Oldenhaller Contract conversion WFRP3

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4e Revised version Converted to 3rd edition

4e Adaptation by W4rhammerFan.

3e Conversion by Jay Hafner

2e Conversion by Alexander Bateman

So you want to be an adventurer ey? Welcome to Nuln. Plenty of adventure abounds! Criminal gangs fighting
for territory in the streets and shady rich folk who will sell you down the river for good bargain.
This scenario appeared in the 1st edition WFRP core

This 3e adaptation of Oldenhaller Contract is converted https://images-

from the 4e fan version by W4rhammerfan and the cdn.fantasyflightgames.com/ffg_content/wfrp/media/o
pages are referenced from that. You will need a copy of
the scenario in any case.

The APPENDIX contains general conversion guides to

3rd edition.
The GM will need to read up on 3e Corruption and arhammer-fantasy-roleplay-first-edition-core-rulebook
Disease rules before playing this scenario.

Additional Commentary here:

4th Edition Difficulty 3rd Edition Challenge Level
Very Easy (+60) Simple = 0d
Easy (+40) Simple = 0d
Average (+20) Easy = 1d
Challenging (+0) Average = 2d
Difficult (-10) Hard = 3d
Hard (-20) Hard = 3d
Very Hard (-30) Daunting = 4d
Futile (-40) Daunting = 4d
Impossible (-50) Epic = 5d

Modifying Percentages: +5% roughly equates to

one Fortune □ die.
Page 9

Episode 3: The Reaver’s Return-

Strength test = Average (2d) Athletics check to open

Page 7 (from the Revised 4th edition)
Episode 1: So this is Nuln...

Gossip = Average (2d) Charm (gossip)

Haggling Rules

3e Haggling: Player’s Guide, page 97

Jetty Hazard: slick plank

Agility or Dodge = Simple (0d) Coordination

Rudolph Grasser
Use Merchant NPC stat block
Grolsh van Eyke
Intuition/Cool opposed = Intuition vs Charm (vs
Thief's 4 Charm)
Episode 5: The face at the window

Page 8 Opposed Observation vs Stealth check (3e Stealth = 4)

Use RUFFIAN NPC stat blocks (4) Page 10
Thieves gain a +1 Fortune to their initiative roll because Episode 6: Sleeping Dogs
they charge.
Bertoldo attempts a Hard (3d) a Stealth (4)
/ignore box about how to roll for WFRP4e combat.

Chase Rules - 3e

Use a 10 space tracking meter. Bertoldo starts at Space 5.

Each participant makes a Hard (3d) Coordination check
(Bertoldo Coordination = 4). Successes move the

Page 11
Breaking the door down
- (-40) Strength test = Daunting (4d) Athletics
Use Ruffian NPC stat blocks
Page 13

Test = Check (3e) Episode 13: A Brigid too far

Check 1 Simple (0d) Athletcs check. Failure requires Gossip = Simple (0d) Charm (gossip) check
Easy (1d) Coordination to grab the roof edge. Easy (1d)
HALVE the required SL/successes for each category.
Athletics check to pull themselves up. If they fall, suffer
Negative SLs = uncanceled Challenges.
15+1d10 damage (Toughness soaks).

Check 2: Average (2d) Athletics check. Damage is 1d10.

Page 14
Check 3: Average (2d) Coordination check. Suffer +1
Misfortune die on next check. "If the PCs don’t decline his help, they will suffer a –2SL
penalty to all tests in Episode 16 to trail Lars as he
Check 4: Hard (3d) Athletics check.
becomes suspicious of them."
Check 5: Average (2d) Athletics or Coordination check.
Convert this to +2 Misfortune dice to trail Lars.
Suffer 5 Wounds per uncanceled Challenge.

Kernog Wurst - Innekeeper

Use TOWNSFOLK NPC template.

Episode 9: Rise and Shine


RULES FOR 3E Episode 15:

Healing & Recuperation (Player's Guide, page 87) - Upstairs at the Laughing Bear
Resilience check (1d or 2d if critically wounded)
Price for Lodging must be inside. Here are the other
standard costs.

Page 12
Lodging per day (includes meal)
City Watchmen
Back Alley 5b 1 Challenge to Resilience +1 Challenge if
Use Soldier NPC template winter Back Alley location card

Bath/wash, soap 10b Bonus Fortune to Filth trait disease recovery

Isolated Farm barn 10b 1 Misfortune to Resilience; See location


Com. Rm, Fleabag 1s 1 Misfortune to Resilience;

Homely/Rowdy Tavern Location card

Com. Rm, Straw Tick 5s Normal Resilience

Private Rm, Poor 10s Normal Resilience

Private Rm, Avg 20s 1 Fortune to Resilience

Private Rm, Superior 1g 2 Fortune to Resilience; day servants (2)

Stabling, horse 1s Normal Wind recovery

Stabling, horse, Sup 50s Bonus Wind recovery

Wilderness, ground 5b 2 Misfortune to

Resilience + 2 Challenge if winter

Wilderness, tent 10b 1 Misfortune to Resilience + 1 Challenge if



Opposed Perception = Opposed check (Observation 3)

Charming the Maid

Opposed Charm/Intuition (Maid has an Intuition of 3)

Page 17
Page 15
Oldenhaller will offer the characters 56 silver each on
Search of the wardrobe reveals 3silver.
delivery. Haggling check (he has a score of (3); success
+2 boons will raise it to 80silver. If they get 2+ Successes
Episode 16: Chasing Lars + a Sigmar's Comet, he will raise it up to a full 1g.
[Literally a king's ransom in WFRP 3e].
HALVE the required successes or alternately count About the Gem
double-boons/banes as a success/failure. use a SIMPLE Nurgle Rot condition – This is retained until a person is
(0d) skill check.
healed of all their diseases. If the PC does not yet have a
Consult the difficulty chart conversion for these. disease and gains Nurgle Rot in this scenario, they
should draw an appropriate Disease and attach Nurgle’s
Rot to it.
Page 16
Page 18
Use Ruffian NPC stat blocks
Page 20

Episode 19: The Shatzenheimer Base

The Oldenhaller Contract TRAP: Pit Check: Average (2d) Observation check to
Opposed check PC Intuition vs Albrecht's Guile (3)
Breaking the door down: Hard (3d) Athletics check.
Page 21

3. Hall The Overseer

Use Soldier NPC template.
Cool = Resilience check or gain +1 Corruption (Use
Corruption rules from Liber Mutatis or Gamemasters
Guide hardcover).

Pendants: Evaluate = Simple (0d) Intuition (evaluate)

4. Kurt Holge's Room

Touching the body: Easy (1d) Resilience check or

contract Nurgle's Rot (or other appropriate disease if the
GM deems this necessary).

Ulrich Vogel

Observation check to hear his grunt (Easy (1d)

Stat Block: Use Ruffian NPC stat block. He suffers +2

Misfortune dice due to his injuries. Page 24

Bluff on official business

Page 22 Simple (0d) Guile or opposed check.

Getting Ulrich ot talk: opposed Intimidate or Charm You can alternately use the BRIBE special action from
vs his Discipline (3) Lure of Power.

The Valantina Base Sebastiano Sansovino

8. Guard Room Use Ruffian NPC stat block plus the Hero Epic Threat
Bluffing: Opposed Guile vs Intuition (3).

11. Emilio Valantina’s Study

Valantina Gang Members
Blood trail - Simple 0d Observation check
Use Ruffian NPC stat blocks.
Average (2d) Observation check to find the Secret Door
Use GROUP SHEET: and the first Chaos Star rolled by
a PC triggers a +1 to their group sheet ability.
Hard (3d) Athletics check or suffer wounds.
GAMING--handle it however you feel is right]

Treasure: As listed. Note the GEM and Nurgle Rot.

Breaking the doors down: (2d) Skullduggery or Athletics
(2+ successes required).


12. Emilio Valantina’s Bedchamber Use Ruffian + Hero Epic Threat template.

Average (2d) Resilience check or gain +1 Corruption


Page 25

Part Three: The Sewers and The Huydermans

Page 27

The Sewers

15. The Rats’ Lair

Easy (1d) Nature Lore (Track) check tor trace Jan's

footrpints OR Average (2d) Observation check

Huydermans Gang Members
Use Ruffian NPC template.
Creature Traits:

The only thing that the GM needs to use in this section

is DISEASE. If a PC suffers a wound from the swarm, 19. Main Chamber
they must make a disease check at the end of the combat. Penalty is +1 Misfortune.

The Cart 20. The Cove

Climbing into the cart: Hard (3d) Coordination check. Jonas Whitespore - Champion of Nurgle
Average (2d) Athletics check if they jump out. Use Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle.
The Beast
Crossing the Beast's trail of slime requires an Easy (1d)
Coordination check or fall prone and gain +1 wound;
and make Disease check.

Use 3e Beast of Nurgle: Reduce the strength to 3.

Use Chaos Cultists

Remember Disease checks after the encounter.

The GM should award 1xp per 3 hours of play and may
wish to give surviving PCs who actually contracted a
disease (if they survived), a permanent bonus Fortune
die to Resilience (disease) checks.
Conversions presented in The Gamemaster’s Toolkit and Hero’s
Call Renown and Fame rules.
This document is not intended to be a perfect mathematical
• The over-abundant, insignificant, nit-picky 1-5%
representation of conversion so the GM should use common
variable stuff of 4e.
sense in further converting this adventure to their group.
• Stuff that I forgot to convert: Please make
What is being converted? mention of anything you want updated on Facebook,
This document is to allow for 3rd edition play of the adventure. Reddit, or the Discord. I’m certain to miss stuff.
• Complex rule elements and creatures of conflict
• Diseases, Insanities, and Mutations
What about Original 3e Elements?
• Some NPC Creature Blocks will have some limited
Third edition is obviously a superior system (for some of us!)
Career statistics and advances tacked on for
or I wouldn’t be bothering with this. In some cases, I have
• Tables below are used for the GM to convert on the included brief rules reviews for rare rulesets. The GM should
fly. keep their eyes peeled for opportune moments to use original
3e elements such as Party Sheets, Location Cards, Progress
What isn’t being converted? Tracking Meters, NPC Organization Sheets, Episode
At some point the GM simply must use their head and Templates, Special Actions, Secret Society Sheets,
adjudicate things on the fly. Campaign Logs, Henchmen rules, Stances, and Nemesis
• Individual Difficulty/Skill listings. The GM Sheets.
needs to reference the tables below.
• NPC Talents: NPC talents simply aren’t going to be New 3e Rules
converted unless we find an exceptional need. The In the remote instance that something doesn’t exist for 3e rules,
GM should use the listings for colorful commentary.
I have placed (New Rule) notices that the GM should assess
• Plot-Specific Talents WILL be converted. If they
before play. Most of the time, I am simply referencing the
are mentioned in the text, will be reasonably
closest equivalent (good example is spells).
converted on the table below (e.g. Sixth Sense and
Etiquette are mentioned a lot).
• Silver and Brass prices. Brass isn’t worth your time. What Do I Need on My GM Screen for Quick
4e Silver (called /-) can be divided by 1.6 to get 3e Reference?
Silver amounts. Gold should be divided by 8
To best use this conversion document, you should become
(according to Simon Landry’s calculations).
familiar with, and post a printed copy to your GM screen, of
• XP Rewards: 3e uses per-session XP. The GM
these conversions: Difficulty, Skills, and Conditions from
should use these for players to review plots for
the tables below.
tracking sessions and on their Campaign Log
(Gamemaster’s Guide, page 174). They could also be
used as a reason to grant non-XP rewards such as
Leadership Leadership
LEVELS Navigation Nature Lore
Outdoor Survival Nature Lore
4th ed Difficulty 3rd ed Challenge Level
Perception Observation
Very Easy (+60) Simple = 0d
Ride (Horse) Ride
Easy (+40) Simple = 0d
Row Athletics
Average (+20) Easy = 1d
Stealth Stealth
Challenging (+0) Average = 2d 4e Advanced 3e Equivalent
Difficult (-10) Hard = 3d
Hard (-20) Hard = 3d Animal Care Animal Handling
Very Hard (-30) Daunting = 4d Animal Training Animal Handling
Futile (-40) Daunting = 4d Channeling Channeling
Impossible (-50) Epic = 5d Evaluate Intuition
Die modification equivalents: one Fortune □ die Heal First Aid / Medicine
roughly equates to +5% and an Expertise die is roughly Language* Education
+20%. Lore* Education, Folklore, or an Int
.. check if the Career Traits apply
SKILL EQUIVALENT TABLE Perform Charm or Coordination
Play Tradecraft
4e Basic Skill 3e Equivalent
Pick Lock Skulduggery
Art Education
Pray Piety/Invocation
Athletics Athletics
Ranged Ballistic Skill
Bribery Guile
Research Education
Charm Charm
Sail Coordination (by Career)
Charm Animal Animal Handling
Second Sight
Climb Athletics
(4e Talent) Magical Sight Skill (3e)
Cool Discipline
Secret Signs Observation by Career Trait
Consume Alcohol Resilience
Set Trap Skulduggery
Dodge Coordination
Sleight of Hand Skulduggery
Drive Ride (Drive)
Swim Athletics
Endurance Resilience
Track Nature Lore
Entertain Charm
Trade Tradecraft
Gamble Guile or Intuition
Gossip Charm *Note: Some of these skills may require a variant equivalent
Haggle Haggle Rules: Charm/Guile vs. and Tradecraft may have wide interchangeability.
Intuition (Player’s Guide, p.97)
Intimidate Intimidate
Intuition Intuition
4e Condition 3e Equivalent Characteristics are generally converted to their bonus.
Ablaze = Scorched condition (Hero’s Call) * Initiative and Dexterity are lumped in with Agility. WS and
Corruption Unchanged BS are converted back into Skills. Movement isn’t used
Drowning* = Overboard Location (Dreadfleet)** unless there is an ability to move through Range Bands
Fatigued = Sluggish condition quicker.
Poisoned = See Giant Spider (Poison) rules
Stunned = Staggered condition or gain Fatigue
Surprised = Other Considerations to Initiative:
Ambush: Suffer a Challenge die to Any reference to SLs should be exchanged with Successes
Initiative (Player’s Guide, page 74) or excess Challenges (if a negative SL). Some of these may
Falling Damage 3 wounds / 10 feet fallen (min 10 ft) be cumulative over an extended check.
(Crow’s Nest Location- Dreadfleet)
Pursuit (p.166) Progress Tracker Chase Rules *** REGARDING PASSIVE SKILL CHECKS (NEW

* Scorched Condition (Hero’s Call) - Lingering Effect - This adventure may contain old school Passive Skill tests
Cancels Freezing. During your End of Turn step, suffer 1 (such as an Observation or Insight check without Player
fatigue. If you are fatigued, suffer 1 wound instead. Agency). The GM may wish to consider ignoring Chaos
** Overboard (Drowning Rules) (Dreadfleet Print on Star and Stress results and instead consider them simple
Demand): Unless you spend a manoeuvre ‘treading water’ fails, Banes, or change the timing, complications, or
each turn, all actions gain: Bane = You slip under the consequences of the results for later reveals.
churning water and suffer 1 wound and 1 fatigue. Your
stance becomes neutral, and you may not adjust your TALENTS USED AS PART OF THIS
stance. Also: Athletics Check to tread water with +1 ADVENTURE
Challenge Die per Armour Point.
4e Talents 3e Equivalent
*** Chase/Pursuit Rules (GM’s Toolkit, page 8 or GM’s Acute Sense (type) Observation (specialization)
Guide, page 29, or FFG Website ) Progress Tracker: Contortionist Small build character or Coordination
Chasing the Criminal. Start Tracker at X number of spaces. trained and smaller build
Use opposed Skill/Ability checks for Successes to gain Etiquette Charm with appropriate Career Trait
spaces on the Tracker. If the quarry exceeds the Tracker or Holy Visions Omens Rules (Signs of Faith)
is caught, the chase is over. Little Prayers Piety skill checks and Omens & Portents
(Signs of Faith, page 32)
STACKING CONDITIONS (New Rule) Night Vision Night Vision (by race)
4e can “stack” conditions, increasing the severity and Read/Write Education
duration. In 3e this translates to the same thing. The GM Scale Sheer Surface Climb (sheer surface specialization)
should adjudicate accordingly with Severity and Duration Sixth Sense Foresight Focus Talent (remind the
if they feel this is right for their group. Player)
Second Sight Magical Sight (3e Skill)
Soldier - Basic NPC
(Creature Guide, page 38+, 98)
ST 3□ | TO 3□ | AG 3 | INT 3 | WP 3 | FEL 3
ACE 5/2/1 | Stance C1 | Wounds 15
Dam 4 | Arm 2 | Def 1 | Threat 2
Backbone Troops: Weapon Skill and Discipline trained.
Reiklander NPC Abilities: Adaptable, Favoured by
Using NPC Templates: Many NPC conversions will Fate
simply reference the Standard NPC Templates from the Special Actions (NPC): Make a Stand, Mob Justice,
Creature Guide/Vault and note any other indicated Subdue, Wheeling Strike, Capture and Contain, Agile
improvements. They are here for your convenience as Strike, Dazzling Display, I Am the Hammer (Sigmar),
well. Other characters and creatures will have complete Warning Shot, 'Come, Face Me!'
statistic blocks.
Ruffian - Basic NPC
NPC Trappings should always be double-checked from (Creature Guide, page 38+, 98)
the Adventure text. ST 3 | TO 3 | AG 3□ | INT 2 | WP 3 | FEL 2
ACE 3/3/1 | Stance R2 | Wounds 14
NPC Social Tier: This is listed in the adventure text and Dam 3 | Arm 1 | Def 0 | Threat 2
is unchanged between editions (Brass, Silver, Gold). Streetwise: Intimidate, Skulduggery, and Weapon Skill
NPC Talents from 4e: These are not converted unless Reiklander NPC Abilities: Adaptable, Favoured by
they are important to the story. The GM should look at Fate
the Adventure text talents and use them as inspiration if Special Actions (NPC): Make a Stand, Mob Justice,
they feel it adds color to the NPC’s presentation. Note: Agile Strike, Wheeling Strike, Subdue, Cheap Shot,
The Read/Write 4e Talent is equal to the 3rd edition Skill: Craven Attack, Capture and Contain, 'Come, Face Me!'
Education (trained).
Merchant - Expert NPC
Townsfolk – Basic NPC (Creature Guide, page 38+, 98)
(Creature Guide, page 38+, 98) ST 2 | TO 3 | AG 3 | INT 3□ | WP 3□ | FEL 4□
ST 3 | TO 3□ | AG 3 | INT 3 | WP 3□ | FEL 3 ACE 0/5/3 | Stance C2 | Wounds 11
ACE 4/3/0 | Stance R1 | Wounds 10 Dam 3 | Arm 1 | Def 0 | Threat 1
Dam 3 | Arm 1 | Def 0 | Threat 1 Reiklander NPC Abilities: Adaptable, Favoured by
Reiklander NPC Abilities: Adaptable, Favoured by Fate
Fate Special Actions (NPC): Make a Stand, Mob Justice, Do
Special Actions (NPC): Make a Stand, Mob Justice, You Know Who I Am?, Cheap Shot, 'Come, Face Me!',
Cheap Shot, 'Come, Face me!’ Grace Under Pressure
Specialist - Expert NPC
(Creature Guide, page 38+, 98)
ST 3 | TO 3 | AG 3 | INT 3□ | WP 4□ | FEL 3□
ACE 3/3/2 | Stance C2 | Wounds 12 Reference: Hero’s Call (p.44) & The Enemy Within 3rd
Dam 3 | Arm 1 | Def 0 | Threat 1 Edition (p.189)
Reiklander NPC Abilities: Adaptable, Favoured by Apply these bonuses to a monster or NPC to improve their
Fate abilities.
Special Actions (NPC): Make a Stand, Mob Justice,
Capture and Contain, Dazzling Display, Warning Shot,
Threat Template: Hero
'Come, Face Me!', Grace Under Pressure
A hero is smarter, stronger, and more durable in every way
than regular creatures of its type. This elite threat sheet can
Priest - Expert NPC be used to create the leader of a small band of creatures or
(Creature Guide, page 38+, 98) perhaps an elite soldier.
ST 3 | TO 3 | AG 3 | INT 3 | WP 4□ | FEL 4□ Threat Level: +1
ACE 3/3/1 | Stance C1 | Wounds 12 St: +1
Dam 3 | Arm 1 | Def 0 | Threat 1 To: +1+1w
Reiklander NPC Abilities: Adaptable, Favoured by Ag: +1
Fate Int: +1
Special Actions (NPC): Make a Stand, I Am the Wp: +1+1w
Hammer, Mob Justice, 'Come, Face Me!', Grace Under Fel: +1
Pressure Stance: +1
Wounds: +5
Wizard - Expert NPC Damage: +1
(Creature Guide, page 38+, 98) Soak: +1
ST 3 | TO 3 | AG 3 | INT 4□ | WP 4□ | FEL 3 Defence: +1
ACE 2/4/1 | Stance R1 | Wounds 12 Special Action Options: Melee, Ranged, Support
Dam 3 | Arm 1 | Def 0 | Threat 2 Aggression: +2
Reiklander NPC Abilities: Adaptable, Favoured by Cunning: +2
Fate Expertise: +1
Special Actions (NPC): Make a Stand, Mob Justice, Special Ability: Epic: Once per session, a Hero may add
Arcane Bolt, Storm Shroud, 'Come, Face Me!', Grace one success + one boon to the results pool of an action after
Under Pressure the dice are rolled.

Threat Template: Lord

This is an advanced version of the Hero Epic Threat
template. This will create an even more powerful creature or
NPC capable of standing toe to toe with an entire party of
heroes. This elite threat sheet can be used to create powerful
leaders of great armies, such as an orc warboss or a skaven Wounds: +2
warlord. Damage: +0
Threat Level: +3 Soak: +1
St: +2 +1w Defence: +2
To: +2 +1w Special Action Options: Spells (x4)
Ag: +2 +1w Aggression: +2
Int: +2 +1w Cunning: +2
Wp: +2 +1w Expertise: +2
Fel: +2 +1w Special Ability 1: Sorcerous: gains 2 ranks of training in
Stance: +2 Channeling, Magical Sight, and Spellcraft. A Sorcerer gains
Wounds: +10 the Channel Power action and gathers and uses power as a
Damage: +2 wizard.
Soak: +2 Special Ability 2: Suffused with Power: Once per session,
Defence: +2 a Sorcerer may gain 5 power.
Special Action Options: Melee, Ranged, Support,
Support Threat Template: Mastermind
Aggression: +4
This will create a more cunning and intelligent creature or
Cunning: +4
NPC. This elite threat is perfect for creating a nemesis who
Expertise: +2
will harry the PCs over the course of an entire campaign.
Special Ability 1: Fearsome: The upgraded creature or
Threat Level: +2
NPC gains Fear 1. If it already has Fear or Terror rating,
St: +0
that rating is instead increased by 1 (to a maximum of 3).
To: +0
Special Ability 2: Epic: Once per session, a Lord may add
Ag: +0
+1 success and +1 boon or +1 comet to the results pool of
Int: +3 +1w
an action after the dice are rolled.
Wp: +2
Fel: +2 +1w
Threat Template: Sorcerer Stance: +1
This will imbue a creature or NPC with sorcerous ability (or Wounds: +2
enhance such abilities if already possessed). This elite threat Damage: +0
can be used to create a goblin or shaman or perhaps a Soak: +1
powerful necromancer. Defence: +2
Threat Level: +2 Special Action Options: Support (x3)
St: +0 Aggression: +0
To: +0 Cunning: +5
Ag: +1 Expertise: +4
Int: +2+1w Special Ability 1: Plans within plans: Once per session, a
Wp: +2+1w mastermind may remove one Reckless, Conservative, or
Fel: +1 Characteristic die from the dice pool of one of his actions,
Stance: +1
instead placing it with the face of his choice directly into the St: +0
results pool. To: +0
Special Ability 2: Confounding: All Social actions Ag: +1
targeting a Mastermind gain: 2 Banes = Suffer 1 Stress. Int: +1+1w
Wp: +1+1w
Threat Template: Monstrous Fel: +1
Stance: +1
This will elevate a normal creature to the type of brutal beast
Wounds: +5
that can stand alone against a group of powerful PCs. It will
Damage: +0
be able to withstand and dish out a great deal of damage.
Soak: +1
This elite threat sheet can be used to create powerful unique
Defence: +2
beasts and creatures of legend.
Special Action Options: Spells (x2), Support
Threat Level: +3
Aggression: +2
St: +3 +1w
Cunning: +2
To: +3 +1w
Expertise: +4
Ag: +0
Special Ability 1: Mark of Tzeentch: You acquire
Int: +0
Channelling and Spellcraft, or +1 Expertise with these skills
Wp: +0 +1w
if already acquired. You can Channel Power and cast
Fel: +0
Tzeentch spells like a wizard. Mark of Slaanesh: Gain +1
Stance: +2
Expertise to all Guile, Charm, or Intimidate checks. You are
Wounds: +15
Immune to Fear and Terror and can never gain the
Damage: +4
Frightened condition. Attacks targeting you gain: Chaos
Soak: +3
Star = Gain the Sluggish condition for 2 rounds. Attacks
Defence: +0
targeting you gain: Chaos Star = Attacker suffers 1 Stress.
Special Action Options: Melee (x3)
Special Ability 2: Disciple of Change: Once per round,
Aggression: +5
the Black Cowl may spend an Expertise from their budget
Cunning: +0
to do one of the following things: a) Immediately gain 3
Expertise: +2
power, b) Chose and flip one wound card on a character
Special Ability 1: Horrifying: The upgraded creature or
within medium range, c) Move a marker up or down one
NPC gains Fear 3. If it already has a Fear or Terror Rating,
space on the initiative track.
that rating is instead increased by 1 (to a maximum of 4).
Special Ability 2: Stomp: A Monstrous creature may
perform the Melee Strike as a manoeuvre once per turn.

Threat Template: Black Cowl

(TEW 3e)
This is a mastermind within a conspiracy that can be applied
to a creature or NPC.
Threat Level: +3

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