AnandChaudharyetalAYUSandhanKalpana Review
AnandChaudharyetalAYUSandhanKalpana Review
AnandChaudharyetalAYUSandhanKalpana Review
52 7,178
4 authors, including:
Asmita Wele
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth (Deemed University) College of Ayurved and Research Center
All content following this page was uploaded by Anand Chaudhary on 05 June 2014.
DOI: 10.4103/0974-8520.93925
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Sandhana kalpana (biomedical fermented formulations) are one of the best dosage forms
of Ayurveda in practice since thousands of years. In order to prepare these medicaments,
certain sets of conditions are prearranged, which lead to fermentation. Thus, products
bequeath with self-generated ethyl alcohol, which potentiate these preparations (Asava–Arishta),
pharmaceutically and therapeutically. Commonly, medicinal and commercial components of
these formulations are prompting many researchers to contribute in manufacturing, quality
control, safety, and efficacy of these formulations. To cope up with this, literature related to
Asava–Arishta has been surveyed from the Vedic period to recent publications of Government
of India, ie, Ayurvedic Formulary of India, and presented briefly here. In this review paper, we
have discussed pioneering facts such as nature and amount of carbohydrate, type of containers,
optimum temperature, variety and relevance of initiator of fermentation, manufacturing,
regulatory rules, and business aspects of Asava-Arishta. After going through this basic information,
any academician or researcher may show a way to further strengthen this dosage form.
Key words: Asava, Arishta, ethyl alcohol, fermentation, quality control, Sandhana kalpana
Introduction is not added from outside. Here, ethyl alcohol is not the only
product yielded but is a part of many other organic compounds;
Natural products have been an important resource for further, alcohol/acetic acid (as per desired indications) is
maintaining life for ages. Even today, natural products are formulated and extraction of active principles of the herbal
becoming increasingly important as alternative medicines and drugs is done. Thus, these formulations have longer shelf life,
source of pharmacotherapeutics either directly or as raw materials quick absorption and action and excellent therapeutic efficacy
from which more or less complex chemical structures with proven as compared to other Ayurvedic herbal medicines.[5] Therefore,
biological activity are isolated. The last few decades have seen a the Ayurvedic fraternity relies on this unique dosage form, ie,
resurgence of interest in the use of herbal products.[1] Sandhana kalpana (Asava, Arishta, kanji, etc) to treat diseases
in routine practice.
Ayurvedic herbal dosage forms are formulated through the
transference of active ingredients by different manufacturing Significance of Sandhana kalpana
processes.[2] Among these dosage forms, ‘Sandhana kalpana’
Progressive history
is a unique form in which acidic and alcoholic fermented
Chronologically, the fermentation technique may be revealed in
formulations are prepared.[3] In order to manufacture these
each period of Indian civilization, ie, from Vedic period to till
medicines, liquid basic drugs (juices or decoctions) are kept
date. Even this is true on record that alcoholic drinks are well
for fermentation as indicated in the classics.[4] In this process,
known to men from the Paleolithic age. Maple fruits, bark of
self-generated (in these dosage forms) ethyl alcohol is produced
tree, cereals, etc were used to formulate these drinks. In Vedic
by in-source material used in pharmaceutical procedure, and
rituals, the knowledge of fermentation was advanced. Sura was
used as food and in divine, evening offerings. In the Neolithic
Address for correspondence: Dr. Anand Chaudhary, period, cereal eating civilization was well known to prepare
Department of Rasa Shastra, Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute fermented drink by using cooked cereals. In the Egyptian
of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, civilization, it was an important drink in their routine life.[5]
Varanasi – 221 005, Uttar Pradesh, India.
In Ayurvedic science, these drugs are formulated in such a
way that the alcohol-soluble extractives of herbal drugs are
preserved in self-generated alcohol and used as medicines. On preparation of different herbal formulations as medicines.
the other side, in European countries, different healthy drinks Literary review says that several AsavaArishta were well known
such as wine and beer are formulated as stimulants, used for to physicians during that period. Charaka Samhita explains
the pleasure and enjoyment.[6] that especially the nine herbal sources—Phala (fruits), Dhanya
(cereals), Mula (roots), Pushpa (flowers), Twak (bark), Sara
Literature review reveals that the basic principles to prepare
(exudate), Kanda (branches), Patra (leaves), and Sharkara
fermented products are fundamentally similar from those
(sugar) for the preparation of fermented medicines, definition
prevalent in the ancient time to modern era. The difference
of fermentation, specification in the container, place to keep
observed is in the use of equipment, type of raw drugs,
the basic drug, the time period for fermentation, subjective
sterilization techniques, and preparation methods. Evolution is
parameters to test elaborately the end point of the procedure
noted in testing parameters and also quality standards of the
and finished product. The application of the prepared
finished products. In the ancient period, subjective parameters
medicines (Asava–Arishta) is recommended in different disease
were used in the process and finished drug testing, while in the
modern era, various analytical and advanced biotechnological
techniques are utilized to test the quality of the finished drug.[7] The basic concepts of these specific arrangements are
responsible for better yield and quality production of Asava–
A) Vedic period: Literary evidence from Vedic literature
Arishta even today. This indicates that the fermentation
gives a clear idea about the confirmation of the existence of
technology was well known in that period.
fermentation process. Vedas such as Rigveda, Yajurveda, and
Atharvaveda have focused on various fermented formulations b) Sushruta Samhita
prepared in wooden containers. The sweet liquid Somarasa is a Among Ayurvedic basic literature, Sushruta Samhita is
unique formulation, which is supposed to be a product obtained considered as the treaty of surgical treatment. A number of
with the help of the fermentation technique. In Rigveda, along Sandhana kalpana (fermented products) were prescribed for
with Somarasa (Rigveda -2/14/01), another alcoholic drink Sura surgical procedures as anesthetic drug as well as a medicine
was prepared by fermentation process. Somarasa was used as to treat different disease conditions. A total of 21 fermented
an offering to God and Sura (Rigveda -6/66/10) was for human drugs such as Asava–Arishta and 46 Madya products named
consumption. The people in this period were well known for as Madya, Sura, Prasanna, Jagala, Surasava, Madhvasava,
the production of an acidic fermented product curd, which was Shukta, Dhanyamla are well documented in this classical text.
routinely used in the daily diet.[8] Sushruta Samhita may be credited for addition of botanical ash
In Kautilya Arthashastra (Suraadhayay 1, 2, and 3), two types (Apamarga, Palasha ash) as ingredients of Asava–Arishta. These
of Sandhana kalpana preparations derived from fruit juice formulations are prescribed for certain therapeutic purposes.
and molasses are mentioned when these are kept for a certain Other essential elements for the preparation of Asava–Arishta
period; some of these preparations converted into specific are also discussed in this text in detail.[13]
liquid and addressed with terminologies viz Medaka, Prasanna,
c) Ashtanga Hridaya and Sangraha
Asava and Arishta. It gives an indication of the fermentation
Herbal medicine stream was fully developed in this period;
technique that was in use for preparing these products.[9]
this is reflected in the formulation of different Sandhana
B) Post Vedic period: In this period, addition of new techniques kalpana. Along with other ingredients, the use of Dhataki
and development in the preparation of fermented products took Pushpa (Woodfordia fruticosa) as a fermentation initiator
place such as grape and sugarcane, juice of Kharjura, bark of is documented for the first time in Ashtanga Hridaya.[10]
herbal trees, etc were added, along with rice, barley and cereals, This could be considered as one of the innovatory steps in
fruits as these formulations were advocated as medicines. The pharmaceutical practice to formulate Sandhana kalpana.
use of honey, flower of Madhuka (Madhuca longifolia Koen.), Physicians were well aware of the fermentation techniques, as
Dhataki (Woodfordia fruticosa L. Kurz.) were also quoted in the container, the place, duration and criteria for testing the
different preparations of alcoholic fermented drugs.[10] Authors product are clearly mentioned in various formulations usually
are placing here some important facts of Sandhana kalpana for in accordance with previous classics. ‘Draksha (grapes), Ikshu
ready reference. (sugar cane), Makshika (honey), Shali (rice), Vrihi (grains) are
the five source materials found to be used to prepare Madya
Vrihat trayee (Three great classics of Ayurveda) and Sandhana kalpana.[14] Draksha is the most acclaimed source
The good properties and adverse effects of Sandhana material. A total of 17 Asava–Arishta are quoted in Ashtanga
(fermented) formulations are nicely elaborated here. They were Sangraha and 8 in Ashtanga Hridaya.[11]
tested biologically and documented in Vrihat trayee. These
three major classics—Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, This may also be an inference after going through Vrihat
and Ashtanga Hridaya—are explored to compile information trayee that in this period, sharp difference in preparations of
regarding ancient methods of preparation of fermented drugs Asava – Arishta on the basis of Kwatha and Swarasa used as
and other related information. It is revealed that ‘Madya’ term source was not clearly established. Table 1 gives a quick review
was used for alcoholic drink. Referred authors found many of input of Vrihat trayee regarding Sandhana kalpana. About
innovations in this period, which were introduced by Ayurvedic the contribution of Vrihat trayee, Joshi and Jha[11] concluded
scholars for preparation of Sandhana kalpana.[11] that according to Sushruta, Asava has a predominance of
drava (liquid) while Arishta has a predominance of dravya
a) Charaka Samhita (drugs) (Dalhana on Sushruta Sutra Sthana 45/197). Asava–
In this period, several original revelations were made about Arishta preparation consists of liquids, medicinal material
(as main ingredient of formulation), sweet substances and madya kalpana is given.[19] All these descriptions are similar
prakshepa dravya (additional medicinal/palatable substances) to the narrations given about Asava-Arishta in the previous
as their important constituent. No definite proportion of these classical treatise. However, it is interesting to note that the total
constituents could be worked out on the basis of the present number of formulations of Sandhana kalpana in this book is
study of the text of Vrihat trayee. The fermenting pots are larger as compared to the earlier classics. It may be interpreted
made of the either soil or metal and should be smeared and as a greater acceptability of these formulations among physicians
fumigated first with the recommended drugs and is then and patients in this period.
used for fermentation. Further, these texts mention that the
fermentation process is faster in summer and slow in winter. It i) Bhaishajya Ratnavali
needs a minimum of seven days and may be extended up to six The information regarding Sandhana formulations is found here
months. as a handbook, which can be simpler in routine use for the
physicians. In the preparation of these drugs, the ingredients,
d) Kashyapa Samhita the specific duration to keep the container—for 15 days or 1
In this classic, the term Abhishava is included in seven basic month—is mentioned. In this book, a total of 50 Sandhana
kalpanas (dosage forms) to indicate a fermented product. But kalpanas are quoted, of which 15 are Asava, 29 Arishta, 2
we did not find a specific process of fermentation mentioned in Chukra, 2 Sura, 1 Shukta, and 1 Kanji kalpana[20]
preparation method. Different formulations are advocated in this
time period, which denotes the existence of Sandhana kalpana j) Ayurvedic Formulary of India
and preparation techniques related to fermented drugs.[15] Parts I and II of Ayurvedic Formulary of India describes 40
Asava–Arishta, with complete detail of their pharmaceutics and
e) Chakradatta therapeutics. In this publication by Department of AYUSH,
Ayamakanjika for the treatment of grahani and siddhamla Government of India, the manufacturing process of Asava–
kalpana for the treatment of amavata and many more products Arishta are described in the beginning of the chapter and the
of the Asava- Arishta category are quoted in Chakradatta. This ingredients (with their part used) and proportion of every
may be considered as a prominent contribution of Acharya formulae are described systematically.[21]
Imperative issues for accurate initiation of
f) Gada Nigraha
In this classical text, few ideas were put to formulate
Sandhana kalpana
Looking at the significance of Sandhana kalpana from the
various herbal compound medicines. The wide use of these
perspectives of pharmaceutical progress, therapeutic trends,
formulations was seen in the treatment of diseases. A total of 60
and commercial issues, many researchers are exploring every
Asava-Arishtas (fermented drugs) are mentioned in the chapter
possibility for the advancement and acceptability of these
Asavadhikar. Different pharmacodynamic actions of drugs are
products to physicians and patients. Some of these are
elaborated, wherein the therapeutic potential of Sandhana
presented here for a better understanding of thrust areas of
kalpana is also mentioned.[17]
Sandhana kalpana.
g) Sharangadhara Samhita
In the medieval period, due to the varied needs, pioneer
a) Proportion of carbohydrates (Madhura Dravya)
dimensions and proper understanding of different Ayurvedic Microorganisms involved in the preparation of Asava–Arishta
medicines related knowledge was compiled and written properly for fermentation require water, specific nutritive material as
in this text. Sandhana kalpana is elaborately described in this growth promoter and source of energy for their fermenting
text. One chapter explains acidic and alcoholic fermentation, activity. Carbohydrate acts as the main source of nutrition in
its various formulations prepared from barley, rice, sugar the products of Sandhana kalpana. Nature and concentration of
cane juice, grape juice, etc. This book also properly discusses carbohydrates affect the rate of fermentation and final product
pharmaceutical aspects as well as therapeutic efficacy of produced, ie, biomass and primary and secondary metabolite.
fermented formulations. The most significant contribution of Increased concentration of carbohydrate in liquid upsurges the
this treatise is establishing a rule to prepare Asava-Arishta where viscosity of solution. Only a certain group of microorganisms
definite proportions of ingredients are not quoted.[18] can survive in a higher concentration up to 65-70%. While at
above 40% concentration, only few osmophilic type of yeast can
h) Yogaratnakara grow. Table 2 presents different (concentration) proportions of
In Yogaratnakar, a detailed description of Asaava–Arishtas in sweet substances mentioned in the Ayurvedic magnum opus.
Acharya Charaka and Sharangadhara have mentioned using initiates the process of fermentation. The Asava–Arishtas
39.06% of sweet substances (generally carbohydrate) for the quoted in Charaka Samhita are devoid of use of the Dhataki
process of fermentation in Sandhana kalpana. But to initiate Pushpa as an initiator of fermentation. Acharya Vagbhata was
the easy and early fermentation, only 40% of sweet substances pioneer, who made the use of Dhataki Pushpa extensively in the
are advised to be added and the remaining quantity of sweet manufacturing of Asava–Arishta.
substances is supplemented after fermentation process begins.[22]
A thorough study of ancient literature reveals that following
b) Container drugs plays the role of Sandhana dravya (Fermentor) in
All classical texts recommended the use of earthen and wooden Sandhana kalpana.
containers for the fermentation process, but these have certain • Dhataki Pushpa, eg, Abhayarishta (Ashtanga Hridaya
limitations as earthen pots may break, while wooden containers Chikitsa Sthana 08/66)
require pre-treatment. Even after all these tedious processes, • Madhuka Pushpa, eg, Kutajarishta (Sharangadhara Samhita
there may be chances of contamination. Hence, with the Madhyam Khanda 10/44-46)
development of technology in the field of pharmaceutics, these • Surabeeja/Kinva, eg, Sura (Sushruta Samhita Chikitsa
pots were replaced by plastic and steel containers. To address Sthana 10/8)
the question of equal efficacy with the specific variety of The use of kinva or surabeeja as an accelerator of fermentation
containers, studies were carried out to analyze the final product, process is evident from Rigveda and Kautilya Arthashastra
organoleptically and physicochemically. It is concluded that as well (42nd Prakarana - Suradhyakshaha, 2:25:17, Kautilya
plastic and steel containers are suitable for carrying out the Arthashastram). Few contemporary researches are showing
Sandhana process.[23,24] the effect of different ingredients as initiator of fermentation
(in supposition) in Asava–Arishta of Ayurveda, which are
c) Temperature
mentioned here.
Sandhana kalpana is placed for the process with minimum
temperature variation at the site. In the ancient time, to serve The effect of addition of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and
this object, containers for preparation of Asava–Arishta were Dhataki pushpa to fermenting media was studied. The study
placed in Dhanya Rashi (Kanakbindu Arishta - Charaka Chikitsa reveals that the onset and completion of fermentation process
Sthana 7/76-79), Bhugarbha, Chaulyagara (Kharjurasava - Gada in the samples containing yeast were quick, as in these samples,
Nigraha 7/266-274), Koshthasara (Kumaryasava - Gada Nigraha fermentation started on the second day and was completed
6/1-14), etc. This practice ensured that optimum temperature, within one month. However, in the group where yeast was not
direct avoidance of light and air, etc were maintained. used, fermentation started on the fifth day and was completed
Specific microorganisms require specific temperature for in second month. Fermentation may be delayed because of
optimum growth and product formation. In general, optimum natural growth and multiplication of yeast cells as well.[23]
temperature needed for initiation of fermentation is in the
Another report says that the flowers of Dhataki pushpa are used
range of 20-35°C.[25,26]
as inoculum in the preparation of Asava-Arishta. Here, attempts
d) Duration have been made to decode its role in alcoholic fermentation.
Jatarasam is the word, which denotes completion of fermentation The flowers were screened for micro flora and yeast strain
and formation of appropriate product as per indication quoted of S. cerevisiae, which was isolated from the flowers and its
in Sushruta Sutra Sthana 45/203 and for Loharishta - Sushruta morphology reported. The flowers of Dhataki were found
Chikitsa Sthana 12/12-17. Duration of fermentation varies capable to initiate alcoholic fermentation as normally achieved
with formulation, which ranges from 7 days (Ashtashatarishta - by the use of pure yeast culture.[28]
Charaka Chikitsa Sthana 12/32- 33) to 180 days (Guggulu Asava - Further, Das et al. showed that the flowers of Dhataki contain
Gada Nigraha 6/213-221). Kinva and slurry are separated through substantially high concentration of tannins, to the extent of
collation process carried out by double-layered cotton cloth for 22%, and such polyphenolic compounds are susceptible to
further processing of next batches. Nowadays, electrical filtration enzymatic conversion to simple phenols and alcohol during
press, bacteria filters like advanced techniques are used for large- anaerobic fermentation of Arishta preparations. Perhaps, this
scale production of these products.[11,27] justifies the extensive use of W. fruticosa in Arishta preparation,
the main purpose of which is to produce alcohol.[29]
e) Significance of Sandhana Dravya (Fermentor)
Fermentor acts as a supply depot of microorganism, which Contrary to this belief of Ayurveda specialists that inoculum
Table 2: Minimum and maximum proportion of the sweet substance as mentioned in the Ayurvedic classics
Name of text Proportion of sweet substances as mentioned in classics
Minimum % Maximum %
Charaka Samhita 15.18 (Madhukasava, Chikitsa Sthana 15/146) 156.25 (Dantyarishta, Chikitsa Sthana 14/147)
Sushruta Samhita 25 (Vrishchiradyarishta, Uttar Tantra 42/47) 178.57 (Putikadyarishta, Chikitsa Sthana 10/06)
Ashtanga Hridaya 20.23 (Madhukasava Chikitsa Sthana 10/47) 156.25 (Dantyarishta, Chikitsa Sthana 08/64)
Sharangadhar Samhita 32.03 (Lohasava, Madhyam Khanda 10/34) 156.25 (Draksharishta, Madhyam Khanda 10/73)
(Source: Lakhani Rupa, Chaudhary A, Ravishankar B, Dey S, Pandy D, A Comparative Pharmaceutico-clinical study on Arka Kalpana and Arishta Kalpana w.s.r. to Jirakadyarka and
Jirakadyarishta on Grahani, PG theses, IPGTRA, G AY U, Jamnagar, 2002)
of yeasts comes from Dhataki flower; Das et al. have different Manufacturing and completion tests of Asava-
opinion and findings. They argued that an endogenous Arishta
invertase (fructofuranosidase) found in Dhataki flowers helps Naturally, the method of preparation of Asava–Arishta is
in sucrose hydrolysis to alcohol. The alcohol production helps now comprehensible. Authors would like to submit here that
in promoting the extraction of biologically active components classical indications of manufacturing norms must be followed
including gallic acid from plant materials, and absorbs active with compliance of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
principles in the gastrointestinal tract. This alcohol, in turn, guidelines. Authors would not restrain adoption of any new
resists the growth of any microorganism in Arishta preparations technique for preparations of Asava–Arishta, which does not
for years together. Increased content of gallic acid, which is violate fundamental manufacturing principles of Sandhana
otherwise present in traces, if at all, as well as the Ayurvedic kalpana with uncompromised therapeutic efficacy and safety.
process of ‘self-generating alcohol’ insinuates a conjecture.
Here, the researchers referred earlier have tried to establish that Completion and in-process testing of Asava–Arishta are
Dhataki flower is an essential component of Asava–Arishta, not indicated in classics such as Sharagadhar Samhita, which must
only for initiation of fermentation, but for enhancing clinical be professionally endorsed by operation supervisors. Authors are
efficacy as well.[28] This concept was supported by the fact that, not detailing these narrations of classics here due to the concerns
in some of these formulations, Dhataki is not a compulsory of the length of this paper, but because we realize that for these
ingredient, so it may be perceived that role of Dhataki is not a two titles included with parameters of analytical consideration
carrier of the inoculums only.[30] for standardization and quality control and experimental models
generating data of its pharmacological action of Asava–Arishta;
Satyanarayan et al. opined on the use of Dhataki Pushpa Phanta for this, an exclusive review cum research paper is required.
or Hima for checking contamination instead of the whole These all are not a mandate of this paper.
flower. The Kinva act as a ready source of microbial flora. They
grow and initiate the fermentation process early, when favorable
media and condition are formed. The dangers inherent in this Discussion
practice are the introduction of contaminants and a change in
the degree of flocculence and attenuating abilities of the yeast The superiority of Sandhana kalpana in the practice of Ayurveda
due to degeneration in the yeast cell. obliged us to deliver this review paper before every stakeholder
of Ayurveda. Authors have argued about basic essentials for the
f) Metal/Minerals in Asava–Arishta preparation of Sandhana kalpana under the title of imperative
Fine powders of metals (Ayaskriti) have been used as essential issues in this field. Here, authors are inclined to carry forward
ingredients in some Asava-Arishtas [Table 3]. Indication of some vital aspects, which may be adopted for additional
Loha churna and Suvarna patra are predominant examples. advancement of this dosage form.
Table 4 depicts how some microorganisms consume metals
Khan et al. are responsive to the fact that medicinal plants are the
under optimum growth conditions. Assessment of Tables 3 and
most important source of life-saving drugs for the majority of the
4 reveals the wisdom of ancient scholars in how they suggested
world’s population. Plant secondary metabolite is economically
addition of fine powders of metals and minerals as ingredient or
important as drugs, fragrances, pigments, food additives and
use of containers made of metals for preparation of Sandhana
pesticides.[34] Hence, documentation and utilization of traditional
kalpana to have some vital therapeutic effects. Saxena et al.
knowledge in the field of medicine, healing and biodiversity
inform that Loha churna gets converted into minute particles
conservation has attained greater dimensions. Although rural
by the action of alcohol in finely prepared Lohasava and shows
folk of our country unknowingly used microorganisms for varied
high iron content, ie, 0.0612 g%.[31]
purposes, there is no major effort to document and protect them.
In a nutshell, some of the benefits of fermented herbal The art of preservation and enrichment of vegetables by microbial
products, ie, Sandhana kalpana (biomedical fermentation) are systems, preserving microbial culture starter for beverage
reproduced as mentioned below.[32,33] production and production of diverse traditional beverages from
• Fermentation removes most of the undesirable sugars from plant material is essential now.[35]
plant material, making the product more bio-available and
Astonishingly, they prepare microbial culture starter for use as
eliminating side effects such as gas and bloating.
inoculums in beverage production. The art of making culture
• Fermentation extracts a wider range of active ingredients
starter is based on the principles of microbiology and much
from the herb than any other extraction method since the
is based on the preservation of desired microorganisms in
menstruum undergoes a gradient of rising alcohol levels.
encapsulated form. Therefore, the concerned people preserve
• Yeast cell walls naturally bind heavy metals and pesticide
these specific microorganisms in an inactive phase by applying
residues and, therefore act as a natural cleansing system.
specific methods. These microorganisms initiate the desired
• Not only does fermentation remove contaminants, it also
process when they received optimum and favorable condition
lowers the toxicity of some of the toxic components in
for the same. In the Indian context, the states of North-East
India have the richest reserve of traditional knowledge due to
• Fermentation actively ruptures the cells of the herb,
their hilly nature where harsh condition generally prevails. The
exposing it openly to the menstruum, and bacteria have
major contributors to this knowledge are tribal people living
enzymes that break down cell walls to further assist in
in such hills and their use of different kinds of fermented
the leaching process. Fermentation also creates an active
beverages and foods.[36]
transport system that moves the dissolved constituents
from the herbal material to the menstruum. In recent time, the knowledge of Ayurveda is validated by a
contemporary research work in which five different mutant of formulation versus decoction was also observed. Arjunolic
strains were developed from the wild strain of S. cerevisiae using acid and arjunic acid were not detected in the formulation.[39]
UV irradiation technique and by varying the exposure timings.
Among new progresses of drug delivery system is
All the mutant cultures were used for ethanol production by
pharmacogenomics, which is the study of genetic factors that
using banana peel as a substrate in a batch fermentor. The
mediate an individual’s drug response. The pharmacogenomic
effect of temperature, pH, and initial substrate concentration
on ethanol production were studied and optimized. One analysis promises to identify disease susceptibility genes, thus
mutant strain yielded a maximum ethanol production of 9 g/L discovering new drug targets.[40] This individualized approach of
under identical conditions. The conditions were optimized for drug dispensing was ubiquitous in practice of Ayurveda. Perhaps,
this mutant strain at a temperature of 33°C, pH 4.5, and initial this is one reason why in compilations of different classical
substrate concentration of 10% (w/v).[37] formulae of Ayurveda with a single name, and minor differences
in ingredients and their proportion are frequently observed.
Heller et al. supplemented the techniques of ancient India to Four types of Abhayarishta is quoted in Bharat Bhaishajya
prepare Sandhana kalpana as a result of current findings of Ratnakar; therefore, the concept of pharmacogenomics may be
probiotic bacteria. These bacteria are mainly found in fermented applied here in selection of medicine for a particular patient.[41]
foods, and dairy products, which play a predominant role as
carriers of various other health benefits. These foods are well In general lifestyle, an aware citizen always accentuates the
suited to promoting the positive health image of probiotics for implication of a diet regimen for diseased as well as healthy
several reasons.[38] The vital role of probiotics in manufacturing individuals.[42] It pays rich dividend in eliminating ailments.[43]
of Sandhana kalpana may be an area of great interest. In Ayurvedic Sandhana kalpana, products such as Kanji, Takra,
Sidhu rasa, and Varuni are used in routine diet as nutritive
Products of Sandhana kalpana have now demonstrated its products and to prevent and cure diseases. Therefore, an
ascendancy on other dosage forms of Ayurveda, as Arjunarishta attempt may be advocated in the lines of recent inventions in
(Parthadyarishta) is used for cardiovascular disorders and the field of nutrigenomics. The ultimate aim of this emerging
prepared by fermenting a decoction of specified plant materials field of science is prevention rather than cure.[44] An auxiliary
using flowers of W. fruticosa. The developed method was
approach of combinatorial biosynthesis is another move towards
validated with respect to linearity, precision, accuracy, and
generation of novel natural products and for production of rare
robustness. The High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
and expensive natural products and this may be in the field of
(HPLC) analysis showed an increase in the amount of ellagic
Sandhana kalpana as well.[45]
acid and gallic acid during preparation, ie, decoction versus
formulation. A similar increase in free radical scavenging activity In a nutshell, pharmacogenomics, nutrigenomics, and
Kerala, are other emerging players in the field internationally. to the contribution of fermentation to preservation. Microbes
mediate this process, and enhance therapeutic properties,
ii)Value of turnover which may be due to microbial biotransformation of the initial
Facts analyzed from the balance sheet of various leading ingredients of Asava-Arishta into more effective therapeutics as
companies of Ayurveda endorsed magnitude of business end-products, alcohol-aqueous milieu, which is also produced
of Asava–Arishta. Overall, approximately 20% business of by microbes. Moreover, improvement in drug delivery in the
Ayurvedic drugs is in the periphery of products of Asava–Arishta body increases due to alcohol–aqueous milieu. These products
(result drawn from annual report of several companies, this is in general possess preservative properties and potentization of
not quoted at one place). drug due to biotransformation mediated by native microbes.[54]
This advanced dosage form probably results into transformation
iii) Prospects of international marketing
of several phytochemical compounds present in the herbs used
With the growing acceptability of Ayurveda globally, it is possible
to prepare it, and thereby rendering them either less toxic or
that the demand of Asava–Arishta will rise in the market
more potent, besides helping in their rapid absorption.[55]
of medicines. New rules are being framed by governments
across continents such as Health Australia, US Food and Drug There is an urgent need for close and continuous interaction
Administration (USFDA), UK Medicines and Healthcare between the medical and biotechnology communities in India,
Products Regulatory Agency (UKMHRA) for manufacturing, to bring the full benefit of biotechnology for healthcare. A
sales, and distribution of Ayurvedic medicine contemporary to particular challenge and opportunity for Indian biotechnology
their standard of pharmaceutical products and requirement of is to build a golden triangle between ancient, experiential
their citizens. Asava–Arishta may qualify on these parameters. Indian medical wisdom, modern medicine and modern science,
and validate the effectiveness of Ayurvedic drugs and practices
iv) Quality control in terms of current understanding of molecular biology and
Taking view of researchers for quality control of Asava– molecular pharmacology.[56,57] This becomes visible in case
Arishta, this refereed paper may be a milestone. The of Asava–Arishta at the National Institute of Pharmaceutical
present investigations evaluated five different brands of Education and Research (NIPER), SAS Nagar.[58] Also, the authors
Dashmoolarishtam available in the market as per World Health of this paper believe that new pharmaceutical and therapeutics
Organization (WHO) and specifications of the Pharmacopoeial domain will prove to be authentic in the near future.
Laboratory for Indian Medicine. Various physicochemical
parameters were determined, such as alcohol-soluble Clearly, there is an urgent need for scientific searching of
extractives, water-soluble extractives, total ash, acid-soluble Ayurvedic Asava–Arishta for providing better services to human
ash, total solid, and alcohol content. The present investigations civilization.
reveal that all preparations contain acceptable levels of alcohol
(less than 12% v/v). However, the preparations were found to Acknowledgment
contain unacceptable limits of microbial load, although all
showed the absence of Escherichia coli, Salmonella species and Authors thank Dr. Neeraj Kumar and Dr. K. R. C. Reddy, Associate
Staphylococcus aureus.[51] Professor, Department of Rasa Shastra, Banaras Hindu University,
Dr. K. Shankar Rao, Associate Professor, Department of Rasa Shastra,
The Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha NIA, Jaipur, and Prof. P. K. Prajapati, Department of Rasa Shastra,
(CCRAS) and Pharmacopoeial Laboratory for Indian Medicine IPGTRA, Jamnagar, who provided a view of many aspects of Sandhana
have notified standard protocol for quality control of Asava– kalpana while writing this paper. I am thankful to Dr. Pramod
Arishta.[52] Authors request all manufacturing units of Asava– (Jamnagar) and Dr. Vikash (Varanasi) for helping in writing of this
manuscript. Authors are also thankful to all those scholars whose
Arishta to follow the same with a holistic approach.
dissertations have been referred in review of the literature.
v) Business abuses
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