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wjpmr, 2023,9(4), 104-108 SJIF Impact Factor: 5.

Review Article
World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research


Sonpal Singh Thakur*, Dr. Jagdish Rathi, Karan Rajak, Kripal Gurjar, Madiha Khan, Mahendra Kumar
Sharma and Mahendra Kumar Thakur

NRI Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sajjan Singh Nagar, Opposite Patel Nagar, Raisen Road Bhopal, MP,

*Corresponding Author: Sonpal Singh Thakur

NRI Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sajjan Singh Nagar, Opposite Patel Nagar, Raisen Road Bhopal, MP, 462022.

Article Received on 16/02/2023 Article Revised on 06/03/2023 Article Accepted on 26/03/2023

Plants serve as a rich source of bioactive molecules, which are used to treat various diseases in Ayurveda.
Medicinal plant materials are formulated into valuable Ayurvedic medicines by application of modern scientific
techniques, where standardization plays a pivotal role for authentication. Standardization confirms the identity,
quality and purity of drugs. World Health Organization has set up suitable specific standardization parameters to
evaluate the crude drugs and their finished products. These include various evaluation techniques such as
pharmacognostical, physico-chemical, phytochemical, analytical, biological and biotechnological. Nowadays,
application of several modern analytical techniques has become inevitable for evaluating the polyherbal Ayurvedic
formulations to ensure quality, safety and efficacy. Various spectroscopic and chromatographic methods applicable
for this purpose are ultra-violet spectroscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance
spectroscopy, thin-layer chromatography, high performance thin layer chromatography, high performance liquid
chromatography, gas chromatography, mass spectroscopy and hyphenated techniques such as gas chromatography-
mass spectroscopy, liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy, liquid chromatography-nuclear magnetic resonance
spectroscopy. Out of several formulations available in Ayurveda, asavas and aristas are considered as unique
dosage forms due to their indefinite shelf life. Standardization and formulation of different asava-arista
formulations using various analytical techniques are vividly discussed in this review.

KEYWORDS: Ayurveda, Asava, Arista, Standardization, Formulation.

INTRODUCTION present in the herbs used to prepare it and thereby either

Ayurveda is considered by many scientists to be the rendering them less toxic or more potent, besides helping
oldest healing science. In Sanskrit, Ayurveda means in their faster absorption. Arishtas and asavas are self-
“The Science of Life.” Ayurvedic knowledge originated generated herbal fermentations of traditional Ayurvedic
in India more than 5,000 years ago and is often called the system. They are alcoholic medicaments prepared by
“Mother of All Healing”.[1] Ayurveda translates into allowing the herbal juices or their decoctions to undergo
knowledge (Veda) of life (Ayur) and is one of the oldest fermentation with the addition of sugars. Arishtas are
and still widely practiced medical systems in the Indian made with decoctions of herbs in boiling water while
subcontinent.[2] The concept of Ayurvedic medicine is to asavas are prepared by directly using fresh herbal juices.
promote health, rather than to fight disease, and Fermentation of both preparations is takes place by the
Ayurveda in daily life aims at maintaining harmony addition of a source of sugar with dhataki (Woodfordia
between nature and the “individual” to ensure optimal fruticosa Kurz) flowers.[5] Many preparations contain
health. Ayurveda contains 8 branches of sciences and 10 additional spices for improving their assimilation. They
different diagnostic tools based on tridosha theory (three are moderately alcoholic (up to 12% by volume) and
humours of body). Ayurveda comprises of various types sweetish with slight acidity and agreeable aroma.
of medicines including the fermented forms namely Presence of alcohol in the preparation shows several
arishtas (fermented decoctions) and asavas (fermented advantages, like better keeping quality, enhanced
infusions). These are regarded as valuable therapeutics therapeutic properties, improvement in the efficiency of
due to their efficacy and desirable features. Asava-arishta extraction of drug molecules from the herbs and
is a novel yet least exploited continuous hydro alcoholic improvement in drug delivery into the human body sites.
extraction method, being traditionally used in Ayurveda. Indian Ayurvedic literature that included arishta and
This advanced dosage form probably results into asava are Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Astanga
transformation of several phytochemical compounds Hridaya, Bhaishajya Ratnavali, Sarngadhara Samhita, │ Vol 9, Issue 4, 2023. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 104

Sonpal et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research

Khadhan- igragam, Arsaschikitsha, Sagasrayogam, Chik- Jaggery or Guda

itshasthanam, Yogaratnagaram, Asavarisht-asangra,
How, shathagunasangraham and Astangasangraham. Method
Wash the herbals and sundry them completely to
METHOD AND MATERIALS remove moisture particles
 Digital weighing balance
Powder each of the herbs seperately and sieve them to
 Beaker remove impurities and other solid particles
 Measuring cylinder
 Distillation flask Douse the decoction herbs in a specified quantity of
 Separating funnel water and boil till it decreases to ¼ of its initial volume
 Heating metal
 Water bath Filter the concocted liquid by passing it through a
 Specific gravity bottle sterile muslin cloth to eliminate the impurities and the
 Water residual herb part
 Earthen pot
Now, add jaggery to the clear decoction and keep
Dasmularista swirling till everything mixes properly
Brihat Panchamoola Next, pour the solution into a wide-mouthed vessel
Bilva (Indian Bael) – Aegle mmarmelo smeared with cow ghee from the inside
Agnimantha (Arani) – Premna serratifolia
Gambhari (Beechwood/ Kasmari) - Gmelina arborea Add the remaining powdered aromatic herbs to the
Shyonaka – Oroxylum indicum decoction and tightly seal the opening of the container
Patala – Stereospermum suaveolens with a mud-smeared cloth

Laghu Panchamoola Keep the container untouched in the fermentation room

Brihati (Indian Nightshade) – Solanum indicum and let it ferment for a month
Shalaparni – Desmodium gangeticu
Vitex negundo - Nirgundi On culmination of the fermentation process, filter the
Pluchea lanceolata - Rasna fermented liquid through a sterile muslin cloth to
Piper longum - Pippali (long pepper) eliminate solid particles and impurities
Areca catechu - Puga (Betel nut)
Hedychium spicatum - Shati Empty the herbal concoction into an amber-coloured,
Curcuma longa – Haldi (Turmeric) air-tight glass jar
Foeniculum vulgare - Saunf (Fennel Seeds)
Prunus cerasoides - Padmaka Stock it in a cool, dry environment for maturing.
Mesua ferrea - Nagkesar
Cyperus rotundus - Mustak (Nut grass) Kumariasava
Holarrhena antidysenterica - Indrayava Ingredients
Piper cubeba - Kabab-chini/Kankola (Cubeb pepper) 1.2 Kg Haritaki – Terminalia Chebula
Coleus vettiveroides - Jala 12.28 Kg Kumari Rasa – Aloe Vera Juice
Santalum album - Chandan 768 grams Dhataki flowers – Woodfordia Fruticosa
Myristica fragrans - Jatiphala (nutmeg) 48 grams Bibhitaki – Terminalia Bellerica
Syzygium aromaticum - Laung (Clove) 48 grams Pushkarmool – Inula Racemosa
Cinnamomum zeylanicum – Dalchini (Cinnamon) 48 grams Jaiphal (Nutmeg) – Myristica Fragrans
Elettaria cardamomum - Ela (cardamom) 48 grams Laung (Clove) – Syzygium Aromaticum
Cinnamomum tamala - Tejpatta 48 grams Sheetal Mirch (Kebab Chini) – Piper Cubeba
Strychnos potatorum - Nirmali/KatakaPha 48 grams Jatamansi – Nardostachys Jatamansi
Pistacia integerrima kakar singhi/ Karkatashringi 48 grams Chavya (Java Long Pepper) – Piper Chaba
Pueraria tuberosa - Jivaka 48 grams Chitrak – Plumbago Zeylanica
Microstylis wallichii - Rishabhaka 48 grams Javitri (Mace) – Myristica Fragrans
Polygonatum cirrhifolium - Meda 48 grams Karkatshringi – Pistacia Chinensis
Asparagus racemosus - Shatavari 24 grams Loha Bhasma
Withania somnifera - Ashwangandha 24 grams Tamra Bhasma
Dioscorea bulbifera - Zimikand 4.8 Kg Guda (Gur) – Jaggery
Vitis Vinifera - Draksha (Raisins) 3 Kg Shahad – Honey
Woodfordia fruticosa - Dhataki 12.28 Kg Water
Water for decoction
Honey or Madhu │ Vol 9, Issue 4, 2023. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 105

Sonpal et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research

Wash, dry and powder the herbal components and pass
An attempt has been made to review and understand the
each of them seperately through sieve number 44 to get a
asava – arishta, a dosage form from the classical,
coarse powder.Boil haritaki powder in the required
pharmaceutical and standardization perspective. A
quantity of water till it reduces to ¼ of its initial
review of the available literature suggests that the
quantity.Screen the mixture by passing it through a clean
industrial approach for the preparation of fermented
muslin cloth to get rid of the impurities and the residual
preparations, asava–arishta are based on traditional
herb part. Add jaggery, sugar and honey to the clear
principles.The new approaches with new techniques
decoction and keep stirring till everything mixes properly
contribute to better quality control for the large scale
next, pour the decoction into a wide-mouthed vessel
production. It must however be noted that the asava-
lubricated with ghee from the inside. Add aloe vera gel
arishta preparations produced adopting modern
and the remaining powdered herbs to the vessel.Lock the
parameters of standardization as against by traditional
mouth of the container with a mud-smeared cloth tightly.
method may pose some limitations. The limitations in
Keep the container untouched in the fermentation room
case of asava-arishta standardization arise at all three
and allow it to ferment for a month. On culmination of
steps of raw material standardization, process
the fermentation process, screen the fermented liquid
standardization and finished product standardization. In
through a clean muslin cloth to abolish solid particles
case of raw material: Relevance of madhura dravyas i.e.
and impurities. Pour the herbal concoction into an
sweeteners like sugar, honey or jaggery to a particular
amber-coloured, air-tight glass jar. Keep the jar in a cool,
ingredient or group of ingredients; proportion to which it
dry environment for maturation.
is used and time of addition will definitely affect the
alcoholic extraction of therapeutic attributes during
fermentation. These are required to be critically and
comparatively studied. W. fruticosa, M. longifolia,
In a comparative study, Dasamularista was prepared
Surabeeja or Kinva are added in liquid for fermentation.
using identical size, shape and capacity of earthen pots,
Among these the most beneficial trigger medium for
stainless steel vessel and porcelain jar by filling up to ½,
fermentation is to be examined. Use of yeast as a reliable
2/3rd and 3/4th capacity of the container. TLC using
medium to trigger and enhance fermentation process is
solvent system butanol, acetic acid and water (63:17:10)
known; however, its comparative effect as against
showed five spots in different preparations. From
Dhataki flowers are yet to be established for quality and
different analytical and physico-chemical study results, it
efficacy. Timing of additives, at what stage to add, is
was found that pot filled up to 3/4th capacity was most
also important. This is relevant to ingredients and the
suitable for fermenting Dasamularishta. Presence of total
environmental conditions under which the fermentation
phenolics, alkaloids, flavonoids and saponins in the
process is undertaken. Equally important is the method
marketed Dasamularishta and in the in-house preparation
for addition of additives; mixing, spreading or pottali in
was analysed on a UV spectrophotometer (Shimadzu
liquid ingredients should be deliberate. These different
1800 and Cyclomixer, Remi). Percent total phenolic
factors will impact the clinical efficacy. In case of
content was found to be more in the in-house preparation
process standardization: Ancient method avoid direct
than the marketed formulation, whereas the total
exposure to sunlight to maintain constant temperature;
flavonoid, alkaloid and saponin content was less in the
but other factor like humidity should also be studied.
in-house preparation than the marketed formulation.
Artificial maintenance of temperature and its effect on
Variations in geographical sources of raw materials and
the properties of the finished product is yet to be studied.
different methods adopted for their processing might
In case of finished product standardization: For different
have influenced these differences TLC showed two spots
formulations the period of maturation varies. There is a
under UV light with the solvent system n-butanol:glacial
need to evaluate the need for addition of preservative and
acetic acid:water (4:4:2) when sprayed with alcoholic
other effects, if any. The Central Council for Research in
Ayurveda and Siddha (CCRAS) and Pharmacopoeia
laboratory for Indian medicine have notified standard
protocol for quality control of asava-arishta. The
Alcohol content of Kumaryasava was determined using
compliance of pharmacopoeia standards for compound
both specific gravity as well as GC (Chemito GC7610
formulations does help in achieving uniformity and
Carbowax 20M) method. The result showed gradual
consistency in commercial production of Ayurvedic
reduction in ethanol content on storage of Kumaryasava
drugs. The limitations which arise for the standardization
in different containers, which may be due to vaporization
of classical dosage form can also be looked upon as a
on opening of the container. Therefore, asava and arista
scope for newer research for a better understanding of
preparations have to be consumed within a shorter period
the principles and processes, better end product with
of time or the formulation can be prepared in smaller
improved clinical efficacy. To bridge the gap between
volume. Total phenolic content was found to be 0.1 %.
traditional concepts and modern parameters it is
According to Dash et al the limit of total phenolic
desirable to find solutions with deeper understanding of
compound should not be less than 0.6 % w/v.
principles for the use of modern technologies │ Vol 9, Issue 4, 2023. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 106

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