Anatomy LowerLimbNervesVesselsLymphatics

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1 Anatomy – Lower limb – Nerves, Vessels, Lymphatics


Hip Flexion L2/3; Extension L4/5
Knee Extension L3/4; Flexion L5/S1
Ankle Dorsiflexion L4/5; Plantarflexion S1/2
Inversion L4/5; Eversion L5/S1
Foot Dorsiflexion L5/S1; Plantarflexion S1/2

Femoral Nerve (L2/3/4)

Largest branch lumbar plexus: posterior divisions anterior rami L2/3/4
Muscles – ant thigh
Artic – hip and knee
Sens – antmed thigh
Continues as saphenous to supply antmed knee/leg/foot
Course: formed in psoas major  deep to ing lig midpoint  splits into ant/post
divisions  femoral triangle

Obturator Nerve (L2/3/4)

Anterior divisions L2-4  formed in psoas major  crosses SI joint  obturator
foramen  ant/post branches
Muscles – ob externus, add mag, add long, add brevis, pectineus, gracilis
Artic – hip and knee
Sens – medial thigh

Superior Gluteal Nerve Supplies: gluteus med/min/TFL. No cutaneous innervation

Inferior Gluteal Nerve Supplies: gluteus maximus

Pudendal Nerve (S2/3/4)

Through lesser sciatic foramen, enter pudendal canal
Supplies pelvic floor and perineum (external anal sphincter, anal canal, post 2/3 scrotum/vulva, urethra and vagina)

Sciatic Nerve (L4/5/S1/2/3)
Largest branch sacral plexus
Course: formed at inf border Piriformis → greater sciatic foramen → under glut
max → in thigh deep to biceps femoris → divides at apex popliteal fossa into
tibial/common peroneal nerves
Musc – all post thigh muscles; ob internus, sup gemellus, quadratus
femoris, inf gamellus; all muscles leg/foot
Artic - hip
Sens - most skin leg and foot
Lesion: loss all motor except adduction/flexion thigh and extension knee, loss
sensation lower leg and foot

Common peroneal Nerve (L4/5/S1/2)

Foot drop (loss extensor muscles), High stepping gait
Can’t evert (peroneus lonus and brevis)
Sensory loss – 1st web space, lat lower leg, dorsum foot

Tibial Nerve
Above apex popliteal fossa → Behind medial malleolus → Under flexor retinaculum divides into med/late plantar nerves
Cutaneous innervation: Medial plantar nerve → medial sole foot; Lateral plantar nerve → lateral sole foot
Also calcaneal branches
Loss of flexion toes and inversion foot

Blood Supply to Hip
Trochanteric anastomosis (greater trochanter): main supply head
of femur – sup/inf gluteal, med/lat circumflex femoral
Cruciate anastomosis (lesser trochanter): inf gluteal, ascending
branch 1st perforating , med and lat circumflex femoral
Artery of ligamentum teres

Femoral Artery
Continuation external iliac, main artery lower limb - supply thigh
Enters femoral triangle mid-inguinal point, lateral to vein
Lies on psoas major, Bisects femoral triangle, enters adductor
canal, through adductor hiatus in add magnus → popliteal
4 superficial branches in femoral triangle
- Sup epigastric, sup circumflex iliac, sup/deep ext pudendal
Profunda femoris (deep artery thigh) in fem triangle
Medial and Lateral circumflex femoral
Desc genicular branch in adductor canal
Psoas major post, fem nerve lat, fem vein med in sheath/post in add canal
At add canal sartorius superficial, add long/add mag deep
Saphenous nerve passes ant from lat → med

Obturator artery
Helps deep artery supply adductor muscles
Internal iliac → thru obturator foramen → enter thigh → ant/post branches
Inferior gluteal artery
Muscular branch to piriformis, obturator int, glut max
Anastomotic branch to trochanteric/cruciate anast
Cutaneous branches to buttock and back of thigh
Artery to sciatic nerve

Popliteal Artery
Femoral artery through adductor hiatus → popliteal fossa medial to femur, on capsule of knee → between 2 heads gastroc
Crossed by tibial nerve and popliteal vein → Ceases as under fibrous arch soleus - dividing into ant and post tibial arteries
Branches form genicular anastomosis
Muscular branches to muscles in popliteal fossa
Genicular arteries (5)
Anterior tibial artery becomes dorsalis pedis (passes into sole to join lateral planter to complete plantar arch)
Posterior tibial artery ceases under flexor retinaculum divide into med/lat plantar arteries
Peroneal artery
Circumflex fibular artery
Nutrient artery to tibia
Muscular branch to deep flexors
Med calcaneal branch
Med planter Terminal branch, supplies great toe
Lat planter Terminal, forms planter arch across base
MTs, join by dorsal pedis

Femoral Vein
Continuation popliteal vein prox to adductor hiatus → adductor canal →
femoral canal → ex iliac post to inguinal ligament
Receives greater saphenous vein/deep vein of thigh in fem triangle
NB: superficial femoral vein actually a deep vein

Popliteal Vein
Begins distal border popliteus as post tibial and ant tibial veins meet 
peroneal vein drains into it
Lies in sheath with popliteal artery
Becomes femoral vein as passes through adductor hiatus
Small saphenous vein drains in in popliteal fossa
Med/lat plantar veins form post tibial/peroneal veins post to med/lat malleoli

Superficial veins
Great Saphenous Vein
Dorsal venous arch  ant to med malleolus  post to med condyle femur  saphenous
opening  enters femoral vein in femoral triangle
Communicates with small saphenous vein
Landmark at knee – 4 finger widths behind medial border patella
Saphenous opening: inf to med part inguinal ligament, 4cm inflat to pubic tubercle

Small Saphenous Vein Union dorsal vein little toe/dorsal venous arch  post to lat mal 
between 2 gastroc  popliteal
Venous cutdowns Ant to med malleolus (saphenous nerve accomp great saphenous vein)

Lymphatic drainage
Superficial and deep vessels
Sup from antmed follow great saphenous vein to superficial ing LNs; from postlat follow lesser to popliteal LNs
Superficial inguinal nodes Superficial → deep → external iliac nodes
Vertical drain lower limb
Medial drain abdomen below umbilicus, genitalia (not testes)
Lateral drain buttock
Deep inguinal nodes Drain anterior perineum, thigh, leg, foot
Popliteal nodes Receive from heel and calf; Drain to deep inguinal nodes

Innervation of the foot

1 Saphenous – med dorsum to base big toe 4,5 Med and lat plantar – sole
2 Sup peroneal – dorsum 6 Sural – lateral
3 Deep peroneal – 1st web space 7 Med calcaneal – heel

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