Vietnam Revision Notes
Vietnam Revision Notes
Vietnam Revision Notes
How did the North Vietnamese try to fight back against the American bombers?
- They used anti-aircraft guns, surface-to-air missiles and fighter planes (supplied by the
- Over 1.400 US planes were shot down between 1965 and 1968.
- They also built miles of tunnels and shelters to protect themselves from the bombs.
On the one hand, the Tet Offensive could be seen as a huge failure for the North
Vietnamese and Vietcong;
- 47% of the people killed during the Tet Offensive were Vietcong
- Just 5% were ARVN and 2% were US troops. This seems to show it was a massive
success for the Americans (but see below!).
- As a result of what they saw as a failure, the North Vietnamese agreed to peace talks
soon after the Tet Offensive ended.
- From now on, the NVA did most of the fighting, as the Vietcong never recovered from the
setback of Tet.
On the other hand, the Tet Offensive was a huge turning point and was a
major reason why more and more Americans turned against the war;
- Before the Tet Offensive, the Americans had been quite confident about the way the war
was going. The US media had given the Americans back home the impression that the
war would soon end.
- But, when the news of Tet appeared, many Americans felt that they had been deceived
by the army. Vietcong troops were shown inside the US embassy in Saigon, which
seemed to show that the war could not be won, or at least not for a long time.
- Most Americans became convinced that the war had to be ended as soon as possible.
General Westmoreland, who saw Tet as a victory over the Vietcong and NVA, was
refused more troops.
- Tet also played a large part in Johnson's decision to give up hopes of standing as
President again. Richard Nixon, the Republican candidate, promised to end the war and
was elected as President.
The reasons why the USA lost can be divided into American weaknesses and Vietnamese
- South Vietnam was taken over by North Vietnam and became communist. The
Americans failed to stop this.
- As the US had feared, communism spread to Cambodia and Laos (but not to Thailand).
- Nixon announced the end of the Truman Doctrine. The Americans lost confidence in
their ability to "contain" Communism and become hostile towards more military
involvement abroad.
- Defeat in Vietnam was a big blow to American pride. Many people across the world were
delighted to view the humiliating defeat of the superpower.
- Remember the economic and social effects of the war, and the effects on Vietnam
veterans (see above).