Sensors 21 01540 v2
Sensors 21 01540 v2
Sensors 21 01540 v2
Using Secure Multi-Party Computation to Protect Privacy on a
Permissioned Blockchain
Jiapeng Zhou , Yuxiang Feng *, Zhenyu Wang and Danyi Guo
School of Software Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China; (J.Z.); (Z.W.); (D.G.)
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +86-1892-512-7353
Abstract: The development of information technology has brought great convenience to our lives,
but at the same time, the unfairness and privacy issues brought about by traditional centralized
systems cannot be ignored. Blockchain is a peer-to-peer and decentralized ledger technology that
has the characteristics of transparency, consistency, traceability and fairness, but it reveals private
information in some scenarios. Secure multi-party computation (MPC) guarantees enhanced privacy
and correctness, so many researchers have been trying to combine secure MPC with blockchain to
deal with privacy and trust issues. In this paper, we used homomorphic encryption, secret sharing
and zero-knowledge proofs to construct a publicly verifiable secure MPC protocol consisting of two
parts—an on-chain computation phase and an off-chain preprocessing phase—and we integrated the
protocol as part of the chaincode in Hyperledger Fabric to protect the privacy of transaction data.
Experiments showed that our solution performed well on a permissioned blockchain. Most of the
time taken to complete the protocol was spent on communication, so the performance has a great
deal of room to grow.
Keywords: privacy; secure multi-party computation; permissioned blockchain; Hyperledger Fabric
Citation: Zhou, J.; Feng, Y.; Wang, Z.;
Guo, D. Using Secure Multi-Party
Computation to Protect Privacy on a
Permissioned Blockchain. Sensors 1. Introduction
2021, 21, 1540.
Traditional centralized systems provide efficient and personalized service, but the
negative effects of centralization are increasingly appearing: corruption, inequality and
privacy issues. As it turns out, some decentralized technologies [1] are urgent. Blockchain
Academic Editor: Fatos Xhafa
is a peer-to-peer and decentralized ledger technology that has the characteristics of trans-
parency, consistency, immutability and traceability. First popularized for crypto-currency
Received: 25 January 2021
Accepted: 19 February 2021
systems such as Bitcoin [2], blockchain has seen explosive development in recent years.
Published: 23 February 2021
There are two types of blockchain: public and permissioned. Anyone can freely join a pub-
lic blockchain and submit proposals, whereas a permissioned blockchain is dominated by
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
a group of known nodes and restricts joining the network via access control.
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
A core problem is that all users who have joined the blockchain see an identical ledger,
published maps and institutional affil- making it thorny to handle transactions that rely on confidential data [3]. Access control
iations. mechanisms are usually used to deal with the privacy requirements of the associated stake-
holders in decentralized networks [4] such as blockchains. One instance is the Hyperledger
Fabric Channel, which protects privacy by restricting data access, but the problem still
exists, resulting from the fact that nodes in the same channel deal with identical trans-
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
actions. A simpler solution is public key cryptography. In this solution, the participant
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
encrypts a message using his public key and submits it to the ledger, but ciphertexts under
This article is an open access article
different public keys can not be collaboratively analyzed. The privacy issues limit the wide
distributed under the terms and application of blockchain.
conditions of the Creative Commons Excitingly, the cryptographic technology of secure multi-party computation is a perfect
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// way to deal with the problem of privacy. This concept dates back to what is called “Yao’s millionaires’ problem” [5], a famous problem introduced by Andrew Yao in 1982. Formally,
4.0/). we assume that n participants (P1 , P2 , ..., Pn ) all hold the secret data x1 , x2 , ..., xn and that they
2. Related Work
Many works have been done to protect privacy in the blockchain in recent years.
Frequently used cryptographic techniques [19] for privacy protection in blockchains [20–23]
include ring signature, mixing services and zero-knowledge proof.
Here we mainly focus on investigating the development of the combination of
blockchain and secure MPC. Bitcoin was first utilized to obtain fairness in a secure multi-
party protocol [24–26]. Other researchers have also endeavored to deploy secure MPC on
blockchains to solve the problem of privacy.
Sánchez [27] considered outsourcing encrypted computation to cloud-based blockchain
and rewarding miners for generating preprocessing data for secure multi-party computation.
To provide correctness, verifiability and privacy confidentiality for smart contracts in the
blockchain, they combined proof-carrying code and secure multi-party computation, which
effectively handle Gyges and DAO attacks. In addition, zero-knowledge proofs of proofs is
Sensors 2021, 21, 1540 3 of 17
used to prove the validity of smart contracts. Enigma, proposed by Zyskind et al. [28], is a
blockchain-based decentralized computation platform. Their architecture consists of two
parts: blockchain and Enigma. Enigma is an off-chain network responsible for private and
intensive computations. Blockchain deals with access control, identity management, link
protocols and the tamper-proof log of events in Enigma. They made a series of performance
improvements to secure MPC, such as hierarchical secure MPC, adaptable circuits and
network reduction, making the technology practical even when used in a large network.
Kosba et al. [29] proposed HAWK, a user-friendly framework for creating smart contracts
with guaranteed privacy. Hawk provides a compiler with which programmers have no
necessity to implement any cryptography. It relies on a trusted manager to handle con-
fidential data and the manager is trusted not to leak secrets, which can be implemented
by trusted hardware or instantiated with multi-party computation. Choudhuri et al. [30]
used witness encryption to transform the fairness problem in secure MPC into the one in
decryption. They utilized bulletin boards such as Google’s certificate transparency logs and
a blockchain to record some publicly untamable information. Participants need to release to
the bulletin board tokens with shares, which others could use to decrypt ciphertext, and
then they must publish their secret in limited time.
Some researchers focused on Hyperledger Fabric, a typical permissioned blockchain
hosted by the Linux Foundation. Benhamouda et al. [31] used secure MPC to support
private-data computation in Hyperledger Fabric. In contrast to previous studies, they
integrated secure MPC protocols as part of the smart contract rather than running them in
an off-chain network. However, their solution requires “privileged clients” that have access
to the same private key peers used for data encryption. Ghadamyari et al. [12] also focused
on Hyperledger Fabric. Although they facilitated the Paillier cryptosystem to obtain data
privacy and used access control list rules to restrict access to the ledger, data owned by
different participants are encrypted by the same public key, resulting in disclosing privacy
when the owner of the private key and the invoker of the smart contract conspire.
The previous work can be classified into two main types: on-chain secure MPC pro-
tocols that integrate the protocols into the blockchain architecture itself, and off-chain
secure MPC protocols that offload intensive computation to an off-chain network. Ben-
hamouda [31] described a comparison between these two types of protocols, and we briefly
sum that up as follows: Running the secure MPC on-chain enables us to take use of the
blockchain facilities for communication and identity management, which need to be re-
implemented in the off-chain secure MPC protocol. The core advantage of an off-chain
secure MPC protocol is its efficiency of computation, but the situation is more applica-
ble to permissionless blockchains, which are typically slower than permissioned ones.
Thus, on-chain secure MPC protocols are more applicable to be deployed on permissioned
blockchains, such as Hyperledger Fabric.
Our MPC-over-Fabric architecture is similar to the on-chain secure MPC protocol
described by Benhamouda [31], but not quite the same. One key difference is that we do not
require “privileged clients” or a “helper server”, which may raise some security concerns.
Without any security assumptions, we add a pluggable component called a “decryptor” to
the peer responsible for decrypting during the endorsement phase. Another difference is
that secrets belong to the participants—the data providers who take part in computation
through clients of the blockchain. Participants split their secrets into shares and encrypt
these shares using different public keys, ensuring no single participant can see all of them.
Endorsement peers only execute smart contracts, but those in [31] also serve as the entities
with the secrets.
Smart Conctrat
org org Sacrifice Protocol
Key Cache
Blockchain network
Figure 1. Architecture overview of the secure MPC scheme. Participants interact with the blockchain
through peers, which have joined in the organizations in the blockchain.
In this paper, we use the popular Paillier [32] cryptosystem as the additive homomor-
phism encryption scheme due to its simple structure and high execution efficiency. It has
been applied to many practical scenarios, such as electronic voting and federated learning.
The Paillier cryptosystem has the plaintext space Z N and the ciphertext space Z N 2 *, and N
is the security parameter.
(2) Additive secret sharing
In this paper, we use (n,n)-threshold additive secret sharing scheme and its implemen-
tation is as follows [33].
1. Secret shares: To share a secret a, the dealer chooses n − 1 random shares a j (j =
1, 2, ..., n − 1) in GF(p), and computes a = an + ∑nj=−11 ai (mod p). The dealer then sends
the shares ai to participant Pi (i = 1, ..., n).
2. Secret reconstruction: All participants collaboratively reconstruct the secret: a = ∑nj=1
ai (mod p).
The above implementation possesses additive homomorphism. Concretely, if partici-
pants P1 , P2 , ..., Pn , respectively, hold shares a1 , a2 , ..., an and b1 , b2 , ..., bn that are associated
with secrets a and b, the shares of ( a + b) are a1 + b1 , a2 + b2 , ..., an + bn .
(3) Pedersen
Pedersen [16,34] is a non-interactive commitment scheme with additive homomor-
phism, so we can easily perform the same calculation on commitments to prove the
correctness of the results at any stage. We use Pedersen to construct our non-interactive
verifiable secret sharing scheme. There are three phases in the Pedersen scheme used in
our proposed method:
1. Setup Phase: All participants agree on an elliptic curve E over a field Fn , a generator
G ∈ E/Fn and H ∈ E/Fn .
2. Commitment Phase: Participant Pi chooses a random number r ∈ Fn , and computes
the point Commi = C ( xi , r ) = r ∗ G + xi ∗ H, which represents the commitment for Pi
Sensors 2021, 21, 1540 6 of 17
1. All participants Pi (i = 1, 2, ..., m) use the Paillier algorithm to generate their private
key sk i and public key pk i .
2. Each participant Pi serves as a dealer, who uses additive secret sharing to break his
secret Si to n shares Sij (j = 1, 2, ..., n), and then Pi encrypts the share for Pj using Pj ’s
public key:
Sij ← Enc( pk j , Sij ), j = 1, 2, ..., n (1)
3. Pi chooses n random blinding factor xij ∈ Fn (j = 0, 1, 2, ..., n), and computes the
commitments for shares Sij (j = 1, 2, ..., n):
{Si1 , Si2 , ..., Sin , Commi , Commi1 , Commi2 , ..., Commin , xi1 , xi2 , ..., xin } (5)
to PTP.
Other participants Pj ( j 6= i ) can freely get Pi ’s input from PTP and decrypt Sij , xij
using his secret key sk j , and then open and verify the commitments by checking whether
the following equations are all true:
If true, the share Sij is valid and Pi splits his secret value correctly, meaning the Pi has
honestly submitted his input.
Moreover, participants must submit enough quadruples < a, b, c, d > and commit-
ments of quadruples shares to PTP before computation. Pi encrypts his quadruple shares
using his public key pk i and submits it to PTP:
< aik , bik , cik , dik >← Enc(sk i , < aik , bik , cik , dik >), k is the index o f quadruples (7)
The inputs are the encrypted shares of secret inputs Si (i = 1, 2, ..., m), and there are n
output values for n participants. The i-th output value yi is a ciphertext encrypted by Pi ’s
public key pk i . We define the addition gate as computation of any linear function:
F (·) ← ∑ c i ∗ Si (9)
i =1
Since both (n,n)-threshold additive secret sharing and the Paillier cryptosystem are
additively homomorphic, any linear function with n inputs can be computed locally
without interactions.
Sensors 2021, 21, 1540 8 of 17
1. For Si + S j :
n n
∑ Dec(skk , yk ) = ∑ (Sik + Sjk ) = Si + Sj (14)
k =1 k =1
2. For c ∗ Si :
n n
∑ Dec(skk , yk ) = ∑ c ∗ Sik = c ∗ Si (15)
k =1 k =1
3. For c + Si :
n n
∑ Dec(skk , yk ) = (c + Si1 ) + ∑ (0 + Sik ) = c + Si (16)
k =1 k =2
Moreover, the commitments of outputs can be calculated in the same way to provide
the verifiability:
The input is the encrypted shares of secret inputs Si (i = 1, 2, ..., m), and there are n
output values for n participants. The i-th output value yi is a ciphertext encrypted by Pi ’s
public key pk i . We define the multiplication gate as the computation of the multiplica-
tive monomial:
F (·) ← ∏ Si (20)
i =1
Multiplication consumes < a, b, c, d > quadruples, which is similar to Beaver triples [17].
The basic process is as follows:
x ∗ y = ( x − a + a) ∗ (y − b + b)
= ( x − a)(y − b) + a(y − b) + b( x − a) + ab (21)
= t∗s∗d+a∗s+b∗t+c
a, b and c are random finite field elements unknown to everyone, and d equals 1. d is neces-
sary because it makes it possible to perform Beaver Multiplication [17] in encrypted form.
To compute Si ∗ S j , there are three steps:
1. Obtain the encrypted shares of Si − a and S j − b:
Now we have:
n n
∑ Dec(skk , yk ) = ∑ (ts ∗ dk + s ∗ ak + t ∗ bk + ck )
k =1 k =1
n n n n
= ts ∗ ∑ dk + s ∗ ∑ ak + t ∗ ∑ bk + ∑ ck
k =1 k =1 k =1 k =1
= ts + s ∗ a + t ∗ b + c
= ( Si − a ) ∗ ( S j − b ) + a ∗ ( S j − b ) + b ∗ ( Si − a ) + a ∗ b
= ( Si − a + a ) ∗ ( S j − b + b )
= Si ∗ S j
Mul Gate
Mul Gate
Mul Gate
Mul Gate Product ESS
Mul Gate
Mul Gate
Mul Gate
Figure 2. Hierarchical multiplication gate. ESS stands for “encrypted secret shares”.
Sensors 2021, 21, 1540 10 of 17
As with the addition gate, we can perform the same computation on the blinding
factor xij to get the commitments of the outputs, and verify the correctness by opening
commitments. In contrast, some decryption operations exist in the multiplication gate,
which are performed by participants (decryptors) rather than PTP, leading to untrusted
interactions. However, we do not need to open commitments after every multiplication gate.
We can open commitments forwardly only when it fails to open the final commitments.
Any tamper behavior during the decryption phase would never succeed because PTP
detects the attack by checking the commitments.
(4) Protocol Output
The output is n ciphertexts, i-th of which is encrypted by Pi ’s public key pk i .
c = a ∗ b, d = 1 (29)
a, b and c are random finite field elements unknown to everyone. Our off-chain protocol
is similar to that in SPDZ [18], but there are some modifications to support our on-chain
protocol. Like the generation of Beaver triples in [18,35], generating the quadruples is an ex-
pensive process based on somewhat homomorphic encryption (SHE), but it is independent
of the onchain protocol so it can be preprocessed.
Participants distributedly generate a quadruple < a, b, c, d > where a, b and c are
unknown to everyone and d equals 1. Pi holds ai , bi , ci , di , which is the i-th share of
< a, b, c, d >. The details of the generation are provided below.
1. Each participant Pi generates ai , bi ∈ Fpk . Let
n n
a := ∑ ai , b : = ∑ bi (30)
i =1 i =1
5. Participants set
“Reshare” and “Sacrifice” are the same as that in SPDZ, and an overview of them is
provided below:
Protocol Reshare(m, NewCiphertext): Takes a ciphertext m ∈ C̃ as the input, and
outputs a new secret sharing m1 , m2 , ..., mn ∈ M̃ and a new "fresh" ciphertext m ∈ C̃ such
that Dec(sk, m ) = ∑i mi .
Protocol Sacrifice (< a, b, c >): Takes a triple and outputs whether the triple satisfies
c = a ∗ b.
Our MPC library was written in C++, and we used Java chaincode in Fabric. To call
the MPC library in Java chaincode, we used JNI [36] technology, which allows us to call
C++ code from Java. We used a customized Docker container, fabric-javaenv, where our
MPC library was installed.
In regard to the implementation, there are two problems. The first is how the chaincode
find the correct decryptors that it needs to communicate with. The second problem is how
to tell decryptors the progress of the computation so it can verify whether the decryption
request is valid and whether to accept the request. To solve the first problem, we opted
for simple solutions where decryptors’ addresses (IP address and port) are dynamically
written into the ledger as transaction proposals by clients in advance. The solution requires
no code modifications to Hyperledger Fabric.
To solve the second problem, we need some definitions to the data packet of the
decryption request:
String mpcId;
int stepId;
int receiverId;
int operateType;
int dataType;
String data;
4. Security Analysis
In this section, we discuss the security issue of our solution. As we pointed out at the
beginning, the most critical problem is the leakage of the input data. No one should be able
to learn anything except for their own inputs and outputs.
Data privacy and Privacy control: The combination of homomorphic encryption and
secret sharing allows computations to be performed on the encrypted shares. Pi encrypts
different share using different participants’ public key so that other participants can only see
their own authorized share, which are meaninglessly random values and would never reveal
any valid information about Pi ’s input value Si . No secret can be reconstructed without
decrypting all the shares. What’s more, intermediate data (t and s) generated by decryptors
are meaninglessly random values if no participant knows a or b of the < a, b, c, d > quadruple
(actually it is). According to our settings, Pi holds the i-th share of a and b, and no one knows
a or b. Commitment Comm( x, a) is theoretically private since there exist many possible
combinations of x and a that would generate the same Comm. Even with the same private
data a, Comm( x, a) would be totally different when different values of x exist. If x is truly
random, an attacker would be completely unable to figure out a [37].
Resistance to collusion attacks: In our solution, a secret is broken into shares by
the additive secret sharing scheme and then different shares are encrypted by different
participants’ public key. The threshold of the additive secret sharing scheme is n, which
means our scheme remains safe even there are up to n − 1 conspiracy adversaries among
the participants. PTP automatically verifies the data decrypted by decryptors by opening
commitments so that decryptors fail upon tampering.
Publicly verifiable MPC: Participants can verify whether the input value is valid and
whether the dealer is honest by opening commitments. Due to commitments being public
and automatically computed by PTP, everyone can check the correctness of the result by
Sensors 2021, 21, 1540 13 of 17
opening commitments. Although there are interactions in the multiplication gate, an active
attack can be defended against, since any tamper behavior during the decryption phase
would never succeed because PTP detects the attack by verifying the commitments.
Trust model: The trust model of the proposed on-chain secure MPC protocol depends
on the endorsement policy set when installing the chaincode. For example, if the trust
model allows no more than k adversarial participants, we can simply set an endorsement
policy that demands at least k + 1 endorsing peers, guaranteeing that transactions tampered
by some adversaries will never be successfully endorsed.
∑in=1 i ∗ Si
F (·) = , n = 10 (35)
∑in=1 i
Figure 3 shows the total response time for securely computing the above function
based on our secure MPC protocol, and the CPU time in a single node (ignoring the
consensus time or communication time).
450 430.48
Running Time (ms)
250 229.33
150 139.05
100 91.61
1.71 3.26 6.16
512 1024 2048 4096
Key Size (Bit)
Figure 3. Response time and CPU time based on different key sizes. The number of computing nodes
was ten.
(1) It can be seen that the total response time ranges from 91.61 milliseconds for 512 bits
to 430.48 milliseconds for 4096 bits, and the CPU time in a single node ranges from 1.71
milliseconds for 512 bits to 14.3 milliseconds for 4096 bits. Both response time and CPU
time grow with the increase in key size. This is normal because of the larger ciphertext and
the increasing computational complexity, but it leads to higher security.
Sensors 2021, 21, 1540 14 of 17
(2) In addition, the CPU time is negligible compared to the total response time. Even
when the key size is 4096 bits, the CPU time accounts for less than 4% of the total response
time, and most of the time is spent on communication and reaching consensus, mean-
ing that the performance has a lot of room to grow with the increasing optimization of
communication channels.
The NIST [38] recommends 2048-bit key as the standard key size. Therefore, for
simplicity, we use a 2048-bit key in the following experiments.
Scheme 1: PS-MPC[28]
Scheme 2: Ghadamyari[12]
Scheme 3: Ghadamyari-FHE[12,39]
Response Time (ms)
Scheme 4: Our Solution
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Figure 4. Response time based on different schemes and different numbers of computing nodes.
(1) As illustrated, when there are no more than 20 computing nodes, our solution takes
less time compared to scheme 1, but it seems that scheme 1 has a better performance when
the network is large. This is because scheme 1 only stores MACs [18] and commitments on
the blockchain for verification. Additionally, they separate the verification from compu-
tation, which is offloaded to an off-chain network. The architecture makes it efficient to
perform computations in a large network, but it has similar performance in a small one.
Differently, we take the on-chain way. When peers finish endorsement, both computations
and verifications are done. The one-step method saves the performance. When the net-
work grows, the overhead time required for consensus increases gradually, resulting in
long latency. Therefore, our solution is more suitable for computations in permissioned
blockchain, such as Hyperledger Fabric, which meets the initial goal in this paper.
(2) We can see that scheme 2 consumes the least time. However, compared with
our solution, the time consumption difference is quite small. Both of us use the Paillier
cryptosystem, but organizations in scheme 2 encrypt values using the same key. Although
they use access control list (ACL) rules to control access to the ledger, there still exists a
conspiracy between the key owner and smart contract invoker. Differently, our scheme
remains safe even there are up to n − 1 conspiracy adversaries according to the above
Sensors 2021, 21, 1540 15 of 17
analysis. What is more, scheme 2 only supports addition operations or scalar multiplication
operations, but we are able to perform multiplication on ciphertext, which is deserved at
the expense of a small loss in the computational performance.
(3) Figure 4 shows that scheme 3 consumes the most time among all solutions based on
blockchain, because the performance of fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) is currently
quite inefficient. Many experts and scholars are making efforts to find a balance between
utility, protection and performance.
(4) In addition, we can see that, even for 20 nodes, the running time of our solution is
about 350 milliseconds, which is longer than the time it takes to commit a block (concretely
2254 milliseconds for ten organizations in our experimental environment).
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.Z., Y.F., Z.W. and D.G.; methodology, J.Z., Y.F. and Z.W.;
validation, J.Z., Y.F. and Z.W.; writing—original draft preparation, J.Z.; writing—review and editing,
J.Z. and Y.F.; supervision, J.Z., Y.F. and Z.W. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Fund
Project of Guangzhou (number 2019PT103).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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