5.1 Vietnam War Overview
5.1 Vietnam War Overview
5.1 Vietnam War Overview
Success Criteria All I can outline the main causes of the conflict and
how it was fought
Most I can describe the main causes of this conflict
and explain the differences in how both sides fought in
this conflict
Some I can explain the main causes and evaluate the
way both sides fought in this conflict
Proxy Wars
• A military conflict in which a third party/parties
directly or indirectly support one or more state
or nonstate combatants to influence the
conflict’s outcome in hopes to support their own
strategic interests
• There is a long list of proxy wars in history where
countries have attempted to influence or
overpower neighbouring states
• An example of a proxy war is the 1962 Cuban
Missile Crisis:
• Although the USA and USSR never fought
directly, they pulled other countries into
fighting their war for their own advances.
Vietnam Under the French
• Vietnam was a French colony until 1954, when France
was defeated at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu
• The Geneva Agreement of 1954 temporarily divided
Vietnam into two zones:
• The northern zone was governed by the Viet Minh, led by Ho Chi
• The southern zone was governed by an anti-communist
government under Ngo Dinh Diem, supported by the USA
• The Truman Doctrine of 1947 introduced the policy of
containment, aiming to prevent the spread of communism.
• This was based on the Domino Theory, which suggested
that if one country fell to communism, neighbouring
countries would follow.
The problem with Diem
• Ngo Dinh Diem was an unpopular leader with much of the South Vietnamese
• He had removed the previous leader in a fraudulent election, in which he had won
600,000 votes in a country with only 450,000 people eligible to vote!
• Diem believed Vietnam needed a ‘democratic one-man rule’, which is considered
an oxymoron.
• He was a rich landowner in a country of poor peasant farmers which obviously
left people feeling a lack of connection
• He was a Catholic and openly discriminated against Buddhists (Buddhism was
the most popular religion in Vietnam at the time). Some Buddhists, for example
the Buddhist monk Quang Duc, burnt themselves to death in protest at Diem’s
• He was a staunch anti-communist, and the USA was operating a strategy of
The Vietcong
• Vietnamese military and political
• Vietnamese communists
• Against the oppression of Diem in the
• Fought a guerilla war against the
south, whilst supported by the north
(late 1950s-1975)
Why did America
get involved?
• For fear of communism based on their
Containment Policy
• Concern of an entire communist takeover
• USA financial aid to Vietnam was unsuccessful
• The US initially supported Diem financially and
economically however they eventually withdrew
support based on his harsh leadership. His own
Generals then assassinated him in a political
• Two “unprovoked” attacks by North Vietnamese
torpedo boats on two US naval vessels 5th August
American Tactics
• Bombing Operation Rolling Thunder. The USA would ultimately drop 3 million
tonnes of bombs in Vietnam - more than all the bombs dropped in Europe during
World War Two
• Escalation increase in number of soldiers in country
• Air and artillery - American troops were sent on patrols, to be supported by air and
artillery if attacked by the Vietcong
• Search and Destroy - From 1965, the American military began a policy of sending
soldiers into the jungle and villages of Vietnam to ‘take the war to the enemy’. In
1968, a mission to the village of My Lai ended with the massacre of many innocent
civilians, including women and children.
• Technology - The USA relied on high altitude bombers to drop heavy bombs in
North Vietnam. They used jets to dump napalm, a chemical that burnt skin to the
bone, on suspected Vietcong strongholds. They used Agent Orange, a powerful
defoliant, to destroy jungle cover. Helicopters were used to deploy (search for) and
destroy guerrilla combatants. Television propaganda was used in the USA to report
the ‘body count’ of estimated Vietcong casualties.
US Military Tactics
“My solution to the problem would be to tell
them (the North Vietnamese) frankly that
they’ve got to draw in their horns..., or we’re
going to bomb them back to the Stone Age”.
Curtis Lemay, Commander of the Strategic air Command, U.S Air Force
chief of staff, 25 November 1965
Napalm and Agent Orange
• Napalm – a weaponized mixture of chemicals designed
to create a highly flammable and gelatinous liquid
• A single bomb was capable of destroying areas of up to
2500 square yards
• Agent Orange – a mixture of herbicides for the purpose
of defoliating forest areas that might conceal Viet Cong
and North Vietnamese forces, along with destroying
crops that may feed the enemy
• Exposure caused high numbers of miscarriages, skin
diseases, cancer, birth defects, and extreme
My Lai
March 1968
Search and destroy mission
made up of three platoons
of American soldiers
landed in the small village
of My Lai.
Homework: Read textbook p.122-124 (at least) and come up with at least 1
question you would like to ask our Vietnam Veteran next week.