BDA Proposal

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K. K. Wagh Polytechnic, Nashik.

HirabaiHaridasVidyanagari, Amrutdham, Panchavati,Nashik-422003

Department of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Proposal for Micro-Project

Institute Code: 0078 Academic Year: 2023-24
Program: AIML Course:Management
Course Code: 22509 Scheme: I
Semester: 6 Class:TYAN
Date of Proposal: / /
Title of Micro-Project: Study of measures to be taken for ensuring cyber security

Problem Definition:
Investigate and recommend effective cyber security measures for organizations and
individuals in response to escalating cyber threats.

1.0Aim/Objectives/ Benefits of the Micro-Project:

The aim of the project is to study and recommend measures for ensuring cyber
security. The benefits include enhancing the security of sensitive information and
systems, reducing the risk of cyber attacks, and providing practical recommendations
for individuals and organizations to improve their cyber security posture.

2.0 Course Outcomes addressed (Cos):

a. Use basic management principles to execute daily activities.
Use principles of planning and organising for accomplishment of tasks.
Use principles of directing and controlling for implementing the plans.
Apply principles of safety management in all activities.
Understand various provisions of industrial acts.

3.0 Proposed Methodology:

The proposed methodology for the project on cyber security measures could involve the
following steps:
1. Research Design: Define the scope and objectives of the study, including the specific cyber
security measures and practices to be analyzed.
2. Literature Review: Conduct a comprehensive review of existing literature, research, and
industry reports related to cyber security measures and best practices.
3. Data Collection: Gather data from various sources such as academic papers, industry reports,
and case studies related to cyber security measures and best practices.
4.Data Analysis: Analyze the collected data to identify trends, common practices, and emerging
technologies in cyber security.
5.Case Studies:Conduct case studies to understand real-world implementations of cyber security
measures and their effectiveness.
6. Surveys or Interviews: Conduct surveys or interviews with cyber security experts or
professionals to gather insights and opinions on effective cyber security measures.
7.Framework Development: Develop a framework for evaluating cyber security measures based
on the findings from the literature review and data analysis.
8. Recommendations: Provide recommendations for individuals and organizations to enhance
their cyber security posture based on the analysis and findings.
9.Documentation: Document the methodology followed, data sources, analysis techniques, and
recommendations in a report format.
10. Review and Validation:Validate the findings and recommendations through peer review or
feedback from cyber security experts to ensure their relevance and accuracy.

4.0 Action Plan:

Planned Planned Name of Responsible

S. No. Details of activity
Start date Finish date Team Members

1 Searching & finalizing micro project topic All members

2 Preparing a micro project proposal Sayee Shiurkar

3 Gathering data related to project

Shruti Chandwadkar

4 Implementation of project Shruti Chandwadkar

5 Testing of project Sukhada Rajput

7 Preparing a final brief report using MS Sayee Shiurkar


8 Presentation & Viva of micro project All members

5.0 Resources Required:

S. No. Name of Resource/material Specifications Qty Remarks

1 Laptop Intel ® Celeron ® CPU i5 @ 2.30 01 For project work

GHz, RAM: 8GB, HDD: 1 TB

2 Websites 01 For referring


Name of Team Members:

Enrolment Roll No. Name of Students Signature

2100780330 35 Sayee Shiurkar

2100780331 36 Shruti Chandwadkar

2100780334 39 Sukhada Rajput

Date: / /
Evaluated by: Signature of Guide: __________________
Name of Guide: Mrs. J. S.Mahajan

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