Hilton 2022 Environmental Social and Governance Report
Hilton 2022 Environmental Social and Governance Report
Hilton 2022 Environmental Social and Governance Report
Message from
our CEO
Hilton was founded more than 100 years ago on the
belief that travel could make the world a better place.
CONTENTS This belief continues to guide us today, inspiring
the ways in which we create environmental and social
INTRO progress while continuing to deliver our signature
hospitality around the world. Hilton Garden Inn Cancun Airport Hilton Singapore Orchard
CEO Message
Hilton at a Glance In 2022, we continued advancing our Travel with Purpose strategy Additionally, in 2022 we made a strategic investment in OUR TEAM DEDICATION
and our 2030 Goals—but we also saw an opportunity to raise the Fifth Wall’s Climate Tech Fund to support its work to deliver
bar based on rigorous analysis and the latest information available. innovative decarbonizing technologies to the real estate industry.
At the heart of all of these incredible efforts are our more than
We introduced new, more ambitious environmental and social goals
400,000 Team Members, who are working in thousands of
which are laser-focused on paving the way to a net-zero future
communities globally to share our signature hospitality and make
and creating an engine of opportunity in the communities where OUR CULTURE the world a better place. Thanks to their tremendous dedication, we
PURPOSE we live, work and travel. Those ambitions come to life across our OF RESPONSIBILITY also earned recognition for our environmental and social efforts from
business and are integrated in everything we do, from sustainable
many leading benchmarking organizations, including being named:
operations to responsible sourcing and inclusive hiring practices. Hilton is one of the world’s largest hospitality companies, and
with more than 7,000 hotels around the globe, we recognize our • A global sustainability leader on the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices
responsibility to be a leader as an inclusive workplace and to be for the sixth consecutive year
OUR JOURNEY TO a force for good in the communities where we operate. As a
REDUCE EMISSIONS business of people serving people, we are focused on creating a • A Gold Medal designee by EcoVadis
culture that serves our Team Members—from empowering them • The #1 company for ESG by DiversityInc, and a member of its Hall of Fame
As climate science has evolved, our environmental goals and to bring their full selves to work to creating opportunities for all
approach have, too. Driven by data, we are leading the industry in our communities. • The #2 World’s Best Workplace by Great Place to Work Institute and
GOVERNANCE with ambitious 2030 targets validated by the Science Based Targets Fortune Magazine, and the only hospitality company on the list
initiative (SBTi) on our journey toward reducing emissions across our When the conflict in Ukraine unfolded, we quickly deployed
entire global portfolio while creating greater operating efficiencies. resources to protect our Team Members and guests in the region. I am so proud of all that we accomplished in 2022—thank you to
We also partnered with American Express to donate room nights our Team Members, hotel owners, guests and partners around
In partnership with our owners, we reduced single-use plastic to support Ukrainian refugees and humanitarian relief efforts the world. Together, we are proving that hospitality is truly an
amenities in our hotels, expanded our replacement of traditional across Europe. unstoppable force for good.
light bulbs with more energy-efficient LEDs, offered guests
on-property electric vehicle charging, and provided lower-emission To further impact our communities, through the Hilton Global Christopher J. Nassetta
choices with carbon-neutral options for our meetings and events Foundation, we granted more than $2M to organizations President and Chief Executive Officer
customers. We also opened what we believe to be the first net-zero that advance our Travel with Purpose Goals, including awarding April 6, 2023
hotel in the United States: Hotel Marcel New Haven, Tapestry 39 Action Grants for hotels to lead impact projects in their
Collection by Hilton. communities. Finally, throughout the year, our team also expanded
our relationships with local and diverse suppliers around the world.
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at a Glance opportunities for Team Members, strong value for owners and
positive impact in our communities.
Team Members globally,
including 241,369 in the U.S.
Includes corporate, owned, managed and
franchised Team Members Royal Palm Galapagos, Curio Collection by Hilton
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ESG Strategy
and Framework
Highlights and
ESG In Guest
Hilton Global
Responsible Travel and Tourism
Botánika Osa Peninsula, Curio
Hilton’s environmental, social and governance (ESG)
Collection by Hilton
strategy—Travel with Purpose—is integrated throughout our
Located beside two of
global business, including our operations, our supply chain and Costa Rica's most prized natural
our engagement with our communities. At the heart of this jewels—Corcovado National Park
and the Pacific Ocean's Golfo
SOCIAL IMPACT strategy are our people, who bring our commitment to Dulce—Botánika Osa Peninsula
is in perfect harmony with
sustainable travel to life. nature, set across 21 acres of
lush flora and fauna.
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About Travel
Yet we are continuously striving to advance our A pledge to travel lighter—we are
paving the way toward a net-zero
ESG strategy and evolve our programs to do better—for world and creating an engine of
with Purpose
opportunity in the communities
our guests, our communities and the world. we serve around the globe.
Highlights and
Recognition We are committed to continuously evolving our ESG strategy to
ensure it aligns with best practices and the latest climate science.
Stakeholder In 2022, we launched our new ESG strategic framework, which
Engagement serves as a blueprint for our path forward to achieve our Travel
with Purpose 2030 Goals. Building on our existing commitments,
ESG In Guest the framework includes our enhanced ESG goals:
Renewed, more Expanded A robust governance Hilton, Asset World
ambitious emissions commitments to our structure will ensure Corporation is rolling out
targets, validated Team Members and we are advancing and initiatives that align to our
Hilton Global by the Science Based our communities measuring our goals sustainable development
Foundation Targets initiative (SBTi), to drive meaningful with integrity and pillars: Better Planet,
will set us on a path impact and create an transparency.
Better People and Better
toward a net-zero engine of opportunity.
future. Prosperity. We believe our
long-term partnership with
Hilton allows us to build
Grand Wailea, A Waldorf Astoria Resort
In 2020, Hilton undertook a robust evaluation, inviting company sustainable tourism for a
Grand Wailea's Cultural Manager leadership, owners and developers, NGOs and community organiza- better future together.”
harvests leaves for lei making. The tions, hotel guests, investors and suppliers to assess which aspects
cultural and landscaping teams work of ESG are most important to prioritize over the next three to five Khun Wallapa
SOCIAL IMPACT together to ensure that the necessary, years. The results of the assessment are being used to ensure that CEO and President of Asset World
culturally appropriate plants are plentiful. Hilton’s ESG programs not only remain aligned with long-term Corporation, a Thailand-based
The flora and fauna supplies for all cultural business strategies across departments and geographic regions, Hilton owner group
GOVERNANCE activities are then estate-harvested
but ultimately will have a positive impact on responsible tourism.
and prepared according to the
ancient protocols.
About our materiality assessment
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ESG Strategy
and Framework
Highlights and
Cut managedCut
managedCut managed emissions
emissions Create 5 million
Create 5 million
learning 5 million
and learning
Create and learning and public for
Advocate forAdvocate policies
Advocate for publicthat
policies policies that
ESG In Guest
intensity by 75% by by
intensity 75%
intensity by 75% by 2030
by 2030 career growth opportunities
career for growth opportunities
opportunities for for advance our Travel
advancewith Purpose
our goals
Travel our
with Travel with
Purpose goalsPurpose goals
Team Members
Team with a and communities
communities with a with a
focus on underrepresented groups
on by 2030
Cut franchised
Cutportfolio emissions
franchisedCut franchised
portfolio portfolio emissions
emissions focus underrepresented
focus on underrepresented groups by 2030
groups by 2030
intensity by 56%
intensity by 56%
by 2030 56% by 2030 Achieve 50%
by by
Achieve 50%
Achieve at50%
Gender our Gender
Diversity Diversity at our
at our
Create and partner
Createwith Createwith
and partner and partner with
leadership levels globallylevels
by 2027
a net-zero
leadership leadership
globallylevels globally by 2027
by 2027
Hilton Global
Drive toward Drive net-zero
toward a net-zero future
toward a future cross-industry networks
cross-industry networksnetworks
Achieve 25% Ethnic25%
Achieve Diversity 25%
at our
Ethnic Ethnic
Diversity Diversity at our
at our to advance Travel with Purpose
to advance objectives
to advance
Travel with Travel with
Purpose Purpose objectives
ESG Strategy
Highlights and Science-based targets: Create 5 million learning and career growth opportunities for Advocate for public policies that advance our
Recognition Reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions intensity from managed Team Members and communities, with a focus on underrepresented groups Travel with Purpose goals
hotels by 75% MT CO2e/m2, 2008 baseline Actively shape legislation and regulation to advance our corporate
Achieve 50% Gender Diversity at our leadership levels globally by 2027 objectives, including making progress toward our ESG goals
Reduce Scope 3 emissions intensity from franchised
hotelsby 56%, MT CO2e/m2 by working collaboratively Achieve 25% Ethnic Diversity at our leadership levels in the U.S. by 2027
with franchisees; 2008 baseline PARTNERSHIPS
ESG In Guest
Create and partner with cross-industry networks
Experiences Drive toward a net-zero future COMMUNITIES
to advance Travel with Purpose objectives
Align with global environmental certifications that require
Meaningfully impact 20 million community members by 2030 Build long-term relationships with organizations that help
third-party verification (e.g., certification to ISO 14001, 50001, 9001;
advance our enterprise objectives, including our ESG goals and
advocacy efforts
Contribute Participate in Award 300+ Design, Leverage our
10 million food donation Action Grants standup and large global
Hilton Global WATER volunteer programs, for hotel-led activate a footprint and deep
Foundation hours where allowed social and disaster relief integration within POLICIES AND REPORTING
by law environmental program to our communities
Reduce water use intensity in our managed operations impact support our to expand local Operate through best-in-class measurement
by 50% Liters/m², 2008 baseline
(managed hotels)
projects that community sourcing and (LightStay), governance and oversight
Activate 20 community water projects to increase access and resilience provide local members business with
support for our and Team diverse and small
Continue Ensure Provide mandatory
communities Members suppliers
GOAL TRACKER board oversight accountability annual training
WASTE with robust for LightStay on preventing
quarterly reporting compliance, human trafficking
ENVIRONMENTAL Reduce landfilled waste intensity in our managed operations CONDUCT at the committee enterprise risk to all hotel
by 50% MT/m², 2008 baseline level and annual management and Team Members
Promote responsible, inclusive conduct across 100% of our value
reporting on annual trainings globally
chain operations ESG strategy to
Reduce food waste across our Send zero soap to landfill by the full board
SOCIAL IMPACT global operations by implementing recycling all used guest soap bars,
a food waste reduction program in where available Promote responsible sourcing of beef, Embed ESG due diligence across our
every kitchen poultry, pork, eggs, seafood and produce supply chain and partner with suppliers
GOVERNANCE from third-party recognized and/or to advance positive impact
certified suppliers across our managed
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of ESG across
communities in need
our business
Minimize energy and water use
while cleaning the rooms and
common spaces
ESG In Guest
Meet Set up food donation partnerships
Experiences Meet
Implement effective start-up and
Offer Hilton Digital Key to guests Create pathways of opportunity for Team Members Support customers to meet their Inspire Team Member and guest engagement and appliances in kitchens to
to reduce single-use plastics and community members through job opportunities ESG goals with Meet with Purpose with social and environmental goals reduce energy consumption
Hilton Global and training/education
Foundation Report any suspicions of human Use Hilton’s Meeting Calculator and Ensure hotel ESG data is tracked in LightStay
trafficking Ensure all Team Members complete training on diversity, LightStay to estimate and offset and review monthly performance
inclusion and human rights the carbon footprint of events
Mobilize Team Members to volunteer in the
communities where we live, work and travel
Collaborate with business partners, owners and hotel leaders to Negotiate competitive pricing
develop an effective Travel with Purpose program for our hotels for more sustainable services and
SOCIAL IMPACT products, such as LED lighting,
Create resources and opportunities for Team Member plastic alternatives and electric
engagement with Travel with Purpose vehicle chargers; this approach
GOVERNANCE drives impact at scale for our
Advise functions across the business to advance properties, owners and
Travel with Purpose across Hilton’s global operations communities
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2022 Set more ambitious emissions Invested in Fifth Wall’s Climate Tech Fund, Distributed nearly $2.3M in
Highlights and
intensity reduction goals, which will power new and emerging decarbonization Hilton Global Foundation Grants
validated by the Science Based technologies and help the global real estate sector to advance our Travel with Purpose 2030
Targets Initiative (SBTi) make progress in the fight against climate change Goals, funding initiatives that support
climate action, destination stewardship, career
development, and community resilience
Responsible travel
begins with stakeholder
Hilton engages with both internal and external
stakeholders to seek their expertise, set expectations
and align priorities for the development of ESG
programs. Through these relationships, we identify the
TRAVEL WITH best opportunities to deploy ESG strategic initiatives
PURPOSE across the operations of our 7,000+ hotels.
Conrad Tulum Riviera Maya
ESG Strategy
and Framework
Recognition Internal stakeholders include our Hilton Leadership, Team Members, owners We work directly with our travel and tourism industry peers, NGOs and international
and developers, who hold one another accountable for progress toward our organizations, investors, guests and policymakers to develop mutual solutions and
Stakeholder Travel with Purpose 2030 Goals. action plans on critical ESG topics.
Experiences the CEO and Executive Committee, community impact efforts by CHAMPIONS are internal third-party assured ESG data in 150 million Hilton Honors members, advance their own ESG goals
the board of directors, and the volunteering in the communities champions from our hotels and our Form 10-K, Proxy Statement, help to shape our ESG programs by collaborating with Hilton on
Nominating & ESG Committee. we serve, particularly during our corporate offices, who advise on Annual Report, and ESG by providing regular feedback sustainability and social impact
LightStay These groups receive at least annual Travel with Purpose Week. By regional context and make a disclosures. During investor calls, through surveys and focus groups. initiatives for their business
quarterly status updates and utilizing LightStay, Team Members special commitment to advancing we answer questions about our travel, meetings and events.
share strategy directives have an integral role in tracking our shared goals in the many progress toward 2030 Goals and LOCAL AND INTERNATIONAL
Hilton Global with regional business leaders and reviewing the progress toward destinations in which we operate. explain our efforts to mitigate NONPROFIT PARTNERS COMMUNITY MEMBERS engage
and internal stakeholders, as our shared goals. To help drive climate change and social risks. connect with Hilton and the with local Hilton leaders and our
appropriate. accountability, portions of Team Hilton Global Foundation to advise nonprofit partners to share the
Members' annual performance SUPPLIERS help us to identify and collaborate on social and issues of greatest importance to
objectives may be tied to innovative, local and sustainable environmental efforts around them, allowing us to align our
OWNERS AND DEVELOPERS ESG-related goals. sourcing options, foster a diverse the world. programs and innovations with
GOAL TRACKER collaborate and share feedback supply chain, and conduct due their needs.
on relevant Travel with Purpose diligence to assess human rights INDUSTRY PEERS help us to
programs and help pilot new and other ESG factors. co-create travel and tourism
ENVIRONMENTAL sustainability initiatives, whether
IMPACT commitments related to human
during design and construction,
POLICYMAKERS, including rights, carbon, water, food waste,
renovation, or in operations.
legislators, regulators and key and other critical topics.
SOCIAL IMPACT government officials, connect
with our Government Affairs team
to inform decision making on
industry and ESG-related issues.
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Meeting our ADVANCING OUR B2B CLIENT OFFERINGS uses each property’s unique consumption data to create a custom
report detailing the predicted carbon, energy, water, and waste
business travelers
In 2022, we developed the Meet with Purpose Checklist that our teams
generated by a meeting or event.
use as a road map for conversations with customers that seek to plan
with purpose
more sustainable meetings. This checklist provides thoughtful tips
Implementing our new Meet with Purpose checklist is the first step
to integrate Gather—Nourish—Impact concepts from the beginning
in planning a more sustainable meeting or event by reducing the
to the end of any meeting or event and empowers meeting planners
carbon footprint of the meeting. Then, by considering carbon credits,
and travel managers to make impactful purchasing decisions.
the remaining actualized carbon emissions from the meeting or
Our Meet with Purpose program allows customers to
CONTENTS event can be offset.
integrate social and environmental considerations into their In addition to helping customers identify opportunities to reduce the
emissions from their meetings and events, Hilton offers a Carbon
meetings and events, aligned with their own ESG goals. Neutral Meetings program that supports sustainable development
projects, reduces emissions and protects the environment. Hilton Hilton partnered with Amex GBT to showcase how hotels
TRAVEL WITH can neutralize CO2 emissions on our customers’ behalf by securing can help business travel managers and event planners
When it comes to planning a big event, our customers increasingly
PURPOSE carbon offsets that invest in carbon reductions projects. We incorporate sustainability into their travel plans.
seek ways to demonstrate their commitment to sustainable
launched a new partnership with ClimeCo in 2022, a leading global American Express Global Business Travel (Amex GBT) Global Business
business practices. By partnering throughout the process, we
environmental credit project developer, to offer these carbon Consulting partnered with Hilton to develop the Amex GBT Stay Green
support our customers’ motivation to achieve their ambitious
offsetting opportunities. whitepaper, helping business travel leaders to understand the latest best
ESG Strategy climate and social impact goals. And together, we will help
practices in global travel and meetings with respect to hotel sustainability.
and Framework preserve our global community for generations to come. Using data gathered from our award-winning LightStay platform, The report provides an in-depth look at where organizations are focusing
Hilton has developed the Meeting Impact Calculator. The calculator their green initiatives and how far they have progressed.
Highlights and
Our Meet with Purpose Program climate-conscious menus
featuring locally sourced and Meeting Calculator
NOW MORE THAN EVER, sustainably grown meals Using each property’s unique reports run in 2022
ESG In Guest OUR CUSTOMERS WANT TO LightStay consumption data, our
Experiences MEET WITH PURPOSE. low-waste donate Meeting Impact Calculator
food surplus to creates custom reports detailing
The Meet with Purpose Checklist others in the the estimated carbon, energy,
provides actionable ideas for local community
LightStay water and waste generated by
customers to apply to their Y MI N
TA (where permitted)
Hilton Global our customers to gather more
Foundation sustainably, nourish mindfully, and
positively impact the destination
where they are convening. Take action to OFFSET THE CARBON EMISSIONS
make choices
that reduce
After thoughtful choices that reduce
Meet with Purpose is fueled by the carbon SUS emissions, we collaborate with our
LightStay, Hilton’s award-winning footprint and
GOAL TRACKER partner, ClimeCo, to compensate
proprietary platform that allows then secure
pack for an event's emissions by investing
hotels to measure and manage carbon offsets
hygiene kits
for remaining in a portfolio of high-quality, durable,
ENVIRONMENTAL their environmental and social for a homeless
I third-party verified wind, solar and
IMPACT performance. LightStay allows N
IT shelter
Hilton to provide our customers U wastewater carbon offset projects
CO through LightStay.
customized environmental and
SOCIAL IMPACT low-energy
social reporting based on the pack donations
options LEARN MORE
specifics of the hotel where they for a local food ClimeCo projects
GOVERNANCE plan to host their event. bank
rewarding social
impact opportunities
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Enabling every guest Each Hilton property, in alignment with our overarching
Travel with Purpose strategy, chooses unique ways to make a
to Travel with Purpose difference in our communities. Our brands take the initiative to
make noticeable and lasting upgrades as part of our ongoing
commitment to reduce environmental impact.
We inspire our guests through sustainability
initiatives and community-based interactions. Encouraging responsible tourism
CONTENTS Grand Wailea, A Waldorf Astoria Resort
Increasingly, guests are seeking more sustainable experiences Grand Wailea participates in the Hawaii Tourism Authority’s Mālama
INTRO and ways to experience local cultures. Our responsible travel Hawaii initiative, which invites guests to mālama (give back) through
practices come to life by way of our daily operations, food and volunteer work in return for incentives. Through the Mālama Hawaii
beverage programs, technology and responsible sourcing programs. program, guests can work together with the coastal preservation
PURPOSE team from our NGO partner Hawaii Land Trust in some of Maui’s
most treasured natural preserves. Guests get the chance to give
ELECTRIC VEHICLE (EV) CHARGING: back to the community, learn about the traditional Native Hawaiian
With more than 16 million electric vehicles on the approach to land stewardship, and make a lasting impact on
ESG Strategy road globally, the EV market is shifting the way our Maui through service. In return for their kōkua (help), we say mahalo
and Framework guests travel. Over 1,600 of our hotels have now (thank you) by giving volunteers a free sixth night of their stay.
installed convenient EV chargers, which enable
Highlights and our guests to travel more sustainably and reinforce
Recognition our commitment to reduce the environmental Beauty meets sustainability
impact on the destinations where we operate. Waldorf Astoria Hotels & Resorts
DIGITAL KEY: 183 including hiking, snorkeling and kayaking, nighttime bird watching,
encountering giant tortoises and dining inside a lava tunnel,
IMPACT tons of plastic saved
In 2015, Hilton's app-based Digital Key program was 60 feet underground.
by Digital Key since 2020
launched to allow guests to bypass the front desk
SOCIAL IMPACT and check in virtually. In 2021, this program expanded
to include Digital Key Share to allow guests to share
their keys with friends and family members via the
GOVERNANCE hotels offer Hilton’s ESG sourcing experts tour a seafood supplier in the Chesapeake
app. This technology is now available at more than
hydration stations Bay area. This team is dedicated to building relationships with suppliers that
80% of Hilton's portfolio. It has been used to open
make the guest experience at our hotels more sustainable and responsible.
APPENDIX more than 168 million guest room doors since 2020.
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social performance
Provides peer performance
LightStay, our award-winning ESG management system, Measures volunteer activities,
helps track our progress toward our Travel with Purpose donations and engagement with local
2030 Goals. With LightStay, we can analyze and report on Tracks against Careers and
PURPOSE our environmental and social impact at our hotels globally. Communities goals
Tracks operational, design and
ESG Strategy construction sustainability practices
and Framework Enables hotels to share best practices
LightStay is our award-winning, industry-leading ESG management
system for measuring and recognizing our hotels’ progress toward ACTIONABLE DATA
Highlights and our Travel with Purpose 2030 Goals. It also enables our hotels to report
Recognition Analyzes and predicts utility
the environmental impact of hotel stays, meetings and events to our consumption costs through data-driven
corporate customers. models
Stakeholder Alerts hotel teams when consumption
Engagement As a standard requirement across Hilton’s global portfolio of hotels, and cost spikes are identified
LightStay use is essential to our governance structure, and it informs
ESG In Guest each hotel of their specific reduction targets and social impact priorities. CUSTOMER REPORTING
Experiences Our managed and franchised hotels are required to track energy, carbon, Empowers customers to report
water, waste and efficiency projects under way, as well as social impact Scope 3 emissions from meetings and
metrics including career opportunities, community volunteerism, and events hosted with Hilton
donations. LightStay also captures hotels’ sustainability features and Provides room night emissions
reports for customers in
certifications, and it offers location-specific risk indices, including for
Hilton Global Meet with Purpose program
biodiversity, water and human rights. Real-time dashboards and monthly
Foundation updates keep properties regularly informed of their ESG performance.
Maps all hotels against external risk
GAINING RECOGNITION indices including disaster, climate, water,
biodiversity and human rights risks
LightStay is aligned with the globally recognized criteria of the
GOAL TRACKER United Nations-founded Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), THIRD-PARTY VERIFIED
an established seal of approval for sustainable travel and tourism OUR PROGRESS IN 2022 Externally verified to ensure
ENVIRONMENTAL practices. We use LightStay globally to comply with ISO 9001 (Quality accuracy and completeness of our
IMPACT Management), ISO 14001 (Environmental Management), and ISO 50001 WATTS WATER WASTE data and processes
(Energy Management). Hilton has been working closely with Travalysts
Accommodation Framework program to make it easier for our guests 47.1% 33.4% 65.4% ENGAGEMENT TOOLS
SOCIAL IMPACT emissions per m2 water consumption per m2 landfill waste per m2
to find sustainability information on partner booking programs. Google Connecting with our hotel teams to
(managed properties)
recognizes LightStay for their “eco-certified” label, and Booking.com provide guidance, training, customized
GOVERNANCE uses LightStay data to recognize and assign Hilton hotels one of their reports, including performance
three Travel Sustainable levels. We continue our work with all partners
Note: From 2008 baseline reports for owners and customers,
and recognition.
APPENDIX to ensure guests can book sustainable hotels as easily as possible.
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to the world
with our corporate and ESG objectives.
The Hilton Global Foundation (HGF) seeks to have a positive HGF SIGNATURE PARTNERSHIPS
impact on the communities we serve, with the mission to create a HGF supports long-standing partnerships with organizations
The Hilton Global Foundation (HGF) better world to travel for generations to come. HGF awards grants creating a lasting, positive impact in communities and
is our primary international philanthropic within four focus areas that align to our Travel with Purpose environments around the world.
environmental and social goals:
INTRO arm, advancing our ambitious
Travel with Purpose 2030 Goals. • Climate Action
TRAVEL WITH • Destination Stewardship
PURPOSE • Career Development Clean the World
• Community Resilience
Hotel & Casino volunteer with Travel with Purpose Week Action
Grantee Para la Naturaleza.
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Homeboy USA
Hilton Global Industries VOICE Area
Federation Punlaan School
Foundation Travis Early College
USA High School Hospitality
Instituto Agir Ambiental SOUTH AFRICA
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2030 Goal Tracking
Our ambitious 2030 Goals hold us accountable for progress
GOVERNANCE across our operations, supply chain and communities. Through
Travel with Purpose, our leaders are using innovation and influence to
make meaningful differences in the destinations and communities
Hilton London Bankside
in which we operate. Beekeeping program
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Hilton’s 2030 Goals SDGs Progress to Date Status
PURPOSE Science-based targets: 7.2 Committed to new, more ambitious science-based targets, which were validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)
Reduce Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions intensity 7.3
from managed hotels by (75% MT CO2e/m2 , 7.a 47.1% reduction in carbon emissions intensity (managed hotels) Making
2008 baseline)
44% reduction in carbon emissions intensity (all hotels)
Reduce Scope 3 carbon emissions intensity from 12.2
100% of hotels mapped in LightStay against climate risks
franchised hotels by 56% by working collaboratively
with franchisees (MT CO2e/m2 , 2008 baseline) Opened Hotel Marcel New Haven, Tapestry Collection by Hilton, believed to be the first net-zero carbon emissions hotel in the U.S.
Align with global environmental certifications that 13.3 Working in collaboration with Schneider Electric, developed a robust plan of action to achieve our science-based targets by 2030
WATTS require third-party verification (e.g., certification
Social to ISO 14001, 50001, 9001; US EPA ENERGY STAR) Established LED bulbs as a global brand standard for new builds and existing buildings across all brands
Invested in two ESG innovation funds with Fifth Wall, a VC firm that invests in innovative ESG technologies that decarbonize to tackle climate change
Governance Expanded roll out of Aquicore, our building analytic program, to 33 managed Hilton properties, cutting energy costs through “low cost
and no cost” energy efficiency measures
Reduce water use intensity in our managed 6.3 33.4% reduction in water intensity (managed hotels)
operations by 50% (Liters/m², 2008 baseline)
6.6 38.1% reduction in water intensity (all hotels) Making
6.b progress
Activate 20 community water projects to increase
ENVIRONMENTAL access and resilience 9 community water projects completed
Mapped 100% of hotels against WWF water risk indices
SOCIAL IMPACT Refreshed our Energy and Water Efficient Design Companion Guide to guide hotels on design decisions that can improve properties’
energy and water efficiency
GOVERNANCE Reduce landfilled waste intensity in our managed 65.4% reduction in landfilled waste intensity (managed hotels)
operations by 50% (MT/m², 2008 baseline) 3.3
57.6% reduction in landfilled waste intensity (all hotels) On track
APPENDIX Reduce food waste across our global operations
by implementing a food waste reduction program Joined WRI Cool Food program to engage on best practices to reduce food waste and opportunities to adopt lower-emissions food selections
in every kitchen 12.5 Continued to expand Digital Key and transition hotels to bulk amenities, reducing plastic waste from key cards and miniature toiletry bottles
Send zero soap to landfill by recycling all used
5,500+ hotels partnered with soap recycling organizations to donate soap to those in need
WASTE guest soap bars, where available
14.1 Completed a pilot with GOODR, a food waste donation program designed to pick up edible food waste and donate it to local nonprofits
Partnered with Winnow, leveraging AI technology to help chefs accurately pinpoint food waste streams to cut costs and tailor
purchasing decisions in select hotels across EMEA and APAC
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Hilton’s 2030 Goals SDGs Progress to Date Status
Create 5 million learning and career growth In 2022, we created more than 677,359 learning and career growth opportunities against our 5 million commitment
opportunities for Team Members and communities 5.1
CONTENTS 5.5 40% Women at global corporate leadership levels in 2022 (+3 vs. YE2020) On track
with a focus on underrepresented groups
Achieve 50% Gender Diversity at our leadership 8.5 19% Ethnic Diversity at our U.S. corporate leadership levels in 2022 (+2 vs. YE2020)
INTRO levels globally by 2027 8.6
In 2022, training on Diversity & Inclusion/Unconscious Bias and creating a Harassment-Free Workplace was completed by
Achieve 25% Ethnic Diversity at our leadership 98% of managed hotels globally
TRAVEL WITH levels in the U.S. by 2027
Meaningfully impact 20 million community 1.1 In 2022, Hilton and the Hilton Global Foundation meaningfully impacted 2,793,920 community members through
members 1.2 local support, disaster relief efforts and economic opportunities
1.5 progress
Contribute 10 million volunteer hours Since establishment in 2019, awarded $8M+ in Hilton Global Foundation grants to more than 130 NGOs and
Environmental community-based organizations
Participate in food donation programs, where 11.5
allowed by law (managed hotels) 2,155,702 hours volunteered since 2017, including 344,958 in 2022
Social Award 300+ Action Grants for hotel-led social Distributed nearly $3 million in critical financial support to more than 3,600 Team Members impacted by disasters, crisis, and
and environmental impact projects that provide 12.3 personal hardship instances since 2014
local support for our communities
Reached 78,588 refugees since 2015 through volunteering, in-kind donations, purchasing, training,
Governance COMMUNITIES Design, standup and activate a disaster relief shelter and employment
program to support our community members
and Team Members Awarded 39 Action Grants to nonprofit organizations around the globe for hotel-led social and environmental impact projects
Leverage our large global footprint and deep Sourced from more than 2,400 women, minority, veteran, disabled and LGBTQ–owned businesses in 2022
integration within our communities to expand
local sourcing and business with diverse and Over $3.6M of spend moved from imported to local sourcing in 5 EMEA markets
IMPACT small suppliers
Promote responsible, inclusive conduct across 12.2 Continued making progress on sourcing from Marine Stewardship Council and Aquaculture Stewardship Council certified
SOCIAL IMPACT 100% of our operations 12.5 fisheries, with Japan, Korea and Micronesia becoming our first region to achieve 25% sustainable seafood volume in 2022
On track
Promote responsible sourcing of beef, poultry, Achieved the following egg purchasing from cage-free sources across our Hilton-managed hotels:
GOVERNANCE pork, eggs, seafood and produce from third-party 54% in the Americas, 46% in EMEA, and 7% in APAC
recognized and/or certified suppliers across our 14.b
managed hotels 110 key suppliers invited to complete the EcoVadis Assessment in 2022 to strengthen due diligence and support
ESG performance across our supply chain
Embed ESG due diligence across our
CONDUCT supply chain and partner with suppliers to 50% of brands have at least one brand standard requiring local sourcing
advance positive impact
Introduced Meet with Purpose checklist to enable customers to host more sustainable meetings and events, and launched feature
Engage guests in supporting responsible travel in LightStay to purchase high-quality carbon offsets for carbon neutral meetings
and destination stewardship
About our Responsible Sourcing goals
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Hilton’s 2030 Goals SDGs Progress to Date Status
Advocate for public policies that advance our Led advocacy efforts on behalf of our Team Member and owner community to support COVID-related relief and recovery
Travel with Purpose goals
CONTENTS Advocated to advance legislation related to preventing human trafficking, immigration reform, climate action, plastic elimination, On track
Actively shape legislation and regulation skills training and apprenticeships programs, and diversity, equity and inclusion
to advance our corporate objectives, including
INTRO making progress toward our ESG goals Monitored forthcoming government regulations related to ESG disclosure requirements
Led advocacy efforts to stimulate leisure and business travel including removing remaining pandemic-era travel restrictions,
TRAVEL WITH tax incentives and funding for destination marketing
Supported policies to address our workforce needs and attract a diverse and talented workforce through immigration and visa
reform, expanded skills training and apprenticeship programs, and commitment to DEI
Advanced legislation that helps our hotels become more sustainable including tax incentives for energy-efficiency upgrades and
EV charging stations and plastic elimination. Shaped forthcoming government regulations related to ESG disclosure requirements
through public comment letters and advocacy
Environmental Create and partner with cross-industry networks Participated in Sustainable Hospitality Alliance and World Travel & Tourism Council committees and working groups, and contributed
to advance Travel with Purpose objectives to the development of the industry’s “Net Positive Pathway”
8.8 Making
Build long-term relationships with organizations Collaborated with expert partners, including ECPAT and It's a Penalty, on human rights topics
that help advance our enterprise objectives,
including our ESG goals and advocacy efforts 12.2 Continued to work with partners, such as World Wildlife Fund, on sustainable destination management
In partnership with American Express and Hilton’s ownership community, in 2022 Hilton donated hotel rooms across Europe to
13.1 support Ukrainian refugees in need
13.3 Continuing our legacy of prioritizing innovation, Hilton made an investment in two Fifth Wall climate technology funds that aim to
decarbonize the global real estate sector
Committed to grant $500,000 to AHLA Foundation’s No Room for Trafficking (NRFT) Survivor Fund over 3 years
IMPACT Operate through best-in-class measurement Progressed partnership with EcoVadis to track and validate supplier sustainability performance
(LightStay), governance and oversight
8.8 Encouraged all suppliers to observe and abide by Hilton’s Responsible Sourcing Policy, which is included in all corporate and On track
SOCIAL IMPACT Continue board oversight with robust quarterly managed property contracts
reporting at the committee level and annual
reporting on ESG strategy to the full board Where relevant, routinely incorporated sustainability criteria into our sourcing exercises, catalogs and purchasing data
Ensure accountability for LightStay compliance, 100% of hotels mapped against human rights risks
enterprise risk management, annual trainings,
APPENDIX Continued to enhance LightStay, including the addition of a Meeting Impact Calculator report to calculate the environmental
POLICIES & and regular reporting efforts
REPORTING footprint of meetings and events
Provide mandatory annual training on
Continued Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC)–Recognized Standard status for LightStay
preventing human trafficking to all hotel
Team Members globally 98% of managed hotels completed training on preventing human trafficking
Quarterly reports on progress delivered to Executive Committee, board and key leaders across the business
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Grand Wailea,
A Waldorf Astoria Resort
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT We recognize climate change to be a critical threat to our planet, our Better Climate
communities and our business, and we’ve made combating it a top Challenge
business priority. We aim to meet the expectations of the growing
PAVING number of purpose-driven consumers who value sustainable travel.
Hilton was the first hospitality
company to sign on to the
U.S. Department of Energy’s
national leadership initiative
In 2018, Hilton was the first major hospitality company to set of organizations committed to
CONTENTS science-based targets to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions reducing greenhouse gas (GHG)
in line with climate science. These targets were validated by the emissions, creating jobs, and
Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and served to guide annual promoting healthy, safe, and
reduction goals for our hotels and across the enterprise. thriving communities. As a
Better Climate Challenge
TRAVEL WITH In line with the SBTi requirement, we committed to review our partner, we have made a public
PURPOSE We are committed to leading the emissions goals every five years to ensure ongoing alignment with commitment to a more than
hospitality industry toward a net-zero the Paris Agreement, which reflects the latest climate science 50% reduction in GHG emissions
across our managed hotel
GOAL TRACKER future and reducing our greenhouse gas and which had evolved over the past five years. For this reason, we
operations over the next
emissions in line with climate science. undertook the rigorous application and analysis process in 2022
10 years.
to evaluate our existing targets, assess our current and projected
greenhouse gas inventory, and align the data to the latest Hilton also participates in
methodology from the SBTi, which is a collaboration among four U.S. Department of Energy
BY 2030, WE ARE COMMITTED TO: leading organizations: World Resource Institute’s Center for (DOE) Better Buildings
Sustainable Business, World Wildlife Fund, Climate Disclosure Challenge, U.S. DOE’s Better
Project, and the United Nations Global Compact. This rigorous
Buildings Alliance and the
exercise allowed us to set new, enhanced carbon intensity U.S. EPA’s ENERGY STAR
NET ZERO reduction targets that were both more ambitious and grounded program.
Cut managed portfolio emissions Create 5 million learning and in the realities of the latest climate science. Thefor
Advocate newpublic policies that
targets were
intensity by 75% by 2030 career growth opportunities forrevalidated with SBTi and announcedadvancepublicly our
in mid-2022.
Travel with Purpose goals
WATTS Team Members and communities with a
Our reduction targets are separated into two categories:
Cut franchised portfolio emissions focus on underrepresented groups by 2030
Scope 1 & 2 emissions from our managed portfolio, for which we
intensity by 56% by 2030
have operational control; and Scope 3 emissions from our
Achieve 50% Gender Diversity franchised
at our properties. As a result, the entirety of our current and
projected portfolio is covered within Create
the SBTiand partner
goal with
Drive toward a net-zero future
leadership levels globally by 2027
cross-industry networks
to advance Travel with Purpose objectives
Achieve 25% Ethnic Diversity at
WATER In 2022, Hilton engaged Schneider Electric, a global leader in
leadership levels in the U.S. by 2027
A PHASED IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY on on-site renewable electricity generation and, as a last step, THE STATE OF OUR EMISSIONS INTENSITY
the purchase of renewable energy certificates (RECs) and carbon
Ultimately, we developed a phased implementation strategy to Our primary source of emissions comes from the operation of our
offsets for any remaining unavoidable emissions.
reduce our emissions, prioritizing key sustainability initiatives for hotels. In 2022, we saw a resurgence in travel and resulting higher
maximum impact. The approach begins with operational shifts that occupancy rates across our global portfolio. As a result, we
This waterfall approach enables Hilton to make informed decisions
require limited resources to implement, followed by investments experienced an increase in utility consumption across energy and
and has helped us chart the path to achieving our emissions
in high-impact energy efficiency projects. In the next stage, we water and an increase in waste generation compared to 2020-2021.
intensity reduction of 75% for managed properties and 56% across
work toward off-site renewable energy procurement and end-of-life As the business continues to recover, we aim to remain below
our franchised portfolio by 2030.
equipment replacement, as well as high-efficiency retrofits and pre-pandemic consumption levels and to pursue our roadmap to
electrification measures. The final phases of the roadmap focus achieve our new and more ambitious 2030 emissions targets.
Roadmap to Emissions Intensity Reduction
IMPACT Current practices that faster payback investments, Making investments in At the end of life, investing in renewable power from Purchasing annual high
require no or low cost often capturing tax or utility off-site renewable power higher efficiency mechanical the sun or deep inside quality carbon offsets and
incentives to accelerate ROI in partnership with owners; equipment, ideally powered the earth RECs as a last resort to
opportunity to sell back to by electricity. The emissions make up the balance
the grid and secure RECs associated with these
PAVING THE investments often lasts
WAY TO over 20 years
2019 2030
Note: In partnership with Schneider Electric, Hilton devised this roadmap. We are taking into account the growth we will experience in our pipeline (i.e., growth will increase our emissions, so the roadmap
considers a potentially higher emissions volume from having more properties included in the calculation). Lastly, we are taking into account the greening of the grid.
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Hilton’s Vice President of Global ESG, Jean Garris Hand, speaking on the ESG panel at
the 2022 GBTA Convention in San Diego, California
Industry leadership
Hilton drives sustainable travel by participating in industry
ENVIRONMENTAL groups such as the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA)
IMPACT Sustainability Leadership Council, the American Hotel &
Lodging Association’s (AHLA) Sustainability Committee and Environmental stewardship
Responsible Stay Initiative, and the Sustainable Hospitality Botánika Osa Peninsula, Curio Collection by Hilton, Costa Rica
Alliance (SHA) Senior Advisory Council. In 2022, Hilton opened Botánika Osa Peninsula as a distinctive
PAVING THE nature resort presenting exclusive access to Costa Rica’s unspoiled
WAY TO The GBTA Sustainability Leadership Council is comprised South Pacific Coast. Managed by Aqua-Aston Hospitality, this property
of 16 global travel industry executives who advise on GBTA’s is located beside Corcovado National Park and the Golfo Dulce tropical
overall strategy to influence climate action and corporate fjord, which offer some of the region’s most ideal eco- and adventure
responsibility. As part of its early initiatives, GBTA released the tourism activities.
industry’s first-ever comprehensive study—across travel suppliers,
travel buyers, and policy and government stakeholders—on the The hotel team strives to connect tourism and conservation by preserving
the local environment and educating guests and local students about
state of sustainability in business travel and actions to improve
WATER the sector’s environmental performance. Hilton joined the
the value of environmental stewardship. They work with the community
to provide guidance on ocean protection and responsible fishing;
council in March 2022.
host school field trips with nature guides to educate children on local
ecosystems and animals, such as sea turtles; and manage the logistics
WASTE The SHA helps drive collaboration for a more sustainable future of a recycling program that creates jobs and reduces waste.
in the hospitality industry by focusing on issues such as human
rights, youth employment, climate action and water stewardship.
As part of SHA’s Senior Advisory Council, we serve as an
ambassador to key stakeholder groups by advising on the latest “Traveling with a Purpose to us means embracing the
industry issues to ensure SHA is well positioned to achieve environment and the people we meet. Appreciating
its greatest impact. and learning from the different towns we visit helps us
SOCIAL IMPACT to see why it is important both to tread lightly and
In 2022, AHLA launched a new initiative called Responsible Stay bring home with us the best souvenir possible: a new
to highlight industry efforts in sustainability focused on four perspective on how beautiful the world is.”
key areas: energy efficiency, water conservation, waste reduction
and responsible sourcing. We endorsed this initiative and Cory and Beau Williams
APPENDIX look forward to continuing to work together on ways to Brothers and Co-Owners of Botánika Osa Peninsula,
make the hospitality industry more environmentally and Curio Collection by Hilton
socially sustainable.
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–10% -17 %
-18 -17%
-20% -21% -21% -22%
through a relentless focus on energy efficiency, -7%
-23 % -5%
-9% -10%
CONTENTS electrification, and transition to renewable power, –20% -29% -12%
-30% -32% -16%
which will reduce both utility costs and greenhouse -18 %
-20 -22% -19% -20%
-22% -37% -35.7%
INTRO gas emissions from our portfolio of hotels. -24 -25%
% -24%
-26% -42 %
-27% -43%
–40% -32 % -47% -44 %
-34% -37%
certified renewable electricity is used to power -47%
GOAL TRACKER nearly 1/₃ of all managed hotels in EMEA –60%
IMPACT 100% 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
offset of Scope 3 emissions from MANAGED HOTELS ALL HOTELS
Hilton corporate air travel and rental cars
2022 shows an increase in consumption against 2021 as business recovers from the impact of the pandemic; however, consumption remains below 2019 levels, and we have charted
our path to achieve our 2030 goals.
RENEWABLE ENERGY SUSTAINABLE MEETINGS AND EVENTS The EV charging filter, announced in January, has been well
received by guests and Team Members.
Our operations teams are exploring ways to increase our We also partnered with ClimeCo to develop a portfolio of verified
renewable energy procurement across our global portfolio, carbon credits available for corporate customers hosting
Hilton Supply Management (HSM) secured partnerships with
seeking green energy contracts where possible. Hilton works meetings or events at our hotels around the world.
five EV charging companies to enable more hotels to install
WATER with hotel owners to identify opportunities to invest in
EV chargers, increasing the number of hotels with EV chargers
small- and large-scale renewable and low-carbon technologies In 2022, we promoted renewable energy projects such as
to more than 1,600 globally.
that make financial and practical sense, with the aim for hotels solar, wind and wastewater offset projects with the purchase
WASTE to operate from a self-sufficient energy supply. All managed of verified and Gold-certified carbon offsets to address the
hotels in the U.S. are encouraged to procure at least a portion emissions that could not be reduced and associated with our ENERGY-EFFICIENT LIGHTING
of their electricity from renewable sources through our energy regional and global corporate conferences in Orlando, Las Vegas,
By 2024, all of Hilton’s properties worldwide will have completed
procurement services contracting program. London and Singapore, which hosted over 5,000 attendees.
a full transition to LED lighting, a highly energy-efficient
technology. This initiative will both reduce hotels’ energy
Nearly one-third of managed hotels across EMEA, as well as our
Watford and Glasgow corporate offices, are currently powered EV CHARGERS FOR GUEST USE consumption and generate long-term cost savings on electricity
bills. Changing light bulbs is the most common request received
with 100% certified renewable electricity. Since 2022, two-thirds Also in 2022, we launched two key initiatives that will better serve
SOCIAL IMPACT by engineering teams at our hotels; as LEDs have a significantly
of hotels across the Middle East, Africa and Turkey completed a guests who are seeking electric vehicle (EV) charging options.
longer lifespan than traditional light bulbs, this transition will also
feasibility study for an on-site solar photovoltaic project.
GOVERNANCE The primary component of this launch was digital: A new filter save our Team Members’ time that they can use to focus
on Hilton’s website and Hilton Honors app now allows guests on other decarbonization efforts.
to search for hotels that offer on-site EV charging.
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WAY TO Another first
Hilton Vienna Park: 100% of the electricity used in Hilton Vienna Park is Hilton Addis Ababa: In partnership with Green Tech Ethiopia, this property
hydropower generated. It boasts a Room Energy Management System, inaugurated Ethiopia’s first EV charging station at a hotel in the presence
solar window foil to reduce energy waste, and LED and energy-efficient of high government officials and invited guests.
SOCIAL IMPACT light bulbs. For the past decade, Hilton Vienna Park has been recognized
for its sustainability efforts and has been awarded the Austrian Eco Label The Minister of Tourism H.E. Nasise Chali and Minister of Transport
certification for sustainability, the first national eco-label for tourism H.E. Dagmawit Moges congratulated Hilton on another first by taking the lead
worldwide. for supporting guests who drive electric vehicles. With this initiative, Hilton
Addis Ababa supports the aim of improving Africa’s green energy future.
APPENDIX Hampton Inn/Homewood Suites by Hilton Boston Seaport: In August 2022,
the hotel became the first U.S. managed hotel to sign an energy deal Hilton Zhoushan: Newly installed Tesla charging stations provide services
which supplies certified renewable energy for 100% of the hotel’s to more than 3,100 guests with EVs, reducing vehicle carbon emissions by
electric consumption. 60 tons. Nearly 20% of properties in Mainland China have EV chargers. Example EV charging stations, found at over 1,600 of our hotels.
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most valuable
0% -2% -2% -4% -6% hotels in India have piloted the use of a low temperature
for managed hotels
-11% laundry program, Advanced by Diversey, which uses up to
-15% 28% less water and 24% less energy, and produces 28% less
–10% -4% -17% -18%
-5% -20% effluent waste. Based on the positive results of this pilot, we
-7 %
-10 %
plan to roll out this program to further hotels in the region.
–20% -13
-17% -18%
We embed water stewardship throughout -20%
INTRO -22% -23%
our global operations. We work closely with –30%
-39% -33.4
2022 shows an increase in consumption against 2021 as business recovers from the impact
of our portfolio of hotels were mapped
of the pandemic; however, consumption remains below 2019 levels, and we have charted our
for WWF’s Water Risk Filter path to achieve our 2030 goals.
activities that is safe and effective to use in many landscaping efforts.
WATER We’ve developed standards for the architecture, landscaping and Several Hilton properties have demonstrated leadership in tackling
The grey water recycling system at Hilton Garden Inn Dubai Mall of
basic systems of our hotels that lessen energy usage, limit light and water consumption by improving operational water efficiencies.
the Emirates has significantly reduced water consumption since its
air pollution, and conserve water. Our water conservation efforts for
opening, helping to combat Dubai’s water scarcity issue.
WASTE our mega brands (e.g., Hilton Garden Inn, Embassy Suites) include: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: In an effort to reduce the burden
on the city’s stormwater infrastructure and improve water
WATER-SENSITIVE LANDSCAPES: Lush gardens and lawns are quality, Conrad Washington, DC features an on-site stormwater WATER RISKS IN THE COMMUNITIES WE SERVE
water-intensive. Replace the thirsty species with drought-tolerant management system where it is able to capture 97 percent of
native plants or succulents. We map our hotels against the WWF-DEG Water Risk Filter and use
rainfall and use it to irrigate the hotel’s outdoor terraces and to
the data to analyze current and future water risks across our portfolio.
cool its air conditioning towers.
WATER-EFFICIENT FIXTURES: High-efficiency, adjustable-flow and LightStay contains this analysis so that our hotel teams can under-
controlled- stream showerheads, toilets and faucets conserve water. stand and address water risks specific to their geolocation. Using the
MORE EFFICIENT EQUIPMENT: Home to several plunge pools,
SOCIAL IMPACT WWF-DEG Water Risk Filter, we evaluate factors that may potentially
Waldorf Astoria Los Cabos Pedregal uses high-efficiency variable
Additionally, our brand standards require all hotels to regularly impact our current global hotel operations and expansion in specific
speed pumps, electrical heaters and gas heaters to help reduce
monitor and report their water-use metrics compared against geographic markets. We also study specific areas and river basins
GOVERNANCE energy by up to 50%. Additionally, each of the guest room doors
an improvement goal. They must also employ LightStay to report where our water stewardship initiatives would have the greatest value.
automatically shuts off the cold-water valve when the guest
on an active water-related improvement project. leaves the door ajar, helping to minimize condensation.
APPENDIX Our water stewardship strategy focuses on the following areas of
our value chain: hotels and guests; suppliers and services; and
communities and watersheds.
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a circular economy
0% -6%
reduction for
-13% -15% managed hotels
–10% -19%
-24% -25%
–20% -28%
Waste reduction, recycling, and food upcycling and -13% -31% -31% -32%
-18 % -35%
donation are all critical components of creating a –30% -21 %
of waste diverted from landfills
(managed hotels only)
GOAL TRACKER –70% -65.4%
-73% -70%
–80% Hilton Seychelles Labriz Hotel and Spa on Silhouette Island, Seychelles
ENVIRONMENTAL 2.3M+ 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
IMPACT bars of soap donated in 2022
2022 shows an increase in consumption against 2021 as business recovers from the impact
Leftover food shouldn’t be wasted
of the pandemic; however, consumption remains below 2019 levels, and we are still on track to
According to the United Nations, an estimated 17% of total
achieve our 2030 goals.
PAVING THE global food production goes to waste, of which 5% comes from
WAY TO the food service industry. Estimates suggest that 8–10% of
NET ZERO global greenhouse gas emissions are associated with food that
is not consumed. Taking a firm stand, our Team Members have
REDUCING WASTE ACROSS OUR VALUE CHAIN FOOD AS AN ASSET embraced waste reduction and food upcycling strategies in
WATTS creative ways, all over the world. Here are just a few examples:
Our waste reduction strategy focuses on supply chain evaluation We encourage our hotels to utilize the Hotel Kitchen Toolkit,
and sustainable sourcing initiatives, while taking steps to divert developed by the World Wildlife Fund, which guides hotels through
remaining waste from landfill through donation, recycling, techniques for reducing food waste in every step of the food and
WATER NEW PILOT PROGRAM WITH GOODR: We began a pilot with Goodr,
composting and waste-to-energy incineration. beverage process: preventing food loss and waste before it arises a Black-woman-owned company that collects unused food and
through thoughtful menu planning; recovering wholesome, delivers it to a national network of nonprofits. The pilot began at the
We have adopted a prevention, recovery and recycling strategy otherwise wasted food for donation, where possible; and channeling Hilton Orlando, serving 590 meals to the local community, diverting
WASTE across our hotels in the Americas and EMEA regions and piloted food scraps toward other uses such as animal feed and compost. 708 lbs. of food from landfill, and preventing 384 lbs. of carbon dioxide
the program in Asia Pacific. All of this is supported by data tracking through LightStay to emissions.
enable decision making.
FOOD WASTE REPORTING SYSTEMS: Sixty-seven of our hotels in
In 2022, we also laid the groundwork for a new initiative with the EMEA have adopted food waste reporting systems, such as Winnow,
World Resources Institute Cool Food program to leverage best which leverages AI technology to help chefs accurately pinpoint food
practices, explore options for more plant-rich menus to reduce waste streams, cut costs and tailor purchasing decisions based
SOCIAL IMPACT the climate impact of food served at our properties, and to on the data.
reduce food waste.
IMPLEMENTING COMPOSTING: Hilton Seychelles Labriz Hotel has
GOVERNANCE implemented a compost heap, the output of which helps to grow its
on-site organic garden, adopted a stringent food waste–monitoring
effort, and engaged with a water-bottling plant to replace plastic water
bottles. Other environmental efforts include using only recycled
glass, tins and PET bottles.
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Social Impact
The WB Abu Dhabi, Curio Collection
by Hilton, DoubleTree by Hilton Abu
Our enduring role is to foster opportunity for people, including our Dhabi Yas Island Residences, and
Team Members and our neighbors in the destinations where we Hilton Abu Dhabi Yas Island
operate around the world. In addition, we bring urgent focus and committed Team Members from multiple
action to the pursuit of diversity, equity & inclusion and to the protection properties are working together
to plant mangroves during
of human rights. Travel with Purpose Week.
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At Hilton, we lead with culture and are fiercely committed to “Our goal at Hilton is
creating the world’s best work environment. Understanding to build a fully human
and integrating our Team Members’ unique perspectives and experience at work,
CREATING AN voices—along with those of our guests, owners, suppliers and so our Team Members
partners—is essential to cultivating our inclusive environment. can be their best,
We strive to reflect the global communities where we work,
most authentic selves,
live and thrive.
accelerate the impact
CONTENTS Over the last century, Hilton has curated exceptional experiences, of our business, and
extraordinary stays and memories to last a lifetime. We seek inspire the world with
to build strong connections and make a lasting impact in our our hospitality.”
communities, whether by leading service initiatives, encouraging
people to join our team, or inspiring their dreams. Laura Fuentes
EVP and Chief Human
We are in the business of people
In 2022, we enhanced our existing Travel with Purpose social Resources Officer
serving people, creating meaningful
goals to further commit to the areas where we can have the
personal and professional growth greatest impact, including supporting career opportunities,
opportunities for all. community impact, and responsible, inclusive conduct across
our business.
Promote responsible, inclusive conduct As Chef de Cuisine of Estuary at Conrad, Washington, DC,
across 100% of our value chain operations Chef Ria Montes is excited to bring a new, innovative take on the
seasonal flavors of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.
Team Members attitudes embody our values. In 2022, more than 1.3 million
Catch Me at My Best messages were sent.
We all want to be part of something bigger Two of our most prestigious recognition programs
than ourselves and be appreciated for our are the CEO Light & Warmth Award and the Hospitality
Heroes Award—both of which we expanded in 2022. The
CONTENTS contributions to a collective effort—which is
CEO Light & Warmth Award is our company’s top honor
why we believe recognition is so important. for Team Members who have brought our Purpose and
INTRO Values to life. Individual winners receive $10,000, three
free night stays, and diamond status for three years.
TRAVEL WITH RECOGNIZING TEAM MEMBERS Team winners receive $1,000 per Team Member. In 2022,
PURPOSE we celebrated 15 individual winners and two teams.
Our Team Members are at the core of our success. Whether through
The Hospitality Heroes Award recognizes the true heroes
our recognition resources or our signature recognition programs, we
among us who have made a lasting impact by acting in
GOAL TRACKER strive to celebrate our Team Members’ accomplishments—big and
moments of crisis or helping to make a guest’s dream
small. Our recognition website provides self-service, customizable
come true. Winners receive a $300 cash prize. This year,
resources including printable certificates and cards. To show our
we celebrated 56 winners out of thousands of nominations
IMPACT appreciation, we also recognize individuals throughout the year with
from more than 1,000 hotels across 87 countries. LEARN MORE
programs such as our annual Team Member Appreciation Week—a About 2022 CEO Light and Warmth
dedicated week to celebrate our employees around the world—and Award Winners
CREATING AN “I’m always filled with incredible energy during Thrive at Hilton
ENGINE OF Team Member Appreciation Week. It makes me International Housekeeping Week
OPPORTUNITY feel proud to be appreciated for my work. Around the world, our housekeeping teams are at the
When you love your job, it’s the best gift you heart of the unforgettable experiences we create for
can give yourself.” our guests. Our Team Members elevate housekeeping
to an art form, such as the amazing towel art during our
Team Member in Turkiye International Housekeeping Week celebration.
Linen Room Attendant in Turkiye
Towel Art
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Enabling our
Team Members to
Thrive at Hilton
CONTENTS We know that when our Team Members
thrive, so do our guests and our communities.
INTRO That is why we are committed to providing
industry-leading programs that deliver a
TRAVEL WITH fully human experience and create the best,
most inclusive home for our Team Members.
IMPACT Approximately
SOCIAL IMPACT of our U.S. Team Members have been with Hilton for 10+ years
INVESTING IN OUR TEAM MEMBERS’ DEVELOPMENT Our goal is to continuously upskill, reskill and multi-skill each Team help Team Members learn, lead and grow in areas that cultivate
Member, always seeking to set them up for development and growth personal fulfillment and support the needs of our business.
At Hilton, we are focused on building a Team Member experience
within our company. We do this through our robust Job Skills Guild continues to pick up momentum with 2,753 total profiles
that is rooted in continuous learning—starting from day one.
training platform—a consistent, one-stop location for our Team completed, 1,479 applications submitted, 454 Team Members
CAREERS Whether it is learning the ropes during onboarding, building
Members to locate digital training checklists, and mobile-enabled enrolled, and 91 graduates (as of 12/31/2022).
core service skills, or refining job skills, we offer a combination of
resources. We understand that not everyone learns in the same way,
curriculums that support Team Members in their roles today and
and some Team Member workdays are not conducive to sitting in
COMMUNITIES prepare them for lifelong careers in hospitality.
front of a screen. For example, Job Skills training for Housekeeping
“I would like to go to college for a hospitality degree.
Through Hilton University, our online learning platform, all Team Team Members includes audio guides in multiple languages that
I came to the United States for a better opportunity
Members have access to over 25,000 courses, providing the ability to Team Members can listen to while completing a room cleaning at
CONDUCT their hotel—providing on-site, on-demand learning opportunities
and to develop in my education. Hilton, thank you
explore new skills or expand their expertise. We know that leadership for the opportunity for a better life.”
skills are important at every stage of someone’s career. That is why that are comfortable and accessible.
all Team Members also have access to leadership development Merarys Alcantara
We are committed to investing in our Team Members’ future. In
curriculums through our Lead@Hilton platform, which includes Housekeeping Supervisor, Hilton Miami Airport
May 2022, we proudly became the first in our industry to partner
on-demand, self-paced content, such as a virtual series that delivers
with Guild Education to provide U.S.-based Team Members with
Harvard-led content aligned to critical capabilities identified for
debt-free, continuing education opportunities. From day one of
different levels of hospitality leaders.
employment, Team Members in the U.S. can choose among Guild’s
Maximizing internal mobility
Hilton’s signature Leadership Development programs focus on over 70 programs—including professional certificates, college
preparatory classes, high school completion courses, and English Maximizing internal mobility is critical to build robust talent pipeline.
APPENDIX building effective leaders across the enterprise to grow our bench
language learning. This program roster has been curated to In 2022, 56% of Global Corporate Director and above roles were
strength. These programs provide opportunities for participants
filled internally and 50% of U.S. Owned & Managed General Manager
to develop key capabilities, form networks with senior leaders and
roles were filled internally.
enhance their business acumen.
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holistic wellbeing
Thrive at Hilton:
and providing context and perspective along the way. GO Hilton
Thank you Hilton for such a fantastic benefit as many
of us are now caring for children and our parents.”
Hilton’s commitment to helping Team Members thrive
extends to all aspects of physical, emotional, financial and Team Member in the U.S. participating in Wellthy
social wellbeing. We provide a variety of programs to support
our Team Members personally and professionally.
13,558 or carry breast milk home, at no cost. Additionally, through our
partnership with Bright Horizons, corporate Team Members can
TRAVEL WITH hours saved by using Wellthy since launch,
PURPOSE nearly 600 signups and 150 care projects reserve high-quality, in-home emergency backup care for children,
PRIORITIZING HEALTH AND WELLNESS pets, adults or elder relatives.
* The benefits described here illustrate offerings that are generally available to Hilton’s corporate and owned and managed hotel personnel, and does not guarantee eligibility.
Actual benefit availability and eligibility varies based on position, hours worked, length of service and location.
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Building a diverse, 2022 U.S. WORKFORCE | Corporate offices, owned, and managed hotels
workplace 72%
G en Z 3%
N 30
Women 51% Management 84%
25 Millennial 38% Ethnic
Men 49% Management 16% Diversity
15 Gen X
We believe diversity makes us stronger, more innovative,
and more representative of the many guests and Baby Boomer 23%
communities we serve around the world. We are proud to Silent <1%
W hite
create a culture where all are welcomed and celebrated.
Hispanic/Latinx 33%
PURPOSE To achieve our vision of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I), 2022 GLOBAL WORKFORCE | Corporate offices, owned, and managed hotels Black/African American 19%
we have set ambitious commitments, built accountability
mechanisms into our business, established strong partnerships, GENDER 1 MANAGEMENT LEVEL BOARD DIVERSITY2 Asian 15%
and developed targeted training, hiring, and work culture
development programs to cultivate talent from all backgrounds. on-
N 25% 50% Two or More Races 3%
Women 43% Management 81% Ethnic Women 1
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 1%
IMPACT Diversity3
Men 57% Management 19%
OUR COMMITMENT Native American/Alaska Native <1%
50% 25% 94%
Gender Diversity at our Ethnic Diversity at our leadership
leadership levels globally by 2027 levels in the U.S. by 2027
40% +3 19% +2
1 Data is based on self-identified gender. Hilton recognizes and supports Team Members who identify as non-binary.
Women1 percentage points Ethnic percentage points 2 Reflects the Gender and Ethnic Diversity of our non-management directors.
vs. 2020 Diversity3 vs. 2020 3 Using race/ethnicity categories defined by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
A FIRM COMMITMENT TO AN AMBITIOUS AGENDA practices. Because of this, part of leader compensation is Team Member Resource Groups
tied to progress against our diversity representation goals.
As part of our DE&I efforts, we released our representation Our Team Member Resource Groups are voluntary groups that
To ensure inclusivity and to remove bias throughout
CONDUCT commitments and shared detailed workforce demographics on build communities across our workforce, provide professional
our U.S. recruiting and hiring process, we strive for external
our diversity website. By the end of 2027, we are committed to opportunities to Team Members, and foster innovation in our
candidate slates representing 50% Gender Diversity and
achieving global Gender Parity and 25% U.S. Ethnic Diversity at our business. This year, we hosted heritage months to celebrate, share,
33% Ethnic Diversity.
corporate leadership levels. By publicly sharing this data, which is and reflect on our diversity.
updated annually, we encourage transparency and accountability,
and ensure we remain focused on making progress. CULTIVATING AN INCLUSIVE WORK CULTURE Abilities Asian and Pacific Islander (API) Black Pride Women
We strive to create an environment where every Team Member We invest in several programs that celebrate diverse backgrounds EMEA Ethnic Hispanic/Latinx Military Generations
can feel at home. Our leaders play an active role in how we bring and help to create the most inclusive home for our Team Members.
our bold agenda to life, and they are committed to building an These include allyship training, our Team Member Resource
APPENDIX inclusive organization through effective talent management Groups, Courageous Conversations, mentorship, and benefits
that bolster human relationships such as paid parental leave.
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ELEVATING AWARENESS AND ALLYSHIP Courageous Conversations “During Travel with Purpose “This call was extremely
THROUGH TRAINING We believe our team is stronger for the diverse experiences and Week, our clients said our inspiring and motivating,
A great place to work creates a sense of belonging and perspectives each of us brings to the table. Throughout the year, work with Courageous and I know it will lead to
acceptance—regardless of background, ethnicity, age, ability, we continued fostering conversations among Team Members on Conversations far outweighs incredibly meaningful
gender, or sexual orientation. We train for that. complex social justice and mental health issues through a program any other initiatives we’ve conversations with
called Courageous Conversations. These live, candid conversations undertaken. Hilton is setting teammates and leaders
Hotel and corporate Team Members are required to complete focus on a range of topics, including race, gender, age, physical and us apart and above the rest.” that are long overdue.”
annual training as part of Hilton’s commitment to an inclusive mental ability, allyship, and a host of other important issues. The
and respectful environment for all. This includes: program, which began in 2020, has included internal stakeholders Anonymous Team Members
as well as external thought leaders. Thousands of Team Members Participants in Courageous Conversations
INTRO 1. DE&I/UNCONSCIOUS BIAS TRAINING to build awareness of the have taken advantage of the live and recorded sessions.
implicit bias all humans have and how to overcome this to create an
inclusive environment for all. This includes our Hilton-designed, bespoke
training program, Creating Intentionally Inclusive Guest Experience. WATCH VIDEO
Training is based around hospitality scenarios, so our Team Members Thrive at Hilton: DE&I
are best prepared to relate and apply what they’ve learned.
signs of human trafficking for sexual or labor exploitation and know
how to take action.
We are proud to be recognized for our Hilton culture
#1 Ranking, 2021 DiversityInc Great Place to Work (GPTW)
Top 50 Companies for Diversity #2 World’s Best Workplace
Inducted into Top 50 Companies #1 Best Place to Work ALVARO SURPRISE FLASH MOB CULINARY HERITAGE COOKING
for Diversity Hall of Fame in six countries
Meet Alvaro Lopez, a Public Area Attendant at the Hilton Orlando Convention In celebration of Intergenerational Month and Hispanic Heritage Month,
#1 Ranking for ESG by Ranking in 29 countries and Center in Orlando, Florida. Although it is not in his job description, Alvaro the Hilton Hispanic/Latinx and Generations Team Member Resource
DiversityInc certified in 25 others has brought his favorite thing to his job at Hilton: dance. He dances around Groups co-hosted a panel event highlighting Hispanic and Latinx chefs
the pool to the DJ, energizing and delighting Hilton guests along the way. To across our Americas properties. The event explored the unique career
GPTW & Fortune
thank Alvaro for the joy he brings to everyone around him, the team at Hilton journey of each chef, the role that cooking played among their families,
#2 Best Place to Work in the U.S.
APPENDIX came up with a meaningful way to recognize him—by organizing a surprise and the flavors of their Hispanic culture that they incorporate into
FOURTH CONSECUTIVE YEAR dance mob during one of his weekend shifts. their menus and dishes.
CHECK OUT #1 Best Place to Work for
these rankings and more Women in the U.S. LEARN MORE LEARN MORE
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for all
the opportunity for a long-term, exciting career with Hilton—one
that could change their lives and the lives of those around them. OPERATION: OPPORTUNITY
We support this purpose through partnerships with racial and social Through this program, founded in 2013, we remain committed to being an
justice organizations, university scholarship programs, and our employer of choice for U.S. military veterans and their families through
Hilton has always strived to reflect the Pathways Program Office, which is focused on expanding our current several unique initiatives. To date, we have hired more than 35,000 veterans
global communities where we live and pathways programs and stewarding the creation of new pathways and family members.
for future Team Members to join Hilton.
work, and to attract the best talent in AARP PILOT / ENCORE CAREERS
hospitality by building a culture that The Pathways Program connects with historically underrepresented We are partnering with AARP and the AARP Foundation to provide
truly is “for all, by all.” talent to help foster economic mobility and support diversity efforts employment opportunities for seniors who are changing careers or
PURPOSE across our organization. Around the world, a sampling of targeted retirees looking for part-time or “gig” work.
partner and initiatives includes:
GOAL TRACKER 677,359 We are committed to using our resources and tools to help support refugees—
learning and career growth opportunities including recent Afghan and Ukrainian refugees. We are working with
created in 2022 against our 5 million resettlement groups and the Tent Partnership for Refugees to offer
IMPACT commitment employment opportunities to support these individuals as they build new
lives in the U.S. As a Tent partner, Hilton has committed to hiring 1,500
refugees in the U.S. by September 2025.
ENGINE OF DC Central Kitchen’s Culinary Job Training
OPPORTUNITY program offering second chances
After Joseph Tolbert was released from prison, he enrolled in
DC Central Kitchen’s Culinary Job Training program in 2015 and
found the opportunities he needed to strengthen his natural
leadership abilities. Since his time with Washington Hilton,
Joseph has found more opportunities to build his leadership
COMMUNITIES skills as both the hotel’s union representative and a Board
Member of DC Central Kitchen. Now, Joseph is taking the next
step in his leadership journey after being selected for Hilton’s
CONDUCT prestigious management development program, a nine-month
training program that will train him for a top management
position at one of Hilton’s larger, premiere hotels.
Abdul speaking at Tent Partnership's U.S. Business Summit on Refugees.
thinking globally,
Hilton was founded on the belief that our hospitality has the power
to be a force for good in this world and, with the mission to provide
acting locally
financial relief, globally, to individuals impacted by natural disaster,
personal hardship and crisis instances, the Team Member Assistance
Fund (TMAF) is an extension of that commitment.
Supporting Team Members After Hurricane Ian
In August 2022, Hilton expanded its TMAF program to provide further
CONTENTS In September 2022, the southeastern region of the United States was
assistance to its Team Members. In addition to continuing to support
hit with a Category 4 hurricane, Hurricane Ian, which caused widespread
Team Members following disasters, the expanded program now
damage across many states including Florida, South Carolina, and
INTRO enables the TMAF to support those experiencing undue financial
North Carolina. For over 100 Team Members in need, the TMAF was
hardship due to an unexpected personal circumstance, such as the
able to provide evacuation support and, in the aftermath of this
unexpected death of a spouse. Over its nine-year history, the TMAF
devastating storm, support the rebuilding and repairing of homes.
PURPOSE has distributed nearly $3M to 3,600+ Team Members.
GOAL TRACKER Team Members Supported
With our broad global footprint, hotels in the community are
by the Team Member Assistance Fund in 2022
often the best positioned to provide support when a disaster hits.
IMPACT Through our Hilton Global Foundation and strategic partnerships
with local organizations, we provide disaster relief and help rebuild
A mericas 9%
Personal infrastructure for communities to become more resilient.
EMEA 24%
In 2022, we responded to crises and disasters across the globe,
APAC 66% Disaster 9% including war, weather events and the COVID-19 pandemic. The
HGF granted $110,000 to World Central Kitchen and Project HOPE,
for example, to support on-the-ground relief efforts in response
ENGINE OF Hotel Hardship 74% to the Ukraine Refugee Crisis and Hurricane Ian in Florida.
DURING TRAVEL WITH PURPOSE WEEK Wetlands in Louisiana are disappearing, and rising water is eroding delicate
COMMUNITIES shorelines. Team Members from the Hilton New Orleans Riverside partnered
2.8M $7.9M+ Our Team Members around the world activate Travel with Purpose,
our annual volunteer week, extending their hospitality beyond
with the Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana to incorporate recycled
community members in-kind donations oyster shells (some from Hilton restaurants) to build oyster reefs. Not only
meaningfully impacted the walls of their hotels. In 2022, the theme for the week was does this keep shells out of landfill, but it also helps to slow coastal land loss.
Destination Stewardship. This event epitomizes the core ESG and
475,000+ Hilton Global Foundation priorities of conserving, preserving PLASTIC PREVENTION IN U.A.E.
344,000+ meals donated and keeping communities beautiful for the people who live, work The DoubleTree by Hilton Ras Al Khaimah Team, in partnership with
volunteer hours and travel to our world-class destinations. Team Members around Ras Al Khaimah Waste Management, conducted a beach cleanup to
the world made an impact in their communities with volunteer prevent plastic and other waste from getting washed into the sea.
2.3M+ efforts from beach cleanups and tree planting, to recycling projects.
$690,000+ bars of soap donated Some examples include: CULTIVATING SUSTAINABLE DAILY HABITS
GOVERNANCE monetary gifts Hilton Queenstown Resort and Spa and DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Queenstown
implemented an environmental challenge for Team Members to complete
10 tasks over a week, including carpooling, having two-minute showers
and eating vegetarian meals. The Team Member with the most points was
LEARN MORE named as the Sustainability Queen/King.
About Travel with Purpose Week 2022
Waldorf Astoria Los Cabos Pedregal Turtle Nursery Program
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at work
total jobs supported total economic
We believe that the strength of our wages paid $334M**
total supplier
business and the trusted reputation of our diversity spend
CONTENTS brands are rooted in our efforts to advance $195M**
the fight for economic empowerment. U.S. economic
INTRO impact
Celebrating local culture
DoubleTree by Hilton, Weerawila Rajawarna Resort
The newly built resort stimulates Sri Lankan skills and craftsmanship
by interweaving the environment and local culture of the village
IMPACT of Weerawila. Villagers are hired to prepare local food such as
“hoppers,” while fermented buffalo milk, a local delicacy, is featured
* Wages are determined based on NAICS code of the supplier. in the menus. Handicrafts made by locals from natural plants and
SOCIAL IMPACT ** Total output based on national economic multiplier. weeds found along the canals are given to guests as mementos.
ENGINE OF FOSTERING AUTHENTIC SUPPLIER DIVERSITY seriously our responsibility to authentically promote inclusion, equivalent and more than 127 million food miles throughout the
OPPORTUNITY support and respect in a global community that grows more year. Furthermore, the successful launch of a local egg program
Our industry-leading Supplier Diversity Program, ranked as
diverse by the day. across the Emirates has resulted in nearly 6 million eggs being
#13 by DiversityInc in 2022, is the cornerstone of our company’s
served to Hilton guests, sourced from Emirates Poultry Farm.
commitment to experience a world that is bigger than ourselves.
Since the program’s inception 10 years ago, we have made LOCAL SOURCING
meaningful connections with more than 2,400 small, disadvantaged DATA TRACKING FOR INSIGHTS
In 2022, our Europe and Middle East regions identified local sourcing
or minority, veteran, LGBTQ, women and disabled–owned
COMMUNITIES as a strategic opportunity. Our hotels can have a powerful impact Hilton understands the importance of data tracking and reporting
businesses. To date, our supplier spend with these valued partners
in their communities by investing in products from local artisans, as the means to quantify our goals. In Europe, the HSM team
has nearly exceeded $334 million.
farmers and small businesses while enhancing the experience for piloted a detailed evaluation of local sourcing in Austria, Germany
CONDUCT We believe our supplier community should reflect the diverse their guests. For example, hotels may commission artwork from and the Netherlands, reviewing 13 suppliers and more than 10,000
communities in which we all live, work and travel. As such, we leverage local artisans, procure food and beverage ingredients from local unique items in total. The team discovered that bakery items were
the Supplier Diversity Program to forge strategic partnerships, farms or fisheries, or feature local products in hotels. the most locally sourced product category in these countries, with
host informative events, and offer valuable resources to overlooked 70% of items sourced within their respective countries. Meat was
In partnership with agri-tech platform Fresh On Table, the UAE locally sourced† at 53% on average, and produce was calculated at
businesses. HSM works closely with partners and collaborators
HSM and Food & Beverage teams committed to sourcing 350 45%. Fish was identified as the strongest area of opportunity for
to identify new opportunities to expand our network of certified
tons of local produce for its hotels. To meet this goal, 22 properties local sourcing.
diverse suppliers and to increase our engagement with other
across the country committed to procure a minimum of 19 ingredi-
GOVERNANCE like-minded organizations.
ents exclusively from UAE farms—with Fresh on Table acting as the Across the three countries, the current local sourcing average was
We know a more diverse Hilton means a stronger Hilton, and we catalyst to source fresh fruit, vegetables, dairy and poultry from 13%, with potential for improvement. This data and these insights
seized many opportunities last year to expand our focus on diverse farms across the Emirates. The team purchased no fewer than 173 will be leveraged to influence future decisions to strengthen local
suppliers while extending the reach of our customers. We take line items across 32 properties, equivalent to 400 tons—with an supplier enablement and reduce our carbon footprint.
impactful saving of nearly 9 million kilograms of carbon dioxide
Where reasonably cost-competitive and sustainable product alternatives are readily available at scale.
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ENGINE OF Advancing Buying Sustainable “Stakeholders increasingly
animal welfare ugly vegetables oyster farm tour expect us to make responsible
As outlined in our Animal Conrad Centennial Singapore The HSM team joined seafood business decisions that
CAREERS Welfare Statement, Hilton currently procures “ugly vege- distributor Congressional Seafood contribute to worldwide
strives to work toward the legal, tables” as well as plant-based to tour local oyster hatcheries positive impact, and it is our
ethical and humane treatment eggs and meats for their menu. along the Chesapeake Bay. In the responsibility not only to
COMMUNITIES of animals across our value “Ugly vegetables” are those that shellfish industry, as consumer meet this expectation, but
chain—operations, supply chain appear oddly shaped and are demand continues to rise, oysters to exceed it. Responsible
and communities. Our areas often discarded from the supply raised sustainably in aquaculture sourcing continues to be
CONDUCT of focus are: procedures to chain due to the perception developments supplement at the forefront of HSM’s
prevent the mistreatment of that they will be undesirable traditional harvesting without business—prioritizing ESG
animals at all times, including for consumers, though they putting additional pressure on standards at every stage.”
when they are raised, cared for, have no nutritional or cooking the wild oyster population.
transported, and processed. limitations other than their Anu Saxena
appearance. The property also Senior Vice President,
purchases fresh vegetables and Global Head,
from local suppliers as often Hilton Supply Management
as possible, including from an
urban rooftop farm at a
APPENDIX local school.
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and, to make this happen, we put structures in place
to leverage multiple governance mechanisms.
OUR GOALS The board of directors directs and oversees the management
of our business and affairs in a manner consistent with the best
interests of Hilton and its stockholders.
As the decision-making body, they select and oversee our
TRAVEL WITH members of senior management and exercise direct oversight
PURPOSE Our ESG efforts are supported by a of strategic risks. Our CEO Chris Nassetta serves as the only
robust corporate governance structure, executive member. The lead independent director serves as a
GOAL TRACKER designed to enhance the longevity of liaison between the CEO and independent and non-management
directors—whereas 78% of directors are independent.
our business, and ensure our objectives
ENVIRONMENTAL are fully embedded in our priorities. The board is supported by a fully independent Audit Committee,
Compensation Committee and Nominating & ESG Committee.
ve conduct The Hilton Team in the United Arab Emirates practicing responsible
chain operations sourcing of food.
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Board Nominating Reviews and assesses the ESG strategy, practices and policies on a quarterly basis,
ESG Committee and makes recommendations to the board as appropriate.
PURPOSE CEO is accountable for ESG-related issues and decisions.
CEO and Executive Committee (EC) approves major ESG programs and monitors
Executive Committee progress toward 2030 Goals. Chief ESG Officer oversees ESG strategy and
reporting efforts, is a member of the EC, and reports directly to the CEO.
Hilton integrates Travel with Purpose into our business using multiple
GOVERNANCE Integrating ESG into our Business
governance mechanisms including policies, committees and networks.
INTEGRATING Policies: Brand Standards and Committees: Advisory Boards: Networks:
TRAVEL WITH PURPOSE Our policy statements govern our Requirements: Leaders across our ESG, The Hilton Global Foundation The Travel with Purpose Champions
INTO OUR BUSINESS ESG programs and establish Our Brand Standards establish Engineering, Operations, Brand Board and Advisory Committee is Network is a cross-functional
PUBLIC our expectations for Team Members requirements for our hotels, and Internal Audit departments composed of leaders across the team of hotel and corporate
AFFAIRS and business partners. including franchises. ESG-related are responsible for overseeing business who provide input on the leaders that guide the integration
requirements include use global adherence to ISO 9001 alignment of our philanthropic of Travel with Purpose across the
of LightStay, completing anti- (Quality Management), ISO 14001 efforts with business priorities. business. These Team Members
PARTNERSHIPS trafficking training, recycling (Environmental Management) and make a special commitment to
soap, purchasing locally sourced ISO 50001 (Energy Management). advancing our 2030 goals across
products, and protecting the enterprise. Champions hold a
POLICIES AND endangered species. wide breadth of responsibilities,
REPORTING from organizing events to supporting
ESG-related activities such as
Earth Week or Travel with Purpose
On our ESG website
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public policy
HOTEL & LODGING lodging industry including workforce and labor,
online consumer protections, travel promotion,
anti-human-trafficking, and tax reform.
We work with industry associations Hilton’s Chief Financial Officer and President
to influence policymaking to help us of Global Development currently serves on the
Executive Committee, and our President of
INTRO reach our corporate objectives and
the Americas serves on the board of directors.
Travel with Purpose Goals.
BUSINESS Works to promote a thriving U.S. economy
PURPOSE Chris Nassetta at the U.S. Travel Association's Q1 Travel Outlook Media Roundtable, ROUNDTABLE and expand opportunities for all Americans
held at Waldorf Astoria Washington DC.
through sound public policies. This includes
advancing policies related to tax and
immigration reform, sustainability, and
WE ARE THE COMPANY WE KEEP In 2022, our President and CEO Chris Nassetta served on the U.S.
Travel and Tourism Advisory Board (TTAB) advising the Secretary
Hilton and our association partners work together to monitor
of Commerce on government policies and programs that impact
IMPACT and shape global legislative and regulatory issues. In 2022, INTERNATIONAL Advocates for policies that protect, enhance
the U.S. travel and tourism industry. TTAB contributed directly FRANCHISE and promote franchising. This includes
we joined advocacy efforts to advance legislation related to
to shaping the 2022 National Travel and Tourism Strategy which ASSOCIATION
promoting policies and regulations that
ESG topics including:
SOCIAL IMPACT included a goal of reducing travel and tourism’s impact on climate enhance brand protections, provide fairness
• Preventing human trafficking change. Beginning in 2023, Mr. Nassetta assumed the role of for franchises and expand economic
• Expansion and adaption of EV charging stations National Chair of the U.S. Travel Association, further amplifying opportunities for the franchise industry.
• Tax policy to support energy efficiency upgrades to our hotels Hilton’s role in shaping the future of the industry. Hilton also
engages globally with our industry’s trade associations, including Hilton’s Senior Vice President and Assistant
• Immigration and visa reform
the Hotel Association of Canada, UKHospitality, and the World General Counsel serves on the board of
• Food waste directors.
• Plastics reduction Travel & Tourism Council, to advance our advocacy agenda and
AND MEASURING • Skills training and apprenticeship programs U.S. CHAMBER Works to advance policies that help businesses
OUR GOALS • DE&I OF COMMERCE of every size, sector and region, and drive
In 2022, Hilton paid $313,832 in dues associated with lobbying
• Greenhouse gas emissions disclosures and reporting economic growth. This includes advancing
in the U.S. to the trade associations in the table to the right. All
• Human rights policies related to infrastructure, immigration,
PUBLIC payments are publicly disclosed, along with political activity, on trade, diversity and inclusion, and tax reform.
AFFAIRS Hilton’s Investor Relations website and updated semiannually.
As a member of the U.S. Travel Sustainable Coalition and AHLA’s
Sustainability Committee, we have a leadership role in setting U.S. TRAVEL Aims to increase travel to and within the
ASSOCIATION U.S., including advancing policies related to
PARTNERSHIPS our industry’s sustainability goals. With this ethos in mind, we For the second year in a row, Hilton was named a
continue to engage with our industry trade partners on removing destination marketing, sustainability,
2022 Trendsetter in the CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political
barriers to cross-border travel, jumpstarting business travel infrastructure, visa and immigration reform,
Disclosure and Accountability, a recognition reserved for and trade.
POLICIES AND and increasing funding for destination marketing organizations, companies that score 90 points or higher on the index.
REPORTING among other priorities.
In addition to Chris Nassetta’s current
chairmanship, Hilton’s Senior Vice President
and Global Head of Public Affairs and ESG
serves on the board of directors Executive
Released annually by the Center for Political Accountability Committee.
(CPA) and the Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research at
The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, the index THE REAL ESTATE Works to address key national policy issues
ROUNDTABLE relating to real estate and the overall
measures political disclosure and accountability policies and
economy, including tax, capital and credit,
practices for election-related spending by S&P 500 companies,
and environmental and energy policies.
including political spending policies and board oversight.
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Our partnerships with key trade
associations, business coalitions, and
NGOs help us to amplify our impact
and make collective progress on
our shared goals.
In 2022, our Public Affairs team advocated
for policies to address a tight labor market.
PURPOSE This includes supporting incremental and
comprehensive immigration reform to ensure
we have a strong pipeline of talent to help
hotels meet their workforce needs. Through
our engagement with IFA and AHLA, we
ENVIRONMENTAL highlighted the benefits of franchising as
IMPACT well as the benefits of working in hospitality,
including a diverse workforce and
SOCIAL IMPACT opportunities for career growth.
DoubleTree by Hilton
Our ethics and compliance program underpins our entire Ras Al Khaimah
organization. Our Code of Conduct, which defines our responsibilities Engineering team
to our stakeholders and guides our decision making, is applicable
ENVIRONMENTAL to all Team Members, officers and directors of Hilton, and to the
IMPACT Team Members of all hotels owned, operated or managed by
Hilton. All Team Members must complete training on the Code of anti-bribery laws applicable to Hilton, bribery risk areas specific To protect our customers’ and Team Members’ personal data, Hilton
SOCIAL IMPACT Conduct and must adhere to following its principles and policies. to Hilton business activities, and the responsibilities of Team Team Members are required to complete annual cybersecurity and
Members to prevent and report potential bribery. privacy training courses. We engage with third parties to conduct
Team Members are expected to report suspected misconduct periodic assessments on our cybersecurity at both the corporate
GOVERNANCE and are encouraged to do so through the Hilton Hotline, available Our Group Finance, Legal Compliance, Internal Audit, and Risk and property level, and to perform on-site breach simulation
online and by telephone 24/7. The Hotline is run by an independent functions oversee compliance with our anti-corruption and bribery exercises. We also undergo audits to ensure our technology
company. Team Members are allowed to report concerns anon- standards, including monitoring and investigating Hilton Hotline environment remains aligned with the ISO 27001 security control
ymously unless otherwise required by law. Hilton takes steps to matters. Risk-based Internal Audits and other related governance requirements.
ADVANCING protect the confidentiality of anyone who makes a good faith report activities are performed at hotels and corporate offices in the U.S.,
AND MEASURING of an actual or suspected violation to the extent reasonably possible. Asia Pacific, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Additionally, we As a service provider and merchant under the Payment Card
OUR GOALS We encourage Team Members to raise concerns about potential conduct background checks on all prospective partners. Industry’s (PCI) Data Security Standards (DSS), we undergo an
violations of our Code of Conduct, including human trafficking or annual comprehensive third-party audit to process billions of
modern slavery. All Corporate Team Members, General Managers and senior dollars in credit card payments. Additionally, the Audit Committee
AFFAIRS Team Members are expected to actively support anti-corruption assists the board in monitoring cybersecurity risk by receiving
Any alleged failures to comply with the Code of Conduct are policies and practices at corporate offices and properties globally. quarterly reports from our Technology team that cover, among
investigated and disciplinary action is taken as appropriate, up to Certifications of compliance with the Code of Conduct are other things, our information security framework, threat
PARTNERSHIPS and including termination. The Hotline also is available externally to obtained from all locations annually. assessment, response readiness, and training efforts.
suppliers, business partners, consumers and community members.
Hilton’s Global Compliance team is responsible for conducting
intake of all Hotline reports.
Hilton is committed to delivering the highest levels of customer
service, which includes respecting our customers’ privacy and
ANTI-CORRUPTION AND BRIBERY protecting personal information. Our Global Privacy Statement
Our Code of Conduct explicitly prohibits bribery and corruption, describes how we collect, use and disclose personal information.
and our Anti-Corruption Policy provides our Team Members Our Data Protection Officer, who is dedicated to addressing privacy
with additional detailed guidance regarding the requirements of concerns, sits within Hilton’s Legal Compliance and Privacy team.
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ACROSS OUR BUSINESS To evaluate ESG-related risks, we map 100% of our hotels and Hilton is committed to promoting and protecting human rights
The board of directors has overall responsibility for risk oversight, pipeline countries against a series of external environmental and across our supply chain and in countries where we operate.
which includes understanding material risks, management steps to social risk indices that are updated at least annually. Information Hilton has developed and piloted an ESG and human rights due
address these risks, and appropriate levels of risk for our company. from these external indices is embedded in LightStay to help diligence program to encourage vendors to meet Hilton’s
every hotel understand the key priority areas in its local operating standards and maintain those standards during the contract term.
• The Audit Committee assists the board in fulfilling its risk environment and community.
oversight responsibilities by regularly reviewing our accounting, Vendors are required to comply with Hilton’s Responsible Sourcing
reporting and financial practices, including our financial Material ESG risks, including risks related to climate change, Policy, which includes our Human Rights Principles. We are
statements, administrative and financial controls, compliance environmental impact, social impact, human rights, and ethics, dedicated to eradicating any form of forced labor and human
INTRO with legal and regulatory requirements, and our enterprise risk fraud and corruption are integrated in Hilton’s Enterprise Risk trafficking, and we partner with cross-industry networks to
management program. Management Process. advance international human rights.
PURPOSE • The Compensation Committee assists the board by overseeing In addition, we conduct an internal Global Enterprise Risk Survey,
and evaluating risks related to compensation structure and which is distributed to more than 300 Hilton leaders. The
programs, including the formulation, administration and regulatory Executive Committee, board of directors, and Audit Committee
compliance with respect to compensation matters, and use its findings to inform enterprise-wide strategic planning.
coordinating succession planning discussions. Health and safety risks management systems are utilized across
ENVIRONMENTAL all managed hotels and corporate offices and made available to
IMPACT • The Nominating & ESG Committee assists the board by overseeing franchised properties.
and evaluating programs and risks associated with board
SOCIAL IMPACT organization, membership and structure, corporate governance, Based on the survey results, the ERM team engages with
and ESG matters. In addition, our board receives quarterly risk owners throughout the organization and with the
detailed ESG performance reviews from management. Enterprise Risk Committee. The results of this risk assessment
GOVERNANCE inform our enterprise-wide strategic planning.
Our procurement team, Hilton Supply Management,
thoroughly assesses products before selecting them for use
in our hotels. This includes reviewing the ESG performance
of our suppliers and products. Conrad Koh Samui Solar panel installations in Fiji.
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Nick Weber
APPENDIX LEARN MORE Founder and CEO of Henderson Park,
About our safety and security services a London-based Hilton owner group
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Performance Tables
Certification to ISO
DEKRA Assurance
Statement Conrad Maldives Rangali Island
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Performance Tables
At Hilton, we closely track and report on our environmental and social impact.
2022 2021 2020 2019
Certification to ISO
DEKRA Assurance
1 Reduction in logged 2020 and 2021 volunteer hours is primarily attributable to the temporary closing or suspension of hotels due to the pandemic.
3 2021 was an anomalous year. Many hotels faced significant challenges training staff as they continued to experience issues related to the business impacts of the pandemic, including closures,
low occupancy, staff shortages and furloughed employees. As lean teams faced conflicting priorities, course completions suffered, as reflected in the data. We also expect some of the reduction
to be attributable to under-reporting.
4 2019–2021 human trafficking training numbers are combined managed and franchised. For 2022, we have broken out managed and franchised for greater detail.
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SASB Code Metric 2022 2021 2020 2019 We seek to provide material,
decision-useful sustainability
information to our investors in
ENERGY SV-HL-130a.1 Total energy consumed, in gigajoules per square meter 0.863 0.807 0.720 1.030
MANAGEMENT line with the recommendations
Total energy consumed, in million gigajoules 24.48 22.19 17.84 24.600 of the Sustainability Accounting
Percent total energy from grid electricity 56.7% 56.3% 56.3% 53.8% Standards Board (SASB).
Percent total energy from renewables 4.0% 3.0% 2.6% 1.4% We considered SASB’s Hotel &
Lodging Standards in developing
the following table of key
WATER SV-HL-140a.1 Amount withdrawn, in cubic meters per square meter 1.942 1.787 1.550 2.350
TRAVEL WITH sustainability metrics for our
PURPOSE Amount withdrawn, in million cubic meters (m3) 55.07 49.15 38.70 56.100 managed, owned and leased
Amount consumed, in cubic meters per square meter 0.485 0.447 0.388 0.586 properties. We also report
GOAL TRACKER selected SASB data in our
Amount consumed, in million cubic meters (m ) 3
13.77 12.29 9.68 14.00
2022 Form 10-K.
Percent in regions with high or extremely high baseline water stress 1
38.9% 36.9% 37.0% 32.0%
ECOLOGICAL SV-HL-160a.2 Environmental management policies and practices to preserve Hilton ESG Policy Statement
IMPACTS ecosystem services Hilton Environmental Policy Statement
WASTE FB-RN-150a.1 Amount generated, in metric tons per square meter 0.0051 0.0042 0.0039 0.0080
Amount generated, in million metric tons 0.14 0.11 0.10 0.1900
Percent food waste 2
41% 41% 41% 41%
Percent diverted from landfills 35.7% 32.0% 33.9% 34.8%
Certification to ISO
DEKRA Assurance
1 While the percentage of hotels in regions with high or extremely high baseline water stress remained consistent at 34 percent between 2019 and 2020, we identified an increase in the percentage of
water being consumed in areas of higher water stress. This is partially attributable to some of our larger properties being located in regions that experienced higher levels of occupancy during the
COVID-19 pandemic.
2 Approximately 41 percent of total waste is estimated to be food waste, based on a sample of approximately 50 food waste reduction pilots worldwide. Hilton continues to refine its food waste
reporting in alignment with the WRI’s Food Loss and Waste Protocol.
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APPENDIX 2-6 Activities, value chain, Hilton (NYSE: HLT) is a leading global hospitality company with a portfolio of 19 world-class brands. About Hilton
and other business As reported in our 2022 Form 10-K, at year-end 2022 Hilton managed or franchised 7,165 properties 2022 Annual Report
comprising 1,127,430 rooms in 123 countries and territories. Dedicated to fulfilling our mission to be the 2022 Form 10-K (Item 1. Business)
world’s most hospitable company, Hilton has welcomed more than 3 billion guests in its 100-year history.
Additional information on our
supply chain and responsible sourcing
Performance Tables Our premier brand portfolio includes: our luxury and lifestyle hotel brands, Waldorf Astoria Hotels & efforts can be found in our 2022 ESG
Resorts, LXR Hotels & Resorts, Conrad Hotels & Resorts, Canopy by Hilton, Tempo by Hilton, and Motto Report (Hilton at a Glance, p. 4;
by Hilton; our full service hotel brands, Signia by Hilton, Hilton Hotels & Resorts, Curio Collection by Hilton, Responsible Sourcing, p. 41–44), our
SASB DoubleTree by Hilton, Tapestry Collection by Hilton, and Embassy Suites by Hilton; our focused service Responsible Sourcing Policy and
Hilton’s Slavery and Trafficking
hotel brands, Hilton Garden Inn, Hampton by Hilton, Tru by Hilton, Homewood Suites by Hilton and
Statement 2021.
Home2 Suites by Hilton; our new premium economy brand, Spark by Hilton, launched in January 2023;
and our timeshare brand, Hilton Grand Vacations.
In 2022, Hilton was named to the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (“DJSI”) for the sixth consecutive year,
receiving the distinction of Top 5% S&P Global ESG Score, reflecting Hilton’s continuous investment in
Certification to ISO building a leading ESG strategy.
What we buy, source, use and serve every day are essential components of the exceptional experience
DEKRA Assurance that we aim to deliver to every hotel, every guest, every time. As such, Hilton manages a large global supply
Statement chain containing key components, which include food and beverage, information technology, furniture,
fixtures, equipment, and operating suppliers (such as linens and apparel).
There have been no significant changes to our organization or our supply chain during the reporting
period. Additional information on our supply chain and responsible sourcing efforts can be found in our
2022 ESG Report (Hilton at a Glance, p. 4; Responsible Sourcing, p. 41–44), our Responsible Sourcing Policy
and Hilton’s Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2021.
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GRI Standard Title Disclosure Disclosure Response Source
Number Name
GRI 2: 2-7 Employees As of December 31, 2022, we employ approximately 159,000 individuals. Our global workforce, only 2022 ESG Report (Building a diverse,
GENERAL including people working at our managed and leased properties and corporate locations, was 43 percent equitable and inclusive workplace,
p. 36)
DISCLOSURES women. Globally, corporate leadership was 40 percent women and hotel leadership was 25 percent
2022 women. As of December 31, 2022, in the U.S., our workforce was 72 percent ethnically diverse, with U.S. 2022 Annual Report
corporate leadership being 19 percent ethnically diverse and U.S. hotel leadership being 23 percent 2022 Form 10-K (Item 1. Business—
CONTINUED ethnically diverse. As of December 31, 2022, our board of directors, excluding management directors, “Overview”)
CONTENTS was 50 percent women and 25 percent ethnically diverse. Hilton Diversity & Inclusion Website
Form 10-K (pg. 16)
We disclose detailed information about our employees and other workers in the following:
INTRO 2022 ESG Report (Building a diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace, p. 36)
2022 Annual Report
2022 Form 10-K (Item 1. Business—“Overview”)
TRAVEL WITH Hilton Diversity & Inclusion Website
2-8 Workers who are not 259,000 people were employed by third-party owners and franchisees to work on-property at the 2022 Form 10-K (p. 16)
employees independently owned and operated franchise properties in the Hilton portfolio. They, together with our
GOAL TRACKER employees, make up our 2022 Hilton Team Members worldwide.
2-9 Governance structure Our ESG efforts are supported by a robust governance structure, designed to ensure our ESG objectives Hilton Board of Directors
ENVIRONMENTAL and composition are an important part of our business priorities as we work towards our 2030 Goals. Hilton’s General Counsel 2022 ESG Report (Governance, p. 46–47)
& Chief ESG Officer oversees the ESG department, which is responsible for the company’s sustainability Committee Composition
strategy, including Hilton's strategy for addressing climate change. The General Counsel & Chief ESG
Nominating and ESG Committee
SOCIAL IMPACT Officer reports directly to Hilton's President and CEO, who is the only company executive on Hilton’s Charter
Board of Directors. Our board receives periodic updates from our CEO and our General Counsel & Chief
ESG Officer on the company’s ESG strategy and initiatives. Quarterly reports on progress towards the 2030
GOVERNANCE Goals are provided to the Executive Committee, including our CEO. These reports outline Hilton’s progress
towards our Travel with Purpose 2030 Goals, including our science-based targets. The Nominating & ESG
Committee, one of the three standing committees of Hilton's Board of Directors, reviews and assesses our
APPENDIX ESG strategy and makes recommendations to the board and management as appropriate. The board also
receives annual updates on progress towards our 2030 Goals. Significant ESG risks, including risks related to
climate change, natural disasters, supply chain disruption, health and safety, and ethics, fraud and corruption
are integrated in Hilton’s Enterprise Risk Management program as part of Hilton’s annual Enterprise Risk
assessment process. The results of this process are reviewed by our Executive Committee and our
Performance Tables board of directors, including the Audit Committee, to inform enterprise-wide strategic planning.
Composition of the highest governance body and its committees can be found can be found here:
Hilton Board of Directors.
2-10 Nomination and See our Nominating and ESG Committee Charter Committee Composition
selection of the highest
Nominating and ESG Committee
GRI governance body
2-11 Chair of the highest Our board of directors is chaired by Jonathan Gray, a non-executive. Mr. Gray has served as a director of Hilton Board of Directors
governance body Hilton since 2007. Additional information on Mr. Gray’s background and qualifications can be found on
Certification to ISO our board of directors webpage.
2-12 Role of the highest Significant ESG risks, including risks related to climate change, environmental impact, social impact, Nominating and ESG Committee
DEKRA Assurance governance body in health and safety, human rights and ethics, fraud and corruption, are integrated in Hilton’s Enterprise Risk Charter
Statement overseeing the
Management program as part of Hilton’s annual Enterprise Risk assessment process. The results 2022 ESG Report (Governance, p. 46–47)
management of
impacts of this process are reviewed by our Executive Committee and our board of directors, including the
Audit Committee and the Nominating and ESG Committee, to inform enterprise-wide strategic planning.
The Nominating and ESG Committee is the highest governance body in setting purpose, values and
strategy (see Nominating and ESG Committee Charter).
Our board receives periodic updates from management on Travel with Purpose initiatives. Quarterly reports
on progress towards the 2030 Goals are provided to the Executive Committee, including our CEO.
We also engage with stakeholders on an ongoing basis to continuously refine and enhance our strategy, to
ensure we are aligning our programs with the issues that matter the most to our business and stakeholders.
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GRI Standard Title Disclosure Disclosure Response Source
Number Name
GRI 2: 2-13 Delegation of The board of directors’ Nominating and ESG Committee is responsible for periodically reviewing and 2022 ESG Report (Governance, p. 46–47)
GENERAL responsibility for assessing the company’s ESG strategy, practices and policies, including its impact on environmental and Nominating and ESG Committee
managing impacts
DISCLOSURES human rights issues, animal welfare, responsible sourcing and stakeholder engagement. The Committee’s Charter
2022 role, responsibility and authority delegated to it by the board are set out in its Committee Charter, and
are reviewed and approved annually by the board.
CONTENTS Our board receives periodic updates from management on Travel with Purpose initiatives. Quarterly
reports on progress towards the 2030 Goals are provided to the Executive Committee, including our CEO.
Hilton’s General Counsel & Chief ESG Officer oversees Hilton’s ESG strategy and reporting efforts, is a
INTRO member of the Executive Committee and reports directly to the CEO. Our Executive Committee approves
major ESG programs and monitors progress towards 2030 Goals, while our CEO is accountable for major
ESG-related issues and decisions.
PURPOSE 2-14 Role of the highest All publicly reported information is reviewed by our SVP and Executive Vice President, General Counsel Nominating and ESG Committee
governance body in & Chief ESG Officer. Hilton’s General Counsel & Chief ESG Officer oversees the ESG department, which Charter
sustainability reporting
is responsible for the company's sustainability strategy, including Hilton’s strategy for addressing climate 2022 ESG Report (Governance, p. 47)
change. The General Counsel & Chief ESG Officer reports directly to Hilton’s President and CEO, who is
the only company executive on Hilton’s Board of Directors. Our board receives periodic updates from
our CEO and our General Counsel & Chief ESG Officer on the company’s ESG strategy and initiatives.
IMPACT These reports outline Hilton’s progress towards our Travel with Purpose 2030 Goals, including our
science-based targets.
SOCIAL IMPACT 2-15 Conflicts of interest See the Nominating and ESG Committee Charter “Conflicts of Interest.” Nominating and ESG Committee
Hilton Code of Conduct
GOVERNANCE Corporate Governance Guidelines 2021
2-16 Communication of Only by speaking up when we suspect potential violations of law or policy can Hilton address issues Ethical Business Conduct at Hilton
APPENDIX critical concerns before they potentially become bigger problems. We have a confidential hotline run by a third party
which provides colleagues with a channel to share any ethical concerns they may have. Colleagues are
made aware of this through regular internal communications, training, and through a dedicated
website (www.HiltonHotline.com).
Performance Tables 2-18 Evaluation of the The board conducts annual self-evaluations to determine whether it and its committees are functioning Corporate Governance Guidelines
performance of the effectively as required by applicable law and the rules of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The board also “Evaluation of Board Performance”
highest governance
periodically considers the mix of skills and experience that directors bring to the board to assess whether the
SASB board has the necessary tools to perform its oversight function effectively. Each committee conducts an
annual self-evaluation that compares the performance of the committee with the requirements of its written
charter, and the committees report the results of these assessments to the board.
2-19 Remuneration policies The compensation practices and policies related to the board are detailed in the Corporate Governance Corporate Governance Guidelines
Guidelines “Board Compensation.” Our policy for Executive Officers and Directors’ remuneration is set Compensation Committee Charter
out in the Compensation Committee Charter. It is reviewed annually to ensure it remains aligned with
Certification to ISO strategic objectives.
2-20 Process to determine Our policy for Executive Officers and Directors’ remuneration is set out in the Compensation Committee Compensation Committee Charter
DEKRA Assurance remuneration Charter. It is reviewed annually to ensure it remains aligned with strategic objectives. Remuneration for 2022 Proxy Statement
Statement some of our hotel leaders is tied to their contributions to Hilton’s ESG Strategy.
The results of votes of stakeholders (including shareholders) on remuneration policies and proposals can
be found in our Proxy Statement.
GRI Standard Title Disclosure Disclosure Response Source
Number Name
GRI 2: 2-21 Annual total See Proxy Statement (p. 50) 2022 Proxy Statement
GENERAL compensation ratio
2-22 Statement on sustainable See executive statement in our ESG Report. 2022 ESG Report (p. 3)
development strategy
CONTINUED 2-23 Policy commitments In 2018, we established our 2030 Goals to enhance our social impact and significantly reduce our About Hilton
environmental footprint by 2030 at the hotels that we manage, including our owned and leased hotels. Our Hilton Code of Conduct
2030 Goals, which align with the global Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”) adopted by the United Hilton ESG Policy Statement
Nations in 2015, are guided by our evaluation of the social and environmental issues that are critical to our
INTRO Hilton Responsible Sourcing Policy
business and our long-term success. In 2022, we reevaluated our environmental impact 2030 Goals and
set more ambitious targets. Hilton was the first major hospitality company to set science-based targets Hilton Human Rights Principles
TRAVEL WITH that were approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (“SBTi”) and the first major hotel brand to Slavery and Human Trafficking
PURPOSE obtain revalidation by SBTi. In June 2022, SBTi verified our near-term targets (1.5°C by 2030), which are in Statement 2021
alignment with our updated environmental 2030 Goals to cut emissions intensity of our managed hotel
portfolio by 75 percent and of our franchised hotel portfolio by 56 percent, with 2008 as our baseline. We
GOAL TRACKER continue to work toward our 2030 Goal of reducing water and waste intensity at the hotels we operate,
including those that are owned, leased and managed, by 50 percent, with 2008 as our baseline.
ENVIRONMENTAL Additional information on our management approach, programs, targets and performance can be found
IMPACT throughout our 2022 ESG Report and in our Environmental Policy Statement. Our values, principles,
norms and behaviors can be found throughout the following documents:
2-25 Processes to remediate Protecting human rights is part of our commitment to promote responsible, inclusive conduct across 2022 ESG Report (p. 42)
Performance Tables negative impacts 100% of our value chain operations. When we become aware of a human rights impact, we immediately
dedicate resources to addressing and remediating that impact. Among other things, Hilton may provide
training about existing grievance mechanisms, address the root causes of the issue, and remediate
SASB individual cases.
2-26 Mechanisms for Hilton’s policies and practices for responsible business conduct and information on how they are Hilton Code of Conduct
seeking advice and implemented can be found here: Hilton Ethics Point Hotline
GRI raising concerns
2022 ESG Report (p. 49)
Hilton Code of Conduct
Hilton Ethics Point Hotline Hilton Stakeholder Engagement
Policy Statement
Certification to ISO 2022 ESG Report
Hilton Stakeholder Engagement Policy Statement
DEKRA Assurance 2-27 Compliance with laws See Legal Proceedings in 2022 Form 10-K. 2022 Form 10-K (Legal Proceedings,
and regulations p. 42)
2-28 Membership Our partnerships with key trade associations, business coalitions and NGOs help us to amplify our impact 2022 ESG Report (p. 47)
associations and make collective progress on our shared goals. A list of our partners is provided in our ESG Report.
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GRI Standard Title Disclosure Disclosure Response Source
Number Name
GRI 2: 2-29 Approach to We engage with a broad range of internal and external stakeholders on an ongoing basis, including our Hilton Hilton Stakeholder Engagement
GENERAL stakeholder Team Members, franchise employees, guests, policymakers, NGOs and international organizations, investors, Policy Statement
DISCLOSURES owners and suppliers. We engage with stakeholders that can help inform and enhance our business and ESG 2022 ESG Report (Stakeholder
2022 strategy. From developing hotel concepts and products in partnership with owners and guests, to evolving our Engagement, p. 11)
internal programs to engage Hilton Team Members and build a common culture with franchise employees, to Toward 2030
CONTINUED working with governments on policy reforms, to exchanging ideas with conservation organizations on a variety
CONTENTS of products in our supply chain, we view stakeholder engagement as an enabler of continuous improvement,
innovation and reputation management.
INTRO Please see Hilton Stakeholder Engagement Policy Statement and Toward 2030 for more information.
2-30 Collective bargaining As of December 31, 2022, approximately 30 percent of our employees worldwide and 40 percent of our 2022 Form 10-K (Item 1. Business—
TRAVEL WITH agreements employees in the U.S. were covered by various collective bargaining agreements generally addressing pay “Employees”, p. 18)
rates, working hours, other terms and conditions of employment, certain employee benefits and orderly Hilton Stakeholder Engagement
settlement of labor disputes. Policy Statement
GRI 3: 3-1 Process to determine In 2020, Hilton undertook a robust evaluation to assess the ESG topics most material to the company. Hilton 2020 Materiality Assessment
MATERIAL material topics Through this evaluation, more than 200 relevant ESG topics were identified, examined, and then
TOPICS consolidated into a list of 17 material ESG Aspects aligned to industry guidance and sector trends.
2022 To assess the materiality of the 17 Aspects, Hilton engaged nearly 1,500 internal (e.g., Hilton leadership,
SOCIAL IMPACT team members) and external (e.g., NGOs, guests, owners and developers, suppliers, and investors)
stakeholders through interviews and surveys.
3-2 List of material topics In the materiality assessment, Hilton asked internal and external stakeholders to rate the perceived Hilton 2020 Materiality Assessment
importance of the identified 17 ESG Aspects, and their perception of ESG aspects that are likely to (p. 6–7)
grow in importance over the next three to five years. 2022 ESG Report (p. 6–8)
The results of the stakeholders’ feedback were then mapped onto a Materiality Matrix and Stakeholder
Priority Map. Results were presented to and reviewed by Hilton’s executive leadership, including our
Performance Tables CEO and the board of directors’ Nominating & ESG Committee.
3-3 Management of We disclose our approach towards each of the 17 ESG Aspects and progress in our ESG Report. 2022 ESG Report
material topics
SASB Community engagement and empowerment — p. 15
Climate action — p. 22-23
Biodiversity and destination stewardship — p. 24
GRI Energy conservation — p. 25–27
Water stewardship — p. 28
Waste management and circular economy — p. 29–30
Certification to ISO Economic impact on communities — p. 32; 40
Employee development and wellbeing — p. 33–35
Diversity, equity & inclusion — p. 36–39
DEKRA Assurance Disaster preparedness and response — p. 40
Statement Employee and guest health, safety and security — p. 42; 51
Human rights — p. 42
Engagement with suppliers — p. 41; 43
Healthy, safe and sustainable food — p. 43
Responsible sourcing of goods and services — p. 43
Ethical business practices and regulation compliance — p. 49–51
Policy engagement and advocacy — p. 49
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Material Aspects Disclosure Disclosure Response Source
Number Name
ECONOMIC ECONOMIC 201 Management disclosure Hilton’s impact on the economy through its business and relationships with 2022 Form 10-K (Item 1. Business)
IMPACTS approach various entities including third-party owners and other strategic partners such
as management companies and suppliers is detailed in the 2022 Form 10-K.
201-1 Direct economic value The direct economic value generated by our business is detailed in our 2022 Form 10-K (Item 1. Business)
generated and distributed 2022 Form 10-K (Item 1. Business —“Overview”). 2022 ESG Report (Hilton at a Glance,
As an example, Hilton’s global procurement and supply chain arm, Hilton
Supply Management (HSM), works with more than 85,000 Tier 1 suppliers
INTRO to source over 482,000 products for hotels around the world, servicing over
14,000 properties, including more than 6,600 non-Hilton-branded hotels.
TRAVEL WITH 201-2 Financial implications and As an operator and franchisor of hotel properties in 123 countries and 2022 Form 10-K (Risks Related to
PURPOSE other risks and opportunities territories, Hilton is subject to the physical effects of climate change, Operating Our Business, p. 34)
for the organization’s activities
due to climate change
including sea level rise, droughts and intensified storms and other weather
events. Damage to hotels resulting from the physical effects of climate
change could lower demand for travel to certain locales and affect the
performance of certain hotels, which could in turn have a negative impact
on our results of operations.
201-3 Defined benefit plan obligations Hilton’s benefit plan obligations and other share-based compensation 2022 Form 10-K (Note 13. Employee
and other retirement plans expenses are detailed in the 2022 Form 10-K (Note 13. Employee Benefit Plans, Benefit Plans, p. 96–100)
INDIRECT 203 Management disclosure We have enhanced our existing Travel with Purpose social goals to further 2022 ESG Report (Social Impact, p. 32)
GOVERNANCE ECONOMIC approach commit to the areas where we can have the greatest impact, including
IMPACTS supporting career opportunities, community impact, and responsible,
inclusive conduct across our business. Please view our 2022 ESG Report
APPENDIX (Social Impact p. 32) for further detail.
203-1 Infrastructure investments Through our Hilton Global Foundation and strategic partnerships with local 2022 ESG Report (Disaster Relief, p. 40)
and services supported organizations, we provide disaster relief and help rebuild infrastructure for 2022 Assurance Statement
communities to become more resilient. Please view our 2022 ESG Report
Performance Tables (Disaster Relief p. 40) for further detail.
PROCUREMENT 204 Management disclosure In addition to collaboration across our industry and within the business 2022 ESG Report (p. 41)
PRACTICES approach community, we are focused on achieving change by leveraging the scale of
our supply chain. We remain committed to embedding ESG due diligence
across our supply chain and partnering with suppliers to advance positive
impact in our communities. Furthermore, we leverage our size and scale to
GRI expand local sourcing from small businesses and strengthen business with
diverse suppliers. Through our award-winning Supplier Diversity Program,
we engage women, minority, veteran, disabled and LGTBQ–owned businesses
Certification to ISO in sourcing opportunities across the company in all categories.
204-1 Proportion of spending on One of Hilton’s Travel with Purpose 2030 Goals is to leverage our large global 2022 ESG Report (p. 19, 41)
DEKRA Assurance local suppliers footprint and deep integration within our communities to expand local
Statement sourcing and business with diverse and small suppliers. Our hotels continue
to advance local sourcing in their communities, with 50% of our brands having
a local sourcing brand standard in place.
Material Aspects Disclosure Disclosure Response Source
Number Name
ECONOMIC ANTI 205 Management approach Bribery and corruption are explicitly prohibited in our Code of Conduct, with Hilton Code of Conduct
CORRUPTION disclosure oversight from our Group Finance and Risk Management functions. Internal
CONTINUED Audits are also conducted at the Group’s hotels and corporate offices in
Asia Pacific, Europe and the Middle East. In the United States, these audits are
conducted by an independent third-party auditor. Additionally, we conduct
background checks on all prospective partners. We maintain a whistleblower
CONTENTS policy and procedure to encourage the reporting of any inappropriate
activity. Any failures to comply with the Code of Conduct are investigated and
disciplinary action is taken as appropriate, up to and including termination.
INTRO All General Managers and senior colleagues are expected to actively support
anti-corruption policies at individual hotels and properties. Certifications of
compliance with the Code of Conduct are obtained from all hotels annually,
with a mid-year update. Please see Hilton Code of Conduct for more
ENVIRONMENTAL ENERGY 302 Management approach We are committed to effective energy management and work with our 2022 ESG Report (p. 23, 25–27)
disclosure value chain partners to realize long-term energy reductions and sustainable Hilton Energy Stewardship Policy
energy procurement. Statement
302-3 Energy intensity In 2022, our energy use intensity was 0.2414 megawatt hours per square meter, 2022 ESG Report (p. 53)
SASB representing an annual increase of 0.8% per square meter across the Hilton 2022 Assurance Statement
global portfolio of owned, managed and franchised hotels.
Please view our 2022 ESG Report (Performance Table, p. 53) for further detail.
Our 2022 energy data has been externally assured, as noted in our 2022
Assurance Statement.
Certification to ISO
302-4 Reduction of energy Across our global operations (owned, managed and franchised hotels), Hilton 2022 Form 10-K (Item 1. Business, p. 14)
consumption has reduced total energy use intensity by 37% since 2008. 2022 CDP Climate Change
DEKRA Assurance
For our managed portfolio only, we have reduced total energy use intensity 2022 ESG Report (p. 25, 27)
by 35.7% since 2008. Reductions in energy have been achieved as a result
of ongoing energy conservation activities, efficiency projects, and
implementation of innovative energy saving technologies. Refer to our
2022 ESG Report (p. 25, 27) for further detail on our energy performance
and energy reduction activities.
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Material Aspects Disclosure Disclosure Response Source
Number Name
ENVIRONMENTAL WATER & 303 Management approach As one of the largest hospitality companies in the world, we recognize that 2022 ESG Report (p. 8, 18, 28)
EFFLUENTS disclosure we have a significant water footprint and are committed to demonstrating 2022 CDP Climate Change
CONTINUED water stewardship by reducing our water consumption by 50% by 2030 in our Questionnaire
managed operations (2008 baseline), and mapping global water risks, with Hilton Environmental Policy Statement
particular emphasis on identifying and implementing innovative solutions
in high water risk locations
We outline actions taken to mitigate our water footprint in the 2022 ESG
Report. Please view our 2022 ESG Report (p. 8, 18, 28) for further detail.
303-3 Water withdrawal In 2022, our total water withdrawal was 155,848.88 megaliters (156 million 2022 ESG Report (p.28, 54)
cubic meters). Our water consumption intensity was 472.05 liters per square 2022 Assurance Statement
TRAVEL WITH meter, representing an annual increase of 8.2% per square meter across the
PURPOSE Hilton global portfolio of owned, managed and franchised hotels.
Across our global operations (owned, managed and franchised hotels), Hilton
GOAL TRACKER has reduced total water use intensity by 38.1% since 2008. For our managed
portfolio only, we have reduced total water use intensity by 33.4% since 2008.
ENVIRONMENTAL Please view our 2022 ESG Report (Water, p. 28 and Performance Table, p. 54)
for further detail. Our 2022 water data has been externally assured, as noted
in our 2022 Assurance Statement.
EMISSIONS 305 Management approach We are committed to leading the hospitality industry toward a net-zero future 2022 ESG Report (p. 22–27)
disclosure and reducing our greenhouse gas emissions in line with climate science. In 2022 CDP Climate Change
2022 we strengthened and validated our emissions intensity reduction goals Questionnaire
with SBTi, and are committed to cutting emissions by 75% in our managed Hilton Environmental Policy Statement
portfolio, and 56% in our franchised portfolio by 2030. Hilton Energy Stewardship Policy
APPENDIX Statement
We outline actions taken to mitigate our carbon footprint in the 2022 ESG Report.
305-1 Direct (Scope 1) In 2022, our Scope 1 emissions were 0.45 million metric tons of CO2e. 2022 ESG Report (p. 53)
GHG emissions
2022 Assurance Statement
Please view our 2022 ESG Report (Performance Table, p. 53) for further detail.
Performance Tables
Our 2022 Scope 1 emissions data has been externally assured, as noted in our
2022 Assurance Statement.
SASB 305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) In 2022, our Scope 2 location-based emissions were 1.92 million metrics tons of 2022 ESG Report (p. 53)
GHG emissions CO2e. Our Scope 2 market-based emissions were 1.90 million metrics tons of CO2e. 2022 Assurance Statement
GRI Please view our 2022 ESG Report ( Performance Table, p. 53) for further detail.
Our 2022 Scope 2 emissions data has been externally assured, as noted in our
2022 Assurance Statement.
Certification to ISO 305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3) Per our Operational Control boundary, on-site emissions at properties owned 2022 ESG Report (p. 53)
GHG emissions and operated by franchisees are reported as Scope 3 emissions. In 2022, Hilton’s 2022 Assurance Statement
Scope 3 emissions from franchisees were 4.02 million metric tons CO2e. The
DEKRA Assurance total includes emissions from on-site fuels combustion (0.89 million metric tons
Statement CO2e) and indirect emissions from the generation of electricity, heat or steam
purchased from a utility provider (3.20 million metric tons CO2e). In addition,
in 2022, we generated Scope 3 emissions of 17,095 metric tons CO2e from
employee business and air travel, and 86,883 metric tons CO2e from the disposal
of waste associated with our operations.
Please view our 2022 ESG Report (Performance Table, p. 53) for further detail.
Our 2022 Scope 3 emissions data has been externally assured, as noted in our
2022 Assurance Statement.
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Material Aspects Disclosure Disclosure Response Source
Number Name
ENVIRONMENTAL EMISSIONS 305-4 GHG emissions intensity In 2022, our total Scope 1 and 2 location-based emissions intensity was 0.084 2022 ESG Report (p. 23, 27, 53)
metric tonnes per square meter, which represents a 5% increase over prior year. 2022 Assurance Statement
CONTINUED CONTINUED Our total 2022 market-based Scope 1 and 2 emissions intensity was 0.083 metric
tonnes per square meter, representing a 5% increase over prior year.
Please view our 2022 ESG Report (p. 23, 27, and Performance Table, p. 53) for
CONTENTS further detail. Our 2022 Scope 1 and 2 emissions data has been externally
assured, as noted in our 2022 Assurance Statement.
INTRO 305-5 Reduction of 2022 Form 10-K (Item 1. Environmental Impact) 2022 Form 10-K (Item 1. Environmental
GHG emissions Impact)
TRAVEL WITH EFFLUENTS AND 306 Management approach We are committed to reduce our waste production, increase our diversion 2022 ESG Report (p. 29–30,
WASTE disclosure from landfill, responsibly handle, store and dispose of all hazardous waste, Performance Table, p. 54)
and reduce food, plastics and packaging waste. Hilton Environmental Policy
GOAL TRACKER We outline actions and initiatives taken to reduce our waste footprint and
promote a circular economy in the 2022 ESG Report.
ENVIRONMENTAL 306-2 Management of significant We recognize that waste reduction, recycling, and food upcycling and 2022 ESG Report (p. 29–30)
IMPACT waste related impacts donation are all critical components of creating a more environmentally
friendly hospitality industry. Our waste reduction strategy focuses on supply
chain evaluation and sustainable sourcing initiatives, while taking steps to
SOCIAL IMPACT divert remaining waste from landfill through donation, recycling, composting
and waste-to-energy incineration.
GOVERNANCE We outline various initiatives taken in 2022 such as food waste management,
soap recycling, and reducing single use plastics in our 2022 ESG Report. See
2022 ESG Report (p. 29–30)
306-3 Waste generated In 2022, total weight of waste generated was 414,792 metric tons, and a 2022 ESG Report (p.54)
breakdown of this total by composition was 342,131 metric tons of landfill waste 2022 Assurance Statement
and 72,661 metric tons of diverted waste across our global portfolio of owned,
managed and franchised properties.
Performance Tables
Please view our 2022 ESG Report (Performance Table, p. 54) for further detail.
Our 2022 waste data has been externally assured, as noted in our
SASB 2022 Assurance Statement.
306-4 Waste diverted Our 2022 landfill diversion rate for our global operations was 17.5%, while the 2022 ESG Report (p. 29,
from disposal managed portfolio achieved a diversion rate of 35.7% in 2022. Our diversion Performance Table, p. 54)
rate accounts for ongoing waste streams that are recycled, composted, 2022 Assurance Statement
incinerated for waste-to-energy, or otherwise diverted from landfill.
Certification to ISO 306-5 Waste directed In 2022, our landfilled waste was 342,130.66 metric tons. Our landfilled waste
to disposal intensity was 0.0041 metric tons per square meter, representing an annual
increase of 11.56% per square meter across the Hilton global portfolio of
DEKRA Assurance owned, managed and franchised hotels. Across our global operations, Hilton
Statement has reduced landfilled waste intensity by 57.6% since 2008.
ENVIRONMENTAL 307 Management approach Our management approach to environmental compliance is outlined in the Hilton Environmental Policy
COMPLIANCE disclosure Hilton Environmental Policy Statement. Statement
307-1 Non-compliance with In 2022, Hilton did not identify any known instances of non-compliance with
environmental laws environmental laws and/or regulations.
and regulations
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Material Aspects Disclosure Disclosure Response Source
Number Name
ENVIRONMENTAL SUPPLIER 308 Management approach The Hilton Supply Management Responsible Sourcing & Sustainability 2022 ESG Report (Advancing
ENVIRONMENTAL disclosure team engages procurement and business leaders to assess and mitigate Responsible Supply Chain, p. 19, 43)
CONTINUED ASSESSMENT sustainability risks in our supply chain. The team oversees the development Hilton Responsible Sourcing Policy
of our comprehensive responsible sourcing strategy and guides global Hilton Environmental Policy
decisions related to implementation. All suppliers are required to observe and Statement
abide by Hilton’s Responsible Sourcing Policy, which is included in all supplier
CONTENTS contracts. We continue to advance our partnership with EcoVadis to assess
our critical suppliers’ sustainability risk and performance. We have begun to
implement the requirement of existing and new critical suppliers to complete
INTRO EcoVadis assessment if they have not already done so. EcoVadis assesses a
supplier across the four themes of environment, labor & human rights, ethics,
and sustainable procurement.
We have conducted a thorough analysis of our most material sourcing
categories: seafood, meat and proteins, produce, and apparel and linens.
A dedicated role and a cross-functional advisory group now helps to drive
responsible sourcing across these categories. This group oversees the
development of our comprehensive responsible sourcing strategy and
ENVIRONMENTAL guides global decisions related to implementation. We continued to make
IMPACT incremental progress towards our goal of strengthening responsibly sourced
products across our owned, managed and leased properties, including our
goal to increase sustainable seafood sourcing from Marine Stewardship
SOCIAL IMPACT Council (MSC) fisheries and Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) farms.
308-1 New suppliers that 110 new suppliers were screened using EcoVadis environmental criteria 2022 ESG Report (p. 43)
GOVERNANCE were screened using in 2022.
environmental criteria
SOCIAL EMPLOYMENT 401 Management approach At Hilton, we are committed to creating a work environment that is diverse, 2022 ESG Report (p. 32–39)
APPENDIX disclosure equitable and inclusive. We prioritize employee wellbeing through a variety Hilton Great Places to Work Profile
of programs such as the Care for All initiative. We seek to provide pathways Hilton Careers Website
for career readiness and continued learning and development to our
Corporate Awards
Team Members and work with partners to extend these opportunities to
local communities and future Team Members. Hilton Diversity & Inclusion Website
Performance Tables
Hilton Slavery and Trafficking
Statement 2021
SASB 401-2 Benefits provided to We support the wellbeing and performance of Team Members with industry- Hilton Careers Website (Benefits Page)
full-time employees leading rewards, recognition and support via a variety of programs including
best-in-class PTO, health and welfare benefit plans, retirement savings
GRI program, employee stock purchase plan, debt-free education and others.
OCCUPATIONAL 403 Management approach Our commitment to a safe and healthy work environment is codified in our Hilton Code of Conduct
HEALTH & SAFETY disclosure Code of Conduct, in which we emphasize that safety requires a commitment 2022 ESG Report (p. 42, 51)
Certification to ISO
from everyone, and each employee is responsible for (1) complying with
all applicable safety and health laws and guidelines and (2) identifying and
DEKRA Assurance responding to health and safety hazards and security concerns. See
Statement Hilton’s Code of Conduct
Material Aspects Disclosure Disclosure Response Source
Number Name
SOCIAL TRAINING AND 404 Management approach We offer a variety of robust training and education programs ranging from 2022 ESG Report (p. 34)
EDUCATION disclosure upskilling, reskilling and leadership training, to offer a work environment
CONTINUED that fosters growth and career progression.
404-1 Average hours of training Hilton employees complete an average of 40 hours of training per year.
per year per employee
404-2 Programs for upgrading Through Hilton University, our online learning platform, all Team Members 2022 ESG Report (p. 34)
employee skills and transition have access to over 25,000 courses, providing the ability to explore new
INTRO assistance programs
skills or expand their expertise. We know that leadership skills are important
at every stage of someone’s career. That is why all Team Members also
have access to leadership development curriculums through our Lead@Hilton
PURPOSE platform that includes on-demand, self-paced content.
Our goal is to continuously upskill, reskill and multi-skill each Team Member,
GOAL TRACKER always seeking to set them up for development and growth within our
company. We do this through our robust Job Skills training platform—a
consistent, one-stop location for our Team Members to locate digital training
ENVIRONMENTAL checklists, and mobile-enabled resources. In May 2022, we proudly became
IMPACT the first in our industry to partner with Guild Education to provide U.S.-based
Team Members with debt-free, continuing education opportunities.
SOCIAL IMPACT From the spring of 2022, Team Members have had access to a wide variety
of educational credentials from leading universities and learning providers
including high school completion, English language learning, college degrees,
GOVERNANCE professional certifications, and more.
404-3 Percentage of employees Hilton Team Members are evaluated through our Performance Management
APPENDIX receiving regular performance Review process; this includes the setting of objectives, goals and concerns
and career development reviews
and allowing regular feedback and coaching.
DIVERSITY 405 Management approach To achieve our vision of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I), we have set 2022 ESG Report (Diversity &
& EQUAL disclosure ambitious commitments, built accountability mechanisms into our business, Inclusion, p. 36–37)
Performance Tables OPPORTUNITY established strong partnerships, and developed targeted training, hiring and Hilton Diversity & Inclusion Website
work culture development programs to cultivate talent from all backgrounds. Hilton Great Places to Work Profile
SASB We outline actions and initiatives taken to promote our vision of DE&I in
the 2022 ESG Report. See ESG Report (Diversity & Inclusion, p. 36-37), Hilton
Diversity & Inclusion website and Hilton Great Places to Work profile.
GRI 405-1 Diversity of governance As of December 31, 2022, our global workforce, only including people working Hilton Diversity & Inclusion Website
bodies and employees at our managed and leased properties and corporate locations, was 43 percent 2022 ESG Report (Diversity &
women. Globally, corporate leadership was 40 percent women and hotel Inclusion, p. 36–37)
Certification to ISO leadership was 25 percent women. As of December 31, 2022, in the U.S., our 2022 Form 10-K (p. 16)
workforce was 72 percent ethnically diverse, with U.S. corporate leadership being
19 percent ethnically diverse and U.S. hotel leadership being 23 percent ethnically
DEKRA Assurance diverse. As of December 31, 2022, our board of directors, excluding management
Statement directors, was 50 percent women and 25 percent ethnically diverse.
HUMAN RIGHTS 412 Management approach Our approach to manage human rights is outlined in the Hilton Human Rights Hilton Human Rights Principles
ASSESSMENT disclosure Principles, and the Hilton Slavery and Trafficking Statement. Hilton Slavery and Trafficking
Statement 2021
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Material Aspects Disclosure Disclosure Response Source
Number Name
SOCIAL HUMAN RIGHTS 412-2 Employee training on human At Hilton, we are committed to ensuring we train and equip team members 2022 ESG Report (p. 19, 37, 42)
rights policies or procedures to prevent human trafficking. We provide training on this topic through Hilton Slavery and Trafficking
CONTINUED courses with specific audiences and purposes identified. The courses cover Statement 2021
CONTINUED Preventing Human Trafficking and Recognizing the Signs, and Key Risks of
Modern Slavery in Labor Sourcing.
CONTENTS Total number of training hours for human trafficking in 2022: 73,500 hours
Additional details can be found in our 2022 ESG Report (p. 19, 37, 42) and
TRAVEL WITH Hilton Slavery and Trafficking Statement 2021
GOAL TRACKER LOCAL 413 Management approach The Hilton Global Foundation (HGF) seeks to have a positive impact on the 2022 ESG Report (p. 15)
COMMUNITIES disclosure communities we serve, with the mission to create a better world to travel for
generations to come. HGF awards grants within four focus areas that align
ENVIRONMENTAL to our Travel with Purpose Environmental and Social goals:
• Climate Action
• Destination Stewardship
SOCIAL IMPACT • Career Development
• Community Resilience
GOVERNANCE 413-1 Operations with local Our social impact goals are applicable to our global portfolio, with social 2022 ESG Report (Social Impact,
community engagement, impact reporting requirements tracked through LightStay. p. 32–43)
impact assessments and
APPENDIX development programs
SUPPLIER 414 Management approach We continue to advance our partnership with EcoVadis to assess our 2022 ESG Report (p. 43)
SOCIAL disclosure suppliers’ sustainability risk and performance. In particular, we prioritize Hilton Responsible Sourcing Policy
ASSESSMENT evaluating our high-spend and high-risk suppliers, concentrating on their Statement
Performance Tables business practices related to environment, labor and human rights, and
ethics. We pay particular attention to high-risk areas such as the use of
recruitment agencies for manpower needs and the sourcing of goods in
high-risk industries such as textiles, produce, fish and meat.
All suppliers are required to observe and abide by Hilton’s Responsible
Sourcing Policy, which is included in all supplier contracts.
414-1 New suppliers that 110 new suppliers were screened using EcoVadis social criteria in 2022.
were screened using labor
practices criteria
Certification to ISO
CUSTOMER 418 Management approach Our management approach to customer privacy is outlined in the Hilton Global Privacy Statement 2022
PRIVACY disclosure Hilton Global Privacy Statement 2022 ESG Report (p. 49)
DEKRA Assurance
Statement 418-1 Substantiated complaints No known significant breaches occurred during the reporting period.
regarding breaches of
customer privacy and losses
of customer data
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Certification to ISO
The Environmental Management System and implementation of: The Energy Management System and implementation of: The Quality Management System and implementation of:
Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc. Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc. Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc.
INTRO Together with its affiliates and franchisees Together with its affiliates and franchisees Together with its affiliates and franchisees
With Central Functions At: With Central Functions At: With Central Functions At:
7930 Jones Branch Drive 7930 Jones Branch Drive 7930 Jones Branch Drive
McLean, VA 22102 McLean, VA 22102 McLean, VA 22102
United States United States United States
meets the requirements of the standard: meets the requirements of the standard: meets the requirements of the standard:
SOCIAL IMPACT Certification Structure: Multisite Certificate Expires: September 25, 2023 Certification Structure: Multisite
July 12, 2022
September 26, 2014
Certificate Expires:
September 25, 2023
Certificate Expires: September 25, 2023
Certificate Number: 141222.01 Certificate Issued: September 22, 2021
Certificate Number: 111222.01
Certificate Issued: September 22, 2021
GOVERNANCE Certificate Reissued: July 12, 2022ADDENDUM Page 1 of 1 Certificate Number: 161222.01 Certificate Reissued:
Certified Since:
July 12, 2022 ADDENDUM Page 1 of 1
September 26, 2011
Certified Since: September 26, 2011 ADDENDUM Page 1 of 1
The Environmental Management System and implementation of: The Quality Management System and implementation of:
The Energy Management System and implementation of:
Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc. Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc.
APPENDIX Together with its affiliates and franchisees Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc. Together with its affiliates and franchisees
Together with its affiliates and franchisees meets the requirements of the standard:
meets the requirements of the standard:
DEKRA Assurance
Reporting Scheme Various - Carbon Disclosure Project, DJSI
Geographical Scope of Assurance Worldwide
APPENDIX Assurance Scope CO2 , CH4 , N 20 emissions; Water Use; Energy Use; Waste Generation and Landfill Diversion; Year on Year Changes
Operational Boundaries Corporate facilities and Owned and Managed Hotels for Scope 1 and 2.
Intensity Intensity
2022 Total Intensity –Change –Change
INDICATOR –MT CO 2 e MT CO 2 e/m 2 From 2021 Indicator 2022 Total Intensity from 2021 Indicator 2022 total
Scope 1 Direct emissions 446,084 0.0157 4.24% Energy consumption (MWh) MWh MWh/m 2
% Disaster relief funds distributed to Hilton Team Members $362,031.77
through the Team Member Assistance Fund
Managed 6,800,671 0.2398 7.00%
Scope 2 Indirect emissions 1,922,844 0.0678 4.87% Volunteering (number of hours) 344,958
(Location-based) Franchised 13,127,543 0.2423 -2.23%
Grants awarded to community partners through the $2,316,000
CONTENTS Total 19,928,215 0.2414 0.75% Hilton Global Foundation
Scope 2 Indirect emissions 1,904,610 0.0672 4.82%
(Market-based) Water consumption Megaliters Liters/m2 % Team members supported by the Team Member Assistance Fund 1,423
INTRO Scope 1 + 2 emissions 2,368,928 0.0835 4.75% Managed 13,766 485 8.66% Mandatory Anti-Trafficking Training Managed – 98%
(Location-based) (% of General Managers attesting all hotel Team Members Franchises – 70%
Franchised 25,196 465 7.90%
Scope 1 + 2 emissions 2,350,694 0.0829 4.71% have completed)
TRAVEL WITH Total 38,962 472 8.16%
(Market-based) Supplier Diversity Program 2,438
PURPOSE Water withdrawals Megaliters Liters/m 2
% (number of women, minority, veteran and LGBTQ–owned businesses we
Scope 3 emissions from 4,020,579 0.0742 -5.50%
have supported)
Franchises Managed 55,065 1,942 8.66%
GOAL TRACKER Franchised 100,784 1,860 7.90% Refugees Impacted (cumulative since 2015) 78,588
Scope 3 emissions from 86,883 0.0031 15.43%
Landfilled Waste Total 155,849 1,888 8.16%
Scope 3 emissions from 17,095 — 124.47% Metric Tons MT/m 2
ENVIRONMENTAL Landfilled waste
IMPACT Business Travel
Managed 92,429 0.0033 15.43%
SASB GHG CLAIM EVALUATION • Energy consumed from all energy sources (electricity, gas, steam, The LightStay system supports the input of accurate data and
The data included in Tables 1 through 3 above (“Reported Data”) is managed chilled water, other). accommodates the needs of hotels globally through a variety of features:
at Hilton’s Corporate Headquarters in McLean, Virginia. For the purposes of • Water consumed from all sources, including municipal water supply
GRI this report, data listed in Tables 1-2 is considered environmental data, and the • Global conversions: LightStay enables hotels to enter data in a variety
and other sources.
data in Table 3 is considered social impact data. of consumption units, consistent with their utility bill, and provides the
• Waste disposal including landfilled and diverted waste streams flexibility to enter costs in local currency.
(recycled, organic, other).
Certification to ISO The environmental data is based on utility data input by over 7,000 managed • Property variables: LightStay automatically populates weather and
and franchised properties into LightStay, Hilton’s ESG platform. Launched • All applicable volunteering events and donations including food room occupancy on a monthly basis. Floor area and other key details
in 2009, LightStay was created to track sustainability performance across donations, bath amenities, linens, FF&E, etc.
DEKRA Assurance are included in the Property Profile, which all properties are required
Hilton’s global portfolio and to help drive adoption of best practices that
Statement • As a brand standard, all hotels must also set annual reduction goals to complete as a brand standard.
reduce environmental impacts. Hilton works closely with ei3, its technology and maintain active energy, water and waste improvement projects.
partner and system host, to continually improve the LightStay system
features for its hotels, owners, and management teams.
Hilton tracks and supports hotel compliance with the LightStay brand
standards globally through the use of LightStay compliance alerts,
As a global brand standard, all managed and franchised hotels must utilize monthly compliance reports, and direct communications with the
LightStay to provide their environmental and social impact data to Hilton. Regional Property Operations and Brand Performance teams.
The current brand standard requires that hotels input the following data
into LightStay on a monthly basis:
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• Greenhouse gas calculations: Hilton utilizes The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: RISK EVALUATION Social Impact Data. Properties report volunteer events and participation
A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (Revised Edition). Sufficiency, Appropriateness, and Material misstatement through LightStay. The summary report of the volunteer hours was
Historical emissions factors for electricity, natural gas and other energy reviewed. Numeric outliers were identified and the specific entries within
sources are stored in LightStay and used to calculate the hotel’s Scope 1, 2, The sufficiency of data and the appropriateness of both the automated LightStay were reviewed. No discrepancies were noted.
and 3 emissions. Location-based electricity CO2e emissions factors are LightStay and final corporate analysis were evaluated for sufficiency,
updated annually in LightStay for the current calendar, based on the most appropriateness, and risk of material misstatement based on Hilton provides Hilton Effect Grants through the Hilton Effect Foundation
recent and accurate source data available for the country or subregion. analysis methodology. to properties requesting funds for social or environmental projects. The
• Compliance Alerts: The LightStay system generates monthly alerts for amount transferred from Hilton in 2022 was confirmed by a representative
incomplete or out-of-range consumption values. Hotels have 60 days Sufficiency Risk. Due to the large percentage of reporting properties from the Hilton corporate accounting department.
to enter their utility bills or they will receive an alert message in LightStay. (7085) and the large property pool (6256 Franchised properties and 829
Hotels must address all outstanding alerts within 30 days to remain in Managed properties), the Risk of data insufficiency was determined to be Hilton has assigned Anti-Trafficking Training Courses to all properties
INTRO compliance with the brand standards. Low. Annual sustainability results are based on an evaluation of year-over- through Hilton University. Records from Hilton University were reviewed.
year results for a reference group of properties with data verified complete
• LightStay Training: All new hotels must complete an online LightStay
and accurate for aggregated reporting purposes. The reference group for Hilton’s Supplier Diversity Program currently includes 2,438 diverse suppliers.
TRAVEL WITH training course through Hilton University within three months of opening.
PURPOSE 2022 included 90% of total managed properties, and analysis of the Supplier information is reviewed by two separate third party processes.
Advanced courses are available and LightStay offers extensive user
reference group’s performance supplied the average values (by region)
guidance and how-to-guides.
used to complete and correct the data from the remaining properties. ABOUT DEKRA
GOAL TRACKER • LightStay Support: Hotels are encouraged to contact the LightStay Data gathered using the LightStay system has been verified at the site DEKRA Certification Inc. is a Management System certification company
Support team to help understand their alerts and correct any data input level by DEKRA site sampling, included in Hilton’s ISO 9001, ISO 14001, that has provided ISO 9001, 14001 and 50001 certification services to
errors. LightStay Support attempts to contact hotels directly to resolve and ISO 50001 site visits. Data anomalies are analyzed at the site level and Hilton since 2010.
major data issues and may also correct obvious decimal or unit errors, corrective actions are implemented.
with notification sent to the hotel.
Beginning in 2008, DEKRA (then operating as KEMA Registered Quality,
Appropriateness Risk. The automated calculations in LightStay (floor area Inc.) has provided independent validation services to Hilton for their
SOCIAL IMPACT Since 2010, hotel utility data in LightStay has been used for Hilton’s external normalization) have been verified for this and all previous reporting cycles LightStay Program. DEKRA did not assist or consult with Hilton at any time
reporting of energy, emissions, water, and waste impacts. Hilton and its and no errors have been found. Hence, the Risk of inappropriate analysis in in generating the Reported Data within the scope of the verification. DEKRA
consultants have followed a consistent methodology, adapted to meet the LightStay system was determined to be Low. Data, once it is reported
GOVERNANCE has procedures in place to ensure its work is free from bias and is not unduly
the company’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy, into LightStay, is also analyzed at the corporate level annually for anomalies influenced by outside parties. DEKRA employees and contractors who
Travel with Purpose reporting requirements. and missing data, and properties are excluded from the reference group. participated in assurance activities were free from personal, financial, or
APPENDIX other relationships that would potentially compromise their impartiality.
Consistent with Hilton’s 2030 Travel with Purpose goals, Hilton measures Materiality Risk. Risk of material misstatement was determined to be Low.
and reports annual sustainability performance using the floor area intensity The final analysis by Hilton staff consisted of spreadsheet review and Likewise, the personnel who performed assurance activities were all
metric (consumption per square meter of total gross building area). identification of anomalies. There were 104 energy-based anomalies at experienced environmental, sustainability and social responsibility auditors.
Performance Tables the property level identified (1.5% anomaly rate), and the most significant The competence of these individuals is continually monitored and recorded.
REPORTING SCOPES: have been added to the sampling plan for internal and external audit in 2023. All assurance activities were subject to DEKRA’s peer review and quality
Scope 1 includes all on-site GHG emissions from fuel use, almost exclusively Anomalies also include any issues with water use reporting. Materiality of assurance processes.
SASB natural gas for comfort heating and hot water generation. the chosen methodology was verified by taking the final result for all prop-
erties not in the anomalous group, using their unmodified (‘raw’) data, and ATTESTED BY
Scope 2 includes all grid electricity used by Hilton’s managed hotel properties. comparing it to the final result for all properties with all normalization factors
GRI The individual hotel CO2e emissions factors for the reference group active. The raw data showed an intensity of 0.081 Metric tons per square
were verified based on the emissions source data provided by country or meter, while the final data showed an intensity of 0.083 Metric tons per
subregion (i.e., US eGRID, DEFRA, IEA). square meter. Variance was only 2.25%, well within the 5% materiality limit.
Certification to ISO
Scope 3 includes all emissions resulting from both on-site emissions and OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL CLAIMS Zed Bates Dr. Cem Onus
grid electricity at the Franchised hotels, as well as emissions relating to Water and waste data were both reported into LightStay using the same CARB Accredited Verifier Managing Director
DEKRA Assurance Managed hotel landfilled waste and Corporate business travel. Again, platform as the energy and greenhouse gas data reviewed above. During the Executive Order H-15-171 DEKRA Certification Inc.
Statement CO2 emissions factors were verified for different countries and subregions data cleansing process, the properties’ water use and waste stream data was Lead Auditor
based on international standard data. evaluated, consistent with the criteria regarding missing and anomalous DEKRA Certification, Inc
data above, to determine the reference group and to estimate impacts by
excluded and new hotels. Water anomalies were added to the audited
group (see ‘Materiality Risk’ above).
Waldorf Astoria Los Cabos Pedregal