Winternight - Marketing Campaign Proposal

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School Year 2023-2024


With temperatures in the Philippines reaching record-breaking levels, Winternight Ice

Cream presents an innovative dessert experience and a refreshing way to beat the intense

heat. It is a frosty delight that combines the creamy richness of taro root for a uniquely

indulgent frozen experience offering a cooling sensation unlike any other ice cream.

Amidst the soaring heat index, which reached an alarming 48 degrees Celsius in

Sangley Point, Cavite, on April 24, 2024, as reported by the Manila Bulletin, there is an

urgent need for innovative ways to beat the heat. Therefore, the innovation of Winternight Ice

Cream provides a delicious respite while addressing extreme weather conditions.

In addition to providing a delicious taste experience, our solution has several health

advantages. Our ice cream's main ingredient, taro root, is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals

that promote general health. Its anti-inflammatory qualities support blood sugar regulation,

facilitate digestion, and enhance heart health. Winternight Ice Cream’s adaptability allows it

to satisfy trendsetters and foodies who are looking for new culinary experiences, as well as

the discerning tastes of urban millennials and Gen Z customers.

To achieve our objectives effectively, we propose a thorough marketing plan that

positions Winternight Ice Cream as a well-known brand known for its delicious and inventive

desserts that are affordable to all. In order to stay ahead of the competition, key strategies

include utilizing free taste, social media, printed posters, word of mouth, and local vendors

collaboration to forge strong emotional connections with customers.

It is impossible to overstate the significance of our marketing initiative. We hope that

by providing a distinctive and culturally relevant dessert choice, we will not only relieve the
oppressive heat but also captivate customers with our creative take on dessert. Winternight

Ice Cream is a culinary experience that honors tradition, inventiveness, and the bliss of

indulgence rather than just a product.


In the Municipality of Solsona, Taro (Colocasia esculenta) serves as a testament to

local pride and tradition, symbolizing a deep connection with Solsonians. It not only provides

nourishment but also embodies the locality’s identity, as seen in the annual Gameng Festival.

Apart from its cultural significance, Taro is a healthy vegetable loaded with calcium, vitamin

E, and potassium which is an important mineral for a lot of bodily processes. However,

despite its benefits, Taro remains as underrated as it is, cooked and consumed in traditional

ways. Thus, this proposal aims to introduce a novel approach to Taro consumption that

ensures savoury enjoyment to the modern taste buds, a dessert that will surely match the

urban millennials and Gen Z customers.

This proposal introduces Winternight Ice Cream, a visionary innovation meticulously

crafted by the creative minds of students. Winternight Ice Cream is an innovative and

uniquely creamy and sweet ice cream flavoured with taro or gabi. The qualities of this

vegetable, including its texture, flavour profile, and starchy consistency, contribute

significantly to creating a soft and indulgent mouthfeel when turned into an ice cream

flavour. These attributes collectively establish it as an exceptional choice for an ice cream

flavour, ensuring a stellar culinary offering.

Furthermore, in 2018, a doctoral student in Harvard’s nutrition department, Andres

Ardisson Koray, concluded in one of his studies that consuming a moderate amount of ice

cream each day provides diabetic people a lower risk of heart problems. Another study

conducted by the researchers at Kyorin University finds that ice cream is known to trigger

positive emotions in the human mind and if taken in the morning can stimulate and activate
the pleasure spots in the brain. This indicates that ice cream is beneficial to both biological

and psychological aspects.

Moreover, PAGASA stated that the heat index of the cities and municipalities located

in Region 1 for the following months ranges from 39⁰C to 44⁰C. Therefore, Winternight Ice

Cream came just in time. Eating Winternight Ice cream can beat the heat for you, especially

with its alluring cold, smooth texture, and unique features, it can perfectly appease your thirst

and hunger at the same time. A product that surely suits the taste of the people at any age, it

can be a simple dessert or a study-buddy food. Hence, the overall objective of this proposal is

to offer a healthy way for the consumer at Solsona National High School to eat and enjoy

dessert while providing solutions to their common problems like the unbearable heat and the

stressing academic activities in a guaranteed attainable and practical way for both the

producers and the consumers.

To achieve our goals, this proposal aims to utilize different approaches to gain

popularity for the product. The students will gain a market through the use of various

advertising techniques including free tasting, word-of-mouth advertising, printed poster

advertisements, social media, and collaborating with local vendors. With Winternight Ice

Cream, araw man o gabi, sa lamig ng Gabi hindi ka magsisisi!


This market study addresses the environment that surrounds Winternight Ice Cream.

A thorough analysis of the target market, competitors, and current market trends will provide

insightful information for comprehending the frozen dessert sector.


A. Demographics

Demographic Description

Age Range Teenagers typically aged 13-19

Adults (teachers) typically aged 20-40

Location Solsona National High School

Income Level Low to moderate, with variations depending

on parental income and allowances.

Education Varied

Occupation Varied

Gender Varied
B. Interests

INTEREST Health- Food explorers Trendsetters Foodies


DESCRIPTION Attracted to Fascinated by Interested in Value the taste,

the health trying staying updated appearance, and

benefits of taro innovative and with the latest quality of food

root and unique food trends in food in addition to its

curious about offerings and lifestyle nutritional value



health benefits

C. Purchasing Behavior

Behavior Description

1. Experiential Likes to spend money on experiences, particularly rare food

spending experiences

2. Value for Looking for goods that are reasonably priced and provide good value


3. Social Media Influenced by suggestions and content on social media when making

Influence decisions about purchases

4. Seeker for Attracted to goods that provide a cultural experience, which makes

cultural stories about cultures appealing


The comparison of Winternight Ice Cream, which is well-known for its taro-based

flavors, with other ice cream establishments close to Solsona National High School will take

place in this section. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of each product

will be investigated through the application of SWOT analysis.



STRENGTHS 1. Taro is a wholesome 1. It provides convenient options

ingredient that appeals to for students searching for quick

consumers who are concerned and inexpensive desserts.

about their health.

2. Winternight's dedication to 2. It offers a variety of options

quality is made apparent by its such as cornettos, popsicles, and

emphasis on homemade factory-made ice cream in

production methods. multiple flavors.

3. By appealing to Solsonians' 3. Students and consumers on a

sense of pride and tradition, tight budget can enjoy cold

Taro ice cream builds a close desserts because they are

emotional bond with customers. reasonably priced.

WEAKNESSES 1. Some people's taste 1. Factory-made ice cream and

preferences may not be suited may be perceived as lower

for taro. quality.

2. Since Winternight Ice Cream 2. Standard ice cream provides

is a recent addition to the ice little to no nutritional value

cream industry, it's possible that beyond calories, sugar, and fat.

consumers are unaware of the


OPPORTUNITIES 1. Its exposure can be 1. Customers are more likely to

increased and reach by try new products and flavors

collaborating with local when seasonal flavors or

businesses or farmers to temporary promotions are

procure taro and by teaming up introduced. This can generate

with cafes to create co-branded excitement and boost sales.

menu items.

THREATS 1. Established ice cream 1. A growing consciousness of

companies and other dessert well-being may influence some

options that might have more consumers to cut back on sugary

accessible or broad flavors dessert consumption or choose

compete with Winternight. healthier options.

2. Reliance on taro as the main 2. Growing consumer awareness

ingredient could put of plastic waste and

Winternight at risk from environmental sustainability may

changes in taro supply, quality, affect how they view the

and cost. packaging materials used for

frozen treats.

The ice cream market in the Philippines is witnessing rapid growth, driven by factors

such as increasing demand for premium products, the expansion of convenience stores, and

the introduction of innovative flavors and packaging. In this dynamic landscape, the debut of

Winternight Ice Cream represents a noteworthy development, capitalizing on the rising

popularity of Taro as a distinctive and flavorful ingredient.

● Market Size and Growth Projections

GlobalData estimates the Philippines ice cream market to have reached a value

of PHP14.4 billion ($292.3 million) in 2021, with a projected Compound Annual

Growth Rate (CAGR) of over 6% in the forecast period. This means that when it

comes to the type of ice cream people buy, packaged ice cream, like those they find in

supermarkets and convenience stores, is the most popular choice. This suggests that

Filipino consumers prefer the convenience of buying pre-packaged ice cream rather

than other options.

● Consumer Preferences and Health Consciousness

Consumer preferences are shaping the ice cream market significantly, with a

growing emphasis on health consciousness driving a shift towards healthier

alternatives. Research and Market highlights a surge in demand for low-fat,

low-sugar, and dairy-free products as consumers prioritize options lower in calories,

sugar, and fat. Therefore, consumers are increasingly concerned about their health

when choosing ice cream. In order to meet these changing preferences, ice cream

companies are innovating by using ingredients like plant-based milk and natural

● Taro's Popularity and Nutritional Appeal

Taro's distinct flavor and vibrant purple hue have made it a sought-after

ingredient in the ice cream industry. Its exotic and sweet taste appeals to consumers

seeking unique and nutritious desserts. Taro ice cream, with its creamy texture and

sweet, nutty flavor, aligns well with the trend towards healthier indulgences.

● Strategic Implications for Winternight Ice Cream

Winternight Ice Cream is well-positioned to capitalize on prevailing market

trends and consumer preferences. By offering a premium product infused with Taro,

Winternight can attract discerning customers seeking unique flavor experiences.

Additionally, the availability of both dairy and non-dairy variants aligns with the

growing demand for healthier ice cream options, enhancing accessibility and market


Winternight Ice Cream has a great opportunity to succeed in the Philippines ice cream

market. By using taro flavor, meeting the demand for healthier options, and offering a

premium product, Winternight can stand out from the competition and attract more


Through a targeted strategy that emphasizes its distinct flavor and premium

ingredients, our campaign seeks to introduce Winternight Ice Cream to teachers and students

while also piqueing their interest within the school community. The campaign's goal is to

stimulate interest and curiosity in students and teachers to try this novel dessert option by

highlighting the flavor of Winternight Ice Cream.

Implementing strategic measures to enhance product acceptance within the school

will drive product trial and encourage students and teachers to try Winternight Ice Cream.

Giving teachers and students samples of Winternight Ice Cream is a great method to

introduce the product and let them taste the superior quality and distinctive flavor for


Showcasing the distinct taste of Winternight Ice Cream compared to traditional

flavors, highlighting its innovative and refreshing qualities to captivate the taste buds of

students and teachers. Winternight Ice Cream offers a unique flavor experience that sets it

apart from common ice cream flavors, making it a delightful and memorable treat for those

seeking something new and exciting.

Highlighting the nutritional value of Winternight Ice Cream and focusing on its

natural ingredients and potential health benefits is a strategic approach to attract

health-conscious students and teachers within the school community. Winternight Ice Cream

offers a unique proposition as a dessert option that not only delights the taste buds but also

aligns with individuals' preferences for wholesome and nutritious food choices.
Conducting taste tests and surveys to gather feedback from students and teachers is a

valuable strategy that allows for continuous improvement and product development based on

preferences within the school community. Taste tests provide an interactive and engaging way

for individuals to experience the flavors and textures of Winternight Ice Cream firsthand,

enabling them to provide immediate feedback on their taste preferences, flavor profiles, and

overall satisfaction.

The campaign will use product sampling as a powerful marketing strategy to

introduce Winternight Ice Cream to students and teachers, allowing them to experience the

unique flavor and quality of the product firsthand. By distributing free samples of

Winternight Ice Cream during lunch breaks, the campaign creates opportunities for direct

engagement and interaction with the target audience, inviting them to taste and discover the

deliciousness of Winternight Ice Cream. The act of offering free samples not only provides a

tangible experience of the product but also triggers sensory responses that can leave a lasting

impression on individuals.

Video marketing on social media emerges as a cost-effective and highly influential

strategy for promoting Winternight Ice Cream. By creating engaging videos showcasing the

product's flavors and experience, companies can effectively capture audience attention and

generate buzz around the brand. Leveraging social media platforms for sharing these videos

enables businesses to reach a broader audience organically, driving awareness and ultimately

boosting sales.

Conducting feedback surveys among students and teachers using sticky notes and a

jar is a creative and engaging way to gather insights, preferences, and feedback on

Winternight Ice Cream within the school. By providing individuals with the opportunity to

share their thoughts and opinions in a simple and interactive manner, the campaign

encourages participation and fosters a sense of ownership and involvement in the product

development process.
Recruiting passionate students as brand ambassadors to promote Winternight Ice

Cream, and effective marketing strategy that leverages the influence and social networks of

students within the school community. By selecting students who are passionate about

Winternight Ice Cream and embody the brand values, the campaign can create relatable

connections with their peers through word-of-mouth marketing.

Conducting short presentations in classrooms to introduce Winternight Ice Cream and

its unique features is an engaging and informative marketing strategy that allows for direct

interaction with students and teachers within the school. These classroom presentations

provide an opportunity to educate the audience about the key aspects of Winternight Ice

Cream, including its flavor profile, ingredients, nutritional value, and brand story, creating

awareness and generating interest in the product.

By combining these strategies, the campaign aims to create a holistic and engaging

experience that introduces Winternight Ice Cream in a compelling and memorable way,

building excitement, fostering engagement, and laying the foundation for successful adoption

and appreciation of the product within the school community.


The creative concept for the Winternight Ice Cream campaign revolves around

engaging the target audience through a multi-faceted approach that combines sensory

experiences, visual appeal, and a compelling message.

The center of this campaign is the tagline "Winternight: Araw man o gabi, sa lamig ng

Gabi hindi ka magsisisi!" This tagline creatively plays with the dual meaning of "Gabi" in

Filipino, which translates to both "night" and "taro" in English. This linguistic twist adds

depth and intrigue to the message, appealing to both English and Filipino-speaking audiences.

The visual elements will incorporate imagery that conveys the refreshing and indulgent

nature of taro ice cream just exactly how refreshingly cold the night is, complemented by

powerful, depth, and elegance-conveying colours to evoke a sense of curiosity, excitement

and delight. Through this comprehensive approach, the Winternight Ice Cream campaign

aims to captivate consumers, create lasting impressions, and drive engagement and sales.

On the other hand, the logo design for Winternight Ice Cream uses a creative visual

representation to captivate the eyes of the target audience. The snow pattern at the top evokes

the chill of the winter season, while the deep blue background symbolizes the tranquility of

night, both features the quality of what the Winternight Ice cream can provide. In the center, a

white ice cream represents the said product. Overall, the logo harmoniously blends elements

of winter, night, and taro ice cream, creating a visually appealing and culturally resonant

representation of Winternight Ice Cream.

Next page is the poster advertisement and logo:


To encourage participation in the campaign, we will implement a comprehensive set

of tactics designed to attract and engage customers. Firstly, we will introduce attractive

discounts, incentives, and limited-time offers to entice customers to try the ice cream. These

promotions can include buy-one-get-one-free deals or discounted prices for bulk purchases.

By creating a sense of urgency and exclusivity, we will motivate customers to act quickly and

take advantage of these special offers.

In addition to providing appealing discounts, we will prioritize delivering a seamless

and efficient sales experience. Our sales staff will be extensively trained to possess in-depth

knowledge about the ice cream and provide excellent customer service. We will implement a

user-friendly online ordering system to accommodate customers who prefer to order through

digital channels, ensuring accessibility and convenience for all.

To measure the effectiveness of our sales efforts, we will utilize analytics tools to

track important metrics such as sales volume, revenue, and customer demographics. This data

will provide valuable insights into customer preferences, popular flavors, and purchasing

patterns. By regularly analyzing this information, we can identify trends and make

data-driven decisions to continually refine our marketing strategies.

Budget and Resources

To successfully launch our product, Winternight Ice Cream, a carefully planned

budget must be allocated for ingredients, equipment, promotional materials, social media

advertising, sampling activities, and packaging materials. The grand total estimated budget

range is ₱6,000 with a well-managed budget and optimized resource allocation, the campaign

can effectively reach its target audience, generate customer interest, and drive sales, resulting

in a successful product launch.

Ingredients Cost

Taro roots ₱125

Heavy Cream ₱200

Whole Milk ₱150

Sugar ₱50

Salt ₱10

Taro flavoring/extract (optional) ₱60

Equipment Cost

Ice cream maker (if not already own) ₱1,500

Mixing Bowls ₱200

Electric Mixer ₱700

Saucepan ₱150

Ice cream storage containers ₱100

Total Estimated Budget Range ₱3,245

Promotion and Other Resources Cost

Design and printing of promotional ₱1,000

materials(posters, flyers, etc.)

Social media advertising budget ₱650

Sampling costs(if conducting taste tests) ₱350

Packaging Materials (labels, cups, etc.) ₱600

Total Estimated Promotion and Other ₱2,600

Resources Budget Range



The following timeline outlines a detailed strategy for carrying out a marketing

campaign aimed at increasing the visibility of Winternight Ice Cream in Solsona National

High School. This program has been intentionally designed to pique the interest of students,

leveraging a variety of promotional strategies and platforms to increase interaction and create

brand identification.



Set up campaign objectives, Set objectives, Define target DAY 1-2

target audience, and audience, Develop

messaging strategy messaging strategy

Look into competitor Research competitors, DAY 3-4

activities and market trends Analyze market trends

Create campaign materials Design posters, Create DAY 5-6

such as posters, flyers, and flyers, Develop digital assets

digital assets

Complete the budget Allocate budget, Plan DAY 7

allocation and logistics logistics



Distribute promotional Posters on notice boards, DAY 1-2

materials to schools Flyers in common areas

Launch social media Create social media content, DAY 3-4

campaigns aimed at student Engage with student

communities and school communities


Coordinate with school Liaise with school DAY 5-6

administration to obtain authorities, Obtain necessary

permission to conduct permissions

promotional activities on



Conduct promotional Sampling sessions, Product DAY 1-2

activities in Solsona demonstrations

National High School

Gather feedback and Collect feedback, Analyze DAY 3-4

engagement metrics from engagement metrics

the activities

Evaluate campaign Review metrics, Adjust DAY 5-6

performance and make strategies

changes as needed

Create a post-campaign Highlight accomplishments, DAY 7

report Share lessons learned,

Provide recommendations

Risk management is a critical component within any organizational framework

as it serves as the compass guiding decisions ensuring that potential problems are identified

and mitigated. Furthermore, in terms of marketing, it ensures that campaigns are

well-planned, targeted, and aligned with regulatory requirements, safeguarding the brand's

reputation and market position.

This proposal for the product Winternight Ice Cream, factors such as sales acquisition,

quality of the product output, and safety of the human assets are significant, therefore, the

students aim to ensure that the production process adheres to industry standards through the

use of effective risk management.


Risks Contingency Plan


Locational Given that Solsona National While immediate expansion of the

Limitations High School is the location for location might be beneficial, it carries

our marketing campaign, there the risk of potential budgetary

is a significant possibility that complications. Therefore, the best

sales may not achieve high alternative solution to increase sales is

volumes or that the to establish a pre-ordering

Winternight Ice Cream’s delivery-service. During the trial

popularity may not experience period, this delivery service will be

substantial growth due to provided free of charge. Customers will

limited target audience. have the option to pick up their orders

from the respective communities of the

production team members nearest to

their homes.

Seasonality of Taro, the main ingredient, is a The students will introduce a creative

Taro seasonal vegetable thus it promotional activity wherein they will

could potentially impact the offer a limited-time discounts or

production of Winternight Ice bundling the Taro ice cream to maintain

Cream as well as its sales. customer interest and sales continuity.

Quality of The quality of Taro can Through a collaboration with Taro

Raw Materials directly impact the flavour and farmers, the students can ensure a

consistency of Winternight Ice consistent guaranteed quality of taro at

Cream. a practical price.

Weather Weather conditions can To mitigate this risk, the students will

Conditions directly influence consumer implement a flexible pricing strategy

behaviour, with factors such as like offering discounts within the

inclement weather unlikable weather period to maintain

discouraging outdoor activities sales and customer engagement.

and reducing customers in Another alternative is to offer a

physical locations, thereby delivery service.

impacting sales negatively.

Changing The changing of consumer The students will make sure that the
Consumer preferences directly impacts team is updated with the evolving

Preferences product demand and failure to consumer needs and current trends by

adapt to evolving consumer regularly conducting market research

preferences can lead to and gathering customer feedback

decreased sales, loss of through online surveys, product

competitive edge, and reviews and casual interviews.

diminished customer loyalty.


Poor This can result in misaligned The students will implement clear

Management strategies and ineffective goals, effective communication

promotional strategies leading channels, regular performance

to reduced campaign evaluations, and strategic resource

effectiveness, lower customer allocation to evaluate the campaign

engagement, and diminished ensuring efficient execution and

sales performance. maximizing campaign effectiveness.

Low Low participation and lack of To mitigate the risk, the students will

Participation/ coordination from the engage in open communication through

Lack of production team could affect regular team meetings for a better

Coordination the overall goal of the connection.

marketing campaign.

Budget Budget mismanagement or To avoid this risk, the students will

Mismanageme poor allocation of financial assign one person from the team that

nt resources can lead to cash flow will do the budgeting processes, regular
problems, missed financial financial monitoring, and accountability

targets, and increased debt measures to ensure efficient allocation

burdens. of resources.

A thorough measurement and evaluation strategy will be put in place to guarantee the

Winternight Ice Cream marketing campaign's success. This will allow for an assessment of

the effectiveness of the efforts, as well as data-driven decisions to improve the campaign's



Number of Engage with at least 500 unique The number of attendees at

Participants participants throughout the events, the number of participants

campaign. in online activities, and any other

forms of engagement related to

the campaign will be tracked.

Sales Revenue Achieve a sales revenue increase This would be measured by

of 25%. comparing the campaign's daily

and weekly sales data to historical

sales data from prior periods.

Social Media Increase social media The effectiveness of the campaign

Engagement engagement by 50% over the in terms of social media

campaign period. engagement can be evaluated with

the use of analytics tools offered

by social media platforms, such as

Facebook Insights, Twitter

Analytics, or Instagram Insights.

An essential aspect of evaluating the success of the Winternight Ice Cream marketing

campaign is the gathering and analysis of data. The students begin by keeping track of the

total number of participants in each campaign activity, using techniques like sign-up sheets

for in-person events and analytics software for online interactions. By compiling data from

these sources, these students aim to determine the reach and engagement of the campaign by

gathering data from various sources.

After the data is gathered, a thorough analysis is conducted. For a more in-depth

analysis, the total number of distinct participants engaged over the course of the campaign is

divided by location or demographics. By comparing the actual participant count with the

predetermined goal of 500, the students assess the campaign's success in audience


Simultaneously, tracking sales revenue is essential. A variety of sources, such as

e-commerce sites and point-of-sale systems, provide daily and weekly sales data. The team

assesses the campaign's influence on sales growth by examining revenue generated during the

campaign period and contrasting it with previous benchmarks, thereby determining

successful marketing tactics.

Another important factor that is being examined is social media engagement. The

group compiles data from multiple platforms, including likes, shares, and comments. By

analyzing this data to better understand the amount of interaction and interest sparked by the

campaign content, they can make better decisions about content strategy and platform choices

for upcoming campaigns.

For the purpose of assessing the effectiveness of the Winternight Ice Cream marketing

campaign, efficient data collection and analysis are essential. Through careful evaluation and

the tracking of key performance indicators, the team is able to gather important information

that will help them maximize their future marketing initiatives and propel business


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