HSC Part 3 E-July13

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Part 3: Hull Construction and equipment




American Bureau of Shipping

Incorporated by Act of Legislature of
the State of New York 1862

Copyright  2012
American Bureau of Shipping
ABS Plaza
16855 Northchase Drive
Houston, TX 77060 USA
R u l e C h a n g e N o t i c e ( 2 0 1 3 )

Rule Change Notice (2013)

The effective date of each technical change since 1993 is shown in parentheses at the end of the
subsection/paragraph titles within the text of each Part. Unless a particular date and month are shown, the
years in parentheses refer to the following effective dates:
(2000) and after 1 January 2000 (and subsequent years) (1996) 9 May 1996
(1999) 12 May 1999 (1995) 15 May 1995
(1998) 13 May 1998 (1994) 9 May 1994
(1997) 19 May 1997 (1993) 11 May 1993

Listing by Effective Dates of Changes from the 2012 Guide

Notice No. 1 (effective on 1 July 2012) to the 2012 Guide, which is incorporated in the 2013 Rules, is
summarized below.

EFFECTIVE DATE 1 July 2012 – shown as (1 July 2012)

(based on the contract date for new construction between builder and Owner)
Part/Para. No. Title/Subject Status/Remarks
3-2-9/23.5 Escape Openings To align the requirements for escape openings with IACS UI SC 247,
“Emergency Exit Hatches to Open Deck”. (Incorporates Notice No. 1)
3-2-9/23.7 Chain Pipe Opening To align the Rules with recent revisions to IACS UR L4 Rev 3 Corr 1,
revised August 2011, that provides examples of acceptable arrangements
of closing chain pipe openings. (Incorporates Notice No. 1)
3-3-A1/11.1 Conditions of Approval of the To ensure the stability software is available if the primary computer
Onboard Software for Stability crashes. (Incorporates Notice No. 1)


PART Table of Contents

Hull Construction and Equipment

CHAPTER 1 General ...................................................................................................... 1
Section 1 Definitions .............................................................................. 4
Section 2 General Requirements ......................................................... 12
Section 3 Direct Analysis Methods ...................................................... 19
Section 4 Guide for Finite Element Analysis ........................................ 31

CHAPTER 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements ...................................................... 34

Section 1 Primary Hull Strength ........................................................... 45
Section 2 Design Pressures ................................................................. 57
Section 3 Plating .................................................................................. 70
Section 4 Internals ............................................................................... 88
Section 5 Hull Structural Arrangement .............................................. 100
Section 6 Arrangement, Structural Details and Connections ............ 106
Section 7 Keels, Stems, Shaft Struts, and Propeller Nozzles ........... 122
Section 8 Rudders ............................................................................. 128
Section 9 Protection of Deck Openings ............................................. 146
Section 10 Protection of Shell Openings ............................................. 154
Section 11 Bulwarks, Rails, Ports, Portlights, Windows, Ventilators,
Tank Vents and Overflows ................................................. 167
Section 12 Protective Coatings ............................................................ 178
Section 13 Welding, Forming and Weld Design .................................. 182

Appendix 1 Guidelines for Calculating Bending Moment and Shear

Force in Rudders and Rudder Stocks................................ 186
Appendix 2 Guide on Analysis of the Cross Deck Structure of a
Multi-hull Craft .................................................................... 191
Appendix 3 Alternative Method for Determination of “V” Shaft Strut
Requirements ..................................................................... 195

CHAPTER 3 Subdivision and Stability .................................................................... 197

Section 1 General Requirements ....................................................... 198

Appendix 1 Onboard Computers for Stability Calculations ................... 200

CHAPTER 4 Fire Safety Measures ........................................................................... 207

Section 1 Structural Fire Protection ................................................... 208

CHAPTER 5 Equipment ........................................................................................... 210
Section 1 Anchoring and Mooring Equipment ...................................212

Appendix 1 Alternative Standard for the Required Anchor Size ...........230

CHAPTER 6 Navigation ........................................................................................... 231

Section 1 Visibility ..............................................................................232

CHAPTER 7 Testing, Trials and Surveys During Construction – Hull ................ 236
Section 1 Tank, Bulkhead and Rudder Tightness Testing ................238
Section 2 Trials ..................................................................................245
Section 3 Surveys ..............................................................................246


PART Chapter 1: General

CHAPTER 1 General

SECTION 1 Definitions ................................................................................................. 4
1 Application .......................................................................................... 4
3 Length ................................................................................................. 4
3.1 Scantling Length (L) ........................................................................ 4
3.3 Freeboard Length (Lf) ...................................................................... 4
5 Breadth................................................................................................ 4
7 Depth................................................................................................... 5
9 Draft for Scantlings ............................................................................. 5
11 Decks .................................................................................................. 5
11.1 Freeboard Deck............................................................................... 5
11.3 Bulkhead Deck ................................................................................ 5
11.5 Strength Deck.................................................................................. 5
11.7 Superstructure Deck ........................................................................ 5
13 Superstructure .................................................................................... 5
15 Deckhouses ........................................................................................ 5
17 Displacement and Block Coefficient ................................................... 6
17.1 Displacement................................................................................... 6
17.3 Block Coefficient (Cb) ....................................................................... 6
19 Gross Tonnage ................................................................................... 6
21 Deadweight (DWT) .............................................................................. 6
23 Significant Wave Height ...................................................................... 6
25 Speed .................................................................................................. 6
27 Rabbet Line (Fiber Reinforced Plastic) ............................................... 6
29 Administration ..................................................................................... 6
31 Passenger Craft .................................................................................. 7
33 Cargo Craft ......................................................................................... 7
35 Passenger ........................................................................................... 7
37 Place of Refuge .................................................................................. 7
39 Crewboat ............................................................................................. 7
39.1 Industrial Personnel......................................................................... 7
41 Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) ........................................................... 7
41.1 Reinforcement ................................................................................. 7
43.3 Resin ............................................................................................... 9
43.5 Laminate........................................................................................ 10
43.7 Encapsulation ................................................................................ 11
45 Units .................................................................................................. 11

FIGURE 1......................................................................................................... 4


SECTION 2 General Requirements ........................................................................... 12
1 Materials ............................................................................................ 12
1.1 Selection of Material Grade ........................................................... 12
1.3 Note for the Users.......................................................................... 13
3 Workmanship .................................................................................... 13
5 Design ............................................................................................... 14
5.1 Continuity....................................................................................... 14
5.3 Openings ....................................................................................... 14
5.5 Brackets......................................................................................... 15
5.7 Structural Design Details ............................................................... 17
5.9 Termination of Structural Members................................................ 17
7 Effective Width of Plating .................................................................. 17
7.1 FRP Laminates .............................................................................. 17
7.3 Steel and Aluminum Plating........................................................... 18

TABLE 1 Material Grades ....................................................................... 12

TABLE 2 Material Class of Structural Members .....................................13
TABLE 3A Brackets (Steel) ....................................................................... 16
TABLE 3B Brackets (Aluminum) ............................................................... 16

FIGURE 1 ....................................................................................................... 14
FIGURE 2 ....................................................................................................... 14
FIGURE 3 ....................................................................................................... 14
FIGURE 4 Bracket .................................................................................... 15
FIGURE 5 Effective Width of FRP Plating ................................................18

SECTION 3 Direct Analysis Methods ........................................................................ 19

1 General ............................................................................................. 19
3 Loading Conditions ........................................................................... 19
3.1 General .......................................................................................... 19
3.3 Environmental and Service Conditions .......................................... 19
3.5 Loading Conditions for Direct Analysis .......................................... 20
5 Motion Predictions ............................................................................ 21
5.1 Model Testing ................................................................................ 21
5.3 Accelerations from Direct Analysis ................................................ 22
7 Load Predictions ............................................................................... 22
7.1 Global Loads ................................................................................. 22
7.3 Local Loads ................................................................................... 23
9 Structural Response ......................................................................... 25
9.1 Global Response ........................................................................... 25
9.3 Local Response ............................................................................. 26
11 Structural Acceptability ..................................................................... 28
11.1 Beam, Grillage, or Plane Frame Analysis ...................................... 28
11.3 Finite Element Analysis ................................................................. 28

TABLE 1 Sea States ............................................................................... 19


SECTION 4 Guide for Finite Element Analysis ....................................................... 31
1 General ............................................................................................. 31
3 Structural Modeling ........................................................................... 31
3.1 Finite Element Types ..................................................................... 31
3.3 Model Types .................................................................................. 31
3.5 Modeling Guidance ....................................................................... 32
3.7 Boundary Conditions ..................................................................... 32
3.9 Loads............................................................................................. 32
3.11 Stress Criteria................................................................................ 32

TABLE 1 Finite Element Type ................................................................ 31

TABLE 2 Stress Limits for Plate Element Models .................................. 33


PART Section 1: Definitions

CHAPTER 1 General

SECTION 1 Definitions

1 Application
The following definitions of terms apply throughout the requirements in these Rules.

3 Length

3.1 Scantling Length (L)

L is the distance in meters (feet) on the summer load line from the fore side of the stem to the centerline of
the rudder stock. For use with the Rules, L is not to be less than 96% and need not be greater than 97% of
the length on the summer load line. The forward end of L is to coincide with the fore side of the stem on
the waterline on which L is measured.

3.3 Freeboard Length (Lf)

Lf is the distance in meters (feet) on a waterline at 85% of the least molded depth measured from the top of
the keel from the fore side of the stem to the centerline of the rudder stock or 96% of the length on that
waterline, whichever is greater. Where the stem is a fair concave curve above the waterline at 85% of the
least molded depth and where the aftmost point of the stem is above the waterline, the forward end of the
length, Lf, is to be taken at the aftmost point of the stem above that waterline. See 3-1-1/Figure 1.


FBD Deck

∆ 0.85D


5 Breadth
B is the greatest molded breadth, in meters (feet).
Breadth used in 3-2-1/1.1.1 for craft which have flare or tumblehome, is the mean breadth of the waterline
breadth and the maximum breadth between the waterline and main deck at the longitudinal center of
flotation (LCF).


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 1 General
Section 1 Definitions 3-1-1

7 Depth
D is the molded depth, in meters (feet), measured at the middle of the length L, from the molded keel line
to the top of the freeboard deck beams at the side of the craft. On craft with rabbeted keel construction, D
is to be measured from the rabbet line. In cases where watertight bulkheads extend to a deck above the
freeboard deck and are to be recorded in the Record as effective to that deck, D is to be measured to the
bulkhead deck.

9 Draft for Scantlings

d is the draft, in meters (feet), measured at the middle of the length L from the molded keel or the rabbet
line at its lowest point to the estimated summer load waterline or the design load waterline in the displacement

11 Decks

11.1 Freeboard Deck

The freeboard deck is normally the uppermost continuous deck having permanent means for weathertight
closing of all openings in its weather portions, and below which all openings in the craft side are equipped
with permanent means for watertight closure.
In cases where a craft is designed for a special draft considerably less than that corresponding to the least
freeboard obtainable under the International Load Line Regulations, the freeboard deck for the purpose of
the Rules may be taken as the lowest actual deck from which the draft can be obtained under those

11.3 Bulkhead Deck

The bulkhead deck is the highest deck to which watertight bulkheads extend and are made effective.

11.5 Strength Deck

The strength deck is the deck which forms the top of the effective hull girder at any part of its length. See
Section 3-2-1.

11.7 Superstructure Deck

A superstructure deck is a deck above the freeboard deck to which the side shell plating extends or of which
the sides are fitted inboard of the hull side not more than 4% of the breadth, B. Except where otherwise
specified, the term superstructure deck where used in these Rules refers to the first such deck above the
freeboard deck.

13 Superstructure
A superstructure is an enclosed structure above the freeboard deck having side plating as an extension of
the shell plating, or not fitted inboard of the hull side more than 4% of the breadth B.

15 Deckhouses
A deckhouse is an enclosed structure above the freeboard deck, having side plating set inboard of the hull
side-shell plating more than 4% of the breadth B of the craft.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 1 General
Section 1 Definitions 3-1-1

17 Displacement and Block Coefficient

17.1 Displacement
The displacement ∆, is the mass displacement of the craft in the design condition in metric tons (long tons),
unless otherwise specifically noted.

17.3 Block Coefficient (Cb)

Cb is the block coefficient obtained from the following equation:
Cb = ∆/1.025LBwld (SI & MKS units)

Cb = 35∆/LBwld (US units)

∆ = molded displacement, as defined in 3-1-1/17.1
L = scantling length, as defined in 3-1-1/3
d = draft, as defined in 3-1-1/9
Bwl = greatest molded breadth at the design load line

19 Gross Tonnage
The measurement of the internal volume of spaces within the craft as defined by the International
Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969.

21 Deadweight (DWT)
For the purpose of these Rules, deadweight (DWT), is the difference, in metric tons (long tons), between
the displacement of the craft at its summer load line or the craft with all tanks filled, maximum cargo
loaded, maximum stores, and personnel or passengers and their effects on board, in water having a specific
gravity of 1.025, and the unloaded weight of the craft. For the purpose of these Rules, the unloaded weight
is the displacement of the craft, in metric tons (long tons), with no cargo, fuel, lubricating oil, ballast water,
fresh water nor feed water in tanks, no consumable stores, and no personnel or passengers nor their effects.

23 Significant Wave Height

Significant wave height is the average height of the one-third highest observed wave heights over a given

25 Speed
Speed is the design speed in knots with the craft running ahead at the maximum continuous rated shaft
rpm and at the summer load waterline. Operational speed is 90% of design speed.

27 Rabbet Line (Fiber Reinforced Plastic)

The rabbet line is the line intersection between the outside of a craft’s bottom and a craft’s keel. Where
there is no keel, the rabbet line is the bottom of the craft.

29 Administration
The government of the state whose flag the craft is intended to fly.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 1 General
Section 1 Definitions 3-1-1

31 Passenger Craft
Any craft which carries more than twelve passengers. See also 5-1-1/13.

33 Cargo Craft
Any craft other than a passenger craft, which is capable of maintaining the main functions of safety
systems of unaffected spaces after damage in any one compartment on board. See also 1-2-2/1.

35 Passenger
A passenger is every person other than the master and members of the crew or other persons employed or
engaged in any capacity on board a craft on the business of that craft, and a child under one year of age.

37 Place of Refuge
Any naturally or artificially sheltered area which may be used as shelter by a craft under conditions likely
to endanger its safety.

39 Crewboat
A craft specifically fitted for the transferring/transporting of industrial personnel in the offshore oil and gas
industry between a shore base facility and the offshore oil and offshore gas installations and vise versa.
Crewboats may also carry cargo, however, are not considered as a Passenger Craft. See also Section 5-2-1.

39.1 Industrial Personnel

Every person carried onboard a Crewboat for the sole purpose of carrying out the business or functions of
the offshore installations. See also Section 5-2-1.

41 Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (FRP)

FRP consists of two basic components: a glass-filament or other material fiber reinforcement and a plastic,
or resin, in which the reinforcing material is imbedded.

41.1 Reinforcement
Reinforcement is a strong, inert material bonded into the plastic to improve its strength, stiffness and impact
resistance. Reinforcements are usually fibers of glass (a lime-alumina-silicate composition having a low
alkali content) or other approved material such as aramid or carbon fiber, in a woven or non-woven form,
with a strong adhesive bond to the resin.
41.1.1 Strand
A bundle of continuous filaments combined in a single, compact unit.
41.1.2 Roving
A band or ribbon of parallel strands grouped together.
41.1.3 Yarn
A twisted strand or strands suitable for weaving into a fabric.
41.1.4 Binder
The agent applied in small quantities to bond the fibers in mat form.
41.1.5 Coupling Agent
An active water soluble chemical that allows resin to adhere to glass.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 1 General
Section 1 Definitions 3-1-1

41.1.6 Chopped-strand Mat

A blanket of randomly oriented chopped-glass strands held together with binder.
41.1.7 Woven Roving
A coarse fabric woven from rovings.
41.1.8 Cloth
A fabric woven from yarn
41.1.9 Peel-Ply
An “E” glass fabric that does not have any coupling agent applied, used as a protective covering on
a laminate being prepared for a secondary bond to keep foreign particles from adhering to the surface.
41.1.10 Uni-directional
A woven or non-woven reinforcement with substantially more fibers in one principal axis of the
reinforcing ply.
41.1.11 Double Biased
A woven or non-woven reinforcement with fibers primarily at +45° to the principal axes of the
reinforcing ply.
41.1.12 Knitted or Stitched Fabrics
Two or more layers of unidirectional fabrics that are stitched together.
41.1.13 Bi-axial Fabric
A stitched or knitted reinforcement with fibers primarily in the two principal axes of the reinforcing
41.1.14 Tri-axial Fabric
A stitched or knitted reinforcement with fibers running in one principal axis of the ply and in addition,
with fibers running at + and -45° to the warp.
41.1.15 Ply Principal Axes
The two principal axes of a reinforcing ply are the axis that is parallel to the warp and the axis that
is parallel to the fill.
41.1.16 Warp
The roving or yarn running lengthwise in woven fabric (in the “roll direction”).
41.1.17 Fill, Weft or Woof
The roving or yarn running at right angles to the warp in a woven fabric.
41.1.18 “E” glass
A family of glass reinforcement material of aluminoborosilicate composition and having high
electrical resistivity.
41.1.19 “S” glass
A family of glass reinforcement material of magnesium aluminosilicate composition that contains
a higher silicon content and provides higher strength and stiffness properties than “E” glass.
41.1.20 Kevlar
An aramid fiber reinforcement.
41.1.21 Carbon Fiber
A reinforcement material made of mostly carbon produced by the pyrolysis of organic precursor
fibers in an inert environment.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 1 General
Section 1 Definitions 3-1-1

43.3 Resin
Resin is a highly reactive synthetic that in its initial stage is a liquid, but upon activation is transformed
into a solid.
43.3.1 Accelerator
A material that, when mixed with a catalyst or resin, speeds the cure time.
43.3.2 Additive
A substance added to another substance, usually to improve properties, such as plasticizers, initiators,
light stabilizers and flame retardants.
43.3.3 Catalyst or Initiator
A material that is used to activate resin, causing it to harden.
43.3.4 Crazing
Hairline cracks, either within or on the surface of resin, caused by mechanical or thermal stresses.
43.3.5 Cure
To change resin from a liquid to a solid.
43.3.6 Cure time
The time required for resin to change from a liquid to a solid after a catalyst has been added.
43.3.7 Exothermic Heat
The heat given off as the result of the action of a catalyst on resin.
43.3.8 Filler
A material added to resin to modify its working properties or other qualities, or to lower densities.
43.3.9 Gel
A partially cured resin in a semi-solid state similar to gelatin in consistency.
43.3.10 Gel Time
The time required to change a flowable, liquid resin into a nonflowing gel.
43.3.11 Inhibitor
A material that retards activation or initiation of resin, thus extending shelf life or influencing
exothermic heat or gel time.
43.3.12 Polymerization
The reaction that takes place when resin is activated or initiated.
43.3.13 Pot Life
The length of time that a catalyzed resin remains workable.
43.3.14 Shelf Life
The length of time that an uncatalyzed resin maintains its working properties while stored in a
tightly sealed, opaque container.
43.3.15 Tack
The degree of stickiness of the resin.
43.3.16 Thixotropy
The property or phenomenon, exhibited by some resins, of becoming jelly-like at rest but becoming
fluid again when stirred or agitated. This facilitates the application of the resin to inclined or vertical


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 1 General
Section 1 Definitions 3-1-1

43.3.17 Polyester Resin

A thermosetting resin that is formed by combining saturated and unsaturated organic acids. Such
as orthophthalic and isophthalic acids.
43.3.18 Vinylester Resin
A thermosetting resin that consists of a polymer chain and an acrylate or methacrylate
43.3.19 Epoxy
A resin that contains one or more of the epoxide groups.

43.5 Laminate
A laminate is a material composed of successive bonded layers, or plies, of resin and fiber or other reinforcing
43.5.1 Bi-directional Laminate
A laminate having essentially the same strength and elastic properties in the two plane principal
axes. Bi-directional laminates may be constructed of bi-axial, double bias, tri-axial, mat or
unidirectional reinforcing layers, or a combination of any of these.
43.5.2 Uni-directional Laminate
A laminate with substantially more of the fibers in the plane of the laminate oriented in one of the
two principal axis of the laminate plane so that the mechanical properties along that axis are
appreciably higher than along the other natural axis.
43.5.3 Sandwich Laminate
A laminate consisting of two fiber reinforced plastic skins attached to a non-structural or
structural core (see 3-1-1/47.7 “Encapsulation”).
43.5.4 Barcol Hardness
A measurement of the hardness of a laminate and thereby the degree of completion of the cure.
43.5.5 Delamination
The separation of the layers of material in a laminate.
43.5.6 Gel Coat
The first resin applied to mold when fabricating a laminate to provide a smooth protective surface
for the laminate.
43.5.7 Layup
The process of applying to a mold the layers of resin and reinforcing materials that make up a
laminate. These materials are then compressed or densified with a roller or squeegee to eliminate
entrapped air and to spread resin evenly. Also a description of the component materials and geometry
of a laminate.
43.5.8 Verified Minimum Mechanical Property
The mechanical properties, in Part 2, Chapter 6, of laminates differing from the basic, verified by
the appropriate test(s) listed in 2-6-1/Table 1.
43.5.9 Laminate Principal Axes
The two principal axes of a square or rectangular plate panel are for the application of these Rules
those perpendicular and parallel to the plate panel edges.
43.5.10 Vacuum Bagging
A method used to apply a uniform pressure over an area by applying a vacuum to that area.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 1 General
Section 1 Definitions 3-1-1

43.5.11 Resin Impregnation

A process of construction for large layers of fabric that consists of running a roll of fabric through
a resin bath to completely saturate the fabric.
43.5.12 Resin Transfer Molding
A closed mold method that mechanically pumps resin through dry fabric previously placed in the
43.5.13 Resin Infusion
A method of FRP construction that uses a vacuum to pull catalyzed resin through dry fabric.
43.5.14 Primary Bond
The bond that is formed between two laminated surfaces when the resin on both surfaces has not
yet cured.
43.5.15 Secondary Bond
The bond that is formed between two laminated surfaces when the resin on one of the two
surfaces has cured.
43.5.16 Post Cure
The act of placing a laminate in an autoclave and raising the temperature to assist in the cure cycle
of the resin.
43.5.17 Autoclave
A large oven used in post curing large laminated parts.

43.7 Encapsulation
The containment of a core material, such as softwoods, plywood, balsa, PVC (cross linked) or linear
polymer, within FRP laminates. The cores may be structurally effective or ineffective.
43.7.1 Bedding Putty
Material used to adhere the core material to the FRP skins.
43.7.2 Scores
Slits cut into the core material to aid in forming the core to complex shapes.

45 Units
These Rules are written in three systems of units: SI units, MKS units and US customary units. Each system
is to be used independently of any other system.
Unless indicated otherwise, the format of presentation in these Rules of the three systems of units is as follows:
SI units (MKS units, US customary units)


PART Section 2: General Requirements

CHAPTER 1 General

SECTION 2 General Requirements

1 Materials
These Rules are intended for welded craft constructed of steel, welded craft constructed of aluminum, and
fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) craft; complying with the requirements of Part 2, Chapters 1 and 2, 5, and 6,
respectively. The use of materials other than those specified in Part 2, Chapters 1, 2, 5, and 6 and the
corresponding scantlings will be specially considered.

1.1 Selection of Material Grade

For craft 61 m (200 ft) and over in length, steel materials are not to be lower grades than those required by
3-1-2/Table 1 for the material class given in 3-1-2/Table 2 for the particular location.

Material Grades
Thickness (t) Material Class
mm (in.) I II
t ≤ 15 (t ≤ 0.60) A , AH A, AH
15 < t ≤ 20 (0.60 < t ≤ 0.79) A, AH A, AH
20 < t ≤ 25 (0.79 < t ≤ 0.98) A, AH B, AH
25 < t ≤ 30 (0.98 < t ≤ 1.18) A, AH D, AH
30 < t ≤ 35 (1.18 < t ≤ 1.38) B, AH D, AH
35 < t ≤ 40 (1.38 < t ≤ 1.57) B, AH D, AH
40 < t ≤ 51 (1.57 < t ≤ 2.00) D, AH E, DH
1 ASTM A36 steel otherwise tested and certified to the
satisfaction of ABS may be used in lieu of Grade A for a
thickness up to and including 12.5 mm (0.5 in.) for plate
and 15 mm (0.6 in.) for sections.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 1 General
Section 2 General Requirements 3-1-2

Material Class of Structural Members
Structural members Material Class
Within 0.4L Outside 0.4L
Amidships Amidships
Bottom plating including keel plate II A(3)/AH
Bilge strake II A(3)/AH
Side Plating I A(3)/AH
Sheer Strake at strength deck (1) II A(3)/AH
Decks ,
Strength deck plating (2) II A(3)/AH
Stringer plate in strength deck (1) II A(3)/AH
Strength deck strake on tankers at longitudinal bulkhead II A(3)/AH
Strength deck plating within line of hatches and exposed to weather, in I A(3)/AH
Longitudinal Bulkheads
Lowest strake in single bottom craft I A(3)/AH
Uppermost strake including that of the top wing tank II A(3)/AH
Other Structures in General
External continuous longitudinal members and bilge keels II A(3)/AH
Stem frames, rudder horns, rudders, shaft brackets - I
Strength members not referred to in above categories and above local A(3)/AH A(3)/AH
1 A radius gunwale plate may be considered to meet the requirements for both the stringer plate and the sheer
strake, provided it extends suitable distances inboard and vertically. For formed material see 2-4-1/3.13.
2 Plating at the corners of large hatch openings are to be specially considered.
3 ASTM A36 steel otherwise tested and certified to the satisfaction of ABS may be used in lieu of Grade A
for thickness up to and including 12.5 mm (0.5 in.) for a plate and 40 mm (1.57 in.) for sections.

1.3 Note for the Users

The attention of users is drawn to the fact that when fatigue loading is present, the effective strength of
higher-strength steel in a welded construction may not be greater than that of ordinary-strength steel.
Precautions against corrosion fatigue to higher strength steel and aluminum alloy materials may also be

3 Workmanship
All workmanship is to be of commercial marine quality and acceptable to the Surveyor. Welding is to be in
accordance with the requirements of Part 2, Chapter 4, Appendix 2-5-A1, Part 2, Chapter 14, and Section


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 1 General
Section 2 General Requirements 3-1-2

5 Design

5.1 Continuity
Care is to be taken to provide structural continuity. Changes in scantlings are to be gradual, such that the
maximum angle from horizontal is 45°, see 3-1-2/Figure 1. Strength members are not to change direction
abruptly, such that the maximum change in direction is 45°, see 3-1-2/Figure 2. Where primary structural
members terminate at another structural member, tapering of the primary member or tapering brackets may
be required beyond the other structural member, as indicated in 3-1-2/Figure 3, and as required in 3-2-5/1.
Stanchions and bulkheads are to be aligned to provide support and to minimize eccentric loading. Major
appendages outside the hull and strength bulkheads in superstructures are to be aligned with major structural
members within the hull.






5.3 Openings
The structural arrangements and details are to be in accordance with Section 3-2-6. In general, major openings
such as doors, hatches, and large vent ducts are to be avoided in the hull in close proximity to the gunwale.
Corners of openings in strength structures are to have generous radii. Compensation may be required for


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 1 General
Section 2 General Requirements 3-1-2

5.5 Brackets
5.5.1 Steel Brackets
Where brackets are fitted having thicknesses as required by 3-1-2/Table 3A and faces at approximately
45 degrees with the bulkhead deck or shell, and the bracket is supported by a bulkhead, deck or shell
structural member, the length of each member, , may be measured at a point 25% of the extent of
the bracket beyond the toe of the bracket as shown in 3-1-2/Figure 4. The minimum overlap of the
bracket arm along the stiffener is not to be less than obtained from the following equation:
x = 1.4y + 30 mm x = 1.4y + 1.2 in.
x = length of overlap along stiffener, in mm (in.)
y = depth of stiffener, in mm (in.)
Where a bracket laps a member, the amount of overlap generally is to be 25.5 mm (1 in.).
5.5.2 Aluminum Brackets
Aluminum brackets are to comply with 3-1-2/5.5.1 except that the thicknesses are given in
3-1-2/Table 3B.


e x y

0.25(e + x)


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 1 General
Section 2 General Requirements 3-1-2

Brackets (Steel)
Length of Face, f, mm Millimeters Width of Flange, mm
Plain Flanged
Not exceeding 305 5.0 — —
Over 305 to 455 6.5 5.0 40
Over 455 to 660 8.0 6.5 50
Over 660 to 915 11.0 8.0 65
Over 915 to 1370 14.0 9.5 75

Length of Face f, in. Inches Width of Flange, in.
Plain Flanged
Not exceeding 12 3/16 — —
Over 12 to 18 1/4 3/16 11/2
Over 18 to 26 5/16 1/4 2
Over 26 to 36 7/16 5/16 21/2
Over 36 to 54 9/16 3/8 3

Brackets (Aluminum)
Length of Face, f, mm Millimeters Width of Flange, mm
Plain Flanged
Not exceeding 305 7.0 — —
Over 305 to 455 9.5 7.0 40
Over 455 to 660 11.5 9.5 50
Over 660 to 915 16.0 11.5 65
Over 915 to 1370 20.0 13.5 75

Length of Face f, in. Inches Width of Flange, in.
Plain Flanged
Not exceeding 12 1/4 — —
Over 12 to 18 3/8 1/4 11/2
Over 18 to 26 7/16 3/8 2
Over 26 to 36 5/8 7/16 21/2
Over 36 to 54 13/16 9/16 3


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 1 General
Section 2 General Requirements 3-1-2

5.7 Structural Design Details

The designer is to give consideration to the following:
The thickness of internals in locations susceptible to rapid corrosion.
The proportions of built-up members to comply with established standards for buckling strength.
The design of structural details such as noted below, against the harmful effects of stress concentrations
and notches:
i) Details of the ends, the intersections of members and associated brackets.
ii) Shape and location of air, drainage or lightening holes.
iii) Shape and reinforcement of slots or cutouts for internals.
iv) Elimination or closing of weld scallops in way of butts, “softening” of bracket toes, reducing
abrupt changes of section or structural discontinuities.
Proportions and thickness of structural members to reduce fatigue response due to engine, propeller
or wave-induced cyclic stresses, particularly for higher-strength steels.
Standard construction details based on the above considerations are to be indicated on the plans or
in a booklet submitted for review and comment.

5.9 Termination of Structural Members

Unless permitted elsewhere in these Rules, structural members are to be effectively connected to the adjacent
structures in such a manner to avoid hard spots, notches and other harmful stress concentrations. Where
members are lightly loaded and not required to be attached at their ends, special attention is to be given to
the end taper, by using brackets or by a sniped end of not more than 30°. Bracket toes or sniped ends are to
be kept within 25 mm (1.0 in.) of the adjacent member and the depth at the toe or snipe end is generally not
to exceed 15 mm (0.60 in.). Where a strength deck or shell longitudinal terminates without end attachment, it is
to extend into the adjacent transversely framed structure or stop at a local transverse member fitted at about
one transverse frame space beyond the last floor or web that supports the longitudinal.

7 Effective Width of Plating

The section modulus and moment of inertia of stiffening members are provided by the member and a
portion of the plating to which it is attached. The effective width is as given in the following paragraphs.
The section modulus and moment of inertia of a shape, bar, fabricated section, or laid-up member not attached
to plating is that of the member only.

7.1 FRP Laminates

Where the plating is an FRP single-skin laminate, the maximum effective width of plating for floors,
frames, beams and bulkhead stiffeners is not to exceed either the stiffening member spacing or the width
obtained from the following equation, whichever is less. See 3-1-2/Figure 5.
w = 18t + b
w = effective width of plating, in mm (in.)
t = thickness of single skin plating, in mm (in.)
b = net width of stiffening member, in mm (in.), but not more than 18t


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 1 General
Section 2 General Requirements 3-1-2

Where the plating is an FRP sandwich laminate with a flexurally and compressively ineffective (balsa,
cross linked PVC, or linear polymer) core, t in the above equation is the thickness of a single skin laminate
having the same moment of inertia per unit width as the two skins of the sandwich about the neutral axis of
the sandwich, excluding the core.
For a stiffening member along an opening, the maximum effective width of plating is equal to either one-
half the stiffening member spacing or the width obtained from the following equation, whichever is less.
w = 9t + b
where w, t and b are as defined above.

Effective Width of FRP Plating

9t b 9t

w = 18t + b

7.3 Steel and Aluminum Plating

7.3.1 Primary Structural Members
The effective width of plating for deep supporting members is to be equal to the lesser of either
one half the sum of spacing on each side of the member, 0.33 times the unsupported span, , or
750 mm (30 in.). For girders and webs along hatch openings, the effective width of plating is to be
half of that obtained from the above. Due account is to be taken in regards to plate buckling, see
7.3.2 All Other Structural Members
The maximum effective width of plating is equal to either one-half the sum of spacing on each
side of the member or the width obtained from the following equation, whichever is less.
Steel Members w = 80t
Aluminum Members w = 60t
w = effective width of plating, in mm (in.)
t = thickness of single skin plating, in mm (in.)
For a stiffening member along an opening, the maximum effective width of plating is one-half of
the effective width given above.


PART Section 3: Direct Analysis Methods

CHAPTER 1 General

SECTION 3 Direct Analysis Methods

1 General
This Section states requirements for a variety of direct analysis methods that can be used in lieu of or in
conjunction with the specific requirements given in Sections 3-2-1, 3-2-2, 3-2-3, and 3-2-4 or to meet the
requirements in 1-1-4/5. If the structure of the craft complies with 3-1-3/3.5, 3-1-3/5.3, 3-1-3/7.1.2, 3-1-3/7.3,
3-1-3/9.1, 3-1-3/9.3.3, and 3-1-3/11.3 of this section and the requirements in Sections 3-2-1, 3-2-2, 3-2-3,
and 3-2-4 it will be eligible to receive the SH-DLA Class Notation. For guidance on the SH-DLA class
notation not given in this Section, see the ABS Guidance Notes on Structural Direct Analysis for High-
Speed Craft.

3 Loading Conditions

3.1 General
The loading conditions considered should include all intended operational conditions of the craft as specified
by the Designer. These operating conditions are to be defined by significant wave height, wave period,
and maximum operating speed. 3-1-3/Table 1 is to be used when the significant wave height is given in
terms of Sea States. When the wave period is not given, the most probable modal period is to be used in
the analysis.

Sea States
Sea State Significant Wave Height m (ft)
0-1 0.10 (0.3)
2 0.50 (1.6)
3 1.25 (4.1)
4 2.5 (8.2)
5 4 (13.1)
6 6 (19.7)
7 9 (29.5)
8 14 (45.9)
>8 >14 (45.9)

3.3 Environmental and Service Conditions

3.3.1 General
The environmental condition is anticipated to be described by appropriate sets of wave data. The
sources and reliability of this data are to be submitted. The wave parameters used in the analysis
are to be selected and documented based on the conditions given in the craft specification. If these
parameters are to be used in conjunction with the requirements in 3-1-3/3.5, 3-1-3/5.3, 3-1-3/7.1.2,
3-1-3/7.3, 3-1-3/9.1, 3-1-3/9.3.3, and 3-1-3/11.3, then they should be compatible with the stochastic
response and extreme value prediction methods.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 1 General
Section 3 Direct Analysis Methods 3-1-3

3.3.2 Types of Wave Spectra

3.3.2(a) Deep-water Ocean Waves. Two-parameter spectra, such as the Bretschneider or P-M
wave spectral formulations, are to be used. If the swell and wave components are known to interact,
a bi-modal Ochi-Hubble spectrum is to be used. Directional spreading appropriate to coastal
conditions is also to be applied.
3.3.2(b) Shallow-water Waves. Wave conditions that include the effects of bathymetry, wind
field, coastal contours of the region are to be used. For fetch-limited sea conditions, JONSWAP
spectrum or a modified version of the spectrum is to be used.

3.5 Loading Conditions for Direct Analysis

3.5.1 Dominant Load Parameters
A list of Dominant Load Parameters (DLP) is to be developed. This will include select motion
and load effect parameters. Other loads, such as those due to wave impacts on the bow and stern,
flare and bottom slamming, wet-deck slamming (multi-hulls) and vibration effects on local structural
strength, have to be treated separately. Considerations for slamming analysis are given in 3-1-3/3.5.7.
3.5.2 Load Cases
Load cases are defined by a combination of craft loading conditions, a set of global motion and
load effect parameters set forth in terms of each of the DLPs, other load components accompanying
the DLPs and an equivalent wave system for the specified DLP. Justification for load cases
selected for use in the structural analysis is to be submitted to ABS for review.
3.5.3 Analyses of Ship Motions, Wave Loads, and Extreme Values
Calculations are to be made using the spectral analysis-based approach, which by definition relies
on the use of Response Amplitude Operators (RAOs). Each RAO is to be calculated for regular waves
of unit amplitude for a range of wave frequencies and wave headings that will be given below.
3.5.4 Essential Features of Spectral Analysis of Motions and Loads
3.5.4(a) General Modeling Considerations. The model of the hull should include the masses of
all equipment, vehicles and supporting structure. There is also to be sufficient compatibility between
the hydrodynamic and structural models so that the application of fluid pressures onto the finite
element mesh of the structural model can be done appropriately.
For the load component types and structural responses of primary interest, software formulations
derived from linear idealizations are deemed to be sufficient. The capabilities and limitations of
the software are to be known, and in cases where the software is not known to ABS, it may be
necessary to demonstrate the adequacy of the software.
3.5.4(b) Diffraction-Radiation Methods. Computations of the wave-induced motions and loads
are to be carried out through the application of seakeeping analysis codes utilizing three-dimensional
potential flow based diffraction-radiation theory. Computation of the hydrodynamic pressures
should take account of, as a minimum, all six degree-of-freedom rigid-body motions of the hull.
These codes may be based either on linear (small) wave and motion amplitude assumptions or
nonlinear (large) amplitude motion and wave formulations.
3.5.4(c) Panel Model Development. The Rankine source panel method is recommended for solving
the hydrodynamic boundary value problem.
3.5.4(d) Motion and Load-Effect Response Amplitude Operators. For each loading condition,
RAOs of all the selected DLPs are to be calculated. The RAOs are to represent the pertinent range
of wave headings (β), in increments not exceeding 15 degrees. A range of wave frequencies is to
be considered based on the route-specific wave conditions (see 3-1-3/3.3). The nominal range is
0.2 rad/s to 1.8 rad/s in increments of 0.05 rad/s.
The worst frequency-heading (ω, β) combination is to be determined from an examination of the
RAOs for each DLP. Only the heading βmax and the wave frequency ωe at which the RAO of the
DLP is a maximum, need to be used in DLA or direct analysis.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 1 General
Section 3 Direct Analysis Methods 3-1-3

3.5.5 Extreme Values Analysis

Extreme value analysis is to be performed for each DLP to determine the maximum values. An
extreme value method that follows the so-called long-term approach is to be used. The use of a
validated short-term extreme value approach, which is appropriate to the craft type and route-
specific environmental data, will also be considered. The supplementary use of such a short-term
approach to confirm or test the sensitivity of the long-term based design values is recommended.
The relevant value to be obtained from the long-term response analysis is the most probable
extreme value (MPEV) having a probability of level of 10-8 in terms of wave encounters.
3.5.6 Equivalent Wave
For each load case, an equivalent wave is to be determined which simulates the magnitude and
location of the extreme value of the dominant load component of the load case.
The amplitude of the equivalent wave is to be determined using the extreme values of the DLP
(see 3-1-3/3.5.4) and the RAO of that DLP occurring at the wave frequency and wave heading
corresponding to the maximum amplitude (peak) of the RAO. The amplitude of the equivalent
wave is given by:
awj = MPEVj /Max RAOj
awj = wave amplitude
MPEVj = Most Probable Extreme Value of the jth DLP at a probability level equivalent
to the design criterion
Max RAOj = maximum amplitude of the jth DLP’s RAO

3.5.7 Slamming Loads

Loads due to slamming and wave impact on craft hulls are categorized into global slamming effects
and local slam-induced structural response.
3.5.7(a) Global Slamming Effects. The simplified formulae given in Section 3-2-1 may be used
to account for global slamming effects in the preliminary design stage. For detailed analysis, a direct
time-domain simulation involving short-term predictions are to be used for the global strength
assessment of monohulls. In most cases involving high speeds, the absolute motions or relative
motions will be of such large amplitude that nonlinear calculations will be required. In catamarans,
wet deck slam-induced global whipping effects of the hull is to be assessed using methods that
account for coupling of the symmetric and anti-symmetric modes of responses. These calculations
will require time-domain analysis methods.
3.5.7(b) Local Impact Loads. Panel structures with horizontal flat or nearly flat surfaces such as
a wet deck of a multi-hull craft will need to be hydroelastically modeled, where in the dynamics of
the fluid and the elastic response of the plate and stiffeners are simultaneously modeled.

5 Motion Predictions

5.1 Model Testing

Craft hull motions and accelerations obtained from scale model tests may be used to validate motions
predicted by computer programs. Model testing is required to be performed and reported to ABS when
loads are being submitted in lieu of the loads determined in Section 3-2-2 or other loads determined by
ABS. The model is to accurately represent the structure that is to be built in both principal particulars and
hull geometry.
5.1.1 Testing Program
The model is to be tested over a range of speeds, headings, and wave characteristics (height, length,
and period), as indicated by ABS. When this is not specified, the testing program is to include the


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 1 General
Section 3 Direct Analysis Methods 3-1-3

5.1.1(a) Speeds. The model is to be tested at the minimum speed required by ABS and the
maximum achievable speed of the craft for a particular wave profile and heading.
5.1.1(b) Headings. The model is to be tested in head, beam, quartering, and following seas.
5.1.1(c) Wave Parameters. The model is to be tested in both deep water and shallow water wave
conditions. These are defined in 3-1-3/3.3.2. For craft that are limited to operation in coastal regions
(Coastal Craft and Riverine Craft), deep water wave profile testing is not required.
5.1.2 Model Measurements and Reporting
The parameters listed below are to be measured and reported based on the model test program.
Some of the parameters listed may be derived through statistical analysis of measured data obtained
from testing. When statistical analysis is used, the methods of analysis employed are to be indicated
in the report.
5.1.2(a) Vertical or Heave Acceleration. The significant, 1/10th highest, or 1/100th highest vertical
acceleration at the longitudinal center of gravity, bow, and stern are to be reported. The accelerometer
is to be adjusted such that the acceleration due to gravity is not measured. The 1/100th highest vertical
acceleration at the longitudinal center of gravity may be used in place of ncg in 3-2-2/1 and 3-2-2/3.
5.1.2(b) Roll Acceleration. The significant roll acceleration about a longitudinal axis through the
center of gravity and the maximum roll angle are to be reported.
5.1.2(c) Pitch Angle and Acceleration. The significant coupled pitch-and-heave acceleration at
the bow and the stern and the maximum pitch angle are to be reported.

5.3 Accelerations from Direct Analysis

5.3.1 General
The wave-induced craft motions may be determined by direct analysis. When this analysis is not
performed by ABS, it is to be verified by model testing as indicated in 3-1-3/5.3.
5.3.2 Global Accelerations
Global accelerations are to be determined using the loading conditions indicated in 3-1-3/3.5
above. The 1/100th highest vertical (heave) acceleration at the longitudinal center of gravity may be
used in place of ncg in Sections 3-2-1 and 3-2-2.
5.3.3 Local Accelerations
Local accelerations at points where the lightship weight of the structure, (non-liquid cargo), are
located, including deck-mounted equipment, should be calculated to determine the inertia loads.
For vehicle decks, wheel loading should be applied. An evenly distributed load equivalent to the
weight of the vehicles may be used. The acceleration RAO at a location of interest is to be calculated
to account for all translational and rotational components of motions.
The components of the gravitational acceleration in the craft’s coordinate system are to be included.

7 Load Predictions

7.1 Global Loads

As a minimum, the still-water hogging and sagging moments and shear forces, the wave-induced hogging
and sagging moments and shear forces and the slam-induced moments and shear force, are to be determined
for monohull craft. Multi-hulled craft are to have the transverse bending moment, the torsional (or pitch
connecting) moment and the transverse shear force determined in addition to the moments and shear forces
determined for monohull craft. These loads are to be reported so that they can be used in conjunction with
the requirements in 3-1-3/9 or Section 3-2-1.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 1 General
Section 3 Direct Analysis Methods 3-1-3

7.1.1 Computation of Global Load Effects

7.1.1(a) Still-water Bending Moment and Shear Force. The still-water bending moments and shear
forces are to be calculated in the light load, half load, and full load conditions. The light load condition
consists of all components of the craft (structure, machinery, piping equipment, outfitting, wiring,
interiors, paint, etc.) plus 10% of tank and cargo capacity. The half load condition is to include all
components of the craft plus 50% of the tank and cargo capacity. The full load condition consists
of all components of the craft plus 100% of the tank and cargo capacity. The distribution of the
load is to capture all major weight discontinuities, and no single weight distribution segment is to
be greater than 0.20L.
7.1.1(b) Wave-Induced Longitudinal Bending Moment and Shear Force. The wave-induced bending
moments and shear forces can be determined by using the environmental conditions outlined in
7.1.1(c) Transverse Bending Moment and Shear Force – Multi-hulled Craft. The transverse bending
moment and shear force may be determined by distributing the weights and loads athwartships
across the craft and using the environmental conditions outlined in 3-1-3/3.3
7.1.1(d) Torsion Bending Moment. The torsional bending moment may be determined by distributing
the weights and loads on segments of the hull sliced at a 45° angle from centerline and using the
environmental conditions outlined in 3-1-3/3.3.
7.1.1(e) Slamming Induced Bending Moment and Shear Force. The slam induced bending moment
and shear force may be calculated by applying the acceleration determined in 3-1-3/5 or in 3-2-2/1
to the lumped masses developed for 3-1-3/7.2.1(a).
7.1.2 Global Loads from Computations
Global loads from computer software programs are to be developed by loading the structure as outlined
in 3-1-3/3.5. The computer program is to be capable of determining the moments and shear forces in
3-1-3/7.1 or developing loads that can be used in conjunction with finite element methods as outlined
in 3-1-3/9.1.

7.3 Local Loads

Loads that differ from the pressure loads developed in Section 3-2-2 may be used to determine the required
scantlings in conjunction with the requirements in 3-1-3/9.3 or Sections 3-2-3 and 3-2-4. These loads are
to be developed under the loading conditions in 3-1-3/3 and the following subparagraphs.
7.3.1 External Hydrodynamic Pressure
The hydrodynamic pressures at selected points on the external contours of the hull sections, are to
be calculated in regular waves.
7.3.1(a) External Pressure Components. The total hydrodynamic pressure is to include the pressure
components due to waves and the components due to craft motion. Components of the hydrodynamic
pressure are to be calculated from the panel model analysis of 3-1-3/3.5.3.
7.3.1(b) Pressures Accompanying the Dominant Load Parameter and Their Distribution. The
external pressure is to be calculated either as a complex number or in terms of the amplitude and
phase. Then, ‘simultaneously’ acting pressures over the wetted surface can be represented in the form:
P = (A)(aw)sin(ωet + εI)
P = simultaneous pressure
A = amplitude of the pressure RAO
aw = equivalent wave amplitude
ωe = frequency of the equivalent wave when the RAO of the dominant load
component of the load case reaches its maximum
t = time under consideration.
εI = phase angle of the (other) load component’s RAO


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 1 General
Section 3 Direct Analysis Methods 3-1-3

7.3.1(c) Pressure Loading for Finite Element Models. The hydrodynamic pressure can be linearly
interpolated to obtain the nodal pressures for the finite element models required for structural analysis.
7.3.1(d) Pressure Loading for Rule Requirements. For pressures that are to be used in conjunction
with the requirements in Sections 3-2-3 and 3-2-4 for determining the local scantlings, the
hydrodynamic pressures are to be resolved into kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi).
7.3.2 Internal Tank Pressure
Liquid pressures in the cargo tanks are to be calculated and applied to the structural model used in
finite element analysis. Both static and dynamic pressures should be included in the analysis, assuming
that there is no relative motion between the tank and the contained fluid.
7.3.2(a) Pressure Components. The internal tank pressure is to account for both the quasi-static
and motion-induced (dynamic) pressure components. The quasi-static component results from gravity
and should include craft roll and pitch rotations. The dynamic component is to be developed from
the accelerations in the liquid at the tank boundary caused by the hull’s motions in six degrees of
freedom. These are to be obtained from motion analysis as specified in 3-1-3/3.
The total instantaneous internal tank pressure for each of the tank boundary points is to be calculated
by combining the inertial and quasi-static components as follows:
p = po + ρht[(gx + ax)2 + (gy +ay)2 + (gz + az)2]1/2
p = total instantaneous internal tank pressure at a tank boundary point
po = vapor pressure or the relief valve pressure setting
ρ = fluid density, cargo or ballast
ht = total pressure head defined by the height of the projected fluid column in the
direction of the total instantaneous acceleration vector
ax,y,z = longitudinal, lateral, and vertical wave-induced accelerations relative to the
craft’s axis system at a point on a tank’s boundary
gx,y,z = longitudinal, lateral, and vertical components of gravitational accelerations
relative to the craft’s axis system at a tank boundary point
7.3.2(b) Roll and Pitch Motions. The influence of ship motions on tank pressures is to be taken
into account using the maximum pitch and roll angles. As reflected in the previous formulations,
the inclination of the tank due to craft roll and pitch is to be considered in the calculation of the
hydrostatic pressure. The direction of gravitational forces in the ship-fixed coordinate system
varies with roll and pitch, resulting in a change in pressure head and a corresponding change in the
static pressure.
7.3.2(c) Simultaneously Acting Tank Pressure. At each wave condition, for each load case described
in 3-1-3/3.5, simultaneously acting tank pressures (quasi-static and dynamic) are to be calculated.
Each wave condition is defined by wave amplitude, frequency, heading angle and wave crest position,
as explained in 3-1-3/3.5. Using the wave amplitude and phase angle determined based on the
RAO of a DLP, the simultaneously acting tank pressure is to be calculated for the instant when the
maximum value of the DLP occurs. These internal tank pressures are to be used in the structural
finite element model.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 1 General
Section 3 Direct Analysis Methods 3-1-3

7.3.3 Inertia Force of Lumped Structural Mass

The inertia force, or point load, of a structural mass, such as deck equipment or cargo, can be
determined by the following equation:
F = m(At)
F = inertial load of the item
m = mass of the lumped weight of the structural member
At = amplitude of the acceleration RAO
For finite element models, the inertia forces in three (global) directions are to be calculated and
applied. For a first-principles analysis, the inertia force in the vertical direction is to be calculated
and applied.

9 Structural Response

9.1 Global Response

The global bending moments developed in 3-1-3/7.1 can either be applied to the requirements in 3-2-1/1.1.2(e),
3-2-1/1.5, 3-2-1/1.9.4, and 3-2-1/3.5 or to a global finite element model as outlined in this paragraph.
9.1.1 General
The load cases of 3-1-3/3.5 are to be applied to the global structural analysis model described in
3-1-3/9.1.4. Each load case is to include the hydrostatic and still-water load components that have
not otherwise been directly included in the load component determination performed in accordance
with 3-1-3/7.3.1 and 3-1-3/7.3.3. These hydrostatic or still-water components are to be included
in the hydrostatics analysis.
9.1.2 Equilibrium Check
The model of the hull girder structure should be close to equilibrium when all the loads (static and
dynamic) are applied.
The unbalanced forces in the model’s global axis system for each load case need to be determined
and resolved. The magnitudes of the unbalanced forces, and the procedure used to balance the
structural model in equilibrium is to be fully documented.
9.1.3 General Modeling Considerations
To the maximum extent practicable, the overall model of the hull structure should be comprised of
the entire hull. There is also to be sufficient compatibility between the hydrodynamic and structural
models so that the application of fluid pressures onto the finite element mesh of the structural model
can be done appropriately.
For the load component types and structural responses of primary interest, analysis software
formulations derived from linear idealizations are sufficient. Enhanced bases of analysis may be
required so that non-linear loads, such as hull slamming, may be required. The adequacy of the
selected software is to be demonstrated to the satisfaction of ABS.
The results of overall (global) model analysis are to be directly employed in the creation and analysis
of the required finer mesh, local structural models. Appropriate boundary conditions determined
in the larger scale model are to be imposed in the local models to assure appropriate structural
continuity and load transfer between the various levels of models.
9.1.4 Analysis of the Global Hull Structure
The global structural and load model is to be as detailed and complete as possible. The stress
results of the global model are used only to assess the hull girder plating of the deck (and wet deck
for multi-hulled craft), side shell, bottom, inner bottom, longitudinal bulkheads, transverse bulkheads
and stools or deck box girders. The main supporting members of the hull girder may be evaluated
using 2-D fine-mesh local models. In developing the 3-D global finite element model, the following
requirements apply:


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 1 General
Section 3 Direct Analysis Methods 3-1-3

i) The finite element model is to include all primary load-carrying members. Secondary
structural members which may affect the overall load distribution are also to be included.
ii) Structural idealization is to be based on the stiffness and anticipated response of the structure,
not wholly on the geometry of the structure itself.
iii) The relative stiffness between associated structural members and their anticipated response
under the specified loading is to be considered.
iv) A judicious selection of nodes, elements, and degrees of freedom is to be made to represent
the stiffness and mass properties of the hull, while keeping the size of the model and required
data generation within manageable limits. Lumping of plating stiffeners, use of equivalent
plate thickness, and other techniques may be used for this purpose.
v) The finite elements, whose geometry, configuration, and stiffness closely approximate the
actual structure, can typically be of three types:
• Truss or bar elements with axial stiffness only
• Beam elements with axial, shear, and bending stiffness
• Membrane plate elements, either triangular or quadrilateral.
vi) When possible, the finite element structure is to be based on the use of gross or as-built

9.3 Local Response

The local loads developed in 3-1-3/7.3 may be used in conjunction with the scantling requirements in
Sections 3-2-3 and 3-2-4. For local structure that forms a grillage, or that is arranged in a manner not
indicative of the principles given in the other Sections of these Rules, or structure that is being examined in
conjunction with a finite element analysis may be reviewed using the following:
9.3.1 Non-Prismatic Beam Analysis
Beams that do not have uniform cross-sections may be analyzed using a non-prismatic beam
program. The adequacy of the selected software is to be demonstrated to the satisfaction of ABS.
In developing the non-prismatic beam model, the following requirements apply:
i) The program is to be capable of calculating the shear and bending moment at all locations
along the length of the beam.
ii) Section properties of the beam are to be inputted into the program to resemble the actual
construction of the beam and are to have a maximum segment length of 300 mm (1 foot).
iii) The loads for the beam may be derived from Section 3-2-2 or 3-1-3/7.
iv) The boundary conditions of the beam are to reflect the structural arrangement.
9.3.2 Grillage or Plane Frame Analysis
Structure that forms a grillage, or an area of structure that is arranged in a manner that is different
from the principles of these Rules, may be analyzed using a grillage or plane frame analysis program.
The adequacy of the selected software is to be demonstrated to the satisfaction of ABS. In
developing the grillage or plane frame model, the following requirements apply:
i) The beam elements in the model are to be arranged to reflect all of the structure in the
area under consideration.
ii) The program is to be capable of applying off-axis loads to the elements and nodes.
iii) The program is to be capable of calculating and reporting the bending moments and shear
forces at each node.
iv) The loads for the model may be derived from Section 3-2-2 or 3-1-3/7.
v) The boundary conditions of the model are to reflect the structural arrangement. Boundary
conditions that model symmetry will be specially considered.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 1 General
Section 3 Direct Analysis Methods 3-1-3

9.3.3 Local Fine Mesh Model from Global 3-D Model

Detailed local stresses are to be determined by fine mesh FEM analysis of local structures, based
on the results of the global 3-D analysis.
The requirements for developing the 3-D coarse mesh global model in 3-1-3/9.3.4 are also applicable
to the development of the 2-D fine-mesh models. In developing the 2-D fine mesh model, the
following requirements apply:
i) The mesh size of the 2-D finite element model are to be determined by adequately modeling
the stiffness of the individual structural members forming the local structure.
ii) In modeling a local transverse structure, the web plating is modeled by membrane plates,
using both quadrilateral and triangular elements. Stiffeners on the web plating, such as panel
breakers, tripping brackets, flat bar stiffeners, etc., and the face plates of the webs are modeled
by rod elements of equivalent cross sectional areas. Where face plates on brackets are tapered
at the ends, the area of the rod elements should be reduced accordingly. The out-of-plane
hull girder plating (i.e., deck, side shell, bottom shell, girders, etc.) is also to be modeled
by rod elements, using an appropriate effective width.
iii) The mesh size used should be adequate to represent the overall stiffness of the considered
local structure as a whole, such that smooth stress distributions in the structure can be
iv) Finer meshes are to be used in the probable high stressed areas in order to obtain more
accurate stress distributions for these areas. The use of a uniform mesh with smooth transition
and with avoidance to abrupt changes in mesh sizes is recommended.
v) In laying out the mesh, the shapes of membrane elements created are to be as regular as
possible. The aspect ratios of plate elements are to be kept within 2:1. Elements with an
aspect ratio higher than 5:1 may be used for convenience of modeling in way of low stress
areas, or areas of low interest.
vi) The grid line spacing and element sizes for the transverse section can be determined by
the spacing of the longitudinals on the bottom shell, inner bottom, and topside tank. The
grid lines can either be in line with the longitudinals, or for a finer mesh, an additional one
division can be added between the longitudinal spacing.
vii) Cutout openings for longitudinals and access holes need not be considered in the 2-D models.
This is also applies to all lightening holes or other small openings in the webs.
viii) The stiffeners, panel breakers, and ribs that prevent local buckling that are parallel to the
principal direction of stress are to be included in the model.
Boundary displacements obtained from the 3-D global analysis are to be used as boundary conditions
in the fine mesh analysis. As applicable, the fine mesh models are to include at least the following
local structures:
• A number of transverse web frames
• Centerline longitudinal girder
• Side longitudinal girder
• Horizontal stringers of watertight transverse bulkhead
• Other areas of high stress indicated from the 3-D global analysis.
Where the 3-D global analysis is not comprehensive enough to determine adequately the total
stress in the longitudinal plating (e.g., deck and shell) and transverse bulkhead plating of the craft,
additional analyses may be required. Such analyses may not require the performance of fine mesh
FEM analysis, where the needed results can be provided by another acceptable method.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 1 General
Section 3 Direct Analysis Methods 3-1-3

9.3.4 Local Fine Mesh Model without Global 3-D Model

Structure that forms a grillage or an area of structure that is arranged in a manner different from
the principles of these Rules may be analyzed using a local finite element model. The adequacy of
the selected software is to be demonstrated to the satisfaction of ABS. In developing the local
finite element model, the following requirements apply:
i) The requirements in 3-1-3/9.3.4 are to be applied as applicable.
ii) The loads for the model may be derived from Section 3-2-2 or 3-1-3/7.
iii) The boundary conditions of the model are to reflect the structural arrangement. Boundary
conditions that model symmetry will be specially considered.

11 Structural Acceptability

11.1 Beam, Grillage, or Plane Frame Analysis

The allowable bending stress for elements in beam, grillage or plane frame models is given in 3-2-4/Table 1
or 3-2-4/Table 2. The allowable shear stress for aluminum and steel elements is 0.5τy (0.75τy for bottom
primary structures) where τy is the minimum shear yield strength of the material. For aluminum structure,
τy is to be in the welded condition. The allowable shear stress for composite members is 0.4τu, where τu is
the lesser of the ultimate shear strength in either the warp or fill of the web laminate.

11.3 Finite Element Analysis

11.3.1 General
The adequacy of the finite element analysis results is to be assessed for the failure modes of
material yielding and buckling. The requirements in this section are for steel, aluminum and FRP
craft. The acceptance criteria for craft constructed of other materials will be specially considered.
11.3.2 Yielding
For a plate element subjected to biaxial stress, a specific combination of stress components, rather
than a single maximum normal stress component constitutes the limiting condition. In this regard,
the total equivalent stress is to be based on the Hencky von-Mises criterion as the following equation:
σe = [σx2 + σy2 – σxσy + 3τxy2]1/2
σx = normal stress in the x coordinate direction of the element
σy = normal stress in the y coordinate direction of the element
τxy = in-plane shearing stress
The total equivalent stress (Hencky von-Mises stress) is to be less than or equal to the following
design stress:
Steel: 0.95σy

Aluminum: 0.85σy
FRP: 0.37σu
where σy is the yield strength for steel structures or the welded yield strength for aluminum
structure, and σu is the ultimate tensile or compressive strength of the laminate, whichever is less.
Component stresses (σx, σy, τxy) are to be less than or equal to allowable local structure design stress.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 1 General
Section 3 Direct Analysis Methods 3-1-3

11.3.3 Design Global Hull Girder Stresses

The design stresses are as follows:
• Global Longitudinal Strength of All Hull Types
σa = design longitudinal bending stress, fp/CQ N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
τa = design shear stress, 110/Q N/mm2 (1.122/Q tf/cm2, 7.122/Q Ltf/in2)
fp = 17.5 kN/cm2 (1.784 tf/cm2, 11.33 Ltf/in2)
C = 1.0 for steel craft
= 0.90 for aluminum craft
= 0.80 for fiber-reinforced plastic craft
Q for steel:
= 1.0 for ordinary strength steel
= 0.78 for grade H32 steel
= 0.72 for grade H36 steel
Q for aluminum:
= 0.9 + q5 but not less than Qo
q5 = 115/σy (12/σy, 17000/σy)

Qo = 635/(σy + σu) [65/(σy + σu), 92000/(σy + σu)]

σy = minimum yield strength of unwelded aluminum in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
(not to be greater than 0.7σu)
σu = minimum ultimate strength of welded aluminum in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
Q for fiber reinforced plastic:
= 400/0.75σu (41/0.75σu, 58000/0.75σu)
σu = minimum ultimate tensile or compressive strength, whichever is less, verified
by approved test results, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi). See Section 2-6-5.
Strength properties in the longitudinal direction of the craft are to be used.
• Global Transverse Strength of Multihulls
σa = design transverse bending stress, 0.66σy for aluminum and steel craft and
0.33σu for FRP craft, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
σab = design torsional or combined stress, 0.75σy for aluminum and steel craft and
0.367σu for FRP craft, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
τa = design transverse shear stress, 0.38σy for aluminum and steel craft and 0.40τu
for FRP craft, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
σy = minimum yield strength of the material, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi). For aluminum
the yield strength is to be for the unwelded condition and not to be greater
than 0.7σuw
σu = minimum tensile or compressive strength, whichever is less, in N/mm2
(kgf/mm2, psi)
σuw = ultimate tensile strength of material in the welded condition, in N/mm2
(kgf/mm2, psi)


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 1 General
Section 3 Direct Analysis Methods 3-1-3

δm = maximum deflection for FRP craft, (σa/E)LI, in m (in.)

τu = minimum ultimate through thickness shear strength, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)

LI = mean span of cross structure, in cm (in.), as indicated in 3-2-A2/Figure 2
E = tensile or compressive modulus of the FRP laminate, whichever is lesser, in
N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)


PART Section 4: Guide for Finite Element Analysis

CHAPTER 1 General

SECTION 4 Guide for Finite Element Analysis

1 General
The intent of this section is to provide guidance on the use on fine element methods (FEM) for evaluating linear
response of hull structural components, equipment foundations and reinforcement structure to applied loads.
Finite element methods can be applied with varying level of detail and complexity to determine stress
levels, deflection magnitudes and other parameters of structural components. The choice of the type of
finite element and evaluation criteria should match the desired level of detail, loading scenario, boundary
conditions and complexity of the structural component.

3 Structural Modeling

3.1 Finite Element Types

The choice of the type of finite element is guided by the complexity of the structural system or component
being analyzed, the level of detail desired and the outcomes measured. Two node line element and three or
four membrane/plate element are considered sufficient for representation of a structure and requirements in
this appendix assumes the use of such element types in the models. Higher order elements may also be
applied. Details of basic element types are given in 3-1-4/Table 1.

Finite Element Type
Rod (or truss) element Line element with axial stiffness only and constant cross-sectional area along length of
the element
Beam element Line element with axial, torsional and bi-directional shear and bending stiffness and with
constant properties along the length of the element
Membrane (or plane-stress) element Plate element with in-plane stiffness and with constant thickness
Shell (or bending plate) element Plate element with in-plane and out-of-plane bending stiffness and with constant thickness

3.3 Model Types

3.3.1 Beam/Grillage Model
Beam/grillage models comprise of entirely of beam and rod elements, and are suitable for the solution
of simple to more elaborate beam problems of one, two or three-dimensional configuration.
Examples where such models could be applied are for deck beams, girders, floors, and bulkhead
stiffening. Such models provide bending moment and shear force distributions, axial, bending and
shear stresses, and deflection magnitudes.
3.3.2 Plate Element Model
Plate element models are applied in cases where a precise representation of the geometry of the
structural component or system is necessary, the complexity of the structure warrants it, or when
the desired structural response cannot be determined from beam or grillage models.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 1 General
Section 4 Guide for Finite Element Analysis 3-1-4

3.5 Modeling Guidance

i) The model should include, as applicable, all primary load-carrying members of the structure being
analyzed. Secondary structural members that may significantly affect load distributions and local
response of the primary members may also be appropriately included in the model.
ii) For beam elements, cross sectional properties are to be based on that of effective width of the
attached plating. The effective width of plating of beam elements is not to exceed the sum of one-
half of the spacing on either side of the structural member or 1/3 of the unsupported span of the
member, whichever is less.
iii) Plate element meshing is to follow the stiffening system as far as practicable. The mesh size used
should be adequate to represent the overall stiffness of the considered structure. For meshing of
large systems such as deck, shell or bulkhead plate/framing systems, the mesh size is to not exceed
the spacing between the frames. The mesh should be progressively and smoothly refined to
capture structural details where important or found necessary.
iv) At least three elements are to be used, where practical, to model webs of primary supporting
members such as girders, transverses, stringers and floors. Rod elements may be used to model
flanges of primary supporting members and brackets. The cross sectional area of rods representing
sniped or tapered flanges is to be considered proportionally using an average area over the length
of the element.
v) The aspect ratio of plate elements, in general, is not to exceed three. The use of triangular plate
elements is to be kept to a minimum.
vi) Shell elements are to be used for plate elements subjected to lateral loading.

3.7 Boundary Conditions

Boundary conditions applied are to reflect, as closely as possible, the actual support conditions of the structure.
The extent of model should be sufficient to establish proper boundary conditions. Where the model has
been extended to points well away from the areas of interest within the model, boundary conditions may be
reasonably simplified, for example assuming fully fixed conditions for plate elements models.

3.9 Loads
Loads applied on a model are to be as required by the relevant rule or the design loads of the structural
member, whichever is greater.
In addition to static loads, other loads such as hull girder and dynamic loads arising out of acceleration,
ship motion, etc. are to be considered where applicable and relevant.
In typical cases, it is not necessary to consider the self weight of the structure, unless it is expected to be a
significant component of the loads acting on the structure.
Loads are to be applied in a manner so as to match, as closely as possible, the expected distribution and
manifestation of the load within the structure in the actual situation.

3.11 Stress Criteria

Unless otherwise specified in these Rules or relevant regulations, individual stress components and, as
applicable, direct combinations of such stresses in beam or grillage models are not to exceed the allowable
stress F.
F = Fy/FS
Fy = specified minimum yield strength of the material
FS = Factor of Safety


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 1 General
Section 4 Guide for Finite Element Analysis 3-1-4

For static loadings:

= 1.67 for axial or bending stress
= 2.50 for shear stress
For loads combining static and dynamic:
= 1.25 for axial or bending stress
= 1.88 for shear stress
For plate element models, and unless otherwise specified in these Rules or relevant regulations, the Von-
Mises equivalent stress is not to exceed the limits specified in 3-2-20/Table 2 for the specific mesh size.

Stress Limits for Plate Element Models
Mesh Size Stress Limit
1 × stiffener spacing (SS) 0.90 SmFy
1/2 × SS 0.95 SmFy
1/3 × SS 1.00 SmFy
1/4 × SS (1) 1.06 SmFy
1/5 × SS ~ 1/10 × SS 1.12 SmFy
1 Stress limits greater than 1.00 SmFy are to be restricted to small areas in way of structural discontinuities.
2 Sm = 1.0 for mild steel
= 0.95 for HT 32
= 0.908 for HT 36
3 For intermediate mesh size, the stress limit may be obtained by linear interpretation
4 For longitudinally effective structure that is modeled without the hull girder loads, the allowable stresses
are to be decreased by 10%


PART Chapter 2: Hull Structures and Arrangements

CHAPTER 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements

SECTION 1 Primary Hull Strength........................................................................... 45
1 Longitudinal Hull Girder Strength – Monohulls .................................45
1.1 Section Modulus ............................................................................ 45
1.3 Extension of Midship Section Modulus .......................................... 49
1.5 Moment of Inertia ........................................................................... 49
1.7 Section Modulus and Moment of Inertia Calculation ...................... 50
1.9 Hull Girder Shear Strength Calculation – For Craft 61 m (200 ft)
in Length and Over ........................................................................ 51
1.11 Hull Girder Torsional Loads ........................................................... 53
3 Primary Hull Strength – Twin-Hulled Craft ........................................ 53
3.1 Longitudinal Hull Girder Strength ................................................... 53
3.3 Catamaran Transverse Loadings................................................... 53
3.5 Transverse Strength for Catamarans and Surface Effect Craft ..... 54
3.7 Items Included in Transverse Moment of Inertia and Section
Modulus Calculation ...................................................................... 54
3.9 Craft with More Than Two Hulls .................................................... 55
3.11 Hull Girder Torsional Loads ........................................................... 55
5 Strength Considerations for Hydrofoil Borne Craft ........................... 55
5.1 Longitudinal Strength ..................................................................... 55
5.3 Calculation of Loads from Hydrofoil Appendages .......................... 55
7 Effective Decks ................................................................................. 56
9 Operating Manual ............................................................................. 56

TABLE 1 Minimum Vertical Acceleration................................................ 48

TABLE 2 Factor, K .................................................................................. 50

FIGURE 1 Sign Convention ...................................................................... 47

FIGURE 2 Distribution Factor M ............................................................... 49
FIGURE 3 Distribution Factor F1............................................................... 51
FIGURE 4 Distribution Factor F2............................................................... 52

SECTION 2 Design Pressures ................................................................................. 57

1 Monohulls .......................................................................................... 57
1.1 Bottom Design Pressure ................................................................ 57
1.3 Side and Transom Structure, Design Pressure ............................. 60
3 Multi-Hull and Surface Effect Craft ................................................... 61
3.1 Bottom Design Pressure ................................................................ 62
3.3 Side and Transom Structure, Design Pressure ............................. 62
3.5 Wet Deck or Cross Structure ......................................................... 63


5 Deck Design Pressures – All Craft ................................................... 64
7 Superstructures and Deckhouses – All Craft .................................... 64
9 Bulkhead Structure, Design Pressure – All Craft .............................. 64
9.1 Tank Boundaries ........................................................................... 64
9.3 Watertight Boundaries ................................................................... 64
11 Operational Loads............................................................................. 65
11.1 Human Loads ................................................................................ 65
11.3 Helicopter Decks ........................................................................... 65

TABLE 1 Design Significant Wave Heights, h1/3, and Speeds, V ........... 59

TABLE 2 Minimum Values for FD (L ≤ 24 m, 79 ft) ................................. 59
TABLE 3 Deck Design Pressures, pd ..................................................... 66
TABLE 4 Superstructures and Deckhouses Design Pressures ............. 66

FIGURE 1 Deadrise, Flare, and Entry Angles .......................................... 60

FIGURE 2 Decks, Superstructures, and Deckhouse Pressures .............. 67
FIGURE 3 Design Area Factor FD ............................................................ 67
FIGURE 4 Vertical Acceleration Distribution Factor KV ............................ 68
FIGURE 5 Vertical Acceleration Distribution Factor FV ............................ 68
FIGURE 6 Wet Deck Pressure Distribution Factor FI ............................... 69

SECTION 3 Plating ................................................................................................... 70

1 Aluminum or Steel............................................................................. 70
1.1 General.......................................................................................... 70
1.3 Thickness ...................................................................................... 70
1.5 Buckling Criteria ............................................................................ 73
1.7 Water Jet Tunnels and Transverse Thruster Tubes ...................... 76
1.9 Decks Provided for the Operation or Stowage of Vehicles ............ 76
3 Aluminum Extruded Planking, Sandwich Panels and Corrugated
Panels ............................................................................................... 77
3.1 Aluminum Extruded Planking ........................................................ 77
3.3 Sandwich Panels ........................................................................... 78
3.5 Corrugated Panels ........................................................................ 79
5 Fiber Reinforced Plastic .................................................................... 79
5.1 General.......................................................................................... 79
5.3 Fiber Reinforcement ...................................................................... 80
5.5 Single Skin Laminate ..................................................................... 80
5.7 Sandwich Laminate ....................................................................... 82
7 Plating Subject to Specific Payloads ................................................ 86

TABLE 1 Aspect Ratio Coefficient for Isotropic Plates ........................... 71

TABLE 2 Design Stress, σa, Aluminum and Steel .................................. 71
TABLE 3 Buckling Coefficients m1 and m2 .............................................. 75
TABLE 4 Design Stresses for FRP, σa ................................................... 81
TABLE 5 Aspect Ratio Coefficient for Isotropic Plates........................... 82
TABLE 6 Coefficient v for FRP Sandwich Panels Shear Strength ......... 85


TABLE 7 Core Shear Design Strength ................................................... 85
TABLE 8 ......................................................................................................... 87

FIGURE 1 Values for β ............................................................................. 77

FIGURE 2 Extruded Planking ...................................................................78

SECTION 4 Internals ................................................................................................ 88

1 Aluminum and Steel .......................................................................... 88
1.1 General .......................................................................................... 88
1.3 Strength and Stiffness ................................................................... 88
1.5 Elastic Buckling of Longitudinal Members ..................................... 90
1.7 Corrugated Panels ......................................................................... 94
1.9 Web Thickness .............................................................................. 95
1.11 Attachments ................................................................................... 95
1.13 Direct Analysis Methods ................................................................ 96
1.15 Decks Exposed to Vehicle Loads .................................................. 96
1.17 Tripping Brackets and Stiffeners .................................................... 96
3 Fiber Reinforced Plastic ....................................................................96
3.1 General .......................................................................................... 96
3.3 Fiber Reinforcement ...................................................................... 96
3.5 Strength and Stiffness ................................................................... 96
3.7 Proportions .................................................................................... 97
3.9 Buckling ......................................................................................... 97
3.11 Tripping Brackets and Stiffeners .................................................... 98
5 Stanchions ........................................................................................ 98
5.1 General .......................................................................................... 98
5.3 Stanchion Analysis ........................................................................ 98
5.5 Stanchion Load .............................................................................. 98
5.7 Permissible Load ........................................................................... 98
5.9 FRP Stanchions ............................................................................. 99
5.11 Support by Bulkheads.................................................................... 99
7 Internals Subject to Specific Payloads .............................................. 99

TABLE 1 Design Stress, σa ....................................................................89

TABLE 2 Maximum Stresses..................................................................99

FIGURE 1 Transverse Side Frame .......................................................... 89

FIGURE 2 Transverse Side Frame .......................................................... 89
FIGURE 3 Corrugated Bulkhead .............................................................. 94
FIGURE 4 Corrugated Bulkhead End Connections..................................94

SECTION 5 Hull Structural Arrangement ............................................................. 100

1 Structural Arrangement – All Materials ...........................................100
1.1 Framing, Webs, Girders, and Non-tight Structural Bulkheads ..... 100
1.3 Watertight Bulkheads................................................................... 101
1.5 Tanks ........................................................................................... 103


1.7 Decks .......................................................................................... 103
1.9 Means of Escape ......................................................................... 103
1.11 Double Bottoms ........................................................................... 104
1.13 Doors, Hatches, Scuttles, and Manhole Covers .......................... 104
1.15 Helicopter Decks ......................................................................... 104
1.17 Compensation ............................................................................. 105
3 Structural Arrangements – Additional Requirements for Steel
and Aluminum Alloys ...................................................................... 105
3.1 Shell Plating ................................................................................ 105
5 Structural Arrangements – Additional Requirements for Fiber
Reinforced Plastic Hulls .................................................................. 105
5.1 Tanks........................................................................................... 105

FIGURE 1 Reference Point of Vessels with Bulbous Bow ..................... 102

FIGURE 1A .................................................................................................. 103
FIGURE 1B .................................................................................................. 103

SECTION 6 Arrangement, Structural Details, and Connections ........................ 106

1 Structural Details............................................................................. 106
1.1 Aluminum and Steel .................................................................... 106
1.3 Fiber Reinforced Plastic .............................................................. 107
3 Welded and Mechanical Connections ............................................ 114
3.1 Steel and Aluminum .................................................................... 114
3.3 Fiber Reinforced Plastic .............................................................. 114
3.5 Backing Bars and Tapping Plates ............................................... 116
5 FRP Deck-to-Hull Joints.................................................................. 116
5.1 Weather Joints ............................................................................ 116
5.3 Interior Joints ............................................................................... 116
7 FRP Shell Details ............................................................................ 118
7.1 Keels ........................................................................................... 118
7.3 Chines and Transoms ................................................................. 119

TABLE 1 Deck-to-Hull Joints ................................................................ 117

FIGURE 1 Piping or Opening through Foam Filled Space ..................... 107

FIGURE 2 Proportions of Stiffeners ....................................................... 108
FIGURE 3 Premolded FRP Form ........................................................... 109
FIGURE 4 Premolded Stiffener .............................................................. 109
FIGURE 5 Connection of Longitudinals to Transverses ......................... 110
FIGURE 6 Engine Foundations .............................................................. 111
FIGURE 7 Deck Fittings ......................................................................... 112
FIGURE 8 Through Hull Penetration – Solid Laminate .......................... 112
FIGURE 9 Through Hull Penetration – Sandwich Laminate .................. 113
FIGURE 10 Boundary Angles for FRP Components ................................ 114
FIGURE 11 Examples of Deck-to-Hull Weather Joints ............................ 118
FIGURE 12a Plate Keel in One-piece Hull ................................................. 118


FIGURE 12b Plate Keel in Hull Molded in Halves ......................................119
FIGURE 13 Vertical Keel or Skeg............................................................. 119
FIGURE 14a Chine or Transom – Single Skin Construction ...................... 119
FIGURE 14b Chine or Transom – Sandwich Construction ........................ 120
FIGURE 14c Stepped Chine – Foam Wedge Option .................................120
FIGURE 14d Stepped Chine – Putty Radius ..............................................121

SECTION 7 Keels, Stems, Shaft Struts, and Propeller Nozzles .......................... 122
1 Materials.......................................................................................... 122
1.1 Ordinary Strength Steels ............................................................. 122
1.3 High Strength Steels and Aluminum Alloys ................................. 122
1.5 Fiber Reinforced Plastic ............................................................... 122
3 Keels ............................................................................................... 122
3.1 Bar Keels ..................................................................................... 122
3.3 Plate Keels .................................................................................. 123
5 Stems .............................................................................................. 123
5.1 Bar Stems .................................................................................... 123
5.3 Plate Stems ................................................................................. 123
7 Stern Frames ..................................................................................123
9 Shaft Struts ..................................................................................... 123
9.1 General ........................................................................................ 123
9.3 V Strut.......................................................................................... 124
9.5 I Strut ........................................................................................... 124
9.7 Strut Length ................................................................................. 124
9.9 Strut Barrel .................................................................................. 124
11 Propeller Nozzles ............................................................................125
11.1 Application ................................................................................... 125
11.3 Design Pressure .......................................................................... 125
11.5 Nozzle Cylinder............................................................................ 125
11.7 Nozzle Section Modulus .............................................................. 126
11.9 Welding Requirement .................................................................. 127

TABLE 1 Coefficient c...........................................................................125

TABLE 2 Coefficient ε...........................................................................125
TABLE 3 Coefficient cn .........................................................................126
TABLE 4 Corrosion Allowance tc .......................................................... 126

FIGURE 1 Propeller Nozzle Section View ..............................................127

SECTION 8 Rudders ............................................................................................... 128

1 General ........................................................................................... 128
1.1 Application ................................................................................... 128
1.3 Rudder and Rudder Stock Materials ............................................ 128
1.5 Expected Torque ......................................................................... 128
1.7 Rudder Stops ............................................................................... 129


3 Rudder Design Force ...................................................................... 129
3.1 Rudder Blades without Cutouts ................................................... 129
3.3 Rudder Blades with Cutouts ........................................................ 129
5 Rudder Design Torque.................................................................... 132
5.1 General........................................................................................ 132
5.3 Rudder Blades without Cutouts ................................................... 132
5.5 Rudders Blades with Cutouts ...................................................... 133
5.7 Trial Conditions ........................................................................... 133
7 Rudder Stocks ................................................................................ 133
7.1 Upper Rudder Stocks .................................................................. 133
7.3 Lower Rudder Stocks .................................................................. 133
7.5 Rudder Stock Sealing .................................................................. 134
7.7 Bending Moments ....................................................................... 134
9 Flange Couplings ............................................................................ 135
9.1 General........................................................................................ 135
9.3 Horizontal Couplings ................................................................... 136
9.5 Vertical Couplings ....................................................................... 136
11 Tapered Stock Couplings................................................................ 137
11.1 Coupling Taper ............................................................................ 137
11.3 Keyed Fitting ............................................................................... 138
11.5 Keyless Fitting ............................................................................. 138
11.7 Locking Nut ................................................................................. 138
13 Pintles ............................................................................................. 139
13.1 General........................................................................................ 139
13.3 Diameter ...................................................................................... 139
13.5 Shear and Bearing Forces........................................................... 140
15 Supporting and Anti-Lifting Arrangements ...................................... 140
15.1 Bearings ...................................................................................... 140
15.3 Rudder Carrier ............................................................................. 142
15.5 Anti Lifting Devices ...................................................................... 142
17 Double Plate Rudder....................................................................... 142
17.1 Strength ....................................................................................... 142
17.3 Side, Top and Bottom Plating ...................................................... 144
17.5 Diaphragm Plates ........................................................................ 144
17.7 Watertightness ............................................................................ 144
19 Single Plate Rudders ...................................................................... 145
19.1 Mainpiece Diameter .................................................................... 145
19.3 Blade Thickness .......................................................................... 145
19.5 Arms ............................................................................................ 145
21 Shelled Rudder Blades ................................................................... 145

TABLE 1A Coefficient kc for Ordinary Rudders ....................................... 130

TABLE 1B Coefficient kc for High-Lift/Performance Rudders ................. 130
TABLE 2 Coefficient k.......................................................................... 132
TABLE 3 Coefficient α .......................................................................... 132
TABLE 4 Minimum Bearing Force Bmin ................................................. 139
TABLE 5 Bearing Reaction Force ........................................................ 141
TABLE 6 Allowable Bearing Surface Pressure .................................... 142


FIGURE 1 Rudder Blade without Cutouts ..............................................131
FIGURE 2 Rudder Blade with Cutouts ................................................... 131
FIGURE 3 Tapered Couplings ................................................................ 137
FIGURE 4.....................................................................................................143

SECTION 9 Protection of Deck Openings ............................................................ 146

1 General ........................................................................................... 146
3 Position of Deck Openings.............................................................. 146
5 Hatchway Coamings, Companionway Sills and Access Sills .........146
5.1 Coaming and Sill Heights ............................................................ 146
7 Enclosed Superstructures ............................................................... 147
7.1 Closing Appliances ...................................................................... 147
7.3 Sills of Access Openings ............................................................. 147
7.5 Means of Access ......................................................................... 147
9 Hatchways Closed by Covers of Steel and Fitted with Gaskets
and Clamping Devices ....................................................................147
9.1 Strength of Covers ....................................................................... 147
9.3 Means for Securing Weathertightness ......................................... 148
9.5 Flush Hatch Covers ..................................................................... 148
11 Hatchways Closed by Portable Covers in Lower Decks or within
Fully Enclosed Superstructures ...................................................... 148
11.1 General ........................................................................................ 148
11.3 Steel Covers ................................................................................ 148
11.5 Wheel Loading ............................................................................. 148
13 Hatchways Closed by Covers of Materials Other Than Steel.........148
15 Small Hatches on the Exposed Fore Deck .....................................149
15.1 Application ................................................................................... 149
15.3 Strength ....................................................................................... 149
15.5 Primary Securing Devices ........................................................... 149
15.7 Requirements for Primary Securing ............................................. 149
15.9 Secondary Devices ...................................................................... 150
17 Hatchways within Open Superstructures ........................................152
19 Hatchways within Deckhouses ....................................................... 152
21 Machinery Casings .........................................................................153
21.1 Arrangement ................................................................................ 153
21.3 Scantlings .................................................................................... 153
23 Miscellaneous Openings in Freeboard and Superstructure
Decks .............................................................................................. 153
23.1 Manholes and Scuttles ................................................................ 153
23.3 Other Openings ........................................................................... 153
23.5 Escape Openings ........................................................................ 153
23.7 Chain Pipe Opening..................................................................... 153

TABLE 1 Coamings and Sill Heights .................................................... 146

TABLE 2 Scantlings for Small Steel Hatch Covers on the Fore
Deck ...................................................................................... 150


FIGURE 1 Arrangement of Stiffeners ..................................................... 151
FIGURE 2 Example of Primary Securing Method .................................. 152

SECTION 10 Protection of Shell Openings ............................................................ 154

1 Cargo, Gangway, or Fueling Ports ................................................. 154
1.1 Construction ................................................................................ 154
1.3 Location ....................................................................................... 154
3 Bow Doors, Inner Doors, Side Shell Doors and Stern Doors ......... 154
3.1 General........................................................................................ 154
3.3 Arrangement ................................................................................ 154
5 Securing, Locking and Supporting of Doors ................................... 155
5.1 Definitions.................................................................................... 155
7 Securing and Supporting Devices .................................................. 155
7.1 General........................................................................................ 155
7.3 Bow Doors ................................................................................... 155
7.5 Side Shell and Stern Doors ......................................................... 155
9 Securing and Locking Arrangement ............................................... 156
9.1 General........................................................................................ 156
9.3 Operation..................................................................................... 156
9.5 Indication/Monitoring ................................................................... 156
11 Tightness ........................................................................................ 157
11.1 Bow Doors ................................................................................... 157
11.3 Inner Doors.................................................................................. 157
11.5 Side Shell and Stern Doors ......................................................... 157
13 Bow Door Scantlings....................................................................... 157
13.1 General........................................................................................ 157
13.3 Primary Structure ........................................................................ 157
13.5 Secondary Stiffeners ................................................................... 157
13.7 Plating ......................................................................................... 157
13.9 Securing and Supporting Devices ............................................... 157
13.11 Visor Door Lifting Arms and Supports ......................................... 158
15 Inner Door Scantlings ..................................................................... 158
15.1 General........................................................................................ 158
15.3 Primary Structure ........................................................................ 158
15.5 Securing and Supporting Devices ............................................... 158
17 Side Shell Door and Stern Door Scantlings .................................... 159
17.1 General........................................................................................ 159
17.3 Primary Structure ........................................................................ 159
17.5 Secondary Stiffeners ................................................................... 159
17.7 Plating ......................................................................................... 159
17.9 Securing and Supporting Devices ............................................... 159
19 Bow Door Design Loads ................................................................. 160
19.1 External Pressure ........................................................................ 160
19.3 External Forces ........................................................................... 161
19.5 Visor Door Forces, Moments and Load Cases ............................ 162
19.7 Side-Opening Door Load Cases .................................................. 164


21 Inner Door Design Loads ................................................................ 164
21.1 External Pressure ........................................................................ 164
21.3 Internal Pressure ......................................................................... 164
23 Side Shell and Stern Doors............................................................. 164
23.1 Design Forces for Primary Members ........................................... 164
23.3 Design Forces for Securing or Supporting Devices of Doors
Opening Inwards.......................................................................... 164
23.5 Design Forces for Securing or Supporting Devices of Doors
Opening Outwards ....................................................................... 164
25 Allowable Stresses ..........................................................................165
25.1 Primary Structure and Securing and Supporting Devices ............ 165
25.3 Steel Securing and Supporting Devices Bearing Stress .............. 165
25.5 Tensile Stress on Threaded Bolts ................................................ 166
27 Operating and Maintenance Manual...............................................166
27.1 Manual ......................................................................................... 166
27.3 Operating Procedures.................................................................. 166

FIGURE 1 Entry and Flare Angles ......................................................... 160

FIGURE 2 Definition of αm and βm .......................................................... 162
FIGURE 3 Visor Type Bow Door ............................................................ 163

SECTION 11 Bulwarks, Rails, Ports, Portlights, Windows, Ventilators,

Tank Vents and Overflows................................................................. 167
1 Bulwarks and Guard Rails .............................................................. 167
1.1 Location and Heights ................................................................... 167
1.3 Strength of Bulwarks.................................................................... 167
1.5 Guard Rails .................................................................................. 167
1.7 Guard Rail Scantling Correction .................................................. 169
1.9 Life Lines ..................................................................................... 170
3 Freeing Ports................................................................................... 170
3.1 Basic Area for Craft More Than 24 meters (79 feet) in Length .... 170
3.3 Basic Area for Craft Less Than 24 meters (79 feet) in Length ..... 170
3.5 Trunks, Deckhouses and Hatchway Coamings ........................... 171
3.7 Superstructure Decks .................................................................. 171
3.9 Open Superstructures .................................................................. 171
3.11 Details of Freeing Ports ............................................................... 171
5 Portlights ......................................................................................... 171
5.1 Location ....................................................................................... 171
5.3 Construction ................................................................................ 171
5.5 Testing ......................................................................................... 172
7 Windows.......................................................................................... 172
7.1 Construction ................................................................................ 172
7.3 Testing ......................................................................................... 174
9 Ventilators, Tank Vents and Overflows...........................................174
9.1 General ........................................................................................ 174
9.3 Ventilators .................................................................................... 174
9.5 Tank Vents and Overflows ........................................................... 175
9.7 Ventilators, Tank Vents and Overflows on the Fore Deck ........... 175


TABLE 1 Thickness of Tempered or Toughened Monolithic Glass
Portlights ............................................................................... 172
TABLE 2 ....................................................................................................... 173
TABLE 3 ....................................................................................................... 174
TABLE 4 760 mm (30 in.) High Tank Vents and Overflows
Thickness and Bracket Standards ........................................ 176
TABLE 5 900 mm (35.4 in.) High Ventilator Thickness and
Bracket Standards ................................................................ 177

FIGURE 1 Guardrail Stanchion .............................................................. 168

FIGURE 2 Guardrail Stanchion .............................................................. 169

SECTION 12 Protective Coatings............................................................................ 178

1 General ........................................................................................... 178
3 Preparation ..................................................................................... 178
5 Protection of Steel........................................................................... 178
5.1 Preparation .................................................................................. 178
5.3 All Spaces ................................................................................... 178
5.5 Salt Water Ballast Space ............................................................. 178
5.7 Oil Spaces ................................................................................... 178
7 Protection of Aluminum ................................................................... 179
7.1 General........................................................................................ 179
7.3 Preparation .................................................................................. 179
7.5 Coatings ...................................................................................... 179
7.7 Faying Surfaces – Aluminum to Aluminum .................................. 179
7.9 Faying Surface between Aluminum and Other Metals ................ 179
7.11 Faying Surface between Aluminum and Non-metals ................... 180
7.13 Corrosion of Wet Spaces............................................................. 180
7.15 Service at Elevated Temperatures .............................................. 180
7.17 Cathodic Protection for Corrosion Prevention ............................. 180
7.19 Stray Current Protection .............................................................. 180
7.21 Bi-material Joints ......................................................................... 180
9 Protection of Fiber Reinforced Plastic ............................................ 181
9.1 General........................................................................................ 181
9.3 Preparation .................................................................................. 181
9.5 Tanks........................................................................................... 181
9.7 Cathodic Protection ..................................................................... 181

SECTION 13 Welding, Forming and Weld Design ................................................. 182

1 Fillet Welds ..................................................................................... 182
1.1 General........................................................................................ 182
1.3 Tee Connections ......................................................................... 182
1.5 Fillet Sizes and Spacing .............................................................. 183
1.7 Thin Plating ................................................................................. 183
1.9 Length and Arrangement of Fillet ................................................ 183
1.11 Fillet Weld Arrangements ............................................................ 183
3 Bi-material Joints ............................................................................ 184
5 Alternatives ..................................................................................... 184


TABLE 1 Weld Factor C .......................................................................185

FIGURE 1.....................................................................................................184

APPENDIX 1 Guidelines for Calculating Bending Moment and Shear Force in

Rudders and Rudder Stocks ............................................................. 186
1 Application....................................................................................... 186
3 Spade Rudders ...............................................................................186
3.1 Rudder ......................................................................................... 186
3.3 Lower Stock ................................................................................. 187
3.5 Moment at Top of Upper Stock Taper.......................................... 187
3.7 Bearing Reaction Forces ............................................................. 187
5 Rudders Supported by Shoepiece ..................................................188
5.1 Shear Force, Bending Moment and Reaction Forces .................. 188
7 Rudders Supported by a Horn with One Pintle ............................... 189
7.1 Shear Force, Bending Moment and Reaction Forces .................. 189

FIGURE 1 Spade Rudder .......................................................................188

FIGURE 2 Rudder Supported by Shoepiece ..........................................189
FIGURE 3 Rudder Supported by a Horn with One Pintle ....................... 190

APPENDIX 2 Guidance on Analysis of the Cross Deck Structure of a

Multi-Hull Craft .................................................................................... 191
1 Transverse Bending and Shear Stress ...........................................191
3 Center of Torsional Rotation ........................................................... 192
5 Maximum Bending Stress on Each Element ..................................193
5.1 Deflection ..................................................................................... 193
5.3 Bending Moment.......................................................................... 193
5.5 Maximum Stress .......................................................................... 193
5.7 Maximum Shear Stress on Each Element ................................... 194

FIGURE 1 Typical Geometry of Centerline Section of Cross Deck........191

FIGURE 2 Span of Cross Structure ........................................................ 192

APPENDIX 3 Alternative Method for the Determination of “V” Shaft Strut

Requirements ..................................................................................... 195
1 General ........................................................................................... 195
3 Loads and Moments Acting on Strut ...............................................195
5 Required Section Modulus of Strut at the Barrel ............................ 196
7 Required Section Modulus of Strut at the Hull ................................ 196
9 Requirements for Struts Constructed of Aluminum ........................ 196

FIGURE 1 Strut Dimensions ...................................................................195


PART Section 1: Primary Hull Strength

CHAPTER 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements

SECTION 1 Primary Hull Strength

1 Longitudinal Hull Girder Strength – Monohulls

The equations are, in general, valid for craft having breadths, B, not greater than twice their depths, D, as
defined in Section 3-1-1. Finite element analysis of the longitudinal hull girder strength is an acceptable
alternate analysis to the requirements in 3-2-1/1 through 3-2-1/5. The failure criteria, seaway loads, and
finite element method is to be submitted for review.

1.1 Section Modulus

1.1.1 All Craft
The required hull girder section modulus SM at amidships is to be not less than given by the
following equation:
SM = C1C2L2B(Cb + 0.7)K3CQ cm2-m (in2-ft)
C1 = 0.044L + 3.75 L < 90 m
 300 − L 
= 10.75 −   90 m ≤ L
 100 

C1 = 0.0134L + 3.75 L < 295 ft

 984 − L 
= 10.75 −   295 ft ≤ L
 328 
C2 = 0.01 (0.01, 1.44 × 10−4)
L = length of craft, in m (ft), as defined in Section 3-1-1
B = breadth, in m (ft), as defined in Section 3-1-1
V = maximum speed in calm water, in knots, for the loading condition under
Cb = block coefficient at the design draft, based on the length, L, measured on the
design load waterline. Cb is not to be taken as less than 0.45 for L < 35 m
(115 ft) or 0.6 for L ≥ 61 m (200 ft). Cb for lengths between 35 m (115 ft)
and 61 m (200 ft) is to be determined by interpolation.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 1 Primary Hull Strength 3-2-1

  
K3 =  0.70 + 0.30V L   SI/MKS units,
  2.36  

  
 0.70 + 0.30V L   US Units;
 
  1.30  
K3 is not to be taken less than 1, nor more than 1.30.
C = 1.0 for steel craft
0.90 for aluminum craft
0.80 for fiber-reinforced plastic craft
Q for steel:
= 1.0 for ordinary strength steel
= 0.78 for grade H32 steel
= 0.72 for grade H36 steel
For other steel grades:
Qother = 490/(σy + 0.66σu) [50/(σy + 0.66σu), 70900/(σy + 0.66σu)], where σy is not to
be greater than 70% σu
Q for aluminum:
= 0.9 + q5 but not less than Qo

q5 = 115/σy, (12/σy, 17000/σy)

Qo = 635/(σy + σu), (65/(σy + σu), 92000/(σy + σu))

σy = minimum yield strength of unwelded aluminum in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
(not to be greater than 0.7σu)
σu = minimum ultimate strength of welded aluminum in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
Q for fiber reinforced plastic:
= 400/0.75σu, (41/0.75σu, 58000/0.75σu)
σu = minimum ultimate tensile or compressive strength, whichever is less, verified
by approved test results, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi). See Section 2-6-5. Strength
properties in the longitudinal direction of the craft are to be used.
1.1.2 Craft 61 m (200 ft) in Length and Over
In addition to meeting the above criteria in 3-2-1/1.1.1, craft of 61 m (20 ft) in length or greater
are to comply with the following requirements:
1.1.2(a) Sign Convention of Bending Moment and Shear Force. The sign convention of bending
moment and shear force is as shown in 3-2-1/Figure 1.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 1 Primary Hull Strength 3-2-1

Sign Convention


Aft Fore

MSW, MW (+)

1.1.2(b) Wave Bending Moment Amidships. The wave bending moment, expressed in kN-m (tf-m,
Ltf-ft), may be obtained from the following equations:
Mws = −k1C1L2B(Cb + 0.7) × 10−3 Sagging Moment

Mwh = +k2C1L2BCb × 10−3 Hogging Moment

k1 = 110 (11.22, 1.026)
k2 = 190 (19.37, 1.772)
C1, L, B and Cb are as defined in 3-2-1/1.1.1.
1.1.2(c) Still Water Bending Moment. The maximum still water bending moment in both the
hogging and sagging condition is to be submitted. In case the detailed information is not available
in the early stages of design, or the still water bending moment is not required to be submitted, the
still water bending moment in kN-m (Ltf-ft) can be determined by the following:
Msws = 0 Sagging Moment

Mswh = 0.375fpC1C2L2B(Cb + 0.7) Hogging Moment

fp = 17.5 kN/cm2, (1.784 tf/cm2, 11.33 Ltf/in2)
C1, C2, L, B, Cb are as defined in 3-2-1/1.1.
1.1.2(d) Slamming Induced Bending Moment. The slamming induced bending moment in kN-m
(Ltf-ft) can be determined by the following equation:
Ms = C3∆(1 + ncg)(L – s) kN-m (tf-m, Ltf-ft)
C3 = 1.25 (0.125, 0.125)

∆ = full load displacement, in metric tons (long tons)

s = length of slam load, in m (ft)
= AR/Bwl


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 1 Primary Hull Strength 3-2-1

AR = 0.697∆/d m2 (25∆/d ft2)

Bwl = waterline breadth at the LCG, in m (ft)
ncg = maximum vertical acceleration as defined in 3-2-2/1.1, but (1 + ncg) is not to
be taken less than indicated in 3-2-1/Table 1.
L is as defined in 3-2-1/1.1.1.

Minimum Vertical Acceleration
∆ (metric tons, long tons) Minimum Vertical Acceleration, (ncg + 1) (g)
180 (177) 3
400 (394) 2
≥1200 (1181) 1
Note: Intermediate values of ncg are to be determined by interpolation.

1.1.2(e) Section Modulus. The required hull-girder section modulus for 0.4L amidships is to be
obtained from the following equation:
M t CQ
SM = cm2-m (in2-ft)

Mt = maximum total bending moment. To be taken as the greatest of the following:
= Mswh + Mwh
= –Msws – Mws
= Msl
Mswh = maximum still-water bending moment in the hogging condition, in kN-m (tf-m,
Ltf-ft), as determined in 3-2-1/1.1.2(c).
Msws = maximum still water bending moment in the sagging condition, in kN-m (tf-m,
Ltf-ft), as determined in 3-2-1/1.1.2(c).
Mwh = maximum wave induced bending moment in the hogging condition, in kN-m
(tf-m, Ltf-ft), as determined in 3-2-1/1.1.2(b).
Mws = maximum wave induced bending moment in the sagging condition, in kN-m
(tf-m, Ltf-ft), as determined in 3-2-1/1.1.2(b).
Msl = maximum slamming induced bending moment, in kN-m (tf-m, Ltf-ft), as
determined in 3-2-1/1.1.2(d).
fp = 17.5 kN/cm2, (1.784 tf/cm2, 11.33 Ltf/in2)
C and Q are as defined in 3-2-1/1.1.1.
Consideration may be given to a seakeeping analysis based on craft speed and sea state to determine
Mws and Mwh.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 1 Primary Hull Strength 3-2-1

1.3 Extension of Midship Section Modulus

Where the still-water bending moment envelope is not submitted or where 3-2-1/1.1.1 governs, the scantlings
of all continuous and all effectively developed longitudinal material are to be maintained throughout 0.4L
amidships and may be gradually tapered beyond. The area of the strength deck and other effective decks
comprising of plating and longitudinal members may be reduced linearly from 0.4L amidships to the ends.
The ends of all continuous and effectively developed longitudinal members are to terminate with back-up
brackets extending to and attached to an adjacent transverse member. The bracket is to extend for a distance
not less than the depth of the member.
Structure that is not continuous throughout the midships 0.4L and beyond, but is effectively developed by
brackets and welding to provide continuity of area, may be taken to contribute to the hull girder section
modulus, provided the buckling strength required by 3-2-4/1.5 is maintained in way of the brackets.
Where the scantlings are based on the envelope curve of still-water bending moments, items included in
the hull-girder section modulus amidships are to be extended as necessary to meet the hull-girder section
modulus required at the location being considered, taking into account the distance required for the member
to become fully effective (See 3-2-1/1.7.2).
The envelope curve of Mws and Mwh may be obtained by multiplying the midship value by the distribution
factor M in 3-2-1/Figure 2.

Distribution Factor M


0.0 0.4 0.65 1.0
Aft Forward
end of L Distance from the aft end of L in terms of L end of L

1.5 Moment of Inertia

The hull-girder moment of inertia, I, at amidships is to be not less than given by the following equation:
I cm2-m2 (in2-ft2)
SM = required hull-girder section modulus in 3-2-1/1.1.1 or 3-2-1/1.1.2, whichever is
greater, in cm2-m (in2-ft)
K = factor dependent on the material and craft length as given in 3-2-1/Table 2 below
L, C and Q are as defined in 3-2-1/1.1.1.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 1 Primary Hull Strength 3-2-1

Factor, K
L (m, ft) Steel Aluminum
(Basic Laminate)
Restricted Service
50 13.33 1.8
L < 61 m (200 ft)
Unrestricted Service
40 13.33 1.8
L ≤ 61 m (200 ft)
All Craft
33.3 11.1 1.5
L > 61 m (200 ft)
Note: For fiber reinforced plastic laminates that are greater than the ABS
basic laminate (as defined in Part 2, Section 6) the value for K can
be adjusted by the ratio of Eo/Eb where:
Eo = the elastic modulus of the actual hull laminate in N/mm2
(kgf/mm2, psi)
Eb = 6890 N/mm2 (703 kgf/mm2, 1,000,000 psi)

1.7 Section Modulus and Moment of Inertia Calculation

1.7.1 Items Included in the Calculation
In general, the following items may be included in the calculation of the section modulus and moment
of inertia provided they are continuous or effectively developed within midship 0.4L, have adequate
buckling strength, and are gradually tapered beyond the midship 0.4L.
• Deck plating (strength deck and other effective decks)
• Shell and inner bottom plating
• Deck and bottom girders
• Plating and longitudinal stiffeners of longitudinal bulkheads
• All longitudinals of deck, sides, bottom, and inner bottom. See also 3-2-5/1.1.1
1.7.2 Effective Areas Included in the Calculation
In general, the net sectional areas of longitudinal strength members are to be used in the hull girder
section modulus calculations, except that small isolated openings need not be deducted provided
the openings and the shadow area breadths of other openings in any one transverse section do not
reduce the section modulus by more than 3%. The breadth or depth of such openings is not to be
greater than 25% of the breadth or depth of the member in which it is located with a maximum of
75 mm (3 in.) for scallops. The shadow area of an opening is the area forward and aft of the opening
enclosed by the lines tangential to the corners of the opening intersecting each other to form an
included angle of 30 degrees.
1.7.3 Section Modulus to the Deck or Bottom
The section modulus to the deck or bottom is obtained by dividing the moment of inertia by the
distance from the neutral axis to the molded deck at side amidships or baseline, respectively.
Where a long deckhouse or superstructure is considered as part of the hull girder, the section
modulus to the deck is obtained by dividing the moment of inertia by the distance from the neutral
axis to the top of the bulwark, deckhouse or superstructure.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 1 Primary Hull Strength 3-2-1

1.7.4 Breaks
Craft having partial superstructures are to be specially strengthened in way of breaks to limit the
local increase in stresses at these locations. The main deck plate and side shell plate thickness is
to be increased a minimum of 25%, but the increase need not exceed 6.5 mm (0.25 in.). This
increase is to extend well beyond the break in both directions in such a fashion to provide a long
gradual taper. Where breaks of the superstructure (e.g., long forecastle) are appreciably beyond
the amidships 0.5L, these requirements may be modified. Gangways, large freeing ports and other
openings in the shell or bulwarks are to be kept well clear of breaks, and any holes which must be
unavoidably be cut in the plating are to be kept as small as possible and are to be circular or oval
in form.

1.9 Hull Girder Shear Strength Calculation – For Craft 61 m (200 ft) in Length and Over
1.9.1 General
The nominal total shear stresses due to still-water and wave-induced loads are to be based on the
maximum algebraic sum of the shear force in still-water, Fsw, the wave-indicated shear force, Fw,
and the slam induced shear force, Fsl, at the location being considered. The thickness of the side shell
is to be such that the nominal total shear stress as obtained by 3-2-1/1.9.3 are not greater than
11.0/Q kN/cm2 (1.122/Q tf/cm2, 7.122/Q Ltf/in2) where Q is as defined in 3-2-1/1.1.1. Consideration
is also to be given to the shear buckling strength of the side shell plating.
1.9.2 Wave Shear Forces
The envelopes of maximum shearing forces induced by waves, Fw, as shown in 3-2-1/Figures 3
and 4 may be obtained from the following equations:
Fwp = +kF1C1LB(Cb + 0.7) × 10−2 For positive shear force
Fwn = −kF2C1LB(Cb + 0.7) × 10−2 For negative shear force
Fwp, Fwn = maximum shearing force induced by wave, in kN (tf, Ltf)
k = 30 (3.059, 0.2797)
F1 = distribution factor as shown in 3-2-1/Figure 3
F2 = distribution factor as shown in 3-2-1/Figure 4
C1, L, B and Cb are as defined in 3-2-1/1.1.1.

Distribution Factor F1


0.92 X 190 Cb
110 (Cb + 0.7)

F1 0.7

0.0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.85 1.0
Aft Forward
end of L Distance from the aft end of L in terms of L end of L


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 1 Primary Hull Strength 3-2-1

Distribution Factor F2


190 Cb
110 (Cb + 0.7)

F2 0.7

0.0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.85 1.0
Aft Forward
end of L Distance from the aft end of L in terms of L end of L

1.9.3 Slam Induced Shear Force

The slamming induced shear force can be determined by the following equation:
Fsl = C4F1∆(ncg + 1) kN (tf, Ltf) for positive shear force
Fsl = C4F2∆(ncg + 1) kN (tf, Ltf) for negative shear force
C4 = 4.9 (0.5)
∆ = full load displacement in metric tons (long tons)
ncg = maximum vertical acceleration as defined in 3-2-2/1.1
1.9.4 Shear Strength
For craft without continuous longitudinal bulkheads, the nominal total shear stress fs in the side
shell plating may be obtained from the greater of the following equations:
fs = (Fsw + Fw )m/2tsI
fs = Fsl m/2tsI
fs = nominal total shear stress, in kN/cm2 (tf/cm2, Ltf/in2)
I = moment of inertia of the hull girder section, in cm4 (in4), at the section under
m = first moment about the neutral axis, of the area of the effective longitudinal
material between the horizontal level at which the shear stress is being
determined and the vertical extremity of effective longitudinal material,
taken at the section under consideration, in cm3 (in3)
ts = thickness of the side shell plating, at the position under consideration, in cm (in.)
Fsw = hull-girder shearing force in still-water, in kN (tf, Ltf)
Fw = Fwp or Fwn as specified by 3-2-1/1.9.2, depending upon loading
Fsl = slam induced shear force, in kN (Ltf), as indicated in 3-2-1/1.9.3. The slam
induced shear force is to be applied in both the hogging and sagging conditions


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 1 Primary Hull Strength 3-2-1

1.9.5 Shearing Strength for Craft with Two or Three Longitudinal Bulkheads
For craft having continuous longitudinal bulkheads the total shear stresses in the side shell and
longitudinal bulkhead plating are to be calculated by an acceptable method. In determining the
still-water shear force, consideration is to be given to the effect of non-uniform athwartship
distribution of loads. The methods described in Appendix 3-2-A1 of the ABS Rules for Building
and Classing Steel Vessels may be used as a guide in calculating the nominal total shear stress fs
related to the shear flow in the side shell or longitudinal bulkhead plating. Alternative methods of
calculation will also be considered. One acceptable method is shown in Appendix 5C-2-A1 of the
ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels.
1.9.6 Hull Girder Shear Strength – FRP Craft
Hull girder shear strength will be specially considered on fiber reinforced plastic craft over 24 m
(79 ft) in length.
1.9.7 Craft of Unusual Proportion
Craft having unusual proportions will be specially considered.

1.11 Hull Girder Torsional Loads

Torsional calculations may be required for craft with large deck openings. Racking load calculations may
be required for craft with tall superstructures.

3 Primary Hull Strength – Twin-Hulled Craft

3.1 Longitudinal Hull Girder Strength

The following applies to catamarans, surface effect craft, and similar configuration twin hulled craft.
The longitudinal strength requirements for twin-hulled craft are as given in 3-2-1/1.1, with the following
i) B is to be taken as the sum of the waterline breadths of each hull.
ii) For craft less than 61 m (200 ft), longitudinal shear strength need not be considered unless they have
unusual or highly concentrated loads. For craft over 61 m (200 ft) the shear strength will be specially
iii) Items as listed in 3-2-1/1.7 may be included in the longitudinal strength calculation for the total
cross section of the hulls, with the addition of the cross deck bridging structure. Consideration is
to be given to the length over which the cross-deck structure becomes fully effective.

3.3 Catamaran Transverse Loadings

The transverse primary hull loadings are determined by the following equations:
Mtb = K1∆Bcl (1 + ncg) kN-m (kgf-m, ft-lbs)

Mtt = K2∆L(1 + ncg) kN-m (kgf-m, ft-lbs)

Qt = K1∆(1 + ncg) kN (kgf, lbs)

Mtb = design transverse bending moment acting upon the cross structure connecting the hulls
Mtt = design torsional moment acting upon the transverse structure connecting the hulls
Qt = design vertical shear force acting upon the transverse structure connecting the hulls
K1 = 2.5 (0.255, 0.255)
K2 = 1.25 (0.1275, 0.1275)
∆ = craft displacement in tonnes (kg, lbs).


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 1 Primary Hull Strength 3-2-1

Bcl = distance between the hull centerlines, in meters (feet)

L = length of craft, in meters (feet), as defined in 3-1-1/3.
ncg = vertical acceleration at the craft’s center of gravity, see 3-2-2/1.1, but (1 + ncg) is not
to be taken less than indicated in 3-2-1/Table 1.

3.5 Transverse Strength for Catamarans and Surface Effect Craft

3.5.1 Direct Analysis
The design loads that are to be applied to the structure are the transverse bending moment, Mtb, the
torsional moment, Mtt, and vertical shear force, Qt, as defined in 3-2-1/3.3 and the longitudinal
bending moments as given in 3-2-1/1.1.2. The requirements for the direct analysis are given in
Section 3-1-3.
3.5.2 Analysis for Simple Structures
Guidance for the analysis of cross deck structures that are symmetrical forward and aft of a
transverse axis at amidships can be found in Appendix 3-2-A2.
3.5.3 Design Stresses and Deflections
Regardless of the method of analysis used, the design stresses are as follows:
σa = design transverse bending stress, 0.66σy for aluminum and steel craft and
0.33σu for FRP craft, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
σab = design torsional or combined stress, 0.75σy for aluminum and steel craft and
0.367σu for FRP craft, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
τa = design transverse shear stress, 0.38σy for aluminum and steel craft and 0.40τu
for FRP craft, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
σy = minimum yield strength of the material, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi). For aluminum
the yield strength is to be for the unwelded condition and not to be greater
than 0.7σuw
σu = minimum tensile or compressive strength, whichever is less, in N/mm2
(kgf/mm2, psi)
σuw = ultimate tensile strength of material in the welded condition, in N/mm2
(kgf/mm2, psi)
δm = maximum deflection for FRP craft, (σa/E)LI, in m (in.)

τu = minimum ultimate through thickness shear strength, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)

LI = mean span of cross structure, in cm (in.), as indicated in 3-2-A2/Figure 2
E = tensile or compressive modulus of the FRP laminate, whichever is lesser, in
N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)

3.7 Items Included in Transverse Moment of Inertia and Section Modulus Calculation
The following items may be included in the calculation of the transverse section modulus and moment of
inertia provided that are continuous or effectively developed over the entire breadth of the cross structure
or wet deck, and have adequate buckling strength:
• Deck plating, main deck and bottom plating of wet deck
• Transverse stiffeners on wet deck
• Transverse bulkheads or web frames which span the wet deck, and are effectively developed into the hulls
• Transverse box beams, that are effectively developed into the hulls
• Continuous transom plating and attached horizontal stiffeners


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 1 Primary Hull Strength 3-2-1

In general, the effective sectional area of the deck for use in calculating the section modulus is to exclude
hatchways and other large openings in the deck.
Superstructures and house tops are generally not to be included in the calculation of sectional properties of
the cross structure. Craft having unusual configuration such as cross-deck structure out-of-line with the
main hull structure will be specially considered.

3.9 Craft with More Than Two Hulls

Transverse and torsional strength of craft with more than two hulls will be specially considered.

3.11 Hull Girder Torsional Loads

Torsional calculations may be required for craft with large deck openings. Racking load calculations may
be required for craft with high superstructures.

5 Strength Considerations for Hydrofoil Borne Craft

5.1 Longitudinal Strength

The hull weight curve showing full load, lightship and partial load (if more severe) is to be submitted. The
support reactions for each of the hydrofoils are to be shown. The resulting shear and bending moment
diagrams, as derived from these curves, are to be submitted for approval.
Hull deflection under the condition of maximum bending moment is not to exceed 1/200 of the distance
between the forward and aft foil attachment points.

5.3 Calculation of Loads from Hydrofoil Appendages

The maximum forces transmitted by any hydrofoil to the craft structure is given by the following equations:
FD = CUV2 (CDF AFF + CDS AFS) + (Wetted surface drag)
FL = maximum lift force on craft exerted by hydrofoil, in kgf (lbs). This force is assumed
to act perpendicular to the plane of the foil.
FD = maximum drag force on craft exerted by hydrofoil plus strut, in kgf (lbs). This force
is assumed to act directly aft from the center of the foil.
CU = 13.847 (2.835)
CL = peak coefficient of lift for the foil selected.
CDF = peak coefficient of drag for the foil selected.
CDS = peak coefficient of drag for the strut section selected.
V = maximum craft speed, in knots.
AP = plan view area of foil, in m2 (ft2)
AFF = frontal area of foil, in m2 (ft2)
AFS = frontal area of strut, in m2 (ft2)
Total drag of the foil and strut (or similar appendage) is given by the drag term FD that includes the frictional
drag coefficient, as a function of wetted surface and Reynolds number.
The strength of the foils and struts are to be based on FL and FD and the resulting bending moments, shear
forces, and vertical forces. The strength of the connections of the struts to the hull is to be based on the bending
moments, shear forces, and vertical forces applied through the struts. A factor of safety on the yield strength
of the material (aluminum use the as-welded condition) is to be not less than 2.0. Calculations of the
bending moment, shear forces, and stiffness, are to be carried out and submitted by the designer.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 1 Primary Hull Strength 3-2-1

Additionally, calculations supporting the “Fail-Safe” performance of each foil attachment structure are to
be submitted.
Watertight integrity of the shell is to be maintained in the event of a collision of the hydrofoil appendages
with a solid object in the water. A design safety factor of 2.0 on the yield strength or 3.0 on the ultimate
strength of the foil strut bearing is to be used to assess the strength of the foil for the collision condition.

7 Effective Decks
To be considered effective for use in calculating the hull girder section modulus, the thickness of the deck
plating is to comply with the requirements of Section 3-2-3. The deck areas are to be maintained throughout
the midship 0.4L and may be gradually reduced to one half their midship value at 0.15L from the ends.
Only that portion of deck which is continuous through the transverse structure may be considered effective.

9 Operating Manual
Craft are to be furnished with an operating manual providing guidance on:
i) Means of identifying that the Manual is for the subject craft including principle particulars of the
ii) Loading conditions on which the design of the craft has been based, including cargo loading on
decks, loading ramps, and double bottoms.
iii) There should also be evidence of approved loading and stability conditions on board the craft.
These should preferably be included in the operating manual. If they are a separate document, they
should be referenced in the operating Manual.
iv) Maximum approved speed and associated displacement.
v) Service Limitations, any scope of operations and/or operational limits as applicable such as distance
from port of refugee.
vi) Maximum operational speeds for the various sea-states (significant wave heights) in which the
craft is intended to operate, in conjunction with the OE notation (see 1-1-1/7).
vii) Permissible limits of still-water bending moments and shear forces, for craft 61m (200 ft) in length
of greater.
viii) Position and application of watertight and weathertight (doors, hatches etc.) closing appliances
necessary to meet the Load Line assignment; identification of doors and hatches to be kept closed
at sea; information on storm shutters and their use; location of emergency escapes.
ix) From the aspect of the Flag Administration, depending on the Administration to which the craft is
flagged, there will also be a need for other items to be included such as safety plan, fire fighting
procedures, means of escape, evacuation procedures, operation of life saving appliances, and
requirements for safe operation of the vessel.


PART Section 2: Design Pressures

CHAPTER 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements

SECTION 2 Design Pressures

1 Monohulls
The bottom and side pressures are to be checked using the displacement (∆), speed (V), draft (d), and
running trim (τ) in the full load, half load, and light load conditions. If the craft is receiving a freeboard
assignment, the parameters used in the full load condition are to coincide with the assigned freeboard. If
the craft is not receiving a freeboard assignment, the parameters used in the full load condition are to
correspond to the condition of the craft with the maximum operating deadweight. The parameters used in
the half load condition are to correspond to the condition of the craft with 50% of the maximum operating
deadweight, and the parameters used in the light load condition are to correspond to the condition of the
craft with 10% of the maximum operating deadweight plus the maximum speed of the craft.

1.1 Bottom Design Pressure

The bottom design pressure is to be the greater of those, as given in the following equations, for the location
under consideration. Bottom structure design pressures are dependent upon the service in which the craft
operates. The bottom design pressure applies to hull bottoms below the chines or the upper turn of the bilge.
1.1.1 Bottom Slamming Pressure
p bcg = [1 + ncg ]FD kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi)
Lw Bw

N1∆  70 − β bx 
pbxx = [1 + n xx ]  FD kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi)
Lw B w  70 − β cg 

1.1.2 Bottom Slamming for Craft Less Than 61 meters (200 feet)
The design pressure may be:
pbxx = [1 + ncg ]FD FV kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi)
Lw B w

1.1.3 Hydrostatic Pressure

pd = N3 (0.64H + d) kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi)
pbcg = bottom design pressure at LCG, kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi)

pbxx = bottom design pressure at any section clear of LCG, kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi)

pd = bottom design pressure based on hydrostatic forces, kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi)


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 2 Design Pressures 3-2-2

ncg = the vertical acceleration of the craft as determined by a model test, theoretical
computation, or service experience (see Section 3-1-3). If this information is
not readily available during the early stages of design, the following formula
utilizing the average 1/100 highest vertical accelerations at LCG can be used:
12h  V 2 ( Bw ) 2
ncg = N 2  1 / 3 + 1.0 τ 50 − β cg ] g’s
 Bw  ∆

note that g’s are the dimensionless ratio of the acceleration at sea level
(9.8m/s2, 32.2 ft/s2).
The vertical acceleration, ncg, is typically not to be taken greater than the
ncg = 1.39 + k n
for speeds greater than 18 L (9.94 L ) the maximum ncg is 6.0 g (7.0 g for
search and rescue type craft). The vertical accelerations are typically not to
be taken less than 1.0 g for craft lengths less than 24 m (79 ft) and 2.0 g for
craft lengths less than 12 m (39 ft). Intermediate values can be determined by
interpolation. The vertical acceleration will need to be specially considered
for craft fitted with seat belts or special shock mitigation seats.
kn = 0.256 (0.463)
nxx = average of the 1/100 highest vertical accelerations, at any section clear of
LCG, in g’s. Can be determined by the following equation:
= ncgKv
N1 = 0.1 (0.01, 0.069)
N2 = 0.0078 (0.0078, 0.0016)
N3 = 9.8 (1.0, 0.44)

∆ = displacement at design waterline, in kg (lbs), see 3-2-2/1

Lw = craft length on the waterline with the craft at the design displacement and in
the displacement mode, in m (ft)
Bw = maximum waterline beam, in m (ft)
H = wave parameter, 0.0172L + 3.653 m (0.0172L + 11.98 ft), generally not to be
taken less than the maximum survival wave height for the craft
h1/3 = significant wave height, m (ft), see 3-2-2/Table 1
τ = running trim at V, in degrees, but generally not to be taken less than 4° for
craft L < 50 m (165 ft), nor less than 3° for L > 50 m (165 ft). Special
consideration will be given to designers values predicted from model tests.
βcg = deadrise at LCG, degrees, generally not to be taken less than 10° nor more
than 30°.
βbx = deadrise at any section clear of LCG, in degrees, not to be taken less than 10°
nor greater than 30°, see 3-2-2/Figure 1.
V = craft design speed in knots, see 3-2-2/Table 1
FD = design area factor given in 3-2-2/Figure 3 for given values of AD and AR.
Generally not to be taken less than 0.4. See 3-2-2/Table 2 for minimum
values of FD for craft less than 24 m (79 ft) in length.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 2 Design Pressures 3-2-2

FV = vertical acceleration distribution factor given in 3-2-2/Figure 5.

KV = vertical acceleration distribution factor given in 3-2-2/Figure 4.
AD = design area, cm2 (in2). For plating it is the actual area of the shell plate panel
but not to be taken as more than 2.5s2. For longitudinals, stiffeners, transverses
and girders it is the shell area supported by the longitudinal stiffener, transverse
or girder; for transverses and girders the area used need not be taken less
than 0.332.
AR = reference area, cm2 (in2), 6.95∆/d cm2 (1.61∆/d in2).
s = spacing of longitudinals or stiffeners, in cm (in.)
 = unsupported span of internals, in cm (in.). See 3-2-4/1.3.1.
d = stationary draft, in m (ft), vertical distance from outer surface of shell measured
at centerline to design waterline at middle of design waterline length, but
generally not to be taken as less than 0.04L. See 3-2-2/1.

Design Significant Wave Heights, h1/3, and Speeds, V
Operational Condition
h1/3 V
High-Speed Craft 4 m (13 ft) Vm(2)
Coastal Craft 2.5 m (8.5 ft) Vm(2)
Riverine Craft 0.5 m (1.75 ft) Vm(2)
1 Not to be taken less than L/12
2 Vm = maximum speed for the craft in the design condition specified in 3-2-2/1

Minimum Values for FD (L ≤ 24 m, 79 ft)
s FD
mm (in.)
250 (9.75) 0.85
500 (16.75) 0.75
750 (29.5) 0.60
1000 (39.25) 0.50
1250 (49.25) 0.40


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 2 Design Pressures 3-2-2

Deadrise, Flare, and Entry Angles



βbx βbx

1.3 Side and Transom Structure, Design Pressure

The side design pressure, ps, is to be not less than given by the equations:

1.3.1 Slamming Pressure

N1∆  70 − β sx 
p sxx = [1 + n xx ]  FD kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi)
Lw B w  70 − β cg 

1.3.2 Hydrostatic Pressure

ps = N3(Hs – y) kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi)

1.3.3 Fore End

psf = 0.28FaCFN3(0.22 + 0.15tanα)(0.4Vsinβ + 0.6 L )2 kN/m2 (tf/m2)

psf = 0.92FaCFN3(0.22 + 0.15tanα)(0.4Vsinβ + 0.33 L )2 psi

where L is generally not to be taken less than 30 m (98 ft)


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 2 Design Pressures 3-2-2

psxx = side design slamming pressure at any section clear of LCG, in kN/m2 (tf/m2,
psi). For craft greater than 24 m (79 ft) in length, the side design slamming
pressure applies both along the entire length below L/12 above baseline and
to the region forward of 0.125L
0.125L from Stem

L/12 above Baseline

Design Waterline

ps = side design pressure due to hydrostatic forces, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi), but is
not to be taken less than the following:
= 0.05N3L kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi) at or below L/15 above the base line or any height
above base line forward of 0.125L from the stem
= 0.033N3L kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi) above L/15 above the base line, aft of 0.125L
from the stem
Psf = side design pressure for forward of 0.125L from the stem.
Hs = 0.083L + d in meters (feet), but it is not to be taken less than D + 1.22 (D + 4)
for craft less than 30 m (100 ft)
= 0.64H + d in meters (feet) for craft over 30 m (100 ft); where H is defined in
y = distance above base line of location being considered, in m (ft)
L = craft length as defined in 3-1-1/3
βsx = deadrise of side at any section clear of LCG, in degrees, not to be taken
greater than 55°, see 3-2-2/Figure 1
CF = 0.0125L for L < 80 m (0.00381L for L < 262 ft)

= 1.0 for L ≥ 80 m (262 ft)

Fa = 3.25 for plating and 1.0 for longitudinals, transverses and girders

α = flare angle, the angle between a vertical line and the tangent to the side shell
plating, measured in a vertical plane at 90° to the horizontal tangent to the
side shell, see 3-2-2/Figure 1.
β = entry angle, the angle between a longitudinal line, parallel to the centerline
and the horizontal tangent to the side shell, see 3-2-2/Figure 1.
N1, N3, ∆, Lw, Bw, V, nxx, βcg, H, d and FD are as defined in 3-2-2/1.1.

3 Multi-Hull and Surface Effect Craft

The bottom and side pressures are to be checked using the displacement (∆), speed (V), draft (d) and running
trim (τ) in the full load, half load and lightship conditions. If the craft is receiving a freeboard assignment,
the parameters used in the full load condition are to coincide with the approved freeboard assignment. If
the craft is not receiving a freeboard assignment, the parameters used in the full load condition are to
correspond to the maximum operating deadweight. The parameters used in the half load condition are to
correspond to 50% of the maximum operating deadweight, and the parameters used in the lightship
condition are to correspond to 10% of the maximum operating deadweight plus the maximum speed of the
craft. The on-cushion speed is to be used for surface effect craft.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 2 Design Pressures 3-2-2

3.1 Bottom Design Pressure

The bottom design pressure is to be the greater of the following equations, for the location under consideration.
Bottom design pressures are dependent upon the service in which the craft operates. The bottom design
pressure applies to hull bottoms below the chines or the upper turn of the bilge for catamarans, trimarans or
other multihulled craft and surface effect craft. Bottoms of twin hull surface effect craft shall be considered
as catamaran hulls for the purpose of calculation of the bottom slamming pressure.
3.1.1 Bottom Slamming Pressure
p bcg = [1 + n cg ]FD kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi)
Lw N h Bw

N1∆  70 − β bx 
pbxx = [1 + n xx ]  FD kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi)
Lw N h B w  70 − β cg 

3.1.2 Bottom Slamming for Craft Less Than 61 meters (200 feet)
The design pressure may be:
pbxx = [1 + ncg ]FD FV kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi)
Lw N h B w

3.1.3 Hydrostatic Pressure

pd = N3 (0.64H + d) kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi)
ncg = the vertical acceleration of the craft as determined by a model test, theoretical
computation, or service experience (see Section 3-1-3). If this information is
not readily available during the early stages of design, the following formula
utilizing the average 1/100 height vertical accelerations at LCG can be used:
12h  V 2 ( N h Bw ) 2
ncg = N 2  1 / 3 + 1.0 τ 50 − β cg ] g’s
 N h Bw  ∆
The maximum and minimum vertical accelerations defined in 3-2-2/1.1 are
applicable to multihull craft.
Bw = maximum waterline beam of one hull, in m (ft)
Nh = number of hulls
pbcg, pbxx, N1, N2, N3, ∆, Lw, V, FV, nxx, βbx, βcg, H, d and FD are as defined in 3-2-2/1.1.

3.3 Side and Transom Structure, Design Pressure

The side design pressure, ps, is to be not less than given by the equations:

3.3.1 Slamming Pressure

N1∆  70 − β sx 
p sxx = [1 + n xx ]  FD kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi)
Lw N h B w  70 − β cg 

3.3.2 Hydrostatic Pressure

ps = N3 (Hs – y) kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi)

3.3.3 Fore End

psf = 0.28FaCFN3(0.22 + 0.15tanα)(0.4Vsinβ + 0.6 L )2 kN/m2 (tf/m2)
psf = 0.92FaCFN3(0.22 + 0.15tanα)(0.4Vsinβ + 0.33 L )2 psi
where L is generally not to be taken less than 30 m (98 ft)


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 2 Design Pressures 3-2-2

psxx = side design slamming pressure at any section clear of LCG, in kN/m2 (tf/m2,
psi). For craft greater than 24 m (79 ft) in length, the side design slamming
pressure applies both along the entire length below L/12 above baseline and
to the region forward of 0.125L
0.125L from Stem

L/12 above Baseline

Design Waterline

ps = side design pressure due to hydrostatic forces, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi), but is
not to be taken less than the following:
= 0.05N3L kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi) at or below L/15 above the base line or at any
height above base line forward of 0.125L from the stem.
= 0.033N3L kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi) above L/15 above the base line, aft of 0.125L
from the stem.
psf = side design pressure for forward of 0.125L from the stem.
y = distance above base line, m (ft), of location being considered.
L = craft length, as defined in 3-1-1/3
Fa = 3.25 for plating and 1.0 for longitudinals, transverses and girders
CF = 0.0125L for L < 80 m (0.00381L for L < 262 ft)
= 1.0 for L ≥ 80 m (262 ft)
α = flare angle, the angle between a vertical line and the tangent to the side shell
plating, measured in a vertical plane at 90° to the horizontal tangent to the
side shell, see 3-2-2/Figure 1.
β = entry angle, the angle between a longitudinal line, parallel to the centerline
and the horizontal tangent to the side shell, see 3-2-2/Figure 1.
N1, N3, ∆, Lw, V, nxx, βcg, Hs, d and FD are as defined in 3-2-2/1.1, βsx, is as defined in 3-2-2/1.3. Nh
and Bw are as defined in 3-2-2/3.1.

3.5 Wet Deck or Cross Structure

The wet deck design pressure is to be determined by the following equations:
pwd = 30N1FDFIVVI(1 – 0.85ha/h1/3) kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi)
N1 = 0.10 (0.010, 0.00442)
ha = vertical distance, in m (ft), from lightest draft waterline to underside of wet deck, at
design point in question. ha is not to be greater than 1.176h1/3
FI = wet deck pressure distribution factor as given in 3-2-2/Figure 6
VI = relative impact velocity as given below:
4h1 / 3
= + 1 m/s
7.24h1 / 3
= + 3.28 ft/s
V, h1/3 and FD are as defined in 3-2-2/1.1.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 2 Design Pressures 3-2-2

5 Deck Design Pressures – All Craft

The design pressures, pd, are to be as given in 3-2-2/Table 3, see 3-2-2/Figure 2.

7 Superstructures and Deckhouses – All Craft

The design pressures, pd, are to be as given in 3-2-2/Table 4.

9 Bulkhead Structure, Design Pressure – All Craft

9.1 Tank Boundaries

The design pressure for tank boundaries, for both integral and non-integral tanks is to be not less than the
following equations, whichever is greater:
pt = N3h kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi)

pt = ρg(1 + 0.5 nxx)h2 kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi)

N3 = as defined in 3-2-2/1.1
h = greatest of the following distances, in m (ft), from lower edge of plate panel or center
of area supported by stiffener, to:
1) A point located above the top of the tank, at a distance of two-thirds the
height from the top of the tank to the top of the overflow.
2) A point located at two-thirds of the distance to the main weather deck.
3) A point located above the top of the tank, not less than the greater of the
i) 0.01L + 0.15 m (0.01L + 0.5 ft)
ii) 0.46 m (l.5 ft)
where L is the craft length as defined in 3-1-1/3.
ρg = specific weight of the liquid, not to be taken less than 1.005 N/cm2-m (0.1025
kgf/cm2-m, 0.44 lbf/in2-ft)
nxx = vertical acceleration at midspan of the tank, as defined in 3-2-2/1.1
h2 = distance from lower edge of plate panel or center of area supported by stiffener to the
top of the tank, in m (ft)
The heights of overflows are to be clearly indicated on the plans submitted for approval.
Pressurized tanks will be subject to special consideration.

9.3 Watertight Boundaries

The design pressure for watertight boundaries is to be not less than given by the following equation:
pw = N3h kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi)
N3 = as defined in 3-2-2/1.1
h = distance, in m (ft), from the lower edge of plate panel or the center of area supported
by the stiffener to the bulkhead deck at centerline


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 2 Design Pressures 3-2-2

11 Operational Loads
Loads on the hull structure are dependent on the craft’s mission, payload and operational environment. For
classification purposes, the following payloads must be accounted for in addition to the other loads and
pressures defined in this Section:
i) Vehicle and human loads (see 3-2-3/1.9 and 3-2-4/1.15)
ii) Take-off, landing, and stowage of helicopters

11.1 Human Loads

Composite deck structures are to withstand a point load equivalent to the weight of a man (90.7 kg, 200 lbf)
in the middle of the plate or the midspan stiffener.

11.3 Helicopter Decks

11.3.1 General
Helicopter decks, where provided, are to meet the following structural and safety requirements..
See also 4-4-2/23.1.2 for Non-watertight spaces and 4-5-1/7.
Plans showing the arrangement, scantlings and details of the helicopter deck are to be submitted.
The arrangement plan is to show the overall size of the helicopter deck and the designated landing
area. If the arrangement provides for the securing of a helicopter or helicopters to the deck, the
predetermined position(s) selected to accommodate the secured helicopter, in addition to the locations
of deck fittings, for securing the helicopter are to be shown. The type of helicopter to be considered
is to be specified and calculations for appropriate loading conditions are to be submitted.
11.3.2 Overall Distributed Loading
For a platform type helicopter decks, a minimum distributed loading of 2010 N/m2 (205 kgf/m2,
42 lbf/ft2) is to be taken over the entire helicopter deck. For all other helicopter decks, the minimum
overall distributed load is to be as specified in 3-2-2/Table 3.
11.3.3 Helicopter Landing and Impact Loading
A load of not less than 75% of the helicopter maximum take-off weight is to be taken on each of
two square areas, 0.3 m × 0.3 m (1 ft × 1 ft). Alternatively, the manufacturer’s recommended wheel
impact loading will be considered. The deck is to be considered for helicopter landings at any location
within the designated landing area. The structural weight of the helicopter deck is to be added to
the helicopter impact loading when considering girders, stanchions, truss supports, etc. Where the
upper deck of a superstructure or deckhouse is used as a helicopter deck and the spaces below are
normally manned (quarters, bridge, control room, etc.) the impact loading is to be multiplied by a
factor of 1.15.
11.3.4 Stowed Helicopter Loading
If provisions are made to accommodate helicopter secured to the deck in a predetermined position,
the structure is to be considered for a local loading not to be taken less than:
PHC = Wto (1+ 0.5nxx) + Ce kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi)
Wto = maximum take-off weight
nxx = same as 3-2-2/11.1.1
Ce = 0.49 (0.05, 0.07)

11.3.5 Special Landing Gear

Helicopters fitted with landing gear other than wheels will be specially considered.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 2 Design Pressures 3-2-2

11.3.6 Loading due to Motions of Craft

The structure supporting helicopter decks is to withstand the loads resulting from the motions of
the craft.
11.3.7 Environmental Loading
Calculations are to consider anticipated wind and wave impact loadings on helicopter decks and
their supporting structures.

Deck Design Pressures, pd
Location kN/m2 tf/m2 psi
Exposed freeboard deck, and superstructure and
0.20L + 7.6 0.020L + 0.77 0.0088L + 1.10
deckhouse decks forward of 0.25L.
Freeboard deck inside enclosed superstructures and
deckhouses, exposed superstructure and deckhouse decks
0.10L + 6.1 0.010L + 0.62 0.0044L + 0.88
aft of 0.25L , and internal decks included in the hull
girder bending moment
Enclosed accommodations decks 5.0 0.5 0.71
Concentrated deck cargo loads, equipment foundations W (1 + 0.5nxx) W (1 + 0.5nxx) W (1 + 0.5nxx)
Enclosed store rooms, machinery spaces, etc. ρh (1 + 0.5nxx) ρh (1 + 0.5nxx) (ρ/144)h (1 + 0.5nxx)

W = deck cargo load in kN/m2 (tf/m2 psi).
nxx = average vertical acceleration at the location under consideration as defined in 3-2-2/1.1.
ρ = cargo density in kN/m3, tf/m3, lb/ft3, not to be taken less than 7.04 (0.715, 44.8)
h = height of enclosed store room, machinery space, etc., in m (ft)
L = craft length as defined in 3-1-1/3
• Where permanently attached equipment are fitted and the live load associated with this equipment is greater than
the deck design pressure, the equipment live loads govern.

Superstructures and Deckhouses Design Pressures
L = 12.2m (40 ft) & L > 30.5m (100 ft) kN/m2
less kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi) (tf/m2, psi)
Superstructure and Deckhouse Front Plating 24.1 (2.46, 3.5) 37.9 (3.87, 5.50)
Superstructure and Deckhouse Front Stiffeners 24.1 (2.46, 3.5) 24.1 (2.46, 3.5)
Superstructure and Deckhouse Aft End and House Side Plating 10.3 (1.05, 1.5) 13.8 (1.41, 2.0)
Superstructure and Deckhouse Aft End and House Side Stiffeners 10.3 (1.05, 1.5) 10.3 (1.05, 1.5)
House Tops, Forward of Midships, Plating and Stiffeners 6.9 (0.7, 1.0) 8.6 (0.88, 1.25)
House Tops, Aft of Midships, Plating and Stiffeners 3.4 (0.35, 0.5) 6.9 (0.70, 1.0)


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 2 Design Pressures 3-2-2

Decks, Superstructures, and Deckhouse Pressures
House Tops

House Side Exposed SS/DH Deck

Enclosed Accom. Deck

Exposed Freeboard Deck
House Side

Freeboard Deck Inside DH/SS

Enclosed Accom. Deck

Design Area Factor FD


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 2 Design Pressures 3-2-2

Vertical Acceleration Distribution Factor KV


0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Distance Along Lw from Afterward End of Lw

Vertical Acceleration Distribution Factor FV
Extend to Forward Extent of Horizontal
FV Chine or Running Strake in Bottom Shell







1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0
0.445 0.11

Distance Along Lw from Forward End of Lw


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 2 Design Pressures 3-2-2

Wet Deck Pressure Distribution Factor FI




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Distance Along Lw from Afterward End of Lw


PART Section 3: Plating

CHAPTER 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements

SECTION 3 Plating

1 Aluminum or Steel

1.1 General
The bottom shell is to extend from the keel to the chine or upper turn of bilge. In general the side shell is to
be of the same thickness from its lower limit to the gunwale.
All plating is to meet the requirements for thickness as given in 3-2-3/1.3.
In addition those areas of plating associated with primary hull strength are to meet the buckling criteria as
given in 3-2-3/1.5. Where plate panels are subjected to other bending, biaxial, or a combination of stresses,
they will be specially considered.
The thickness of the shell plating in way of skegs, shaft struts, hawse pipes, etc. is to be increased by 50%
over that obtained from 3-2-3/1.3.
The thickness of water jet tunnels and transverse thruster tubes is to be in accordance with 3-2-3/1.7.
Where the plating forms decks for the access, operation or stowage of vehicles, the plating is in addition to
meet the requirements of 3-2-3/1.9.

1.3 Thickness
The thickness of the shell, deck or bulkhead plating is to be not less than obtained by the following
equations, whichever is greater:
1.3.1 Lateral Loading
pk pk
t=s mm t=s in.
1000σ a σa
s = spacing, in mm (in.), of the shell, deck, superstructure, deckhouse or
bulkhead longitudinals or stiffeners.
p = design pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi), given in Section 3-2-2
k = plate panel aspect ratio factor, given in 3-2-3/Table 1
σa = design stress, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi), given in 3-2-3/Table 2


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 3 Plating 3-2-3

Aspect Ratio Coefficient for Isotropic Plates
/s k k1
>2.0 0.500 0.028
2.0 0.497 0.028
1.9 0.493 0.027
1.8 0.487 0.027
1.7 0.479 0.026
1.6 0.468 0.025
1.5 0.454 0.024
1.4 0.436 0.024
1.3 0.412 0.021
1.2 0.383 0.019
1.1 0.348 0.017
1.0 0.308 0.014
Note: s = shorter edge of plate panel, in mm (in.)
 = longer edge of plate panel, in mm (in.)
Intermediate values may be determined by linear interpolation.

Design Stress, σa, Aluminum and Steel
Location Design Stress, σa (1)
Bottom Shell Slamming Pressure 0.90σy (2)
Hydrostatic Pressure 0.55σy
Water Jet Tunnels Slamming Pressure 0.60σy
Hydrostatic Pressure 0.55σy
Side Shell Below Bulkhead Deck Slamming Pressure 0.90σy
Hydrostatic Pressure 0.55σy
Above Bulkhead Deck Slamming Pressure 0.90σy
(i.e. foc’sles) Hydrostatic Pressure 0.55σy
Deck Plating Strength Deck 0.60σy
Lower Decks/Other Decks 0.60σy
Wet Decks 0.90σy
Superstructure and Deckhouse Decks 0.60σy
Bulkheads Deep Tank 0.60σy
Watertight 0.95σy
Superstructure aft of 0.25L Front, Sides, Ends, Tops 0.60σy (3)
from F.P. & Deckhouses
1 σy = yield strength of steel or of welded aluminum in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi), but not to be
taken greater than 70% of the ultimate strength of steel or welded aluminum
2 The design stress for bottom shell plates under slamming pressure may be taken as σy for plates
outside the midship 0.4L.
3 The design stress for steel deckhouse plates may be taken as 0.90σy.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 3 Plating 3-2-3

1.3.2 Thickness Based on Secondary Stiffening

ts = 0.01s mm (in.) tal = 0.012s mm (in.)
ts = required thickness for steel craft
tal = required thickness for aluminum craft
s is as defined in 3-2-3/1.3.1.
1.3.3 Minimum Thickness
The thickness of shell plating, decks and bulkheads is to be not less than obtained from the following
1.3.3(a) Bottom Shell

ts = 0.44 Lq s + 2.0 mm ts = 0.009 Lq s + 0.08 in.

tal = 0.70 Lq a + 1.0 mm tal = 0.015 Lq a + 0.04 in.

L = craft length, as defined in 3-1-1/3
qs = 1.0 for ordinary strength steel; 245/σys, (25/σys, 34000/σys) for higher
strength steels, but not to be taken less than 0.72
σys = yield strength for higher strength steel, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)

qa = 115/σya, (12/σya, 17000/σya) for aluminum alloys

σya = minimum unwelded yield strength for aluminum alloys, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2,
psi), but not to be taken as more than 0.7 of the ultimate tensile strength in
the as-welded condition
ts and tal as defined in 3-2-3/1.3.2. However, ts is not to be taken less than 3.5 mm (0.14 in.) and tal
is not to be taken less than 4.0 mm (0.16 in.)
1.3.3(b) Side Shell

ts = 0.40 Lq s + 2.0 mm ts = 0.009 Lq s + 0.08 in.

tal = 0.62 Lq a + 1.0 mm tal = 0.013 Lq a + 0.04 in.

where ts and tal are as defined in 3-2-3/1.3.2. However, ts is not to be taken less than 3.0 mm (0.12 in.)
and tal is not to be taken less than 3.5 mm (0.14 in.)
qs, qa and L are as defined in 3-2-3/1.3.3(a).
1.3.3(c) Strength Deck

ts = 0.40 Lq s + 1.0 mm ts = 0.009 Lq s + 0.04 in.

tal = 0.62 Lq a + 1.0 mm tal = 0.013 Lq a + 0.04 in.

where ts and tal are as defined in 3-2-3/1.3.2. However, ts is not to be taken less than 3.0 mm (0.12 in.)
and tal is not to be taken less than 3.5 mm (0.14 in.)
qs, qa, and L are as defined in 3-2-3/1.3.3(a).


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 3 Plating 3-2-3

1.3.3(d) Lower Decks, W.T. Bulkheads, Deep Tank Bulkheads

ts = 0.35 Lq s + 1.0 mm ts = 0.007 Lq s + 0.04 in.

tal = 0.52 Lq a + 1.0 mm tal = 0.011 Lq a + 0.04 in.

where ts, tal, qs, qa and L are as defined in 3-2-3/1.3.2. However, ts is not to be taken less than 3.0 mm
(0.12 in.) and tal is not to be taken less than 3.5 mm (0.14 in.).
Where the use is made of special purpose aluminum extrusions or special welding techniques are
utilized the minimum plate thickness, as given in 3-2-3/1.3.3 above, will be specially considered
based on location, purpose and material grades.

1.5 Buckling Criteria

1.5.1 Uni-axial Compression
1.5.1(a) Ideal Elastic Stress
t 
σE = 0.9m1E  b  N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
 s 
m1 = buckling coefficient as given in 3-2-3/Table 3.
E = for steel: 2.06 × 105 N/mm2 (21,000 kgf/mm2, 30 × 106 psi)
for aluminum: 6.9 × 104 N/mm2 (7,000 kgf/mm2, 10 × 106 psi)
tb = thickness of plating, in mm (in.)
s = shorter side of plate panel, in mm (in.)
 = longer side of plate panel, in mm (in.)
1.5.1(b) Critical Buckling Stress. The critical buckling stress in compression, σc, is determined
as follows:
σc = σE when σE ≤ 0.5σy

 σy 
= σy 1 −  when σE > 0.5σy

 4σ E 
σy = yield stress of material, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
Note: Generally the unwelded yield strength may be used, but due account should be
made for critical or extensive weld zones.
σE = ideal elastic buckling stress calculated in 3-2-3/1.5.1
1.5.1(c) Calculated Compressive Stress. The compressive stresses are given in the following formula:
(M t ) y
σa = c5 N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
σa = working compressive stress in panel being considered, N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi),
but generally not less than the following:
f p SM R
N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
c5 = 105 (105, 322,560)


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 3 Plating 3-2-3

Mt = maximum total bending moment as given in 3-2-1/1.1.2(e), kN-m (tf-m, Ltf-ft)

y = vertical distance, in m (ft), from the neutral axis to the considered location
I = moment of inertia of the hull girder, cm4 (in4)
fp = 175 N/mm2 (17.84 kgf/mm2, 25,380 psi)
Q = applicable factor for steel or aluminum as defined in 3-2-1/1.1
SMR = hull girder section modulus as required in Section 3-2-1, cm2-m (in2-ft)
SMA = section modulus of the hull girder at the location being considered, cm2-m
1.5.1(d) Permissible Buckling Stress. The design buckling stress, σc, of plate panels [as calculated
in 3-2-3/1.5.1(b)] is to be such that:
σc ≥ σa

1.5.2 Shear for Craft 61 m (200 ft) in Length and Over

1.5.2(a) Ideal Elastic Buckling Stress
 tb 
τE = 0.9m2E   N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
 s 
m2 = buckling coefficient as given in 3-2-3/Table 3

E = for steel: 2.06 × 105 N/mm2 (21,000 kgf/mm2, 30 × 106 psi)

for aluminum: 6.9 × 104 N/mm2 (7,000 kgf/mm2, 10 × 106 psi)
tb = thickness of plating, in mm (in.)
s = shorter side of plate panel, in mm (in.)
 = longer side of plate panel, in mm (in.)
1.5.2(b) Critical Buckling Stress. The critical buckling stress in shear, τc, is determined as follows:

τc = τE when τE ≤ 0.5τy

 τy 
τc = τy 1 −  when τE > 0.5τy
 4τ E 

τy = minimum shear yield stress of material, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)

σ yw
σyw = welded yield strength of material, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi).

τE = ideal elastic buckling stress calculated in 3-2-3/1.5.2(a)

1.5.2(c) Calculated Shear Stress. The working shear stress, τa, in the side shell or longitudinal
bulkhead plating is to be calculated by an acceptable and recognized method.
1.5.2(d) Permissible Buckling Stress. The design buckling stress, τc, of plate panels [as calculated
in 3-2-3/1.5.2(b)] is to be such that:
τ c ≥ τa


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 3 Plating 3-2-3

Buckling Coefficients m1 and m2
A Uniaxial compression
1. Plates with longitudinal framing,  ≥ s

σ σ

σ' σ'
a. For σ′ = σ, m1 = 4

b. For σ′ = σ/3, m1 = 5.8

c. For intermediate values m1 may be obtained by interpolation between a and b

2. Plates with transverse framing,  ≥ s


s 

a. For σ′ = σ , m1 = C2 [1+ (s/)2]2

b. For σ′ = σ /3 , m1 = 1.45 C2 [1+ (s/)2]2

c. For intermediate values m may be obtained by interpolation between a and b
Values of C2 = 1.30 where supported by floors or deep members
= 1.21 where stiffeners are T-sections or angle bars
= 1.10 where stiffeners are bulb plates
= 1.05 where stiffeners are flat bars
B Edge Shear

s τ

M2 = 5.34 + 4(s/)2


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 3 Plating 3-2-3

1.7 Water Jet Tunnels and Transverse Thruster Tubes

1.7.1 Water Jet Tunnels
The thickness for the water jet tunnel plating is to be not less than required by 3-2-3/1.3, neither is
it to be less than the greater of the jet manufacturer’s recommended thickness or that obtained
from the following equation:

pt k pt k
t=s mm t=s in.
1000σ a σa
pt = maximum positive or negative tunnel design pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi),
as provided by the jet manufacturer.
s, k and σa are as given in 3-2-3/1.3.

1.7.2 Transverse Thruster Tunnels

The thickness of the tunnel plating for the transverse thrusters is to be not less than required by
3-2-3/1.3, nor less than obtained from the following equation:

t = 0.008d Q + 3.0 mm t = 0.008d Q + 0.12 in.

d = inside diameter of the tunnel in mm (in.), but is taken as not less than
968 mm (38 in.)
Q is as given in 3-2-1/1.1.

1.9 Decks Provided for the Operation or Stowage of Vehicles

Where provision is to be made for the operation or stowage of vehicles having rubber tires, and after all other
requirements are met, the thickness of deck plating is to be not less than obtained from the following equation:

βW (1 + 0.5n xx )
t= mm (in.)
W = static wheel load, in N (lbf)
nxx = average vertical acceleration at the location under consideration as defined in 3-2-2/1.1

β = as given in 3-2-3/Figure 1
σa = design stress for decks, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi), given in 3-2-3/Table 2
For wheel loading, strength deck plating thickness is to be not less than 110% of that required by the above
equation, and platform deck plating thickness is to be not less than 90% of that required by the above equation.
Where the wheels are close together, special consideration will be given to the use of combined imprint and
load. Where the intended operation is such that only the larger dimension of the wheel imprint is perpendicular
to the longer edge of the plate panel, then b below may be taken as the smaller wheel imprint dimension, in
which case, a is to be the greater one.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 3 Plating 3-2-3

Values for 

b 

b/s /s = 1 /s = 1.4 /s  2

a/s 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.4 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2
0 1.82 1.38 1.12 0.93 0.76 2.00 1.55 1.12 0.84 0.75 1.64 1.20 0.97 0.78 0.64
0.2 1.82 1.28 1.08 0.90 0.76 0.63 1.78 1.43 1.23 0.95 0.74 0.64 1.73 1.31 1.03 0.84 0.68 0.57
0.4 1.39 1.07 0.84 0.72 0.62 0.52 1.39 1.13 1.00 0.80 0.62 0.55 1.32 1.08 0.88 0.74 0.60 0.50
0.6 1.12 0.90 0.74 0.60 0.52 0.43 1.10 0.91 0.82 0.68 0.53 0.47 1.04 0.90 0.76 0.64 0.54 0.44
0.8 0.92 0.76 0.62 0.51 0.42 0.36 0.90 0.76 0.68 0.57 0.45 0.40 0.87 0.76 0.63 0.54 0.44 0.38
1 0.76 0.63 0.52 0.42 0.35 0.30 0.75 0.62 0.57 0.47 0.38 0.33 0.71 0.61 0.53 0.45 0.38 0.30
s = spacing of deck beams or deck longitudinals, in mm (in.)
 = length of plate pane, in mm (in.)
a = wheel imprint dimension, in mm (in.), paralleled to the shorter edge, s, of the plate panel
b = wheel imprint dimension, in mm (in.), parallel to the longer edge, , of the plate panel

3 Aluminum Extruded Planking, Sandwich Panels and Corrugated


3.1 Aluminum Extruded Planking

Extruded planking is to be reviewed similar to a conventional stiffener and plate combination. The required
thickness of the planking between stiffeners is given in 3-2-3/1.3 and 3-2-3/1.5. For box and truss type
extrusion, the plate spacing is to be taken as the maximum unsupported span of plate as indicated in
3-2-3/Figure 2. The stiffeners on the planking are to comply with the requirements in 3-2-4/1.3, 3-2-4/1.5
and 3-2-4/1.7. The geometry of stiffeners in box and truss type extrusions is as indicated in 3-2-3/Figure 2.
The individual planking pieces are to be attached by continuous welding for the main deck and can be
welded intermittently for interior accommodation decks. The intermittent weld for the interior decks is to
be sized in accordance with 3-2-13/1 for beams and stiffeners to deck. The use of adhesives for attaching
planking members used for weather coverings is to be specially considered.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 3 Plating 3-2-3

Extruded Planking

3.3 Sandwich Panels

A sandwich panel is a panel with thin skins attached to a thicker core material. These panels are to be typically
used on enclosed decks or bulkheads. Where exposed panels are proposed the effects due to heat and the
coefficients of thermal expansion are to be addressed. In general, the inner and outer skins are to be of the
same thickness. The use of aluminum sandwich panels for helicopter decks and wheel loading will be
specially considered. Sandwich panels are to comply with the equations given below:
3.3.1 Section Modulus of Skins
The section modulus about the neutral axis of a strip of sandwich panel, 1 cm (1 in.) wide is not to
be less than the following equation:
s 2 pk s 2 pk
SM = cm3 SM = in3
6 × 10 5 σ a 6σ a

s = spacing of the shell or deck longitudinals or superstructure, deckhouse or
bulkhead stiffener, in mm (in.). It is always to be the lesser dimension of
the unsupported plate panels
p = design pressure, given in Section 3-2-2
k = coefficient varying with plate panel aspect ratio, given in 3-2-3/Table 1
σa = design stress, given in 3-2-3/Table 2
3.3.2 Moment of Inertia of Skins
The moment of inertia about the neutral axis of a strip of sandwich panel, 1 cm (1 in.) wide is not
to be less than the following equation:

s 3 pk1 s 3 pk1
I= cm4 I= in4
120 × 10 5 ⋅ 0.24 E 0.24 E
s = spacing of the shell or deck longitudinals or superstructure, deckhouse or
bulkhead stiffener, in mm (in.). It is always to be the lesser dimension of
the unsupported plate panels
p = design pressure, given in Section 3-2-2
k1 = coefficient varying with plate panel aspect ratio, given in 3-2-3/Table 1
E = tensile modulus of aluminum, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi), as defined in 3-2-3/1.5.2


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 3 Plating 3-2-3

3.3.3 Core Shear Strength

The thickness of core and sandwich is to be not less than given by the following equation:
do + dc vps d o + d c vps
= mm = in.
2 1000τ 2 τ
do = overall thickness of sandwich, in mm (in.)
dc = thickness of core, in mm (in.)
v = coefficient varying with plate panel aspect ratio, given in 3-2-3/Table 6
s = lesser dimension of plate panel, in mm (in.)
p = design pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi), as defined in Section 3-2-2
τ = design stress, N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi), as shown in 3-2-3/Table 7.
3.3.4 Testing
The core material and the attachment of the skins to the core are to be tested in accordance with
the requirements in 2-6-5/11
3.3.5 Attachment
Typically, beams and stiffeners are not to be considered as effectively attached. Panels are not to
be welded to unless the possible damage from heat is addressed. The panels are to be bolted to
surrounding structure. The use of adhesives will be specially considered.

3.5 Corrugated Panels

3.5.1 Plating
The plating of corrugated panels is to be of the thickness required by 3-2-3/1.3 with the following
modification. The spacing to be used is the greater of dimensions a or c as indicated in 3-2-4/Figure 3.

5 Fiber Reinforced Plastic

5.1 General
The shell, decks and bulkheads may be either single skin or sandwich construction. Where both are used, a
suitable transition is to be obtained between them with a minimum 12:1 taper ratio.
The bottom shell is to extend to the chine or upper bilge turn. A suitable transition is to be obtained between
the bottom and side shell plating. The shell thickness in way of the keel is to be 50% greater and in way of
shaft struts and skegs is to be 100% greater than the thickness required by 3-2-3/5.5.1 or 3-2-3/5.5.2, as
applicable. For this purpose, pressure pb as obtained from 3-2-2/1.1 or 3-2-2/3.1 and actual frame spacing at
the location of the member are to be used for 3-2-3/5.5.1. Suitable framing reinforcement is to be provided
in way of shaft struts. Bow thruster tube thickness is to be equivalent to the surrounding shell thickness.
The shell, deck or bulkhead laminates may be bi-directional (having essentially same strength and elastic
properties in the two in-plane principal axes of the shell, deck or bulkhead) or uni-directional (having different
strength or elastic properties in the two principal axes of the shell, deck or bulkhead panels). Bonding angles
or tapes are to have essentially same strength and elastic properties as the plating laminate being bonded,
and are in general to be in accordance with Section 3-2-6.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 3 Plating 3-2-3

5.3 Fiber Reinforcement

The basic laminate given in Part 2, Chapter 6 or other approved laminate of glass, aramid or carbon fiber in
mat, woven roving, cloth, knitted fabric or non-woven uni-directional reinforcing, plies may be used.
Equivalent strength and thickness of other than E-glass base laminate is to be assessed in a laminate stack
program on the basis of first ply failure. For the shell and deck a sufficient number of plies are to be laid-
up with the warp in the 0° (longitudinal) axis. Warp and fill directions are to be aligned parallel to the
respective edges of the shell and deck panels as closely as practicable. Depending on the directionality and
fiber orientation of these plies, other plies may be required or permitted in the 90° (transverse) axis;
reinforcing plies in other axes such as +45° (diagonal) may also be used, when approved.
Where the strength and stiffness in the two principal axes of the panel are different, panel bending in each
of the panel principal axes is to be considered. See 3-2-3/5.5.2 and 3-2-3/5.7.2.

5.5 Single Skin Laminate

5.5.1 With Essentially Same Properties in 0° and 90° Axes
The thickness of the shell, deck or bulkhead plating is to be not less than given by the following
5.5.1(a) All Plating

pk pk
t = sc mm t = sc in.
1000σ a σa
5.5.1(b) All Plating

pk1 pk1
t = sc3 mm t = sc3 in.
1000k 2 E F k2 EF
5.5.1(c) Strength deck and shell

t = k3(c1 + 0.26L) q1 mm t = k3(c1 + 0.0031L) q1 in.

L is generally not to be taken less than 12.2 m (40 ft).

5.5.1(d) Strength deck and bottom shell

s 0.6σ uc SM R
t= mm (in.)
kb Ec SM A

s = spacing of the shell or deck longitudinals or superstructure, deckhouse or
bulkhead stiffeners, in mm (in.). It is always to be the lesser dimension of
the unsupported plate panels
c = factor for plate curvature in the direction parallel to s, given by (1 – A/s), but
is not to be taken less than 0.70
A = distance, in mm (in.), measured perpendicular from the chord length, s, to the
highest point of the curved plate arc between the panel edges
p = design pressure given in Section 3-2-2
k or k1 = coefficient varying with plate panel aspect ratio, given in 3-2-3/Table 1
kb = 2.5 with longitudinal framing
= 2.5 with transverse framing and panel aspect ratio of 1.0
= 1.0 with transverse framing and panel aspect ratio 2.0 to 4.0
σa = design stress given in 3-2-3/Table 4


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 3 Plating 3-2-3

k2 = for bottom plating: 0.015 for patrol boats and similar service craft, 0.01 for
other craft
= for side plating: 0.020 for patrol boats and similar service craft,
0.015 for other craft
= for superstructures and deckhouse fronts: 0.025
= for other plating: 0.010
EF = flexural modulus of laminate, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi), in the direction
parallel to s
q1 = 170/F (15.5/F, 25,000/F)
L = craft length, in m (ft), as defined in 3-1-1/3
c1 = 5.7 mm (0.225 in.)
k3 = 1.2 for bottom shell structure
= 1.0 for side shell and deck structure
Ec = compressive modulus of elasticity in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)

F = minimum flexural strength of laminate, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)

σuc = minimum compressive strength of laminate, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
SMR = required hull-girder section modulus given in Section 3-2-1
SMA = proposed hull-girder section modulus of midship section

Design Stresses for FRP, σa
Bottom Shell 0.33σu
Side Shell 0.33σu
Decks 0.33σu
Superstructure and Deckhouses – Front, Sides, Ends, and Tops 0.33σu
Tank Bulkheads 0.33σu
Watertight Bulkheads 0.50σu

For single skin laminates:

σu = minimum flexural strength, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
For sandwich laminates:
σu = for shell or deck outer skin, minimum tensile strength, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
σu = for shell or deck inner skin, minimum compressive strength, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
σu = for bulkheads, lesser of tensile or compressive strength, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
Note: σu is to be verified from the approved test results. See Section 2-6-5.

5.5.2 With Different Properties in 0° and 90° Axes

For laminates with different strength and elastic properties in the 0° and 90° axes where the strength
is less or the stiffness greater in the panel direction perpendicular to s, the thickness is to be also
not less than given by the following equations:


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 3 Plating 3-2-3


pk s pk s
t = sc mm t = sc in.
1000σ as σ as

pk  E pk  E
t = sc 4 mm t = sc 4 in.
1000σ a Es σ a Es
k s , k = coefficient for plate panel aspect ratio, given in 3-2-3/Table 5
σas = design stress, given in 3-2-3/Table 4, based on strength properties in the
direction parallel to s
Es = flexural modulus of laminate, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi), in the direction
parallel to s
σa = design stress, given in 3-2-3/Table 4, based on strength properties in the
direction perpendicular to s
E = flexural modulus of laminate, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi), in the direction
perpendicular to s
s, c and p are as defined in 3-2-3/5.5.

Aspect Ratio Coefficient for Isotropic Plates

(/s) 4 E s / E ks k
> 2.0 0.500 0.342
2.0 0.497 0.342
1.9 0.493 0.342
1.8 0.487 0.342
1.7 0.479 0.342
1.6 0.468 0.342
1.5 0.454 0.342
1.4 0.436 0.342
1.3 0.412 0.338
1.2 0.383 0.333
1.1 0.348 0.323
1.0 0.308 0.308

5.7 Sandwich Laminate

5.7.1 Laminate with Essentially Same Bending Strength and Stiffness in 0° and 90° Axes
In general the outer and inner skins are to be similar in lay-up and in strength and elastic properties.
Special consideration will be given where this is not the case. In general, single skin laminate is to
be used in way of the keel and in way of hull appendages such as shaft struts, skegs and rudders
and in way of deck fittings, bolted connections, and other areas of concentrated local loads.
The section modulus and moment of inertia about the neutral axis of a strip of sandwich panel,
1 cm (1 in.) wide are to be not less than given by the following equations:


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 3 Plating 3-2-3

( sc) 2 pk ( sc) 2 pk
SM o = cm3 SM o = in3
6 × 10 5 σ ao 6σ ao
( sc) 2 pk ( sc) 2 pk
SM i = cm3 SM i = in3
6 × 10 5 σ ai 6σ ai

( sc) 3 pk1 ( sc) 3 pk1

I= cm4 I= in4
120 × 10 5 k 2 E tc 12k 2 E tc
SMo = required section modulus, in cm3 (in3), to outer skin.

SMi = required section modulus, in cm3 (in3), to inner skin.

I = required moment of inertia, in cm4 (in4)

σao = design stress, for outer skin, given in 3-2-3/Table 4, based on strength of outer
skin in direction parallel to s.
σai = design stress, for inner skin, given in 3-2-3/Table 4, based on strength of inner
skin in direction parallel to s.
Etc = 0.5 (Ec + Et)

Ec = mean of compressive moduli of inner and outer skins, in N/mm2 (kgf/cm2, psi)

Et = means of tensile moduli of inner and outer skins, in N/mm2 (kgf/cm2, psi)
s, c, p, k, k1 and k2 are as defined in 3-2-3/5.5.

5.7.2 Laminates with Different Bending Strength and Stiffness in 0° and 90° Axes
Where the strength is less or the stiffness greater in the direction perpendicular to s, the section
modulus and moment of inertia about the neutral axis of a strip of sandwich, 1 cm (1 in.) wide are
also to be not less than given by the following equations:
5.7.2(a) In direction parallel to s

( sc) 2 pk s ( sc) 2 pk s
SM o = cm3 SM o = in3
6 × 10 5 σ aso 6σ aso

5.7.2(b) In direction parallel to 

( sc) 2 pk  E ( sc) 2 pk  E
SM o = cm3 SM o = in3
6 × 10 σ ao Es 6σ ao Es

5.7.2(c) In direction parallel to s

( sc) 2 pk s ( sc) 2 pk s
SM i = cm3 SM i = in3
6 × 10 σ asi 6σ asi

5.7.2(d) In direction parallel to 

( sc) 2 pk  E ( sc) 2 pk  E
SM i = cm3 SM i = in3
6 × 10 σ ai Es 6σ ai Es


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 3 Plating 3-2-3

5.7.2(e) In direction parallel to s

( sc) 2 pk1 ( sc) 2 pk1

I= cm4 I= in4
120 × 10 5 k 2 E s 12k 2 E s

SMo = required section modulus, in cm3 (in3), to outer skin.

SMi = required section modulus, in cm3 (in3), to inner skin.

k, k s = modified coefficient for plate panel aspect ratio, given in 3-2-3/Table 5.
σaso = design stress, for outer skin, given in 3-2-3/Table 4, based on strength
properties in direction parallel to s.
σao = design stress, for outer skin, given in 3-2-3/Table 4, based on strength
properties in direction perpendicular to s.
σasi = design stress for inner skin, given in 3-2-3/Table 4, based on strength
properties in direction parallel to s.
σai = design stress, for inner skin, given in 3-2-3/Table 4, based on strength
properties in direction perpendicular to s.
Es = 0.5 (Ets + Ecs)
E = 0.5 (Et + Ec)
Ets, Ecs = respectively, mean of tensile moduli of inner and outer skins, and mean of
compressive moduli of inner and outer skins, in N/mm2 (kgf/cm2, psi) in
direction parallel to s.
Et, Ec = respectively, mean of tensile moduli of inner and outer skins, and mean of
compressive moduli of inner and outer skins, in N/mm2 (kgf/cm2, psi) in
direction parallel to .
s, c, p, k1, k2 and Etc are as defined in 3-2-3/5.5.

5.7.3 Shear Strength

The thickness of core and sandwich laminate is to be not less than given by the following equation.
Special consideration will be given where cores differing from those in Part 2, Chapter 6 are proposed.
See also 3-2-3/5.7.5 for minimum thickness of skin.
do + dc vps d o + d c vps
= mm = in.
2 1000τ 2 τ
do = overall thickness of sandwich, excluding gel coat, in mm (in.)
dc = thickness of core, in mm (in.)
v = coefficient varying with plate panel aspect ratio, given in 3-2-3/Table 6.
Where the elastic properties of the skins are different in the principal axes, v
is to be taken not less than 0.5.
s = lesser dimension of plate panel, in mm (in.)
p = design pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi), as defined in Section 3-2-2.
τ = design stress, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi), as shown in 3-2-3/Table 7.
Where cores are scored to facilitate fitting, the scores are to be filled with putty or resin.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 3 Plating 3-2-3

The density of polyvinyl chloride foam cores in the shell plating is to be not less than given in the
following table:

Location Density Minimum Density

kg/m3 (lbs/ft3) kg/m3 (lbs/ft3)
Bottom forward of 0.4LWL; V ≥ 25 kts 4dc (6.4dc) 120 (7.5)
Bottom forward of 0.4LWL; V < 25 kts 4dc (6.4dc) 100 (6.25)
elsewhere; V ≥ 25 kts 3dc (4.8dc) 100 (6.25)
elsewhere; V < 25 kts 3dc (4.8dc) 80 (5.00)
Side forward 0.4LWL 2.5dc (4.0dc) 100 (6.25)
elsewhere 2.0dc (3.2dc) 80 (5.00)

Coefficient v for FRP Sandwich Panels Shear Strength
Plate Panel Aspect Ratio /s v
>2.0 0.500
2.0 0.500
1.9 0.499
1.8 0.499
1.7 0.494
1.6 0.490
1.5 0.484
1.4 0.478
1.3 0.466
1.2 0.455
1.1 0.437
1.0 0.420
s = shorter edge of plate panel, in mm (in.)
 = longer edge of plate panel, in mm (in.)
Note: Values of v less than 0.5 may be used only where the inner and outer skins have
essentially the same strength and elastic properties in the 0° and 90° axes.

Core Shear Design Strength
Core Material Design Core Shear Strength
Balsa Wood 0.3τu
PVC* 0.4τu

* May be taken as 0.55τu where sheer elongation exceeds 40%.

τu = minimum core shear strength, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 3 Plating 3-2-3

5.7.4 Skin Stability

The skin buckling stress σc, given by the following equation, is in general to be not less than
2.0σai and 2.0σao.

σ c = 0.63 E s ⋅ E cc ⋅ Gcc
Es = compressive modulus of skins, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi), in 0° and 90° in-plane
axis of panel
Ecc = compressive modulus of core, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi), perpendicular to skins

Gcc = core shear modulus, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi), in the direction parallel to load

5.7.5 Minimum Skin Thickness

After all other requirements are met, the skin thicknesses of laminates complying with basic laminate
requirements of Part 2, Chapter 6 are in general to be not less than given by the following equations:
tos = 0.35k3 (C1 + 0.26L) mm
tos = 0.35k3 (C1 + 0.0031L) in.
tis = 0.25k3 (C1 + 0.26L) mm
tis = 0.25k3 (C1 + 0.0031L) in.
tos = thickness of outer skin, in mm (in.)
tis = thickness of inner skin, in mm (in.)
k3 = 1.2 Bottom Shell
= 1.0 Side Shell and Deck
C1 = 5.7 mm (0.225 in.)
L = craft length, in m (ft), as defined in 3-1-1/3, generally not to be taken as less
than 12.2 m (40 ft).
5.7.6 Wheel Loading
Special consideration will be given to the required thickness where provision is made for the
operation or stowage of vehicles having rubber tires after all other requirements are met.

7 Plating Subject to Specific Payloads

A first principles analysis is to be performed for all plates that are subject to a specific payload. The
maximum stresses and deflections in these plates are not to exceed the stresses given in 3-2-3/Table 8.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 3 Plating 3-2-3

Steel Aluminum σ δ
Human Load --- --- 0.33σu 0.01s
Helicopter Decks (2) Overall Dist. Loading 0.60σy 0.6σyw See Note 1 See Note 1
Landing Impact Loading σy σyw See Note 1 See Note 1
Stowed Aircraft Loading σy σyw See Note 1 See Note 1

σy = yield strength of steel in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)

σyw = welded yield strength of aluminum in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
s = panel spacing
For single skin laminates:
σu = minimum flexural strength, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
For sandwich laminates:
σu = for shell or deck outer skin, minimum tensile strength, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
σu = for shell or deck inner skin, minimum compressive strength, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
σu = for bulkheads, lesser of tensile or compressive strength, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
Notes: σ u is to be verified from the approved test results. See Section 2-6-5
1 Composites will be specially considered for use in this location.
2 The minimum plate thickness is generally not to be less than obtained from the following:

Beam Spacing ts tal

460 mm (18 in.) 4.0 mm (0.16 in.) 0.9ts Q

610 mm (24 in.) 5.0 mm (0.20 in.) 0.9ts Q

760 mm (30 in.) 6.0 mm (0.24 in.) 0.9ts Q

ts = required thickness for steel

tal = required thickness for aluminum
Q = material factor as defined in 3-2-1/1.1


PART Section 4: Internals

CHAPTER 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements

SECTION 4 Internals

1 Aluminum and Steel

1.1 General
Structural arrangements and details are to be in accordance with Sections 3-2-5 and 3-2-6. Reference is to
be made to 1-1-4/5 regarding requirement for direct analysis of primary structure (i.e., transverse webs and
girders). The scantlings given in this section are minimum values. Direct analysis may be specifically required
by these Rules or may be submitted by designers in support of alternative arrangements and scantlings.
ABS may, when requested, carry out direct analysis on behalf of designers.

1.3 Strength and Stiffness

1.3.1 Section Modulus
The ends of members are to be effectively attached to the supporting structure. The section modulus
of each longitudinal, stiffener, transverse web, stringer and girder is to be not less than given by
the following equation:
83.3 × ps 2 144 × ps 2
SM = cm3 SM = in3
σa σa
p = design pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi), given in 3-2-2/1 or 3-2-2/5
s = spacing, in m (ft), of the longitudinal, stiffener, transverse web or girder, etc.
 = length, in m (ft), of the longitudinal, stiffener, transverse web or girder,
between supports; where bracketed end connections are supported by
bulkheads,  may be measured onto the bracket, the distance given on
3-1-2/Figure 1, provided both bracket arms are about the same length.
Where transverse members span chines or “knuckles,”  is to be
measured as shown in 3-2-4/Figure 1 and 3-2-4/Figure 2.
σa = design stress, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi) as given in 3-2-4/Table 1
Stiffeners without end attachments are permitted on watertight bulkheads provided the section
modulus is increased by 50%, and provided the bulkhead plating and boundary can transmit the
shear forces on the stiffeners.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 4 Internals 3-2-4

Transverse Side Frame Transverse Side Frame
deck at side deck at side

h for side h for side

/2 frames frames
middle of   middle of 

knuckle is not credited
θ as a point of support
when θ > 150º

knuckle is credited
as a point of support
when θ ≤ 150º CL

Design Stress, σa
Steel and
Location Aluminum FRP
Bottom Longitudinals – Slamming Pressure 0.65σy 0.33σu
Bottom Longitudinals – Sea Pressure 0.50σy 0.40σu
Side Longitudinals – Slamming Pressure 0.60σy 0.40σu
Side Longitudinals – Sea Pressure 0.50σy 0.40σu
Deck Longitudinals – Strength Decks 0.33σy 0.40σu
Deck Longitudinals – Other Decks 0.40σy 0.40σu
Wet Deck Longitudinals 0.75σy 0.40σy
Bottom Transverse and Girders – Slamming 0.80σy 0.33σu
Bottom Transverses and Girders – Sea Pressure 0.60σy 0.33σu
Side Transverses and Girders – Slamming Pressure 0.80σy 0.33σu
Side Transverses and Girders – Sea Pressure 0.60σy 0.33σu
Deck Transverses and Girders– Strength Deck 0.75σy 0.33σu
Deck Transverses and Girders– Other Decks 0.75σy 0.33σu
Wet Deck Transverses and Girders 0.75σy 0.33σy
Watertight Bulkheads 0.85σy 0.50σu
Tank Bulkheads 0.60σy 0.33σu
Superstructure and Deckhouse 0.70σy 0.33σu

σy = minimum yield strength, unwelded condition, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi). For

aluminum, minimum yield stress, welded condition, in N/mm2, (kgf/mm2, psi)
σu = ultimate tensile strength, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 4 Internals 3-2-4

1.3.2 Moment of Inertia

The moment of inertia of each longitudinal, stiffener, transverse web, stringer or girder, including
the plating to which it is attached, is to be not less than given by the following equation:
260 ps 3 54 ps 3
I= cm4 I= in4
K4 = 0.0015 for shell and deep tank girders, stringers and transverse webs,
constructed of steel.
= 0.0011 for deck girders and transverses constructed of steel.
= 0.0021 for shell and deep tank stringers and transverse webs
constructed of aluminum.
= 0.0018 for deck girder and transverses constructed of aluminum.
E = 2.06 × 105 N/mm2 (21,000 kgf/mm2, 30 × 106 psi) for steel
= 6.9 × 104 N/mm2 (7,000 kgf/mm2, 10 × 106 psi) for aluminum
p, s and  are as given in 3-2-4/3.1.

1.5 Elastic Buckling of Longitudinal Members

The moment of inertia of the deck or shell longitudinal together with attached plating is not to be less than
to satisfy the following criteria:
1.5.1 Axial Compression
The critical buckling stress σe of a beam-column (i.e., the longitudinal and the associated effective
plating) with respect to axial compression may be obtained from the following equation:
EI a
σE = 2
N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
C1 A
E = as defined in 3-2-4/1.3.2
Ia = moment of inertia, cm4 (in4), of longitudinal, including plate flange
C1 = 1000 (1000, 14.4)

A = cross-sectional area, in cm2 (in2), of longitudinal, including plate flange

 = span of longitudinal, in m (ft)
1.5.2 Torsional/Flexural Buckling
The critical torsional/flexural buckling stress with respect to axial compression of a longitudinal
including its associated plate may be obtained from the following equation:

π 2 EI w  2 K  It
σE =  m + 2  + 0.385E N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
10c1 I p   2
m  Ip

C 4
K = c2
π 4 EI w


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 4 Internals 3-2-4

m = 1 for 0 < K ≤ 4
2 for 4 < K ≤ 36
3 for 36 < K ≤ 144
4 for 144 < K ≤ 400
E = as defined in 3-2-4/1.3.2
c2 = 106 (106, 20736)

It = St. Venant’s moment of inertia, in cm4 (in4), of profile (without plate flange)

hwt w3
= c3 for flat bars (slabs)

1  3  tf 
= c3 hw t w + b f t 3f 1 − 0.63  for flanged profiles
3   bf 
  
c3 = 10-4 (10-4, 1.0)
Ip = polar moment of inertia, in cm4 (in4), of profile about connection of stiffener
to plate

hw3 t w
= c3 for flat bars (slabs)

 h3 t 
= c3  w w + hw2 b f t f  for flanged profiles
 3 
 
Iw = warping constant, in cm6 (in6), of profile about connection of stiffener to plate

hw3 t w3
= c4 for flat bars (slabs)
 t f b 3f hw2 
= c4   for “Tee” profiles
 12 
 

b 3f hw2
= c4 2
[tf(bf2 + 2bfhw + 4hw2) + 3twbfhw] for angles and
12(b f + hw ) bulb profiles
c4 = 10-6 (10-6, 1.0)
hw = web height, in mm (in.)
tw = web thickness, in mm (in.)
bf = flange width, in mm (in.)
tf = flange thickness, in mm (in.)
 = span of member, in m (ft)
s = spacing of member, in mm (in.)


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 4 Internals 3-2-4

C = spring stiffness exerted by supporting plate panel

k p Et 3p
= N (kgf, lbf)
 1.33k p hw t sp 
3s1  
 st w3 
 

kp = 1 – p, not to be taken less than zero. For flanged profiles kp need not be
taken less than 0.1.
tp = plate thickness, in mm (in.)

p =
 Ep

a = calculated compressive stress. For longitudinals, members see 3-2-4/1.5.4

Ep = elastic buckling stress of supporting plate as calculated in 3-2-3/1.5.1(a)

1.5.3 Critical Buckling Stress

The critical buckling stress in compression, c, is determined as follows:

c = E when E  0.5y

 y 
=  y 1  
 when E > 0.5y
 4 E 
y = yield strength of material, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
Note: Generally the unwelded yield strength may be used, but due account should be
made for critical or extensive weld zones.

E = ideal elastic buckling stress calculated in 3-2-3/1.5.1

1.5.4 Calculated Compressive Stress

(M t ) y
a = c5 N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
a = working compressive stress in panel being considered, N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi),
but generally not less than the following:
= N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
c5 = 105 (105, 322,560)
Mt = maximum total bending moment as given in 3-2-1/1.1.2(e), kN-m (tf-m, Ltf-ft)
y = vertical distance, in m (ft), from the neutral axis to the considered location
I = moment of inertia of the hull girder, cm4 (in4)
C1 = 175 N/mm2 (17.84 kgf/mm2, 25,380 psi)
SMR = hull girder section modulus, as required in Section 3-2-1, cm2-m (in2-ft)
SMA = section modulus of the hull girder at the location being considered, cm2-m
Q = material factor as given in 3-2-1/1.1


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 4 Internals 3-2-4

1.5.5 Design Buckling Stress

The design buckling stress, σc, is to be such that:

σc ≥ βσa
β = 1.10 for the web plating of members
= 1.20 for overall buckling of members
1.5.6 Web and Flange Buckling
Local buckling is considered satisfactory provided the following proportions are not exceeded.
1.5.6(a) Flat bars
dw/tw ≤ 0.5(E/σy)1/2 C2


1.5.6(b) Built-up Sections, Angle Bars and Tee Bars

dw/tw ≤ 1.5(E/σy)1/2 C2
1.5.6(c) Bulb Plates
dw/tw ≤ 0.85(E/σy)1/2 C2
1.5.6(d) Outstanding Face Bars and Flanges
dw/tw ≤ 0.5(E/σy)1/2 C2

dw dw

tw = total required thickness, in mm (in.)
dw = depth of the web, in mm (in.)
E = as defined in 3-2-4/1.3.2
σy = yield strength of material, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
Note: Generally the unwelded yield strength may be used, but due account should be
made for critical or extensive weld zones.

C2 = 1 where σa > 0.80σy

= 0.80σy /σa where σa < 0.80σy, and σa is to be taken not less than 0.55σy
For webs and flanges that do not satisfy these limits, a detailed analysis of buckling strength using
an acceptable method should be submitted for review. The ABS Guide for Buckling and Ultimate
Strength Assessment for Offshore Structures may be used for reference.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 4 Internals 3-2-4

1.7 Corrugated Panels

1.7.1 Stiffeners
The section modulus, SM, for corrugated bulkhead is to be not less than obtained by the requirements
in 3-2-4/1.3 with  being the distance between supporting members in m (ft), and s is equal to a + b
where a and b are as defined in 3-2-4/Figure 3 in m (ft).
SM = td2/6 + (adt/2)
The developed section modulus, SM, may be obtained from the following equation, where a, t, and
d are as indicated in 3-2-4/Figure 3.

Corrugated Bulkhead

b a b

d t

1.7.2 End Connections

The structural arrangements and size of welding at the ends of corrugations are to be designed to
develop the required strength of corrugation stiffeners. Joints within 10% of the depth of corrugation
from the outer surface of corrugation, d1, are to have double continuous welds with fillet size, w,
not less than 0.7 times the thickness of the bulkhead plating or penetration welds of equal strength
(3-2-4/Figure 4).

Corrugated Bulkhead End Connections



Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 4 Internals 3-2-4

1.9 Web Thickness

The thickness of the webs of structural members is not to be less than determined by the following equation:
1.9.1 Webs
1/ 2
dw  E 
= 1.54  in general
tw τ y 
 
1/ 2
E 
= 1.15   in slamming area
τ y 
 
tw = total required thickness, in mm (in.)
dw = depth of the web, in mm (in.)
τy = minimum shear yield strength of steel or aluminum in the unwelded
condition, N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
The web thickness is also not to be less than the following:
1000 ps 144 ps
t= mm t= in.
2d wτ a 2d wτ a
t = total required thickness, in mm (in.)
p = design pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi), as given in Section 3-2-2
s = width of shell or deck supported by the member, in m (ft)
 = length of member, in m (ft)
dw = depth of the web, in mm (in.)

τa = design shear stress, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)

= 0.5τy for steel structure and 0.5τyw for aluminum structure. For bottom
primary structure 0.75τy or 0.75τyw.
τy = minimum shear, unwelded condition, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)

τyw = minimum shear yield strength welded condition, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)

1.11 Attachments
1.11.1 Lug Attachments
The lug weld attachment of the longitudinals to the transverse webs are to have total weld throat
area not less than the following equations:
1000 ps 144 ps
aw = mm2 aw = in2
2τ a 2τ a
aw = t w × w
tw = weld throat, in mm (in.)
w = total length of weld, in mm (in.)
p = design pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi), as given in Section 3-2-2


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 4 Internals 3-2-4

s = width of shell or deck supported by the member, in m (ft)

 = length of member, in m (ft)
τa = design sheer stress, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi), as defined in 3-2-4/1.9.1

1.11.2 End Attachments

The welded end attachments of members, including bracket connections, are to develop the required
strength of the member being attached, considering the member as fix ended.

1.13 Direct Analysis Methods

Local structure may be designed using advanced analysis techniques such as non-prismatic beam, grillage,
and finite element analysis. The requirements for the use of these types of analysis techniques are in
Section 3-1-3.

1.15 Decks Exposed to Vehicle Loads

All longitudinals, beams, and girders of decks that are subject to vehicle loads are to be checked under all
possible combinations of these loads. The maximum allowable design stress for these members are given
in 3-2-4/Table 1

1.17 Tripping Brackets and Stiffeners

Tripping brackets are to be fitted on girders and transverses at a spacing of about 3 m (10 ft). Stiffeners are
to be fitted as may be required.

3 Fiber Reinforced Plastic

3.1 General
The structural arrangements and details are to be in accordance with Sections 3-2-5 and 3-2-6. Laminates
may be bi-directional or uni-directional. Bonding angles or tapes are to comply with Section 3-2-5. Laminates
of webs, crowns and face bars of stiffeners, transverses and girders may be bi-directional, or multi-axial.
Uni-axial caps may be used in the crowns and face bars of these members. In general, the tapes bonding
the members, and their secondary bonds, are to develop the strength of the member being attached.

3.3 Fiber Reinforcement

The basic laminate given in Part 2, Chapter 6, or other approved laminates of glass, aramid, or carbon fiber,
in mat, woven roving, cloth, knitted fabric, or non-woven uni-directional reinforcing plies may be used.
The plies are in general to be laid-up parallel to the direction of the internal. The strength of the laminate in
a direction perpendicular to the direction of the internal is in general not to be less than 25% of the warp
strength except for the uni-directional caps of the flange or crown of the internal members. In way of continuous
longitudinal members, the required section modulus, shear area and moment of inertia of transverse members
are to be maintained by the shell or deck plating and that part of the transverse member that is continuous
over the longitudinal member.
Where higher strength or higher modulus plies are used in the flange or crown of the internal, it may be
advisable to provide similar higher strength, higher modulus local plies in the shell or deck plating, in the
direction parallel to the internal to balance the strength and stiffness of the high strength and high modulus
plies in the flange or crown of the internal.

3.5 Strength and Stiffness

3.5.1 Section Modulus
The section modulus of each longitudinal, stiffener, transverse web and girder including the plating
to which it is attached is to be not less than given by the following equation:
83.3 × ps 2 144 × ps 2
SM = cm3 SM = in3
σa σa


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 4 Internals 3-2-4

where p, s,  and σa are defined in 3-2-4/1.3.

Where the shell, deck or bulkhead plating, and the webs and flange and crown of the member are
of different strength or elastic property plies, consideration is to be given to the effect of the different
moduli plies in calculating the moment of inertia and section modulus; the required section modulus
is to be considered for each different strength laminate of the member.
3.5.2 Moment of Inertia
The moment of inertia of each longitudinal, stiffener, transverse web, stringer or girder, including
the plating to which it is attached, is to be not less than given by the following equation:
260 ps 3 54 ps 3
I= cm4 I= in4
K4 = 0.005 for shell and deep tank girders, stringers and transverse webs.
= 0.004 for deck girders and transverses.
= 0.010 for all other members.
E = tensile or compressive modulus, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi) representative of
the basic value used in the moment of inertia calculation.
p, s and  are as given in 3-2-4/1.3.
3.5.3 Shear Area
The web area, A, of the member is to be not less than given by the following equation:
1000 ps 144 ps
A= mm2 A= in2
2τ 2τ
A = net web area, in mm2 (in2), at location being considered
τ = design shear stress, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi), to be taken not greater than 0.4τu
τu = lesser of ultimate shear strength, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi), in either warp or
fill of the web laminate
p, s and  are as given in 3-2-4/1.3.
Consideration will be given to determining the web area using more detailed methods of determining
the shear stress in the web at the neutral axis of the member.

3.7 Proportions
The thickness of webs and flanges are to be in accordance with Section 3-2-6.

3.9 Buckling
3.9.1 Single Skin Laminate
Where single skin laminate members are subject to in-plane compressive loading likely to cause
axial overall or local buckling, design calculations are to be submitted to show the margin against
buckling failure.
3.9.2 Sandwich Laminates
Where sandwich laminate members are subject to in-plane compressive loading, likely to cause
axial overall or local buckling of the sandwich, or of the sandwich skins, design calculations are to
be submitted to show the margin against buckling failure.


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 4 Internals 3-2-4

3.11 Tripping Brackets and Stiffeners

Tripping brackets are to be fitted on girders and transverses at a spacing of about 3 m (10 ft). Stiffeners are
to be fitted as may be required.

5 Stanchions

5.1 General
The structure under stanchions is to be of sufficient strength to distribute the loads effectively. Stanchions
above are to be arranged directly over stanchions below wherever possible; where this is not possible, effective
means are to be provided for transmitting the loads to the structure below. Stanchions in double bottoms
and under the tops of deep tanks are to be metal and solid in cross section. Stanchions are in general not to
be used in the bottom or double bottom structures where subject to high impact loads in service.

5.3 Stanchion Analysis

The load, W, on a given stanchion is to be developed from the end reaction from the girders that the stanchion
supports. These end reactions are to be developed considering the design pressure for the deck in which
they are located plus any point loads from stanchions located on the girder. When cascading the stanchion
loads through the structure, the analysis is to consider the load from the deck directly above the stanchion
plus the loads from all complete decks and one-half the load from all partial or deckhouse decks. The
requirement in 3-2-4/5.5 is given for a simple stanchion that will only need to support the deck directly
above. In general, stanchions are to have sectional area not less than 1.015W cm2 (0.16W in2) where the
stanchions are subject to tension loads.

5.5 Stanchion Load

The load on a stanchion is to be obtained from the following equation:
W = pbs kN (tf) W = 0.064 pbs Ltf
W = load, in kN (tf, Ltf)
b = mean breadth, in m (ft), of area supported
s = mean length, in m (ft), of area supported
p = design pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, psi), given in Section 3-2-2

5.7 Permissible Load

The load a stanchion may carry is to be equal to or greater than the load on the stanchion obtained in 3-2-4/5.3.
This permissible load is to be obtained from the following equations:
5.7.1 Ordinary Strength Steel Stanchions
Wa = (12.09 − 4.44/r) A kN

Wa = (1.232 − 0.452/r) A tf

Wa = (7.83 − 0.345/r) A Ltf

Refer to 3-2-8/3.1 of the Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels for high strength steel.
5.7.2 Aluminum-Alloy Stanchions
Wa = (10.00 − 5.82/r) Aσy /165 kN

Wa = (1.02 − 0.593/r) Aσy /17 tf

Wa = (6.49 − 0.452/r) Aσy /24000 Ltf


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 4 Internals 3-2-4

Wa = permissible load, in kN (tf, Ltf)
r = least radius of gyration of stanchion, in cm (in.)
A = area of stanchion, in cm2 (in2)
 = unsupported length of stanchion, in m (ft)
σy = minimum yield strength of welded aluminum under consideration, in N/mm2
(kgf/m2, psi)
The adoption of aluminum test values higher than given in Part 2, Chapter 5 will be subject to special

5.9 FRP Stanchions

FRP stanchions will be subject to special consideration.

5.11 Support by Bulkheads

Bulkheads supporting girders or bulkheads fitted in lieu of stanchions are to be stiffened to provide support
not less effective than required for stanchions.

7 Internals Subject to Specific Payloads

A first principles analysis is to be performed for all internals that are subject to a specific payloads. The
maximum stresses and deflections in these plates are not to exceed the stresses given in 3-2-4/Table 2.

Maximum Stresses
Steel Aluminum
σ δ
Human Load Human Load --- --- 0.33σu 0.01s
Helicopter Overall Dist. Loading 0.60σy 0.6σyw See Note 1 See Note 1
Decks Landing Impact Loading Beams See Note 1 See Note 1
σy σyw
Landing Impact Loading Girders, 0.9σy 0.9σyw See Note 1 See Note 1
Stanchions, or Truss Supports (2)
Stowed helicopter Loading Beams 0.9σy 0.9σyw See Note 1 See Note 1
Stowed helicopter Loading Girders, 0.8σy 0.8σyw See Note 1 See Note 1
Stanchions, or Truss Supports (2)

σy = yield strength of steel, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)

σyw = welded yield strength of aluminum, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
s = panel spacing
σu = ultimate tensile strength, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
1 Composites will be specially considered for use in this location.
2 For members subjected to axial compression, the factor of safety is to be based on the yield
stress or critical buckling stress, whichever is less.


PART Section 5: Hull Structural Arrangement

CHAPTER 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements

SECTION 5 Hull Structural Arrangement

1 Structural Arrangement – All Materials

1.1 Framing, Webs, Girders, and Non-tight Structural Bulkheads

1.1.1 General
The shell, main deck, and the sides and tops of long superstructures are in general to be longitudinally
framed; depending on craft length, speed and structural stability, craft may also be transversely
framed. On transversely framed craft, it is to be clearly indicated that the structure has a continuous
load path that eliminates hard spots on unsupported structure.
Bulkheads, partial bulkheads or web frames are to be arranged in the main hull and in long
superstructures or deckhouses to provide effective transverse rigidity. Bulkheads or deep web
frames are to be provided in the main hull under the ends of superstructures or deckhouses.
Longitudinal frames are to be supported by transverse web frames, transverse bulkheads or other
transverse structure. For craft over 61 m (200 ft) in length, or on craft where the longitudinal stiffeners
need to be included in the offered longitudinal strength calculation to meet the requirements in
3-2-1/1, the longitudinals are to be continuous in way of transverse supporting members, including
transverse bulkheads. All other craft may have longitudinal members intercostal to the transverse
bulkheads provided that continuity of strength and end fixity are maintained in accordance with
3-1-2/5.9 and 3-2-5/1.1.2. Craft that are under 30.5 m (100 ft) in length, and where the longitudinal
stiffeners do not need to be included in the offered longitudinal strength calculation to meet the
requirements in 3-2-1/1, may have longitudinal stiffeners that are intercostal to the transverse
supporting members and bulkheads providing that continuity of strength and end fixity are maintained
in accordance with 3-1-2/5.9 and 3-2-5/1.1.2. With transverse framing, deck and bottom girders
are to be provided. Girders may be intercostal at transverse bulkheads provided continuity of strength is
maintained and end fixity is provided in accordance with 3-1-2/5.9 and 3-2-5/1.1.2.
Transverses are to be arranged as continuous web rings and girders are to be aligned with stiffeners
at bulkheads. Alternative arrangements that provide fixity at the ends of transverses and girders
will be specially considered.
1.1.2 Attachments and Stiffening
At supporting members, the attachment of all internal structural members is to provide end fixity
and effective load transmission. Special consideration will be given to reduced end fixity where
the alternative structure has equivalent strength.
The webs of all members are to be effectively attached to the shell, deck or bulkhead plating, to
their supporting members and to face bars in accordance with the requirements in Section 3-2-13.
1.1.3 Engines, Machinery, and other Foundations
The foundations of engines and associated machinery are to be installed to the manufacturer’s
recommendations. These foundations are to be constructed to withstand the loads imparted by the
equipment they support under the worst intended operating conditions. The rigidity of foundations
and supporting structure shall be sufficient to prevent misalignment, deflection, or vibration, which
would interfere with the operation of the equipment.
Foundations supporting waterjets will be specially considered.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 5 Hull Structural Arrangement 3-2-5

Where main engine girders are part of the longitudinal strength of the craft, there is to be continuity
of strength and transition to smaller longitudinal structure. The flanges of engine girders are to be
tripped at each transverse frame. All changes of engine girder web depth are to be gradual. The
angle of this transition is not to exceed 45°.
Foundations of auxiliary equipment are to be similar to that of engine foundations. They are to
provide for secure attachment of the equipment and are to be effectively attached to the hull structure.
Crane and davit foundations are to be capable of withstanding the axial load and the maximum
overturning moments specified by the crane manufacturer.
The foundations for anchor winches or windlasses are to be designed in accordance with the
requirements in 3-5-1/11.3.
Structural members of all foundations are not to be punched or drilled for the attachment of equipment
or fittings. Brackets, margin plates, special framing, or weld studs are to be attached to the structure
and the components mounted on them and not directly on the structure.
All connections that are constructed with the use of a bi-metallic connection are to be in accordance
with 3-2-6/1.1.6 and 3-2-13/3.
Consideration is to be given to the submittal of plans of the foundations for main propulsion units,
reduction gears and thrust bearings and of the structure supporting those foundations to the
machinery manufacturer for review.

1.3 Watertight Bulkheads

1.3.1 General
All vessels having lengths, L, equal to or exceeding 15 m (50 ft) are to be provided with watertight
bulkheads in accordance with this section. The plans submitted are to clearly show the location
and extent of each watertight bulkhead. Watertight bulkheads constructed in accordance with the
Rules will be recorded in the Record as WT (watertight), the symbols being prefixed in each case
by the number of such bulkheads.
1.3.2 Openings and Penetrations
The number of openings in watertight subdivisions is to be kept to a minimum, compatible with
the design and proper working of the vessel. Where penetrations of watertight bulkheads and
internal deck are necessary for access, piping, ventilation, electrical cables, etc., arrangements are
to be made to maintain the watertight integrity. Relaxation in the watertightness of openings above
the freeboard deck may be considered, provided it is demonstrated that any progressive flooding
can be easily controlled and that the safety of the vessel is not impaired.
Ventilation penetrations through watertight subdivision bulkheads are to be avoided. Where
penetrations are unavoidable, the ventilation ducting is to satisfy watertight bulkhead requirements
or watertight closing appliances are to be installed at the bulkhead penetrations. For ventilation
penetrations below the bulkhead deck or below damage equilibrium waterlines, the closing
appliances are to be operable from the bridge. Otherwise, local, manual controls may be provided.
1.3.3 Collision Bulkhead
Craft having a length, as defined in Section 3-1-1, of or exceeding 15 m (50 ft) are to be provided
with a collision bulkhead fitted not less than 0.05Lf abaft the stem at the design load waterline. At
no point on vessels having 500 or more gross tonnage, except as specially permitted, is it to be
further than 0.08Lf or 0.05Lf + 3 m (9.84 ft), whichever is greater, from the reference point. The
bulkheads are to be intact except for approved pipe penetrations, and are to extend to the main
weather deck preferably in one plane. In craft having long superstructures at the forward end, the
bulkheads are to be extended weathertight to the superstructure deck. Provided the extensions are
not less than 0.05L abaft the stem at the design load waterline, they need not be fitted directly over
the collision bulkhead. In such cases, the part of the deck forming the step is to be weathertight.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 5 Hull Structural Arrangement 3-2-5

On vessels with bow-doors, that part of their sloping loading ramps that form part of the extension
of a collision bulkhead and are more than 2.3 m (7.5 ft) above the freeboard deck may extend
forward of the limit below.
Collision bulkhead requirements for passenger vessels are as indicated in Part 5C, Chapter 7 of the
Steel Vessel Rules.
1.3.4 Reference Point
The reference point in determining the location of the collision bulkhead is the forward end of Lf
except that in the case of vessels having any part of the underwater body, such as the bulbous bow,
extending forward of the forward end of Lf, the required distances are to be measured from a
reference point located a distance forward of the forward end of Lf. This distance, x, is the lesser of
the following (see 3-2-5/Figure 1):
i) Half the distance between the forward end of Lf and the extreme forward end of the
extension, p/2 or
ii) 0.015Lf
iii) 3 m (9.84 ft)
where Lf is as defined in 3-1-1/3.3.
The forward end of Lf is to coincide with the fore side of the stem on the waterline at which Lf is

Reference Point of Vessels with Bulbous Bow


x = p/2
x 0.015Lr or
3m (9.84 ft)
whichever is least


1.3.5 Engine Room

The engine room is to be enclosed by watertight bulkheads extending to the main weather deck.
1.3.6 Chain Locker
For craft with length L (as defined in 3-1-1/3) greater than 24 meters (79 feet), chain lockers and
chain pipes are to be made watertight up to the weather deck. The arrangements are to be such that
accidental flooding of the chain locker cannot result in damage to auxiliaries or equipment necessary
for the proper operation of the craft nor in successive flooding into other spaces. Bulkheads between
separate chain lockers not forming a part of subdivision bulkhead (see 3-2-5/Figure 1A below), or
bulkheads which form a common boundary of chain lockers (see 3-2-5/Figure 1B below), need
not be watertight.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 5 Hull Structural Arrangement 3-2-5

Where means of access into chain lockers are provided, they are to be closed by a substantial
cover secured by closely spaced bolts. Doors are not permitted.
Where a means of access to chain lockers is located below the weather deck, the access cover and its
securing arrangements are to be in accordance with recognized standards (such as ISO 5894-1999)
or equivalent for watertight manholes covers. Butterfly nuts and/or hinged bolts are prohibited as
the securing mechanism for the access cover.
For closure of chain pipes, see 3-2-9/23.7.
The arrangements on craft that are not subject to the International Convention on Load Lines or its
Protocol may be specially considered.


1.5 Tanks
The arrangements of all integral or independent tank structures, their intended service, and the heights of
the overflow pipes are to be indicated clearly on the drawings submitted for approval. As a minimum, all
gravity fill integral or independent tank structures shall meet the design criteria for plating and internals in
Sections 3-2-3 and 3-2-4 considering the maximum head pressure imposed on the peripheries.
Where potable water tanks are fitted, water closets are not to be installed on top of the tanks nor are soil
lines to run over the tops of the tanks. Pipes containing non-potable liquids are not to be run through the
tanks. Attention is directed to the regulations of national authorities that might govern the location,
construction or design of such tanks.
Baffle or swash plates are to be provided. Special consideration may be given for the omission of baffle or
swash plates providing the effects of fluid slamming on the plate are considered.
Scantlings of pressurized tanks will be subject to special consideration.
All tanks and void spaces are to be accessible for inspection and repair.

1.7 Decks
Where a deck is stepped or has a break, suitable scarphing or brackets are to be provided at the side shell.
Decks passing into superstructures within the 0.5L amidships are to be increased in way of the break. See

1.9 Means of Escape

All main hull spaces are to have two means of escape to the main weather deck. These escapes are to be
located as far apart as practicable and are to be operable from both sides. All escape routes are to be readily
accessible and unobstructed.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 5 Hull Structural Arrangement 3-2-5

1.11 Double Bottoms

1.11.1 General
Inner bottoms are to be fitted fore and aft between the peaks or as near thereto as practicable in
vessels of ordinary design of 500 GT or over. Where, for special reasons, it may be desired to omit
the inner bottom, the arrangements are to be clearly indicated on the plans when first submitted for
approval. A double bottom need not be fitted in way of deep tanks, provided the safety of the
vessel in the event of bottom damage is not thereby impaired. It is recommended that the inner
bottom be arranged to protect the bilges as much as possible and that it be extended to the sides of
the vessel.
Shell longitudinals and frames in way of deep tanks are to have not less strength than is required
for stiffeners on deep tank bulkheads.
1.11.2 Passenger Craft
For passenger craft that are on international voyages that operate more than four hours at operational
speed from a port of refuge are to be fitted with double bottoms in accordance with Part 5C,
Chapter 7 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
1.11.3 Cargo Craft
Cargo craft that are on international voyages that are more than eight hours at operational speed
from a port of refuge are to be fitted with double bottoms. The inner bottoms are to be fitted fore
and aft between the peaks or as near thereto as practicable. Where, for special reasons in design, it
may be desired to omit the double bottom, the arrangement are to be clearly indicated on the plans
when first submitted for approval. A double bottom need not be fitted in way of deep tanks
provided the safety of the ship in the event of bottom damage is not thereby impaired. It is
recommended that the inner bottom be arranged to protect the bilges as much as possible and that
it be extended to the sides of the craft. The scantlings of the double bottom are to be fitted in
accordance with Sections 3-2-2, 3-2-3, and 3-2-4.

1.13 Doors, Hatches, Scuttles, and Manhole Covers

All doors, hatches, scuttles, and manhole covers, together with their frames and coamings, are to be in
accordance with the same requirements as the structure in which they are installed.

1.15 Helicopter Decks

1.15.1 General
Helicopter landing facilities, where provided, are to meet the following structural and safety
requirements. The attention of owners, builders and designers is directed to various international
and governmental regulations and guides regarding the operational and other design requirements
for helicopter landing on craft. See also 4-6-4/3.9.2, and 4-6-7/9 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
Plans showing the arrangement of the helicopter deck are to be submitted. The arrangement plan is
to show the overall size of the helicopter deck and the designated landing area. If the arrangement
provides for the securing of a helicopter or helicopters to the deck, the predetermined position(s)
selected to accommodate the secured helicopter, in addition to the locations of deck fittings for
securing the helicopter, are to be shown. The type of helicopter to be considered is to be specified
and calculations for appropriate loading conditions are to be submitted.
1.15.2 Safety Net
The unprotected perimeter of the helicopter landing deck is to be provided with safety netting or
1.15.3 Material
In general, the construction of helicopter decks is to be of steel or other material with equivalent
ability to retain structural capacity in a fire. If the helicopter deck forms the deckhead of a deckhouse
or superstructure, it is to be insulated to A-60 class standard.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 5 Hull Structural Arrangement 3-2-5

Aluminum alloys may be used for helicopter decks integral if they form part of an aluminum
deckhouse or superstructure. They may also be of aluminum alloy, fitted above a steel deckhouse
or deck structure, provided the following conditions are complied with:
i) There are to be no openings in the exterior bulkheads directly below the helicopter deck.
ii) All windows in the lower exterior bulkheads are to be fitted with steel shutters.
1.15.4 Means of Escape and Access
The helicopter deck is to be provided with both a main and an emergency means of escape and
access for fire fighting and rescue personnel. These means are to be located as far apart from each
other as is practicable and preferably on opposite sides of the helicopter deck.

1.17 Compensation
Compensation is to be provided for openings in the shell plating where required to maintain the
longitudinal and transverse strength of the hull. All openings are to have well-founded corners. Those in
the upper side shell are be located a suitable distance below the deck edge. Cargo and gangway openings
are to be kept well clear of other discontinuities in the hull girder. Local provision is to be made to
maintain the longitudinal and transverse strength of the hull.
Thick plating and doublers of sufficient breadth to prevent damage from the flukes of stockless anchors are
to be fitted around the hawse pipes.

3 Structural Arrangements – Additional Requirements for Steel and

Aluminum Alloys

3.1 Shell Plating

The bottom shell plating is to extend to the chine or upper turn of bilge. In general, the side shell is to be of
the same thickness from its lower limit to the gunwale. Increases in thickness and additional stiffening are
required in way of skegs, shaft struts, hawse pipes etc. Where a bow thruster tube is fitted to be in accordance
with the requirements in 3-2-3/1.7.

5 Structural Arrangements – Additional Requirements for Fiber

Reinforced Plastic Hulls

5.1 Tanks
In fiber reinforced plastic construction, non-integral tanks are to be used whenever possible. When integral
tanks are used they are to be of single skin construction; the only exception is the tank top plating can be of
sandwich construction. No stiffeners within integral tanks are to penetrate the tank boundaries. No gasoline
tanks, or tanks containing petroleum products with flash points less than 60°C (150°F) are to be fitted
integrally. The design and arrangements of oil fuel tanks is to be such that there is no exposed horizontal
section at the bottom that could be exposed to a fire. Other fire protection arrangements for oil fuel tanks
will be specially considered. For details of fire protection requirements see Section 3-4-1.
All internal surfaces of FRP tanks are to be covered with chopped strand mat weighing at least 600 g/m2
(2 oz/ft2). This covering is to be in addition to the scantlings required by these Rules. A suitable coating is
to be applied to this covering to prevent the contents of the tank from impregnating the surrounding
laminates. The sides, tops, and baffles of integral tanks are to have all connections taped on both sides.
Fresh water tanks are to be coated with a non-toxic and non-tainting coat of resin that is recommended by
the resin manufacturer for potable water tanks. Where outfit items are to be laminated to the tank surface,
the heavy coating of resin is to be applied afterwards and the laminated brackets sealed to prevent the
ingress of moisture. The scantlings of integral oil fuel and water tanks are to be in accordance with
Sections 3-2-3 and 3-2-4. Integral tanks are to be tested in accordance with 3-7-1/Table 1.

PART Section 6: Arrangement, Structural Details, and Connections

CHAPTER 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements

SECTION 6 Arrangement, Structural Details, and Connections

1 Structural Details

1.1 Aluminum and Steel

1.1.1 General
Structural details are to be designed and constructed to minimize hard spots, notches and other
structural discontinuities. Openings in webs, girders and other structural internal members are to
be arranged clear of concentrated loads or areas of high stresses; slots in transverses and girders
for longitudinals or beams in such locations are to be fitted with collars. Care is to be taken to ensure
structural continuity; sharp corners and abrupt changes in section are to be avoided; toes of brackets
and ends of members are not to terminate on plating without attachment to an adjacent member,
unless specially approved.
1.1.2 Longitudinals
Deck, bottom and inner bottom longitudinals are in general to be continuous unless specially approved
otherwise, but in way of bulkheads they may be intercostal provided continuity of strength and
end fixity are maintained by the end brackets. The ends of all internal structural members are to
provide end-fixity and load transmission to the supporting member. Departures from this may be
considered where the alternative structure has equivalent strength. See 3-2-5/1
1.1.3 Girders and Transverses
Girders and transverses are to have depths not less than twice the depth of slots for longitudinals
and beams or other openings. Transverses are to be arranged as continuous web rings, girders are
to be aligned with stiffeners at bulkheads, alternative arrangements that provide fixity at the ends
of transverses and girders will be specially considered.
1.1.4 Openings
Access and lightening holes with suitably radiused corners are to be arranged as necessary and
clear of areas of load concentration or high stresses. Their depths and lengths are generally not to
exceed respectively, 0.5 and 0.75 the depth of the members.
1.1.5 Limber Holes
Drains or limber holes are to be provided in non-tight structure to prevent the accumulation of
liquids. Vent pipes are to be arranged to prevent over pressuring of tanks. (See 4-4-3/9.1) Holes
are to be located to ensure complete drainage of all non-tight voids, bays, or pockets formed by
structure. The holes are not to be located at points of high stress, such as the intersection of
members. Limber holes are to be half round at the edge, or round if not at the edge, of the
structure that is to be drained. The diameter of drain or limber hole is not to be greater than 20%
of the depth of the member.
1.1.6 Bi-metallic Connections
In aluminum construction, where bi-metallic connections are unavoidable, suitable insulation, such as
gaskets, washers, sleeves, and bushings, are to be provided. The faying surfaces between mechanically
fastened metal components, except machinery foundation shims, are to be protected by the use of
a bedding compound. Stainless steel fasteners may be joined directly. See also 3-2-13/3.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 6 Arrangement, Structural Details, and Connections 3-2-6

1.3 Fiber Reinforced Plastic

1.3.1 General
Structural continuity is to be maintained and where changes in thickness or structural section
occur, they are to be gradual to prevent notches, hard spots and other structural discontinuities.
The requirements of 3-2-6/1.3.4 and 3-2-6/1.3.5, below, and of 3-2-6/3 and 3-2-6/5 are for the
basic laminate given in Part 2, Chapter 6. Special consideration will be given where other laminates
or resins are used. The ends of all internal structural members are to provide end-fixity and load
transmission to the supporting member. Departures from this may be considered where the
alternative structure has equivalent strength.
1.3.2 Changes in Laminate Thickness
A gradual taper is to be used for all changes in laminate thickness. Where the construction changes
from sandwich laminate to a solid laminate, the thickness of the core material is in general, to be
reduced by a gradual taper of not less than 2:1.
1.3.3 Openings, Holes and Raw Edges
Access and lightening holes with suitably radiused corners are to be arranged as necessary and
clear of areas of load concentration or high stresses. Their depths and lengths are generally not to
exceed, respectively, 0.5 and 0.75 times the depths of the members. Air and limber holes are to be
in accordance with 3-2-6/1.1.5.
All exposed edges in way of cuts or holes in FRP single-skin laminates are to be sealed with resin.
Edges of sandwich panels and edges of holes in sandwich panels are to be covered with one ply of
glass cloth lapped no less than 25 mm (1 in.) onto each face of the laminate. The cloth shall be
completely saturated with resin.
Ferrules installed in sandwich panels or stiffeners for drains or wire penetrations are to be set in
bedding compound.
All hatch openings are to be supported by a system of transverse and longitudinal stiffeners.
1.3.4 Piping and Wiring in Foam
Piping or wiring passing through foam-filled spaces is to be installed in PVC tubing. The pipe is
to be arranged such that water will not become trapped. The ends of the plastic tubing are to be
joined to adjacent structure with resin impregnated mat. See 3-2-6/Figure 1.

Piping or Opening through Foam Filled Space
Plastic Tube

Resin impregnated mat

1.3.5 Stiffeners
1.3.5(a) General. Stiffeners, frames, girders, deck beams, bulkhead stiffeners, etc. used to support
FRP panels may be entirely of FRP, FRP laid over nonstructural cores or forms, or composites of
FRP or other approved structural materials.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 6 Arrangement, Structural Details, and Connections 3-2-6

1.3.5(b) Stiffeners without effective Cores or with Nonstructural Cores. Stiffeners without cores
or with cores not indicated in 2-6-1/Table 1 are to conform to 3-2-6/Figure 2, and the thickness of
the crown and web of the stiffeners is to be not less than obtained from the following equations:
tl = w/20 mm (in.) t = h/30 mm (in.)
tl = thickness of stiffener crown, in mm (in.)
t = thickness of stiffener webs, in mm (in.)
w = width of stiffener crown, in mm (in.)
h = height of stiffener webs, in mm (in.)
Where the stiffeners are of laminates with properties differing from the basic laminate, the thickness
is to be modified by the factor:

E = compressive modulus of proposed laminate, in kg/cm2 (psi)
C = ultimate compressive strength of proposed laminate, in kg/cm2 (psi)
Where polyvinylchloride, balsa, or other approved core material is used, thicknesses less than given
above may be accepted provided the buckling stresses of the stiffener skins comply with the
buckling stress criteria in 3-2-3/5.7.4.
Hat-section stiffeners constructed by laying FRP over premolded FRP forms (3-2-6/Figure 3) are
to conform with 3-2-6/Figure 2 and the above equations; the premolded forms may be considered
structurally effective if their physical properties are at least equal to those of the overlay laminates.

Proportions of Stiffeners

Hat section

h t Web

t Flange

Minimum lap = 0.2h or 50 mm

(2 in.), whichever is greater;
however lap if in excess of
50 mm (2 in.) need not be
greater than 6t

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 6 Arrangement, Structural Details, and Connections 3-2-6

Premolded FRP Form

Premolded stiffeners bonded to the laminates with FRP angles, flanges or tapes (3-2-6/Figure 4)
are also to conform to 3-2-6/Figure 2 and the above equations. The thickness of each bonding
angle flange or tape is to be not less than the thickness of the webs of the stiffener, and the legs of
the bonding angle, flange or tape are to be of equal length in accordance with 3-2-6/5. Joints in
premolded stiffeners are to be scarphed and spliced or otherwise reinforced to maintain the fill
strength of the stiffeners.
The thickness may be less than obtained from the above equation if these members are suitably
stiffened and provided with adequate lateral stability. The required minimum flange or tape laps
onto such members, as shown in 3-2-6/Figure 2, if greater than 50 mm (2 in.), need not exceed 10t.

Premolded Stiffener


1.3.6 Girders and Longitudinal Frames

Girders and longitudinal frames are to be continuous through floors and web frames. Except in
way of integral-tank end bulkheads, girders and longitudinal frames are also to be continuous through
transverse bulkheads. Where such members are intercostal, attention is to be given to minimizing
structural discontinuities. Where transverse structure is cut out in way of continuous members, the
cut out is to be closed as to maintain the required tightness.
An acceptable type of continuous girder and longitudinal-frame FRP connection is shown in
3-2-6/Figure 5. The laps of the connections onto the supporting structure are to be not less than the
overall widths of the structural members including flanges, and the thicknesses of the connections
are to be not less than the thicknesses of the structural-member flanges or tapes.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 6 Arrangement, Structural Details, and Connections 3-2-6

Connection of Longitudinals to Transverses

Fil gap in bulkhead,

cutout for stringer
and form fillet



Foam pad

1.3.7 Engine Foundations

Engine bed fittings are to be of thicknesses and widths appropriate to the holding down bolts such
that there is a close and accurate fit between the fittings and the engine girder.
Where the engine girders are a non-molded surface, the fittings are to be set in filled resin or mat.
On a molded surface where the contours on the girders match the contours on the fitting, the
fittings are to be set in a structural adhesive of a filled resin.
The fittings are to be bolted through the webs of the girders. A compression sleeve constructed of
stainless steel or FRP is to be fitted in way of the through bolts. The area of the girder that is
connected to the fitting is to have a high density insert in way of the faying surfaces. The insert is
to extend 25 mm (1 in.) in all directions beyond the connection. If the size of the insert is less than
150 cm2 (24 in2) a compound consisting of three parts phenolic or glass microballons, two parts
resin, and one part milled glass fibers, by volume, may be used. A doubler consisting of one ply of
mat and two plies of structural laminates are to be added to each face of the cored laminate. The
doubler shall extend no less than 75 mm (3 in.) beyond the high density foam insert.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 6 Arrangement, Structural Details, and Connections 3-2-6

Engine Foundations

Engine hold-down
bolt Engine

Fiberglass angle Coating or strip

pre-molded with insulator
transverse webs
and chocks

Fiberglass Shell
connecting angles

Steel clip in way of

engine hold-down bolts

Fiberglass stiffener with

non-structural core
Engine flange


Metal angle

Tripping bracket

Metal cap

FRP girder

1.3.8 Deck Fittings

Deck fittings, such as cleats and chocks, are to be bedded in sealing compound, structural adhesive,
or gasketed, through-bolted, and supported by either oversize washers or metal, plywood or wood
backing plates, as shown in 3-2-6/Figure 7. Where washers are used, the laminate in way of the
fittings is to be increased at least 25% in thickness. In no case shall the fitting impair the strength
or tightness of the structure.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 6 Arrangement, Structural Details, and Connections 3-2-6

Deck Fittings
Deck fitting


Additional reinforcement Bonding putty or

Core material

Locking D
Stainless or solid Additional reinforcement
FRP pipe insert nuts

Washer Diameter = 3D Backing plate

Thickness = D/3 High density core

1.3.9 Through Hull Penetrations

Generally all through hull penetrations below the deepest draft design waterline are to be formed
by solid FRP laminates, as shown in 3-2-6/Figure 8. When sandwich construction is used for the
hull, the core material is to be completely sealed off from the through hull penetration, as shown
in 3-2-6/Figure 9. All through hull penetrations are to be taped on both sides of the penetration.
The penetration is to be set in a bedding compound.

Through Hull Penetration – Solid Laminate



Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 6 Arrangement, Structural Details, and Connections 3-2-6

Through Hull Penetration – Sandwich Laminate

Washer Core bedding

Nut - Do not Washer
over tighten
(to point of Nut
Adhesive/ Adhesive/
sealant Additional sealant

High density

1.3.10 Boundary Angles, Flanges or Tapes

1.3.10(a) FRP to FRP. Secondary bonding of FRP components by means of double boundary
angles, flanges or tapes is to be in accordance with Part 2, Chapter 6. Typical boundary angles for
FRP components are shown in 3-2-6/Figure 10. At the end connections of sandwich laminates, the
core shear strength is to be effectively developed. The bulkheads are to be set into a foam insert,
slow curing polyester putty, a microballon mixture or other approved material. The thickness of
each boundary angle, flange or tape having similar strength to the members being connected is to
be not less than obtained from the following:
1.3.10(b) Single-skin to Single-skin. One-half the thickness of the thinner of the two laminates
being joined.
1.3.10(c) Sandwich to Sandwich. The greater of the mean thicknesses of the skins of the sandwich
panels being attached.
1.3.10(d) Sandwich to Single Skin. Either one-half the thickness of the single-skin laminate or
the mean thickness of the skins of the sandwich panel being attached, whichever is less.
The thickness of each FRP-to-FRP boundary angle also is to be not less than obtained from the
following equation:
t = 0.105L + 1.11 mm t = 0.00133L + 0.044 in.
L = length, in m (ft), as defined in 3-1-1/3, need not be taken as more than 46.6 m
(153 ft).
The width of each flange, not including end taper, is to be not less than 10 times the thickness given
above, including the end taper, 13 times the thickness given above, and in general not less than 50 mm
(2 in.).

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 6 Arrangement, Structural Details, and Connections 3-2-6

Boundary Angles for FRP Components

3 Welded and Mechanical Connections

3.1 Steel and Aluminum

3.1.1 General
Components may be fastened by either welding or rivets. For welding, see Section 3-2-13 and Part 2,
Chapters 4 and 5.
3.1.2 Expanding Rivets
Rivets of the expanding type (blind or “pop” rivets) may be used for lightly loaded connections
where lack of accessibility prohibits the use of through fastenings. Such rivets are not to be used
for joining components having a total thickness exceeding 12.5 mm (0.50 in.), and are not to be
used for joining decks to hulls except as temporary or unstressed fastenings installed for the sake
of convenience or speed during assembly.
3.1.3 Conventional Rivets
Conventional rivets, where used, are to be subject to special consideration, and are to be of the
cold-driven type. Washers, essentially of the same material as the rivets, are to be installed under
both the heads and the points.

3.3 Fiber Reinforced Plastic

3.3.1 General
Components may be fastened with bolts, machine screws, or self-tapping screws. Where machine
screws or self-tapping screws are used, they are not to have countersunk heads. Shanks of all
threaded fastenings are to be long enough to pass through the joints, by at least one thread beyond
the top of the nut or plastic locking element. Excessive protrusion shall be avoided, and where the
threaded end of the fastener is accessible, and the excess length can constitute a hazard, the excess
length is to be removed. Washers are not to be used for the sole purpose of lessening thread
protrusion. When it is necessary to reduce the length of thread protrusion, excess length is to be
removed without damaging the threads and the bolts dressed to remove rough edges. Where
watertight joints are required, suitable sealants or bedding compounds are to be used in addition to
the fastenings. All threaded fasteners are to be stainless steel. Sizes and specifications are to be

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 6 Arrangement, Structural Details, and Connections 3-2-6

indicated on the submitted plans. The diameter of a fastening is not to be less than the thickness of
the thinner component being fastened, with a minimum diameter of 8 mm (0.315 in.). Where
hardware is predrilled for fastener sizes that are less than specified above, the size of the fastener
used is to match the size of the predrilled holes.
3.3.2 Bolts and Machine Screws
Bolts or machine screws are to be used where accessibility permits. The diameter of each fastener
is to be at least equal to the thickness of the thinner component being fastened. Bolts and machine
screws less than 8 mm (0.315 in.) in diameter are not to be used. Where d is the fastener diameter,
fastener centers are to be spaced at a minimum of 3d apart and are to be set in from edges of
laminates a minimum of 3d.
Generally in fiber reinforced plastic construction, all bolted connections are to be made through
solid fiber reinforced plastic inserts. Where this is not possible, all low density core material is to
be replaced with a structurally effective insert. Diameters of fastening holes are not to exceed
fastening diameters by more than 0.5 mm (0.02 in.) for bolts less than or equal to 18 mm (0.71 in.)
in diameter and 1 mm (0.39 in.) for bolts greater than 18 mm (0.71 in.) in diameter. Elongated and
oversize holes are permitted where necessary for adjustment or alignment.
Washers or backing plates are to be installed under all fastening heads and nuts that otherwise
would bear on laminates. Washers are to measure not less than 2.25d in outside diameter and 0.1d
in thickness. Nuts are to be either of the self-locking type, or other effective means are to be
provided to prevent backing off. Mechanical thread locking devices and methods such as lockwashers,
either spring, tooth, or tab type, peening wiring, or thread upset after assembly are not to be used.
Bolted connections are, in general, to be bonded along all mating surfaces to insure the tightness
of the structure using an accepted structural adhesive, applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s
In general, all structural, bolted connections are to use threads of bolts in accordance with the
requirements in the following table:

Location Pitch (1)

Watertight connections below design waterline 10d
Connections in hull above design waterline to deck 15d
Hull to deck connections, bonded with approved structural adhesive 15d
Connections in deckhouses 20d
Deckhouse to deck connection, bonded with approved structural adhesive 15d
Minimum distance between reeled lines of bolts 3d
1 d is the diameter of the bolt.
2 Internal boundary sealing angle is to be provided for all locations.

All structural, single line, bolted connections without adhesive bonding are to be in accordance
with the requirements in the following table:

Location Pitch (1)

Manhole covers to fuel tanks 6d
Manhole covers to water tanks 8d
Covers to void tanks/cofferdams 10d
Bolted access hatches in decks 10d
Bolted watertight door frames 8d
Window frames 8d
Note: 1 d is the diameter of the bolt.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 6 Arrangement, Structural Details, and Connections 3-2-6

Bolt holes are to be drilled, without undue pressure at breakthrough, having a diametric tolerance
of two percent of the bolt diameter. Where bolted connections are to be made watertight, the hole
is to be sealed with resin and allowed to cure before the bolt is inserted. In areas of high stress or
where unusual bolting configurations, on the basis of equivalence with the above requirements,
are proposed, testing may be required.
3.3.3 Self-tapping Screws
In general, no self-tapping screws are to be used in fiber reinforced plastic construction. Self-tapping
screws having straight shanks may be used for non-structural connections where lack of accessibility
prohibits the use of through fastenings. Where used, self-tapping screws are to have coarse threads.

3.5 Backing Bars and Tapping Plates

The requirements for backing plates and bars will be individually considered, on the basis of the loading
imposed, details of which are to be indicated on the submitted plans. Metal plates and bars are to be suitably
protected against corrosion. Tapping plates may be encapsulated within the laminate, laminated to or bolted
to the structure. Tapping plate edges or corners are to be suitably rounded.

5 FRP Deck-to-Hull Joints

5.1 Weather Joints

The connection is to develop the strength of the deck and shell laminate, whichever is stronger, by either a
bolted or bonded connection.
Where flanges are used, the hull flanges are to be equal in thickness and strength to the hull laminates and
the deck flanges are to be equal in strength and thickness to the deck laminates. Where bolts are used to
develop the required strength of the connection, the faying surfaces are to be set in bedding compound,
polyester putty, or other approved material. Minimum widths of overlaps, minimum bolt diameters, and
maximum bolt spacing are to be in accordance with 3-2-6/Table 1. Intermediate values may be obtained by
FRP bonding angles, where used, are to have flanges of the same strength and of at least one-half the thickness
of single skin hull or deck laminate. On sandwich laminates, they are to have the same strength and
thickness as the skin of a sandwich laminate, based on the thicker of the two laminates being connected.
The widths of the flanges are to be in accordance with the widths of overlaps in 3-2-6/Table 1.
Calculations supporting the geometry of the deck-to-hull joint are to be submitted for craft over 60 m (200 ft)
in length.
Each joint is to be protected by a guard, molding, fender, or rail cap of metal, wood, rubber, plastic, or other
approved material. The size and ruggedness of this protective strip are to be consistent with the severity of
the service for which the craft is intended. The strip is to be installed in such a manner that it may be
removed for repair or replacement without endangering the integrity of the deck-to-hull joint.

5.3 Interior Joints

Interior decks are to be connected to the hull by shelves, stringers, or other structural members on both
sides by FRP tapes. The connection is to effectively develop the strength of the interior deck. The fit-up
between the parts are typically not to exceed 5 mm (0.2 in.). The interior deck is to be bedded in syntactic
foam or filled resin during assembly and prior to tabbing.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 6 Arrangement, Structural Details, and Connections 3-2-6

Deck-to-Hull Joints
SI and MKS Units
Length of Craft Minimum Width Minimum Bolt Bolt Spacing,
L, m of Overlap, mm Diameter, mm mm
9 63.5 6.50 155
12 75.0 7.75 165
15 87.5 9.00 180
18 100.0 10.25 190
21 112.5 11.50 205
24 125.0 12.75 215
27 137.5 14.00 230
30 150.0 15.25 240
33 162.5 16.50 255
36 175.0 17.75 265
39 187.5 19.00 280
42 200.0 20.25 295
45 212.5 21.50 310
48 225.0 22.75 325
51 237.5 23.00 340
54 250.0 24.25 355
57 262.5 25.50 370
60 275.0 26.75 385

US Units
Length of Craft Minimum Width Minimum Bolt Bolt Spacing,
L, ft of Overlap, in. Diameter, in. in.
30 2.5 0.25 6.0
40 3.0 0.30 6.5
50 3.5 0.35 7.0
60 4.0 0.40 7.5
70 4.5 0.45 8.0
80 5.0 0.50 8.5
90 5.5 0.55 9.0
100 6.0 0.60 9.5
110 6.5 0.65 10.0
120 7.0 0.70 10.5
130 7.5 0.75 11.0
140 8.0 0.80 11.5
150 8.5 0.85 12.0
160 9.0 0.90 12.5
170 9.5 0.95 13.0
180 10.0 1.00 13.5
190 10.5 1.05 14.0
200 11.0 1.10 14.5

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 6 Arrangement, Structural Details, and Connections 3-2-6

Examples of Deck-to-Hull Weather Joints
Flanged or Bonding
"shoe-box" joint angle 1.5t


Side shell continued

above deck to form

Deck FRP angle

Side shell

7 FRP Shell Details

7.1 Keels
Plate keels are to be not less than shown in 3-2-6/Figure 12a and 3-2-6/Figure 12b, and vertical keels or
skegs are to be not less than shown in 3-2-6/Figure 13. Keels or skegs are to be adequate for docking loads,
which are to be provided by the designer.

Plate Keel in One-piece Hull

t 1.5t ≈3t


Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 6 Arrangement, Structural Details, and Connections 3-2-6

Plate Keel in Hull Molded in Halves
B/10 min. CL

Doubler t

r 1:2
Tapered splice

Vertical Keel or Skeg
≈3t 0.25H CL


7.3 Chines and Transoms

Chines and transoms are to be not less than shown in 3-2-6/Figures 14a through 14d.

Chine or Transom – Single Skin Construction





Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 6 Arrangement, Structural Details, and Connections 3-2-6

Chine or Transom – Sandwich Construction

Overlap laminates in way of chine for

minimum of B/20

Stepped Chine – Foam Wedge Option

Core wedge of same density

as topside core

Overlap laminates in way of

chine for minimum of B/20

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 6 Arrangement, Structural Details, and Connections 3-2-6

Stepped Chine – Putty Radius

Overlap laminates in way of

chine for minimum of B/20

PART Section 7: Keels, Stems, Shaft Struts, and Propeller Nozzles

CHAPTER 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements

SECTION 7 Keels, Stems, Shaft Struts, and Propeller Nozzles

1 Materials

1.1 Ordinary Strength Steels

The requirements in the following subsections are based upon ordinary strength steel. For higher strength
steels and aluminum alloys see 3-2-7/1.3.

1.3 High Strength Steels and Aluminum Alloys

Unless otherwise specified, the required section modulus and inertia for high strength steels and aluminum
alloys are as follows:
SM = SMs Q
I = Is Es/Eo
SM, I = required section modulus and inertia. Unless specifically stated otherwise, the properties
about the minor axis (axis perpendicular to h or w) are to be used.
SMs, Is = section modulus and inertia obtained from the dimensions given for ordinary strength
Q = as defined in 3-2-1/1.1.1
Es = 2.06 × 105 N/mm2 (21 × 103 kgf/mm2, 30 × 106 psi)
Eo = modulus of the material being considered in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
Use of materials other than steel or aluminum will be specially considered.

1.5 Fiber Reinforced Plastic

For fiber reinforced plastic hulls, keels and skegs are to have proportions as indicated in 3-2-6/Figure 11
and 3-2-6/Figure 12.

3 Keels

3.1 Bar Keels

Where bar keels are fitted the thickness and depth is not to be less than obtained from the following equations:
t = 0.625L + 12.5 mm t = 0.0075L + 0.50 in.
h = 1.46L + 100 mm h = 0.0175L + 4 in.
t = thickness, in mm (in.)
h = depth, in mm (in.)
L = length of craft, in m (ft), as defined in Section 3-1-1

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 7 Keels, Stems, Shaft Struts, and Propeller Nozzles 3-2-7

Thicknesses and depths other than given above are acceptable provided the section moduli and moments of
inertia about the transverse horizontal axis are not less than given above.

3.3 Plate Keels

The thickness of the steel plate keel throughout the length of the craft is to be not less than the bottom shell
required in Section 3-2-3.

5 Stems

5.1 Bar Stems

Where bar stems are fitted the thickness and depth is not to be less than obtained from the following equations:
t = 0.625L + 6.35 mm t = 0.0075L + 0.25 in.
w = 1.25L + 90 mm w = 0.015L + 3.5 in.
t = thickness, in mm (in.)
w = width, in mm (in.)
L = length of craft, in m (ft), as defined in Section 3-1-1/3
This thickness and width is to be maintained between the keel and design load waterline. Above the designed
load waterline they may be gradually reduced until the area at the head is 70% of that obtained from the
Thicknesses and widths other than given above are acceptable provided the section moduli and moments of
inertia about the longitudinal axis are not less than above. The thickness of the bar stem in general should
also not be less than twice the shell thickness.

5.3 Plate Stems

Where plate stems are used, they are not to be less in thickness than the bottom shell plating required in
3-2-3/1 and 3-2-3/3, where s is the frame spacing, or 610 mm (24 in.) if greater. Plate stems are to be suitably

7 Stern Frames
Craft that are fitted with stern frames, shoe pieces, rudder horns, and rudder gudgeons are to meet the applicable
requirements in Section 3-2-13 of the Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels.

9 Shaft Struts

9.1 General
Tail-shaft (propeller-shaft) struts where provided may be of the V or I type. The following equations are
for solid struts having streamline cross-sectional shapes. For struts other than ordinary strength steel see
3-2-7/1.3. For hollow section and non-streamlined struts, the equivalent cross sectional area, inertia, and section
modulus (major axis) are to be maintained. For a streamlined cross-section strut, the inertia about the
longitudinal axis is wt3/25 and the section modulus about the same axis is wt2/12.5. Generally each leg of a
“V” strut are to have similar cross section. Alternative methods for the determination of “V” strut
requirements can be found in Appendix 3-2-A3.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 7 Keels, Stems, Shaft Struts, and Propeller Nozzles 3-2-7

9.3 V Strut
9.3.1 Width
The width of each strut arm is not to be less than obtained from the following equation:
w = 2.27D
w = width of strut (major axis), in mm (in.)
D = required diameter of ABS Grade 2 tail shaft, in mm (in.). (see Section 4-3-1)
9.3.2 Thickness
The thickness of the strut is not to be less than obtained from the following equation:
t = 0.365D
t = thickness of strut (minor axis), in mm (in.)
D = required diameter of ABS Grade 2 tail shaft, in mm (in.)
Where the included angle is less than 45 degrees, the foregoing scantlings are to be specially

9.5 I Strut
9.5.1 Width
The width of the strut arm is not to be less than obtained from the following equation:
w1 = 3.22D
w1 = width of strut (major axis) in mm (in.)
D = diameter of tail shaft in mm (in.)
9.5.2 Thickness
The thickness of the strut is not to be less than obtained from the following equation:
t1 = 0.515D
t1 = thickness of strut (minor axis), in mm (in.)
D = diameter of tail shaft, in mm (in.)

9.7 Strut Length

The length of the longer leg of a V strut or the leg of an I strut, measured from the outside perimeter of the
strut barrel or boss to the outside of the shell plating, is not to exceed 10.6 times the diameter of the tail shaft.
Where this length is exceeded, the width and thickness of the strut are to be increased, and the strut design
will be given special consideration. Where strut length is less than 10.6 times required tailshaft diameter,
the section modulus of the strut may be reduced in proportion to the reduced length, provided the section
modulus is not less than 0.85 times Rule required section modulus.

9.9 Strut Barrel

The thickness of the strut barrel or boss is to be at least one-fifth the diameter of the tail shaft. The length
of the strut barrel or boss is to be adequate to accommodate the required length of propeller-end bearings.
Strut barrels constructed of aluminum are not subject to the corrections required by 3-2-7/1.3.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 7 Keels, Stems, Shaft Struts, and Propeller Nozzles 3-2-7

11 Propeller Nozzles

11.1 Application
The requirements in this section are applicable for propeller nozzles with inner diameter d of 5 meters
(16.4 feet) or less. Nozzles of larger inner diameter are subject to special consideration with all supporting
documents and calculations submitted for review.

11.3 Design Pressure

The design pressure of the nozzle is to be obtained from the following:
 N 
p d = 10 −6 ⋅ c ⋅ ε ⋅   N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
 Ap 
 
c = coefficient as indicated in 3-2-7/Table 1
ε = coefficient as indicated in 3-2-7/Table 2, but not to be taken less than 10
N = maximum shaft power, in kW (hp)
Ap = propeller disc area
= D2 , in m2 (ft2)
D = propeller diameter, in m (ft)

Coefficient c

Propeller Zone c
(see 3-2-7/Figure 1) pd in N/mm 2
pd in kgf/mm2 pd in psi
2 10.0 1.02 11.62 × 103
1&3 5.0 0.51 5.81 × 103
4 3.5 0.36 4.067 × 103

Coefficient ε
pd in N/mm2 pd in kgf/mm2 pd in psi
 N   N   N 
ε 21 − 2 × 10 − 2   21 − 2 × 10 − 2   21 − 16 × 10 − 2  
 Ap   Ap   Ap 
     

11.5 Nozzle Cylinder

11.5.1 Shell Plate Thickness
The thickness of the nozzle shell plating, in mm (in.), is not to be less than:
t = to + tc, but not to be taken less than 7.5 (0.3) mm (in.)

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 7 Keels, Stems, Shaft Struts, and Propeller Nozzles 3-2-7

to = thickness obtained from the following formula:

= cn ⋅ Sp ⋅ pd K n mm (in.)

cn = coefficient as indicated in 3-2-7/Table 3

Sp = spacing of ring webs, in mm (in.)

pd = nozzle design pressure, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi), as defined in 3-2-7/11.3

tc = corrosion allowance determined by 3-2-7/Table 4
Kn = nozzle material factor as defined in 3-2-8/1.3

Coefficient cn
pd in N/mm2 pd in kgf/mm2 pd in psi
cn 1.58 × 10-1 4.95 × 10-1 1.32 × 10-2

Corrosion Allowance tc
Value of to tc mm (in.)
If to ≤ 10.0 (0.4) 1.5 (0.06)
If to > 10.0 (0.4) the lesser of b1, b2
b1 = 3.0 (0.12) mm (in.)
 t   t 
b2 =  o
+ 5  × 10-1 mm or b2 =  o
+ 0.2  × 10-1 in.
 1/ K   1/ K 
 n   n 

11.5.2 Internal Diaphragm Thickness

Thickness of nozzle internal ring web is not to be less than the required nozzle shell plating for
Zone 3.

11.7 Nozzle Section Modulus

The minimum requirement for nozzle section modulus is obtained from the following formula:
SM = d2 b Vd2 Q n cm3 (in3)
d = nozzle inner diameter, in m (ft)
b = nozzle length, in m (ft)
Vd = design speed in ahead condition, in knots, as defined in 3-2-8/3.1

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 7 Keels, Stems, Shaft Struts, and Propeller Nozzles 3-2-7

Q = reduction factor conditional on material type

= 1.0 for ordinary strength steel
= 0.78 for H32 strength steel
= 0.72 for H36 strength steel
= 0.68 for H40 strength steel
Q factor for steel having yield strength other than above is to be specially considered
n = nozzle type coefficient taken equal to 0.7 (0.0012) for fixed nozzles

Propeller Nozzle Section View
Propeller disc
center plane
Zone 4

Zone 3 Zone 2 Zone 1

min. (b/8)

b = nozzle length
d = nozzle inner diameter
Zone 1 zone of nozzle inner skin from nozzle leading edge to the fore end of
Zone 2
Zone 2 zone of nozzle inner skin in way of propeller tips with two ring webs
within the zone; the length on each side of the propeller center plane is
not to be less than 1/8 of the nozzle length b
Zone 3 zone of nozzle inner and outer skin covering the tail vicinity, from aft
end of Zones 2 to the aft end of Zone 4
Zone 4 zone of nozzle outer skin from the leading edge to the fore end of Zone 3

11.9 Welding Requirement

The inner and outer nozzle shell plating is to be welded to the internal stiffening ring webs with double
continuous welds as far as practicable. Plug/slot welding is prohibited for the inner shell, but may be
accepted for the outer shell plating, provided that the nozzle ring web spacing is not greater than 350 mm
(13.8 in.)

PART Section 8: Rudders

CHAPTER 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements

SECTION 8 Rudders

1 General

1.1 Application
Requirements specified in this Section are applicable to:
i) Ordinary profile rudders described in 3-2-8/Table 1A with rudder operating angle range from –35°
to +35°.
ii) High-lift rudders described in 3-2-8/Table 1B, the rudder operating angle of which might be exceeding
35° on each side at maximum design speed.
Rudders not covered in 3-2-8/Table 1A nor in 3-2-8/Table 1B are subject to special consideration, provided
that all the required calculations are prepared and submitted for review in full compliance with the requirements
in this section.
Special consideration will be given to aluminum rudder stocks and fiber reinforced plastic rudders and
rudder stocks. Material specifications are to be listed on the plans.

1.3 Rudder and Rudder Stock Materials

Rudder stocks, pintles, coupling bolts, and keys are to be of material in accordance with the requirements
of Chapter 1 of the ABS Rules for Materials and Welding (Part 2). The Surveyor needs not witness material
tests for coupling bolts and keys. The surfaces of rudder stocks in way of exposed bearings are to be of
non-corrosive material.
Material factors of castings and forgings used for the shoe piece (Kg), horn (Kh), stock (Ks), bolts (Kb), coupling
flange (Kf), pintles (Kp), and nozzles (Kn) are to be obtained for their respective material from the following
K = (ny /Y )e
ny = 235 N/mm2 (24 kgf/mm2, 34000 psi)
Y = specified minimum yield strength of the material, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi), but is not
to be taken as greater than 0.7U or 450 N/mm2 (46 kgf/mm2, 65000 psi) whichever is
U = minimum tensile strength of material used, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
e = 1.0 for Y ≤ 235 N/mm2 (24 kgf/mm2, 34000 psi)
= 0.75 for Y > 235 N/mm2 (24 kgf/mm2, 34000 psi)
For craft receiving the OE notation as defined in 1-1-3/Table B, Y may be specially considered.

1.5 Expected Torque

The torque considered necessary to operate the rudder in accordance with 4-3-3/5.4) is to be indicated on
the submitted rudder or steering gear plan. See 4-3-3/1.5 and 3-2-8/5.7.
Note that this expected torque is not the design torque for rudder scantlings.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 8 Rudders 3-2-8

1.7 Rudder Stops

Strong and effective structural rudder stops are to be fitted. Where adequate positive mechanical stops are
provided within the steering gear in accordance with 4-3-3/5.1, structural stops will not be required.

3 Rudder Design Force

Rudder force, CR, upon which rudder scantlings are to be based, is to be obtained from equation described either
in Section 3-2-8/3.1 or Section 3-2-8/3.3 as applicable. Where for the ordinary rudders the rudder angle, φ,
exceeds 35°, the rudder force, CR, is to be increased by a factor of 1.74 sin (φ).

3.1 Rudder Blades without Cutouts

Where the rudder profile can be defined by a single quadrilateral, the rudder force is to be obtained from
the following equation.
CR = n kRkckAVR2 kN (tf, Ltf)
n = 0.132 (0.0135, 0.00123)
kR = (b2/At + 2)/3 but not taken more than 1.33
b = mean height of rudder area, in m (ft), as determined from 3-2-8/Figure 1
At = sum of rudder blade area, A, and the area of rudder post or rudder horn within the
extension of rudder profile, in m2 (ft2)
A = total projected area of rudder as illustrated in 3-2-8/Figure 1, in m2 (ft2)
For steering nozzles, A is not to be taken less than 1.35 times the projected area of the
kc = coefficient depending on rudder cross section as indicated in 3-2-8/Table 1A and 1B.
For cross section differing from those in 3-2-8/Table 1A and 1B, kc is subject to
special consideration.
k = coefficient as specified in 3-2-8/Table 2
VR = craft speed, in knots
= for ahead condition VR equals Vd or Vmin, whichever is greater
= for astern condition VR equals Va or 0.5Vd, or 0.5Vmin, whichever is greater
Vd = design speed in knots with the craft running ahead at the maximum continuous rated
shaft rpm and at the summer load waterline
Va = maximum astern speed in knots
Vmin = (Vd + 20)/3

3.3 Rudder Blades with Cutouts

This paragraph applies to rudders with cutouts (semi-spade rudders), such that the whole blade area cannot
be adequately defined by a single quadrilateral. See 3-2-8/Figure 2. Equations derived in this paragraph are
based on a cutout blade with two quadrilaterals. Where more quadrilaterals are needed to define the rudder
shape, similar rules apply.
The total rudder force described in 3-2-8/3.1 is applicable for rudders with cutout(s), with A being the
summation of sub-quadrilaterals that make up the whole area of the rudder blade. Rudder force distribution
over each quadrilateral is to be obtained from the following equations:
CR1 = CRA1/A kN (tf, Ltf)
CR2 = CRA2/A kN (tf, Ltf)

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 8 Rudders 3-2-8

CR and A are as defined in 3-2-8/3.1
A1 and A2 are as described in 3-2-8/Figure 2.

Coefficient kc for Ordinary Rudders
Profile Type
Ahead Condition Astern Condition
Single plate
1 1.0 1.0

2 GÖttingen
1.1 0.80

Flat side
3 1.1 0.90

(e.g., HSVA)
4 1.21 0.90

5 1.35 0.90

Coefficient kc for High-Lift/Performance Rudders
Profile Type
Ahead Condition Astern Condition
Fish tail
1 (e.g., Schilling high-lift
rudder) 1.4 0.8

Flap rudder
2 1.7 1.3

Rudder with steering nozzle

3 1.9 1.5

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 8 Rudders 3-2-8

Rudder Blade without Cutouts
z3 + z4 - z2 - z1
b= 2
z (vert)
Rudder Stock x3 + x2 - x1 - x4
c= 2

4 A (see 3-2-8/3.1)
Af (see 3-2-8/5.3)

b A

2 x (fwd)

Rudder Blade with Cutouts
z3 + z4 - z2 - z1
z (vert) Rudder Stock b= 2
Centerline x6 + x3 - x4 - x7
c 1= 2
x2 + x5 - x 1 - x 7
c 2= 2

A1 (see 3-2-8/3.3)
A2 (see 3-2-8/3.3)
A1f, A2f (see 3-2-8/5.5)

7 5


x (fwd)
1 2

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 8 Rudders 3-2-8

5 Rudder Design Torque

5.1 General
The rudder design torque, QR, for rudder scantling calculations is to be in accordance with 3-2-8/5.3 or
3-2-8/5.5 as applicable.

5.3 Rudder Blades without Cutouts

Rudder torque, QR, is to be determined from the following equation for both ahead and astern conditions.
QR = CRr kN-m (tf-m, Ltf-ft)
CR = rudder force as calculated in 3-2-8/3.1

r = c(α − k) (but not less than 0.1c for ahead condition)

c = mean breadth of rudder area, as shown in 3-2-8/Figure 1, in m (ft)
α = coefficient as indicated in 3-2-8/Table 3
k = Af /A
Af = area of rudder blade situated forward of the centerline of the rudder stock, in m2 (ft2),
as shown in 3-2-8/Figure 1
A = whole rudder area as described in 3-2-8/3.1

Coefficient k
Rudder/Propeller Layout k
Rudders outside propeller jet 0.8
Rudders behind a fixed
propeller nozzle
All others 1.0

Coefficient α

Rudder Position α
or High-lift Ahead Condition Astern Condition
Located behind a fixed
structure, such as a rudder 0.25 0.55
Located where no fixed
0.33 0.66
structure forward of it
High-Lift Rudders Special consideration
Special consideration
(see 3-2-8/Table 1B) (0.40 if unknown)

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 8 Rudders 3-2-8

5.5 Rudders Blades with Cutouts

This paragraph refers to rudder blades with cutouts (semi-spade rudders) as defined in 3-2-8/3.3. Equations
derived in this paragraph are based on a cutout blade with two quadrilaterals. Where more quadrilaterals
are needed to define the rudder shape, similar rules apply.
Total rudder torque, QR, in ahead and astern conditions is to be obtained from the following equation:
QR = CR1 r1 + CR2 r2 kN-m (tf-m, Ltf-ft)
but not to be taken less than QRmin in the ahead condition
QRmin = 0.1CR (A1c1 + A2c2)/A

r1 = c1(α − k1 ) m (ft)

r2 = c2(α − k2 ) m (ft)
c1, c2 = mean breadth of partial area A1, A2, from 3-2-8/Figure 2

α = coefficient as indicated in 3-2-8/Table 3

k1, k2 = A1f /A1, A2f /A2 where A1f, A2f = area of rudder blade situated forward of the centerline
of the rudder stock for each part of the rudder, as shown in 3-2-8/Figure 2
CR, CR1, CR2, A1, A2 are as defined in 3-2-8/3.3.

5.7 Trial Conditions

The above equations for QR are intended for the design of rudders and should not be directly compared
with the torques expected during the trial (see 3-2-8/1.5) or the rated torque of steering gear (see 4-3-3/5.4).

7 Rudder Stocks

7.1 Upper Rudder Stocks

The upper rudder stock is that part of the rudder stock above the neck bearing or above the top pintle, as

S = Nu 3 Q R K S mm (in.)

Nu = 42.0 (89.9, 2.39)
QR = rudder torque, as defined in 3-2-8/5, in kN-m (tf-m, Ltf-m)
Ks = material factor for upper rudder stock, as defined in 3-2-8/1.3

7.3 Lower Rudder Stocks

In determining lower rudder stock scantlings, values of rudder design force and torque calculated in 3-2-8/3
and 3-2-8/5 are to be used. Bending moments, shear forces, as well as the reaction forces are to be determined
from 3-2-8/7.7 and 3-2-8/13.5, and are to be submitted for review. For rudders supported by shoe pieces or
rudder horns, these structures are to be included in the calculation model to account for support of the
rudder body. Guidance for calculation of these values is given in Appendix 3-2-A1.
The lower rudder stock diameter is not to be less than obtained from the following equation:

S = S 6 1 + (4 / 3)( M/Q R ) 2 mm (in.)

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 8 Rudders 3-2-8

S = upper stock required diameter from 3-2-8/7.1, in mm (in.)
S = lower stock required diameter.
M = bending moment at the section of the rudder stock considered, in kN-m (tf-m, Ltf-ft)
QR = rudder torque from 3-2-8/5, in kN-m (tf-m, Ltf-ft)
Above the neck bearing a gradual transition is to be provided where there is a change in the diameter of the
rudder stock.
The equivalent stress of bending and torsion, σc to be assessed from the aforementioned direct calculation
in the transition is not to exceed 118 /K N/mm2 (12.0/K kgf/mm2, 17100/K lbs/in2).

σc = K σ b 2 + 3τ 2
K = material factor as defined in 3-2-8/1.3.

σb = 10.2M/ S 3

τt = 5.1QR/ S 3

7.5 Rudder Stock Sealing

i) In rudder trunks which are open to the sea, a seal or stuffing box is to be fitted above the deepest
load waterline, to prevent water from entering the steering gear compartment and the lubricant
from being washed away from the rudder carrier.
ii) Where the top of the rudder trunk is below the deepest waterline two separate stuffing boxes are to
be provided.

7.7 Bending Moments

The bending moment on the rudder and rudder stock may be determined in accordance with Appendix 3-2-A1
or in accordance with the following equations:
7.7.1 Spade Rudders
M n = C R n kN-m (Ltf-ft)

Ms = C R  c kN-m (Ltf-ft)
Mn = bending moment at neck bearing.
Ms = bending moment at section under consideration.
n = distance from center of neck bearing to the centroid of rudder area, m (ft)
c = distance from section under consideration to the centroid of rudder area, A1,
m (ft)
A1 = area below section under consideration, m2 (ft2)
CR and A are defined in 3-2-8/3.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 8 Rudders 3-2-8

7.7.2 Balanced Rudders with Shoepiece Support

The bending moment at the neck bearing may be taken as indicated below. Bending moments at
other locations are to be determined by direct calculation and are to be submitted. See Appendix
3-2-A1 for guidance in calculating bending moments.
Mn = NCRb kN-m (Ltf-ft)
Mn = bending moment at neck bearing
b = distance between center of neck bearing and center of shoepiece pintle bearing,
m (ft)
 α 
 0.5 + 1 
N =  8 
   I 
1 + α 1 1 + u b  
   b I u  

 3b I d
α1 =
 3s I b
Id = mean moment of inertia of shoepiece about the vertical axis, cm4 (in4)
s = distance between center of shoepiece pintle bearing and the effective support
point of the shoepiece in the hull, m (ft)
Ib = mean moment of inertia of the rudder, cm4 (in4), considering a width of rudder
plating twice the athwartship dimension of the rudder and excluding welded
or bolted cover plates for access to pintles, inc.
u = distance between center of the neck bearing and the center of the rudder carrier
bearing, m (ft)
Iu = mean moment of inertia of rudder stock, between neck bearing and rudder
carrier bearing, cm4, (in4)
CR is as defined in 3-2-8/3.

9 Flange Couplings

9.1 General
Rudder flange couplings are to comply with the following requirements:
i) Couplings are to be supported by an ample body of metal worked out from the rudder stock.
ii) The smallest distance from the edge of the bolt holes to the edge of the flange is not to be less than
two-thirds of the bolt diameter.
iii) Coupling bolts are to be fitted bolts.
iv) Suitable means are to be provided for locking the nuts in place.
In addition to the above, rudder flange couplings are to meet the type-specific requirements in 3-2-8/9.3
(horizontal couplings) or 3-2-8/9.5 (vertical couplings) as applicable.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 8 Rudders 3-2-8

9.3 Horizontal Couplings

9.3.1 Coupling Bolts
There are to be at least six coupling bolts in horizontal couplings, and the diameter, db, of each
bolt is not to be less than obtained by the following equation:

db = 0.62 d s3 K b /(nrK s ) mm (in.)

ds = required rudder stock diameter, S (3-2-8/7.1) or S (3-2-8/7.3) as applicable,
in way of the coupling
n = total number of bolts in the horizontal coupling
r = mean distance, in mm (in.), of the bolt axes from the center of the bolt system
Kb = material factor for bolts, as defined in 3-2-8/1.3
Ks = material factor for stock, as defined in 3-2-8/1.3

9.3.2 Coupling Flange

Coupling flange thickness is not to be less than the greater of the following equations:

tf = dbt K f /( K b ) mm (in.)

tf = 0.9dbt mm (in.)
dbt = calculated bolt diameter as per 3-2-8/9.3.1 based on a number of bolts not
exceeding 8
Kf = material factor for flange, as defined in 3-2-8/1.3
Kb = material factor of bolts, as defined in 3-2-8/1.3

9.5 Vertical Couplings

9.5.1 Coupling Bolts
There are to be at least eight coupling bolts in vertical couplings and the diameter, db, of each bolt
is not to be less than obtained from the following equation:

db = 0.81ds K b /(nK s ) mm (in.)

n = total number of bolts
ds, Kb, Ks are as defined in 3-2-8/9.3.
In addition, the first moment of area, m, of the bolts about the center of the coupling is not to be
less than given by the following equation:
m = 0.00043ds3 mm3 (in3)
ds = diameter as defined in 3-2-8/9.3

9.5.2 Coupling Flange

Coupling flange thickness, tf, is not to be less than db, as defined in 3-2-8/9.5.1.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 8 Rudders 3-2-8

11 Tapered Stock Couplings

11.1 Coupling Taper

Tapered stock couplings are to comply with the following general requirements in addition to type-specific
requirements given in 3-2-8/11.3 or 3-2-8/11.5 as applicable:
i) Tapered stocks, as shown in 3-2-8/Figure 3, are to be effectively secured to the rudder casting by a
nut on the end.
ii) Taper length () in the casting is generally not to be less than 1.5 times the stock diameter (do) at
the top of the rudder.
iii) The taper on diameter (c) is to be 1/12 to 1/8 for keyed taper couplings and 1/20 to 1/12 for
couplings with hydraulic mounting/dismounting arrangements, as shown in the following table.
iv) Where mounting with an oil injection and hydraulic nut, the push-up oil pressure and the push-up
length are to be specially considered upon submission of calculations.

do − du
Type of Coupling Assembly c=

Without hydraulic
1/12 ≤ c ≤ 1/8
With hydraulic
1/20 ≤ c ≤ 1/12

Tapered Couplings

do do
 ≥ do × 1.5

 ≥ do × 1.5

dg Flat Bar dg
dn d1

a) Keyed Fitting b) Keyless Fitting

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 8 Rudders 3-2-8

11.3 Keyed Fitting

Where the stock, it is to be fitted in accordance with the following:
i) The top of the keyway is to be located well below the top of the rudder.
ii) Torsional strength of the key equivalent to that of the required upper stock is to be provided.
iii) The effective shear area* of the key is not to be less than Ak, given below.

S3 Y
Ak = ⋅ S
5.1rmd YK
Ak = shear area of key; mm2 (in2)
S = required upper stock diameter; mm (in.); as determined by 3-2-8/7.1
rmd = offered radius of tapered stock at mid length of the bearing surface of the
key; mm (in.)
YS = specified minimum yield strength of keyway material; N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)

YK = specified minimum yield strength of key material; N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)

iv) In general, the key material is to be at least of equal strength to the keyway material. For keys of
higher strength materials, shear and bearing areas of keys and keyways may be based on the respective
material properties of the keys and the keyways, provided that compatibilities in mechanical
properties of both components are fully considered. In no case, is the bearing stress of the key on
the keyway to exceed 90% of the specified minimum yield strength of the keyway material.
* Note: The effective area is to be the gross area reduced by any area removed by saw cuts, set screw holes, chamfer, etc.,
and is to exclude the portion of the key in way of spooning of the key way.

11.5 Keyless Fitting

Hydraulic and shrink fit keyless couplings are to be fitted in accordance with the following:
i) Hydraulic pressure is to be specially considered upon submittal of detailed preloading stress
calculations and fitting instructions;
ii) The calculated torsional holding capacity is to be at least 2.0 times the transmitted torque based on
the steering gear relief valve setting;
iii) Preload stress is not to exceed 70% of the minimum yield strength of either the stock or the bore;
iv) Prior to applying hydraulic pressure, at least 75% of theoretical contact area of rudder stock and
rudder bore is to be achieved in an evenly distributed manner;
v) The upper edge of the upper main piece bore is to have a slight radius;
vi) The locking nut is to be fitted in accordance with 3-2-8/11.7.

11.7 Locking Nut

Dimensions of the securing nut, as shown in 3-2-8/Figure 3, are to be proportioned in accordance with the
following and the nut is to be fitted with an effective locking device.
Height hn ≥ 0.6 dg
Outer diameter of nut dn ≥ 1.2du or 1.5dg, whichever is greater
External thread diameter dg ≥ 0.65 do
In the case of a hydraulic pressure secured nut, a securing device such as a securing flat bar is to be provided.
Calculations proving the effectiveness of the securing device are to be submitted.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 8 Rudders 3-2-8

13 Pintles

13.1 General
i) Pintles are to be fitted in the gudgeons by conical attachment to the full extent of the gudgeon depth
ii) The depth of the pintle boss is not to be less than the required pintle diameter dp, and bearing length
is to between 1.0 and 1.2 times dp.
iii) The taper on the diameter is to be:
1/12 to 1/8 for keyed and other manually assembled pintles with locking nut.
1/20 to 1/12 for pintle mounted with oil injection and hydraulic nut.
iv) Threads and nuts are to be in accordance with 3-2-8/11.7.
v) For rudders on horns with two pintles, as shown in 3-2-13/Figure 3b of the Steel Vessel Rules,
calculations are to include pintle bearing forces with the craft running ahead at the maximum
continuous rated shaft rpm and at the lightest operating draft.
vi) The bearing allowable pressure is to be in accordance with 3-2-8/Table 6.

13.3 Diameter
The diameter of the pintles is not to be less than obtained from the following equation.

d p = k1 BK p mm (in.)

k1 = 11.1 (34.7, 1.38)
B = bearing force, in kN (tf, Ltf), from 3-2-8/13.5 but not to be taken less than Bmin as
specified in 3-2-8/Table 4
Kp = material factor for the pintle, as defined in 3-2-8/1.3

Minimum Bearing Force Bmin
Pintle Type Bmin
Conventional two pintle rudder 0.5 CR
3-2-A1/Figure 2 lower pintle 0.5 CR
3-2-A1/Figure 3 main pintle CRa/p*

3-2-13/Figure 3 of the Steel main pintle CRa/p*

Vessel Rules upper pintle 0.25 CR
* Bmin = CR where a/p ≥ 1

a, p as described in 3-2-13/Figure 3 of the Steel Vessel Rules

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 8 Rudders 3-2-8

13.5 Shear and Bearing Forces

The shear and bearing forces may be determined in accordance with Appendix 3-2-A1, or by the equations
given below.
13.5.1 Spade Rudder
Bearing force at rudder carrier: Pu = kN (tf, Ltf)
Bearing force at neck bearing: Pn = CR + Pu kN (tf, Ltf)
Shear force at neck bearing: Fn = CR kN (tf, Ltf)

where CR is as defined in 3-2-8/3 and u is as defined in 3-2-8/7.7.2.

13.5.2 Balanced Rudder with Shoepiece Support

Bearing force at rudder carrier: Pu = kN (tf, Ltf)

   C  
Bearing force at neck bearing: Pn = Pu 1 + u  + R  R +  p  kN (tf Ltf)
  b   b  2 
b = distance between the center of neck bearing support and the center of
shoepiece support, as shown in 3-2-A1/Figure 2
=  p +  r + 
p = distance between bottom of rudder blade and center of support of neck
 = distance between top of rudder blade and center of support of neck bearing
Bearing force at shoepiece: Pp = C R + P u – P n kN (tf, Ltf) but not less than 0.5CR
Shear force at neck bearing: Fn = Pn – Pu kN (tf, Ltf)
where CR is as defined in 3-2-8/3.

15 Supporting and Anti-Lifting Arrangements

15.1 Bearings
15.1.1 Bearing Surfaces
Bearing surfaces for rudder stocks, shafts and pintles are to meet the following requirements:
i) The length/diameter ratio (b/d) of the of bearing surface is not to be greater than 1.2*

ii) The projected area of the bearing surface (Ab = d b) is not to be less than Abmin,
d = outer diameter of the liner, in mm (in.)

b = bearing length, in mm (in.)

Abmin = k1 mm2 (in2)
k1 = 1000 (2240)

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 8 Rudders 3-2-8

P = bearing reaction force, in kN (tf, Ltf), as specified in 3-2-8/Table 5

pa = allowable surface pressure, as indicated in 3-2-8/Table 6 depending on bearing
material, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, lbs/in2)
* Request for bearing arrangement of length/diameter ratio greater than 1.2 is subject to special
consideration provided that calculations are submitted to show acceptable clearance at both ends of
the bearing.

15.1.2 Bearing Clearance

i) The clearance for metal bearings is not to be less than di /1000 + 1.0 mm (di /1000 + 0.04 in.)
on the diameter, where di is the inner diameter of the bushing, in mm (in.).
ii) The clearance for non-metallic bearings is to be specially determined considering the
material’s swelling and thermal expansion properties. This clearance in general is not to be
taken less than 1.5 mm (0.06 in.) on diameter*.
* Request of clearance less than 1.5 mm (0.06 in.) for non-metallic bearings is subject to special
considerations provided that documented evidence, such as manufacturer's recommendation on
acceptable clearance, expansion allowance and satisfactory service history with reduced clearances,
are submitted for review.
For spade rudders with a rudder stock diameter of 400 mm (15.75 in.) or less, the clearances on
the diameter are not to be less than given below:

Stock Diameter, mm (in.) Metallic Bushing, mm (in.) Synthetic Bushing (1), mm (in.)
400 (15.75) 1.15 (0.045) 1.15 (0.045) + E (2)
300 (11.81) 0.85 (0.033) 0.85 (0.033) + E
200 (7.87) 0.78 (0.031) 0.78 (0.031) + E
100 (3.94) 0.75 (0.030) 0.75 (0.030) + E

1 The bushing manufacturer’s recommended running clearance may be used as an alternative to
these clearances.
2 E = expansion allowance provided by bushing manufacturer, mm (in.).

15.1.3 Bearing Pressure

Bearing pressure is to be accordance with 3-2-8/Table 6.
15.1.4 Bearing Material
Where stainless steel or wear-resistant steel is used for liners or bearings, the material properties
including chemical composition of both components are to be submitted for review for an approved

Bearing Reaction Force
P, Bearing Reaction Force
Bearing Type kN (tf, Ltf)
Pintle bearings P = B as defined in 3-2-8/13
Other bearings Calculation of P is to be submitted.
Guidelines for calculation can be
found in Appendix 3-2-A1

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 8 Rudders 3-2-8

Allowable Bearing Surface Pressure
pa †
Bearing Material N/mm2 kgf/mm2 psi
lignum vitae 2.5 0.25 360
white metal, oil lubricated 4.5 0.46 650
Synthetic material with hardness between 60 and 70 Shore D* 5.5 0.56 800
Steel , bronze and hot-pressed bronze-graphite materials 7.0 0.71 1000

† Higher values than given in the table may be taken if they are verified by tests.
§ Stainless and wear-resistant steel in an approved combination with stock liner.
* Indentation hardness test at 23°C and with 50% moisture, according to a recognized standard.
Synthetic bearing materials to be of approved type.

15.3 Rudder Carrier

i) The weight of the rudder assembly is to be supported by a rudder carrier mounted on the hull
structure designed for that purpose.
ii) At least half of the rudder carrier’s holding-down bolts are to be fitted bolts. Alternative means of
preventing horizontal movement of the rudder carrier may be considered.
iii) Rudder carrier bearings are to comply with the requirements in 3-2-8/15.1.
iv) Hull structures in way of the rudder carrier are to be suitably strengthened.

15.5 Anti Lifting Devices

Means are to be provided to prevent accidental unshipping or undue movement of the rudder which may
cause damage to the steering gear. There are to be at least two bolts in the joint of the anti-lifting ring.

17 Double Plate Rudder

17.1 Strength
The section modulus and web area of the rudder mainpiece are to be such that the stresses indicated in the
following Subparagraphs are not exceeded.
In calculating the section modulus of the rudder, the effective width of side plating is to be taken as not
greater than twice the athwartship dimension of the rudder. Welded or bolted cover plates on access openings
to pintles are not to be considered effective in determining the section modulus of the rudder. Generous
radii are to be provided at abrupt changes in section where there are stress concentrations, including in way
of openings and cover plates.
Moments, shear forces and reaction forces are to be as given in 3-2-8/7.7 and 3-2-8/13.5.
17.1.1 Clear of Cut-outs
Bending stress σb = Kσ/Q N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)

Shear stress τ = Kτ/Q N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)

Equivalent stress σe = σ b 2 + 3τ 2 = Ke/Q N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 8 Rudders 3-2-8


SI units MKS units US units

Kσ 110 11.2 15,900
Kτ 50 5.1 7,300
Ke 120 12.2 17,400
Q = as defined in 3-2-1/1.1.1
17.1.2 In way of Cut-outs
Allowable stresses for determining the rudder strength in way of cutouts (see 3-2-8/Figure 4) are
as follows:
Bending stress σb = Kσ/Q N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)
Shear stress τ = Kτ/Q N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)

Equivalent stress σe = σ b 2 + 3τ 2 = Ke/Q N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)


SI units MKS units US units

Kσ 75 7.65 10,900
Kτ 50 5.1 7,300
Ke 100 10.2 14,500
Q = as defined in 3-2-1/1.1.1


In way of cutouts


r1 = corner radius of rudder plate in way of
portable bolted inspection hole
r2 = corner radius of rudder plate

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 8 Rudders 3-2-8

The mainpiece of the rudder is to be formed by the rudder side plating (but not more than the effective
width indicated above) and vertical diaphragms extending the length of the rudder or the extension of the
rudder stock or a combination of both.
For spade rudders, the section modulus at the bottom of the rudder is not to be less than one-third the
required section modulus of the rudder at the top of the rudder or at the center of the lowest pintle.
Where rudders have an unsymmetrical foil section (e.g., reaction rudder) details of the rudder are to be
Special attention is to be paid in design and construction of rudders with slender foil sections in the vicinity
of their trailing edge (e.g., hollow foil sections, fishtail foil sections). Where the width of the rudder blade
at the aftermost vertical diaphragm is equal or less than 1/6 of the trailing edge length measured between
the diaphragm and the trailing edge, vibration analysis of the rudder blade is also to be submitted for review.

17.3 Side, Top and Bottom Plating

The plating thickness is not to be less than obtained from the following equation:

t = 0.0055sβ k1 d + (k 2 C R / A) × Q + k3 mm (in.)

k1 = 1.0 (1.0, 0.305)
k2 = 0.1 (0.981, 10.7)
k3 = 2.5 (2.5, 0.1)
d = summer loadline draft of the craft, in m (ft)
CR = rudder force according to 3-2-8/3, in kN (tf, Ltf)

A = rudder area, in m2 (ft2)

s = smaller unsupported dimension of plating, in mm (in.)
b = greater unsupported dimension of plating, in mm (in.)

β = 1.1 − 0.5( s / b) 2 ; maximum 1.0 for b/s ≥ 2.5

Q = material factor for rudder plating, as defined in 3-2-1/1.1.1

The thickness of the rudder side or bottom plating is to be at least 2 mm (0.08 in.) greater than that required
by 3-2-3/1.3 with p obtained from 3-2-2/9.1, for which h is measured from the lower edge of the plate to
the design load waterline in displacement mode.

17.5 Diaphragm Plates

Vertical and horizontal diaphragms are to be fitted within the rudder, effectively attached to each other and
to the side plating. Vertical diaphragms are to be spaced approximately 1.5 times the spacing of horizontal
diaphragms. Openings are in general not to be more than 0.5 times the depth of the web.
The thickness of diaphragm plates is not to be less than 70% of the required rudder side plate thickness or
8 mm (0.31 in.) whichever is greater. Openings in diaphragms are not to exceed one half their depth.
Welding is to be in accordance with Section 2-4-1 of the ABS Rules for Materials and Welding (Part 2) and
Section 3-2-13 of these Rules. Where inaccessible for welding inside the rudder, it is recommended that
diaphragms be fitted with flat bars and the side plating be connected to these flat bars by continuous welds
or by 75 mm (3 in.) slot welds spaced at 150 mm (6 in.) centers. The slots are to be fillet welded around the
edge, and filled with a suitable compound.

17.7 Watertightness
The rudder is to be watertight and is to be tested in accordance with 3-7-1/Table 1.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 8 Rudders 3-2-8

19 Single Plate Rudders

19.1 Mainpiece Diameter

The mainpiece diameter is calculated according to 3-2-8/7.3. For spade rudders, the lower third may be
tapered down to 0.75 times stock diameter at the bottom of the rudder.

19.3 Blade Thickness

The blade thickness is not to be less than obtained from the following equation:
tb = 0.0015sVR + 2.5 mm tb = 0.0015sVR + 0.1 in.
s = spacing of stiffening arms, in mm (in.), not to exceed 1000 mm (39 in.)
VR = speed, as defined in 3-2-8/3.1

19.5 Arms
The thickness of the arms is not to be less than the blade thickness obtained in 3-2-8/19.3. The section
modulus of each set of arms about the axis of the rudder stock is not to be less than obtained from the following
SM = 0.0005 sC12V2 cm3 SM = 0.0000719 sC12V2 in3
C1 = horizontal distance from the aft edge of the rudder to the centerline of the rudder
stock, in m (ft)
Q = as defined in 3-2-1/1.1.1
s, VR are defined in 3-2-8/19.3.

21 Shelled Rudder Blades

Rudder blades that are constructed out of cast resilient polymers or filled FRP shells are to have a solid
metallic core that complies with the requirements for single plate rudders, see 3-2-8/11.

PART Section 9: Protection of Deck Openings

CHAPTER 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements

SECTION 9 Protection of Deck Openings

1 General
All openings in decks are to be framed to provide efficient support and attachment for the ends of the deck
beams. The proposed arrangement and details for all hatchways are to be submitted for approval.

3 Position of Deck Openings

For the purpose of these Rules, two positions of deck openings are defined as follows:
Position 1 Upon exposed main and raised quarter decks, and upon exposed superstructure decks situated
forward of a point located a quarter of the craft length from the forward perpendicular.
Position 2 Upon exposed superstructure decks situated abaft a quarter of the craft length from the
forward perpendicular.

5 Hatchway Coamings, Companionway Sills and Access Sills

5.1 Coaming and Sill Heights

The heights above deck of the coamings, the sills of companionways and access openings, are to be not
less than given in 3-2-9/Table 1. Where hatch covers are substantially constructed and made tight by means
of gaskets and clamping devices, these heights may be reduced, or the coamings omitted entirely, provided
that the safety of the craft is not thereby impaired in any sea conditions. Sealing arrangements are to be
weathertight if coaming is fitted, and watertight for flush covers.

Coamings and Sill Heights
L equal to or over 24 meters (79 feet) in length
Position 1 Position 2
Hatch Coamings 600 mm (23.5 in.) 450 mm (17.5 in.)
Companionway Sills 600 mm (23.5 in.) 380 mm (15 in.)
Access Sills 380 mm (15 in.) 380 mm (15 in.)
L under 24 meters (79 feet) in length
Position 1 Position 2
Hatch Coamings and Companionways 450 mm (17.5 in.) 300 mm (12 in.)
Access Sills 380 mm (15 in.) 300 mm (12 in.)

Note: For craft with L < 24 m, the coaming/sill height should be as indicated above.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 9 Protection of Deck Openings 3-2-9

7 Enclosed Superstructures
To be considered enclosed, superstructures are to meet the following requirements. Superstructures with
openings which do not fully comply with these requirements are to be considered as open superstructures.
See also 3-2-11/3.7.

7.1 Closing Appliances

All openings in the bulkheads of enclosed superstructures are to be provided with efficient means of closing,
so that in any sea conditions water will not penetrate the craft. Opening and closing appliances are to be
framed and stiffened so that the whole structure, when closed, is equivalent to the unpierced bulkhead.
Doors for access openings into enclosed superstructures are to be of steel or other approved material,
permanently and strongly attached to the bulkhead. The doors are to be provided with gaskets and clamping
devices, or other equivalent arrangements, permanently attached to the bulkhead or to the doors themselves,
and the doors are to be so arranged that they can be operated from both sides of the bulkhead. The construction
of the doors is to be as required in 3-2-5/1.13.
Portlights and windows in the end bulkheads of enclosed superstructures are to be of substantial construction
and provided with efficient inside deadlights, as required in 3-2-11/5.
The location and means of the closing appliances for windows are to be in accordance with 3-2-11/7.

7.3 Sills of Access Openings

Except as otherwise provided in these Rules, the height of the sills of access openings in bulkheads at the
ends of enclosed superstructures is to be at least 380 mm (15 in.) above the deck. See 3-2-9/Table 1 for
required sill heights.

7.5 Means of Access

Superstructures are not to be regarded as enclosed unless access is provided for the crew to reach machinery
and other working spaces inside these superstructures by alternate means which are available at all times
when bulkhead openings are closed.

9 Hatchways Closed by Covers of Steel and Fitted with Gaskets and

Clamping Devices

9.1 Strength of Covers

The maximum allowable stress and deflection under design load, w, and the minimum top plate thickness
are as follows:
Maximum allowable stress 0.235σu
Maximum allowable deflection 0.0028s
Top plate thickness 0.01s, but not less than 6.0 mm (0.24 in.)
Position 1
w = 0.097L + 7.45 kN/m2
w = 0.0099L + 0.76 tf/m2
w = 0.61L + 158.0 lbf/ft2
Position 2
w = 0.0709L + 5.65 kN/m2
w = 0.00725L + 0.576 tf/m2
w = 0.450L + 118.5 lbf/ft2

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 9 Protection of Deck Openings 3-2-9

w = design load, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, lbf/ft2)
L = length of craft, in m (ft), as defined in Section 3-1-1, but is not to be taken less than
24 m (79 ft).
s = stiffener spacing, in mm (in.)
σu = minimum ultimate tensile strength, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi)

9.3 Means for Securing Weathertightness

The means for securing and maintaining weathertightness is to be such that the tightness can be maintained
in any sea condition. The covers are to be hose tested in position under a water pressure of at least 2.1 bar
(2.1 kgf/cm2, 30 psi) at the time of installation.

9.5 Flush Hatch Covers

Where flush hatch covers are fitted on the freeboard deck within the forward one-fourth length, and the
craft is operating with low freeboard (e.g., assigned a freeboard less than Type-B under the International
Convention on Load Lines 1966), the assumed loads on flush hatch covers are to be increased 15% over
that indicated in 3-2-9/9.1.

11 Hatchways Closed by Portable Covers in Lower Decks or within

Fully Enclosed Superstructures

11.1 General
The following scantlings are intended for conventional type covers. Those for covers of special types are to
be specially considered.

11.3 Steel Covers

The thickness of the plating for steel covers is not to be less than required for lower decks as obtained from
3-2-3/1. A stiffening bar is to be fitted around the edges as required to provide the necessary rigidity to
permit the covers being handled without deformation. The effective depth of the framework is normally to
be not less than 4% of its unsupported length. The stiffeners, in association with the plating to which they
are attached, are to have section modulus, SM, as determined by the following equation:
SM = 7.8hs2 cm3 SM = 0.0041hs2 in3
h = tween-deck height, in m (ft)
s = spacing of the stiffeners, in m (ft)
 = length of the stiffener, in m (ft)

11.5 Wheel Loading

Where provision is to be made for the operation and stowage of vehicles having rubber tires, the thickness
of the hatch cover plating is to be in accordance with 3-2-3/1.9.

13 Hatchways Closed by Covers of Materials Other Than Steel

Hatch covers constructed of materials other than steel will be specially considered.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 9 Protection of Deck Openings 3-2-9

15 Small Hatches on the Exposed Fore Deck

15.1 Application
This subsection is applicable to craft with length L (as defined in 3-1-1/3) not less than 80 meters
(263 feet).
The requirements of this subsection apply to all small hatches [opening normally 2.5 square meters (27 ft2)
or less] located on the exposed fore deck within the forward 0.25L, where the deck in way of the hatch is
less than 0.1L or 22 m (72.2 ft) above the summer load line, whichever is less.
Hatches designed for emergency escape need not comply with 3-2-9/15.5i), 3-2-9/15.5ii), the third paragraph
of 3-2-9/15.7 and 3-2-9/15.9.

15.3 Strength
For small rectangular steel hatch covers, the plate thickness, stiffener arrangement and scantlings are to be
in accordance with 3-2-9/Table 2 and 3-2-9/Figure 1. Stiffeners, where fitted, are to be aligned with the
metal-to-metal contact points required in 3-2-9/15.7. See also 3-2-9/Figure 1. Primary stiffeners are to be
continuous. All stiffeners are to be welded to the inner edge stiffener, see 3-2-9/Figure 2.
The upper edge of the hatchway coaming is to be suitably reinforced by a horizontal section, normally not
more than 170 to 190 mm (6.9 to 7.5 in.) from the upper edge of the coaming.
For small hatch covers of circular or similar shape, the cover plate thickness and reinforcement is to provide
strength and stiffness equivalent to the requirements for small rectangular hatches.
For small hatch covers constructed of materials other than steel, the required scantlings are to provide strength
and stiffness equivalent to 235 N/mm2 (24 kgf/mm2, 34 psi) yield strength steel.

15.5 Primary Securing Devices

The primary securing devices are to be such that their hatch covers can be secured in place and made
weather-tight by means of a mechanism employing any one of the following methods:
i) Butterfly nuts tightening onto forks (clamps), or
ii) Quick acting cleats, or
iii) A central locking device.
Dogs (twist tightening handles) with wedges are not acceptable.

15.7 Requirements for Primary Securing

The hatch cover is to be fitted with a gasket of elastic material. This is to be designed to allow a metal-to-
metal contact at a designed compression and to prevent over compression of the gasket by green sea forces
that may cause the securing devices to be loosened or dislodged. The metal-to-metal contacts are to be
arranged close to each securing device in accordance with 3-2-9/Figure 1, and of sufficient capacity to
withstand the bearing force.
The primary securing method is to be designed and manufactured such that the designed compression pressure
is achieved by one person without the need of any tools.
For a primary securing method using butterfly nuts, the forks (clamps) are to be of robust design. They are
to be designed to minimize the risk of butterfly nuts being dislodged while in use; by means of curving the
forks upward and a raised surface on the free end, or a similar method. The plate thickness of unstiffened
steel forks is not to be less than 16 mm. An example arrangement is shown in 3-2-9/Figure 2.
For small hatch covers located on the exposed deck forward of the fore-most cargo hatch, the hinges are to
be fitted such that the predominant direction of green sea will cause the cover to close, which means that
the hinges are normally to be located on the fore edge.
On small hatches located between the main hatches, for example between Nos. 1 and 2, the hinges are to
be placed on the fore edge or outboard edge, whichever is practicable for protection from green water in
beam sea and bow quartering conditions.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 9 Protection of Deck Openings 3-2-9

15.9 Secondary Devices

Small hatches on the fore deck are to be fitted with an independent secondary securing device e.g., by
means of a sliding bolt, a hasp or a backing bar of slack fit, which is capable of keeping the hatch cover in
place, even in the event that the primary securing device became loosened or dislodged. It is to be fitted on
the side opposite to the hatch cover hinges.

Scantlings for Small Steel Hatch Covers on the Fore Deck
Nominal Size Cover Plate Thickness Primary Stiffeners Secondary Stiffeners
(mm × mm) (mm) Flat Bar (mm × mm); number
630 × 630 8 --- ---
630 × 830 8 100 × 8; 1 ---
830 × 630 8 100 × 8; 1 ---
830 × 830 8 100 × 10; 1 ---
1030 × 1030 8 120 × 12; 1 80 × 8; 2
1330 × 1330 8 150 × 12; 2 100 × 10; 2

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 9 Protection of Deck Openings 3-2-9

Arrangement of Stiffeners

Nominal size 630 × 630 Nominal size 630 × 830

Nominal size 830 × 830 Nominal size 830 × 630

Nominal size 1030 × 1030 Nominal size 1330 × 1330

Hinge Primary stiffener

Securing device/metal to metal contact Secondary stiffener

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 9 Protection of Deck Openings 3-2-9

Example of Primary Securing Method

5 (min. 16 mm)
1 6


φ20 8
4 11

1: butterfly nut (Note: Dimensions in millimeters)

2: bolt
3: pin
4: center of pin
5: fork (clamp) plate
6: hatch cover
7: gasket
8: hatch coaming
9: bearing pad welded on the bracket of a toggle bolt for metal to metal contact
10: stiffener
11: inner edge stiffener

17 Hatchways within Open Superstructures

Hatchways within open superstructures are to be considered as exposed.

19 Hatchways within Deckhouses

Hatchways within deckhouses are to have coamings and closing arrangements as required in relation to the
protection afforded by the deckhouse from the standpoint of its construction and the means provided for
the closing of all openings into the house.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 9 Protection of Deck Openings 3-2-9

21 Machinery Casings

21.1 Arrangement
Machinery-space openings in Position 1 or 2 are to be framed and efficiently enclosed by casings of ample
strength, and wherever practicable, those in main decks are to be within superstructures or deckhouses. Casings
are to be of material similar to that of the surrounding structure. Openings in exposed casings are to be fitted
with doors complying with the requirements of 3-2-9/7.1; the sills are to be in accordance with 3-2-9/5.1
for companionways. Other openings in such casings are to be fitted with equivalent covers, permanently
attached. Stiffeners are to be spaced at not more than 760 mm (30 in.)

21.3 Scantlings
The scantlings of exposed casings are to be similar to those obtained for superstructures and deckhouses in
accordance with the applicable requirements of Sections 3-2-2, 3-2-3 and 3-2-4.
The scantlings of casings within enclosed superstructures or deckhouses will be specially considered.

23 Miscellaneous Openings in Freeboard and Superstructure Decks

23.1 Manholes and Scuttles

Manholes and flush scuttles in Position 1 or 2 within superstructures other than enclosed superstructures
are to be closed by substantial covers capable of being made watertight. Unless secured by closely spaced
bolts, the covers are to be permanently attached.

23.3 Other Openings

Openings in freeboard decks other than hatchways, machinery-space openings, manholes and flush scuttles
are to be protected by an enclosed superstructure, or by a deckhouse or companionway of equivalent strength
and weathertightness. Any such opening in an exposed superstructure deck or in the top of a deckhouse on
the main deck which gives access to a space below the main deck or a space within an enclosed superstructure is
to be protected by an efficient deckhouse or companionway. Doorways in such deckhouses or companionways
are to be fitted with doors complying with the requirements given in 3-2-9/7.1.

23.5 Escape Openings (1 July 2012)

i) The closing appliances of escape openings are to be of a type that is operable from each side.
ii) The maximum force needed to open the hatch cover is not to exceed 150 N (15.3 kgf, 33.7 lbf).
iii) The use of a spring equalizing, counterbalance or other suitable device on the hinge side to reduce
the force needed for opening is acceptable.

23.7 Chain Pipe Opening (1 July 2012)

For craft with length L (as defined in 3-1-1/3) greater than 24 meters (79 feet), chain pipes through which
anchor cables are led are to be provided with permanently attached closing appliances to minimize ingress
of water. A canvas cover with appropriate lashing arrangement will be acceptable* for this purpose.
Cement and wire mesh arrangement is not permitted.
The arrangement on craft that are not subject to the International Convention on Load Lines or its Protocol
may be specially considered.
* Note: Examples of acceptable arrangements are such as:
i) Steel plates with cutouts to accommodate chain links or
ii) Canvas hoods with a lashing arrangement that maintains the cover in the secured position.

PART Section 10: Protection of Shell Openings

CHAPTER 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements

SECTION 10 Protection of Shell Openings

1 Cargo, Gangway, or Fueling Ports

1.1 Construction
Cargo, gangway, or fueling ports in the sides of craft are to be strongly constructed and capable of being
made thoroughly watertight. Where frames are cut in way of such ports, web frames are to be fitted on the
sides of the openings, and suitable arrangements are to be provided for the support of the beams over the
openings. Thick shell plates or doublers are to be fitted as required to compensate for the openings. The
corners of the openings are to be well rounded. Waterway angles and scuppers are to be provided on the decks
in way of ports in cargo spaces below the freeboard deck or in cargo spaces within enclosed superstructures to
prevent the spread of any leakage water over the decks.
Indicators showing whether the ports in the side shell below the freeboard or superstructure deck are secured
closed or open are to be provided on the navigation bridge.

1.3 Location
The lower edges of cargo, gangway, or fueling-port openings are not to be below a line parallel to the main
deck at side having as its lowest point the designed load waterline or upper edge of the uppermost load line.

3 Bow Doors, Inner Doors, Side Shell Doors and Stern Doors

3.1 General
Where steel bow doors of the visor or side-opening type are fitted leading to complete or long forward
enclosed superstructure, bow doors and inner doors are to meet the requirements of this section. Hull
supporting structure in way of the bow doors is to be able to withstand the loads imposed by the bow doors
securing and supporting devices without exceeding the allowable stresses for those devices, both given in
this section. Special consideration will be given to bow doors constructed of materials other than steel.

3.3 Arrangement
3.3.1 General
As far as practicable, bow doors and inner doors are to be arranged so as to preclude the possibility
of the bow door causing structural damage to the inner door or to the collision bulkhead in the
case of damage to or detachment of the bow door.
3.3.2 Bow Doors
Bow doors are to be situated above the main deck except that where a watertight recess fitted for
arrangement of ramps or other related mechanical devices is located forward of the collision
bulkhead and above the deepest waterline, the bow doors may be situated above the recess.
3.3.3 Inner Doors
An inner door is to be fitted in the extension of the collision bulkhead required by 3-2-5/1.3. A
vehicle ramp made watertight and conforming to 3-2-5/1.3 in the closed position may be accepted
for this purpose.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 10 Protection of Shell Openings 3-2-10

3.3.4 Side Shell and Stern Doors

Stern doors for passenger craft are to be situated above the freeboard deck. Stern doors for ro-ro
cargo craft and all side shell doors need not be situated above the freeboard deck.

5 Securing, Locking and Supporting of Doors

5.1 Definitions
5.1.1 Securing Device
A device used to keep the door closed by preventing it from rotating about its hinges or its pivoted
attachments to the craft.
5.1.2 Supporting Device
A device used to transmit external or internal loads from the door to a securing device and from
the securing device to the craft’s structure, or a device other than a securing device, such as a
hinge, stopper or other fixed device, that transmits loads from the door to the craft’s structure.
5.1.3 Locking Device
A device that locks a securing device in the closed position.

7 Securing and Supporting Devices

7.1 General
Securing and supporting devices are to be arranged in accordance with this subsection, and are to have
scantlings as required by 3-2-10/13.9, 3-2-10/15.5 or 3-2-10/17.9, as appropriate.

7.3 Bow Doors

Means are to be provided to prevent lateral or vertical movement of the bow doors when closed. Means are
also to be provided for mechanically fixing the door in the open position.
Means of securing and supporting the door are to maintain equivalent strength and stiffness of the adjacent
7.3.1 Clearance and Packing
The maximum design clearance between the door and securing/supporting devices is not to exceed
3 mm (0.12 in.). Where packing is fitted, it is to be of a comparatively soft type and the supporting
forces are to be carried by the steel structure only.
7.3.2 Visor Door Arrangement
The pivot arrangement is to be such that the visor is self-closing under external loads. The closing
moment, My, as defined in 3-2-10/19.5.1 is not to be less than Myo as given by the following equation:

Myo = Wc + 0.1 a 2 + b 2 Fx2 + Fz2

where W, a, b, c, Fx and Fz are as defined in 3-2-10/19.

In addition, the arrangement of the door is to be such that the reaction forces of pin or wedge supports
at the base of the door does not act in the forward direction when the door is loaded in accordance
with 3-2-10/19.5.4.

7.5 Side Shell and Stern Doors

Means are to be provided to prevent lateral or vertical movement of the side shell or stern doors when closed.
Means are also to be provided for mechanically fixing the doors in the open position.
The means of securing and supporting the doors are to have strength and stiffness equivalent to the adjacent
Clearance and packing for side shell and stern doors are to be in accordance with 3-2-10/7.3.1.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 10 Protection of Shell Openings 3-2-10

9 Securing and Locking Arrangement

9.1 General
Securing devices are to be provided with a mechanical locking arrangement (self-locking or separate
arrangement), or are to be of the gravity type.

9.3 Operation
Securing devices are to be simple to operate and readily accessible. The opening and closing systems as
well as the securing and locking devices are to be interlocked in such a way that they can only operate in
the proper sequence.
9.3.1 Hydraulic Securing Devices
Where hydraulic securing devices are applied, the system is to be mechanically lockable in the
closed position. In the event of a loss of hydraulic fluid, the securing devices are to remain locked.
The hydraulic system for securing and locking devices is to be isolated from other hydraulic circuits
when in the closed position.
9.3.2 Remote Control
Where bow doors and inner doors give access to a vehicle deck, an arrangement for remote control
from a position above the freeboard deck is to be provided allowing closing and opening of the
doors and associated securing and locking of the securing and locking devices for every door. The
operating panels for operation of doors are to be accessible to authorized persons only. A notice
plate giving instructions to the effect that all securing devices are to be closed and locked before
leaving harbor is to be placed at each operating panel and is to be supplemented by warning
indicator lights as indicated in 3-2-10/9.5.1.

9.5 Indication/Monitoring
9.5.1 Indicators
The indicator system is to be designed on the fail safe principle and in accordance with the following:
9.5.1(a) Location and Type. Separate indicator lights are to be provided on the navigation bridge to
show that the bow door and inner door are closed and that their locking devices are properly positioned.
The indication panel on the navigation bridge is to be equipped with a mode selection function
“harbor/sea voyage”, arranged so that an audible and visible alarm is given if in the sea voyage
condition, the bow door or inner door is not closed, or any of the securing devices is not in the correct
Indication of the open/closed position of every door and every securing and locking device is to be
provided at the operating panels.
9.5.1(b) Indicator lights. Indicator lights are to be designed so that they cannot be manually turned
off. The indication panel is to be provided with a lamp test function.
9.5.1(c) Power Supply. The power supply for the indicator system is to be independent of the
power supply for operating and closing the doors.
9.5.1(d) Protection of Sensors. Sensors are to be protected from water, ice formation and mechanical
9.5.2 Water Leakage Protection
A drainage system is to be arranged in the area between the bow door and ramp and in the area
between the ramp and inner door where fitted. The system is to be equipped with an audible alarm
function to the navigation bridge for water level in these areas exceeding 0.5 m (1.6 ft) above the
car deck level.
A water leakage detection system with audible alarm and television surveillance are to be arranged
to provide an indication to the navigation bridge and to the engine control room of leakage through
the inner door.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 10 Protection of Shell Openings 3-2-10

9.5.3 Door Surveillance

Between the bow door and the inner door a television surveillance system is to be fitted with a
monitor on the navigation bridge and in the engine control room. The system is to monitor the
position of doors and a sufficient number of their securing devices.

11 Tightness

11.1 Bow Doors

Bow doors are to be so fitted as to ensure tightness consistent with operational conditions and to give
effective protection to the inner doors.

11.3 Inner Doors

Inner doors forming part of the extension of the collision bulkhead are to be weathertight over the full
height of the cargo space and arranged with fixed sealing supports on the aft side of the doors.

11.5 Side Shell and Stern Doors

Side shell doors and stern doors are to be so fitted as to ensure watertightness.

13 Bow Door Scantlings

13.1 General
Bow doors are to be framed and stiffened so that the whole structure is equivalent to the unpierced bulkhead
when closed.

13.3 Primary Structure

Scantlings of primary members are to be designed so that the allowable stresses indicated in 3-2-10/25.1
are not exceeded when the structure is subjected to the design loads indicated in 3-2-10/19.1. Unless the
ends of the primary members are effectively fixed-ended, the member is to be considered simply supported.

13.5 Secondary Stiffeners

Secondary stiffeners are to be supported by primary members constituting the main stiffening of the door.
The section modulus, SM, of secondary stiffeners is to be as required by 3-2-4/1.3. In addition, stiffener
webs are to have a net sectional area not less than that obtained from the following equation:
A = VQ/10 cm2 (A = VQ cm2, A = VQ/6.5 in2)
V = shear force, in kN (tf, Ltf), in the stiffener calculated using the uniformly distributed
external pressure Peb given in 3-2-10/19.1
Q = as defined in 3-2-1/1.1.1

13.7 Plating
The thickness of bow door plating is to be not less than that required for side shell plating at the same location.

13.9 Securing and Supporting Devices

Scantlings of securing and supporting devices are to be designed so that the allowable stresses indicated in
3-2-10/25.1 are not exceeded when the structure is subjected to the design loads indicated in 3-2-10/19.3.
All load transmitting elements in the design load path from the door through securing and supporting
devices into the craft structure, including welded connections, are to meet the strength standards required
for securing and supporting devices. Where fitted, threaded bolts are not to carry support forces, and the
maximum tensile stress in way of the threads is not to exceed the allowable stress given in 3-2-10/25.5.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 10 Protection of Shell Openings 3-2-10

In determining the required scantlings, the door is to be assumed to be a rigid body. Only those active
supporting and securing devices having an effective stiffness in the relevant direction are to be included
and considered when calculating the reaction forces on the devices. Small or flexible devices such as cleats
intended to provide load compression of the packing material are not to be included in the calculations.
13.9.1 Bearing Pressure
The bearing pressure on steel to steel bearings is to be calculated by dividing the design force by
the projected bearing area, and is not to exceed the allowable stress given in 3-2-10/25.3.
13.9.2 Redundancy
In addition to the above requirements, the arrangement of the securing and supporting devices is to
be designed with redundancy such that in the event of failure of any single securing or supporting
device, the stresses in the remaining devices do not exceed the allowable stresses indicated in
3-2-10/25.1 by more than 20% under the above loads.
13.9.3 Visor Door Securing and Supporting Devices
Securing and supporting devices, excluding the hinges, are to be capable of resisting the vertical design
force given in 3-2-10/19.5.3 without stresses exceeding the allowable stresses in 3-2-10/25.1.
Two securing devices are to be provided at the lower part of the door, each capable of providing
the full reaction force required to prevent opening of the door without stresses exceeding the allowable
stresses indicated in 3-2-10/25.1. The opening moment, Mo, to be balanced by this force is as given
in 3-2-10/19.5.2.
13.9.4 Side-opening Door Thrust Bearing
A thrust bearing is to be provided in way of girder ends at the closing of the two doors, and is to
prevent one door from shifting towards the other one under the effect of unsymmetrical pressure.
Securing devices are to be fitted to secure sections thrust bearing to one another.

13.11 Visor Door Lifting Arms and Supports

Where visor type bow doors are fitted, calculations are to be submitted verifying that lifting arms and their
connections to the door and craft structure are adequate to withstand the static and dynamic forces applied
during the lifting and lowering operations under a wind pressure of at least 1.5 kN/m2 (0.15 tf/m2, 0.014 Ltf/ft2)

15 Inner Door Scantlings

15.1 General
Scantlings of inner doors are to meet the requirements of this Subsection. In addition, where inner doors
are used as vehicle ramps, scantlings are not to be less than required for vehicle decks.

15.3 Primary Structure

Scantlings of primary members are to be designed so that the allowable stresses indicated in 3-2-10/25.1
are not exceeded when the structure is subjected to the design loads indicated in 3-2-10/21.1.

15.5 Securing and Supporting Devices

Scantlings of securing and supporting devices are to be designed so that the allowable stresses indicated in
3-2-10/25.1 are not exceeded when the structure is subjected to the design loads indicated in 3-2-10/21.
Where fitted, threaded bolts are not to carry support forces, and the maximum tensile stress in way of the
threads is not to exceed the allowable stress given in 3-2-10/25.5.
The bearing pressure on steel to steel bearings is to be calculated by dividing the design force by the
projected bearing area, and is not to exceed the allowable stress given in 3-2-10/25.3.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 10 Protection of Shell Openings 3-2-10

17 Side Shell Door and Stern Door Scantlings

17.1 General
Scantlings of side shell doors or stern doors are to meet the requirements of this subsection. The doors are
to be framed and stiffened so that the whole structure is equivalent to the intact side or stern structure when
closed. In addition, where the doors are used as vehicle ramps, scantlings are not to be less than required
for vehicle decks in Sections 3-2-3 and 3-2-4.

17.3 Primary Structure

Scantlings of primary members are to be designed so that the allowable stresses indicated in 3-2-10/25.1
are not exceeded when the structure is subjected to the design loads indicated in 3-2-10/23. The primary
members are to be considered simply supported at their support points unless the end connections are effetely

17.5 Secondary Stiffeners

Secondary stiffeners are to be supported by primary members constituting the main stiffening of the door.
The section modulus, SM, of secondary stiffeners is to be not less than required by Section 3-2-4 for
frames in the same location. In addition, the net sectional area of stiffener webs is to be in accordance with
3-2-10/13.5, using the external pressure, pe, given in 3-2-10/23.

17.7 Plating
The thickness of side or stern door plating is to be not less than that required for side shell plating at the
same location.

17.9 Securing and Supporting Devices

Scantlings of securing and supporting devices are to be designed so that the allowable stresses indicated in
3-2-10/25.1 are not exceeded when the structure is subjected to the design loads indicated in 3-2-10/23. All
load-transmitting elements in the design load path from the door through securing and supporting devices
into the craft structure, including welded connections, are to meet the strength standards required for securing
and supporting devices. Where fitted, threaded bolts are not to carry support forces, and the maximum
tensile stress in way of the threads is not to exceed the allowable stress given in 3-2-10/25.5.
In determining the required scantlings, the door is to be assumed to be a rigid body. Only those active
supporting and securing devices having an effective stiffness in the relevant direction are to be included
and considered when calculating the reaction forces on the devices. Small or flexible devices such as cleats
intended to provide compression load on the packing material are not to be included in the calculations.
17.9.1 Bearing Pressure
The bearing pressure on steel to steel bearings is to be calculated by dividing the design force by
the projected bearing area, and is not to exceed the allowable stress given in 3-2-10/25.3.
17.9.2 Redundancy
In addition to the above requirements, the arrangement of the securing and supporting devices is to
be designed with redundancy such that in the event of a failure of any single securing or supporting
device, the stresses in the remaining devices do not exceed the allowable stresses indicated in
3-2-10/25.1 by more than 20% under the above loads.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 10 Protection of Shell Openings 3-2-10

19 Bow Door Design Loads

19.1 External Pressure

The design external pressure, Peb, is to be taken as indicated by the following equation.

Peb = nc (0.22 + 0.15 tan β) (0.4Vd sin α + 0.6 kL 1 )2 kN/m2 ( tf/m2, Ltf/ft2)

n = 2.75 (0.280, 0.0256)
c = 0.0125L for craft having L < 80 m (260 ft)
= 1.0 for other craft
L = length of craft as defined in 3-1-1/3, in m (ft)
β = flare angle at the point to be considered, defined as the angle between a vertical line
and the tangent to the side shell plating measured in a vertical plane normal to the
horizontal tangent to the shell plating. See 3-2-10/Figure 1.
α = entry angle at the point to be considered, defined as the angle between a longitudinal
line parallel to the centerline and the tangent to the shell plating in a horizontal plane.
See 3-2-10/Figure 1.
k = 1.0 (1.0, 0.305)
Vd = craft design speed as defined in 3-2-8/3.1

Entry and Flare Angles



Section B - B


Section A - A

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 10 Protection of Shell Openings 3-2-10

19.3 External Forces

The design external forces considered in determining scantlings of securing and supporting devices of bow
doors are not to be taken less than those given by the following equations:
Fx = PemAx
Fy = PemAy
Fz = PemAz
Fx = design external force in the longitudinal direction, in kN (tf, Ltf)
Fy = design external force in the horizontal direction, in kN (tf, Ltf)
Fz = design external force in the vertical direction, in kN (tf, Ltf)
Ax = area, in m2 (ft2), of the transverse vertical projection of the door between the levels of
the bottom of the door and the upper deck or between the bottom of the door and the
top of the door, whichever is less.
Ay = area, in m2 (ft2), of the longitudinal vertical projection of the door between the levels
of the bottom of the door and the upper deck or between the bottom of the door and
the top of the door, whichever is less.
Az = area, in m2 (ft2), of the horizontal projection of the door between the levels of the
bottom of the door and the upper deck or between the bottom of the door and the top
of the door, whichever is less.
Pem = bow door pressure, Peb, determined using αm and βm in place of α and β.
βm = flare angle measured at a point on the bow door /2 aft of the stem line on a plane h/2
above the bottom of the door, as shown in 3-2-10/Figure 2.
αm = entry angle measured at the same point as βm. See 3-2-10/Figure 2.
h = height, in m (ft), of the door between the levels of the bottom of the door and the upper
deck or between the bottom of the door and the top of the door, whichever is less.
 = length, in m (ft), of the door at a height of h/2 above the bottom of the door.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 10 Protection of Shell Openings 3-2-10

Definition of αm and βm

 /2 /2




Section B - B


Section A - A

19.5 Visor Door Forces, Moments and Load Cases

19.5.1 Closing Moment
For visor doors, the closing moment, My, is to be taken as indicated by the following equation:

My = Fxa + Wc − Fzb kN-m (tf-m, Ltf-ft)

W = weight of the visor door, in kN (tf, Ltf)
a = vertical distance, in m (ft), from the visor pivot to the centroid of the
transverse vertical projected area of the visor door. See 3-2-10/Figure 3.
b = horizontal distance, in m (ft), from visor pivot to the centroid of the
horizontal projected area of the visor door. See 3-2-10/Figure 3.
c = horizontal distance, in m (ft), from the visor pivot to the center of gravity of
the visor. See 3-2-10/Figure 3.
Fx and Fz are as defined in 3-2-10/19.3.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 10 Protection of Shell Openings 3-2-10

Visor Type Bow Door


W d

Ay Ax

Elevation Front View


Plan View

19.5.2 Opening Moment

The opening moment, Mo, is to be taken as indicated by the following equation:
Mo = Wd + 5Axa kN-m (Wd + 0.5Axa tf-m, Wd + 0.047Axa Ltf-ft)
d = vertical distance, in m (ft), from the hinge axis to the center of gravity of the door
W, Ax and a are as indicated above.

19.5.3 Vertical Design Force

The vertical design force is to be taken as Fz – W, where Fz is as defined in 3-2-10/19.3 and W is
as defined in 3-2-10/19.5.1.
19.5.4 Combined Load Case 1
The visor doors are to be evaluated under a load of Fx, Fz and W acting simultaneously with Fx and
Fz acting at the centroid of their respective projected areas.
19.5.5 Combined Load Case 2
The visor doors are to be evaluated under a load of 0.7Fy acting on each side separately together
with 0.7Fx, 0.7Fz and W. Fx, Fy and Fz are to be taken as acting at the centroid of their respective
projected areas.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 10 Protection of Shell Openings 3-2-10

19.7 Side-Opening Door Load Cases

19.7.1 Combined Load Case 1
Side opening doors are to be evaluated under a load of Fx, Fy, Fz and W acting simultaneously with
Fx, Fy and Fz acting at the centroid of their respective projected areas.
19.7.2 Combined Load Case 2
Side opening doors are to be evaluated under a load of 0.7Fx, 0.7Fz and W acting on both doors
simultaneously and 0.7Fy acting on each door separately.

21 Inner Door Design Loads

21.1 External Pressure

The design external pressure is to be taken as the greater of Pei or Ph as given by the following equations:

Pei = 0.45L1 kN/m2 (0.046L1 tf/m2 , 0.00128L1 Ltf/ft2)

Ph = 10h kN/m2 (1.0h tf/m2, 0.029h Ltf/ft2 )
L1 = as defined in 3-1-1/3.
h = the distance, in m (ft), from the load point to the top of the cargo space.

21.3 Internal Pressure

The design internal pressure, Pi, is to be taken as not less than 25 kN/m2 (2.5 tf/m2, 0.23 Ltf/ft2).

23 Side Shell and Stern Doors

23.1 Design Forces for Primary Members

The design force, in kN (tf, Ltf), for primary members is to be the greater of the following:
External force: Fe = A pe
Internal force: Fi = Fo + W

23.3 Design Forces for Securing or Supporting Devices of Doors Opening Inwards
The design force, in kN (tf, Ltf), for securing or supporting devices of doors opening inwards is to be the
greater of the following:
External force: Fe = A pe + Fp
Internal force: Fi = Fo + W

23.5 Design Forces for Securing or Supporting Devices of Doors Opening Outwards
The design force, in kN (tf, Ltf), for securing or supporting devices of doors opening outwards is to be the
greater of the following:
External force: Fe = A p e
Internal force: Fi = Fo + W + Fp
A = area, in m2 (ft2), of the door opening
W = weight of the door, in kN (tf, Ltf)

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 10 Protection of Shell Openings 3-2-10

Fp = total packing force, in kN (tf, Ltf). Packing line pressure is normally not to be taken
less than 5.0 N/mm (0.51 kg/mm, 28.6 lbf/in).
Fo = the greater of Fc and kA, in kN (tf, Ltf)
k = 5 (0.51, 0.047)
Fc = accidental force, in kN (tf, Ltf), due to loose cargo, etc., to be uniformly distributed
over the area A and not to be taken less than 300 kN (30.6 tf, 30.1 Ltf). For small
doors such as bunker doors and pilot doors, the value of Fc may be appropriately
reduced. However, the value of Fc may be taken as zero provided an additional
structure such as an inner ramp is fitted which is capable of protecting the door
from accidental forces due to loose cargoes.
pe = external design pressure, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), determined at the center of gravity
of the door opening and not taken less than:
pe = k1 for ZG ≥ d

pe = k2 (d − ZG) + k1 for ZG < d

Moreover, for craft fitted with bow doors, pe for stern doors is not to be taken less than:

pe = nc(0.8 + 0.6(k3L)0.5)2
For craft fitted with bow doors and operating in restricted service, the value of pe for
stern doors will be specially considered.
k1 = 25.0 (2.55, 0.233)
k2 = 10.0 (1.02, 0.0284)
d = draft, in m (ft), as defined in 3-1-1/9
ZG = height of the center of area of the door, in m (ft), above the baseline.
n = 0.605 (0.0616, 0.00563)
k3 = 1.0 (1.0, 0.305)
c = 0.0125L for L < 80 m (262 ft)
= 1 for L ≥ 80 m (262 ft)
L = length of craft, in m (ft), as defined in 3-1-1/3, but need not be taken as greater than
200 m (656 ft).

25 Allowable Stresses

25.1 Primary Structure and Securing and Supporting Devices

The following stresses are not to be exceeded under the loads indicated above:
Shear Stress: τ = 80/Q N/mm2 ( 8.2/Q kgf/mm2, 11600/Q psi)
Bending Stress: σ = 120/Q N/mm2 (12.2/Q kgf/mm2, 17400/Q psi)

Equivalent Stress: ( σ 2 + 3τ 2 ): σe = 150/Q N/mm2 (15.3/Q kgf/mm2, 21770/Q psi)

where Q is defined in 3-2-1/1.1.1.

25.3 Steel Securing and Supporting Devices Bearing Stress

For steel to steel bearings in securing and supporting devices, the nominal bearing pressure is not to exceed
0.8σf, where σf is the yield stress of the bearing material.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 10 Protection of Shell Openings 3-2-10

25.5 Tensile Stress on Threaded Bolts

The tensile stress in threaded bolts is not to exceed 125/Q N/mm2 (12.7/Q kgf/mm2, 18,000/Q psi).

27 Operating and Maintenance Manual

The following information is to be submitted for review:

27.1 Manual
An operating and maintenance manual for the bow door and inner door is to be provided on board and is to
contain at least the following:
• Main particulars and design drawings
• Service conditions (e.g., service area)
• Restrictions, acceptable clearances for supports
• Maintenance and function testing
• Register of inspections and repairs

27.3 Operating Procedures

Documented operating procedures for closing and securing the bow door and inner door are to be kept on
board and posted at an appropriate location.

PART Section 11: Bulwarks, Rails, Ports, Portlights, Windows, Ventilators, Tank Vents and Overflows

CHAPTER 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements

SECTION 11 Bulwarks, Rails, Ports, Portlights, Windows,

Ventilators, Tank Vents and Overflows

1 Bulwarks and Guard Rails

Bulwarks or guard rails or a combination of both, are in general to be provided on periphery of exposed
decks, and on exposed tops of superstructures and deckhouses.
Where the flag administration has specific requirements for bulwarks and guardrails they may be accepted
provided they are not less effective.
For vessels less than 24 meters (79 ft) in length, may be special considered.

1.1 Location and Heights

Bulwarks or guardrails are also to be provided on the exposed side of any platform surface that is greater
than 600 mm (24 in.) or higher above the adjacent surface.
The height of bulwarks and guard rails on exposed freeboard and superstructure decks is to be at least 1 m
(39.5 in.). Where this height would interfere with the normal service or operation of a craft, a lesser height
may be approved if adequate protection is provided. Where approval of a lesser height is requested,
justifying information is to be submitted, such as arrangements provided to prevent personnel going over
the guard rails or bulwarks.

1.3 Strength of Bulwarks

Bulwarks are to be of ample strength for their height and location, suitably stiffened at the top, and if necessary
at the bottom, and supported by efficient stays or brackets.
Stays or brackets on the main weather deck are to be spaced not more than 1.83 m (6.0 ft).
Openings in bulwarks are to be smooth-edged, with well-rounded corners.

1.5 Guard Rails

Fixed, removable or hinged stanchions are to be fitted at approximately 1.5 m (5 ft) apart.
Removable or hinged stanchions are to be capable of being locked in the upright position.
At least every third stanchion is to be supported by a bracket or stay. Dimensions and arrangement
of stanchion and stays are to be as shown in 3-2-11/Figure 1. Where this arrangement would
interfere with the safe traffic of persons on board, the following alternative arrangements of
stanchions may be acceptable:
i) At least every third stanchion is to be of increased breadth, kbs = 2.9bs at the attachment
of stanchion to the deck, or,
ii) At least every second stanchion is to be of increased breadth, kbs = 2.4bs at the attachment
of stanchion to the deck, or,

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 11 Bulwarks, Rails, Ports, Portlights, Windows, Ventilators, Tank Vents and Overflows 3-2-11

iii) Every stanchion is to be of increased breadth, kbs = 1.9bs at the attachment of stanchion to
the deck.
where, bs is not to be taken as less than 60 mm (2.36 in.) (see 3-2-11/Figure 2). The
thickness of the flat bar stanchions is not to be less than 15 mm (0.59 in.).
For any of the above arrangements i), ii) or iii), the following details are to be complied with:
iv) Flat steel stanchion required by i), ii) or iii) above is to be aligned with supporting
member below the deck unless the deck plating thickness exceeds 20 mm (0.79 in.)
v) The underdeck supporting member of the stanchion is to be a minimum of 100 × 12 mm
(4.0 × 0.5 in.) flat bar welded to deck by double continuous fillet weld, with minimum leg
size of 7.0 mm (5/16 in.) or equivalent in terms of moment of inertia (see 3-2-11/Figure 2).

Guardrail Stanchion
** Top Rail = 42.4 mm outside diameter pipe with 2.6 mm minimum wall thickness (or
pipes having an equivalent section modulus)
* = 20 mm solid round bar or 26.9 mm outside diameter pipe with 2.3 mm minimum wall
thickness (or pipes having an equivalent section modulus)

Max. spacing = 1500 mm (5 ft)

60 mm × 15 mm F.B.
1000 min.
500 mm

230 max.


Standard stanchion, rail, and stay sizes.

(Stay to be provided at every third stanchion)

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 11 Bulwarks, Rails, Ports, Portlights, Windows, Ventilators, Tank Vents and Overflows 3-2-11

Guardrail Stanchion


500 (Min.)


The clear opening below the lowest course is not to exceed 230 mm (9 in.). Where a foot-stop is
installed at the deck level the clear opening below the lowest course may be measured from the
top of the foot-stop. The clear distances between the lowest and the middle courses, as well as the
middle and the upper courses are not to exceed 380 mm (15 in.).
The distance between the lower rail and the top of the sheerstrake is not to exceed 230 mm (9 in.).
For vessels with rounded gunwales, stanchions are to be placed on the flat of the deck.

1.7 Guard Rail Scantling Correction

When aluminum guard rails are used, calculate an equivalent section modulus to the standard shown in
3-2-11/Figure 1, using the below formula.
SMal = 0.9Q0SMs
SMal = minimum section modulus of aluminum guardrail
SMs = offered section modulus of guardrail as shown in 3-2-11/Figure 1
Q = material factor, as determined from 3-2-11/1.7.1
Q0 = material factor, as determined from 3-2-11/1.7.1

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 11 Bulwarks, Rails, Ports, Portlights, Windows, Ventilators, Tank Vents and Overflows 3-2-11

1.7.1 Material Factors

The material factor, Q, is obtained from the following equation:
Q = 0.9 + (120/Yal) SI Units
Q = 0.9 + (12/Yal) MKS Units
Q = 0.9 + (17000/Yal) U.S. Units
but is not to be taken as less than Q0 below.
The material factor, Q0, is obtained from the following equation:
Q0 = 635/(σy +σu) SI Units
Q0 = 65/(σy +σu) MKS Units
Q0 = 92000/(σy +σu) U.S. Units
Yal = minimum yield strength of the welded aluminum alloy under consideration at
2% offset in a 254 mm (10 in.) gauge length, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi), in
accordance with the requirements of the table below
σu = minimum ultimate strength of the welded aluminum alloy under
consideration, in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi), in accordance with the table below
σy = minimum yield strength of the welded aluminum alloy under consideration,
in N/mm2 (kgf/mm2, psi), in accordance with the table below

1.9 Life Lines

Life lines, where fitted, are to be a minimum of 9.5 mm (0.375 in.) in diameter, 7 × 19 construction, and
made of stainless steel wire rope. They are to have a stainless steel turnbuckle at one end and a stainless
steel screw pin shackle at the other.

3 Freeing Ports

3.1 Basic Area for Craft More Than 24 meters (79 feet) in Length
Where bulwarks on freeboard decks form wells, ample provision is to be made for rapidly freeing the decks
of water and for draining them. The minimum freeing-port area on each side of the craft for each well 20 m
(66 ft.) or less in length is to be obtained from the following equation:
A = 0.7 + 0.035 m2 A = 7.6 + 0.115 ft2
Where the bulwark length exceeds 20 m (66 ft):
A = 0.07 m2 A = 0.23 ft2
A = freeing-port, area in m2 (ft2)
 = bulwark length, in m (ft), but need not exceed 0.7L.
The minimum area for each well on superstructure decks is to be one half of the area obtained from the
above equations.
If a bulwark is more than 1.2 m (3.9 ft) in height, the freeing-port area is to be increased by 0.004 m2 per
meter (0.04 ft2 per foot) of length of well for each 0.1 m (1 ft) difference in height. If a bulwark is less than
0.9 m (3 ft) in height, the freeing-port area may be decreased by the same ratio. Where sheer is less than
standard, the percentage is to be obtained by interpolation.

3.3 Basic Area for Craft Less Than 24 meters (79 feet) in Length
Freeing ports may comply with the requirements of a recognized standard acceptable to ABS in lieu of the
requirements stated in 3-2-11/3.1. Examples of acceptable standards are given below:
• ABYC, Section H-4 Cockpits and Scuppers

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 11 Bulwarks, Rails, Ports, Portlights, Windows, Ventilators, Tank Vents and Overflows 3-2-11

3.5 Trunks, Deckhouses and Hatchway Coamings

Where a craft is fitted with a trunk on the freeboard deck, and open rails are not fitted in way of the trunk
for at least one-half its length, or where continuous or substantially continuous hatchway side coamings are
fitted or long deckhouse exist between detached superstructures, the minimum area of freeing-port openings
is to be obtained from the following table:

Breadth of Trunk, Deckhouse or Hatchway Area of Freeing Ports

in Relation to Breadth of Craft in Relation to Total Area of Bulwarks
40% or less 20%
75% or more 10%

The area of freeing ports at intermediate breadths is to be obtained by linear interpolation.

3.7 Superstructure Decks

Where bulwarks on superstructure decks form wells, the bulwarks are to comply with 3-2-11/3.1 except
that the minimum freeing-port area on each side of the craft for each well is to be one-half of the area
obtained in 3-2-11/3.1 and 3-2-11/3.3.

3.9 Open Superstructures

In craft having superstructures that are open at either end or both ends, adequate provisions for freeing the
spaces within such superstructures are to be provided; the arrangements will be subject to special approval.

3.11 Details of Freeing Ports

The lower edges of the freeing ports are to be as near the deck as practicable. Two-thirds of the required
freeing-port area is to be provided in the half of the well nearest the lowest point of the sheer curve.
Freeing-port openings are to be protected by rails or bars in such a manner that the maximum clear vertical
or horizontal space is 230 mm (9 in.). Where shutters are fitted, ample clearance is to be provided to prevent
them from jamming. Hinges are to have pins and bearings of corrosion resistant material and in general,
the hinges are to be located at the top of the shutter. If the shutters are equipped with securing appliances,
the appliances are to be of approved construction.

5 Portlights

5.1 Location
No portlight is to be fitted in a position with its sill below a line drawn parallel to the freeboard deck at side
and having its lowest point less than 0.025B above the maximum load waterline or 500 mm (19.5 in.),
whichever is greater. In addition, portlights are not to be fitted in spaces which are used for the carriage of cargo.

5.3 Construction
Portlights fitted below the main weather deck or in superstructure and house side plating are to be of substantial
construction and provided with steel, aluminum or other approved material inside deadlights, permanently
attached and arranged to be capable of being closed and secured watertight. Except in way of the machinery
space, portlights may be of the hinged opening type, with hinge pins of noncorrosive material. Where vessels
are subject to damaged stability requirements of 3-3-1/3.3, portlights found to be situated below a final damage
equilibrium waterline are to be of the non-opening type. Portlight frames are to be of steel or other approved
material and are to be attached to the hull by through bolts or equivalent. Lower edges of portlights are not to be
below a line parallel to the main weather deck at side having its lowest point at a distance above the design
waterline either 2.5% of the craft breadth or 500 mm (19.5 in.) whichever is greater.
For craft limited in service range and weather conditions and not receiving a Load Line Certificate,
consideration will be given to the omission of deadlights depending on the type and thickness of the portlight.
The thickness of portlights of tempered or toughened monolithic safety glass is to be not less than given in
3-2-11/Table 1. Consideration will also be given to laminated glass, acrylic and polycarbonate glazing materials
based upon equivalent flexural strength and stiffness. See 3-2-11/Table 3 for glazing mechanical properties.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 11 Bulwarks, Rails, Ports, Portlights, Windows, Ventilators, Tank Vents and Overflows 3-2-11

In addition to the above, where the craft is assigned a load line in accordance with the International
Convention on Load Lines, 1966 (as amended), portlights and deadlights are to meet the requirements of
Regulation 23 of the Convention.

5.5 Testing
All portlights are to be hose tested in position under a water pressure of at least 2 bar (2 kgf/cm2, 30 lb/in2)
The flexural strength of the glass is to be verified by compliance with the proof load in ISO 614.

Thickness of Tempered or Toughened Monolithic Glass Portlights
a Rounded Portlights
Limited Service
Location Craft
Side Shell below main
0.050d 0.040d
weather deck
Superstructure or deckhouse
0.033d 0.033d
on main weather deck
Deckhouse above main
0.025d 0.025d
weather deck
1 d is taken as the diameter between inner edges of the portlight frame in mm (in).
2 For calculations of required thickness on limited service craft, d is not to be taken
less than 250 mm (10 in.)

b Rectangular Portlights
Location General Limited Service Craft
Side shell below main weather deck 0.091s k 0.073 s k

Superstructures or deckhouses on main weather deck 0.060 s k 0.060 s k

Deckhouses above main weather deck 0.045 s k 0.045 s k

Note: k is to be taken from 3-2-11/Table 2; s is the short panel dimension and  is the long
window dimension

7 Windows

7.1 Construction
Windows are defined as being rectangular openings generally, or oval, openings with an area exceeding
0.16 m2 (1.72 ft2).
Windows to spaces within enclosed superstructure and deckhouses are to be fitted with strong steel,
aluminum or other approved material, storm shutters. Windows are not to be fitted below the freeboard
deck. Windows are not to be fitted in the first tier end bulkheads or sides of enclosed superstructures.
Windows are not to be fitted in first tier deckhouses considered buoyant in the stability calculations or
protecting openings leading below. Window frames are to be of steel or other approved material and are to
be attached by through bolts or equivalent.
Windows on the second tier above the freeboard deck may not require deadlights depending upon the
arrangement of the craft. Window frames are to be metal or other approval material, and effectively
secured to the adjacent structure. Windows are to have a minimum of a 1/4" radius at all corners. The
glazing is to be set into the frames in a suitable, approved packing or compound. Special consideration to
be given to angled house fronts.
For externally fitted storm covers an arrangement for safe and easy access is to be provided.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 11 Bulwarks, Rails, Ports, Portlights, Windows, Ventilators, Tank Vents and Overflows 3-2-11

For craft limited in service range and weather conditions and not receiving a Load Line Certificate,
consideration will be given to the omission of deadlights depending on the location, type and thickness of
the windows.
In addition to the above, where the craft is assigned a load line in accordance with the International
Convention on Load Lines, 1966 (as amended), windows and storm shutters are to meet the requirements
of Regulation 23 of the Convention.
The thickness of the window is not to be less than that obtained from 3-2-11/7.1.1, 3-2-11/7.1.2 or 3-2-11/7.1.3
below, whichever is greater.
 pk   pk 
t = s  mm t = s  in.
 1000σ   σ 
 a   a 

 pk1   pk1 
t = s 3  mm t = s 3  in.
 20E   0.02 E 
   

7.1.3 Minimum Tempered Monolithic Glass Thicknesses:

t = 9.5 mm (0.37 in.) for front windows
t = 6.5 mm (0.25 in.) for side and end windows.
t = required window thickness, in mm (in.)
s = lesser dimension of window, in mm (in.)
p = pressure head for window location as determined by 3-2-2/7
k = factor given in 3-2-11/Table 2
k1 = factor given in 3-2-11/Table 2
σa = 0.30σf
σf = material flexural strength; see 3-2-11/Table 3
E = material flexural modulus; see 3-2-11/Table 3

/s k k1
>5 0.750 0.142
5 0.748 0.142
4 0.741 0.140
3 0.713 0.134
2 0.610 0.111
1.8 0.569 0.102
1.6 0.517 0.091
1.4 0.435 0.077
1.2 0.376 0.062
1 0.287 0.044
Note: s = lesser dimension of window panel, in mm (in.)
 = greater dimension of window panel, in mm (in.)
Intermediate values may be determined by linear interpolation.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 11 Bulwarks, Rails, Ports, Portlights, Windows, Ventilators, Tank Vents and Overflows 3-2-11

Flexural Flexural
Glazing Strength Modulus
Tempered 119 MPa 73,000 MPa
Monolithic (17,200 psi) (10,600,000 psi)
Laminated Glass 69 MPa 2,620 MPa
(10,000 psi) (380,000 psi)
Polycarbonate* 93 MPa 2,345 MPa
(13,500 psi) (340,000 psi)
Acrylic 110 MPa 3,000 MPa
(PMMA)* (16,000 psi) (435,000 psi)
* Special considerations will be made with regards to design,
manufacture and testing of glass specimens.

7.3 Testing
All windows are to be hose tested in position under a water pressure of at least 2 bar (2 kgf/cm2, 30 lb/in2)
The flexural strength of the glass is to be verified by compliance with the proof load in ISO 614.

9 Ventilators, Tank Vents and Overflows

9.1 General
Ventilators are to comply with the requirements of 3-2-11/9.3. Tank vents and overflows are to comply with the
requirements in 3-2-11/9.5. In addition, for those located on the fore deck of craft with length L (as defined in
3-1-1/3) not less than 80 meters (263 feet), the requirements given in 3-2-11/9.7 are to be complied with.

9.3 Ventilators
9.3.1 Coaming Construction
Ventilators on exposed freeboard decks, superstructure decks, or deckhouses are to have coamings
of steel or equivalent material. Coaming plate thicknesses for steel are to be obtained from the
following equation:
t = 0.01d + 5.5 mm t = 0.01d + 0.22 in.
t = thickness of coaming, in mm (in.)
d = diameter of ventilator, in mm (in.), but not less than 200 mm (7.5 in.)
The maximum steel coaming plate thickness required is 10 mm (0.40 in.). The coamings are to be
effectively secured to the deck. Coamings which are more than 900 mm (35.5 in.) high and which
are not supported by adjacent structures are to have additional strength and attachment. Ventilators
passing through superstructures other than enclosed superstructures are to have substantially
constructed coamings of steel or equivalent material at the freeboard deck. Coaming plate thickness
of material other than steel will be specially considered.
9.3.2 Coaming Height
Ventilators in Position 1 are to have coamings at least 900 mm (35.5 in.) high. Ventilators in
Position 2 are to have coamings at least 760 mm (30 in.) high. For definitions of Position 1 and
Position 2, see 3-2-9/3.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 11 Bulwarks, Rails, Ports, Portlights, Windows, Ventilators, Tank Vents and Overflows 3-2-11

9.3.3 Means for Closing Ventilators

Except as provided below, ventilator openings are to be provided with efficient, permanently attached
closing appliances. In craft measuring 24 m (79 ft) or more in length (as defined in the International
Convention on Load Lines, 1966), ventilators in Position 1, the coamings of which extend to more
than 4.5 m (14.8 ft) above the deck and in Position 2, the coamings of which extend to more than
2.3 m (7.5 ft) above the deck, need not be fitted with closing arrangements.
These coaming height requirements may be modified in craft measuring less than 24 m (79 ft) in

9.5 Tank Vents and Overflows

Tank vents and overflows are to be in accordance with the requirements of 4-4-3/9.1 and 4-4-3/11 of these
Rules and, where applicable, the requirements given below in 3-2-11/9.7.

9.7 Ventilators, Tank Vents and Overflows on the Fore Deck

9.7.1 Application
The requirements of this paragraph applies to all ventilators, tank vents and overflows located on
the exposed fore deck within the forward 0.25L on craft with length L (as defined in 3-1-1/3) not
less than 80 meters (263 feet) and where the height of the exposed deck in way of the item is less
than 0.1L or 22 meters (72 ft) above the summer load waterline, whichever is the lesser.
9.7.2 Applied Loading to the Air Pipes and Ventilators
9.7.2(a) Pressure. The pressures p, in kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2), acting on air pipes, ventilator pipes
and their closing devices, may be calculated from:
p = f ρ V2 Cd Cs Cp kN/m2 (tf/m2, Ltf/ft2)
f = 0.5 (0.05, 0.0156)
ρ = density of sea water, 1.025 t/m3 (1.025 t/m3, 0.0286 Lt/ft3)
V = velocity of water over the fore deck, 13.5 m/sec (44.3 ft/sec)
Cd = shape coefficient
= 0.5 for pipes
= 1.3 for pipes or ventilator heads in general
= 0.8 for pipes or ventilator heads of cylindrical form with its axis in the
vertical direction
Cs = slamming coefficient, 3.2
Cp = protection coefficient:
= 0.7 for pipes and ventilator heads located immediately behind a
breakwater or forecastle
= 1.0 elsewhere including immediately behind a bulwark
9.7.2(b) Force. Forces acting in the horizontal direction on the pipe and its closing device may
be calculated from the above pressure using the largest projected area of each component.
9.7.3 Strength Requirements for Ventilators, Tank Vents and Overflows and their Closing Devices
9.7.3(a) Bending Moment and Stress. Bending moments and stresses in air pipes and ventilator pipes
are to be calculated at critical positions: at penetration pieces, at weld or flange connections, at toes
of supporting brackets. Bending stresses in the net section are not to exceed 0.8Y, where Y is the
specified minimum yield stress or 0.2% proof stress of the steel at room temperature. Irrespective
of corrosion protection, a corrosion addition to the net section of 2.0 mm (0.08 in.) is then to be

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 11 Bulwarks, Rails, Ports, Portlights, Windows, Ventilators, Tank Vents and Overflows 3-2-11

9.7.3(b) Tank Vents and Overflows

i) For standard tank vents and overflows of 760 mm (30 in.) height closed by heads of not
more than the tabulated projected area, pipe thicknesses and bracket heights are specified
in 3-2-14/Table 4. Where brackets are required, three or more radial brackets are to be fitted.
ii) Brackets are to be of gross thickness of 8 mm (0.32 in.) or more, of minimum length of
100 mm (4.0 in.), and height according to 3-2-11/Table 4, but need not extend over the joint
flange for the head. Bracket toes at the deck are to be suitably supported.
iii) For other configurations, loads according to 3-2-11/9.7.2 are to be applied, and means of
support determined in order to comply with the requirements above. Brackets, where fitted,
are to be of suitable thickness and length according to their height.
iv) Final (gross) pipe thickness for air pipes is not to be taken less than as indicated in
v) The minimum internal diameter of the air pipe or overflow is not to be less than 38 mm.
9.7.3(c) Ventilators
i) For standard ventilators of 900 mm (35.4 in.) height closed by heads of not more than the
tabulated projected area, pipe thicknesses and bracket heights are specified in 3-2-11/Table 5.
Brackets, where required, are to be as specified in 3-2-11/9.7.3(b)iii).
ii) For ventilators of height greater than 900 mm (35.4 in.), brackets or alternative means of
support are to be provided. Coaming is not to be taken less than as indicated in 3-2-11/9.3
nor in 3-2-11/Table 4.
9.7.3(d) Components and Connections. All component parts and connections of the tank vents
and overflows or ventilators are to be capable of withstanding the loads defined in 3-2-11/9.7.2.
9.7.3(e) Rotary Heads. Rotating type mushroom ventilator heads are not to be used for application
in this location.

760 mm (30 in.) High Tank Vents and Overflows Thickness and Bracket Standards
Nominal Pipe Size Minimum Fitted Maximum Projected Height (1)
A B Gross Thickness Area of Head of Brackets
mm in. mm in. cm2 in2 mm in.
65 21/2 6.0 --- --- --- 480 18.9
80 3 6.3 0.25 --- --- 460 18.1
100 4 7.0 0.28 --- --- 380 15.0
125 5 7.8 0.31 --- --- 300 11.8
150 6 8.5 0.33 --- --- 300 11.8
175 7 8.5 0.33 --- --- 300 11.8
200 8 8.5 (2) 0.33 (2) 1900 295 300 11.8
250 10 8.5 0.33 (2) 2500 388 300 (2) 11.8 (2)
300 12 8.5 (2) 0.33 (2) 3200 496 300 (2) 11.8 (2)
(2) (2) (2)
350 14 8.5 0.33 3800 589 300 11.8 (2)
(2) (2) (2)
400 16 8.5 0.33 4500 698 300 11.8 (2)
1 Brackets [see 3-2-11/9.7.3(b)] need not extend over the joint flange for the head.
2 Brackets are required where the as fitted (gross) thickness is less than 10.5 mm (0.41 in.), or where the tabulated
projected head area is exceeded.
Note: For other air pipe heights, the relevant requirements of 3-2-11/9.7.3 are to be applied.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 11 Bulwarks, Rails, Ports, Portlights, Windows, Ventilators, Tank Vents and Overflows 3-2-11

900 mm (35.4 in.) High Ventilator Thickness and Bracket Standards
Nominal Pipe Size Minimum Fitted Maximum Projected Height (1)
A B Gross Thickness Area of Head of Brackets
mm in. mm in. cm2 in2 mm in.
80 3 6.3 0.25 - - 460 18.1
100 4 7.0 0.28 - - 380 15.0
150 6 8.5 0.33 - - 300 11.8
200 8 8.5 0.33 550 85 - -
250 10 8.5 0.33 880 136 - -
300 12 8.5 0.33 1200 186 - -
350 14 8.5 0.33 2000 310 - -
400 16 8.5 0.33 2700 419 - -
450 18 8.5 0.33 3300 511 - -
500 20 8.5 0.33 4000 620 - -
Note: For other ventilator heights, the relevant requirements of 3-2-11/9.7.3 are to be applied.

PART Section 12: Protective Coatings

CHAPTER 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements

SECTION 12 Protective Coatings

1 General
Unless otherwise approved, all steel work is to be suitably coated with paint or equivalent. No final
painting or coating is to be performed until all surveys and testing have been completed. All areas not
being coated are to be protected during painting, and upon completion of the work any paint accidentally
applied to the areas are to be removed.

3 Preparation
Surfaces that are to be painted are to be completely free of rust, loose paint, dirt, scale, oil, grease, salt deposits,
and moisture. Protective coatings are to be applied as soon as practical after cleaning before corrosion or
soil forms on the cleaned surface.
If more than seven days elapse between epoxy coats, the surface should be cleaned prior to an application
of a tack coat (1-2 wet mils) before the application of the next full coat.

5 Protection of Steel

5.1 Preparation
All steel surfaces that will be coated are to be abrasive blast cleaned. Prior to abrasive blast cleaning, surfaces
contaminated with oil or grease are to be cleaned and weld splatters, slag, and flux compounds are to be
removed by grinding, sanding, or chipping. In areas where abrasive blasting is not feasible, the surfaces are
to be cleaned by mechanical means to remove foreign matter.
Galvanized steels shall be roughened with a light abrasive blast or by mechanical means prior to painting.

5.3 All Spaces

Unless otherwise approved, all steel work is to be suitably coated with paint or equivalent.

5.5 Salt Water Ballast Space

Tanks or holds for salt water ballast are to have a corrosion-resistant hard type coating such as epoxy or
zinc on all structural surfaces. Where a long retention of salt water is expected due to the type of craft or
unit, special consideration for the use of inhibitors or sacrificial anodes may be given.

5.7 Oil Spaces

Tanks intended for oil need not be coated.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 12 Protective Coatings 3-2-12

7 Protection of Aluminum

7.1 General
Aluminum alloys intended for hull construction are to be used generally only under conditions that will not
induce excessive corrosion. Where exposure to environment that would induce excessive corrosion is
expected, suitable coatings, tapes, sacrificial anodes, impressed-current systems or other corrosion prevention
measures are to be used. When tapes are used for corrosion protection, they are to be non-wicking and non-
water absorbing. Grease containing graphite is not to be used with aluminum, instead, zinc or other suitable
base grease is to be used.

7.3 Preparation
All aluminum surfaces that will be coated are to be thoroughly cleaned to bare metal, free of corrosion
products, dirt, and other contaminants, by light abrasive blasting. Spot cleaning after blasting can be done
by power brushing or orbital sanding.

7.5 Coatings
Coatings are to be applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, and are to be preceded by
appropriate cleaning and possibly chemical conversion of surfaces as may be required in accordance with
the manufacturer’s recommendations. Coatings are to be free from voids, scratches or other imperfections
that are potential sites for localized corrosion.
The composition of coatings is to be compatible with aluminum. Coatings containing copper, lead, mercury
or other metals that can induce galvanic or other forms of corrosion are not to be used. Zinc chromate coatings
may be used. Insulating coatings intended to prevent galvanic corrosion are not to contain graphite or other
conducting materials.

7.7 Faying Surfaces – Aluminum to Aluminum

Aluminum faying surfaces that will be exposed to weather, seawater, or other corrosive environment are to
be suitable coated to minimize crevice corrosion in way of the faying surfaces.

7.9 Faying Surface between Aluminum and Other Metals

7.9.1 Hull
Suitable means are to be taken to avoid direct contact of faying surfaces of aluminum to other
metals. When such faying surfaces occur in hull construction, suitable non-wicking and non-water
absorbing insulation tapes or coatings are to be used. Faying surfaces between mechanically
fastened metal components, except machinery foundations, are to be protected by the use of bedding
compounds or adhesives. Other types of joints between aluminum and other metals may be approved
in certain applications.
7.9.2 Piping
Suitable means, such as special pipe hangers, are to be used to avoid conductive connections
between aluminum hulls and non-aluminum metal piping systems. Where watertightness is required,
such as when piping passes through bulkheads, decks, tanktops, and shell, special fittings will be
required to maintain isolation between dissimilar metals.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 12 Protective Coatings 3-2-12

7.9.3 Bearing Areas

Bearing areas such as engine beds, pump foundations, propeller shafts, rudder and other appendages
of metals other than aluminum are to be suitably isolated by such means as non-metallic bearing
casing, non-conductive packing (not containing graphite or other conductors) or suitable tapes and
coatings. Alternative methods for minimizing corrosion at these locations will be specially considered.
Wicking-type tapes or water-absorbing packing materials such as canvas should not be used. The
metals used for such applications are to be selected to minimize galvanic effects; stainless steels
are to be considered. The use of copper-base alloys such as brass or bronze is generally not
recommended where galvanic corrosion is of concern, and these materials may only be used when
specially approved. In those cases where the use of dissimilar metals cannot be avoided, or where
galvanic corrosion is of concern, such as in wet tanks, a suitable sacrificial anode or impressed
current system should be installed.

7.11 Faying Surface between Aluminum and Non-metals

Aluminum in contact with wood or insulating-type material is to be protected from the corrosive effects of
the impurities in these materials by a suitable coating or covering. Concrete used with aluminum is to be
free of additives for cold weather pouring. Preformed glass insulation is recommended for piping insulation.
Any adhesives which may be used to connect insulation to aluminum are to be free of agents that would be
corrosive to aluminum. Foaming agents harmful to aluminum, such as Freon, are not to be used for
insulating foams. Areas where dirt or soot is likely to collect and remain for prolonged periods are to be
protected from pitting corrosion by the use of coatings or other suitable means.

7.13 Corrosion of Wet Spaces

Suitable means are to be used to avoid arrangements that could induce crevice corrosion in wet spaces. In
bilge spaces, chain lockers, and similar locations where exfoliation corrosion may be of concern, appropriate
materials suitably heat treated for resistance to this form of corrosion are to be employed.

7.15 Service at Elevated Temperatures

For service temperatures of 66°C (150°F) or above, only aluminum alloys and filler metals specially
designated for service at these temperatures are to be used.

7.17 Cathodic Protection for Corrosion Prevention

For application where corrosion is of concern, consideration is to be given to the use of sacrificial anode or
impressed current systems of corrosion control. Details of sacrificial anodes and arrangements are to be
submitted for review. Anodes are to be in accordance with ASTM or other recognized standard. When
impressed current systems are used, adequate precautions are to be taken that the negative voltage is not

7.19 Stray Current Protection

Precautions are to be taken when in dock to prevent stray currents from welding power or other sources
from adversely affecting the aluminum. Whenever possible, the cathodic protection system of the craft
should be in place and operating when the craft is in the water. AC power sources are to be insulated from
the hull. For battery and other DC power sources, grounding is to be avoided if possible. Where safety
considerations require grounding to the hull, the negative pole is to be connected to the hull.

7.21 Bi-material Joints

Such joints, when used, may be required to be appropriately painted, coated, wrapped or protected by other
methods to prevent galvanic corrosion. Where aluminum is to be joined to other materials, each faying
surface is to be suitably coated to minimize corrosion. In addition, when one or both sides of an aluminum
or steel connection to dissimilar metal joints are exposed to weather, sea water, or wet spaces, a minimum
of 0.5 mm (0.02 in.) of suitable insulation is to be installed between faying surfaces and extended beyond
the edge of the joint. Non-welded oil or water stops are to be of plastic insulation tape or equivalent which
would provide a suitably corrosion resistant system. Insulating materials are to be non-porous and have
mechanical properties suitable for the application.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 12 Protective Coatings 3-2-12

9 Protection of Fiber Reinforced Plastic

9.1 General
Cured gel-coat resins and lay-up resin are to be highly resistant to water and other liquid absorption;
appropriate materials, lay-up, and lay-up procedures are to be used and manufacturer’s recommendations
followed to attain this. Care is to be taken in the use of laminates containing carbon fibers so that they are
not close to or do not induce galvanic corrosion with metal fittings.

9.3 Preparation
Composite surfaces that are not coated in the mold are to be sanded lightly to remove any foreign matter.
Care is to be taken not to expose any of the structural glass. Surfaces are to be cleaned with water and
solvent to ensure the removal of residual mold release compound, oil, or grease.

9.5 Tanks
In water, fuel oil, or other approved tanks, the resins used are to be compatible with the contents of the tanks;
the contents of the tanks are not to affect the cured properties of the tank laminate. The cured laminate is to
be highly resistant to absorption of the liquid, and is not to have harmful, deleterious, or undesirable effects
on the contents of the tank. The tank is generally to be gel-coated on the inside. See also 3-2-5/5.1.

9.7 Cathodic Protection

Cathodic protection is to be provided where shaft struts, propeller shafts, propellers, rudders, fittings, etc.
are constructed of manganese bronze, brass, stainless steel or mild steel. Details of the sacrificial anodes
and arrangements are to be submitted for review. Anodes are to be in accordance with ASTM or other
recognized standard.

PART Section 13: Welding, Forming and Weld Design

CHAPTER 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements

SECTION 13 Welding, Forming and Weld Design

1 Fillet Welds

1.1 General
1.1.1 Plans and Specifications
The actual sizes of fillet welds are to be indicated on detail drawings or on a separate welding
schedule and submitted for approval in each individual case.
1.1.2 Workmanship
Fillet welds may be made by an approved manual, semi-automatic or automatic process. Completed
welds are to be to the satisfaction of the attending Surveyor. The gaps between the faying surfaces
of members being joined should be kept to a minimum. Where the opening between members
being joined exceeds 1.0 mm (0.04 in.) and is not greater than 5 mm (3/16 in.), the weld leg size is
to be increased by the amount of the opening in excess of 2.0 mm (1/16 in.). Spacing between
plates forming tee joints is not to exceed 5 mm (0.1875 in.). Where the opening between members
is greater than 5 mm (3/16 in.), corrective procedures are to be specially approved by the Surveyor.
1.1.3 Special Precautions
Special precaution such as the use of preheat or low-hydrogen electrodes or low-hydrogen welding
processes may be required where small fillets are used to attach heavy plates or sections. When
heavy sections are attached to relatively light plating, the weld size may be required to be modified.
When terminating an aluminum weld, either continuous or intermittent, crater filling by back
stepping is recommended to provide a sound ending for each fillet.

1.3 Tee Connections

In general, the required size and spacing of the fillets is to be as given in 3-2-13/1.5.
1.3.1 Size of Fillet Welds
Frames, beams, bulkheads stiffeners, floors and intercostals, etc. are to have at least the disposition
and sizes of intermittent or continuous fillet welds, as required by 3-2-13/Table 1. Where it is
desirable to substitute continuous welding for intermittent welding, as given in 3-2-13/Table 1, a
reduction from the required size of fillet may be allowed if equivalent strength is provided.
1.3.2 Intermittent Welding at Intersection
Where beams, stiffeners, frames, etc., are intermittently welded and pass through slotted girders,
shelves or stringers, there is to be a pair of matched intermittent welds on each side of each such
intersection and the beams, stiffeners and frames are to be efficiently attached to the girders,
shelves and stringers.
1.3.3 Welding of Longitudinal to Plating
Welding of longitudinals to plating is to have double continuous welds at the ends and in way of
transverses equal in length to the depth of the longitudinal. For deck longitudinals only, a matched
pair of welds is required at the transverses.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 13 Welding, Forming and Weld Design 3-2-13

1.3.4 Stiffeners and Webs to Hatch Covers

Unbracketed stiffeners and webs of hatch covers are to be welded continuously to the plating and
to the face plate for a length at ends equal to the end depth of the member.

1.5 Fillet Sizes and Spacing

Tee connections are to be formed by continuous or intermittent fillet welds on each side, the leg size, w, of
the fillet welds is to be obtained from the following equations:
s s
w = tp × C × + 1.5 mm w = tp × C × + 0.06 in.
 
w = size of the weld leg, in mm (in.)
 = actual length of the weld fillet, clear of crater, in mm (in.). See 3-2-13/Figure 1
s = distance between centers of weld fillets, in mm (in.). See 3-2-13/Figure 1
tp = thickness of the thinner of the two members being joined, in mm (in.)
C = weld factor given in 3-2-13/Table 1
w is not to be taken less than 0.3tp or 3.5 mm (0.14 in.), whichever is greater.
The throat thickness of the fillet is to be not less than 0.7w.
In calculating weld factors, the leg length of matched fillet weld is to be taken as the designated leg length
or 0.7tp + 2.0 mm (0.7tp + 0.08 in.), whichever is less.
Where it is intended to use continuous fillet welding, the leg size of fillet welds is to be obtained from the
above equations taking s/ equal to 1.
For intermittent welding with plate thickness less than 7 mm (0.28 in.) welds are to be staggered.

1.7 Thin Plating

For plating of 6.5 mm (0.25 in.) or less, the requirements of 3-2-13/1.5 may be modified as follows:
W = tp × C × + 2.0[1.25 – (/s)] mm

W = tp × C × + 0.08[1.25 – (/s)] in.

Wmin = 3.5 mm (0.14 in.)
For plates less than 4.5 mm (0.1875 in.), welds less than required above will be specially considered.

1.9 Length and Arrangement of Fillet

Where an intermittent weld is permitted by 3-2-13/Table 1, the length of each fillet weld is to be not less
than 75 mm (3 in.) for tp of 7 mm (0.28 in.) or more, nor less than 65 mm (2.5 in.) for lesser tp.
The unwelded length is to be not more than 32 tp.

1.11 Fillet Weld Arrangements

1.11.1 Intersections
Where beams, stiffeners, frames, etc., are intermittently welded and pass through slotted girders,
shelves or stringers, there is to be a pair of matched intermittent welds on each side of each such
intersection and the beams, stiffeners and frames are to be efficiently attached to the girders, shelves
and stringers. The length of the matched intermittent fillet welds is to be 0.125 times the span or
100 mm (4 in.), whichever is greater.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 13 Welding, Forming and Weld Design 3-2-13

1.11.2 Unbracketed End Attachments

Unbracketed beams, frames, etc., and stiffeners of watertight and tank bulkheads and superstructure
and house fronts are to have double continuous welds for length at each end equal to the depth of the
member but not less than 0.125 times the span or 100 mm (4 in.), whichever is greater.
1.11.3 Bracketed End Attachments
Frames, beams, stiffeners etc., are to be lapped onto the bracket a length not less than 1.5 times the
depth of the member, and are to have continuous fillet welds all around. Lapped end connections
of longitudinal strength members are also to have a throat size, t, such that the total effective area
of the lap welding is not less than the area of the member being attached.
1.11.4 Lapped Joints
Lapped joints are typically not to be used in structural applications or on plates greater than 6 mm
(0.25 in.) thick, unless specially approved.
Lapped joints are generally to have a width of overlap not less than twice the thickness of thinner
plate plus 25 mm (1 in.) with welds on both edges of the sizes required by 3-2-13/1.5.
1.11.5 Plug Welds or Slot Welds
Plug welds or slot welds are to be specially approved for particular applications. When approved,
an appropriate demonstration that adequate weld penetration and soundness is achieved is to be made
to the Surveyor’s satisfaction. When used in the attachment of doublers and similar applications,
plug or slot welds may be spaced at 16 times the doubler thickness, but not more than 300 mm
(12 in.) between centers in both directions. In general, elongated slot welds are recommended. For
closing plates on rudders, slots are to be 75 mm (3 in.) in length spaced at 150 mm (6 in.) between
centers. The periphery of the plugs or slots are to be fillet welded, of fillet size, w, generally not
less than 0.70 times the plate thickness. Plugs and slots are not to be filled with welded deposit.

3 Bi-material Joints
Techniques required for joining two different materials will be subject to special consideration. The use of
explosion bonding may be considered depending on the application and the mechanical and corrosive
properties of the joint.

5 Alternatives
The foregoing are considered minimum requirements for welding in hull construction, but alternative methods,
arrangements and details will be considered for approval. Fillet weld sizes may be determined from structural
analyses based on sound engineering principles, provided they meet the overall strength standards of the Rules.



S 

Staggered S Chained S

w = leg size in mm (in.) t = throat size in mm (in.)

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Section 13 Welding, Forming and Weld Design 3-2-13

Weld Factor C
Aluminum Steel
Floors, Bottom Transverses, and Bottom Longitudinal Girders to Shell
At Bottom forward 3L/8, 0.25 DC 0.25 DC
At Bottom forward L/4, V ≤ 25 knots 0.18 DC 0.16 DC
In way of propellers and shaft struts 0.25 DC 0.25 DC
In machinery space 0.20 0.20
Elsewhere 0.16 0.14
Floors, Bottom Transverses and Bottom Longitudinal Girders to Inner Bottom
or Face Bar
In machinery space 0.25 DC 0.25 DC
To Inner bottom elsewhere 0.14 0.12
To face plate elsewhere 0.14 0.12
Floors and Bottom Transverse to Bottom Girders 0.30 DC 0.30 DC
Bottom Girders to Bulkheads and Deep Transverses or Floors 0.30 DC 0.30 DC
End Attachments 0.50 DC 0.50 DC
Longitudinals to Shell (including frames on transversely framed craft)
Bottom and side forward 3L/8, V > 25 knots 0.25 DC 0.25 DC
Bottom and side forward L/4, V ≤ 25 knots 0.18 DC 0.16 DC
In way of propellers and shaft struts 0.25 DC 0.25 DC
Elsewhere 0.14 0.12
End Attachments 0.50 DC 0.50 DC
Side, Deck, and Bulkhead Girders, Transverses and Stringers
To Shell 3L/8, V >25 knots 0.18 DC 0.16 DC
To Shell Forward L/4, < 25 knots 0.16 DC 0.14 DC
Insert To Shell Elsewhere 0.16 0.14
To Deck and Bulkheads Clear of Tanks 0.16 0.14
To Deck and Bulkheads In way of Tanks 0.18 0.16
To Face Bar 0.14 0.12
End Attachments 0.50 DC 0.50 DC
Beams, Longitudinals, and Stiffeners
To Deck 0.14 0.12
To Tank Boundaries and House Fronts 0.14 0.12
To Watertight Bulkheads, House Side and Ends 0.14 0.12
End Attachments 0.50 DC 0.50 DC
Engine Foundations to Plating and Face Bar 0.50 DC 0.50 DC
Bulkheads and Tank Boundaries
Non-tight, Internal 0.16 0.14
Watertight, weathertight, or exposed 0.38 DC 0.38 DC
Tank 0.40 DC 0.40 DC
Deck Peripheries
Non-tight, Internal 0.25 0.25
Weathertight 0.38 DC 0.38 DC
Strength Deck 0.38 DC 0.38 DC
Diaphragms to Side Plating 0.30 0.30
Vertical Diaphragms to Horizontal Diaphragms, clear of Mainpiece 0.50 DC 0.50 DC
Horizontal Diaphragm to Vertical 0.50 DC 0.50 DC
Mainpiece Diaphragm 0.50 DC 0.50 DC
Shaft Brackets to boss and doubler Full Penetration Full Penetration
DC = double continuous

PART Appendix 1: Guidelines for Calculating Bending Moment and Shear Force in Rudders and Rudder Stocks

CHAPTER 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements

APPENDIX 1 Guidelines for Calculating Bending Moment and

Shear Force in Rudders and Rudder Stocks

1 Application
Bending moments, shear forces and reaction forces of rudders, stocks and bearings may be calculated according
to this Appendix for the types of rudders indicated. Moments and forces on rudders of different types or
shapes than those shown are to be calculated using alternative methods and will be specially considered.

3 Spade Rudders

3.1 Rudder
3.1.1 Shear Force
Lateral shear force, V(z), at a horizontal section of the rudder z meters (feet) above the bottom of
R is given by the following equation:

zC R  z 
V(z) = c  + (cu − c ) kN (tf, Ltf)
A  2 R 
z = distance from the bottom of R to the horizontal section under consideration,
in m (ft). See 3-2-A1/Figure 1
CR = rudder force, as defined in 3-2-8/3.1, in kN (tf, Ltf)

A = rudder blade area, in m2 (ft2)

c, cu and R are dimensions as indicated in 3-2-A1/Figure 1, in m (ft).

3.1.2 Bending Moment

Bending moment, M(z), at a horizontal section z meters (feet) above the baseline of the rudder is
given by the following equation:

z 2C R  z 
M(z) = c  + (cu − c ) kN-m, (tf-m, Ltf-ft)
2A  3 R 
where z, CR, A, c, cu and R are as defined in 3-2-A1/3.1.1.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Appendix 1 Guidelines for Calculating Bending Moment & Shear Force in Rudders & Rudder Stocks 3-2-A1

3.3 Lower Stock

3.3.1 Shear Force
Lateral shear force at any section of the lower stock between the top of the rudder and the neck
bearing, V, is given by the following equation:
V = CR kN (tf, Ltf)
where CR is rudder force, as defined in 3-2-A1/3.1.1.

3.3.2 Bending Moment at Neck Bearing

The bending moment in the rudder stock at the neck bearing, Mn, is given by the following equation:

  (2c + cu ) 
Mn = C R    + R  kN-m (tf-m, Ltf-ft)
 3 (c  + c u ) 

CR = rudder force as defined in 3-2-A1/3.1.1

c, cu,  and R are dimensions as indicated in 3-2-A1/Figure 1, in m (ft).

3.5 Moment at Top of Upper Stock Taper

The bending moment in the upper rudder stock at the top of the taper, Mt, is given by the following equation:

  (2c + cu )   ( u +  R +   − z t ) 
Mt = C R    + R ×  kN-m (tf-m, Ltf-ft)
 3 (c  + c u )   u 
zt = distance from the rudder baseline to the top of the upper rudder stock taper in m (ft)
CR = rudder force, as defined in 3-2-A1/3.1.1

c, cu, , u and R are dimensions as indicated in 3-2-A1/Figure 1, in m (ft).

3.7 Bearing Reaction Forces

Reaction forces at the bearings are given by the following equations:
Pu = reaction force at the upper bearing

= − kN (tf, Ltf)
Pn = reaction force at the neck bearing

= CR + kN (tf, Ltf)
Mn = bending moment at the neck bearing, as defined in 3-2-A1/3.1.2
CR = rudder force, as defined in 3-2-A1/3.1.1.

u is as indicated in 3-2-A1/Figure 1, in m (ft).

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Appendix 1 Guidelines for Calculating Bending Moment & Shear Force in Rudders & Rudder Stocks 3-2-A1

Spade Rudder






5 Rudders Supported by Shoepiece

5.1 Shear Force, Bending Moment and Reaction Forces

Shear force, bending moment and reaction forces may be calculated according to the model given in
3-2-A1/Figure 2.
wR = rudder load per unit length

= kN/m (tf/m, Ltf/ft)
CR = rudder force, as defined in 3-2-8/3
ks = spring constant reflecting support of the shoepiece

ns I s
= kN/m (tf/m, Ltf/ft)
 3s

ns = 6.18 (0.630, 279)

Is = moment of inertia of shoepiece about the vertical axis, in cm4 (in4)

Iu = moment of inertia of the rudder stock above the neck bearing, in cm4 (in4)

I = moment of inertia of the rudder stock below the neck bearing, in cm4 (in4)
IR = moment of inertia of the rudder about the longitudinal axis, in cm4 (in4)

Ip = moment of inertia of the pintle, in cm4 (in4)

, s, R and u are dimensions as indicated in 3-2-A1/Figure 2, in m (ft).

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Appendix 1 Guidelines for Calculating Bending Moment & Shear Force in Rudders & Rudder Stocks 3-2-A1

Rudder Supported by Shoepiece



R wR



7 Rudders Supported by a Horn with One Pintle

7.1 Shear Force, Bending Moment and Reaction Forces

Shear force, bending moment and reaction forces are to be assessed by the simplified beam model shown
in 3-2-A1/Figure 3.
wR1 = rudder load per unit length above pintle

= kN/m (tf/m, Ltf/ft)
 R1
wR2 = rudder load per unit length below pintle

CR 2
= kN/m (tf/m, Ltf/ft)
 R2
CR1 = rudder force, as defined in 3-2-8/3.3
CR2 = rudder force, as defined in 3-2-8/3.3
kh = spring constant reflecting support of the horn
= kN/m (tf/m, Ltf/ft)
s 
Σ i  e 2  h
h  ti 
nb I h nt a 2

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Appendix 1 Guidelines for Calculating Bending Moment & Shear Force in Rudders & Rudder Stocks 3-2-A1

nb = 4.75 (0.485, 215)

nt = 3.17 (0.323, 143)

a = mean area enclosed by the outside lines of the rudder horn, in cm2 (in2)
si = the girth length of each segment of the horn of thickness ti, in cm (in.)
ti = the thickness of each segment of horn outer shell of length si, in cm (in.)

Ih = moment of inertia of horn section at h about the longitudinal axis, in cm4 (in4)

e, h, R1 and R2 are dimensions as indicated in 3-2-A1/Figure 3, in m (ft).

Rudder Supported by a Horn with One Pintle




e 2
R2 wR2

PART Appendix 2: Guidance on Analysis of the Cross Deck Structure of a Multi-Hull Craft

CHAPTER 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements

APPENDIX 2 Guidance on Analysis of the Cross Deck

Structure of a Multi-Hull Craft
Note: This Appendix gives guidance on the analysis of a standard cross deck structure (similar to 3-2-A2/Figure 1) of a multi-
hulled craft. The analysis includes the determination of the craft’s transverse bending stress, transverse shear stress, and the
torsional stress acting on each element. The analysis of cross decks that are of advanced design or material will be specially

Typical Geometry of Centerline Section of Cross Deck

W.T. or N.T. Bulkhead dcs

Aft End Fore End

xi = L xi = 0

1 Transverse Bending and Shear Stress

The transverse bending and shear stress of the cross structure are obtained by the following equations and
are less than the allowable stresses defined in 3-2-1/3.5.3:
10M tb M tb
σt = N/mm2 σt = psi
SM t SM t

10Qt Qt
τa = N/mm2 τa = psi
At At
σt = transverse bending stress of the cross deck structure, in N/mm2 (psi)
Mtb = design transverse bending moment as defined in 3-2-1/3.3, in kN-m (ft-lbs)

SMt = offered transverse section modulus of the cross deck, in cm2-m (in2-ft)

τa = transverse shear stress of the cross deck structure, in N/mm2 (psi)

Qt = design vertical shear force as defined in 3-2-1/3.3, in kN (lbs)

At = offered shear area of the cross structure, in cm2 (in2)

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Appendix 2 Guidance on Torsional Analysis of the Cross Deck Structure of a Multi-Hull Craft 3-2-A2

3 Center of Torsional Rotation

The center of torsional rotation of the cross deck structure can be determined by the following formula:

∑k x
i =1
i i
Lc = n
cm (in.)
i =1

ki = element stiffness

12000 E i I i
= N/m
Li 3

12 E i I i
= 3
xi = longitudinal distance from forward perpendicular, in cm (in.)
n = total number of elements in the cross deck structure
E = modulus of elasticity of the material, for each element, kN/m2 (psi)
Ii = moment of inertia of the element being considered, in m4 (in4)
Li = span of cross structure, in m (in.), see 3-2-A2/Figure 2

Span of Cross Structure


If restrained by
side shell only

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Appendix 2 Guidance on Torsional Analysis of the Cross Deck Structure of a Multi-Hull Craft 3-2-A2

5 Maximum Bending Stress on Each Element

The maximum bending stress on each element is to be less than the allowable torsional stress defined in

5.1 Deflection
The total amount that each element deflects can be determined by the following formula:

100000M tt x ci 12 M tt x ci
δi = n
m δi = n

i =1
x ci2 k i ∑i =1
x ci2 k i

δi = deflection of each member, in m (in.)
Mtt = design torsional moment acting upon the transverse structure connecting the hulls, as
determined 3-2-1/3.3, in kN-m (ft-lbs)
xci = xi − Lc, in cm (in.)
xi, Lc and ki are as defined in 3-2-A2/1.

5.3 Bending Moment

The bending moment that is acting on each element is determined by the following formula:
Pi Li
BM i =
BMi = bending moment that is acting on the element under consideration, in N-m (in-lbs)

Pi = δi ki, force that is acting on the element, in N (lbs)

Li = as defined in 3-2-A2/1

δi = as defined in 3-2-A2/5.1
ki = as defined in 3-2-A2/1

5.5 Maximum Stress

The maximum stress that is applied on each element can be determined by the following formula:
1000 BM i BM i
σi = kN/m2 σi = psi
SM i SM i
σi = maximum stress that is acting upon the element, in kN/m2 (psi)
BMi = bending moment as defined, in 3-2-A2/5.3

SMi = section modulus of the element being considered, in cm3 (in3)

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Appendix 2 Guidance on Torsional Analysis of the Cross Deck Structure of a Multi-Hull Craft 3-2-A2

5.7 Maximum Shear Stress on Each Element

The maximum shear stress on each element is to be less than the allowable transverse shear stress defined
in 3-2-1/3.5.3.
10 Pi Pi
τi = kN/m2 τi = psi
Awi Awi
τi = maximum shear stress that is acting upon the element, in kN/m2 (psi)
Pi = force acting upon the element, in N (lbs), as defined in 3-2-A2/5.3

Awi = area of the web of the element being considered, in cm2 (in2)

PART Appendix 3: Alternative Method for the Determination of “V” Shaft Strut Requirements

CHAPTER 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements

APPENDIX 3 Alternative Method for the Determination of “V”

Shaft Strut Requirements

1 General
The method outlined below may be used as an alternative to the method given in 3-2-7/9. Other alternatives
may be considered providing they address loadings from unbalanced centrifugal forces from the propeller,
hydrodynamic forces, inertial forces from ship motions, gravity forces from shaft and propeller, and vibrations
resulting from all intended conditions.

Strut Dimensions




3 Loads and Moments Acting on Strut

The governing loads and moments acting on the shaft strut are as follows:
M1 = 0.0855dp[Wpp(R/100)2 + 3Hp/V] kN-m (tf-m)

M1 = 3.5dp[(Wp/1000)p(R/100)2 + 3Hp/V] in-lbf

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements
Appendix 3 Alternative Method for the Determination of “V” Shaft Strut Requirements 3-2-A3

M2 = 0.0003SMsσys kN-m (tf-m)

M2 = 0.3SMsσys in-lbf

F3 = SMsσys /ds kN (tf, lbf)

dp = diameter of the propeller, in mm (in.)
Wp = weight of the propeller, in kN (lbf)
p = length of the overhang, in mm (in.), see 3-2-A3/Figure 1
R = maximum rated RPM of the shaft
Hp = maximum rated shaft horsepower
V = maximum calm water speed of the craft
SMs = offered section modulus of the shaft, in cm3 (in3)
ds = offered diameter of the shaft, in mm (in.)
σys = yield strength of the shaft

5 Required Section Modulus of Strut at the Barrel

SMst = 1000C1[M + F3(b sin φ/1000)]/ σy cm3

SMst = C1(M + F3b sin φ)/σy in3

C1 = (C 2 / sin θ) 2 + (0.5 / cos θ) 2

C2 = [2 – (b/s) – (b/s)2]/4[1 + (b/s) + (b/s)2]

M = the greater of M1 or M2, as defined in 3-2-A3/3, in kN-m (in-lbf)
b = distance from center of strut barrel to the connection of the strut, in mm (in.), see
3-2-A3/Figure 1
φ = cant angle of strut, in degrees, see 3-2-A3/Figure 1
σy = yield strength for steel struts or the welded yield strength of aluminum struts, in
kN/mm2 (psi)
θ = vee angle of strut in degrees, see 3-2-A3/Figure 1
s = distance from center of strut barrel to the hull, in mm (in.), see 3-2-A3/Figure 1

7 Required Section Modulus of Strut at the Hull

SMst = 1000C1[M + F3(ssin φ/1000)]/σy cm3

SMst = C1(M + F3ssin φ)/σy in3

where C1, M, F3, s, φ and σy are as defined in 3-2-A3/5.

9 Requirements for Struts Constructed of Aluminum

The required stiffness, EI, for aluminum strut is to be 90% of a strut constructed of ABS grade A steel that
meets the requirements in 3-2-A3/5 and 3-2-A3/7.

PART Chapter 3: Subdivision and Stability

CHAPTER 3 Subdivision and Stability

SECTION 1 General Requirements ....................................................................... 198
1 General ........................................................................................... 198
3 Criteria............................................................................................. 198
3.1 Intact Stability .............................................................................. 198
3.3 Subdivision and Damage Stability ............................................... 198
5 Review Procedures ......................................................................... 199
5.1 Administration Review ................................................................. 199
5.3 ABS Review ................................................................................ 199
7 Onboard Computers for Stability Calculations ................................ 199

APPENDIX 1 Onboard Computers for Stability Calculations ............................... 200

1 General ........................................................................................... 200
1.1 Scope .......................................................................................... 200
1.3 Design ......................................................................................... 200
3 Calculation Systems ....................................................................... 200
5 Types of Stability Software ............................................................. 201
7 Functional Requirements ................................................................ 201
7.1 Calculation Program .................................................................... 201
7.3 Direct Damage Stability Calculations .......................................... 201
7.5 Warning ....................................................................................... 201
7.7 Data Printout ............................................................................... 201
7.9 Date and Time ............................................................................. 201
7.11 Information of Program ................................................................ 201
7.13 Units ............................................................................................ 201
9 Acceptable Tolerances ................................................................... 202
9.1 Calculation Program of the Approved Stability Information ......... 202
9.3 Independent Program for Assessment of Stability ....................... 202
11 Approval Procedure ........................................................................ 203
11.1 Conditions of Approval of the Onboard Software for Stability
Calculations ................................................................................. 203
11.3 General Approval (optional)......................................................... 204
11.5 Specific Approval ......................................................................... 204
13 Operation Manual ........................................................................... 205
15 Installation Testing .......................................................................... 205
17 Periodical Testing ........................................................................... 206
19 Other Requirements........................................................................ 206

TABLE 1 Acceptable Tolerances ......................................................... 203

PART Section 1: General Requirements

CHAPTER 3 Subdivision and Stability

SECTION 1 General Requirements

1 General
Craft of the following categories are to have subdivision and stability in accordance with the criteria as

3 Criteria

3.1 Intact Stability

All craft which have a length of 24 m (79 ft) or over as defined in the International Convention on Load
Lines are to have intact stability guidance as required by Regulation 10 of the International Convention on
Load Lines. Following criteria may be used for classification purposes:
For all cargo craft ≥ 500 GT making voyages that are no more than 8 hours at operational speed
from a place of refuge and having design speeds greater than 3.7∇1/6 m/sec (7.19∇1/6 knots,
3.97∇1/6 knots) – IMO International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft – Chapter 2.
For all passenger craft making voyages that are no more than 4 hours at operational speed from a
place of refuge and having design speeds greater than 3.7∇1/6 m/sec (7.19∇1/6 knots, 3.97∇1/6 knots) –
IMO International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft – Chapter 2
Other craft of all sizes – International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code)
∇ = volumetric displacement of the vessel in the design condition in m3 (m3, ft3)
GT = the gross tonnage as defined in 3-1-1/19
In case the above criteria are not applicable to a particular craft, the intact stability will be reviewed by
ABS in accordance with other recognized criteria appropriate to the craft's type, size, and intended service.

3.3 Subdivision and Damage Stability

Craft of applicable size, type, and service are to have subdivision and damage stability as required by the
International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft, or the International Convention for the Safety of Life at
Sea, 1974, as amended as follows:
Passenger craft making voyages that are no more than 4 hours at operational speed and having
design speeds greater than 3.7∇1/6 m/sec (7.19∇1/6 knots, 3.97∇1/6 knots) – IMO International
Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft – Chapter 2
Other passenger craft – SOLAS Regulation II-1/4 through 8

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 3 Subdivision and Stability
Section 1 General Requirements 3-3-1

Cargo craft ≥ 500 GT making voyages that are no more than 8 hours at operation speed and having
design speeds greater than 3.7∇1/6 m/sec (7.19∇1/6 knots, 3.97∇1/6 knots) – IMO International
Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft – Chapter 2
Other cargo craft ≥ 500 GT – SOLAS Regulation II-1/25-1 through 25-8

5 Review Procedures

5.1 Administration Review

When the craft is issued an International Load Line Certificate, Passenger Ship Safety Certificate, Cargo
Ship Safety Construction Certificate, or High-Speed Craft Safety Certificate by the flag Administration or
its agent other than ABS, such Certificate will be accepted as evidence that the craft has subdivision and
stability in accordance with the above criteria.
Where the Administration undertakes the review of subdivision and stability and ABS is issuing the above
Certificate, the acceptance of subdivision and stability by the Administration will be required before the
certificate is issued.

5.3 ABS Review

In all other cases the information and calculations for subdivision and stability are to be submitted to ABS
for review. Where the intact stability criteria are not applicable to a particular craft, the review will be in
accordance with other recognized criteria acceptable to ABS.

7 Onboard Computers for Stability Calculations

The use of onboard computers for stability calculations is not a requirement of class. However, if stability
software is installed onboard craft contracted on or after 1 July 2005, it should cover all stability requirements
applicable to the craft and is to be approved by ABS for compliance with the requirements of Appendix
3-3-A1, “Onboard Computers for Stability Calculations”.

PART Appendix 1: Onboard Computers for Stability Calculations

CHAPTER 3 Subdivision and Stability

APPENDIX 1 Onboard Computers for Stability Calculations

1 General

1.1 Scope
The scope of stability calculation software is to be in accordance with the stability information as approved
by the flag Administration or ABS on behalf of the flag Administration. The software is at least to include
all information and perform all calculations or checks as necessary to ensure compliance with the
applicable stability requirements.
Approved stability software is not a substitute for the approved stability information, and is used as a
supplement to the approved stability information to facilitate stability calculations.

1.3 Design
The input/output information is to be easily comparable with approved stability information so as to avoid
confusion and possible misinterpretation by the operator relative to the approved stability information.
An operation manual is to be provided for the onboard computer stability software.
The language in which the stability information is displayed and printed out as well as the operation manual
is written is to be the same as used in the craft’s approved stability information. The primary language is to
be English.
The onboard computer for stability calculations is craft specific equipment and the results of the calculations
are only applicable to the craft for which it has been approved.
In case of modifications implying changes in the main data or internal arrangement of the craft, the specific
approval of any original stability calculation software is no longer valid. The software is to be modified
accordingly and reapproved.

3 Calculation Systems
This Appendix covers either system, a passive system that requires manual data entry or an active system,
which replaces the manual with the automatic entry with sensors reading and entering the contents of tanks,
etc., provided the active system is in the off-line operation mode. However, an integrated system, which
controls or initiates actions based on the sensor-supplied inputs is not within the scope of this Appendix.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 3 Subdivision and Stability
Appendix 1 Onboard Computers for Stability Calculations 3-3-A1

5 Types of Stability Software

Three types of calculations performed by stability software are acceptable depending upon a craft’s
stability requirements:
• Type 1 Software calculating intact stability only (for craft not required to meet a damage stability
• Type 2 Software calculating intact stability and checking damage stability on basis of a limit
curve or previously approved loading conditions
• Type 3 Software calculating intact stability and damage stability by direct application of
preprogrammed damage cases for each loading condition

7 Functional Requirements

7.1 Calculation Program

The calculation program is to present relevant parameters of each loading condition in order to assist the
Master in his judgment on whether the craft is loaded within the approval limits. The following parameters
are to be presented for a given loading condition:
• Deadweight data
• Lightship data
• Trim
• Draft at the draft marks and perpendiculars
• Summary of loading condition displacement, VCG, LCG and, if applicable, TCG
• Downflooding angle and corresponding downflooding opening
• Compliance with stability criteria: Listing of all calculated stability criteria, the limit values, the obtained
values and the conclusions (criteria fulfilled or not fulfilled)

7.3 Direct Damage Stability Calculations

If direct damage stability calculations are performed, the relevant damage cases according to the applicable
rules are to be pre-defined for automatic check of a given loading condition.

7.5 Warning
A clear warning is to be given on screen and in hard copy printout if any of the loading limitations are not
complied with.

7.7 Data Printout

The data are to be presented on screen and in hard copy printout in a clear unambiguous manner.

7.9 Date and Time

The date and time of a saved calculation are to be part of the screen display and hard copy printout.

7.11 Information of Program

Each hard copy printout is to include identification of the calculation program with version number.

7.13 Units
Units of measurement are to be clearly identified and used consistently within a loading calculation.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 3 Subdivision and Stability
Appendix 1 Onboard Computers for Stability Calculations 3-3-A1

9 Acceptable Tolerances
Depending on the type and scope of programs, the acceptable tolerances are to be determined differently,
according to 3-3-A1/9.1 or 3-3-A1/9.3. In general, deviation from these tolerances is not to be accepted unless a
satisfactory explanation for the difference is submitted for review and the same is satisfactorily confirmed
by ABS that there would be no adverse effect on the safety of the craft.
Examples of pre-programmed input data include the following:
• Hydrostatic data: Displacement, LCB, LCF, VCB, KMt and MCT vs. draft
• Stability data: KN or MS values at appropriate heel/trim angles vs. displacement, stability limits.
• Compartment data: Volume, LCG, VCG, TCG and FSM heeling moments vs. level of the compartment’s
Examples of output data include the following:
• Hydrostatic data: Displacement, LCB, LCF, VCB, KMt and MCT versus draft, as well as actual
drafts, trim.
• Stability data: FSC (free surface correction), GZ-values, KG, GM, KG/GM limits, derived
stability criteria (e.g., areas under the GZ curve), weather criteria.
• Compartment data: Calculated Volume, LCG, VCG, TCG and FSM heeling moments vs. level of the
compartment’s contents
The computational accuracy of the calculation program results is to be within the acceptable tolerances
specified in 3-3-A1/9.1 or 3-3-A1/9.3, of the results using an independent program or the approved stability
information with identical input.

9.1 Calculation Program of the Approved Stability Information

Programs which use only pre-programmed data from the approved stability information as the basis for
stability calculations are to have zero tolerances for the printouts of input data.
Output data tolerances are to be close to zero. However, small differences associated with calculation rounding
or abridged input data are acceptable. Additionally differences associated with the use of hydrostatic and
stability data for trims that differ from those in the approved stability information are acceptable subject to
review by ABS.

9.3 Independent Program for Assessment of Stability

Programs which use hull form models as their basis for stability calculations are to have tolerances for the
printouts of basic calculated data established against either data from the approved stability information or
data obtained using the approval authority’s model. Acceptable tolerances shall be in accordance with
3-3-A1/Table 1.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 3 Subdivision and Stability
Appendix 1 Onboard Computers for Stability Calculations 3-3-A1

Acceptable Tolerances
Hull Form Dependent Acceptable Tolerance (1)
Displacement 2%
Longitudinal center of buoyancy, from AP 1%/50 cm max
Vertical center of buoyancy 1%/5 cm max
Transverse center of buoyancy 0.5% of B/5 cm max
Longitudinal center of flotation, from AP 1%/50 cm max
Moment to trim 1 cm 2%
Transverse metacentric height 1%/5 cm max
Longitudinal metacentric height 1%/50cm max
Cross curves of stability 5 cm

Compartment Dependent
Volume or deadweight 2%
Longitudinal center of gravity, from AP 1%/50 cm max
Vertical center of gravity 1%/5 cm max
Transverse center of gravity 0.5% of B/5 cm max
Free surface moment 2%
Shifting moment 5%
Level of contents 2%

Trim and Stability

Drafts (forward, aft, mean) 1%/5 cm max
GMt 1%/5 cm max
GZ values 5%/5 cm max
FS correction 2%
Downflooding angle 2°
Equilibrium angles 1°
Distance to unprotected openings or margin line from ±5%/5 cm max
WL, if applicable
Areas under righting arm curve 5% or 0.0012 mrad
1 Deviation in % = [(base value – applicant’s value)/base value] × 100.
where the “base value” may be from the approved stability information
or the results of master computer using an independent program.

11 Approval Procedure

11.1 Conditions of Approval of the Onboard Software for Stability Calculations (1 July
The onboard software used for stability calculations is subject to approval, which is to include:
• Verification of type approval, if any,
• Verification that the data used is consistent with the current condition of the craft (see 3-3-A1/11.5),
• Verification and approval of the test conditions, and
• Verification that the software is appropriate for the type of craft and stability calculations required.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 3 Subdivision and Stability
Appendix 1 Onboard Computers for Stability Calculations 3-3-A1

• Verification that the software is installed so that failure of the primary computer or server does not prevent
the stability calculation from being carried out (this is to be demonstrated onboard as noted below)
The satisfactory operation of the software for stability calculations is to be verified by testing upon installation
on the primary computer or server and at least one back-up computer or redundant server onboard (see
3-3-A1/15). A copy of the approved test conditions and the operation manual for the computer/software are
to be available onboard.

11.3 General Approval (optional)

Upon receipt of application for general approval of the calculation program, ABS may provide the applicant
with test data consisting of two or more design data sets, each of which is to include a craft’s hull form
data, compartmentation data, lightship characteristics and deadweight data, in sufficient detail to accurately
define the craft and its loading condition.
Acceptable hull form and compartmentation data may be in the form of surface coordinates for modeling
the hull form and compartment boundaries (e.g., a table of offsets) or in the form of pre-calculated tabular
data (e.g., hydrostatic tables, capacity tables) depending upon the form of data used by the software being
submitted for approval. Alternatively, the general approval may be given based on at least two test craft
agreed upon between the applicant and ABS.
In general, the software is to be tested for two types of craft for which approval is requested, with at least
one design data set for each of the two types. Where approval is requested for only one type of craft, a
minimum of two data sets for different hull forms of that type of craft are required to be tested.
For calculation software which is based on the input of hull form data, design data sets are to be provided
for three types of craft for which the software is to be approved, or a minimum of three data sets for
different hull forms if approval is requested for only one type of craft. Representative craft are those types
which, due to their different hull forms, typical arrangements and nature of cargo, require different design
data sets.
The test data sets are to be used by the applicant to run the calculation program for the test craft. The
results obtained, together with the hydrostatic data and cross-curve data developed by the program, if
appropriate are to be submitted to ABS for the assessment of the program’s computational accuracy. ABS
is to perform parallel calculations using the same data sets and a comparison of these results will be made
against the applicant’s submitted program’s results.

11.5 Specific Approval

ABS is to verify the accuracy of the computational results and actual craft data used by the calculation
program for the particular craft on which the program will be installed.
Upon receipt of application for data verification, ABS and the applicant are to agree on a minimum of four
loading conditions, taken from the craft’s approved stability information, which are to be used as the test
For craft carrying liquids in bulk, at least one of the conditions is to include partially filled tanks. Within
the test conditions each compartment is to be loaded at least once. The test conditions normally are to
cover the range of load drafts from the deepest envisaged loaded condition to the light ballast condition
and are to include at least one departure and one arrival condition.
ABS is to verify that the following data, submitted by the applicant, is consistent with arrangements and
most recently approved lightship characteristics of the craft according to current plans and documentation on
file with ABS, subject to possible further verification onboard:
• Identification of the calculation program including version number.
• Main dimensions, hydrostatic particulars and, if applicable, the craft profile.
• The position of the forward and after perpendiculars, and if appropriate, the calculation method to
derive the forward and after drafts at the actual position of the craft’s draft marks.
• Craft lightweight and center of gravity derived from the most recently approved inclining experiment
or light weight check.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 3 Subdivision and Stability
Appendix 1 Onboard Computers for Stability Calculations 3-3-A1

• Lines plan, offset tables or other suitable presentation of hull form data if necessary for ABS to model
the craft.
• Compartment definitions, including frame spacing, and centers of volume, together with capacity tables
(sounding/ullage tables), free surface corrections, if appropriate
• Cargo and Consumables distribution for each loading condition.
Verification by ABS does not absolve the applicant and craft owner of responsibility for ensuring that the
information programmed into the onboard computer software is consistent with the current condition of the

13 Operation Manual
A simple and straightforward operation manual is to be provided, containing descriptions and instructions,
as appropriate, for at least the following:
• Installation
• Function keys
• Menu displays
• Input and output data
• Required minimum hardware to operate the software
• Use of the test loading conditions
• Computer-guided dialogue steps
• List of warnings

15 Installation Testing
To ensure correct working of the computer after the final or updated software has been installed, it is the
responsibility of the craft’s master to have test calculations carried out according to the following pattern in
the presence of the Surveyor:
• From the approved test conditions at least one load case (other than lightship) is to be calculated.
Note: Actual loading condition results are not suitable for checking the correct working of the computer.

• Normally, the test conditions are permanently stored in the computer.

Steps to be performed:
• Retrieve the test load case and start a calculation run; compare the stability results with those in the
• Change several items of deadweight (tank weights and the cargo weight) sufficiently to change the
draft or displacement by at least 10%. The results are to be reviewed to ensure that they differ in a
logical way from those of the approved test condition.
• Revise the above modified load condition to restore the initial test condition and compare the results.
The relevant input and output data of the approved test condition are to been replicated.
• Alternatively, one or more test conditions shall be selected and the test calculation performed by
entering all deadweight data for each selected test condition into the program as if it were a proposed
loading. The results shall be verified as identical to the results in the approved copy of the test conditions.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 3 Subdivision and Stability
Appendix 1 Onboard Computers for Stability Calculations 3-3-A1

17 Periodical Testing
It is the responsibility of the craft’s master to check the accuracy of the onboard computer for stability
calculations at each Annual Survey by applying at least one approved test condition.
If the Surveyor is not present for the computer check, a copy of the test condition results obtained by the
computer check is to be retained onboard as documentation of satisfactory testing for the Surveyor’s
At each Special Periodical Survey, this checking for all approved test loading conditions is to be done in
presence of the surveyor.
The testing procedure is to be carried out in accordance with 3-3-A1/15.

19 Other Requirements
The following features are to be provided to the software:
• Protection against unintentional or unauthorized modification of programs and data is to be provided.
• The program is to monitor operations and activate an alarm when the program is incorrectly or
abnormally used.
• The program and any data stored in the system are to be protected from corruption by loss of power.
• Error messages with regard to limitations such as filling a compartment beyond capacity, or exceeding
the assigned load line, etc. are to be included.

PART Chapter 4: Fire Safety Measures

CHAPTER 4 Fire Safety Measures

SECTION 1 Structural Fire Protection .................................................................. 208
1 General ........................................................................................... 208
1.1 SOLAS Application ...................................................................... 208
1.3 Regulation ................................................................................... 208
1.5 Definitions.................................................................................... 208
1.7 Materials Containing Asbestos .................................................... 208
3 Passenger Craft .............................................................................. 208
5 Cargo Craft ..................................................................................... 208
7 Review Procedures ......................................................................... 209
7.1 Administration Review ................................................................. 209
7.3 ABS Review ................................................................................ 209
9 The Review of Craft Constructed of Fiber Reinforced
Plastic (FRP) ................................................................................... 209

PART Section 1: Structural Fire Protection

CHAPTER 4 Fire Safety Measures

SECTION 1 Structural Fire Protection

1 General

1.1 SOLAS Application

For classification purposes, the fire and safety measures contained in the International Convention for the
Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (1974 SOLAS), as amended, are applicable to vessels of type, size and service
coming under that Convention. This includes the IMO International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft
(HSC Code), incorporated as Chapter X of 1974 SOLAS, as applicable.
This section does not relax the requirements in other sections of the Rules.
Gross tonnage is to be taken as defined in 3-1-1/19.

1.3 Regulation
Regulation means the regulation contained in 1974 SOLAS, as amended. An abbreviated notation is used,
e.g., Regulation II-2/5.2 means Regulation 5.2 of Chapter II-2.

1.5 Definitions
See Regulation II-2/3.

1.7 Materials Containing Asbestos

Installation of materials which contain asbestos is prohibited.

3 Passenger Craft
For passenger craft as defined in 1.1 through 1.4 of the HSC Code, the requirements in 7.1 through 7.6
HSC Code is applicable. See also Part 5 Chapter 1.
For all passenger craft subject to 1974 SOLAS as amended, the requirements in Part B, Chapter II-2 are
applicable. See also Part 5C, Chapter 7 of the Steel Vessel Rules.

5 Cargo Craft
For cargo craft as defined in 1.1 through 1.4 of the HSC Code, the fire and safety measures contained in
Chapter 7 of the IMO International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft (2000 HSC Code) are applicable.
For all cargo craft subject to 1974 SOLAS as amended, and are defined in Regulation II-2/3.7, the relevant
requirements in Part B: Regulation 4, 5, 6; Part C: Regulations 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; Part D: Regulation 13; and
Part G: Regulations 19 and 20, Chapter II-2 are applicable.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 4 Fire Safety Measures
Section 1 Structural Fire Protection 3-4-1

7 Review Procedures

7.1 Administration Review

When the vessel is issued a Passenger Ship Safety Certificate, Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate or
Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate by the flag Administration or its agent other than ABS, such
Certificate will be accepted as evidence that the vessel is in accordance with the applicable criteria in 1974
SOLAS, as amended.
Where the Administration undertakes any part of the review and ABS is issuing the above Certificate, the
acceptance by the Administration will be required before the certificate is issued.
Compliance with the Rule requirements, in addition to those in 1974 SOLAS, as amended, is to be verified
by ABS.

7.3 ABS Review

In all other cases, the required information and plans are to be submitted to ABS for review.

9 The Review of Craft Constructed of Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP)

FRP fire-restricting divisions may be considered provided they meet the required tests for fire-restricting
materials and fire-resisting divisions, or comply with an acceptable fire risk assessment. FRP divisions may
also be considered on the basis of location with regard to diminished fire risk and enhanced fire detection/
extinguishing means.

PART Chapter 5: Equipment

CHAPTER 5 Equipment

SECTION 1 Anchoring, Mooring and Towing Equipment .................................... 212
1 General ........................................................................................... 212
3 Calculation of EN ............................................................................ 212
3.1 Monohulls .................................................................................... 212
3.3 Multi-Hulled Craft ......................................................................... 214
5 Equipment, Weight and Size...........................................................214
5.1 Alternatives for Anchor Size ........................................................ 214
5.3 Wire Rope .................................................................................... 214
5.5 Synthetic Fiber Rope ................................................................... 215
7 Materials and Tests ......................................................................... 215
9 Anchor Types .................................................................................. 215
9.1 General ........................................................................................ 215
9.3 High Holding Power Anchors (HHP) ............................................ 215
9.5 Super High Holding Power Anchors (SHHP) ............................... 215
11 Windlass Support Structure and Cable Stopper .............................215
11.1 General ........................................................................................ 215
11.3 Support Structure......................................................................... 216
11.5 Craft Less Than 61 m (200 ft) in Length ...................................... 219
13 Trial ................................................................................................. 219
15 Hawse Pipes ................................................................................... 219
17 Hawsers and Towlines .................................................................... 219
19 Bollard, Fairlead and Chocks ..........................................................220
19.1 General ........................................................................................ 220
19.3 Deck Fittings ................................................................................ 220
19.5 Safe Working Load (SWL) ........................................................... 220
19.7 Towing and Mooring Arrangements Plan..................................... 221

TABLE 1 Equipment for Self-propelled Ocean-going Craft ..................222

TABLE 2 Towline and Hawsers for Self-propelled Ocean-going
Vessels .................................................................................. 226

FIGURE 1A Effective Heights of Deck Houses – Monohulls ....................213

FIGURE 1B Effective Heights of Deck Houses – Multi-Hulled Craft.........214
FIGURE 2 Direction of Forces and Weight .............................................218
FIGURE 3 Sign Convention .................................................................... 219

APPENDIX 1 Alternative Standard for the Required Anchor Size......................... 230
1 General ........................................................................................... 230
3 Anchor Size Requirement ............................................................... 230
5 Anchor Chain, Cable, or Rope ........................................................ 230

PART Section 1: Anchoring and Mooring Equipment

CHAPTER 5 Equipment

SECTION 1 Anchoring, Mooring and Towing Equipment

1 General
All craft are to have a complete equipment of anchor(s) and chains. The letter Á placed after the symbols
of classification in the Record, thus: À A1 Á, will signify that the equipment of the craft is in compliance
with the requirements of these Rules, and tested in accordance with 3-5-1/7, or with requirements, which
have been specially approved for the particular service.
Cables which are intended to form part of the equipment are not to be used as deck chains when the craft is
launched. The inboard ends of the cables of the bower anchors are to be secured by efficient means.
Anchors and their cables are to be connected and positioned, ready for use. Where three anchors are given
in 3-5-1/Table 1, the third anchor is intended as a spare anchor and is listed for guidance only; it is not
required as a condition of classification. Means are to be provided for stopping each cable as it is paid out,
and the windlass should be capable of heaving in either cable. Suitable arrangements are to be provided for
securing the anchors and stowing the cables.
Equipment Number calculations for unconventional vessels with unique topside arrangements or operational
profiles may be specially considered. Such consideration may include accounting for additional wind areas
of widely separated deckhouses or superstructures in the equipment number calculations or equipment sizing
based on direct calculations. However, in no case may direct calculations be used to reduce the equipment
size to be less than that required by 3-5-1/3.

3 Calculation of EN

3.1 Monohulls
The basic Equipment Number (EN) is to be obtained from the following equation for use in determining
required equipment.
EN = k∆2/3 + m(Ba + Σbh) + nA
k = 1.0 (1.0, 1.012)
m = 2 (2, 0.186)
n = 0.1 (0.1, 0.00929)
∆ = molded displacement, in metric tons (long tons), at the summer load waterline.
B = molded breadth, as defined in 3-1-1/5, in m (ft)
h = h1, h2, h3, ... as shown in 3-5-1/Figure 1A. In the calculation of h, sheer, camber and
trim may be neglected.
a = freeboard, in m (ft), from the light waterline amidships.
h1, h2, h3… = height, in m (ft), on the centerline of each tier of houses having a breadth greater than B/4.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 5 Equipment
Section 1 Anchoring, Mooring and Towing Equipment 3-5-1

A = profile area, in m2 (ft2), of the hull, superstructure and houses above the summer load
waterline which are within L (see 3-1-1/3). Superstructures or deckhouses having a
breadth at any point no greater than 0.25B may be excluded. Screens and bulwarks
more than 1.5 m (4.9 ft) in height are to be regarded as parts of houses when calculating
h and A. The height of the hatch coamings and that of any deck cargo, such as containers,
may be disregarded when determining h and A. With regard to determining A, when a
bulwark is more than 1.5 m (4.9 ft) high, the area shown below as A2 should be
included in A.

1.5 m (4.9 ft)



b = breadth, in m (ft), of the widest superstructure or deckhouse on each tier.

Effective Heights of Deck Houses – Monohulls





Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 5 Equipment
Section 1 Anchoring, Mooring and Towing Equipment 3-5-1

3.3 Multi-Hulled Craft

Anchors and chains are to be not less than given in 3-5-1/Table 1 and the numbers, weights and sizes of
these are to be based on the equipment number obtained from the following equation. Special consideration
will be given where anchoring and mooring conditions are specified.
Equipment Number = 2k   + m[(2Ba) + B1(a1 + Σh)] + nA
k, ∆, m, n and A are defined in 3-5-1/3.1.
B, B1, a, a1, h1, h2, h3, Σh are shown in 3-5-1/Figure 1B.

Effective Heights of Deck Houses – Multi-Hulled Craft




Σh = h1 + h2 + h3


Wet deck

5 Equipment, Weight and Size

The equipment, weight and size of all craft are to be in accordance with 3-5-1/Table 1, in association with
the EN calculated in 3-5-1/3.

5.1 Alternatives for Anchor Size

The requirements for anchor sizing given in Appendix 3-5-A1 may be used in lieu of the anchor size and
number given by 3-5-1/Table 1. The requirements in 3-5-1/9 are not applicable when the alternative anchor
sizing requirements are used. Where one anchor is required by using the alternative arrangement, the total
length of chain required is one-half the value given in 3-5-1/Table 1.

5.3 Wire Rope

Wire rope may be used in lieu of chain. The wire is to have a breaking strength not less than the grade 1
chain of required size and a length of at least 1.5 times the chain it is replacing. Between the wire rope and
anchor, chain cable of the required size and having a length of 12.5 m (41.0 ft), or the distance between the
anchor in the stored position and winch, whichever is less, is to be fitted.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 5 Equipment
Section 1 Anchoring, Mooring and Towing Equipment 3-5-1

5.5 Synthetic Fiber Rope

Synthetic fiber rope may be used in lieu of anchor chain cable provided the craft meets the following:
i) The craft is less than 54 m (175 ft) in length.
ii) A length of chain is to be fitted between the anchor and synthetic fiber line.
iii) The chain is not to be less than the required Grade 1 chain for the equipment number.
iv) The chain length is to be at least the distance between the windlass and the anchor in the stowed
position and not less than 0.2L meters (feet).
v) The ropes are to be stowed on drums or lockers, protected from the weather and sea, and are to be
lead over rollers.
vi) The rope length is to be at least 1.5 times the required chain length.
vii) The breaking strength of the rope is to be at least equal to the breaking strength of the required
Grade 1 chain cable.
viii) Synthetic fiber ropes for this application are to be polyamide fiber rope or equivalent. Polypropylene
rope is not to be used.
ix) If the anchors are HHP or SHHP, the combined cable/synthetic rope is to be adequate for the verified
holding power of the anchor.

7 Materials and Tests

Material and testing for anchors and chains on craft are to be in accordance with the requirements of Part 2,
Chapter 2 for the respective sizes of anchors and chains. See Sections 2-2-1 and 2-2-2. Materials and tests
for wire rope are to be in accordance with a national or other recognized standard.

9 Anchor Types

9.1 General
Anchors are in general to be of the stockless type. The weight of the head of a stockless anchor. including
pins and fittings, is not to be less than three-fifths of the total weight of the anchor.

9.3 High Holding Power Anchors (HHP)

Where the anchor has a proven holding power of not less than two times that of an ordinary stockless
anchor and has been tested in accordance with Section 2-2-1 a weight reduction of 25% from the weight
specified in 3-5-1/Table 1 will be given. For HHP anchors an appropriate notation will be made in the Record.

9.5 Super High Holding Power Anchors (SHHP)

Where the anchor has a proven holding power of not less than four times that of an ordinary stockless
anchor and has been tested in accordance with Section 2-2-1 a weight reduction of 50% from the weight
specified in 3-5-1/Table 1 will be given. For SHHP anchors an appropriate notation will be made in the Record.

11 Windlass Support Structure and Cable Stopper

11.1 General
The windlass is to be of good and substantial make suitable for the size of intended anchor cable. The
winch is to be well bolted down to a substantial bed, and deck beams below the windlass are to be of extra
strength and additionally supported. Where wire ropes are used in lieu of chain cables, winches capable of
controlling the wire rope at all times are to be fitted.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 5 Equipment
Section 1 Anchoring, Mooring and Towing Equipment 3-5-1

Construction and installation of all windlasses and winches used for anchoring are to be carried out in
accordance with the following requirements, to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. In general, the design is to
conform to an applicable standard or code of practice. As a minimum, standards or practices are to indicate
strength, performance and testing criteria.
For vessels with length, L (as defined in 3-1-1/3), over 80 meters (263 feet) the windlass supporting structures
located on the exposed fore deck within the forward 0.25L are to meet the requirements in 3-5-1/11.3.
Where the mooring winch is integral with the windlass, it is to be considered as a part of the windlass for
the purpose of said paragraph.
The manufacturer or builder is to submit in accordance with 4-1-1/7, the following, as applicable:
11.1.1 Plans
i) Arrangement and details of the windlass or winch, drums, brakes, shaft, gears, coupling bolts,
wildcat, sheaves, pulleys and foundation.
ii) Electric one line diagram
iii) Piping system diagrams
iv) Control arrangements.
Plans or data are to show complete details including power ratings, working pressures, welding details,
material specifications, pipe and electric cable specifications, etc.
11.1.2 Calculations
Detailed stress calculations for the applicable system components listed in 3-5-1/11.1.1i) above.
The calculations are to be based on the breaking strength of the chain or wire rope; are to indicate
maximum torque or load to which the unit will be subjected and also show compliance with either
applicable sections of the Rules, such as Section 4-3-1 and Appendix 4-3-1A1 for the gears and
shafts, or to other recognized standard or code of practice.

11.3 Support Structure

The windlass is to be bolted down to a substantial foundation, which is to meet the following load cases
and associated criteria.
An independent cable stopper and its components are to be adequate for the load imposed. The arrangements
and details of the cable stopper are to be submitted for review.
11.3.1 Operating Loads
11.3.1(a) Load on Windlass Support Structure. The following load is to be applied in the
direction of the chain.
With cable stopper not attached to windlass: 45% of B.S.
With cable stopper attached to windlass: 80% of B.S.
Without cable stopper: 80% of B.S.
B.S. = minimum breaking strength of the chain, as indicated in 2-2-2/Tables 2 and 3
of the Rules for Materials and Welding (Part 2).
11.3.1(b) Load on Cable Stopper and Support Structure. A load of 80% of B.S. is to be applied
in the direction of the chain.
11.3.1(c) Allowable Stress. The stresses in the structures supporting the windlass and cable
stopper are not to exceed the yield point.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 5 Equipment
Section 1 Anchoring, Mooring and Towing Equipment 3-5-1

11.3.2 Sea Loads

11.3.2(a) Pressures. The following pressures and associated areas are to be applied (see
3-5-1/Figure 2):
- 200 kN/m2 (20.4 tf/m2, 4178 lbs/ft2) normal to the shaft axis and away from the forward
perpendicular, over the projected area in this direction,
- 150 kN/m2 (15.3 tf/m2, 3133 lbs/ft2) parallel to the shaft axis and acting both inboard and
outboard separately, over the multiple of f times the projected area in this direction,
where f is defined as:
f = 1 + B/H , f need not be taken as greater than 2.5
B = width of windlass measured parallel to the shaft axis
H = overall height of windlass.
11.3.2(b) Forces. Forces in the bolts, chocks and stoppers securing the windlass to the deck are
to be calculated. The windlass is supported by N groups of bolts, each containing one or more bolts,
see 3-5-1/Figure 2.
i) Axial Forces. The aggregate axial force Ri in respective group of bolts (or bolt) i, positive
in tension, may be calculated from the following equations:
Rxi = Px hxi Ai/Ix
Ryi = Py hyi Ai/Iy
Ri = Rxi + Ryi – Rsi
Px = force, kN (tf, lbs), acting normal to the shaft axis
Py = force, kN (tf, lbs), acting parallel to the shaft axis, either inboard or
outboard, whichever gives the greater force in bolt group i
h = shaft height above the windlass mounting, cm (in.)
xi, yi = x and y coordinates of bolt group i from the centroid of all N bolt
groups, positive in the direction opposite to that of the applied
force, cm (in.)
Ai = cross sectional area of all bolts in group i, cm2 (in2)

Ix = Ai xi2 for N bolt groups

Iy = Ai yi2 for N bolt groups
Rsi = static reaction at bolt group i, due to weight of windlass.
ii) Shear forces. Aggregated shear forces, Fxi, Fyi, applied to the respective bolt group, i, of bolts,
and the resultant combined force, Fi, may be calculated from:
Fxi = (Px – αgM)/N
Fyi = (Py – αgM)/N

Fi = ( Fxi2 + Fyi2 )0.5

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 5 Equipment
Section 1 Anchoring, Mooring and Towing Equipment 3-5-1

α = coefficient of friction (0.5)
M = mass of windlass, in tonnes (Ltons)
g = gravity: 9.81 m/sec2 (32.2 ft/sec2)
N = number of groups of bolt.
The axial tensile/compressive and lateral forces from the above equations are also to be
considered in the design of the supporting structure.
11.3.2(c) Stresses in Bolts. Tensile axial stresses in the individual bolts in each group of bolts, i,
are to be calculated. The horizontal forces, Fxi and Fyi, are normally to be reacted by shear chocks.
Where “fitted” bolts are designed to support these shear forces in one or both directions, the von
Mises equivalent stresses in the individual “fitted” bolts are to be calculated, and compared to the
stress under proof load. Where pour-able resins are incorporated in the holding down arrangements,
due account is to be taken in the calculations.
11.3.2(d) Allowable Stress
i) Bolts. The safety factor against bolt proof strength is to be not less than 2.0.
ii) Supporting Structures. The stresses in the above deck framing and the hull structure
supporting the windlass are not to exceed the following value.
• Bending Stress 85% of the yield strength of the material
• Shearing Stress 60% of the yield strength of the material

Direction of Forces and Weight

Py Px



Centerline of Vessel Py

Centerline of B

Note: Px
Py to be examined from both inboard and outboard
directions separately - see 3-5-1/11.3.2(a). The
sign convention for yi is reversed when Py is from
the opposite direction as shown.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 5 Equipment
Section 1 Anchoring, Mooring and Towing Equipment 3-5-1

Sign Convention

Px Coordinates xi and yi are shown as either

positive (+ve) or negative (-ve).
Centerline of
x3 (-ve)
y3 (+ve)
x4 (-ve)
x2 (+ve) x1 (+ve)
Centroid of Bolt Groups
y4 (+ve)

y2 (+ve)

y1 (+ve)

11.5 Craft Less Than 61 m (200 ft) in Length

Where it is not practical to fit an anchor windlass or winch that has been approved by ABS in accordance
with 3-5-1/11.1, consideration will be given to fitting an anchor windlass that is provided with a certificate
from the manufacturer. This certificate is to state that the equipment has been designed to accommodate
the breaking strength of the required chain or wire rope. If the required anchor weight is less than 38.5 kg
(85 lbs) no winch or windlass is required.

13 Trial
See 3-7-2/1.

15 Hawse Pipes
Hawse pipes are to be of ample size and strength; they are to have full rounded flanges and the least
possible lead, in order to minimize the nip on the cables; they are to be securely attached to thick doubling
or insert plates by continuous welds the size of which are to be in accordance with Section 3-2-13 for the plating
thickness and type of joint selected. When in position they are to be thoroughly tested for watertightness by
means of a hose in which the water pressure is not to be less than 2.06 bar (2.1 kgf/cm2, 30 psi). Hawse
pipes for stockless anchors are to provide ample clearances; the anchors are to be shipped and unshipped
so that the Surveyor may be satisfied that there is no risk of the anchor jamming in the hawse pipe. Care is
to be taken to ensure a fair lead for the chain from the windlass to the hawse pipes and to the chain pipes.

17 Hawsers and Towlines

Hawsers and towlines are not required as a condition of classification. The hawsers and towlines listed in
3-5-1/Table 2 are intended as a guide. Where the tabular breaking strength exceeds 490 kN (50,000 kgf,
110,200 lbf), the breaking strength and the number of individual hawsers given in the Table may be
modified, provided their product is not less than that of the breaking strength and the number of hawsers
given in the Table. For vessels having an A/EN ratio greater than 0.9 for metric units (9.7 for US units), the
number of hawsers given in 3-5-1/Table 2 is to be increased by the number given below.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 5 Equipment
Section 1 Anchoring, Mooring and Towing Equipment 3-5-1

A/EN Ratio
SI Units, Metric Units U.S. Units Increase number of hawsers by
above 0.9 up to 1.1 above 9.7 up to 11.8 1
above 1.1 up to 1.2 above 11.8 up to 12.9 2
above 1.2 above 12.9 3

A = defined in 3-5-1/3
EN = determined by the equation in 3-5-1/3

19 Bollard, Fairlead and Chocks

19.1 General
The arrangements and details below are for guidance only and are not required for class. The guidance for
the supporting structures of these deck fittings are specified in 3-2-7/4 of the Steel Vessel Rules.

19.3 Deck Fittings

The size of deck fittings is to be in accordance with recognized standards (e.g., ISO3913 Shipbuilding
Welded Steel Bollards). The design load used to assess deck fittings and their attachments to the hull are to
be in accordance with the requirements as specified in 3-2-7/4 of the Steel Vessel Rules.

19.5 Safe Working Load (SWL)

The requirements on SWL apply for a single post basis (no more than one turn of one cable).
19.5.1 Mooring Operations
The SWL is not to exceed 80% of the design load per 3-2-7/4.3 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
19.5.2 Towing Operations
The SWL used for normal towing operations (e.g., harbor/maneuvering) is not to exceed 80% of
the design load per 3-2-7/4.3.2(a) of the Steel Vessel Rules and the SWL used for other towing
operations (e.g., escort) is not to exceed the design load per 3-2-7/4.3.2(b) of the Steel Vessel
Rules. For deck fittings used for both normal and other towing operations, the design load of
3-2-7/4.3.2 of the Steel Vessel Rules is to be used.
19.5.3 Marking and Plan
19.5.3(a) Marking. The SWL of each deck fitting is to be marked (by weld bead or equivalent)
on the deck fittings used for towing/mooring.
19.5.3(b) Plan. The towing and mooring arrangements plan mentioned in 3-5-1/19.7 is to define
the method of use of mooring lines and/or towing lines.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 5 Equipment
Section 1 Anchoring, Mooring and Towing Equipment 3-5-1

19.7 Towing and Mooring Arrangements Plan

The SWL for the intended use for each deck fitting is to be noted in the towing and mooring arrangements
plan available on board for the guidance of the Master.
Information provided on the plan is to include in respect of each deck fitting:
• Location on the ship
• Fitting type
• Purpose (mooring/harbor towing/escort towing)
• Manner of applying towing or mooring line load including limiting fleet angles.
Note: Where the arrangements and details of deck fittings and their supporting structures are designed based on the mooring
arrangements as permitted in Note 2 of 3-2-7/4.3.1(a) of the Steel Vessel Rules, the arrangement of mooring lines
showing number of lines together with the breaking strength of each mooring line are to be clearly indicated on the
This information is to be incorporated into the pilot card in order to provide the pilot proper information on
harbor/escorting operations.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 5 Equipment
Section 1 Anchoring, Mooring and Towing Equipment 3-5-1

Equipment for Self-propelled Ocean-going Craft
SI, MKS Units
The weight per anchor of bower anchors given in 3-5-1/Table 1 is for anchors of equal weight. The weight of individual anchors
may vary 7% plus or minus from the tabular weight provided that the combined weight of all anchors is not less than that required
for anchors of equal weight. The total length of chain required to be carried on board, as given in 3-5-1/Table 1, is to be reasonably
divided between the two bower anchors. Where three anchors are given in 3-5-1/Table 1, the third anchor is intended as spare
bower anchor and is listed for guidance only; it is not required as a condition of classification.
Stockless Bower Anchors Chain Cable Stud Link Bower Chain
Normal- High- Extra High-
Mass per Strength Steel Strength Steel Strength Steel
Equipment Equipment Anchor, Length, (Grade 1), (Grade 2), (Grade 3),
Numeral Number* Number kg m mm mm mm
UA1 30 2 75 192.5 12.5 — —
UA2 40 2 100 192.5 12.5 — —
UA3 50 2 120 192.5 12.5 — —
UA4 60 2 140 192.5 12.5 — —
UA5 70 2 160 220 14 12.5 —

UA6 80 2 180 220 14 12.5 —

UA7 90 2 210 220 16 14 —
UA8 100 2 240 220 16 14 —
UA9 110 2 270 247.5 17.5 16 —
UA10 120 2 300 247.5 17.5 16 —

UA11 130 2 340 275 19 16 —

UA12 140 2 390 275 20.5 17.5 —
U6 150 2 480 275 22 19 —
U7 175 2 570 302.5 24 20.5 —
U8 205 3 660 302.5 26 22 20.5
U9 240 3 780 330 28 24 22
U10 280 3 900 357.5 30 26 24

U11 320 3 1020 357.5 32 28 24

U12 360 3 1140 385 34 30 26
U13 400 3 1290 385 36 32 28
U14 450 3 1440 412.5 38 34 30
U15 500 3 1590 412.5 40 34 30

U16 550 3 1740 440 42 36 32

U17 600 3 1920 440 44 38 34
U18 660 3 2100 440 46 40 36
U19 720 3 2280 467.5 48 42 36
U20 780 3 2460 467.5 50 44 38

U21 840 3 2640 467.5 52 46 40

U22 910 3 2850 495 54 48 42
U23 980 3 3060 495 56 50 44
U24 1060 3 3300 495 58 50 46
U25 1140 3 3540 522.5 60 52 46

U26 1220 3 3780 522.5 62 54 48

U27 1300 3 4050 522.5 64 56 50
U28 1390 3 4320 550 66 58 50
U29 1480 3 4590 550 68 60 52
U30 1570 3 4890 550 70 62 54

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 5 Equipment
Section 1 Anchoring, Mooring and Towing Equipment 3-5-1

TABLE 1 (continued)
Equipment for Self-propelled Ocean-going Craft
SI, MKS Units
Stockless Bower Anchors Chain Cable Stud Link Bower Chain
Normal- High- Extra High-
Mass per Strength Steel Strength Steel Strength Steel
Equipment Equipment Anchor, Length, (Grade 1), (Grade 2), (Grade 3),
Numeral Number* Number kg m mm mm mm
U31 1670 3 5250 577.5 73 64 56
U32 1790 3 5610 577.5 76 66 58
U33 1930 3 6000 577.5 78 68 60
U34 2080 3 6450 605 81 70 62
U35 2230 3 6900 605 84 73 64

U36 2380 3 7350 605 87 76 66

U37 2530 3 7800 632.5 90 78 68
U38 2700 3 8300 632.5 92 81 70
U39 2870 3 8700 632.5 95 84 73
U40 3040 3 9300 660 97 84 76

U41 3210 3 9900 660 100 87 78

U42 3400 3 10500 600 102 90 78
U43 3600 3 11100 687.5 105 92 81
U44 3800 3 11700 687.5 107 95 84
U45 4000 3 12300 687.5 111 97 87

U46 4200 3 12900 715 114 100 87

U47 4400 3 13500 715 117 102 90
U48 4600 3 14100 715 120 105 92
U49 4800 3 14700 742.5 122 107 95
U50 5000 3 15400 742.5 124 111 97

U51 5200 3 16100 742.5 127 111 97

U52 5500 3 16900 742.5 130 114 100
U53 5800 3 17800 742.5 132 117 102
U54 6100 3 18800 742.5 — 120 107
U55 6500 3 20000 770 — 124 111

U56 6900 3 21500 770 — 127 114

U57 7400 3 23000 770 — 132 117
U58 7900 3 24500 770 — 137 122
U59 8400 3 26000 770 — 142 127
U60 8900 3 27500 770 — 147 132
U61 9400 3 29000 770 — 152 132

U62 10000 3 31000 770 — — 137

U63 10700 3 33000 770 — — 142
U64 11500 3 35500 770 — — 147
U65 12400 3 38500 770 — — 152
U66 13400 3 42000 770 — — 157
U67 14600 3 46000 770 — — 162
* For intermediate values of equipment number use equipment complement in sizes and weights given for the lower equipment
number in the table.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 5 Equipment
Section 1 Anchoring, Mooring and Towing Equipment 3-5-1

Equipment for Self-propelled Ocean-going Craft
US Units
The weight per anchor of bower anchors given in 3-5-1/Table 1 is for anchors of equal weight. The weight of individual anchors
may vary 7% plus or minus from the tabular weight, provided that the combined weight of all anchors is not less than that required
for anchors of equal weight. The total length of chain required to be carried onboard, as given in 3-5-1/Table 1, is to be reasonably
divided between the two bower anchors. Where three anchors are given in 3-5-1/Table 1, the third anchor is intended as a spare
bower anchor and is listed for guidance only. It is not required as a condition of classification.
Stockless Bower Anchors Chain Cable Stud Link Bower Chain
Normal- High- Extra High-
Mass per Strength Steel Strength Steel Strength Steel
Equipment Equipment Anchor, Length, (Grade 1), (Grade 2), (Grade 3),
Numeral Number* Number pounds fathoms inches inches inches
UA1 30 2 165 105 1/2 — —
UA2 40 2 220 105 1/2 — —
UA3 50 2 265 105 1/2 — —
UA4 60 2 310 105 ½ — —
UA5 70 2 350 120 9/16 1/2 —

UA6 80 2 400 120 9/16 1/2 —

UA7 90 2 460 120 5/8 9/16 —
UA8 100 2 530 120 5/8 9/16 —
UA9 110 2 595 135 11/16 5/8 —
UA10 120 2 670 135 11/16 5/8 —

UA11 130 2 750 150 3/4 11/16 —

UA12 140 2 860 150 13/16 11/16 —
U6 150 2 1060 150 7/8 3/4 —
U7 175 2 1255 165 15/16 13/16 —
U8 205 3 1455 165 1 7/8 13/16

U9 240 3 1720 180 1 1/8 15/16 7/8

U10 280 3 1985 195 1 3/16 1 15/16

U11 320 3 2250 195 1 1/4 1 1/8 15/16

U12 360 3 2510 210 1 5/16 1 3/16 1

U13 400 3 2840 210 1 7/16 1 1/4 1 1/8
U14 450 3 3170 225 1 1/2 1 5/16 1 3/16
U15 500 3 3500 225 1 9/16 1 5/16 1 3/16

U16 550 3 3830 240 1 5/8 1 7/16 1 1/4

U17 600 3 4230 240 1 3/4 1 1/2 1 5/16
U18 660 3 4630 240 1 13/16 1 9/16 1 7/16
U19 720 3 5020 255 1 7/8 1 5/8 1 7/16
U20 780 3 5420 255 2 1 3/4 1 1/2

U21 840 3 5820 255 2 1/16 1 13/16 1 9/16

U22 910 3 6280 270 2 1/8 1 7/8 1 5/8
U23 980 3 6740 270 2 3/16 1 15/16 1 3/4
U24 1060 3 7270 270 2 5/16 2 1 13/16
U25 1140 3 7800 285 2 3/8 2 1/16 1 13/16

U26 1220 3 8330 285 2 7/16 2 1/8 1 7/8

U27 1300 3 8930 285 2 1/2 2 3/16 2
U28 1390 3 9520 300 2 5/8 2 5/16 2
U29 1480 3 10120 300 2 11/16 2 3/8 2 1/16
U30 1570 3 10800 300 2 3/4 2 7/16 2 1/8

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 5 Equipment
Section 1 Anchoring, Mooring and Towing Equipment 3-5-1

TABLE 1 (continued)
Equipment for Self-propelled Ocean-going Craft
US Units
Stockless Bower Anchors Chain Cable Stud Link Bower Chain
Normal- High- Extra High-
Mass per Strength Steel Strength Steel Strength Steel
Equipment Equipment Anchor, Length, (Grade 1), (Grade 2), (Grade 3),
Numeral Number* Number pounds fathoms inches inches inches
U31 1670 3 11600 315 2 7/8 2 1/2 2 3/16
U32 1790 3 12400 315 3 2 5/8 2 5/16
U33 1930 3 13200 315 3 /16
1 2 /16
11 2 3/8
U34 2080 3 14200 330 3 3/16 2 3/4 2 7/16
U35 2230 3 15200 330 3 5/16 2 7/8 2 1/2

U36 2380 3 16200 330 3 7/16 3 2 5/8

U37 2530 3 17200 345 3 9/16 3 1/16 2 11/16
U38 2700 3 18300 345 3 5/8 3 3/16 2 3/4
U39 2870 3 19200 345 3 3/4 3 5/16 2 7/8
U40 3040 3 20500 360 3 7/8 3 5/16 3

U41 3210 3 21800 360 3 15/16 3 7/16 3 1/16

U42 3400 3 23100 360 4 3 9/16 3 1/16
U43 3600 3 24500 375 4 1/8 3 5/8 3 3/16
U44 3800 3 25800 375 4 1/4 3 3/4 3 5/16
U45 4000 3 27100 375 4 3/8 3 7/8 3 7/16

U46 4200 3 28400 390 4 1/2 3 15/16 3 7/16

U47 4400 3 29800 390 4 5/8 4 3 9/16
U48 4600 3 31100 390 4 3/4 4 1/8 3 5/8
U49 4800 3 32400 405 4 3/4 4 1/4 3 3/4
U50 5000 3 33900 405 4 7/8 4 3/8 3 7/8

U51 5200 3 35500 405 5 4 3/8 3 7/8

U52 5500 3 37200 405 5 1/8 4 1/2 3 15/16
U53 5800 3 39200 405 5 1/8 4 5/8 4
U54 6100 3 41400 405 — 4 3/4 4 1/4
U55 6500 3 44000 420 — 4 7/8 4 3/8

U56 6900 3 47400 420 — 5 4 1/2

U57 7400 3 50700 420 — 5 1/8 4 5/8
U58 7900 3 54000 420 — 5 3/8 4 3/4
U59 8400 3 57300 420 — 5 5/8 5
U60 8900 3 60600 420 — 5 3/4 5 1/8
U61 9400 3 63900 420 — 6 5 1/8

U62 10000 3 68000 420 — — 5 3/8

U63 10700 3 72500 420 — — 5 5/8
U64 11500 3 78000 420 — — 5 3/4
U65 12400 3 85000 420 — — 6
U66 13400 3 92500 420 — — 6 1/8
U67 14600 3 101500 420 — — 6 3/8
* For intermediate values of equipment number use equipment complement in sizes and weights given for the lower equipment
number in the table.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 5 Equipment
Section 1 Anchoring, Mooring and Towing Equipment 3-5-1

Towline and Hawsers for Self-propelled Ocean-going Vessels
For intermediate values of equipment number, use equipment complement in sizes and weights given for the lower
equipment number in the table.
SI & MKS Units
Towline Wire or Rope Hawsers
Breaking Strength, Length Breaking Strength,
Equipment Equipment of Each,
Numeral Number* Length, m KN kgf Number m kN kgf
U6 150 180 98.0 10000 3 120 54.0 5500
U7 175 180 112.0 11400 3 120 59.0 6000
U8 205 180 129.0 13200 4 120 64.0 6500
U9 240 180 150.0 15300 4 120 69.0 7000
U10 280 180 174.0 17700 4 140 74.0 7500

U11 320 180 207.0 21100 4 140 78.0 8000

U12 360 180 224.0 22800 4 140 88.0 9000
U13 400 180 250.0 25500 4 140 98.0 10000
U14 450 180 277.0 28200 4 140 108.0 11000
U15 500 190 306.0 31200 4 160 123.0 12500

U16 550 190 338.0 34500 4 160 132.0 13500

U17 600 190 370.0 37800 4 160 147.0 15000
U18 660 190 406.0 41400 4 160 157.0 16000
U19 720 190 441.0 45000 4 170 172.0 17500
U20 780 190 479.0 48900 4 170 186.0 19000

U21 840 190 518.0 52800 4 170 201.0 20500

U22 910 190 559.0 57000 4 170 216.0 22000
U23 980 200 603.0 61500 4 180 230.0 23500
U24 1060 200 647.0 66000 4 180 250.0 25500
U25 1140 200 691.0 70500 4 180 270.0 27500

U26 1220 200 738.0 75300 4 180 284.0 29000

U27 1300 200 786.0 80100 4 180 309.0 31500
U28 1390 200 836.0 85200 4 180 324.0 33000
U29 1480 220 888.0 90600 5 190 324.0 33000
U30 1570 220 941.0 96000 5 190 333.0 34000

U31 1670 220 1024.0 104400 5 190 353.0 36000

U32 1790 220 1109.0 113100 5 190 378.0 38500
U33 1930 220 1168.0 119100 5 190 402.0 41000
U34 2080 240 1259.0 128400 5 200 422.0 43000
U35 2230 240 1356.0 138300 5 200 451.0 46000

U36 2380 240 1453.0 148200 5 200 480.0 49000

U37 2530 260 1471.0 150000 6 200 480.0 49000
U38 2700 260 1471.0 150000 6 200 490.0 50000
U39 2870 260 1471.0 150000 6 200 500.0 51000
U40 3040 280 1471.0 150000 6 200 520.0 53000

U41 3210 280 1471.0 150000 6 200 554.0 56500

U42 3400 280 1471.0 150000 6 200 588.0 60000
U43 3600 300 1471.0 150000 6 200 618.0 63000
U44 3800 300 1471.0 150000 6 200 647.0 66000
U45 4000 300 1471.0 150000 7 200 647.0 66000

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 5 Equipment
Section 1 Anchoring, Mooring and Towing Equipment 3-5-1

TABLE 2 (continued)
Towline and Hawsers for Self-propelled Ocean-going Vessels
SI & MKS Units
Towline Wire or Rope Hawsers
Breaking Strength, Length Breaking Strength,
Equipment Equipment of Each,
Numeral Number* Length, m KN kgf Number m kN kgf
U46 4200 300 1471.0 150000 7 200 657.0 67000
U47 4400 300 1471.0 150000 7 200 667.0 68000
U48 4600 300 1471.0 150000 7 200 677.0 69000
U49 4800 300 1471.0 150000 7 200 686.0 70000
U50 5000 300 1471.0 150000 8 200 686.0 70000

U51 5200 300 1471.0 150000 8 200 696.0 71000

U52 5500 300 1471.0 150000 8 200 706.0 72000
U53 5800 300 1471.0 150000 9 200 706.0 72000
U54 6100 300 1471.0 150000 9 200 716.0 73000
U55 6500 300 1471.0 150000 9 200 726.0 74000

U56 6900 300 1471.0 150000 10 200 726.0 74000

U57 7400 300 1471.0 150000 11 200 726.0 74000
U58 7900 — — — 12 200 736.0 75000
U59 8400 — — — 12 200 736.0 75000
U60 8900 — — — 13 200 736.0 75000
U61 9400 — — — 14 200 736.0 75000

U62 10000 — — — 15 200 736.0 75000

U63 10700 — — — 16 200 736.0 75000
U64 11500 — — — 17 200 736.0 75000
U65 12400 — — — 18 200 736.0 75000
U66 13400 — — — 19 200 736.0 75000
U67 14600 — — — 21 200 736.0 75000

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 5 Equipment
Section 1 Anchoring, Mooring and Towing Equipment 3-5-1

Towline and Hawsers for Self-propelled Ocean-going Vessels
For intermediate values of equipment number, use equipment complement in sizes and weights given for the lower
equipment number in the table.
US Units
Towline Wire or Rope Hawsers
Breaking Length of Breaking
Equipment Equipment Length, Strength, Each Strength,
Numeral Number* Fathoms Pounds Number Fathoms Pounds
U6 150 98 22000 3 66 12100
U7 175 98 25100 3 66 13200
U8 205 98 29100 4 66 14300
U9 240 98 33700 4 66 15400
U10 280 98 39000 4 77 16500

U11 320 98 46500 4 77 17600

U12 360 98 50300 4 77 19800
U13 400 98 56200 4 77 22000
U14 450 98 62200 4 77 24200
U15 500 104 68800 4 88 27600

U16 550 104 76000 4 88 29800

U17 600 104 83300 4 88 33100
U18 660 104 91200 4 88 35300
U19 720 104 99200 4 93 38600
U20 780 104 107800 4 93 41900

U21 840 104 116400 4 93 45200

U22 910 104 125600 4 93 48500
U23 980 109 135500 4 98 51800
U24 1060 109 145500 4 98 56200
U25 1140 109 155400 4 98 60600

U26 1220 109 166000 4 98 63900

U27 1300 109 176500 4 98 69400
U28 1390 109 187800 4 98 72800
U29 1480 120 199700 5 104 72800
U30 1570 120 211500 5 104 75000

U31 1670 120 230000 5 104 79400

U32 1790 120 249500 5 104 84900
U33 1930 120 262500 5 104 90400
U34 2080 131 283000 5 109 94800
U35 2230 131 305000 5 109 101400

U36 2380 131 326500 5 109 108000

U37 2530 142 330500 6 109 108000
U38 2700 142 330500 6 109 110200
U39 2870 142 330500 6 109 112400
U40 3040 153 330500 6 109 116800

U41 3210 153 330500 6 109 124600

U42 3400 153 330500 6 109 132300
U43 3600 164 330500 6 109 138900
U44 3800 164 330500 6 109 145500
U45 4000 164 330500 7 109 145500

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 5 Equipment
Section 1 Anchoring, Mooring and Towing Equipment 3-5-1

TABLE 2 (continued)
Towline and Hawsers for Self-propelled Ocean-going Vessels
US Units
Towline Wire or Rope Hawsers
Breaking Length of Breaking
Equipment Equipment Length, Strength, Each Strength,
Numeral Number* Fathoms Pounds Number Fathoms Pounds
U46 4200 164 330500 7 109 147700
U47 4400 164 330500 7 109 149900
U48 4600 164 330500 7 109 152100
U49 4800 164 330500 7 109 154300
U50 5000 164 330500 8 109 154300

U51 5200 164 330500 8 109 156500

U52 5500 164 330500 8 109 158700
U53 5800 164 330500 9 109 158700
U54 6100 164 330500 9 109 160900
U55 6500 164 330500 9 109 163100

U56 6900 164 330500 10 109 163100

U57 7400 164 330500 11 109 163100
U58 7900 — — 11 109 165300
U59 8400 — — 12 109 165300
U60 8900 — — 13 109 165300
U61 9400 — — 14 109 165300

U62 10000 — — 15 109 165300

U63 10700 — — 16 109 165300
U64 11500 — — 17 109 165300
U65 12400 — — 18 109 165300
U66 13400 — — 19 109 165300
U67 14600 — — 21 109 165300

PART Appendix 1: Alternative Standard for the Required Anchor Size

CHAPTER 5 Equipment

APPENDIX 1 Alternative Standard for the Required Anchor Size

1 General
All craft are to have anchor and chain that comply with the requirements in Section 3-5-1 of these Rules or
the requirements listed below. The letter Á will signify that the equipment of the craft is in compliance
with the requirements in these Rules and tested in accordance with Section 3-5-1/9 of these Rules.

3 Anchor Size Requirement

A minimum of one (1) anchor is to be provided that has a holding power in a bottom that has an average
consistency between mud and sand that is greater than determined by the following equation. The holding
power of the anchor is to be certified by the anchor manufacturer.

HP = 0.0195AVw2 + 0.114 ∆L (Vc)1.825 + 7.74NpApVc2 kg

HP = 0.004AVw2 + 0.14 ∆L (Vc)1.825 + 1.59NpApVc2 lbf

HP = required holding power of anchor, in kg (lbf)
A = projected frontal area of the craft above the waterline, in m2 (ft2)
Vw = velocity of wind acting on the craft, not to be taken less than 50 knots

∆ = molded displacement of the craft, in mt (lbf), to the summer load line

L = length of craft, in m (ft), as defined in 3-1-1/3
Vc = velocity of current acting on the craft, not to be taken less than 3 knots
Np = number of propellers fitted on the craft
Ap = area of one propeller, in m2 (ft2)

5 Anchor Chain, Cable, or Rope

The required size and length of chain, cable, or rope is to be as indicated in 3-5-1. Where one anchor is
allowed the required chain length is one half the length required from 3-5-1/Table 1.

PART Chapter 6: Navigation

CHAPTER 6 Navigation

SECTION 1 Visibility................................................................................................. 232
1 Navigation Bridge Visibility.............................................................. 232
1.1 Field of Vision .............................................................................. 232
1.3 Windows and Their Arrangements .............................................. 234
1.5 Unconventional Design................................................................ 235

FIGURE 1..................................................................................................... 232

FIGURE 2..................................................................................................... 233
FIGURE 3..................................................................................................... 234
FIGURE 4..................................................................................................... 234
FIGURE 5..................................................................................................... 234
FIGURE 6..................................................................................................... 234

PART Section 1: Visibility

CHAPTER 6 Navigation

SECTION 1 Visibility

1 Navigation Bridge Visibility

All craft of not less than 55 m (180 ft) in length overall having the keel laid or in similar stage of construction on
or after 1 July 1998 are to meet the following requirements with regard to the visibility from the navigation
bridge, unless they are navigating solely the Great Lakes of North America and their connecting and
tributary waters as far east as the lower exit of the St. Lambert Lock at Montreal in the Province of Quebec,
Canada. Special consideration will be given to craft that operate only on domestic or on short, limited,
international voyages.

1.1 Field of Vision

1.1.1 Conning Position
1.1.1(a) The view of the sea surface from the conning position is not to be obscured by more than
2LOA (Length Overall) or 500 m (1640 ft), whichever is less, forward of the bow to 10° on either
side for all conditions of draft, trim and deck cargo under which the particular craft is expected to
operate. See 3-6-1/Figure 1.

Conning Position

2 Craft's length or 500 m, whichever is less

1 A conning position is a place on the bridge with a commanding view and which is used by navigators when
commanding, maneuvering and controlling a craft.
2 Attention is drawn to flag Administrations requiring lengths of less than 2LOA.

1.1.1(b) No blind sector caused by cargo, cargo gear or other obstructions outside of the wheelhouse
forward of the beam which obstructs the view of the sea surface as seen from the conning position
is to exceed 10°. The total arc of blind sectors is not to exceed 20°. The clear sectors between blind
sectors are to be at least 5°. However, in the view described in 3-6-1/1.1.1(a), each individual blind
sector is not to exceed 5°.
1.1.1(c) The horizontal field of vision from the conning position is to extend over an arc of not
less than 225°, that is, from right ahead to not less than 22.5° abaft the beam on either side of the
craft. See 3-6-1/Figure 3.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 6 Navigation
Section 1 Visibility 3-6-1

1.1.2 Bridge Wing

1.1.2(a) From each bridge wing, the horizontal field of vision is to extend over an arc of at least
225°, that is, from at least 45° on the opposite bow to right ahead and then from right ahead to
right astern through 180° on the same side of the craft. See 3-6-1/Figure 4.
1.1.2(b) The craft’s side is to be visible from the bridge wing.
i) The requirements of 3-6-1/1.1.2(b) are accomplished when:
• A view from the bridge wing plus a distance corresponding to a reasonable and safe
distance of a seafarer leaning over the side of the bridge wing, which needs not to be
more than 400 mm (16 in.), to the location vertically right under the maximum beam
of the ship at the lowest seagoing draft is not obscured; or
• The sea surface at the lowest seagoing draft and with a transverse distance of 500 mm
(19.5 in.) and more from the maximum beam throughout the ship’s length is visible
from the side of the bridge wing.
See 3-6-1/Figure 2.
ii) For particular ship types, such as tug/tow boat, offshore supply vessel (OSV), rescue ship,
work ship (e.g., floating crane ships), etc., that are designed such that, in normal operations,
they come along side, or operate in close proximity to, other vessels or offshore structures
at sea, 3-6-1/1.1.2(b) is met provided the bridge wings extend at least to a location from
which the sea surface, at the lowest seagoing draft and at a transverse distance of 1500 mm
(59 in.) from the maximum beam throughout the ship’s length, is visible. If this ship type
is changed to a type other than those addressed in this paragraph, then the interpretation in
this paragraph would no longer apply.


400 mm
(16.0 in.)

Minimum Minimum
500 mm
draft draft
(19.5 in.)

Max. 400 mm (16.0 in.) Max. 500 mm (19.5 in.)

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 6 Navigation
Section 1 Visibility 3-6-1

1.1.3 Main Steering Position

From the main steering position, the horizontal field of vision is to extend over an arc from right
ahead to at least 60° on each side of the craft. See 3-6-1/Figure 5.


6 0º
6 0º
4 5º 4 5º
2 25 º

2 25 º
22.5° position


1.3 Windows and Their Arrangements

Windows and their arrangements are to meet the following requirements:
1.3.1 Framing
Framing between navigation bridge windows is to be kept to a minimum to meet the structural
strength and stiffness requirements, and is not to be installed immediately in front of any workstations.
1.3.2 Inclination Angle
The bridge front windows are to be inclined from a vertical plane top out, at an angle of not less
than 10° and not more than 25°, see 3-6-1/Figure 6.



750 10º-25º




Deck surface

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 6 Navigation
Section 1 Visibility 3-6-1

1.3.3 Glass
Polarized and tinted windows are not to be fitted.
1.3.4 Clear View
At all times, regardless of the weather conditions, at least two of the navigation bridge front windows
are to provide a clear view, and in addition, depending on the bridge configuration, an additional
number of windows are to provide a clear view. To this end, the following, or equivalent, is to be
1.3.4(a) Sun Screens. Sunscreens with minimum color distortion. These sunscreens are to be readily
removable and not permanently installed.
1.3.4(b) Wipers and Fresh Water Wash Systems. Heavy-duty wipers, preferably provided with
an interval function, and fresh water wash systems. These wipers are to be capable of operating
independently of each other.
1.3.4(c) De-icing and De-misting Systems. De-icing and de-misting systems to be provided.
1.3.4(d) Fixed Catwalk. A fixed catwalk with guardrails, fitted forward of the bridge windows,
to enable manual cleaning of windows in the event of failure of the above systems.
1.3.5 Lower Edge
The height of the lower edge of the navigation bridge front windows above the bridge deck is to
be kept as low as possible. In no case is the lower edge to present an obstruction to the forward
view as described in this Section.
1.3.6 Upper Edge
The upper edge of the navigation bridge front windows is to allow a forward view of the horizon
for a person with a height of eye of 1800 mm (5 ft-11 in.) above the bridge deck at the conning
position when the craft is pitching in heavy seas. ABS, if satisfied that an 1800 mm (5 ft-11 in.)
height of eye is unreasonable and impractical, may allow reduction of the height of eye, but not to
less than 1600 mm (5 ft-3 in.). See 3-6-1/Figure 5.

1.5 Unconventional Design

For craft of unconventional design which cannot comply with the above requirements, arrangements are to
be provided to the satisfaction of ABS to achieve a level of visibility that is as near as practical to those
prescribed in this Section.

PART Chapter 7: Testing, Trials and Surveys During Construction – Hull

CHAPTER 7 Testing, Trials and Surveys During Construction –

SECTION 1 Tank, Bulkhead and Rudder Tightness Testing............................... 238
1 General ........................................................................................... 238
1.1 Application ................................................................................... 238
1.3 Types and Definitions of Test ...................................................... 238
3 Test Procedures ..............................................................................239
3.1 General ........................................................................................ 239
3.3 Structural Testing......................................................................... 239
3.5 Leak Testing ................................................................................ 240
5 Details of Testing ............................................................................240
5.1 Hydrostatic Testing ...................................................................... 240
5.3 Hydropneumatic Testing .............................................................. 240
5.5 Air Testing ................................................................................... 240
5.7 Hose Testing ............................................................................... 240
5.9 Compressed Air Fillet Weld Testing............................................. 241
5.11 Vacuum Box Testing.................................................................... 241
5.13 Ultrasonic Testing ........................................................................ 241
5.15 Penetration Testing...................................................................... 241
5.17 Other Methods of Testing ............................................................ 241
7 Application of Coating .....................................................................241
7.1 Final Coating ............................................................................... 241
7.3 Temporary Coating ...................................................................... 241
7.5 Safe Access to Joints .................................................................. 241

TABLE 1 Testing Requirements for Tanks and Boundaries ................242

TABLE 2 Application of Leak Testing, Coating and Provision of
Safe Access for Type of Welded Joints ................................ 244

SECTION 2 Trials .................................................................................................... 245

1 Anchor Windlass Trials ...................................................................245
3 Bilge System Trials .........................................................................245
5 Steering Trials .................................................................................245

SECTION 3 Surveys ............................................................................................... 246
1 Construction Welding and Fabrication ............................................ 246
3 Hull Castings and Forgings ............................................................. 246
5 Piping .............................................................................................. 246

PART Section 1: Tank, Bulkhead and Rudder Tightness Testing

CHAPTER 7 Testing, Trials and Surveys During Construction –

SECTION 1 Tank, Bulkhead and Rudder Tightness Testing

1 General (1 July 2013)

Test procedures are to confirm the watertightness of tanks and watertight boundaries, the structural adequacy
of tanks and the weathertightness of structures/shipboard outfitting. The tightness of tanks and tight boundaries
is to be confirmed by test procedures for:
• New craft, prior to delivery, and
• Structures involved in or affected by major conversions or repairs affecting structural integrity

1.1 Application
All gravity tanks which are subjected to vapor pressure not greater than 0.7 bars (0.7 kgf/cm2, 10 psi) and
other boundaries required to be watertight or weathertight are to be tested in accordance with this Subsection
and proven tight or structurally adequate as follows:
Gravity Tanks for their structural adequacy and tightness,
Watertight Boundaries Other Than Tank Boundaries for their watertightness, and
Weathertight Boundaries for their weathertightness.
Testing of structures not listed in 3-7-1/Table 1 is to be specially considered.

1.3 Types and Definitions of Test

The following two types of testing are specified in this requirement.
Structural Testing is a test to verify the structural adequacy of the construction of the tank. This may be
hydropneumatic testing or hydrostatic testing as specified in 3-7-1/5.1 and 3-7-1/5.3.
Leak Testing is a test to verify the tightness of the boundary. Unless specific testing is indicated,
this may be hydrostatic/hydropneumatic testing or air testing as specified in 3-7-1/5.1, 3-7-1/5.3 and
3-7-1/5.5. Leak testing in items 14 to 17 as specified in 3-7-1/Table 1 includes hose test as an
acceptable medium of the test.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 7 Testing, Trials and Surveys During Construction - Hull
Section 1 Tank, Bulkhead and Rudder Tightness Testing 3-7-1

3 Test Procedures

3.1 General
Tests are to be carried out in the presence of the Surveyor at a stage sufficiently close to completion, after
all attachments, outfittings or penetrations which may affect the strength or tightness of the structure have
been completed, and before any ceiling and cement work is applied over joints.
Specific test requirements are given in 3-7-1/5 and 3-7-1/Table 1.
For the timing of application of coating in relation to testing, see 3-7-1/7.

3.3 Structural Testing (1 July 2013)

3.3.1 Test Type and Time
Where structural testing is specified by 3-7-1/Table 1, hydrostatic testing in accordance with 3-7-
1/5.1 will be acceptable, except where practical limitations (strength of building berth, density of
liquid, etc.) prevent it or where air testing is permitted by Note 1 to 3-7-1/Table 1. Hydropneumatic
testing, in accordance with 3-7-1/5.3, may be approved in lieu of hydrostatic testing. Structural
testing may be carried out after the craft is launched.
Tank boundaries are to be tested at least from one side. Tanks to be tested for structural adequacy
(see Note 1 to 3-7-1/Table 1) are to be selected so that all representative structural members are
tested for the expected tension and compression.
3.3.2 Number of Structural Testing
i) Structural testing is to be carried out for at least one tank of the same construction (i.e.
tanks of the same structural design and configuration and same general workmanship as
determined by the attending Surveyor) on each craft provided all subsequent tanks are
tested for leaks by an air test. The relaxation to accept leak testing using an air test
instead of a structural test does not apply to cargo space boundaries in tankers and
combination carriers and tanks for segregated cargoes or pollutants.
However, where structural adequacy of a tank was verified by structural testing required
in 3-7-1/Table 1, the subsequent craft in the series (i.e. sister ships built in the same
shipyard) may be exempted from such testing for other tanks which have the structural
similarity to the tested tank, provided that the water-tightness in all boundaries of
exempted tanks are verified by leak tests and thorough inspection. For sister ships built
several years after the last ship of the series, such exemption may be reconsidered. In any
case, structural testing is to be carried out for at least one tank for each craft in order to
verify structural fabrication adequacy. The relaxation to accept leak testing and thorough
inspections instead of a structural test on subsequent craft in the series does not apply to
cargo space boundaries in tankers and combination carriers and tanks for segregated
cargoes or pollutants.
ii) For watertight boundaries of spaces other than tanks (excluding chain lockers), structural
testing may be exempted, provided that the watertightness in all boundaries of exempted
spaces are verified by leak tests and thorough inspection.
iii) These subsequent tanks may require structural testing if found necessary after the
structural testing of the first tank.
iv) Tanks for structural test are to be selected so that all representative structural members are
tested for the expected tension and compression.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 7 Testing, Trials and Surveys During Construction - Hull
Section 1 Tank, Bulkhead and Rudder Tightness Testing 3-7-1

3.5 Leak Testing (1 July 2013)

For leak testing specified in 3-7-1/Table 1, air testing, compressed air fillet weld testing, vacuum box testing
in accordance with 3-7-1/5.5, 3-7-1/5.9, and 3-7-1/5.11, or their combination will be acceptable. Hydrostatic
or hydropneumatic testing may also be accepted as leak testing provided 3-7-1/5.1 and 3-7-1/5.3 are complied
Hose testing is applied to structures not subjected to structural or air testing but required to be watertight or
weathertight as specified in 3-7-1/Table 1. For the details of hose testing, see 3-7-1/5.7. Air testing or structural
testing may be accepted in lieu of hose testing.
Joint air testing may be carried out in the block stage provided all work on the block that may affect the
tightness of the joint is completed before the test. See also 3-7-1/7.1 for the application of final coating and
3-7-1/7.5 for safe access to the joint and their summary in 3-7-1/Table 2.

5 Details of Testing (1 July 2013)

5.1 Hydrostatic Testing

Hydrostatic Testing is a test to verify the structural adequacy of the design and the tightness of the tank’s
structure by means of water pressure. Hydrostatic testing is the normal means for structural testing with
exception as per 3-7-1/3.3. Hydrostatic testing is to consist of a head of water to the level specified in
3-7-1/Table 1.

5.3 Hydropneumatic Testing

Hydropneumatic Testing is a combined hydrostatic and air testing wherein a tank is filled by water with air
pressure applied on top. When approved, the combined water level and air pressure used for hydropneumatic
testing is to simulate the actual loading as far as practicable. The requirements and recommendations in
3-7-1/5.5 relative to air pressure will also apply.

5.5 Air Testing

Air Testing is a test to verify the tightness of the structure by means of air pressure difference. All boundary
welds, erection joints, and penetrations including pipe connections are to be examined in accordance with
the approved procedure and under a pressure differential not less than 0.15 bar (0.15 kgf/cm2, 2.2 psi) with
a leak indicating solution.
It is recommended that the air pressure in the tank be raised to and maintained at 0.20 bar (0.20 kgf/cm2,
2.9 psi) for approximately one hour, with a minimum number of personnel around the tank, before being
lowered to the test pressure.
A U-tube with a height sufficient to hold a head of water corresponding to the required test pressure is to
be arranged. The cross sectional area of the U-tube is to be not less than that of the pipe supplying air. In
addition to the U-tube, a master gauge or other approved means is to be provided to verify the pressure.
Other effective methods of air testing, including compressed air fillet weld testing or vacuum testing, may
be considered in accordance with 3-7-1/5.9.

5.7 Hose Testing

Hose Testing is a test to verify the tightness of the joint by a jet of water. Hose testing is to be carried out
with the pressure in the hose of at least 2 bar (2 kgf/cm2, 30 psi) during test. The nozzle is to have minimum
inside diameter of 12 mm (0.5 in.) and is to be located at a distance to the joint not exceeding 1.5 m (5 ft).
For structural welds, where hose testing is not practical because of possible damage to machinery, electrical
equipment insulation or outfitting items, it may be replaced by a careful visual examination of welded
connections, supported where necessary by means such as penetration testing, ultrasonic testing, or an
For cable penetrations, where hose testing is not practical because of possible damage to machinery, electrical
equipment insulation or outfitting items, other methods of testing may be considered upon submission of
full particulars to the attending Surveyor.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 7 Testing, Trials and Surveys During Construction - Hull
Section 1 Tank, Bulkhead and Rudder Tightness Testing 3-7-1

5.9 Compressed Air Fillet Weld Testing

Compressed Air Fillet Weld Testing is an air test of a fillet welded tee joint with a leak indicating solution
applied on the fillet welds. In this air testing, compressed air is injected from one end of fillet welded joint
and the pressure verified at the other end of the joint by a pressure gauge on the opposite side. Pressure
gauges are to be arranged so that an air pressure of at least 0.15 bar (0.15 kgf/cm2, 2.2 psi) can be verified
at each end of all passages within the portion being tested.
Where a leaking test of partial penetration welding is required and the root face is sufficiently large such as
6-8 mm (0.24-0.32 inch), the compressed air test is to be applied in the same manner as for a fillet weld.

5.11 Vacuum Box Testing

Vacuum Box Testing is a test to detect any leaks on the structure. A box over a joint with leak indicating
solution applied on the fillet or full penetration welds. A vacuum is created inside the box to detect any
leaks. A box (vacuum tester) with air connections, gauges and inspection window is placed over the joint
with leak indicator applied. The air within the box is removed by an ejector to create a vacuum of 0.20 bar
(0.20 kgf/cm2, 2.9 psi) – 0.26 bar (0.27 kgf/cm2, 3.8 psi) inside the box.

5.13 Ultrasonic Testing

Ultrasonic Testing is a test to verify the tightness of a sealing by means of ultrasound. An arrangement of
an ultrasonic echoes transmitter placed inside a compartment and a receiver outside. A location where the
sound is detectable by the receiver displays a leakage in the sealing of the compartment.

5.15 Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing is a test to verify that no leakage exist in the boundaries of a compartment by the
application of low surface tension liquids. A test of butt welds by applying a low surface tension liquid to
one side of a compartment boundary. When no liquid is detected on the opposite side of the boundary after
expiration of a definite time, verification of the tightness of the compartment boundary can be assumed.

5.17 Other Methods of Testing

Other methods of testing may be considered upon submission of full particulars.

7 Application of Coating

7.1 Final Coating (1 July 2013)

7.1.1 Structural Testing
For all weld joint types excluding butt joints by automatic process, final coating may be applied
prior to the structural testing. See 3-7-1/Table 2.
7.1.2 LeakTesting
For all manual or semi-automatic erection welds and all fillet weld tank boundary connections
including penetrations, the final coating is to be applied after leak testing. For other welds, the
final coating may be applied prior to leak testing, provided the Surveyor, after examination prior to
the application of the coating, is satisfied with the weld. The Surveyor reserves the right to require
leak testing prior to the final coating of automatic erection welds and manual or automatic pre-
erection welds. See 3-7-1/Table 2.

7.3 Temporary Coating

Any temporary coating which may conceal defects or leaks is to be applied as specified for the final coating.
This requirement applies to shop primers, other than silicate based shop primers, such as epoxy based shop

7.5 Safe Access to Joints (1 July 2013)

For leak testing, a safe access to all joints under examination is to be provided. See 3-7-1/Table 2.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 7 Testing, Trials and Surveys During Construction - Hull
Section 1 Tank, Bulkhead and Rudder Tightness Testing 3-7-1

Testing Requirements for Tanks and Boundaries (1 July 2013)
Tank or Boundary to be Tested Test Type Test Head or Pressure Remarks
The greater of
- top of the overflow,
Leak &
1 Double bottom tanks(4) - to 2.4 m (8 ft) above top of
Structural (1)
tank (2), or
- to bulkhead deck
See 3-7-1/5.5, 3-7-1/.5.9, and
2 Double bottom voids(5) Leak
3-7-1/ 5.11, as applicable
The greater of
- top of the overflow,
Leak &
3 Double side tanks - to 2.4 m (8 ft) above top of
Structural (1)
tank (2), or
- to bulkhead deck
See 3-7-1/5.5, 3-7-1/.5.9, and
4 Double side voids Leak
3-7-1/ 5.11, as applicable
The greater of
Deep tanks other than those listed elsewhere Leak & - top of the overflow, or
in this table Structural (1) - to 2.4 m (8 ft) above top of
tank (2)
The greater of
- top of the overflow,
Leak & - to 2.4 m (8 ft) above top of
6 Cargo oil tanks
Structural (1) tank (2), or
- to top of tank (2) plus setting
of any pressure relief valve
The greater of
Leak & See item 16 for hatch
7 Ballast hold of bulk carriers - top of the overflow, or
Structural (1) covers.
- top of cargo hatch coaming
The greater of
After peak to be tested
Leak & - top of the overflow, or
8 Peak tanks after installation of stern
Structural (1) - to 2.4 m (8 ft) above top of tube
tank (2)
See 3-7-1/5.5, 3-7-1/.5.9, and
a. Fore peak voids Leak
3-7-1/ 5.11, as applicable
9 After peak to be tested
See 3-7-1/5.5, 3-7-1/.5.9, and
b. Aft peak voids Leak after installation of stern
3-7-1/ 5.11, as applicable
See 3-7-1/5.5, 3-7-1/.5.9, and
10 Cofferdams Leak
3-7-1/ 5.11, as applicable
See 3-7-1/5.5 through 3-7-1/5.11
a. Watertight bulkheads Leak
as applicable (7)
11 See 3-7-1/5.5 through 3-7-1/5.11
b. Superstructure end bulkhead Leak
as applicable
c. Cable penetrations in watertight bulkheads Hose See 3-7-1/5.7
See 3-2-9/9.11 of the
Watertight doors below freeboard or (6, 8) See 3-7-1/5.5 through 3-7-1/5.11 Steel Vessel Rules for
12 Leak
bulkhead deck as applicable additional test at the
See 3-7-1/5.5 through 3-7-1/5.11
13 Double plate rudder blade Leak
as applicable
See 3-7-1/5.5 through 3-7-1/5.11
14 Shaft tunnel clear of deep tanks Leak (3)
as applicable

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 7 Testing, Trials and Surveys During Construction - Hull
Section 1 Tank, Bulkhead and Rudder Tightness Testing 3-7-1

TABLE 1 (continued)
Testing Requirements for Tanks and Boundaries (1 July 2013)
Tank or Boundary to be Tested Test Type Test Head or Pressure Remarks
(3) See 3-7-1/5.5 through 3-7-1/5.11
15 Shell doors Leak
as applicable
Hatch covers closed by
Weathertight hatch covers and closing See 3-7-1/5.5 through 3-7-1/5.11
16 Leak (3, 8) tarpaulins and battens
appliances as applicable
See 3-7-1/5.5 through 3-7-1/5.11 In addition to structural
17 Dual purpose tank/dry cargo hatch cover Leak (3, 8)
as applicable test in item 6 or 7
Leak &
18 Chain locker Top of chain pipe
The greater of
Leak & - top of the overflow, or
19 Independent tanks
Structural (1) - to 0.9 m (3 ft) above top of
The greater of
- ballast pump maximum
Leak &
20 Ballast ducts pressure, or
Structural (1)
- setting of any pressure relief
1 Provided the structural similarity of a group of tanks is recognized by ABS and a representative tank as selected by
ABS is structurally tested based on the design approval, all subsequent tanks on each craft are tested for leaks by
an air testing in accordance with 3-7-1/5.5. However, where structural adequacy of a tank was verified by structural
testing, the subsequent craft of a series of identical new buildings may be exempted from such testing for other
tanks which have the structural similarity to the tested tank, provided that the water-tightness in all boundaries of
exempted tanks are verified by leak tests and thorough inspection are to be carried out. In any case, structural
testing is to be carried out for at least one tank for each craft in order to assure structural fabrication adequacy.
These relaxations do not apply to cargo space boundaries in tankers and combination carriers and tanks for
segregated cargoes or pollutants. (See 3-7-1/3.3.2i).)
2 Top of tank is deck forming the top of the tank, excluding any hatchways.
3 Hose Testing may also be considered as a medium of the test. See 3-7-1/5.7.
4 Including tanks arranged in accordance with the provisions of SOLAS regulation II-1/9.4
5 Including duct keels and dry compartments arranged in accordance with the provisions of SOLAS regulation II-1/9.4
6 Where water tightness of watertight door has not confirmed by prototype test, testing by filling watertight spaces
with water is to be carried out. See SOLAS regulation II-1/16.2 and MSC/Circ.1176.
7 Where a hose test is not practicable, other testing methods listed in 3-7-1/5.13 through 3-7-1/5.17 may be
applicable subject to adequacy of such testing methods being verified. See SOLAS regulation II-1/11.1.
8 As an alternative to the hose testing, other testing methods listed in 3-7-1/5.13 through 3-7-1/5.17 may be
applicable subject to adequacy of such testing methods being verified. See SOLAS regulation II-1/11.1.

Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Chapter 7 Testing, Trials and Surveys During Construction - Hull
Section 1 Tank, Bulkhead and Rudder Tightness Testing 3-7-1

Application of Leak Testing, Coating and Provision of Safe Access
for Type of Welded Joints (1 July 2013)
Coating (1) Safe Access (2)
Type of Welded Joints Leak Testing Before Leak Testing
Leak Testing Structural Test
Leak Testing & Before
Structural Test
Automatic Not required Allowed(3) N/A Not required Not required
Butt Manual or
Required Not allowed Allowed Required Not required
Fillet including Required Not allowed Allowed Required Not required
1 Coating refers to internal (tank/hold coating), where applied, and external (shell/deck) painting. It does not refer to
shop primer.
2 Temporary means of access for verification of the leak testing.
3 The condition applies provided that the welds have been carefully inspected visually to the satisfaction of the
4 Flux Core Arc Welding (FCAW) semiautomatic butt welds need not be tested provided that careful visual
inspections show continuous uniform weld profile shape, free from repairs, and the results of NDE testing show no
significant defects.

PART Section 2: Trials

CHAPTER 7 Testing, Trials and Surveys During Construction –

SECTION 2 Trials

1 Anchor Windlass Trials

Each windlass is to be tested under working conditions after installation onboard to demonstrate satisfactory
operation. Each unit is to be independently tested for braking, clutch functioning, lowering and hoisting of
chain cable and anchor, proper riding of the chain over the chain lifter, proper transit of the chain through
the hawse pipe and the chain pipe, and effecting proper stowage of the chain and the anchor. It is to be
confirmed that anchors properly seat in the stored position and that chain stoppers function as designed if
fitted. Also, it is to be demonstrated that the windlass is capable of lifting each anchor with 82.5 meters (45
fathoms) length of chain submerged and hanging free. The braking capacity is to be tested by
intermittently paying out and holding the chain cable by means of the application of the brake. Where the
available water depth is insufficient, the proposed test method will be specially considered.

3 Bilge System Trials

All elements of the bilge system are to be tested to demonstrate satisfactory pumping operation, including
emergency suctions and all controls. Upon completion of the trials, the bilge strainers are to be opened,
cleaned and closed up in good order.

5 Steering Trials
Refer to 4-3-3/15 for the technical details of the steering trials.

PART Section 3: Surveys

CHAPTER 7 Testing, Trials and Surveys During Construction –

SECTION 3 Surveys

1 Construction Welding and Fabrication

For surveys of hull construction welding and fabrication, refer to Chapter 4 of the Rules for Materials and
Welding (Part 2) and Appendix 2-5-A1 of the Rules for Materials and Welding (Part 2) – Aluminum and
Fiber Reinforced Plastics (FRP) and to the ABS Guide for Nondestructive Inspection of Hull Welds.

3 Hull Castings and Forgings

For surveys in connection with the manufacture and testing of hull castings and forgings, refer to Chapter 1
of the Rules for Materials and Welding (Part 2).

5 Piping
For surveys in connection with the manufacture and testing of piping, refer to Part 4, Chapter 4 of these


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