Quectel BC660K-GL SSL Application Note V1.0

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Application Note

NB-IoT Module Series

Version: 1.0

Date: 2021-12-29

Status: Released

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About the Document

Revision History

Version Date Author Description

- 2021-09-09 Randy LI Creation of the document

1.0 2021-12-29 Randy LI First official release

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About the Document ................................................................................................................................... 3

Contents ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Table Index ................................................................................................................................................... 5

1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1. SSL Versions ................................................................................................................................ 6
1.2. SSL Cipher Suites ........................................................................................................................ 6
1.3. DTLS Versions ............................................................................................................................. 7

2 SSL Related AT Commands ............................................................................................................... 8

2.1. AT Command Introduction ........................................................................................................... 8
2.1.1. Definitions........................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.2. AT Command Syntax ......................................................................................................... 8
2.2. Declaration of AT Command Examples ....................................................................................... 9
2.3. Description of AT Commands ...................................................................................................... 9
2.3.1. AT+QSSLCFG Configure Parameters of an SSL Context .............................................. 9
2.3.2. AT+QSSLOPEN Open an SSL Socket to Connect a Remote Server .......................... 15
2.3.3. AT+QSSLSEND Send Data Through SSL Connection ................................................. 16
2.3.4. AT+QSSLCLOSE Close an SSL Connection ................................................................ 17
2.4. Description of URCs .................................................................................................................. 18
2.4.1. +QSSLURC: "recv" Notify Incoming Data ..................................................................... 18
2.4.2. +QSSLURC: "closed" Notify SSL Connection Disconnected ....................................... 19

3 Example .............................................................................................................................................. 20
3.1. SSL Function of Two-Way Authentication .................................................................................. 20
3.2. DTLS Function of Two-Way Authentication ............................................................................... 21

4 Result Codes ...................................................................................................................................... 23

5 Appendix References ........................................................................................................................ 24

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Table Index

Table 1: Supported SSL Versions ................................................................................................................ 6

Table 2: Supported SSL Cipher Suites (Official IANA Names) .................................................................... 6
Table 3: Supported DTLS Versions .............................................................................................................. 7
Table 4: Types of AT Commands.................................................................................................................. 8
Table 5: Summary of Result Codes ........................................................................................................... 23
Table 6: Related Documents ..................................................................................................................... 24
Table 7: Terms and Abbreviations .............................................................................................................. 24

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1 Introduction
To keep the communication secure and prevent sensitive data from being eavesdropped, tampered, or
forged during the communication process, SSL is used to safeguard the communication between the
server and the client by using encryption algorithms.

This document describes how to apply the SSL function of Quectel BC660K-GL module.

1.1. SSL Versions

The following SSL versions are supported by BC660K-GL.

Table 1: Supported SSL Versions

SSL Version




1.2. SSL Cipher Suites

The following table shows SSL cipher suites supported by Quectel BC660K-GL module. Please refer to
https://www.iana.org/assignments/tls-parameters/tls-parameters.xhtml for details of the cipher suites.

Table 2: Supported SSL Cipher Suites (Official IANA Names)

Cipher Suite Code Cipher Suite Name


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1.3. DTLS Versions

The following DTLS versions are supported by BC660K-GL.

Table 3: Supported DTLS Versions

DTLS Version



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2 SSL Related AT Commands

This chapter gives details of the AT Command set supported by the Quectel NB-IoT module BC660K-GL.

2.1. AT Command Introduction

2.1.1. Definitions

⚫ <CR> Carriage return character.

⚫ <LF> Line feed character.
⚫ <...> Parameter name. Angle brackets do not appear on the command line.
⚫ [...] Optional parameter of a command or an optional part of TA information response.
Square brackets do not appear on the command line. When an optional parameter is
not given in a command, the new value equals to its previous value or the default
settings, unless otherwise specified.
⚫ Underline Default setting of a parameter.

2.1.2. AT Command Syntax

All command lines must start with AT or at and end with <CR>. Information responses and result codes
always start and end with a carriage return character and a line feed character:
<CR><LF><response><CR><LF>. In tables presenting commands and responses throughout this
document, only the commands and responses are presented, and <CR> and <LF> are deliberately

Table 4: Types of AT Commands

Command Type Syntax Description

Test the existence of corresponding Write

Test Command AT+<cmd>=? Command and return information about the
type, value, or range of its parameter.
Check the current parameter value of a
Read Command AT+<cmd>?
corresponding Write Command.

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Write Command AT+<cmd>=<p1>[,<p2>[,<p3>[...]]] Set user-definable parameter value.

Return a specific information parameter or

Execution Command AT+<cmd>
perform a specific action.

2.2. Declaration of AT Command Examples

The AT command examples in this document are provided to help you learn about how to use the AT
commands introduced herein. The examples, however, should not be taken as Quectel’s
recommendation or suggestions about how you should design a program flow or what status you should
set the module into. Sometimes multiple examples may be provided for one AT command. However, this
does not mean that there exists a correlation among these examples and that they should be executed in
a given sequence.

2.3. Description of AT Commands

2.3.1. AT+QSSLCFG Configure Parameters of an SSL Context

The command configures optional parameters for SSL function.

AT+QSSLCFG Configure Parameters of an SSL Context

Test Command Response
AT+QSSLCFG=? +QSSLCFG: (range of supported <contextID>s),(range of
supported <connectID>s),"seclevel",(range of supported
+QSSLCFG: (range of supported <contextID>s),(range of
supported <connectID>s),"sslversion",(range of
supported <SSL_version>s)
+QSSLCFG: (range of supported <contextID>s),(range of
supported <connectID>s),"dataformat",(list of supported
<send_data_format>s),(list of supported
+QSSLCFG: (range of supported <contextID>s),(range of
supported <connectID>s),"timeout",(range of supported
+QSSLCFG: (range of supported <contextID>s),(range of
supported <connectID>s),"debug",(range of supported
+QSSLCFG: (range of supported <contextID>s),(range of
supported <connectID>s),"cacert"

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+QSSLCFG: (range of supported <contextID>s),(range of

supported <connectID>s),"clientcert"
+QSSLCFG: (range of supported <contextID>s),(range of
supported <connectID>s),"clientkey"
+QSSLCFG: (range of supported <contextID>s),(range of
supported <connectID>s),"dtls",(list of supported
+QSSLCFG: (range of supported <contextID>s),(range of
supported <connectID>s),"dtlsversion",(range of
supported <DTLS_version>s)

Write Command Response
Query all current settings of the +QSSLCFG: <contextID>,<connectID>,"seclevel",<secl
specified context evel>
AT+QSSLCFG=<contextID>,<connec +QSSLCFG: <contextID>,<connectID>,"sslversion",<S
tID> SL_version>
+QSSLCFG: <contextID>,<connectID>,"dataformat",<s
+QSSLCFG: <contextID>,<connectID>,"timeout",<time
+QSSLCFG: <contextID>,<connectID>,"debug",<debug
+QSSLCFG: <contextID>,<connectID>,"cacert",<check
+QSSLCFG: <contextID>,<connectID>,"clientcert",<che
+QSSLCFG: <contextID>,<connectID>,"clientkey",<che
+QSSLCFG: <contextID>,<connectID>,"dtls",<DTLS_en
+QSSLCFG: <contextID>,<connectID>,"dtlsversion",<D

Write Command Response
Configure the authentication mode for If the optional parameter is omitted, query the current
the specified SSL context setting:
AT+QSSLCFG=<contextID>,<connec +QSSLCFG: <contextID>,<connectID>,"seclevel",<secl
tID>,"seclevel"[,<seclevel>] evel>


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If the optional parameter is specified, set the authentication

mode for the specified SSL context:

If there is any error:

Write Command Response
Configure the SSL version for the If the optional parameter is omitted, query the current
specified SSL context setting:
AT+QSSLCFG=<contextID>,<connec +QSSLCFG: <contextID>,<connectID>,"sslversion",<S
tID>,"sslversion"[,<SSL_version>] SL_version>


If optional parameter is specified, set the SSL version for the

specified SSL context:

If there is any error:

Write Command Response
Configure the format of data to be If the optional parameters are omitted, query the current
sent/received setting:
AT+QSSLCFG=<contextID>,<connec +QSSLCFG: <contextID>,<connectID>,"dataformat",<s
tID>,"dataformat"[,<send_data_form end_data_format>,<recv_data_format>

If the optional parameters are specified, configure the format

of data to be sent/received:

If there is any error:

Write Command Response
Configure the timeout of connection If the optional parameter is omitted, query the current
and message delivery for the specified setting:
SSL context +QSSLCFG: <contextID>,<connectID>,"timeout",<time
AT+QSSLCFG=<contextID>,<connec out>

If the optional parameter is specified, configure the timeout

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of connection and message delivery for the specified SSL


If there is any error:

Write Command Response
Configure the printable debug log level If the optional parameter is omitted, query the current
for the specified SSL context setting:
AT+QSSLCFG=<contextID>,<connec +QSSLCFG: <contextID>,<connectID>,"debug",<debug
tID>,"debug"[,<debug_level>] _level>


If optional parameter is specified, configure the printable

debug log level for the specified SSL context:

If there is any error:

Write Command Response
Configure the content of trusted CA >
certificate in PEM format for the After the above response, input the data to be sent. Then
specified SSL context: tap “CTRL” + “Z” to send the data or tap “Esc” to cancel the
AT+QSSLCFG=<contextID>,<connec operation.”
tID>,"cacert" +QSSLCFG: <contextID>,<connectID>,"cacert",<check


If there is any error:

Write Command Response
Configure the content of client >
certificate in PEM format for the After the above response, input the data to be sent. Then
specified SSL context: tap “CTRL” + “Z” to send the data or tap “Esc” to cancel the
AT+QSSLCFG=<contextID>,<connec operation.
tID>,"clientcert" +QSSLCFG: <contextID>,<connectID>,"clientcert",<che


If there is any error:


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Write Command Response

Configure the content of client private >
key in PEM format for the specified SSL After the above response, input the data to be sent. Then
context: tap “CTRL” + “Z” to send the data or tap “Esc” to cancel the
AT+QSSLCFG=<contextID>,<connec operation.
tID>,"clientkey" +QSSLCFG: <contextID>,<connectID>,"clientkey",<che


If there is any error:

Write Command Response
Enable/disable the DTLS function for If the optional parameter is omitted, query the current
the specified SSL context setting:
AT+QSSLCFG=<contextID>,<connec +QSSLCFG: <contextID>,<connectID>,"dtls",<DTLS_en
tID>,"dtls"[,<DTLS_enable>] able>


If the optional parameter is specified, enable/disable the

DTLS function for the specified SSL context:

If there is any error:

Write Command Response
Configure the DTLS version of the If the optional parameter is omitted, query the current
specified SSL context setting:
AT+QSSLCFG=<contextID>,<connec +QSSLCFG: <contextID>,<connectID>,"dtlsversion",<D
tID>,"dtlsversion"[,<DTLS_version>] TLS_version>


If the optional parameter is specified, configure the DTLS

version of the specified SSL context:

If there is any error:

Maximum Response Time 300 ms
The command takes effect immediately.
Except for the certificate configuration, other configurations

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will not be saved.


<contextID> Integer type. SSL context ID. Range: 0–10 (currently only 0 is supported).
<connectID> Integer type. SSL connect ID. Range: 0–4 (currently only 0 is supported).
<seclevel> Integer type. The authentication mode.
0 No authentication
1 Perform server authentication
2 Perform server and client authentication if requested by the remote
<SSL_version> Integer type. SSL version.
1 TLS 1.0
2 TLS 1.1
3 TLS 1.2
4 All protocols are supported, the specific protocol version used needs
to be negotiated with the server.
<send_data_format> Integer type. The format of the sent data.
0 Text format
1 Hex format
<recv_data_format> Integer type. The format of the received data.
0 Text format
1 Hex format
<timeout> Integer type. Timeout value of connection or message delivery. Range:
10–300. Default value: 90. Unit: second.
<debug_level> Integer type. The printable debug log level.
0 No debug log
1 Error debug log
2 State debug log
3 Info debug log
4 Detail debug log
<checksum> Integer type. The length of certificate. Unit: byte.
<DTLS_enable> Integer type. Enable or disable DTLS feature.
0 Disable DTLS feature.
1 Enable DTLS feature .
<DTLS_version> Integer type. DTLS version.
0 DTLS 1.0
1 DTLS 1.2
2 All protocols are supported, the specific protocol version used needs
to be negotiated with the server.

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1. <debug_level> is used during debugging only. And the bigger the value is, the more log will be
2. If <seclevel> is set to 0, no certificates need to be configured. If <seclevel> is set to 1, server CA
certificate needs to be configured. If <seclevel> is set to 2, server CA certificate, client certificate and
client private key need to be configured.
3. The configuration of <timeout> is only valid for TLS connection and invalid for DTLS connection.

2.3.2. AT+QSSLOPEN Open an SSL Socket to Connect a Remote Server

This command opens an SSL socket to connect a remote server.

AT+QSSLOPEN Open an SSL Socket to Connect a Remote Server

Test Command Response
AT+QSSLOPEN=? +QSSLOPEN: (range of supported <contextID>s),(range
of supported <connectID>s),<host_name>,(range of supp
orted <port>s),(list of supported <connect_mode>s)

Read Command Response
Write Command Response
AT+QSSLOPEN=<contextID>,<conne OK
_mode> +QSSLOPEN: <contextID>,<connectID>,<err>

If there is any error:

It is determined by <timeout> of AT+QSSLCFG (default
Maximum Response Time value: 90 s) when a TLS server is connected. It is 123 s when
a DTLS server is connected.
The command takes effect immediately.
The configurations will not be saved.


<contextID> Integer type. SSL context ID. Range: 0–10 (currently only 0 is supported).
<connectID> Integer type. SSL connect ID. Range: 0–4 (currently only 0 is supported).
<host_name> String type. IP address or domain name of SSL server. Maximum length: 150
<port> Integer type. Port number of the remote server. Range: 1–65535.

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<connect_mode> Integer type. Data transmission mode of the SSL connection.

0 Non-transparent mode
1 Transparent mode (not supported currently)
<err> Result code. 0 indicates a successful operation and any other value indicates an
error. Please refer to Chapter 4 for more details.

2.3.3. AT+QSSLSEND Send Data Through SSL Connection

This command sends data through the SSL connection after the connection is established.

AT+QSSLSEND Send Data Through SSL Connection

Test Command Response
AT+QSSLSEND=? +QSSLSEND: (range of supported <contextID>s),(range
of supported <connectID>s),(range of supported <send_l

Read Command Response
Write Command Response
Send variable-length data >
AT+QSSLSEND=<contextID>,<conne After the above response, the module enters data mode and
ctID> the data to be sent can be inputted directly. Tap “CTRL” + “Z”
to send the data or tap “Esc” to cancel the operation.

If the SSL connection is established and the data is sent


+QSSLSEND: <contextID>,<connectID>,<err>

If the SSL connection is not established, disconnected, or

some other errors occur:
Write Command Response
Send fixed-length data >
AT+QSSLSEND=<contextID>,<conne After the above response, the module enters data mode.
ctID>,<send_length> After that, type the data to be sent until the data length
reaches <send_length>.

If the SSL connection is established and the data is sent


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+QSSLSEND: <contextID>,<connectID>,<err>

If the SSL connection is not established, disconnected, or

some other errors occur:
<timeout> of AT+QSSLCFG (default value: 90).
Maximum Response Time
The actual response time is determined by network.
The command takes effect immediately.
The configurations will not be saved.


<contextID> Integer type. SSL context ID. Range: 0–10 (currently only 0 is supported).
<connectID> Integer type. SSL connect ID. Range: 0–4 (currently only 0 is supported).
<send_length> Integer type. The length of the data to be sent. Range: 1–1024. Unit: byte.
<err> Integer type. The result of connection. 0 indicates a successful operation and any
other value indicates an error. Please refer to Chapter 4 for more details.


When <send_data_format> in AT+QSSLCFG is set to 1 (hex format), the character length of the data to
be inputted after executing AT+QSSLSEND=<contextID>,<connectID>,<send_length> must be twice
of <send_length> value.

2.3.4. AT+QSSLCLOSE Close an SSL Connection

This command closes an SSL connection. If all SSL connections of an SSL context are closed, the
module will release the SSL context.

AT+QSSLCLOSE Close an SSL Connection

Test Command Response
AT+QSSLCLOSE=? +QSSLCLOSE: (range of supported <contextID>s),(range
of supported <connectID>s)

Read Command Response
Write Command Response
AT+QSSLCLOSE=<contextID>,<con OK
+QSSLCLOSE: <contextID>,<connectID>,<err>

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If there is any error:

Maximum Response Time 300 ms
The command takes effect immediately.
The configurations will not be saved.


<contextID> Integer type. SSL context ID. Range: 0–10 (currently only 0 is supported).
<connectID> Integer type. SSL connect ID. The range is 0–4 (currently only 0 is supported).
<err> Result code. 0 indicates a successful operation and any other value indicates an
error. Please refer to Chapter 4 for more details.

2.4. Description of URCs

SSL URCs begin with +QSSLURC: and they are mainly used to notify the host of incoming data or
disconnected SSL connection.

2.4.1. +QSSLURC: "recv" Notify Incoming Data

The URC notifies the host of incoming data.

+QSSLURC: "recv" Notify Incoming Data

+QSSLURC: "recv",<contextID>,<co
The URC notifies the host of incoming SSL data.


<contextID> Integer type. SSL context ID. Range: 0–10 (currently only 0 is supported).
<connectID> Integer type. SSL connect ID. Range: 0–4 (currently only 0 is supported).
<length> Integer type. The length of data. Range: 1–1400. Unit: byte.
<data> String type. The incoming data.

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2.4.2. +QSSLURC: "closed" Notify SSL Connection Disconnected

The URC notifies the host that the SSL connection has been disconnected. When this URC is reported,
the module closes the SSL connection automatically, and the host does not need to execute
AT+QSSLCLOSE to close the SSL connection.

+QSSLURC: "closed" Notify SSL Connection Disconnected

+QSSLURC: "closed",<contextID>,<c
The SSL connection based on the specified socket is closed.


<contextID> Integer type. SSL context ID. Range: 0–10 (currently only 0 is supported).
<connectID> Integer type. SSL connect ID. Range: 0–4 (currently only 0 is supported).

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3 Example

3.1. SSL Function of Two-Way Authentication

AT+QSCLK=0 //Disable sleep mode

//Configure certificates and keys
AT+QSSLCFG=0,0,"seclevel",2 //Perform server and client authentication
AT+QSSLCFG=0,0,"cacert" //Configure CA certificate
//After the response >, input content of the trusted CA certificate in PEM format, tap “CTRL” + “Z” to send
+QSSLCFG: 0,0,"cacert",1216

AT+QSSLCFG=0,0,"clientcert" //Configure client certificate
//After the response >, input content of the client certificate in PEM format, tap “CTRL” + “Z” to send.
+QSSLCFG: 0,0,"clientcert",1224

AT+QSSLCFG=0,0,"clientkey" //Configure client private key
//After the response >, input content of the client private key in PEM format, tap “CTRL” + “Z” to send.
+QSSLCFG: 0,0,"clientkey",1679

AT+QSSLOPEN=0,0,"hf.quectel.com",8164,0 //Open an SSL server connection

+QSSLOPEN: 0,0,0
AT+QSSLSEND=0,0 //Send data to SSL server
//After the response >, input the data to be sent and tap “CTRL” + “Z” to send.

+QSSLSEND: 0,0,0

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+QSSLURC: "recv",0,0,10,"1234567890" //Received data from SSL server

AT+QSSLCLOSE=0,0 //Close the SSL connection

AT+QSCLK=1 //Enable light sleep and deep sleep and wake up by
PSM_EINT (falling edge)

3.2. DTLS Function of Two-Way Authentication

AT+QSCLK=0 //Disable sleep mode

//Configure certificates and keys
AT+QSSLCFG=0,0,"dtls",1 //Enable DTLS feature
//Configure certificates and keys
AT+QSSLCFG=0,0,"seclevel",2 //Perform server and client authentication
AT+QSSLCFG=0,0,"cacert" //Configure CA certificate
//After the response >, input content of the trusted CA certificate in PEM format, tap “CTRL” + “Z” to send
+QSSLCFG: 0,0,"cacert",1216

AT+QSSLCFG=0,0,"clientcert" //Configure client certificate
//After the response >, input content of the client certificate in PEM format, tap “CTRL” + “Z” to send.
+QSSLCFG: 0,0,"clientcert",1224

AT+QSSLCFG=0,0,"clientkey" //Configure client private key
//After the response >, input content of the client private key in PEM format, tap “CTRL” + “Z” to send.
+QSSLCFG: 0,0,"clientkey",1679

AT+QSSLOPEN=0,0,"hf.quectel.com",8164,0 //Open an SSL server connection

+QSSLOPEN: 0,0,0

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AT+QSSLSEND=0,0 //Send data to SSL server

//After the response >, input the data to be sent and tap “CTRL” + “Z” to send.

+QSSLSEND: 0,0,0

+QSSLURC: "recv",0,0,10,"1234567890" //Received data from SSL server

AT+QSSLCLOSE=0,0 //Close the SSL connection

AT+QSCLK=1 //Enable light sleep and deep sleep and wake up by
PSM_EINT (falling edge)


For more details about AT+QSCLK, please refer to document [1].

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4 Result Codes

Table 5: Summary of Result Codes

<err> Description

0 Successful operation

-1 Exception error

-2 Connection error

-3 Certificate error

-4 Key error

-5 Cipher error

-6 State error

-7 Time out

-9 Other errors

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NB-IoT Module Series

5 Appendix References

Table 6: Related Document

Document Name

[1] Quectel_BC660K-GL_AT_Commands_Manual

Table 7: Terms and Abbreviations

Abbreviation Description

CA Certificate Authority

DTLS Datagram Transport Layer Security

EINT External Interrupt

IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

IP Internet Protocol

NB-IoT Narrowband Internet of Things

PEM Privacy Enhanced Mail

PSK Pre-Shared Key

PSM Power Saving Mode

SSL Security Socket Layer

TA Terminal Adapter

TLS Transport Layer Security

URC Unsolicited Result Code

URL Uniform Resource Locator

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