English Summative Test Q4 A4
English Summative Test Q4 A4
English Summative Test Q4 A4
No. of Days Taught
No. of Items
Item Placement
Easy Average Difficult
70% 20% 10%
1.Recognize common action
words in stories listened to. 4 2 1 10%
2.Recognize describing 5 3 3 15 %
words for people, objects,
things and places (color, 4
shape, size, height, weight,
length, distance, etc.) 5
3.Sort and Classify familiar 8 5 6 25 %
words into basic categories
(colors, shapes, foods, etc) 7
( EN1V-IVa-e-3)
4.Give the meaning of words 7 4 11 20 %
using clues (TPR, pictures,
body movements, etc.) 12
5. Give one – two step 7 4 15 20 %
(EN1OL-IVi-1.17.1) 16
Prepared by :
1-2. Tonton loves the beach. He always walk along the seashores. He has
fun whenever in the beach every morning.
II.Directions: Read the sentences. Then, write on the blank before each number the
letter of the correct answer.
____3. Which is the describing word in the sentence? “ The girl is beautiful.”
A.beautiful B. girl C. The
____4. Which describing word will complete the sentence?
”Mango is our national fruit. It is _______when ripe.”
A. blue B. red C. yellow
____5. “ The mountain is ______.” Which word best describe the mountain ?
A. clean B. high C. round
____6. Words like circle, square ,triangle and rectangle can be classified as _______.
A. colors B. numbers C. shapes
____7. Which of the following will complete the group of words ?
Fries , cake, pancit and ________.
A. circle B. hotdog C. six
____8. Red, yellow and blue are words that tell about ___________.
A. colors B. numbers C. shapes
____9. Which of the following words cannot be classified as numbers?
A. four B. oblong C. seven
____10. Which set of words were classified as foods?
A. bibingka, puto and suman C. green, orange and violet
B. extra large , small and tall
____11. Aside from kissing and saying I love you , what other action suggests love?
A. hugging B. jumping high C. playing
____12.Which of the following pictures means “Welcome”?
A. B. C.
____13. Dondon can drink up to ten of water. What does the picture mean?
A. caps B. cops C. cups
____14. Which of the pictures does the underlined word in the sentence means? “
The soup is hot. “
A. B. C.
III.Directions : Give one to two step directions for the pictures below .Choose from
the box and write beside the correct pictures.
______17. .