materials: The engineering of Hyperloop tubes is crucial
to ensure a low-pressure environment that minimizes air resistance.
Engineers would need to select materials that are both strong and lightweight,
capable of withstanding the external atmospheric pressure while maintaining
the vacuum inside the tubes. The design would also consider factors like
structural integrity, thermal expansion, and the prevention of leaks.
2. Pod Aerodynamics: The design of the Hyperloop pods would be focused on
achieving maximum aerodynamic efficiency. Engineers would employ
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations and wind tunnel testing to
optimize the pod's shape, minimizing drag and air resistance.
3. Propulsion and Levitation: The propulsion and levitation systems would be
critical components of the Hyperloop design. Magnetic levitation (maglev) or
other advanced propulsion technologies would be used to accelerate and
decelerate the pods. Engineers would need to ensure precise control of the
forces involved to achieve smooth acceleration, maintain high speeds, and
ensure passenger comfort.
4. Vacuum System: Creating and maintaining a near-vacuum environment
within the tubes presents engineering challenges. Engineers would design
and implement robust vacuum pump systems to continuously remove air from
the tubes and maintain the desired low-pressure conditions.
5. Safety Systems: Safety is of paramount importance in any transportation
system. Engineers would design fail-safe mechanisms to address potential
issues such as sudden braking, power failures, or emergency stops. They
would also develop protocols for evacuating passengers in case of
6. Energy Efficiency and Sustainability: Hyperloop systems would need to be
designed with energy efficiency and sustainability in mind. This could involve
integrating regenerative braking systems, using renewable energy sources,
and optimizing the overall energy consumption of the system.
4) Write a conclusion about the activity (1/2 page)
As we can see, this "train" could be a great technological advance, since it has very
recent technology such as levitation, superconductors and vacuum sealing so that
the air is "thin" (easier to travel through). This project can help very populated cities
or also if you want to travel long distances in a short time. Supposedly it will be
cheap, so this is also a good thing. Another good thing is that it is friendly to the
environment, and thinking about the future, if many people prefer to use this method
of transport, you save the pollution of many vehicles plus traffic.
6. Which one do you consider is the best Music Festival in the world?
R = I considering the best festival in the world to Tomorrowland and is in Belgium.
The Beatles, Rolling Stones, The
60’s Bob Dylan, Elvis Presley, The Doors
70’s Kiss, Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith Queen, David Bowie, Elton John
Michael Jackson, Madonna, Prince, The Police, The Smiths, The Cure,
80’s Guns N' Roses, Metallica George Michael, Pet Shop Boys
I. Think about Mexican movies and popular actors and actresses and write a
list of the 5 most popular films in history with their main actors and a brief
description of them.
Macario dies with a turkey
leg and hallucinates the
Macario Ignacio López Tarzo
devil, who gives him an
antidote for all diseases
A housekeeper works in a
Roma Yalitza Aparicio house on Roma street, with
a rich family
3 different plots and 3
Amores perros Gael García Bernal different problems, where
dogs got a symbolic place.
The protagonist arrives at
his hometown and see a
Damian Alcázar, Joaquín
El infierno place where the mafia is the
only option to get out of
The plot is about how the
government discuss a big
La dictadura perfecta Damian Alcazar problem of corruption and
robberies with smoke
II. Write a description about the best movie filmed in your country in your
opinion and write you think it is the best. (1/2 page)
Amores perros has a lot of creativity to highlight the problems of low and high clases,
putting the dogs like a symbol, and which plot using it properly