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Science Reviewer 9

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- Larynx
o Allows Speech AKA Voice Box
o Blocks food and liquid to enter
the lungs
- Trachea

Reviewer 9 o Connects Throat to the Bronchi

o Splits up into two bronchi tubes

Third Station of Respiration

Respiratory System
- Bronchi Tubes
- It is the system that helps you breathe o Split up smaller inside the lungs
in and out, so oxygen can be pumped → Bronchioles
through your body and carbon dioxide o Air inside is warm, clean and
can be removed from the blood stream. moist
- Bronchioles
Three Process of Respiration
o Smaller Bronchi
- Breathing o End with small air sacs (called
o Exchange of air in the alveoli)
atmosphere to the lungs - Diaphragm
o Inhale and Exhale o The primary muscle used in
- Diffusion respiration
o Transfer of O2 and CO2 o Inhale – Contracts: Exhale Relax
o Across the Respiratory System
Fourth Station of Respiration
- Transport of Gases
o Oxygen → Cells - Alveoli
o Carbon Dioxide → Lungs for o Tiny air sacs – Grape-like
release structure
o Surrounded by many tiny blood
First Station of Respiration
vessels called capillaries
- Nostrils - Capillaries
o The openings of the nose o Delivers oxygen in bloodstream
o Inside is a pair of passages o Thin walls that allows oxygen to
called nasal cavities pass through
- Nasal Cavity
o Sinuses and Cilia
o Separated by Septum
- Oral Cavity
o The secondary external opening
for the respiratory tract.

Second Station of Respiration

- Pharynx or Windpipe (Throat)
o Gathers air from the nose
o Passes the air to Trachea
Circulatory System smallest blood vessels, the
- Is to transport oxygen and nutrients
- Veins
to the body cells and to carry
o Carry the blood from the rest
deoxygenated blood and carbon
of the body back towards the
dioxide back to the heart and lungs.
Blood: Fluid Trasport o They carry deoxygenated
- Blood is a tissue made of fluid, cells,
o Deoxygenated blood in our
and fragments of cells.
body has a darker red color.
- Red Blood Cells
- Capillaries
o RBCs contain a protein called
o The smallest blood vessels
hemoglobin. It allows RBCs to
that move blood to and from
pick up oxygen from the
the cells of the body
o Its walls are very thin that
- White Blood Cells
materials can easily diffuse
o WBCs help fight infections
into and out of them
and diseases.
- Platelets Heart: The Vital Pump
o It helps to control bleeding,
- Its function is to keep blood moving
so your body doesn’t lose too
constantly through the body.
much blood
- There are four Chambers of Heart
- Plasma
o The two smaller chambers
o It carries the different types
of blood cells to all the parts
▪ Right Atrium
of the body. It’s also a clotting
▪ Left Atrium
o The two larger chambers are:
Blood Vessels: Pathways of ▪ Right Ventricle
Circulation ▪ Left Ventricle
- Arteries - The heart also has valves that
o Carry blood away from the prevents the blood from flowing
heart towards the rest of the backwards.
body. o They open when the atria or
o They carry oxygenated ventricles contract, and shut
blood. when it relaxes.
o They branch off into smaller
arteries called arterioles.
o Arterioles enter tissues,
where they branch into the
- Systemic Circulation
o Occurs between the heart
Types of Circulations and the rest of the body,
except for the lungs. Its
- Pulmonary circulation function is to carry
o Occurs only between the oxygenated blood to all cells
heart and the lungs and transport deoxygenated
o The main function of this blood back into the heart.
circulation is to carry Systemic circulation starts
deoxygenated blood to the when blood leaves the left
lungs, where it picks up O2 ventricle then flows through
expels excess CO2 and water, the whole body and then
and carries oxygenated blood back into the heart.
back to the heart.
o Each lung is supplied by its
own pulmonary artery

Blood Flow in the Heart

- Coronary Circulation - Deoxygenated blood from the body

o Consists of the blood vessels enters the right atrium
that supply blood to, and - Blood then flows through right
remove blood from, the Atrioventricular valve going to right
heart. The vessels that ventricle
provide blood high in oxygen - Contractions of right ventricle pushes
levels to the heart are called the pulmonary valve open. With that,
as coronary arteries.
blood moves through pulmonary
valve to pulmonary trunk.
- Then, it is disperse by right and left
pulmonary arteries to both right and
left lungs, where it drops off Carbon
Dioxide and picks up oxygen
- Oxygenated blood from lungs returns
thru pulmonary arteries going to left
- Contraction of left ventricle makes
the aortic valve open. This makes
blood flow to aorta
- It is then disseminated to every
structure in the body, where it
unloads oxygen and loads carbon
- Blood reverts to heart thru vena cava
The respiratory and Circulatory
systems working together
- The circulatory system transports
bloods and other materials. It carries
essential supplies to the cells and
extracts their waste. While in
respiratory system, the gas exchange
takes place. The blood loads up on
oxygen and expels carbon dioxide.
- The respiratory and circulatory work
together to maintain homeostasis in the
face of constant change. As a result of
that, your heart speeds up or slows
down and you breathe faster or slower,
depending on your activity.

Note: Goodluck STE 9 Lamarck!! Galingan niyo

ah. Review well!! Stay healthy, safe, and
respectful!! Kaya niyo yan!!!

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