5 B2C - Comprehensive - Cert - EN - Nov - 2014 - Final

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Allianz Comprehensive Coverage

This Comprehensive Coverage provides a package of our most popular product features and benefits to meet the needs of your all-
inclusive vacation plans. Whether you are taking a weeklong safari to Africa, a summer vacation with the kids or an exciting Caribbean
cruise, this plan will provide you with coverage for your travel plans, your healthcare, and your personal belongings.

Benefits per Insured Benefit Maximums

Trip Cancellation Up to $20,000 Canadian
Trip Interruption Up to $20,000 Canadian
Trip Delay $300 Canadian/Day – Maximum 2 Days
Emergency Medical and Dental Coverage Up to $5,000,000 Canadian (overall policy maximum)
Emergency Medical Transportation Included in overall policy maximum
Vehicle Return $2,000 Canadian
Repatriation of Remains $5,000 Canadian
Accommodations and Meals $150 Canadian/Day – Maximum 10 days
Baggage Coverage $1,000 Canadian
Baggage Delay $200 Canadian
24-Hour Emergency Travel Assistance Included

Your Comprehensive Coverage provides insurance for travellers who are age 64 or younger at the time the coverage is

This plan will provide you with coverage for the length of your trip to a maximum period of up to 30 days. Your departure date and your
return date are both counted and included as separate days when determining the duration of coverage.

For complete information, please read the Policy of Insurance below.

Policy of Insurance
This product is underwritten by CUMIS General Insurance Company (herein called “we”, “us”, “our”), a member of the Co-operators group
of companies, and administered by Allianz Global Assistance. Allianz Global Assistance is a registered business name of AZGA Service
Canada Inc. and AZGA Insurance Agency Canada Ltd. AZGA Service Canada Inc. is a member of the Allianz Group. For purposes of the
Insurance Companies Act (Canada), this document was issued in the course of CUMIS General Insurance Company's insurance business
in Canada.


We have issued this Policy of Insurance to the person(s) named on the Declaration Page (herein called “you” or “your”).
If you believe that the Declaration Page we sent you is incorrect, please contact Allianz Global Assistance immediately at the phone
number(s) listed on your Declaration Page.

This Policy and your Declaration Page describe your insurance and its terms and conditions, which may limit benefits and amounts payable
to you. Please read the Policy carefully to understand the conditions of all coverage for which you have paid a premium.

Be sure to take this document, your Declaration Page and your receipt with you on your trip.

This Policy contains a number of exclusions and limitations including a Pre-Existing Condition Exclusion, which may apply to a
medical condition and/or symptoms that existed prior to your trip, please take time to read it before leaving on your trip.



Allianz Global Assistance is here to help you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Please have the following information ready for the Allianz Global Assistance representative when you call:

 your name and Policy Number (per your Declaration Page), and
 your location and local phone number.

Please note that Emergency Medical insurance provides for a reduction of benefits if you do not call before seeking treatment. If your
medical condition prevents you from calling before seeking emergency treatment, you must call Allianz Global Assistance as soon as
medically possible. As an alternative, someone else may call on your behalf.

Right to Examine this Insurance

If you notify us that you are not completely satisfied with your purchased plan within 10 days of the date of issue of this Policy of Insurance
as indicated on your Declaration Page, we will provide a full refund if you have not already departed on your trip or filed a claim.
Refunds are only available when Allianz Global Assistance receives your request for a refund before your departure date.

Insured benefits under this Policy of Insurance include:

 Trip Cancellation/ Trip Interruption and Trip Delay

 Emergency Medical and Dental Expenses
 Emergency Medical Transportation
 Baggage Coverage
 Baggage Delay

Please refer to your Declaration Page to determine which coverage you purchased and the corresponding maximum amounts of coverage.

What risks are insured?

This insurance covers the reasonable and customary, medically necessary expenses for medical care or surgery that is required as part of
the emergency treatment arising from a medical condition that occurs while you are travelling outside of your province of residence and
protects you against situations or losses that result from sudden and unexpected conditions or events. We reserve the right, in our sole
discretion, to reject applications for coverage.

These insurance benefits do not cover conditions or events that, on the date of purchase, are either known to you or are likely to

The Emergency Medical and Dental insurance covers only the medically necessary expenses you incur once you have left your province of
residence. In addition, the Emergency Medical and Dental insurance covers only the expenses in excess of those covered under your
government health insurance plan and by any other insurance or benefit plan under which you are covered.

What must you do in a medical emergency?

You must contact Allianz Global Assistance before seeking emergency treatment. Failure to call Allianz Global Assistance may result in a
reduction to the amount reimbursed, or no reimbursement, for the expenses you have incurred. In addition, the medical advisors of Allianz
Global Assistance must approve all medical procedures (including cardiac procedures and cardiac catheterisation) in advance.

When you contact Allianz Global Assistance, they will refer you or may transfer your call, when medically appropriate, to an accredited
medical service provider within a network.

Allianz Global Assistance may also make a request for the medical service provider to bill the medical expenses covered under this
insurance directly to us instead of to you. We will guarantee payments up to the amounts provided under this Policy of Insurance, if
needed, to secure your medically necessary admission to a hospital.

In this Policy, certain terms have defined meanings. Those defined terms are as indicated on your Declaration Page,
or as below in the section titled “Definitions”, and appear throughout this Policy in italics.

Definitions  Emergency Medical and Dental Coverage - effective

date means the time and date on which you leave your
province, or territory of residence (using local time at
Accident/Accidental - a sudden, unexpected, unintended, your Canadian address).
unforeseeable external event, occurring during an insured trip,
arising wholly from accidental means, which independently of  All other coverage - effective date means 00:01 on the
any other cause, causes injury. day you are scheduled to leave your departure point
(using local time at your Canadian address).
Accidental Bodily Injury - a bodily injury caused by an
accident of external origin occurring during the period of Emergency - an unforeseen event that occurs during the
insurance and being the direct and independent cause of the period of insurance and makes it necessary to receive immediate
loss. treatment from a licensed physician or to be hospitalized.

Allianz Global Assistance – Allianz Global Assistance, our Emergency Dental Care/Treatment - the services or
administrator for assistance and claims services under this supplies provided by a licensed dentist, hospital or other licensed
Policy. provider that are immediately and medically necessary.

Baggage - luggage and personal possessions, whether owned, Emergency Medical Care/Treatment - the services or
borrowed or rented and taken by you on your trip. supplies provided by a licensed physician, hospital or other
licensed provider (licensed physiotherapist, chiropractor,
Children - unmarried persons who are dependent on you for chiropodist, podiatrist or osteopath) that are medically necessary
support and are: to treat any illness or other covered condition that is acute (onset
is sudden and unexpected) and which cannot be reasonably
 under 21 years of age; or delayed until you return to your home country without
endangering your health.
 under 26 years of age if a full-time student; or
 mentally or physically incapable of self-support, and Essential Items - means necessary clothing and/or toiletries
became so as a dependent child, and over 20 years of purchased during the time period in which checked baggage has
age. been delayed.

Expiry Date - the date on which your coverage ends under this
Common Carrier - any land, air or water conveyance for insurance as shown on your Declaration Page.
regular passenger service, which is fully licensed to carry
passengers for compensation or hire and which undertakes to Family Member - includes your spouse; parents; children,
carry all persons indifferently as to who may apply for passage, including children who are, or are in the process of becoming
so long as there is room and there are no legal grounds for adopted; siblings; grandparents or grandchildren; step-parent;
refusal. step-children; or step-sibling; in-laws (parent, son, daughter,
brother or sister, grandparents); aunt; uncle; niece; nephew;
Contamination - the contamination or poisoning of people by legal guardian; or ward; whether or not they travel with you.
nuclear and/or chemical and/or biological substances, which
causes illness and/or death. Government Health Insurance Plan - the health insurance
coverage that Canadian provincial and territorial governments
Coverage Period - the time insurance is in effect, beginning provide for their residents.
on the effective date and ending on the expiry date.
Hospital - an establishment that is licensed as a hospital and is
Covered Service - a service or supply, specified herein, for operated for the care and treatment of inpatients, has a
which we provide benefits under this insurance. registered nurse always on duty, and has a laboratory and an
operating room on the premises or in facilities controlled by the
Departure Date - the date on which you are scheduled to start hospital. Hospital does not mean any establishment used mainly
your trip as shown on the Declaration Page (using the local time as a clinic, extended or palliative care facility, rehabilitation
at your Canadian address). facility, addiction treatment centre, convalescent, rest or nursing
home, home for the aged, or health spa.
Departure Point - the city within Canada, from which you
depart on your trip on your departure date. Illness - a sickness, infirmity or disease occurring during the
insured trip that requires emergency medical care, which did not
Effective Date - has the following meaning depending on the occur prior to the effective date.
coverage and benefit:
Immediate Family - means your spouse; parent; children
 Trip Cancellation and Interruption Coverage - (including all natural or adopted children); your sibling; your step-
effective date means 00:01 on the day after your parents, step-children, your grandparent or grandchild.
premium payment is received by us, (using local time at
your Canadian address).

Injury - bodily injury occurring during an insured trip, resulting Return Date - the date on which you are scheduled to return to
directly and independently of all other causes, from an accident. your departure point as shown on your Declaration Page (using
the local time at your Canadian address).
Inpatient - a person treated as a registered bed patient in a
hospital or other facility and for whom a room and board charge Sanction - any business or activity that would violate any
is made. Canadian or any other applicable national economic or trade
sanction law or regulations.
Medical Condition - an accidental bodily injury or sickness (or
a condition related to that accidental bodily injury or sickness), Spouse - the person who is:
including disease, acute psychosis and complications of  legally married or in a legal civil union with you; or
pregnancy occurring within the first 31 weeks of pregnancy.  is living with you in a conjugal relationship and is
publicly represented as your spouse or your domestic
Medically Necessary or Medical Necessity - the services partner in the community in which you reside. You may
or supplies provided by a hospital, physician, dentist, or other only have 1 spouse for the purposes of this insurance.
licensed provider that are required to identify or treat your illness
or injury and that we determine are: Stable - any medical condition or related condition (including
any heart condition or lung condition) for which all the following
 consistent with the symptoms or diagnosis and statements for that medical condition or related condition
treatment of your condition, illness, ailment or injury; (including any heart or any lung condition) are true:
 appropriate with regard to standards of good medical
practice;  there has been no new treatment or prescribed
 not solely for the convenience of you, a physician or medication;
other provider;
 there has been no change in treatment or change in
 the most appropriate supply or level of service that can
be safely provided to you. prescribed medication (including the amount of
medication to be taken, how often it is taken, the type of
When applied to the care of an inpatient, it further means that medication or change in treatment frequency or type);
your medical symptoms or condition requires that the services  there has been no new symptom, more frequent
cannot be safely provided to you as an outpatient. symptom or more severe symptom;
 there have been no test results showing deterioration;
Mountain Climbing - the ascent or descent of a mountain
requiring the use of specialized equipment, including crampons,  there has been no hospitalization or referral to a
pick-axes, anchors, bolts, carabineers and lead or top-rope specialist (made or recommended) or the result of
anchoring equipment. further investigations has not yet been completed.

Outpatient - someone who receives a covered service while

not an inpatient.
Terrorism or Act of Terrorism - an act including, but not
limited to, the use of force or violence and/or the threat thereof,
including hijacking or kidnapping, of an individual or group in
Physician - a person (other than an insured) who is not related order to intimidate or terrorize any government, group,
to the insured by blood or marriage who is licensed to prescribe association or the general public, for religious, political or
drugs and administer medical treatment (within the scope of ideological reasons or ends, and does not include any act of war
such license) at the location where the treatment is provided. A (whether declared or not), act of foreign enemies or rebellion.
physician does not include a naturopath, a herbalist or a
Travel Advisory - a formal written notice issued by the
Canadian government to advise travellers not to enter a foreign
Policy - the entire Policy of insurance document containing the
country or a given region in that country. It does not include
terms and conditions of this insurance and issued to you by us.
travel information reports.
Prepaid - paid prior to your departure date. Travelling Companion - a person with whom you are sharing
travel arrangements and prepaid accommodation.
Prescription Drug - a drug or medicine that can only be
issued upon the prescription of a physician or licensed dentist Travel Period - the period of time from your departure from
and is dispensed by a licensed pharmacist.
your departure point up to and including your return date, as
shown on your Declaration Page.
Professional - engaged in a specified activity as your main
paid occupation. Treatment - the medical advice, care and/or service provided
by a physician. This includes, but is not limited to, diagnostic
Reasonable and Customary Charge - a charge in an measures and prescription drugs (including pills and inhaled or
amount consistently made by other vendors/providers for a given injected medications). It does not include check-ups or cases
service in the same geographic area, which reflects the where you have no specific symptoms.
complexity of the service taking into account availability of
experienced personnel, availability of services or parts. Trip - a period of round-trip travel to a destination outside of
your province of residence that is not for the purpose of obtaining
health care or treatment of any kind.

We, Us and Our - refers to CUMIS General Insurance residence, except in the circumstances outlined under
Company. “When will your coverage be automatically extended?”

You and Your - refer to all persons listed on your Declaration When will your coverage be automatically extended?
Page under the plan purchased when the required insurance
premium has been paid for that person, before the effective date. Regardless of your expiry date, coverage will be extended
What Do You Need to Know?  your entire trip falls within the coverage period; and

Are you eligible for coverage?  your return is delayed by unforeseeable circumstances
beyond your control, including the hospitalization as an
To be eligible for any insurance coverage you must: inpatient or medical condition of you, (your spouse or
your children if they are travelling with you) or your
 be a Canadian citizen or be a permanent or temporary travelling companion.
resident of Canada;
If coverage is extended for these reasons, coverage will end on
 be covered under your government health insurance the earliest of either:
plan for the full duration of your coverage period;
 your arrival at your province of residence or return
 have your application for coverage accepted and the destination based on your travel itinerary; or
entire required premium paid within 7 days of booking
your travel arrangements;  5 days after your scheduled return date; however, if you
are hospitalized as an inpatient, if medically necessary,
 at the time this insurance is purchased, be age 64 or we will extend insurance for 72 hours from the time you
younger; and are discharged but under no circumstances for more
than 3 months from your scheduled return date.
 be travelling no longer than 30 consecutive days.
What must you do if you decide to extend your trip?
PLEASE NOTE: You must meet all of the above eligibility
requirements to be insured under this Policy. If you decide to extend your trip you may purchase an extension
of your coverage by contacting your travel supplier or Allianz
How do you become insured? Global Assistance:

You become insured and this Policy becomes an insurance  if you have not already departed on your trip; or
 if you have already departed on your trip, you have not
 when you are named on your completed insurance had a medical condition during your trip and you call
application and named on your Declaration Page; and before your scheduled return date.

 upon payment of the required premium on or before If you have already left on your trip and have had a medical
your effective date. condition during your trip, you may still be eligible for an
extension of your coverage by contacting Allianz Global
When does your insurance start? Assistance before your scheduled return date. The granting of an
extension in this situation is subject to the approval of Allianz
Your insurance starts on the effective date if: Global Assistance.

 you are eligible; Any extension of coverage is subject to the following conditions:

 you are named on the application; and  the total duration of your trip may not exceed 30
consecutive days;
 you pay the full required premium before the effective
date.  you are covered by your government health insurance
plan for the entire duration of the trip,
For Trip Cancellation and Interruption Coverage to be in effect
we must have received all premium due prior to the trip  you must pay the required premium on or before your
cancellation. original scheduled return date.

When does your insurance end? Can you obtain a refund?

Your insurance ends on the earliest of: If you notify us that you are not completely satisfied with your
purchased plan within 10 days of the date of issue of this Policy
 the date your trip is cancelled when cancelled prior to of Insurance as indicated on your Declaration Page, we will
your departure date; provide a full refund if you have not already departed on your trip
or filed a claim.
 23:59 on your return date; or
Refunds are only available when Allianz Global Assistance
 upon your return to your province or territory of receives your request for a refund before your departure date.
Description of Coverage your trip and this date was not known until after the trip
was booked.
The following insurance benefits protect you against situations or Government Advisories and Visas
losses that result from sudden and unexpected conditions or
events. The benefits do not cover conditions or events that, on A travel advisory issued after your trip has been booked with
the date of purchase, are either known to you or likely to occur. respect to travel to your destination country during all or part of
your trip.
Trip Cancellation and Interruption Coverage
The non-issuance of a travel visa to you, or your travelling
Trip Cancellation Coverage provides reimbursement for the companion for reasons beyond your or your travelling
covered losses you incur for a trip that is cancelled before your companion’s control. The non-issuance of a travel visa due to
departure date. The total amount paid for your trip cancellation late application is not covered. Non-issuance of an immigration
will not exceed the maximum benefit amount of $20,000. or employment visa is not covered.

Trip Interruption Coverage reimburses you for covered losses Terrorism

you incur for trips that are interrupted or delayed after your An act of terrorism committed by an organized terrorist group
departure date. The total amount paid for your trip interruption (recognized as such by the Canadian Government), occurring in
will not exceed the maximum benefit amount of $20,000. the city and country of your destination:
COVERED REASONS  within 30 days of your scheduled departure date (for
Trip Cancellation benefits);
A maximum benefit of up to $10,000, is provided to cover the
 during your trip (for Trip Interruption benefits).
losses (identified under ‘Covered Benefits’) which result from the
cancellation or interruption of your trip due to one of the following Employment and Occupation
covered reasons
You or your travelling companion:
Medical Conditions and Death  after having been with the same employer for at least 3
continuous years, are terminated or laid off, through no
Any serious injury or any unforeseen serious illness occurring to; fault of your own, after your effective date of coverage;
 you, or your travelling companion, which is so disabling  being required to serve on a jury or served with a court
as to cause a reasonable person to delay, cancel, or order or subpoena, excluding law enforcement officers
interrupt their trip; who are required to appear in court;
 being summoned to service in the case of reservists,
 a family member that is life threatening or requiring
active military, police or fire personnel.
hospitalization as an inpatient; or
 a family member who is dependent upon your care.
If your trip has been delayed due to one of the covered reasons
For Trip Cancellation benefits, a physical examination by a listed under the ‘Trip Delay’ coverage of this Policy and that
physician must take place within 72 hours from when the delay results in a loss of more than 50% of the duration of your
cancellation is made, and the physician must recommend in scheduled trip.
writing that your trip be cancelled.
For Trip Interruption benefits, this examination must take place
during your trip, and the physician must recommend in writing You or a travelling companion:
that your trip be interrupted or delayed.
 being hijacked or quarantined; or
The death of you, a family member or a travelling companion, if
the death occurs within 30 days prior to your departure date, or  having your home made uninhabitable by flood,
during your trip. burglary, vandalism or natural disaster; or

Your family or friends, with whom you were planning to stay on  being directly involved in a traffic accident while en
your trip, are unable to accommodate you due to life-threatening route to a departure point for a trip; or
illness, life-threatening injury or death of one of them.
 under Trip Cancellation benefit, being the victim of an
Pregnancy and Adoption indictable criminal assault within 10 days prior to your
departure date. An indictable criminal assault inflicted
The pregnancy of you, your spouse, an immediate family by you, a family member, travelling companion or
member or your travelling companion if such a pregnancy: travelling companion’s family member is not a covered
reason under this insurance.
 has been diagnosed after your trip has been booked,
and your departure is scheduled within 9 weeks before
or after the expected date of delivery; or
 the legal adoption of a child by you or your travelling
companion, when the actual date the child is to be
placed in your care is scheduled to take place during

Trip Cancellation Benefits (prior to departure) 1. You are not covered for conditions that you are aware of
when you book your trip, which might reasonably be
We will reimburse you for the following covered losses providing expected to prevent you from travelling as booked.
you cancel your trip prior to your departure date:
2. You are not covered for the medical condition or the death
 the forfeited, published, non-refundable trip payments of an ailing person when the trip was made to visit or attend
or deposits incurred as a result of cancellation penalties to that person.
and for which no credits or refunds were issued by the
supplier; and Trip Cancellation and Interruption Coverage are also subject to
the General Limitations, Conditions and Exclusions as well as
 the additional reasonable cost resulting from a change the Pre-Existing Conditions Exclusion.
in the per-person occupancy rate for prepaid travel
arrangements if a travelling companion’s trip is
cancelled for a covered reason and yours is not.
Trip Delay Coverage

Trip Interruption Benefits (after date and time of COVERED REASONS AND BENEFITS
If your trip is delayed from its scheduled departure time for more
If your trip is interrupted for a covered reason we will reimburse than 6 hours, we will pay you on a one-time per trip basis, up to
you for the following: a per person maximum of $300 per day and a total of 2 days, for
reasonable, additional accommodation, meals and travelling
 the unused portion of forfeited, published, non- expenses. Please refer to your Declaration Page to determine
refundable trip payments or deposits incurred as a which coverage you purchased.
result of cancellation penalties and for which no credit
was issued by the supplier; Covered reasons for which we provide a Trip Delay benefit are:

 the additional reasonable cost resulting from a change  death or an emergency hospitalization as an inpatient of
in the per-person occupancy rate for prepaid travel you, a member of your immediate family or your
arrangements if a travelling companion’s trip is travelling companion;
interrupted for one of the above covered reasons and
yours is not;  delays of your common carrier (including bad weather);

 reasonable, additional accommodation, meals, and  lost or stolen passports, money, or travel documents;
transportation expenses up to $100 per day up to a
maximum of 5 days, if a covered travelling family  quarantine;
member or travelling companion must remain
hospitalized as an inpatient;  unannounced strikes;

 reasonable*, additional transportation expenses needed  natural disaster;

to return to your departure point or to travel from the
place your trip was interrupted to the place where you  civil disorder or unrest; or
can rejoin your trip and the unused portion of any non-
refundable land, sea and air arrangements that were  if you are hijacked (whether or not committed by an
paid as part of your trip; and organized terrorist group recognized as such by the
Canadian Government).
 reasonable*, additional travel costs for you to reach
your scheduled destination if you must depart after your CONDITIONS, LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS
departure date.
1. Prepaid expenses are not covered, unless as otherwise
* The reasonable amount of benefit paid to you will not specified under Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption
exceed the cost of economy airfare by the most cost- Coverage.
effective route on the next available carrier, less any
refunds paid to you. 2. The additional expenses must be incurred by you.

CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS 3. The total amount paid for these additional expenses for all
persons will not exceed the benefit maximum listed on the
You must notify the appropriate travel supplier(s) of your Declaration Page.
cancellation or interruption within 24 hours of the cause of
cancellation or interruption, unless your condition, or situation Trip Delay Coverage is also subject to the General Limitations,
prevents it, then as soon as reasonably possible. If you do not do Conditions and Exclusions as well as the Pre-Existing Conditions
so, your claim will not be payable. Exclusion.

Emergency Medical and Dental Coverage Medical Appliances

COVERED BENEFITS This insurance covers the cost of medical appliances

including wheelchair, braces, crutches, walker, or hospital-
type beds, if ordered by a licensed physician. We will pay
Emergency Medical and Dental Coverage reimburses you for
eligible expenses if you require emergency medical and/or dental the lesser of the rental or the purchase price.
care during your trip. This coverage will also cover expenses for
Ambulance/Ground Transport
emergency medical transportation back to your province of
normal residence. In the event of injury or illness while on a trip,
during the coverage period, we reimburse you for reasonable This insurance covers the cost of local ground transport to a
and customary charges for the following medically necessary medical service provider in an emergency.
expenses required by you.
Medical Assistance Services
Emergency Medical Expenses
Medical Assistance
We provide coverage up to the policy maximum of $5,000,000 in
total, for the following: If you have a medical problem or emergency, you must
contact Allianz Global Assistance, who will refer you to a
Emergency Medical Treatment (including X-rays and local physician, dentist, hospital, medical facility, or other
lab) appropriate resource.

Medical Consultation and Monitoring

This insurance covers emergency medical care or treatment
of any medical condition that is acute (onset is sudden and If you are hospitalized, Allianz Global Assistance’s medical
unexpected) and considered life threatening or, if left staff will keep in contact with you and your treating physician
unattended, could deteriorate resulting in serious and to get information on the care you are receiving and
irreparable harm. determine the need for further assistance. Allianz Global
Assistance will also contact your personal physician and
Emergency Dental Treatment (including x-rays and lab) family at home, if necessary.

This insurance covers the following dental expenses when Emergency Medical Transportation
required as emergency treatment and ordered by or
received from a licensed dentist: We will arrange and pay for medical transportation services as
specified below, which are required by you as a result of an
 if you need dental treatment to repair or replace your injury or illness that occurs during the coverage period that
natural or permanently attached artificial teeth because requires transportation to an appropriate medical facility or return
of an accidental blow to your face, you are covered for to your province of residence.
the emergency dental expenses you incur during your
trip. You are also covered up to a maximum of $1,000 All emergency medical transportation services must be
to continue necessary treatment after your return to authorized in advance and organized by Allianz Global
Canada. However, this treatment must be completed Assistance. Such services that Allianz Global Assistance does
within 90 days after the accident. not pre-authorize shall not be covered.

 if you need emergency treatment to relieve dental pain, Transportation to an Appropriate Medical Facility
you are covered for the emergency dental expenses
you incur during your trip, up to a maximum of $250, If our consulting physician and the local attending physician
and the complete cost of prescription drugs. determine that adequate treatment is not available locally
and that treatment is medically necessary, you will be
Professional Fees transported to the nearest appropriate medical facility.

This insurance covers expenses for emergency treatment by Return to your Province of Residence
a licensed physiotherapist, chiropractor, chiropodist,
podiatrist or osteopath, to a maximum of $250 per Once you have received emergency medical care and our
profession. consulting physician determines you are able to and
recommends that you return home, we will arrange for you
Licensed Private Duty Nurse to return to your province of residence.

This insurance covers the cost of licensed private duty We will arrange and pay, up to the amount included in the
nursing services to a maximum of $5,000 while you are an overall policy maximum, for the following services and
inpatient; when pre-approved by Allianz Global Assistance. expenses to evacuate you to your province of residence:

Prescription Drugs  the cost of an economy class one-way ticket on a

commercial flight via the most cost-effective route, less
This insurance covers the cost of prescription drugs, limited any refunds from any unused return-trip tickets. If
to a supply of 30 days, if prescribed because of an medically necessary or required by the airline, we will
emergency condition. also pay the expenses for a qualified medical attendant
to accompany you.

 the cost of a stretcher fare on a commercial flight via Return of Children and Escort for Children to their
the most cost-effective route to your province of Departure Point
residence, if a stretcher is medically necessary.
If children insured under one of our emergency medical
 the cost of air ambulance transportation to the most insurances travel with you or join you during your trip and
appropriate facility in your province of residence, if the you are hospitalized for more than 24 hours or you must
use of an air ambulance is required and medically return to Canada because of your emergency medical
necessary. condition covered under this insurance, this insurance
Accommodation & Meals

A maximum benefit of up to $150 per day (up to a total of 10  the extra cost of a one-way economy air fare on a
days) is provided to cover hotel expenses, meals and taxi commercial flight via the most cost-effective route for
fares, if you or your travelling companion, because of the return of those children to their departure point; and
receiving a covered emergency treatment:
 the cost of a round-trip economy air fare via the most
 are delayed beyond the initial return date; or cost-effective route on a commercial flight for an escort,
if the airline requires that the children be escorted.
 have to relocate to receive the medical attention.
Vehicle Return
Bedside Visits
If, as a result of a covered medical emergency, you are
If you are travelling alone and will be hospitalized during
unable to return your vehicle or your rented vehicle to its
your trip as an inpatient for more than 3 consecutive days,
point of origin, this insurance covers the reasonable costs
we will pay for the cost of a round-trip economy fare on a
up to $2,000 in total to return the vehicle to your residence
commercial flight via the most cost-effective route, to bring a
or to the rental agency, when pre-authorized by Allianz
family member or a close personal friend to your bedside.
Global Assistance.
We will also pay up to $150 per day (up to a total of 10
days) for that person’s reasonable accommodation, taxi
fares and meals. Verification from the attending physician CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS
that the situation is serious enough to warrant the visit will
be required. 1. You must contact Allianz Global Assistance before seeking
care. If you do not notify Allianz Global Assistance or if you
This benefit is subject to pre-authorization and must be choose to receive treatment from a service provider other
arranged by Allianz Global Assistance. than that suggested by Allianz Global Assistance, you may
be responsible for 30% of your medical expenses under this
Repatriation of Remains insurance. If your medical condition prevents you from
calling Allianz Global Assistance before seeking emergency
In the event of your death during your trip from a medical treatment, you must call as soon as medically possible.
condition covered under this insurance, the insurance
covers a maximum benefit of up to $5,000 in total: 2. As an alternative, someone else (family member, friend,
hospital or physician's office staff, etc.) may call on your
 the cost for reasonable and necessary services needed behalf.
for the transport of your remains from the place of death
to your city of residence; or 3. The medical staff of Allianz Global Assistance must approve
all cardiac procedures, including cardiac catheterization,
 the burial or the cremation of your remains where your angioplasty and cardiovascular surgery in advance.
death occurred. The cost of a burial coffin or urn is not a
covered expense. 4. If your employer (or former employer if you are retired)
provides an extended health insurance plan and:
 if someone is legally required to identify your remains,
this Policy covers the cost of a round-trip economy fare  if your lifetime maximum coverage is less than $50,000,
on a commercial flight via the most cost-effective route we will not co-ordinate payment;
for that person. Meals and accommodations for that
person are covered up to a maximum of $150 per day  if your lifetime maximum coverage is more than
(up to a maximum of 3 days). $50,000, we will co-ordinate payment only in excess of
$50,000 in accordance with the coordinating coverage
Return of Travelling Companion
guidelines issued by the Canadian Life and Health
If you are travelling with a travelling companion, this Insurance Association.
insurance covers him or her for the extra cost (i.e. transfer
fees) of a one-way economy air fare on a commercial flight EXCLUSIONS
via the most cost-effective route to their departure point, if
you must return to Canada because of a medical condition Coverage is not provided for:
covered under this insurance.
1. Any treatments, services, supplies, or charges we determine
This benefit is subject to pre-authorization and must be are non-emergent or can be reasonably delayed until your
arranged by Allianz Global Assistance. return to your province or territory of residence;

2. Any treatment received in unlicensed facilities or given by

unlicensed health care providers, or given by a family
member or a travelling companion, whether or not a
licensed provider; You must attach copies of airline, cruise line or common
carrier claims forms, original police reports, an itemization
3. Regular care of a chronic condition; and description of lost items and their estimated value, and
all receipts, credit card statements, cancelled cheques,
4. Any treatment received if the purpose of the travel is to photos, or other appropriate documentation as may be
receive medical care, medication or treatment; required.

5. Any medical condition for which it was reasonable to expect 2. All benefits payable to you under this coverage are in excess
treatment or hospitalization during your trip; of any payments provided by a common carrier or any other
insurance you have.
6. Any condition for which you had symptoms before your
effective date that would have caused a prudent person to 3. The insurance will pay the lesser of:
seek diagnosis or treatment (including emergency
treatment);  the actual purchase price of a similar item;

7. Any recurrence or complication of any medical condition  the actual cash value of the item at the time of loss,
following medical treatment during your trip where Allianz which includes deduction for depreciation (for items
Global Assistance determined and recommended you without receipts, the program will pay up to 75% of the
should return home and you chose not to do so; determined depreciated value); or

8. Any cardiac catheterization, angioplasty, or cardiovascular  the cost to repair or replace the item.
surgery unless approved in advance by Allianz Global
Assistance; 4. You must have taken all reasonable measures to protect,
save and/or recover your baggage.
9. Treatment for any medical condition for which future
investigation or treatment was planned before the effective 5. Baggage items valued at $500 or more, we will only provide
date (other than routine monitoring); you with reimbursement if you submit receipts.

10. Treatment or surgery for a specific condition, or a related 6. If an item is damaged and we pay a benefit hereunder to
condition, which: replace the item, the damaged item becomes ours.

 had caused your physician to advise you not to travel; EXCLUSIONS

The following baggage, property or losses are not covered:
 you contracted in a country during your trip when,
before your effective date, a travel advisory was issued 1. Animals;
advising Canadians not to travel to that country, region,
or city. 2. Automobiles and equipment, motorcycles, scooters, mopeds
and motors;
Emergency Medical and Dental coverage is also subject to the
General Limitations, Conditions and Exclusions, as well as the 3. Bicycles, skis, snowboards (except when checked with a
Pre-Existing Condition Exclusion common carrier);

Baggage Coverage 4. Aircraft, boats or any other vehicles or conveyances;

COVERED REASONS AND BENEFITS 5. Eyeglasses, sunglasses, contact lenses, hearing aids,
artificial teeth and limbs;
This insurance covers loss, damage or theft of baggage
6. Tickets, keys, money, securities, bullion, stamps, credit
occurring on a covered trip.
cards, documents (travel or otherwise) and deeds;
We will reimburse you up to the maximum of $1,000 for the loss,
7. Property shipped as freight or shipped prior to your
damage or theft of one or more items of baggage occurring on
departure date;
your covered trip.
8. Rugs or carpets of any type;
Please refer to your Declaration Page to determine which
coverage you purchased.
9. Perishables, medicines, perfumes, cosmetics and
10. Baggage or personal effects that are unaccompanied or left
1. You must notify the appropriate local authorities at the place unattended in a public place.
the loss occurred and inform them of the value and
description of your baggage within 24 hours after the loss. 11. Property used in trade, business or for the production of
You must file written proof of loss with us within 90 days income;
from the date of your loss. If applicable law provides for a
longer period, you must submit your claim within the longer 12. Antiques or collectors items;
period provided for by law.
13. Accidental loss, theft or damage to baggage or personal Emergency Message Center
effects left unattended, unsecured and unlocked in your
accommodation or the motor vehicle in which you are In an emergency, call Allianz Global Assistance, identify yourself
travelling; or by name and your Policy number, and give the assistance
coordinator your message. We will make at least 3 attempts in
14. Damage to the property resulting from defective materials or 24 hours to reach your requested party, and we will provide you
workmanship, ordinary wear and tear, and normal with an update on the results of our efforts to deliver the
deterioration. message. We are not responsible for delivery of a message if the
recipient cannot be reached. This service can be used for trips
Baggage Coverage is also subject to the General Limitations, anywhere in the world.
Conditions and Exclusions.
General Conditions, Limitations and
Baggage Delay Coverage Exclusions
COVERED REASONS AND BENEFITS Your insurance coverage is subject to the terms set out as
follows in this document.
If your personal baggage is delayed or misdirected for at least 12
hours by a common carrier, we will reimburse you up to $200 for GENERAL CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS
the reasonable cost to purchase essential items.
1. All premiums, benefit maximums and benefit payments are
Please refer to your Declaration Page to determine which stated in Canadian dollars unless otherwise specified. At
coverage you purchased. our option, we may pay a claim for benefits in the currency
where the loss occurred or in Canadian currency.
2. You and we agree that all disputes, controversies or claims
1. Verification of the delay by the common carrier and receipts arising under this Policy or otherwise in connection with this
for the emergency purchases must accompany any claim. Policy, whether of law or fact and of any nature whatsoever
(including but not limited to all disputes or controversies
2. Purchases must be made within 36 hours of your arrival at related to determinations made under the Policy) shall be
your destination. decided by arbitration which shall be binding and without
recourse to the courts or to an appeal. This arbitration shall
3. The costs of items purchased under this benefit will reduce be before a single arbitrator in the Canadian province or
the maximum amount payable under the Baggage Coverage territory in which this Policy was issued under the rules
benefit, if it is later determined that your personal baggage embodied in the arbitration legislation of that province or
has been lost, stolen or damaged. territory. In the absence of such legislation, the Commercial
Arbitration Act, R.S.C. 1998, C.17 (second supp.), as
Baggage Delay Coverage is also subject to the General amended shall apply. In any event, any action or arbitration
Limitations, Conditions and Exclusions. proceeding against us for the recovery of a claim under this
Policy shall not be commenced more than one year after the
24-Hour Emergency Travel Assistance Services occurrence, which gives rise to the claim. If, however, this
limitation is invalid according to the laws of the province or
territory where this Policy was issued, you must commence
Travel Document and Ticket Replacement Assistance
your action or arbitration proceeding within the shortest time
permitted by the laws of that province or territory. In addition
If your passport or other travel documents are lost or stolen, we
you, your heirs and assigns consent to the venue of any
will provide you with information and assistance to obtain
action or arbitration being only in the province or territory
replacing documents. We will also help you to replace lost airline
where the Policy was issued and at a venue we and/or
and other travel tickets and assist you in obtaining money for this
Allianz Global Assistance choose.
purpose. These funds will come from you, your family or friends.
We will make all necessary arrangements for you and assist you 3. No agent or other person has authority to accept or make
to return home if your trip is interrupted. representations of information or alter, modify or waive any
of the provisions of this Policy.
Legal Assistance
4. You must submit claims to Allianz Global Assistance within
If you have legal issues while travelling, our assistance 90 days from date of loss. If applicable law provides for a
coordinators will help you find a local legal advisor. If you require longer period, you must submit your claim within the longer
the posting of bail or immediate payment of legal fees, we will period provided for by law.
help arrange a cash transfer from your family or friends.
For your claim to be valid, you must provide all of the
Emergency Cash Transfer documents we require to support your claim.
5. We may void this Policy in the case of fraud or attempted
If your cash or traveller’s cheques are lost or stolen, or if you fraud by you or if you conceal or misrepresent any
need funds for the immediate payment of unexpected expenses, circumstance or fact that is material. The application for
we will help arrange for emergency cash (in currency, traveller’s insurance must be completed fully and correctly, failing
cheques or any other form acceptable to us) to be transmitted to which we may, at our option, void all your coverage.
you in a timely fashion. These funds will come from you, your
family or friends. Our assistance coordinators will make all the
necessary arrangements for you.
6. You must repay to us amounts paid or authorized for 1. Your medical condition or related condition, if at any time in
payment on your behalf, if we determine the amount is not the 90 days before your effective date, your medical
payable under this insurance. condition or related condition has not been stable.
7. We may require a physician(s) of our choice to physically 2. Your heart condition, if at any time in the 90 days before you
examine you as often as reasonably needed while a claim is depart on your trip:
pending. We may also require an autopsy in the case of
death, where law does not forbid it. We will bear all  any heart condition has not been stable; or
necessary costs.
 you have taken nitro-glycerine more than once per
8. References to your age refer to your age on the date you
week specifically for the relief of angina pain.
applied for insurance.
9. If you incur losses covered by this insurance because of a 3. Your lung condition, if at any time in the 90 days before you
third party, we may take legal action against that party at our depart on your trip:
expense. We have full rights of subrogation. You agree to
allow us to fully assert our right to subrogation and to  any lung condition has not been stable; or
cooperate fully with us by delivering such documents. You
agree to do nothing that would prejudice our rights to  you have been treated with home oxygen or taken oral
recover funds from any source. steroids (prednisone or prednisolone) for any lung
10. We, Allianz Global Assistance and our agents are not
responsible for the availability, quality or outcome of any 4. Any medical condition for which future investigation or
medical treatment or of any medical transportation, or your treatment was planned before the effective date (other than
failure to obtain medical treatment. routine monitoring).
11. All benefit payments under this Policy are in excess of GENERAL EXCLUSIONS
similar insurance benefits payable by another insurer. If you
are eligible under more than one insurance plan for benefits, These exclusions apply to all program benefits and services.
which are similar to those for which you are insured This insurance provides no payment for any loss arising directly
hereunder, the total benefits paid to you by all insurers or indirectly out of or as a result of the following:
cannot exceed your actual covered losses.
12. Notice of Statutory Conditions - Notwithstanding any other 1. Intentionally self-inflicted harm, suicide or attempted suicide
provision herein contained, this contract is subject to the (whether sane or insane);
statutory conditions in the Insurance Act respecting
contracts of accident insurance. This condition does not 2. Except as specifically provided for in the Trip Cancellation
apply to the province of Quebec. and Interruption benefit under Pregnancy and Adoption,
routine pre-natal care, fertility treatments, elective abortion,
13. If a covered loss incurred is either directly or indirectly as the a child born during your trip, complications of your
result of an “Act of Terrorism”, payment for a covered loss pregnancy when they occur in the nine 9 weeks before or
will be subject to the following terms and conditions: after the expected date of delivery;
 Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption benefits will be 3. Mental, nervous or emotional disorders that do not require
paid to a maximum of 100% of the sum insured. immediate hospitalization;
Benefits payable for Trip Cancellation and Interruption
losses will be directly reduced by the value of any 4. Abuse of any medication or non-compliance with
alternate or replacement benefits or travel options given prescribed medical treatment or therapy;
or offered by the airlines, tour or travel operators, cruise
or travel suppliers as replacement, even if the 5. Any injury or accident occurring while you are under the
alternative or replacement arrangements are declined influence of illicit drugs or alcohol (where the concentration
by you and not used. of alcohol in your blood exceeds 80 milligrams of alcohol in
100 millilitres of blood) or when you illustrate a visible
 All other benefits insured under this Policy will be paid impairment due to alcohol or illicit drugs and any chronic
at 100% of the Sum Insured. illness or hospitalization related to, or exacerbated by, the
habitual use of alcohol or illicit drugs;
 If the total amount claimed under this and all policies
issued by us for Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption 6. War (whether declared or undeclared), acts of war, military
coverage (in respect of the same terrorist incident, or duty, civil disorder or unrest; terrorism or act of terrorism
series of terrorist incidents occurring within a 72 hour (unless specifically covered);
period), exceeds $20,000,000, the amount payable will
be prorated among all eligible claimants. The amount 7. Amateur or professional sports, or other athletic activities,
paid will not exceed $20,000,000 in the aggregate. which are organized and/or sanctioned. Full-contact bodily
sports, skydiving, hang gliding, bungee jumping,
PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS EXCLUSION parachuting, mountain climbing (where ropes or guides are
normally used), caving, heli-skiing, any skiing or
This insurance does not pay for any expenses snowboarding outside marked trails, any motorized race or
incurred directly or indirectly as a result of: motorized speed contest. This exclusion does not include:
amateur athletic activities, which are non-contact and

engaged in by an insured person solely for leisure,  Proof of departure from your province of residence.
recreational, entertainment or fitness purposes;
You must submit all claims to Allianz Global Assistance
8. Scuba diving, unless you hold a basic SCUBA designation within 90 days from date of loss. Failure to complete the
from a certified school or other licensing body or you are required claim and authorization form in full will delay the
accompanied by a dive master or are diving in water not assessment of your claim.
deeper than 10 metres;
Trip Cancellation, Interruption and Delay Claims
9. Nuclear reaction, radiation or radioactive contamination; General documentation requirements and the following:

10. Biological or chemical contamination; 1. Any appropriate documentation that officially explains the
cause of your trip cancellation or interruption. The report of
11. Seepage, pollution or contamination; your physical examination (if applicable), and any
explanation of diagnosis along with original itemized bills,
12. Epidemic or pandemic; receipts, and proof of other insurance payments.
2. Original unused tickets, copies of invoices, proof of
13. Financial collapse or default of any transport, tour or payments, and other documents that substantiate the cost
accommodation provider and/or any other service providers; or occurrence of the trip cancellation or interruption.

14. Any unlawful acts committed by you, family members, or 3. Documentation of refunds received from the travel
travelling companions, whether they are insured or not; supplier(s) and/or common carrier(s).

15. Prohibition or regulation by any government which interferes 4. Copy of the supplier’s literature that describes penalties.
with your trip,
5. A letter from the tour operator or an itemized bill from the
16. Cosmetic or any other elective surgery; travel agent stating the non-refundable amounts of the trip
17. Organ harvesting surgery;
Emergency Medical and Dental Claims
18. Air travel except while you are riding, boarding or alighting General documentation requirements and the following:
as a ticketed passenger on a certified passenger aircraft 1. Any explanation of diagnosis along with your original
provided by a regularly scheduled airline on a regularly itemized bills, receipts, and proof of other insurance
scheduled trip or charter; payment(s).
19. Any medical condition or related condition when you knew 2. For accidental dental expenses, we require proof of the
prior to your trip that you would require or seek treatment or accident.
surgery for that condition;
Baggage Insurance Claims
20. Your travel to a country, region or city for which the General documentation requirements and the following:
Canadian government has issued a travel advisory in writing
prior your departure date or; 1. Original claim determination from the common carrier, if
21. Your travel to a sanctioned country for any business or
activity to the extent that such cover would violate any 2. Original police report or other report from local authorities.
applicable national economic or trade sanction law or
3. Original receipts and list of stolen, lost or damaged items.
4. Statement of loss providing amount of loss, date, time and
Claim Filing Procedures cause of loss.

Please contact Allianz Global Assistance at the phone Baggage Delay Claims
number listed on your Declaration Page or visit General documentation requirements and the following:
www.allianzassistanceclaims.ca to obtain a claim form.
1. Written proof from the common carrier that personal
All benefits will be paid in Canadian dollars unless otherwise baggage was delayed or misdirected for at least 12 hours.
stated. If currency conversion is necessary, we will use the
exchange rate on the date the last service was rendered to you. Questions?
This insurance will not pay for any interest.

Information to Submit When Filing a Claim Let Us Know

As a condition to the payment of benefits under this insurance,
we will require certain information from you if you need to file a If you have any questions or concerns about our products,
claim. This documentation will include, at a minimum and is not services, your Policy, or claim please feel free to contact Allianz
limited to, the following: Global Assistance anytime:

General Documentation Requirements Toll Free: 1-866-520-8823

 Original receipts, invoices and itemized bills for all expenses. Collect: 1-519-742-9013
 The fully completed claim form supplied to you by Allianz Email: questions@allianz-assistance.ca
Global Assistance.
Escalate Your Concern The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada

If you would like to escalate your concern please submit a written The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) provides
appeal with any new information or new documentation that you consumers with accurate and objective information about
would like us to consider. financial products and services, and informs Canadians of their
rights and responsibilities when dealing with financial institutions.
Contact Details: FCAC also ensures compliance with the federal consumer
protection laws that apply to banks and federally incorporated
By Mail: Appeals Department trust, loan and insurance companies.
P.O. Box 277
Waterloo, ON Travel Insurance Personal Information Notice
N2J 4A4

Email: Appeals@allianz-assistance.ca CUMIS General Insurance Company (the “insurer”) and the
Fax: 1-519-742-9471 insurer’s insurance administrator, Allianz Global Assistance, and
Attention: Appeals Department the insurer’s agents, representatives and reinsurers (for the
purpose of this Personal Information Notice collectively “we” “us”
and “our”) require personal information including:
Contact the Ombuds Office

If you are not satisfied with the outcomes of the previous steps,  details about you including your name, date of birth,
you may request additional consideration of your concern in address, telephone numbers, e-mail address, employer,
writing to the Ombuds Office. Please note, the Ombuds Office and other identification
will only review concerns that have gone through the appropriate  medical records and information about you
steps above so you will want to indicate with whom you have  records that reflect your business dealings with and
already spoken with. through us

By mail: Ombuds Office This personal information is collected for the following insurance
The Co-operators Group Limited purposes when offering and providing insurance and related
130 Macdonell Street, Box 3608 services:
Guelph, ON N1H 6P8  To identify and communicate with you
 To consider any application for insurance
E-mail: Ombuds@cooperators.ca  If approved, to issue a Certificate or Policy of insurance
Phone: 1-877-720-6733  To administer insurance and related benefits
Fax: 1-519-823-9944  To evaluate insurance risk, manage and coordinate
claims, re-price medical expenses and negotiate
After the Ombuds Office’s review, you will receive a written payment of claims expenses;
response, except in the case where a simple concern can be  To investigate claims and to determine eligibility for
resolved over the phone. Most investigations are completed insurance benefits
within 30 business days of receiving your complaint and all  To provide assistance services
supporting documentation. If this deadline cannot be met, you  For fraud prevention and debt collection purposes
will be contacted as to why extra time is required and when you  As required or permitted by law.
can expect a response.
We only collect personal information necessary for insurance
The written response from the Ombuds Office is considered the purposes from individuals who apply for insurance, from
company’s final position. Unless you present any new and Certificate or Policy holders, insureds and claimants. In some
relevant information that was not previously reviewed, your cases we also collect personal information from members of a
concern will not be reopened. Certificate or Policy holder’s, insured’s or claimant’s family or
their friends when they are unable, for medical or other reasons,
External Recourse Options to communicate directly with us. We also collect and disclose
information for the insurance purposes from, to and with, third
If we have not been able to resolve your concerns to your parties such as, but not necessarily limited to, health care
satisfaction, and you wish to pursue the matter further, you may practitioners and facilities in Canada and abroad, government
contact the OmbudService for Life & Health Insurance (OLHI). and private health insurers and family members and friends of
OLHI is an independent service that offers recourse to the insured, Certificate or Policy holder or claimant. We may
consumers who have not been able to resolve their complaint by also use and disclose information from our existing files for the
dealing with their insurance company. The OmbudService may insurance purposes. Our employees who require this information
be reached at 1-888-295-8112 or through their website at for the purposes of their duties will have access to this file.
Upon your request and authorization, we may also disclose this
Note: You must follow the company’s Complaint Resolution information to other persons.
Process before OLHI will become involved.
From time to time, and if permitted by applicable law, we may
For Quebec clients: if you are not satisfied with how your also collect, use or disclose personal information in order to offer
concern was handled, or the results of our investigation, the law additional or upgraded products and services (the “optional
gives you the right to request, in writing, that a copy of your purposes”).
concern file be transferred to the Autorité des marches financiers
(AMF). You can reach the AMF by calling 1-877-525-0337 or by When an individual applies for, purchases, or is covered by one
email at renseignement-consommateur@lautorite.qc.ca of our insurance policies or submits a claim for insurance
benefits, he or she is presumed to consent to the personal
information practices described in this notice. If an individual
does not wish to have their personal information used for the
optional purposes they need only notify Allianz Global
Assistance. A person may decline to have their information
collected, used or disclosed for the insurance purposes but in
that instance we will likely be unable to provide insurance and
related services.

Personal information is maintained in the Certificate or Policy

holder’s, insured’s or claimant’s file that we establish and
maintain in the offices of Allianz Global Assistance. In some
instances we may additionally maintain or communicate or
transfer information to health care and other service providers
located outside of Canada. As a result, personal information may
be accessible to regulatory authorities in accordance with the law
of these other jurisdictions. For information about how to obtain
access to written information about our policies and procedures
with respect to service providers outside of Canada, please
contact the Privacy Officer at privacy@allianz-assistance.ca.

We will retain the personal information we collect for a specified

period of time and in a storage method appropriate with legal
and our internal corporate requirements. Personal information
will be securely destroyed following the expiration of the
appropriate retention period.

Individuals have a right to request to access or correct personal

information we have on file by contacting the Privacy Officer at
privacy@allianz-assistance.ca or by writing to:

Privacy Officer
Allianz Global Assistance
4273 King Street East
Kitchener, ON
N2P 2E9

For a complete copy of our Privacy Policy please visit



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