ES Pyq
ES Pyq
ES Pyq
Q.4 (a) Define biomedical waste and list out the various sources of biomedical waste. 03
(b) Give the classification of air pollutants. 04
(c) Explain the various fundamental principles of green building. 07
Q.4 (a) Define e-waste and list out the various sources of e -waste. 03
(b) State the Indian ambient air quality standards. 04
(c) Explain in detail the different green building rating systems. 07
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
Q.1 (a) Biomedical waste refers to any waste generated during the diagnosis, treatment, or 03
immunization of human beings or animals, or in research activities that involve
biological materials. In India, biomedical waste is regulated by the Biomedical
Waste Management Rules, 2016, which specify guidelines for its handling,
segregation, transportation, and disposal. Biomedical waste can be classified into
four categories: infectious waste, sharps waste, chemical waste, and general waste.
Healthcare facilities are required to segregate biomedical waste at the point of
generation and dispose of it in a safe and environmentally friendly manner. The
proper management of biomedical waste is crucial to prevent the spread of
infections and to protect the environment and public health. Based on this context,
write the best answers to the question(s).
1. What are the different categories of biomedical waste as per the Biomedical
Waste Management Rules, 2016?
2. Why is proper management of biomedical waste crucial in healthcare
3. How does the Indian government regulate the handling, segregation,
transportation, and disposal of biomedical waste?
(b) Water pollution refers to the contamination of water bodies like rivers, lakes, 04
oceans, and groundwater. The quality of water is important for the health of the
environment, human beings, and animals. Water quality standards have been
established to ensure the quality of water is maintained to protect public health and
the environment. There are various sources of water pollution like industrial waste,
domestic sewage, agricultural runoff, and oil spills. The classification of water
pollutants includes physical, chemical, and biological contaminants. The effects of
water pollutants are numerous and can be harmful to human health and the
environment. They can cause waterborne diseases, disrupt aquatic ecosystems,
harm wildlife, and damage infrastructure. Therefore, it is essential to prevent water
pollution through proper waste management and responsible environmental
practices. Based on this context, write the best answers to the question(s).
1. What are water quality standards, and why are they important?
2. Name three sources of water pollution.
3. What are the three classifications of water pollutants?
4. What are some of the effects of water pollutants on the environment and
human health?
(c) Environmental science is a multidisciplinary field that integrates the principles of 07
physical, chemical, and biological sciences to study the environment and the
impact of human activities on it. The scope of environmental science encompasses
a wide range of topics, including ecology, geology, atmospheric science,
hydrology, and waste management. The principles of environmental science
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revolve around the concept of sustainability, which involves meeting the needs of
the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to
meet their needs. The rapid development of technology has had a significant
impact on the environment, leading to environmental degradation, such as air and
water pollution, deforestation, and climate change. Therefore, it is essential to
understand the importance of environmental science and its principles for different
engineering disciplines to develop sustainable technologies that minimize
environmental impacts. Based on this context, write the best answers to the
1. What is environmental science?
2. What are the principles of environmental science?
3. What is the scope of environmental science?
4. What is sustainability, and why is it important in environmental science?
5. How has technology impacted the environment?
6. What is environmental degradation, and what are its causes?
7. Why is it important for different engineering disciplines to understand
environmental science principles?
Q.2 (a) What are the factors that contribute to the generation of biomedical waste in Indian 03
healthcare facilities, and what steps should be taken for its safe and efficient
(b) What are the main challenges faced in effectively managing solid waste in India, 04
and what measures can be taken to address them?
(c) In India, e-waste generation has been on the rise due to factors such as increasing 07
technology adoption, rapid urbanization, and changes in consumer behavior. Based
on this context, write the best answers to the question(s).
1. What are the primary sources of e-waste generation in India? Explain with
examples. (3 marks)
2. How has e-waste generation in India changed over the past decade? What
factors have contributed to this change? (2 marks)
3. What are the environmental and health hazards associated with e-waste in
India? How are these hazards being addressed? (2 marks)
(c) In India, the management of e-waste is a growing concern due to the rapid increase 07
in electronic waste generated from various sources. Based on this context, write
the best answers to the question(s).
1. What are the legal frameworks and regulations currently in place in India
for the management of e-waste? (1 mark)
2. What steps are being taken by the government and industry stakeholders to
improve e-waste management practices? (2 marks)
3. What are some of the challenges faced in effectively managing e-waste in
India? How can these be addressed to promote a more sustainable and
environmentally responsible approach to e-waste management? (2 marks)
4. Suggest strategies that can be implemented to effectively manage the
growing e-waste problem. (2 marks)
Q.3 (a) What are the major sources of noise pollution in India, and how does it affect 03
people's health and well-being? Provide examples of any initiatives taken by the
government to control noise pollution in the country.
(b) You are a city planner tasked with addressing noise pollution in a residential area. 04
What steps would you take to mitigate the noise pollution and what factors would
you consider in your decision-making process? Explain your answer with specific
(c) Air pollution is a major environmental issue in India, with severe impacts on public 07
health and the economy. In this context, discuss the sources, effects, and control
measures for particulate matter (PM) pollution in India.
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Q.3 (a) What are the legal provisions in India to control noise pollution, and what steps 03
can individuals take to reduce noise pollution in their local communities?
(b) How does exposure to chronic noise pollution affect the physiological and 04
psychological health of individuals, and what are some effective strategies for
mitigating its negative effects?
(c) India has experienced alarming levels of air pollution, particularly in urban areas, 07
due to high levels of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOX) emissions. In
this context, discuss the sources, effects, and control measures for SO2 and NOX
pollution in India, and the role of policy and regulations in addressing this issue.
Q.4 (a) With the rapid industrialization and urbanization, the quality of water in many 03
Indian rivers has significantly deteriorated over the years. In this context, discuss
the causes and effects of water pollution in the Ganga river basin and suggest
measures to control and prevent further degradation of water quality.
(b) India's rapidly growing population, coupled with its rapid industrialization and 04
urbanization, has resulted in increased pollution levels and environmental
degradation. What measures can be taken to address this problem, particularly in
urban areas, and promote cleaner development mechanisms that can help mitigate
the impact of global climate change?
(c) As a policy maker, what steps would you take to effectively address the issue of 07
climate change and promote sustainable development in a developing country like
India, while balancing economic growth with environmental concerns?
Q.4 (a) The groundwater in many regions of India is heavily polluted due to indiscriminate 03
disposal of industrial waste, excessive use of chemical fertilizers, and improper
disposal of human waste. In this context, discuss the health impacts of groundwater
pollution on local communities.
(b) With the increasing frequency and intensity of natural disasters due to climate 04
change, what steps can be taken by governments and communities to ensure
resilient and sustainable development in vulnerable areas? How can international
cooperation and funding be leveraged to address this issue?
(c) If a country is one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases in the world, with its 07
carbon footprint steadily increasing. What steps can the respective government
take to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable development while
simultaneously balancing economic growth and poverty reduction?
Q.5 (a) Give an example of how the 4R principles can be applied in a household to reduce 03
waste generation?
(b) How has the depletion of the ozone layer affected India's agricultural productivity 04
and what measures have been taken to mitigate this impact?
(c) In what ways can the concept of smart cities enhance the sustainability of urban 07
environments in India? Discuss the role of technology and innovation in achieving
the objectives of smart cities, and provide examples of successful implementation
of smart city initiatives in India.
Q.5 (a) How can individuals apply the 4R's principles in their daily lives to reduce waste 03
and minimize their impact on the environment?
(b) How does the use of alternative energy sources, such as solar or wind power, relate 04
to the issue of acid rain? Can the use of these sources help to mitigate the effects
of acid rain, and if so, how?
(c) How can the concept of green building contribute to the overall sustainability of a 07
city or region? Provide specific examples of how the principles of green building
have been applied in cities or regions in India to address environmental challenges.
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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
Q.3 (a) Differentiate between point and non-point source of water pollution. 03
(b) Differentiate between Recycle and Recover. 04
(c) Discuss in detail about various types of solid waste. 07
Q.3 (a) Justify the need of E-waste management. 03
(b) Explain 4R concept with suitable example. 04
(c) Enlist sources of biomedical waste. Discuss about colour coding for 07
segregation of biomedical waste.
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
Q.1 (a) With proper example differentiate between Pollution and Pollutants. 03
(b) Define the following Terms: (i) Environment (ii) Environmental 04
Degradation (iii) Global Warming (iv) sustainable development
(c) Discuss about the need of environmental education in various engineering 07
Q.2 (a) Define the following Terms: (i) Water Pollution (ii) Noise (iii) Biomedical 03
(b) Write a brief note on “Eutrophication.” 04
(c) State the parameters of water which are to be tested for determining the 07
quality of water and explain any four.
(c) Discuss about the Biomedical waste management practices done in India 07
for the disposal of biomedical waste.
Q.4 (a) Enlist the various form of Environmental Pollution and discuss about the 03
pollution caused by improper management of solid waste.
(b) Discuss about the need of sustainable development for this era. 04
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________