2024 Bece Science Sample Questions From Waec

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There will be two papers: Paper 1 and Paper 2 both of which must be taken. The two papers will
be a composite paper to be taken at a sitting.
This will be objective paper made up of 40 questions drawn from the entire syllabus. All
the questions must be answered in 45 minutes.

This shall be an essay paper made of 2 sections. Section A and B to be answered in 1 hour
25 minutes.

Section A: will be one compulsory question consisting of four sub questions testing in
practical skills specified in Agriculture, Biology , Chemistry and Physics aspects of the
examination syllabus. This will attract 40 marks.

Section B: will consist of four questions. Each question shall be a blend of Agriculture,
Biology, Chemistry and Physics aspects of the examination syllabus. Candidates will be
required to answer any three of the question for 60 marks.


Paper Items Scaling factor Total marks
40 1.0
4 0.6


1. The series of changes that occur during the development of a housefly is called
A. growth.
B. cycle.
C. reparation
D. metamorphosis

2. Compost is not an ideal choice for use as mulch because

A. It is unsanitary
B. it attracts squirrels, ants and other critters looking for food.
C. the nutrients are too concentrated and will kill the plants.
D. the nitrogen evaporates into the air instead of the soil.

3. In which part of the monogastric digestive system does microbial digestion takes place?
A. Large intestine
B. Rectum
C. Caecum
D. Oesophagus

4. Which of the following best describes why carbon cycle is said to be a repeated pattern in
nature? (U)
A. It helps to maintain a balanced level of CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere.
B. It makes carbon dioxide available for plants to use for photosynthesis.
C. It involves carbon-sequestration process.
D. There is a continual exchange of carbon between the earth and the atmosphere

5. The main reason why hay making is less common in tropical Africa especially Ghana is
A. the animals can forage all year round.
B. pastures contain abundant forage all year round.
C. grazing animals are only reared for ritual purposes.
D. grazing animals are reared under the intensive system

6. The grasshopper life cycle is said to be incomplete metamorphosis because the grasshopper
A. has both a caterpillar and nymph in its life cycle.
B. life cycle has five stages.
C. life cycle has two very different stages.
D. life cycle has only 3 stages; adult, nymph, and egg

7. A feeding relationship consists of different organisms including maize, dog and lion. Which
trophic level is missing in the feeding relationship?
A. Primary consumer
B. Dominant producer
C. Secondary consumer
D. Tertiary consumer

8. The system of farming that is most likely to ensure harvest different types of crops at the end
of the season is
A. mono-cropping
B. mixed farming
C. mixed cropping
D. irrigational farming

9. A patient who reports to the hospital with a gum related disease is most likely suffering from
A. periodontal disease
B. gingivitis
C. dental caries
D. gummosis

10 The part of the digestive system that does not contain digestive enzymes is the
A. duodenum
B. mouth
C. oesophagus
D. stomach

1. (a) State two conditions that makes the presence of life on Jupiter difficult.
(2 marks)
(b) Explain two steps involved in the preparation of manure.
(2 marks)
(c) State two diseases that affect the circulatory system of humans
(2 marks)
(d) Explain briefly why a community will not be encouraged to practice mixed cropping.
(3 marks)
(e) Briefly describe a test you will conduct to prove the presence of proteins in a piece
of meat. (A)
(5 marks)
(f) Explain the term respiration (U)
(2 marks)
(g) Identify three human activities that are destroying the balance of ecosystems in Ghana.
(3 marks)

2. (a) Distinguish between land rotation and crop rotation (U)

(2 marks)
(b) Explain what happens to a morsel of kenkey as it travels along the alimentary canal (A)
(4 marks)
(c) (i) Name three parts of the human circulatory system.
(i) Give one function of each part of the parts named in (i).
(6 marks) (K)
(d) Distinguish between an inner planet and an outer planet. (U)
(2 marks)
(e) Consider three different animals namely, lion, sparrow and tilapia
(i) Identify the type of ecosystem that each of these organisms live in (U)
(ii) Write down one feature/adaptation that enables each of the organisms to live
successfully in the ecosystem in (i) above. (A)
(6 marks)

1. The diagram below shows various ways in which Nitrogen is cycled in nature, study it carefully
and answer the question that follows;

(a). Identify the stages labelled C, G, J, K, L and Y [6 Marks]

(b) Describe the processes labelled G and Y [4 Marks]
(c) Explain how certain plants fix nitrogen in the soil [2 Marks]
(d) State two importance of the cycle to the environment. [2 Marks]

1. 2. The picture below shows parts of the solar system. Study it carefully and use it to answer
the questions that follow

a. Name the parts labelled A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I

b. Which of the parts named is known as the twin of the earth?
c. Group the objects A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I into inner planet and outer planet.
d. Which of the labelled parts supports life?
e. Give two reasons why the part named in (d) supports life.
f. F. Give one difference between the parts labelled B and A

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