Itec 8500-Research Article Annotations-Olsen-L 3
Itec 8500-Research Article Annotations-Olsen-L 3
Itec 8500-Research Article Annotations-Olsen-L 3
Plangg, & Fuchs. (2022). A The purpose of this study was to investigate the
Gender-Related Analysis of a potential of using programmable robots in
Robots’ Math Class. International mathematics education with a focus on gender
Journal for Technology in differences and investigating approaches that
Mathematics Education, 29(3), include women and girls in the STEM field.
Ragusa, Huang, & Levonisova. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the
(2022, October). Improving effectiveness of a three year professional
Middle School Science development program. The goal of this study
Achievement, Literacy and was to investigate the impact of teacher
Motivation: A Longitudinal Study professional development on teachers' science
of a Teacher Professional instructional performance and science teaching
Development Program. Journal efficacy, as well as their students' science
of STEM Education, 23(4), 49–62. achievement, literacy in, and motivation for
Şanal, S. Z., & Elmali, F. (2023, The purpose of the study was to look at the
March 15). Effectiveness of impact of the Realistic Mathematics Education
realistic math education on Strategies Mobile App (REMSAM) on the
mathematical problem-solving mathematical problem solving performance of
skills of students with learning students with learning disabilities (LD).
disability. European Journal of
Special Needs Education, 1–18.
Zhang, S., & Chen, X. (2022, This purpose of this study was to see how
December). Applying Artificial artificial intelligence could be used for early
Intelligence into Early Childhood math education. The goal was to introduce an
Math Education: Lesson Design instructional unit of math instruction for
and Course Effect. 2022 IEEE children aged 3-8. The course was delivered by a
International Conference on learning app, Zebra Al, where an intelligent
Teaching, Assessment and tutoring system was applied.
Learning for Engineering (TALE).
Espinas, D. R., & Fuchs, L. S. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the
(2022, February 28). The effects effects of language instruction on mathematical
of language instruction on math development and how language ability can be
development. Child Development associated with mathematical performance
Perspectives, 16(2), 69–75.
David, C. V., Costescu, C. A., & The purpose of the study is to investigate special
Roșan, A. M. (2023, May 23). education teachers’ technology-related
Factors That Support Technology knowledge; self-efficacy beliefs; beliefs about
Integration Practices in the Math the use of technology for education, specifically
Education of Children with in the case of children with intellectual
Intellectual Disabilities. Children, disabilities; and practices regarding the
10(6), 918. integration of technology into the classroom in math education.
Research Question(s) Participants
1. What are the important points in the Math Instructors, fifteen students
design of a digital game for teaching the from different socio-economic
concept of area? 2. How should the levels, video game designers
process of determining design
preferences in a conceptual-
development based digital game be?
1. Did teachers feel there were any 6 math teachers from two middle
subgroups or smaller groupings within schools
the larger lesson study group? Did this
change over the course of the lesson
study cycles? 2. Do teachers feel a sense
of responsibility for their colleagues'
learning as a group of mathematics
The study was qualitative. Qualitative Teachers in both schools found lesson
data was generated through teacher study enriching and beneficial,
interviews enhancing their relationships with
colleagues. Despite not having an
established professional community,
they were in the mature stage of
community development during
2012/13, and the community has been
sustained six years later.