Aviation Research
Aviation Research
Aviation Research
Viable Future Propulsion Options for Fixed-Wing Aircraft within the Earth’s Atmosphere
Kipkoech Kevin
Viable Future Propulsion Options for Fixed-Wing Aircraft within the Earth’s Atmosphere
Just like automotive engineering, the long-term negative impact of fossil fuel
consumption on global warming and climate change has spurred efforts into the search for
technologies are still lagging as compared to automobiles, it is a safe bet to assume that the
aviation landscape is going to be very different shortly. Research has been conducted and
prototypes have been developed on various aircraft propulsion systems such as electricity, hybrid
aviation systems, solar-powered planes, hybrid planes, and Pulse Detonation systems. These
Electricity, as asserted by most aerospace giants such as NASA, is the future of air travel.
Many industries have developed conceptual electric engines that would serve in aircraft
propulsion as the world races to achieve zero emissions. Perhaps the current most popular
electric plane is the Alice that was developed by the Israeli aviation company Eviation. The
prototype is projected to carry up to nine adults and travel non-stop over a distance of six
hundred and fifty kilometers. With its capability of traveling as high as 10000 ft at speeds of over
400 km/h, the plane is expected to have a booming market and is going to hit the air as soon as
To date, Solar Impulse 2 remains the most popular solar-powered flight in the world. The
single-seat aircraft used only solar electricity to circumnavigate the planet in a flight that took
550 hours (Nunez 2016). The solar-powered flight may not be as fast or nearly as efficient as
fuel or electric-powered flight, but it is the most sustainable flight of them all (Brelje & Martins
2019). Solar-powered planes feature solar panels across their wingspan and they actively convert
The use of electricity to power flight not only saves the environment but also reduces
aircraft weight through the removal of unnecessary and usually heavy components such as the
fuel engine. This makes flight more economical and efficient. Current challenges lie in the
conversion of electricity into power but once this is addressed, electric power will be cemented
Recently, Rolls Royce unveiled its new hybrid-electric engine concept which is intended
to be in the mainstream as the next generation of air travel takes shape. The company is currently
working with another aviation company known as APUS to make the dream of hybrid propulsion
mechanical losses and throttling, and build-up of stress during high speed, and all these factors a
collective detriment on overall aircraft performance. This, coupled with the fact that fuel
combustion is damaging the environment and fuel resources are diminishing globally, has forced
engineers to go green in aviation propulsion (Rolls Royce 2019). This involves the use of
technologies such as electric and hydrogen propulsion but since current technological constraints
mean the desirable level of efficiency is not achievable using these new systems, a hybrid system
utilizing both electric and fuel propulsion systems is proposed. This ensures fuel usage is
reduced while performance levels are maintained at least up to the time when fully efficient pure
The system comprises a fuel engine and an electric motor. Fuel input and batteries are
connected to the engine and the motor respectively. A controller determines power transmission
between the batteries and the motor to ensure the electric system only comes online when
(i) Parallel hybrid systems- in parallel systems, the gas engine and the electric
systems run independently. The gas engine system is the preferred system for
takeoff and landing but during emergencies or high-altitude cruises, the pilot can
connected to the transmission system of the plane but the electric system is
(ii) Series hybrid systems- in such systems, there is a single input to the transmission
system as both the gas engine and electric systems come together before getting to
the transmission system. The two systems converge at the controller which closes
the type of propulsion to drive the plane’s systems as needed. A generator is fitted
to the IC engine to convert its power into electricity before going to the controller.
The controller then transmits electric energy from the IC engine or from the
batteries to the motor that then transmits mechanical energy to the electric motor.
Generally, hybrid systems consist of gas engine systems that provide energy and an
electric system that provides support. Some of the positives brought about by electric propulsion
systems include reduction of environmental pollution by the gas engine through the reduction of
fuel consumption, reduction of vibration and mechanical losses, elimination of altitude effects
that impact gas engine performance, improved aerobatic performance, and proper distribution of
Volta Volare Company. Designed as the flagship of the new breed of hybrid aircraft, it has few
moving parts and has enhanced speed and safety. Its key specifications include a weight of 2600
pounds, a capacity of 1200 pounds, a 220-kW electric motor as the source of electric energy and
a 300-horsepower engine, a maximum speed of 75 knots, a take-off distance of 1400 feet, and a
landing distance of 1500 feet (Volta Volare). This model is under construction and is expected to
take to the skies this decade. It primarily targets the private jet space but depending on its success
and advances that would be made concerning the efficiency of hybrid propulsion, it is highly
likely that companies such as Volta Volare will be the leading aviation companies soon.
and electric energy. Mechanical energy from a rotating turbine is converted into electrical energy
via a generator, transmitted to a given point, and converted back into mechanical energy via an
electric motor. This type of propulsion is used in all kinds of vehicles ranging from ships to
aircraft. The use of turboelectric propulsion in aircraft brings about several advantages such as;
reduces the number of moving parts on the aircraft and friction and vibration
losses are reduced as a result. This helps save on fuel, conserve the environment,
and improve the aircraft’s range and durability. This is the main driving force
(ii) The fact that maximum power is transmitted to the engine means engine core
noise is reduced. This is because there is sufficient power to run the fans and other
cooling apparatus thus ensuring engine conditions are maintained at the optimum
electric, or gas engine systems. This means in the event of failure of the main
much more use in the future as aircraft safety continues to be the main issue.
(iv) The system improves load distribution in the plane. For instance, wing-tip-
structure weight of wings since engine size and mass is considerably reduced.
Wing-tip positioning of the engine also reduces lift-induced drag and turbulence-
induced vortices.
Despite these merits brought about by the use of turbo-electric propulsion in aircraft,
some disadvantages exist too. These include increased system complexity due to the addition of
new systems, increase in aircraft weight due to the addition of new components such as
generators and electric motors, increased risk of poor performance due to non-linearity between
external aircraft aerodynamics and the turbo-electric system, and the ingestion of ice, water, and
snow through openings of the turbo-electric system such as the mail-slot inlet.
The use of hydrogen as a fuel for propulsion has been a popular prospect for the future of
automotive and aviation engineering for a long time. Automotive companies such as Toyota and
Honda had earlier developed prototypes for such propulsion but it wasn’t until 2016 that the
world of aviation finally embraced the technology as the HY4 became the first hydrogen-
powered plane to fly (Pipistrel, n. d). The aviation giant has since revealed three different
service in fifteen years. These concepts differ in terms of structure and range;
2000nm. Airbus states that this plane will be powered by a modified version of
the gas turbine engine that burns hydrogen to produce thrust, and water a waste
(Bailey 2020). This aircraft is expected to replace the current Airbus A320
(ii) Concept 2: this is a turboprop-based plane that targets local and regional flights
soon. It has a range of 1000nm and a capacity of 100 passengers (Bailey 2020).
(iii) Concept 3: this is the newest of the three concepts and is not based on any current
aircraft (Bailey 2020). The revolutionary design is expected to have space for up
to 200 passengers and it would have sufficient storage for liquid hydrogen making
However, before the goal of zero emissions could be achieved, Airbus cites several
challenges associated with hydrogen propulsion that first need to be addressed. They include the
need for safe storage facilities for hydrogen, revamping of airports to suit hydrogen refueling and
solid-state, or ion-propelled air transport. The main advantage that this system promise is to
greatly improve aircraft performance since no combustion and movement of parts that effectively
eliminate most energy losses from the aircraft. Since the technology is still in its infancy, it has
been developed to a very small extent and has only been tested on a handful of small, unmanned
aircraft (Muelaner 2019). The technology was first stumbled upon by Thomas Brown during a
VTOL experiment and thinking it was an anti-gravity phenomenon, he named it the Biefield-
Brown effect. However, it wasn’t until after it was discovered that the effect did not work in a
into this technology were undertaken shortly after it was discovered. The first ionocraft prototype
was developed in 1959 and it could move sideways and hover in the air under the support of
‘ionic wind’ that was created by varying the amount of voltage on different parts of the craft
simultaneously. Currently, the most advanced form of this technology is the Wingless
Electromagnetic Air Vehicle (WEAV), first introduced in 2008 (Muelaner 2019), which uses
electrodes installed on its surface to emit ions and generate lift. The WEAV architecture also
incorporates magnetic fields that increase the efficiency and strength of the ionization process.
The concept of ionic propulsion generally involves the movement of air due to ionization
The emitting surface structures such that two conductive electrodes are laid parallel to each
other. They are separated by an air column such that no direct movement of current takes place
between them. The emitter wire is then fed with sufficient electric voltage such that a very large
electric potential is created between the two plates. This forces electricity to ‘jump’ across the
insulation column to reach the second plate. As this takes place, electricity at the emitter plate
ionizes the surrounding air (Muelaner 2019). These ions then flow towards the oppositely-
charged collector plate. The strength of this flow is dependent on the electric potential between
the plates, and this is controlled such that an ionic stream that is strong enough to support an
aircraft and to propel it in the air is achieved. The following equation determines the ionic thrust
force provided by an electro-aerodynamic engine dependent on the amount of current (I), the
separation distance between the two conductor plates (d), and the ion mobility coefficient which
(i) The Emitter- this mostly comprises a thin wire or a plate that is connected to a
power supply that provides high voltage to the system. The wire must be highly
conductive and some of the materials that are prime candidates for this application
include white copper and stainless steel. Since ionization is inversely proportional
to the size of the wire as shown in the equation shown above, it is ensured that the
(ii) The Air Gap- air provides an ionization target for the system and also provides an
environment across which ions can be accelerated between the two plates to
produce thrust or lift. 1mm/kV is considered as the ideal thickness of their gap at
this point of this technology, but this is expected to change as engineers attempt to
(iii) The Collector- material used at the collector must have the capability to conduct
vast amounts of current per unit time to ensure that a constant flow of ions is
maintained across the air gap for sufficient propulsion. Most theoretical and
prototype-stage models of the collector feature the use of conductive tubes, foil
skirts, and meshed wires to maximize electric conduction. Better designs of the
To support aircraft sizes that are similar to modern aircraft, a lot of electric power is
not permit humans to use this technology to propel aircraft more than a couple of kilograms but
it is expected to be a mainstream aviation technology in the future because it is well ahead of its
time (Muelaner 2019). Conventional gas engines remain more efficient than electro-aerodynamic
thrusters because the latter requires a lot more power to produce the same amount of lift. Since
the technology does not work in a vacuum, it will be restricted to airplanes and not suitable for
rocket technology.
Pulse Detonation Engines (PDEs) derive combustion and subsequent propulsion from
supersonic detonation waves (Cassady 2016). This technology was first developed during the
second world war as a propulsion system for the V-1 missile by Nazi Germany. However, it was
noted that flame propagation slowed down the missile, and the use of PDEs gradually dropped.
After several decades, it was then figured out that if the detonation process is modeled on a
constant-volume basis, the negative effect of flame propagation could be eliminated and a great
The combustion chamber is a PDE that is structured such that the air-fuel mixture can
shockwave that traverses the chamber causing all contents to combust simultaneously before
they could expand. This, known as constant-volume combustion, creates a lot of pressure at once
and its release from the engine provides much more thrust than conventional gas engines. This
fully eliminates energy losses during expansion as chemical energy changes into heat energy
during normal combustion. All chemical energy is theoretically harvested in this engine thus
The main advantages that are brought about by PDE systems include;
(i) Higher efficiency- the rate of combustion is greatly improved in PDE engines as
compared to regular engines. This ensures PDEs produce more power per unit
(ii) Reduced complexity- the process is much more straightforward thus letting the
(iii) The system saves more fuel since the process of combustion is made much more
However, despite all these advantages associated with PDEs, it’s implementation is
(i) It is difficult to always create conditions within the engine that permit detonation
to occur. This means in some cycles, the PDE would burn fuel like a regular gas
engine (Cassady 2016). The ideal operating cycle of a PDE involves mixing of air
soundwave. When the ideal conditions for detonation are not set, only the first
two steps of the cycle take place making it similar to regular gas engines and
components are required to build the system making it much more expensive
(Cassady 2016). DDT is achieved through the increment of turbulence within the
engine, the use of specific engine construction materials to cause interference, and
(iii) The nature of combustion in the PDE means a lot more heat is generated than in
normal gas engines (Cassady 2016). This means more frequent repairs are needed
and the use of more heat-resistant materials, which may be more expensive, is
It is expected that these challenges are going to be addressed in the future and PDE would
become a viable form of aircraft propulsion (Pandey & Debnath 2016). This is very important
since more efficient fuel-burning systems are needed due to the gradual reduction in fuel.
However, after man has exhausted all fossil fuels from the planet, this technology will no longer
be usable. In short, this technology is likely to be used as a way of slowing down the
This paper includes an in-depth discussion of key technologies that will dictate the future
of aircraft propulsion. This is because the earth’s fossil fuel reserves are fast-dwindling and the
high rates of energy losses leading to inefficiency and environmental pollution by conventional
gas engines. Currently, most green technologies are not efficient enough to completely replace
current fossil fuel engines hence a lot of research and development is expected in the coming
decades. The five key technologies that are expected to revolutionize air travel and humans enter
a new age include electric and solar propulsion, hybrid propulsion, turbo-electric propulsion,
mainstream technology in the transport industry and spearheaded by global companies such as
Tesla, electric propulsion promises to replace gas engines in automobiles and aircraft. However,
current aircraft models are smaller than conventional aircraft and have lower performance
meaning more research is required on the topic. The same is said about solar energy. Hybrid
propulsion is an intermediate technology that seeks to maintain the efficiency of gas engines
while minimizing fuel usage and using electric power to cover the deficit. Turbo-electric systems
are electric systems in which mechanical losses are minimized through constant interconversions
between electric and mechanical energy to ensure that the aircraft has a few moving parts and
possible. Hydrogen propulsion utilizes the high combustibility of hydrogen to generate electric
power in vehicles and aircraft that is then used for propulsion while producing water as a by-
product. Electro-aerodynamic propulsion, the most advanced of the bunch, involves the
ionization of air and the use of the resulting ionic flow to provide propulsion. Pulse Detonation
Engines optimize the process of fuel combustion through the detonation of the air-fuel mixture to
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