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DLP No. 3 Learning Area: English Grade Level: 3 Quarter: 3rd Duration: 50 mins.
Learning  Identify and use the elements of an informational / factual text heard. Code:
Competency / ies: EN3LC-IIIi-j-3.7
Key Concepts/ INFORMATIONAL TEXTS: Provide focused instruction using leveled books for excellent opportunities to
Understandings expose students to informational texts as stressed by the Common Core State Standards.
to be Developed
FACTUAL TEXTS: A variety of spoken, written and visual texts that present information, ideas or issues
to inform, instruct, enlighten or persuade the reader or listener.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Identify the elements of informational text heard.
Skills Use the elements of information heard in writing a sentence.
Attitudes Write a simple sentence about the pictures.
2.Content/Topic Identifying and Using the Elements of an Informational / Factual Text Heard.
3. Learning Flashcards, Story Books, pictures, newspapers or other sources of information that can be used in the
Resources/ lesson. chart
A. Drill / Review Ask: What was our story yesterday? Do you like Mateo as a child like you? Why?
B. Motivation Ask: Children who among you have read a newspaper today or heard a news from radio or TV today?
What was the news about?
Say: All the things that I had mentioned like TV, radio, newspaper etc. are all sources of information.
Let us know if those sources of information are useful or not.
C. Presentation (Teacher may use chart, power point or flashcards in presenting her lesson)
Informational Text Elements Vocabulary:
 Non-Fiction - A writing that tells about people, places and events
 Informational - A writing that informs you on something
 Expository - Serving to expound or set fourth
 Author’s Purpose - The reason the author has for writing (Inform, persuade, express and
 Major Ideas - Ideas that pop out in the passage
 Supporting Ideas - Smaller ideas that help support your main idea
 Visual Aids - pictures, graphs, charts or anything with words that conveys your ideas
 Technical Vocabulary- Words that are associated with a particular content area or topic

INFORMATIONAL TEXTS Provide focused instruction using leveled books for excellent opportunities to
expose students to informational texts as stressed by the Common Core State Standards. The CCSS
defines "informational text" as a broad category of nonfiction resources, including: biographies;
autobiographies; books about history, social studies, science, and the arts; technical texts (including how-
to books and procedural books)

FACTUAL TEXTS: A variety of spoken, written and visual texts that present information, ideas or issues
to inform, instruct, enlighten or persuade the reader or listener); and literary nonfiction.
D. Discussion Note: Teacher may elaborate this topic using their own understanding based on the information given in
the presentation.
E. Generalization What is informational / factual text based on the definitions given?

 INFORMATIONAL TEXTS: Provide focused instruction using leveled books for excellent
opportunities to expose students to informational texts as stressed by the Common Core State
 FACTUAL TEXTS: A variety of spoken, written and visual texts that present information, ideas or
issues to inform, instruct, enlighten or persuade the reader or listener.

F. Application (Note: This is just a sample teacher may use any activity regarding the topic.)
Look at the picture. Say something why isn’t this woman using a fork to eat. Write your answer below the
picture. (See attachment for the activity)
5. Assessment Write I if it tells about informatinal text and F if it is factual text.
___1. Daily News Paper
___2. Dr. Jose Rizal is our national hero.
___3. Meriam Webster Dictionary
___4. Solid, liquid and gas are the 3 states of matter.
6. Assignment In your home read some article from an old book or newspaper then write any information about the
article that you read.
7. Wrap-
Prepared by:

Name: Edita T. Lobino School: Sta. Cruz l Elementary School

Position/Designation: Teacher 2 Division: Mis. Occ.
Activity 1

Why isn’t this woman not using fork to eat……


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