Resistance Welding

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c Indian Academy of Sciences.

Bull. Mater. Sci., Vol. 36, No. 6, November 2013, pp. 10491055. 

Nucleus geometry and mechanical properties of resistance spot welded

coateduncoated DP automotive steels
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Mersin University, 33343 Ciftlikkoy, Mersin, Turkey
Metallurgy Materials Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Karabuk University Baliklarkayasi, Karabuk, Turkey
Faculty of Tarsus Technical Education, Mersin University, 33480 Tarsus, Turkey
MS received 10 April 2012; revised 5 July 2012
Abstract. In this study, mechanical properties of resistance spot welding of DP450 and DP600, galvanized and
ungalvanized automotive sheets have been investigated. The specimens have been joined by resistance spot welding
at different weld currents and times. Welded specimens have been examined for their mechanical, macrostructure
and microstructure properties. Depending on the weld current and time, effects of zinc coating on tensile properties,
microhardness values as well as microstructure nugget geometry and nucleus size ratio have been investigated. X-ray
diffraction analysis has been used to investigate the phase that formed at the joint interface. Result of the experiment
show that nugget diameter, indentation depth and tensile load-bearing capacity are affected by weld parameters.
Coating prevents full joining at low parameters. Microhardness increased in heat-affected zone and weld metal.


Automotive steels; resistance spot welding; mechanical properties; nucleus geometry.


Resistance spot welding, which is one of the oldest electric welding processes is a joining technique used for almost
all known metals (Sevim 2005; Hayat and Sevim 2012).The
weld is made by a combination of heat, pressure and
time (Kearns 1980; Aslanlar 2006; Kocabekir et al 2008;
Eisazadeh et al 2010). Electrical resistance of the material
to be welded causes localized heating at the interface of the
metals to be joined. Pressure is exerted by tongs and tips.
Time refers to how long the current flows in the joint, which
is determined by the material thickness and type, amount
of the current and cross-sectional area of the welding tips
and contact surfaces (Aslanlar 2006). The process is used in
preference to mechanical fasteners, such as rivets or screws,
when disassembly for maintenance is not required (Kearns
1980; Kocabekir et al 2008; Hayat et al 2009).
Steel is widely used in automotive industry. It is important
for its performance features as a material used either for automobile body or structural pieces such as chassis and wheels
(Speich 1997). Dual phase (DP) steel is one of the most
important advanced high-strength steels (AHSS). This steel
has particular characteristics such as its microstructure and
superior mechanical properties (Hayat 2010). DP steels provide very valuable economic and technologic benefits such
as easy forming, even more strength after process of forming, low and delayed deformation osculation (Erdogan 2002,
2003; Demir and Erdogan 2008).


for correspondence (

DP450 and DP600 steel materials used in this study are

commercial DP steels. Galvanized DP steel sheets are widely
used in automotive industry for their better corrosion resistance property. The effects of galvanizing process on weldability of DP450 and DP600 automotive steels have been
investigated. Microstructure, hardness, tensile shear tests and
X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis have been used for assessing weldability of the steels. The effects of welding parameters (welding current and welding time) on indentation
depth, nucleus diameter, nugget diameter, nugget height and
nucleus size ratio have been investigated.


2.1 Materials
In this study, 10 mm thickness DP450 and 12 mm thickness
DP600 galvanized (coated) and ungalvanized (uncoated)
commercial steels were used. Chemical compositions of
these samples are given in table 1. The coating of weld area
(30 30 mm) was cleaned from galvanization under laboratory conditions by submerging them into HCl (hydrochloric) acid and is shown schematically in figure 1. Galvanized
specimens were coded as G and ungalvanized U .
2.2 Welding process
The spot weld samples were prepared according to DIN
17440 standards and subjected to spot resistance welding in
a Baykal SPP60 welding machine as given in figure 2. The
capacity of the welding machine was 60 kVA. Before joining,


Table 1.

Ibrahim Sevim, Fatih Hayat and Mustafa Kemal Kulekci

Chemical composition of base metals (wt.%).





















HCl Acid




s = 1 and 1.2 mm
Cleaned weld area
form galvanize



Figure 1. Dimensions of welded specimens (a) and pre-joining removal of galvanized

coating (b).

Figure 2. Welded samples according to DN17440.

surfaces of the samples were cleaned by submerging in alcohol and then welded using a conical water-cooled electrode
made from a CuCr alloy. Diameter of the contact surface
of the electrode was 80 mm. The specific force of pressing
of the electrode was 600 MPa. Variables of the study were
weld current, time, materials composition and coating condition. Welding processes were carried out by using 357
9 kA weld current and 10203040 cycles (1 cycle = 002 s)
weld time.
2.3 Mechanical tests and metallographic evaluation
All series of welded joints were exposed to tensile-shear test
in order to determine the joint shear strengths as shown in
figure 2. In order to determine tensile shear load-bearing
capacity of weldment, three test samples were prepared for
each of the weld variable. Samples were tested by using
Zwick type servo hydraulic universal testing machine. Tensile shear load values were obtained from the load-extension
graphs. The Vickers microhardness measurement across the

Figure 3. Weld nugget geometry (dn: nucleus diameters, tn: deformation depth, hn: heights of nucleus and de: electrode width).

weld nugget, heat-affected zone (HAZ) and base metal was

carried out with a load of 200 g. Transverse sections of the
weld passing through the weld nugget as well as a similar
section of the base plates were prepared by standard metallographic procedure. Optical examination of specimens was


Mechanical properties of resistance spot welding of DP450 and DP600

carried out using a Nikon DIC microscope. Nucleus diameters (dn ) and heights of nucleus (h n ) were measured; and
nucleus size ratios (h n /dn ) were calculated by means of an
optical microscope as seen in figure 3.

Q = I 2 R t,

Results and discussion

3.1 Microstructure
Microstructure photographs of the specimens welded at different parameters are given in figures 4(a) and (b). It can


Figure 4. Microstructure photographs of specimens welded

at different parameters: (a) DP450U, 3kA-10c and (b) DP450U,



where Q is the generated heat (J ), I the current (Ampere),

R the resistance of the work () and t the time of current (s).
The expansion of weld nucleus and HAZ with increase in
heat input is an expected result (Gupta et al 1990; Sharma
et al 1993; Vural and Akkus 2004; Vural et al 2006; Hayat
et al 2007; Zhang et al 2011). Bonding occurred at 9 kA, 40
cycles as seen in figure 4(b). Bonding was not observed at
3 kA, 10 cycles. Bonding occurred at higher heat input.

3.2 Nugget diameter and electrode indentation depth


Table 2.

be seen here that weld nucleus diameter is smaller in lower

weld time and weld current values in both specimen groups
(coated and uncoated). It is also reported in other studies that
heat input increases when weld current and time increased as
formulated here (Aslanlar 2006).

The effect of coating, weld current and weld time on

the nugget diameter of DP450G, DP450U, DP600G and
DP600U specimens is given in tables 2 and 3. Different
nugget diameters occurred in uncoated DP450 and DP600
specimens. As seen in tables 2 and 3, nugget diameters of
DP450 specimens are smaller than DP600 specimens. This
result can be explained with thickness of specimens and
chemical composition. Heat input in welding zone increases

DP450GDP450U nugget photographs of spot-welded specimens.


Weld time (cycles)



Weld time (cycles)



*U, uncoated and G, galvanized.



Ibrahim Sevim, Fatih Hayat and Mustafa Kemal Kulekci

as the thickness decreases. For same welding time, bigger

nugget diameter was obtained in thinner sheets joint. The
Cr content of DP450 steel is 50% higher than DP600. The
amount of Cr affects heat conductivity. High Cr content
of DP450 decreases heat conductivity and nugget diameter.
High resistance value in spot welding is a factor increasing heat input. Wider nugget diameter observed in uncoated
specimens were compared to zinc coated ones as seen in

Table 3.

tables 2 and 3. This situation can be explained with greater

heat generation at the interface of coated samples than
uncoated samples. Indentation depth increased with increase
in weld current and time as given in figure 5. In tables 2 and 3,
it is seen that the indentation depth of uncoated samples is
higher than coated samples. This can be explained with plastic deformation. Plastic deformation rate is affected by heat

DP600GDP600U nugget photographs of spot-welded specimens.


Weld time (cycles)


Weld time (cycles)





Indentation depth (mm)

*U, uncoated and G, galvanized.

Weld time (cycle)




Figure 5. Effect of weld current and galvanized coating on indentation depth.


Nucleus size ratio (hn/dn)

Mechanical properties of resistance spot welding of DP450 and DP600

Weld current (kA)





Figure 6. Effect of weld time, current and coating on nucleus size ratio.

Figure 7. Typical microhardness profiles of DP450G, DP450U, DP600G and DP600U steels is after
spot welding on different parameters.



Ibrahim Sevim, Fatih Hayat and Mustafa Kemal Kulekci

Figure 8. Effect of weld current on tensile shear strength in DP450 and DP600
galvanized and ungalvanized specimens.

Figure 9. XRD analysis of weld metals of DP450DP600 (Welding conditions: 7 kA,

40 cycles).

The effect of weld time, current and coating on nucleus

size ratio is seen in figure 6. Experimental data in figure 6
show that nucleus size ratio reduces when weld current

increases. Size ratio affects bonded area at the interface of

the weld. Higher size ratio was observed at wider bonded

Mechanical properties of resistance spot welding of DP450 and DP600

3.3 Microhardness
Figure 7(ad) shows hardness profiles of spot-welded galvanized and ungalvanized DP450 and DP600 DP steels.
Hardness values of both coated and uncoated specimens
were similar in all welding conditions. Microhardness values increased up to 440 HV in weld metal. High values of hardness can be explained with martensitic formations of alloy elements (Mn, Si, Cr, etc.) There was a slight
increase in microhardness values in weld metal and HAZ
with increase in cycle values as seen in figure 7. This result
may be explained with increasing heat input depending on
increase in weld current and time.
3.4 Tensile load bearing capacity
The effect of weld current on tensile experiment results in
galvanized and ungalvanized specimens as shown in figure 8(ad). The graphics demonstrate an increase in tensile
load-bearing capacity (TLBC) with increasing weld current.
TLBC was observed at 7 kA value in all specimens. TLBC
of DP600 specimen is higher than that of DP450. This difference may be due to the higher strength value of the DP600
specimen. Coating had a negative effect on joining at low
weld current and time values in DP450 and DP600 specimens. TLBC increased depending on the increase in weld
time. Increasing heat input provides joining at a larger area.
Indentation depth of galvanized specimens was lesser than
that of ungalvanized specimens at 10 cycles. At lower weld
time values, coating prevents steady transmission of electric current and causes heat input to remain at insufficient
3.5 XRD analysis
XRD analysis of joint interface of DP450 and DP600 sheets
is given in figure 9. NiCrFe and SiO2 (beta-quartz) phases
are present in the joint interface. NiCrFe phase is one of the
stainless steel phases. It is supposed that the metal at the joint
interface of DP450DP600 steels may have stainless steel


This study concentrated on the geometry and mechanical

properties of the resistance spot-welded coateduncoated
DP automotive steels. From the results given above, the
following conclusions can be drawn.
(I) When welding time and/or current was increased, both
nucleus diameter and depth of electrode indentation were


(II) Lower weld time and weld current reduces nucleus

(III) Bonding occurs at higher cycles and welding time at
HAZ in resistance spot welding.
(IV) Increase in Cr content of DP steels decreases heat
conductivity and nugget diameter.
(V) Galvanized coating results in smaller nugget diameter in
spot welding of DP steels.
(VI) Indentation depth of uncoated DP steels is higher than
that of coated DP steels.
(VII) Hardness values at HAZ of galvanized and ungalvanized DP steels are similar in all spot-welding conditions.
(VIII) Coating has a negative effect on joining performance
at low weld current and time values in DP450 and DP600
(IX) NiCrFe and SiO2 (beta-quartz) phases are present in
joint interfaces.
(X) When weld current and time increased, load-bearing
capacity of joining was increased.
(XI) Increase in weld current and time resulted in coarser
nucleus microstructure which took a columnar state and
caused an expansion in HAZ.
The authors thank Mr zcan on behalf of TOFAS AS in
Turkey for the kind material support.
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