Transmission Gpon
Transmission Gpon
Transmission Gpon
Ivica Cale
T-HT d.d., Split, Croatia
Aida Salihovic
University Computing Centre, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Matija Ivekovic
RECRO-NET d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia
Abstract. New services like Television (IPTV) Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON) is
and Video on demand (VoD) over internet defined by ITU-T recommendation series
together with High Speed Internet access (HSI) G.984.1 through G.984.4. GPON has enhanced
have demand for very high bandwidth to capability comparing with APON and BPON and
customers. XDSL have some form which can is backward compatible. G.984 standard series
satisfy bandwidth demand (VDSL2) but have define general characteristics of GPON
restriction regarding distance. (G.984.1) as well as physical layer specification
Probably only suitable solution for high (G.984.2), transmission layer specification
bandwidth demand with a long reach is using (G.984.3) and ONU (Optical Network Unit)
optical cable to customers (FTTx). One of the management and control specification (G.984.4).
ways is using some type of Passive Optical GPON can transport not only Ethernet, but ATM
Network (PON). Gigabit PON (GPON) is the and TDM (including PSTN, ISDN, E1 and E3)
most often type used by European and US traffic by using GPON encapsulating method
providers (in addition with APON and BPON) (GEM).
while providers in Asia predominantly use
EPON/GePON. 2. GPON fundamentals
This paper provides an overview of Gigabit
PON and analyses network architecture, Active transmission equipment in GPON
transmission mechanisms and power budget in network consists only of Optical Line
GPON systems. Termination (OLT) and Optical Network Unit
(ONU). Figure 2.1 shows logical network
Keywords. PON, GPON, HSI, IPTV, VoD architecture with different FTTx options.
1. Introduction
Proceedings of the ITI 2007 29 Int. Conf. on Information Technology Interfaces, June 25-28, 2007, Cavtat, Croatia
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(Figure 2.2). At this point the splitting device FEC doesn’t introduce a lot of overhead. FEC
simply divides the optical power into N separate results in an increased link budget by
paths to the subscribers. The number of splitting approximately 3-4 dB. Therefore, higher bit rate
paths can vary from 2 to 64. From the optical and longer distance from the OLT to the ONU
splitter, individual single-mode fiber strand run can be supported, as well as higher number of
to each user (home, businesses, etc.). The optical splits per a single PON tree.
fiber transmission span from the central office to
the each user can be up to 20 km. 3.3. Transmission containers
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To determine how much traffic to assign to an administrative events, such as fiber rerouting,
ONU, the OLT needs to know the traffic status fiber replacement, etc.
of the T-CONT associated with the ONU. In
status reporting method, as part of its traffic 4. GPON transmission
status a T-CONT indicates how many packets
are waiting in its buffer. Once the OLT receive GPON uses GEM (GPON Encapsulation
this information, it can reapportion the grants to Method) as a method which encapsulates data
various ONUs accordingly. When an ONU has over GPON. Although any type of data can be
no information waiting to be transported, upon encapsulated, actual types depend on service
receiving a grant it sends an idle cell upstream to situation. GEM provides connection-oriented
indicate that its buffer is empty. This informs the communication. This method is based on slightly
OLT that the grants for that T-CONT can be modified version of the ITU-T recommendation
assigned to other T-CONTs. If an ONU has a G.7041 Generic framing procedure (specification
long queue waiting in its buffer, the OLT can for sending IP packets over SDH networks)
assign multiple T-CONTs to that ONU.
4.1. Downstream GPON Frame format
3.5. Security
Downstream traffic is broadcasted from the
The basic functionality of GPON is that OLT to all ONUs in TDM manner. Every ONU
downstream data are broadcasted to all ONUs must take into account only frames intended for
and every ONU have allocated time when data him what is assured by encryption. The
belongs to him (TDM like). Because of that, downstream frame consists of the physical
some malicious user can reprogram his own control block downstream (PCBd), the ATM
ONU and capture all downstream data belonging partition and the GEM partition. The
to all ONUs connected to that OLT. In upstream downstream frame provides the common time
direction GPON uses point-to-point connection reference for the PON and provides the common
so all traffic is secured from eavesdropping. control signaling for the upstream.
Because of that, every confidential upstream
information, like security key, could be sent in
clear text.
Thus, the GPON recommendation G.984.3
describes the use of an information security
mechanism to ensure that users are allowed to
access only the data intended for them. The
encryption algorithm to be used is the Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES). It accepts 128, 192, Figure 4.1. Downstream GPON frame
and 256 byte keys which makes encryption
extremely difficult to compromise. A key can be A diagram of the downstream frame structure
changed periodically without disturbing the is shown in Figure 4.1. The frame is 125 μm for
information flow to enhance security. both downstream data rates. The PCBd length
range is the same for both speeds and depends on
3.6. Protection the number of allocation structures per frame. If
there is no data for sending, downstream frame is
The protection architecture of GPON is still transmitted and used for time
considered to enhance the reliability of the synchronization.
access networks. However, protection is
considered as an optional mechanism because its 4.2. Upstream GPON Frame format
implementation depends on the realization of
economical systems. Upstream traffic uses TDMA, under control
There are two types of protection switching, on the OLT located at the CO, which assigns
Automatic switching and Forced switching. The variable time length slots to each ONU for
first one is triggered by fault detection, such as synchronized transmission of its data bursts.
loss of signal, loss of frame, signal degrade and The upstream frame consists of multiple
so on. The second one is activated by transmission bursts. Each upstream burst
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contains at a minimum the Physical Layer requirements like video and voice over IP. Type-
Overhead (PLOu). Besides the payload, it may 3 T-CONT is intended for guaranteed delay.
also contain the PLOAMu (Physical Layer Type-4 T-CONT is for the best effort traffic.
Operations, Administration and Management Type-5 T-CONT is combined for two or more of
upstream), PLSu (Power Leveling Sequence the other four types defined above and in this
upstream) and DBRu (Dynamic Bandwidth case the individual bandwidth reporting and
Report upstream) sections. assignment is done at the ONU.
The client traffic, queues, T-CONT mapping
and reporting is shown in Figure 4.3.
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At the hart of a PON is a passive optical Table 2. Loss budget for the GPON system
splitter. This device has a single input and
multiple outputs. Typically the number of Items Unit Path loss
Minimum optical loss 1490 nm dB 13
outputs is 2n (e.g. 2, 4, 8, etc) and the optical
Minimum optical loss 1310 nm dB 13
power is split evenly between outputs. As a rule Maximum optical loss 1490 nm dB 28
of thumb the optical power at each output is Maximum optical loss 1310 nm dB 28
reduced relative to the input by a factor of n x 3.5
dB (10 log2n = n · 10 log2; 0.5 dB are added to 6.1. Power Budget
include losses in splitter).
An optical splitter is a bi-directional device. The transmitter’s power and receiver’s
Because of this the splitter is sometimes referred sensitivity are two parameters that define the
to as a splitter/coupler. The optical signal is possible reach of the access network. In Table 3.
attenuated by the same amount ~ (n x 3.5 dB) for typical parameters of commercially available
both directions. burst mode transceivers capable of supporting
There are two techniques for manufacturing 1.25 Gbps are shown. To calculate the worst case
splitters: Fused Biconical Taper (FBT) and scenario power budget the minimum receiver
Planar Lightwave Circuit (PLC). A 1x2 FBT sensitivity is subtracted from the minimum
splitter is made by precisely fusing two fibers transmitter power. For these devices the
together. Higher split ratios are achieved by available power budget is around 22 dB and 23
cascading multiple 1x2 splitters. A PLC splitter dB typically. Based on these values the total loss
consists of a microscopic optical circuit that is in the network is known and the maximum reach
typically etched in silicon. of the network can be calculated from (1), where
P is power budget, FCA is Fiber Cable
5.1. Splitting loss Attenuation in dB/m, L is a distance and SL is a
splitter loss.
One of the key parameters for every FTTH
network designer is the achievable span between P = FCA · L + SL + Penalties (1)
the central office and the subscribers, in other
words, the maximum optical budget allowed in Penalties stand for additional costs such as
the system. The optical budget is comprised of losses at splices and connectors. The typical
attenuation from splices, connectors, the attenuation of a single mode fiber is about 0.4
transmission fiber and the optical splitters. The dB/m for a wavelength of 1310 nm and 0.3 dB/m
optical splitter is by far the most demanding for 1550 nm (ITU-T Rec. G.652.C and G.652.D).
component in terms of losses (a typical 1x32 As an example, assuming that the power
optical splitter insertion loss could range between budget is equal to 23 dB, a single mode fiber
17 dB and 18 dB). operating at the wavelength of 1550 nm is used,
SL is 14 dB and there are two mechanical splices
6. Architecture of optical access network and two connectors, the maximum reach of the
(link budget) network can be calculated from (1):
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7. Summary of GPON characteristics bringing challenges to the maintenance. The
remote maintenance follows the same standard as
• Performance is used in SDH/SONET networks, already
GPON supports several line rates for the familiar to operators world-wide.
upstream and downstream directions. It also
supports legacy ATM and packet-based • Convergence
transport. It even has an efficient Ethernet GPON has the best support of all the PONs
transport capability, i.e. some of the Ethernet for heterogeneous networking. The most
overhead is extracted during the encapsulation important advantage of GPON is the GFP based
process. Additionally, GPON supports packet adaptation layer, which is capable of supporting
fragmentation, enabling efficient utilization of any service whether it is packet or circuit
transport media. GPON provides adequate oriented.
bandwidth and QoS for the residential customers
and small businesses and some of the large 8. References
enterprise services can also be supported.
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GPON is planed to support efficiently legacy, England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.; 2006.
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respect to scalability, GPON overcomes EPON [3] David Cleary, Ph.D. Fundamentals of
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with the larger offered bandwidth. Security can
be implemented with different encryption 30.pdf
techniques, among which AES is the most [4] David Nowak. Dynamic Bandwidth
advanced one. For the traffic provisioning, Allocation Algorithms for Differential
GPON uses 12-bit port IDs as are used for the Services enabled Ethernet Passive Optical
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• Video services (IPTV, CATV) dNovak-PhD-thesis.pdf
IPTV provides video service based on IP [5] ITU-T recommendations G-984 series;
multicast. At the source end, different program
sources are configured with different multicast [05/01/2007]
addresses, and reach the ONU device through a [6] Kumar Shakti Singh: GPON-The Next
series of broadcast servers. Generation Access Network, Transwitch
In CATV mode, analog signals of traditional Corporation;
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Through electrical-to-optical conversion, video leid=5207
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WDM mode (RF video - 1550nm). The
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through an optical fiber. After these waves reach [8] ITU-T recommendations G-652 series;
the ONUs/ONUs, video signals are separated to
provide video services. 200506-I/en
• Cost-efficiency
In respect of cost, GPON cannot compete
with EPON, due to the tighter physical
requirements of the transport components.
GPON is the most complex of all the PONs
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