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BSTC Question Paper Download

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i`"Bksa dh la[;k % 32 Q. Booklet


Roll No. (In Figures)

vuqØekad% ¼vadksa es½a -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Roll No. (In Words)
vuqØekad % ¼’kCnksa es½a --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
O.M.R. No.
¼vks-,e-vkj- Øekad½----------------------------------
NKP – 2018
le; % rhu ?k.Vs Time : Three Hours
a % 600 Maximum Marks : 600

egRoiw.kZ funsZ’k % Important Instructions:

1. iz’u&i= iqfLrdk esa funsZ’k lfgr 32-i`"B gaS ,oa 1. The Question Paper Booklet contains 32 pages
blesa 200 iz’u 1 ls 200 rd ds Øe esa Nis gaSA including instructions of the Question Paper.
iz’u i= ds izR;sd [k.M v]c]l ,oa n esa 50 iz’u In all there are 200 Questions from 1 to 200
gaSA [k.M n ds nks Hkkx gSa ftlesa iz’u la[;k 151 divided into A,B,C & D Sections, of which
ls 170 vaxzts h ds gSa tks lHkh ds fy, vfuok;Z gSAa each Section contains 50 Questions. Section
iz’u la[;k 171 ls 200 rd ds fy, vH;FkhZ dks ‘D’ has two Parts. In this Section Question
Nos. 151-170 are of English, compulsory for
laLd`r ;k fgUnh esa ls fdlh ,d dk p;u djuk all. For Question Nos. 171-200 candidate has
gSA iz’u i= iqfLrdk ds lEcU/k esa fdlh Hkh to select either Sanskrit or Hindi. Any
f’kdk;r ij ijh{kk izkjEHk gksus ds 15 feuV rd complaint regarding the booklet will be
gh fopkj fd;k tk;sxkA entertained within 15 minutes from the
2. laLd`r esa izo’s k pkgus okys Hkkx n esa laLd`r dk commencement of the Test.
gh p;u djsAa laLd`r rFkk lkekU; (Both) nksuksa 2. Candidate seeking admission in Sanskrit has
dk ,d lkFk p;u djus okys Hkh laLd`r fo"k; dk to opt Sanskrit in section D. The candidate
gh p;u djsAa who has applied for BOTH Sanskrit and
General also has to opt Sanskrit only.
3. mÙkj Hkjus ds fy, mÙkj i=d (O.M.R.) ds 3. Follow the Instructions given at the back of
ihNs fn;s x;s funsZ’kksa dk ikyu djsAa O.M.R. answer sheet for filling the answers.
4. ijh{kkFkhZ bl iz’u i= iqfLrdk dk Øekad ,oa 4. The candidate should fill the serial no. and
lhjht mÙkj i=d (O.M.R.) esa fu/kkZfjr LFkku series of this Question Paper Booklet in the
ij vo’; HkjsA vU;Fkk mldk ijh{kk ifj.kke OMR Answer Sheet at the proper place,
?kksf"kr ugha gks ldsxk] ftlds fy, og Lo;a otherwise it will not be possible to declare the
mÙkjnk;h gksxkA result and the responsibility for the same will
be of the candidate.
uksV %
1. lHkh iz’u vfuok;Z gSAa 1. All the questions are compulsory.
2. Hkkx v] c] ,oa n ds izR;sd iz’u ds fy, 3 vad 2. Each questions carries 3 marks in section A, B
fu/kkZfjr gS rFkk Hkkx ^l* esa mÙkjksa ds fy, ojh;rk & D and marks for section C will be 3,2,1 and
ds Øe esa 3]2]1 rFkk 0 vad gksaxAs 0 in the preference order.
3. udkjkRed vadu ugha gksxkA 3. No Negative Marking will be done.

NKP-2018 (Series-C) Page 1 of 32
MENTAL ABILITY/ ekufld ;ksX;rk
Directions (Q. No. 1 - 4):
The figure given below consists of three intersecting circles which represent sets of students
who play Tennis, Badminton and Volley Ball. Each region in the figure is represented by a
small letter. On the basis of the figure, answer the questions given below.

a d e
¼Vsful½ c ¼cSMfeUVu½
b f

R ¼okWyhckWy½
funsZ’k % ¼ç-la- 1 & 4½ %
Åij nh xbZ vkd`fr esa rhu vUrfoZHkktd o`Ùk gS]a tks fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds lewgksa dks bafxr djrk gS tks
Vsful] cSMfeUVu vkSj okWyhckWy [ksyrs gSAa vkd`fr esa fn, x, izR;sd {ks= dks ,d NksVk v{kj crkrk
gSA vkd`fr ds vk/kkj ij uhps fn, x, iz’uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A
1. Which letter represents the set of students who play all the three games?
(A) b (B) c (C) f (D) g
dkSulk v{kj fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds ml lewg dks n’kkZrk gS tks rhuksa [ksy [ksyrs gSa\
(A) b (B) c (C) f (D) g
2. Which letter represents the set of students who play Tennis and VolleyBall but not
(A) g (B) e (C) c (D) b
dkSulk v{kj fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds ml lewg dks n’kkZrk gS tks Vsful vkSj okWyhckWy [ksyrs gSa ij cSMfeUVu
(A) g (B) e (C) c (D) b
3. Which letter represents the set of students who play Tennis but neither Badminton nor Volley
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
dkSulk v{kj fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds ml lewg dks n’kkZrk gS tks Vsful [ksyrs gSa ij uk rks cSMfeUVu vkSj uk
gh okWyhckWy \
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
4. Which letter represents the set of students who play Tennis and Badminton but not Volley
(A) b (B) c (C) d (D) f
dkSulk v{kj fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds ml lewg dks n’kkZrk gS tks Vsful vkSj cSMfeUVu [ksyrs gSa ij okWyhckWy
(A) b (B) c (C) d (D) f
NKP-2018 (Series-C) Page 2 of 32
Directions (Q. No. 5 - 7):
In a school, there were five teachers. A and B were teaching Hindi and English. C and B were
teaching English and Geography. D and A were teaching Mathematics and Hindi. E and B
were teaching History and French.
funsZ’k % ¼ç-la- 5 & 7½ %
,d fo|ky; esa ik¡p f’k{kd FksA A vkSj B fgUnh vkSj vaxzt s h i<+k jgs FksA C vkSj B vaxzt
s h vkSj Hkwxksy
i<+k jgs FksA D vkSj A xf.kr vkSj fganh i<+k jgs FksA E vkSj B bfrgkl vkSj Ýsp a i<+k jgs FksA
5. Who among the teachers were teaching maximum number of subjects?
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D
f’k{kdksa esa ls vf/kdre fo"k; dkSu i<+k jgs Fks\
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D
6. Which of the following pairs was teaching both Geography and Hindi?
(A) A and B (B) B and C (C) C and A (D) None of these
fuEu esa ls dkSuls Hkwxksy vkSj fgUnh nksuksa i<+k jgs Fks\
(A) A vkSj B (B) B vkSj C (C) C vkSj A (D) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
7. More than two teachers were teaching which subject?
(A) History (B) Hindi (C) French (D) Geography
nks ls vf/kd f’k{kd dkSulk fo"k; i<+k jgs Fks\
(A) bfrgkl (B) fganh (C) Ýsp
a (D) Hkwxksy
Directions (Q. No. 8 - 9):
Arrange the given words in a meaningful sequence and identify the most appropriate sequence
from amongst the alternatives.
funsZ’k % ¼ç-la- 8 & 9½ %
fn, x, 'kCnksa dks ,d vFkZi.w kZ Øe esa tekb;s vkSj fn, x, fodYiksa esa ls lokZf/kd mi;qDr Øe dks
fpfUg~r dhft,A
8. (i) Appendix (ii) Contents (iii) Title
(iv) Chapters (v) Introduction
(A) iii, ii, v, i, iv (B) ii, iii, iv, v, i (C) v, i, iv, ii, iii (D) iii, ii, v, iv, i
(i) ifjf'k"V (ii) vuqØef.kdk (iii) 'kh"kZd
(iv) v/;k; (v) ifjp;
(A) iii, ii, v, i, iv (B) ii, iii, iv, v, i (C) v, i, iv, ii, iii (D) iii, ii, v, iv, i
9. (i) Punishment (ii) Prison (iii) Arrest
(iv) Crime (v) Judgement
(A) v, i, ii, iii, iv (B) iv, iii, v, ii, i (C) iv, iii, v, i, ii (D) ii, iii, i, iv, v
(i) ltk (ii) dSn (iii) fxj¶+rkj
(iv) vijk/k (v) fu.kZ;
(A) v, i, ii, iii, iv (B) iv, iii, v, ii, i (C) iv, iii, v, i, ii (D) ii, iii, i, iv, v
10. How many times in a day, the two hands of a clock are at 90°?
(A) 4 (B) 12 (C) 22 (D) 44
,d fnu esa fdruh ckj] ?kM+h ds nks gkFk 90° ij gksrs gaS\
(A) 4 (B) 12 (C) 22 (D) 44

NKP-2018 (Series-C) Page 3 of 32
Directions (Q. No. 11 - 14):
In each of the following questions, two statements 1 and 2 are followed by two conclusions 1
and 2. Read the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows
from the two given statements.
(A) If only Conclusion 1 follows (B) If only Conclusion 2 follows
(C) If either Conclusion 1 or 2 follows (D) If neither Conclusion 1 or 2 follows
funsZ’k % ¼ç-la- 11 & 14½ %
uhps fn, x, izR;sd iz’u es]a dFku 1 vkSj 2 ds ckn fu"d"kZ 1 vkSj 2 gSAa fu"d"kksZa dks if<+, vkSj
fu.kZ; yhft, fd dkSuls fu"d"kZ fn, x, nks dFkuksa ds vk/kkj ij rdZlx
a r gSA
(A) ;fn dsoy fu"d"kZ 1 lgh gS (B) ;fn dsoy fu"d"kZ 2 lgh gS
(C) ;fn fu"d"kZ 1 ;k 2 lgh gS (D) ;fn fu"d"kZ 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa xyr gS
11. Statements : 1. All fans are watches.
2. Some watches are black.
Conclusions: 1. All watches are fans.
2. Some fans are black.
dFku % 1- lHkh ia[ks] ?kfM+;k¡ gSAa
2- dqN ?kfM+;k¡ dkyh gSAa
fu"d"kZ 1- lHkh ?kfM+;k¡ ia[ks gSAa
2- dqN ia[ks dkys gSSAa
12. Statements : 1. All grasses are trees.
2. No tree is shrub.
Conclusions: 1. No grasses are shrubs.
2. Some shrubs are grasses.
dFku % 1- lHkh ?kkl o`{k gSAa
2- dksbZ o`{k >kM+h ugha gaSA
fu"d"kZ 1- dksbZ ?kkl >kM+h ugha gSAa
2- dqN >kfM+;k¡ ?kkl gSASa
13. Statements : 1. Some boys are thieves.
2. Some students are boys.
Conclusions: 1. Some boys are dacoits.
2. All dacoits are boys.
dFku % 1- dqN yM+ds pksj gaSA
2- dqN yM+ds fo|kFkhZ gSAa
fu"d"kZ 1- dqN Mkdw yM+ds gSAa
2- lHkh Mkdw yM+ds gSAa
14. Statements : 1. No man is a donkey.
2. Rahul is a man.
Conclusions: 1. Rahul is not a donkey.
2. All men are not Rahul.
dFku % 1- dksbZ Hkh vkneh x/kk ugha gSA
2- jkgqy vkneh gSA
fu"d"kZ % 1- jkgqy x/kk ugha gSA
2- lHkh vkneh jkgqy ugha gSA
NKP-2018 (Series-C) Page 4 of 32
Directions (Q. No. 15 to 17):
In each of the following questions, a set of figure carrying certain characters is given. Assuming
that the characters in each set follow a similar pattern, find the missing character in each question.
funsZ’k ¼ç-la- 15 ls 17½
uhps fn;s x;s çR;sd ç’u esa çR;sd vkd`fr esa fofHkUu vadksa dk lewg gSA ;g dYiuk dhft, fd çR;sd
lewg fdlh fuf’pr iSVuZ ls py jgk gS mlh dks /;ku esa j[krs gq, çR;sd ç’u dk NwVk gqvk vad Kkr
4 7
5 1 64 3

11 27 ? 8

8 2

(A) 0 (B) 8 (C) 125 (D) 216

5 6 6 7 4 8
12 21 ?
4 5 10

(A) 14 (B) 22 (C) 32 (D) 320

17. 2

? 3 5

41 14
(A) 123 (B) 124 (C) 122 (D) 112
18. There are five different houses A to E in a row. A is to the right of B and E is to the left of C
and right of A. B is to the right of D. Which of the houses is in the middle?

(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

ik¡p fofHkUu edku A ls E fdlh ,d iafDr esa gSAa A, B ds nk;sa gS vkSj E, C ds ck;sa rFkk A ds
nk;sa gSAa B, D ds nk;sa gSA dkSulk edku e/; esa gS\
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D
NKP-2018 (Series-C) Page 5 of 32
19. In an examination Raj got more marks than Mukesh but not as many as Priya, Priya got more
marks than Gaurav and Kavita. Gaurav got less marks than Mukesh but his marks are not the
lowest in the group. Who is second in the descending order of marks?
(A) Priya (B) Kavita (C) Raj (D) Mukesh
fdlh ijh{kk esa jkt us eqd’s k ls T;knk vad çkIr fd;s ysfdu mrus ugha ftrus fç;k us] fiz;k us xkSjo
vkSj dfork ls T;knk vad çkIr fd;sA xkSjo us eqd’s k ls de vad çkIr fd;s ysfdu mlds vad lewg
esa lcls de ugha gSA vadksa dh n`f"V ls ?kVrs Øe esa tekus ij dkSu nwljs LFkku ij vk,xkA
(A) fç;k (B) dfork (C) jkt (D) eqd’s k
20. Looking at a portrait of man, Harsh said, “His mother is the wife of my father’s son. I have no
brother and sister”. At whose portrait was Harsh looking?
(A) His son (B) His Cousin
(C) His Uncle (D) His nephew
,d vkneh ds fp= dh vksj ns[krs gq, g"kZ us dgk ^^mldh ekrk esjs firkth ds iq= dh ifRu gSA esjs
dksbZ HkkbZ ;k cgu ugha gSA^^ g"kZ fdlds fp= dh vksj ns[k jgk Fkk\
(A) mlds iq= dh (B) mlds ppsjs HkkbZ dh
(C) mlds pkpk dh (D) mlds Hkrhts dh
21. By selling an article for `110, a man loses 12%. For how much should he sell it to gain 8%?
(A) `120 (B) `125 (C) `135 (D) `140
fdlh oLrq dks 110 `esa cspus ij 12% dh gkfu gksrh gSA ml oLrq ij 8% dk ykHk ysus ds fy, mls
fdrus #i;s esa cspk tk,\
(A) `120 (B) `125 (C) `135 (D) `140
22. The price of an article has been reduced by 25%. In order to restore the original price, the new
price must be increased by how much percent?
(A) 12% (B) 33 % (C) 25% (D) 30%
fdlh oLrq dk ewY; 25% ?kV tkrk gSA bl u;s ewY; esa fdrus çfr’kr dh o`f) dh tk, fd ewy
ewY; çkIr gks tk,\
(A) 12% (B) 33 % (C) 25% (D) 30%
23. If EAT is written as 22 26 7, how will you write LIP?
(A) 15 14 16 (B) 14 17 10 (C) 9 12 11 (D) 15 18 11
;fn EAT dks 22 26 7 fy[kk tk, rks LIP dks dSls fy[kk tk,xk\
(A) 15 14 16 (B) 14 17 10 (C) 9 12 11 (D) 15 18 11

NKP-2018 (Series-C) Page 6 of 32
24. Mohan is 4 times as old as Shyam. If the difference of their age is 9 years, how old is Mohan?
(A) 15 years (B) 12 years (C) 14 years (D) 9 years
eksgu dh vk;q ';ke ls pkj xquk gSA ;fn nksuksa dh vk;q dk vUrj 9 o"kZ gks rks eksgu fdrus o"kZ dk
(A) 15 o"kZ (B) 12 o"kZ (C) 14 o"kZ (D) 9 o"kZ
Directions (Q. No. 25 to 29):
Identify the logic between first two terms of left side portion of sign :: in following questions
and apply same logic on Right side portion of sign :: and find correct alternatives for each
funsZ’k ¼ç- la- 25 ls 29½ %
uhps fn;s x;s iz’uksa esa fpUg ¼%%½ ds ck;sa rjQ nksuksa in ds e/; rdZ dks igpkfu;s ogh rdZ çR;sd
ç’u eas fpUg ¼%%½ ds nk;sa rjQ okys nksuksa inksa ij ykxq dj çR;sd ç’u ds fy, lgh fodYi dk p;u
25. ACE : ZXY :: FHJ : _______
26. BYW : DWU :: FUS : _______
27. MORE : NNSD :: CRAW : ________
28. MONKEY : XDJMNL :: TIGER : ________
30. If air is called green, green is called blue, blue is called sky, sky is called yellow, yellow is
called water and water is called pink, then what is the colour of clear sky?
(A) Blue (B) Sky (C) Yellow (D) Water
;fn gok dks gjk] gjk dks uhyk] uhyk dks vkdk’k] vkdk’k dks ihyk] ihyk dks ikuh] ikuh dks xqykch
dgk tk, rks [kqy@
s lkQ vkdk’k dk jax D;k gksxk\
(A) uhyk (B) vkdk’k (C) ihyk (D) ikuh
31. In a certain code ‘786’ means ‘study very hard’, ‘958’ means ‘hard work pays’ and ‘645’
means ‘study and work’. Which is the code for ‘very’?
(A) 8 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) 4
fdlh fuf’pr dksM eas ^786^ dh ^LVMh osjh gkMZ^ ^958^ dks ^gkMZ odZ ist^+ vkSj ^645^ dks ^LVMh ,.M
odZ^ dgk tk, rks ^osjh^ ds fy, D;k dksM gksxk\
(A) 8 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) 4

NKP-2018 (Series-C) Page 7 of 32
32. If 15 January 2004 was a Sunday then what was the day of 15 January 2003 -
(A) Monday (B) Saturday (C) Friday (D) Tuesday
;fn 15 tuojh 2004 dks jfookj Fkk rks 15 tuojh 2003 dks D;k okj gksxk\
(A) lkseokj (B) 'kfuokj (C) 'kqØokj (D) eaxyokj
Directions (Q. No. 33 - 35):
In the following questions, three of the four are alike and so form a group, which is the one
that does not belong to that group?
funsZ’k % ¼ç-la- 33 & 35½%
fuEukafdr ç’uksa es]a rhu esa ls pkj ,d tSls gSa vkSj blhfy, ,d lewg cukrs gSAa dkSulk gS tks lewg
dk ugha gS\
33. (A) Parrot (B) Koel (C) Vulture (D) Swan
(A) rksrk (B) dks;y (C) fx) (D) gal
34. (A) Haryana (B) Gujarat (C) Kerala (D) Maharashtra
(A) gfj;k.kk (B) xqtjkr (C) dsjy (D) egkjk"Vª
35. (A) Potato (B) Coriander (C) Ginger (D) Onion
(A) vkyw (B) /kfu;k (C) vnjd (D) I;kt
Directions (Q. No. 36 - 39):
In the following questions, choose the odd numeral pair.
funsZ’k % ¼ç-la- 36 & 39½%
fuEukafdr ç’uksa es]a vadksa ds fo"k; ;qXe dks fpfUgr dhft,A
36. (A) 140-45 (B) 110-35 (C) 100-30 (D) 80-25
37. (A) 133-98 (B) 150-115 (C) 182-40 (D) 188-153
38. (A) 12:96 (B) 13:117 (C) 15:120 (D) 16:128
39. (A) 15-46 (B) 12-37 (C) 9-28 (D) 8-33
40. College is related to student in the same way as Hospital is related to…………?
(A) Doctor (B) Nurse (C) Treatment (D) Patient
egkfo|ky; dk fo|kFkhZ ls oks gh lac/a k gS tks vLirky dk ----------------------ls gS\
(A) MkWDVj (B) ulZ (C) bykt (D) jksxh
41. Signal : Traffic :: ? : ?
(A) Dam : River (B) Lens : Light
(C) Door : House (D) Operation : Doctor
flxuy % VªSfQd %% \ % \
(A) ck¡/k % unh (B) ysal % izdk’k
(C) njoktk % edku (D) vkWijs’ku % MkWDVj
NKP-2018 (Series-C) Page 8 of 32
42. M × N : 13 × 14 : : F × R : ?
(A) 7 × 19 (B) 5 × 17 (C) 14 × 15 (D) 5 × 18
44. If in a certain language A is coded as 1, B is coded as 2 and so on, how is BIDDIC coded?
(A) 294493 (B) 284563 (C) 375582 (D) 394492
;fn fdlh Hkk"kk esa A dk dwV 1 gS] B dk dwV 2 gS vkSj vkxs Hkh ,ls gh gS] rks BIDDIC dk dwV
D;k gksxk\
(A) 294493 (B) 284563 (C) 375582 (D) 394492
45. If A is to the south of B and C is to the east of B, in which direction is A with respect to C?
(A) North – East (B) North –West (C) South– East (D) South– West
;fn A, B ds nf{k.k esa gS vkSj C, B ds iwoZ esa gS rks A, C ds lac/a k esa fdl fn’kk esa gS\
(A) mÙkj&iwoZ (B) mÙkj&if’pe (C) nf{k.k&iwoZ (D) nf{k.k&if’pe
46. One evening before sunset two friends Rakesh and Rahim were talking to each other face to
face. If Rahim’s shadow was exactly to his right side, which direction was Rakesh facing?
(A) North (B) South (C) West (D) Data inadequate
,d 'kke dks lw;kZLr ls igys nks nksLr jkds’k vkSj jghe vkeus&lkeus ,d nwljs ls ckr dj jgs FksA
;fn jghe dh ijNkbZ ,dne mlds nkghus vksj Fkh rks jkds’k fdl fn’kk ds lkeus Fkk\
(A) mÙkj (B) nf{k.k (C) if’pe (D) lwpuk vi;kZZIr
47. 5, 7, 10, 15, 22, ………..
(A) 31 (B) 32 (C) 34 (D) 35
48. 703, 655, 607, 559, 511, 463, ………..
(A) 413 (B) 414 (C) 415 (D) 416
49. A father is, at present, three times as old as his son. Five years back, he was four times as old
as his son. Find the age of his son -
(A) 12 years (B) 15 years (C) 18 years (D) 20 years
,d firk] orZeku es]a vius iq= ls rhu xq.kk cM+s gSAa ik¡p o"kZ iwoZ os vius iq= ls pkj xq.kk cM+s FksA
iq= dh vk;q D;k gS\
(A) 12 o"kZ (B) 15 o"kZ (C) 18 o"kZ (D) 20 o"kZ
50. If 5 × 9 = 144 ; 7 × 8 = 151 ; 4 × 6 = 102, then 2 × 5 = ………?
(A) 77 (B) 97 (C) 107 (D) 73
NKP-2018 (Series-C) Page 9 of 32
51. The Kalbeliya dance is from which district of Rajasthan -
(A) Jodhpur (B) Udaipur (C) Alwar (D) Jaisalmer
dkycsfy;k u`R; jktLFkku ds fdl ftys ls gS&
(A) tks/kiqj (B) mn;iqj (C) vyoj (D) tSlyesj
52. Bagaru print is from the following part of Rajasthan -
(A) Jaipur (B) Bharatpur (C) Jhalawar (D) Nagaur
cx: dh NikbZ jktLFkku ds fdl fgLls ls gS&
(A) t;iqj (B) Hkjriqj (C) >kykokM+ (D) ukxkSj
53. Bala Qila is located at-
(A) Jalore (B) Sawai Madhopur (C) Alwar (D) Baran
ckyk fdyk dgk¡ fLFkr gS&
(A) tkykSj (B) lokbZ ek/kksiqj(C) vyoj (D) ckjak
54. Who is the longest serving Chief Minister of Rajasthan -
(A) Tika Ram Paliwal (B) Vasundhara Raje
(C) Ashok Gehlot (D) Mohanlal Sukhadia
jktLFkku esa lcls yEcs le; rd fdlus eq[;ea=h in ij dk;Z fd;k gS&
(A) Vhdkjke ikyhoky (B) olq/a kjk jkts
(C) v’kksd xgyksr (D) eksguyky lq[kkfM+;k
55. Daulat Ram Saran was addressed in Rajasthan as-
(A) Mahatma (B) Kisano ka Messiah (C) Babuji (D) Raja
nkSyr jke lkj.k dks jktLFkku esa lEcksf/kr fd;k tkrk Fkk ;g dgdj&
(A) egkRek (B) fdlkuksa dk elhgk (C) ckcw th (D) jktk
56. Rajasthan Vikas Party was established by-
(A) Brij Mohan Lal Sharma (B) Buta Singh (C) Heera Lal Shastri (D) Chhotu Ram
jktLFkku fodkl ikVhZ dh LFkkiuk dh Fkh&
(A) c`teksgu yky 'kekZ (B) cwVk flag
(C) ghjk yky 'kkL=h (D) NksVwjke
57. Who is the speaker of 14 Vidhan Sabha in Rajasthan -
(A) Sumitra Singh (B) Ram Niwas Mirdha
(C) Kailash Meghwal (D) Shanti Lal Chaplot
14oha ^jktLFkku^ fo/kku lHkk ds lHkkifr dkSu gS\
(A) lqfe=k flag a (B) jke fuokl fe/kkZ (C) dSyk’k es?koky (D) 'kkfUryky piyksr
58. How many periods of rainfall are there in Rajasthan?
(A) 2 (B) 1 (C) 3 (D) 4
jktLFkku esa o"kkZ dk le; fdruh ckj gksrk gS\
(A) 2 (B) 1 (C) 3 (D) 4
59. Indira Gandhi canal was necessitated by-
(A) Rains (B) Winter (C) Water Scarcity (D) Hot summers
bafnjk xk¡/kh ugj dh vko’;drk gqbZ&
(A) cjlkr ls (B) lnhZ ls (C) ikuh ds vHkko ls (D) vR;f/kd xehZ ls
NKP-2018 (Series-C) Page 10 of 32
60. River Luni originates from the following district -
(A) Nagaur (B) Ajmer (C) Tonk (D) Churu
ywuh unh dk mnxe LFkku] fuEu ftys esa gS&
(A) ukxkSj (B) vtesj (C) Vksd
a (D) pw:
61. Famous Chand Baori is located in the district of-
(A) Kota (B) Bharatpur (C) Alwar (D) Dausa
izfl) pk¡n ckoM+h fLFkr gS] fuEu ftys esa
(A) dksVk (B) Hkjriqj (C) vyoj (D) nkSlk
62. Which city in Rajasthan is called ‘Blue City’?
(A) Udaipur (B) Ajmer (C) Jodhpur (D) Bikaner
jktLFkku esa fdl 'kgj dks ^uhyk 'kgj^ dgk tkrk gS\
(A) mn;iqj (B) vtesj (C) tks/kiqj (D) chdkusj
63. Garden Bada Bagh is situated at-
(A) Jaisalmer (B) Bhilwara (C) Jhalawar (D) Hanumangarh
xkMZu cM+k ckx fLFkr gS&
(A) tSlyesj (B) HkhyokM+k (C) >kykokM+ (D) guqekux<+
64. Vijay Singh Pathik, a freedom fighter of Rajasthan, published a newspaper, known as-
(A) Rajasthan Kesri (B) Navin Rajasthan (C) Prabhat (D) Rajasthan Patrika
fot; flag ifFkd] jktLFkku ds LorU=rk lsukuh] mUgksusa ,d lekpkj i= fudkyk] tks bl uke ls
tkuk tkrk Fkk&
(A) jktLFkku dsljh (B) uohu jktLFkku (C) izHkkr (D) jktLFkku if=dk
65. Habib Tanvir’s Film Charan Das Chor was written by which Rajasthan writer.
(A) Malchand Tiwari (B) Harish Bhadani
(C) Vijay Dan Detha (D) Arjun Deo Charan
gchc ruohj dh fQYe pjunkl pksj jktLFkku ds fdl ys[kd }kjk fy[kh xbZ\
(A) ekypan frokjh (B) gjh’k Hkknkuh
(C) fot; nku nsFkk (D) vtqZu nso pkj.k
66. Who among the following was awarded Padma Vibhushan from Rajasthan?
(A) Komal Kothari (B) Vijay Shankar Vyas
(C) Natwar Singh (D) Naresh Chandra
jktLFkku esa fuEu esa ls fdls in~e foHkw"k.k ls lEekfur fd;k x;k &
(A) dksey dksBkjh (B) fot; 'kadj O;kl
(C) uVoj flag (D) ujs’k pUnz
67. Kamlesh Nagar Koti played for India Under 19 Cricket World Cup in the year -
(A) 2016 (B) 2015 (C) 2018 (D) 2014
deys’k ukxj dksfV Hkkjr vaMj 19 ds fo’o di esa [ksyk gS] fuEu o"kZ esa &
(A) 2016 (B) 2015 (C) 2018 (D) 2014
68. In Arid Desert of Rajasthan, India shares international borders with -
(A) Nepal (B) China (C) Pakistan (D) Afghanistan
jktLFkku ds 'kq"d jsfxLrku esa Hkkjr viuh vUrjkZ"Vªh; lhek lk>k djrk gS] fuEu ds lkFk &
(A) usiky (B) phu (C) ikfdLrku (D) vQxkfuLrku
NKP-2018 (Series-C) Page 11 of 32
69. North Aravalli Region of Rajasthan include the following district -
(A) Dausa (B) Sirohi (C) Ajmer (D) Tonk
mÙkjh vjkoyh {ks= esa jktLFkku dk fuEu ftyk lfEefyr gS &
(A) nkSlk (B) fljksgh (C) vtesj (D) Vksda
70. Panchayati Raj system in India was inaugurated in Rajasthan at Nagaur in the year –
(A) 1958 (B) 1959 (C) 1957 (D) 1956
iapk;rh jktO;oLFkk dk vkjEHk Hkkjr es]a jktLFkku ds ukxkSj ls fdl o"kZ esa gqvk\
(A) 1958 (B) 1959 (C) 1957 (D) 1956
71. Traditional leader of Meena community is known as -
(A) Patel (B) Bhagat (C) Karma (D) Mukaddam
ehuk leqnk; dk ijEijkxr usrk bl uke ls tkuk tkrk gS &
(A) iVsy (B) Hkxr (C) dekZ (D) eqdÌe
72. National High Way 8, which connects Delhi with Mumbai, passes through Rajasthan. It runs
into how many kilometres in Rajasthan?
(A) 700 (B) 560 (C) 688 (D) 720
jk"Vªh; ekxZ la[;k 8 tks fnYyh dks eqEcbZ ls tksM+rk gS jktLFkku ls xqtjrk gSA ;g jktLFkku esa
fdrus fdyks ehVj dk gS\
(A) 700 (B) 560 (C) 688 (D) 720
73. Central University was established in Rajasthan in year –
(A) 2007 (B) 2008 (C) 2009 (D) 2011
jktLFkku esa dsUnzh; fo’o fo|ky; dh LFkkiuk gqbZ o"kZ &
(A) 2007 (B) 2008 (C) 2009 (D) 2011
74. Sahitya Academy, Delhi award for Rajasthani in 2017, was awarded to -
(A) B.L.Vyas (B) Ambika Datt (C) Hetu (D) Neeraj Dalia
o"kZ 2017 dk lkfgR; vdkneh] fnYyh dk jktLFkkuh dk iqjLdkj fdls feyk &
(A) ch- ,y- O;kl (B) vafcdk nÙk (C) gsrq (D) uhjt Mkfy;k
75. Banasthali Vidyapeeth was established in the following year –
(A) 1934 (B) 1935 (C) 1936 (D) 1937
cuLFkyh fo|kihB dh LFkkiuk fuEu o"kZ esa gqbZ &
(A) 1934 (B) 1935 (C) 1936 (D) 1937
76. Who was the first Woman Chair Person of Rajasthan Human rights commission?
(A) Kanta Kumari Bhatnagar (B) Prabha Thakur
(C) Narendra Kanwar (D) Usha Meena
jktLFkku ekuokf/kdkj vk;ksx dh igyh efgyk v/;{k dkSu Fkh\
(A) dkUrk dqekjh HkVukxj (B) çHkk Bkdqj
(C) ujsUnz daqoj (D) Å"kk eh.kk
77. The first Woman Chief Secretary of Rajasthan was -
(A) Meenakshi Hooja (B) Kushal Singh
(C) Otima Bordia (D) Amarjeet Kaur
jktLFkku dh çFke efgyk eq[; lfpo Fkh &
(A) ehuk{kh gwtk (B) dq’kky flag
(C) vksfrek cksfnZ;k (D) vejthr dkSj
NKP-2018 (Series-C) Page 12 of 32
78. ‘Hela Khayal Dangal’ is famous in which district of Rajasthan?
(A) Dausa (B) Jaipur (C) Bikaner (D) Pali
^gsyk [;ky naxy* jktLFkku ds fdl ftys esa çfl) gS\
(A) nkSlk (B) t;iqj (C) chdkusj (D) ikyh
79. ‘Pichwai’ art is related to-
(A) Meera bai (B) Ram-Sita (C) Mahadev (D) Shree krishna
^fiNobZ* dyk lEcaf/kr gS&
(A) ehjkckbZ ls (B) jke&lhrk ls (C) egknso ls (D) Jhd`".k ls
80. According to 2011 census the lowest density districts in Rajasthan are-
(A) Barmer - Bikaner (B) Jaisalmer - Barmer
(C) Jaisalmer - Bikaner (D) Jaisalmer - Churu
2011 dh tux.kuk ds vuqlkj jktLFkku esa U;wure ?kuRo okys ftys gS&
(A) ckM+esj & chdkusj (B) tSlyesj & ckM+esj
(C) tSlyesj & chdkusj (D) tSlyesj & pw:
81. The first wind power plant of Rajasthan was established in-
(A) Amarsagar - Jaisalmer (B) Bithadi - Jodhpur
(C) Devgarh - Pratapgarh (D) Mohangarh - Jaisalmer
jktLFkku dk çFke iou ÅtkZ l;a= LFkkfir fd;k x;k Fkk&
(A) vejlkxj & tSlyesj (B) chBM+h & tks/kiqj
(C) nsox<+ & çrkix<+ (D) eksgux<+ & tSlyesj
82. ‘Bari’ ornament is worn in-
(A) Neck (B) Nose (C) Ears (D) Wrist
^ckjh* vkHkw"k.k iguk tkrk gS&
(A) xys esa (B) ukd esa (C) dkuksa esa (D) dykbZ esa
83. Where did the reign of Maharana Pratap take place?
(A) Chawand (B) Gogunda (C) Udaipur (D) kumbhalgarh
egkjk.kk çrki dk jktfryd dgk¡ gqvk Fkk\
(A) pkoaM (B) xksxqUnk (C) mn;iqj (D) dqEHkyx<+
84. Name the person who was expelled by Ratan Singh from his court and later he went on
asylum to Alauddin khilji-
(A) Sunder lal (B) Madan lal (C) Raghuji (D) Chetan Raghav
ml O;fDr dk uke crkb;s ftls jruflag us vius njckj ls fudky fn;k Fkk] rFkk ckn esa og
vykmÌhu f[kyth dh 'kj.k esa pyk x;kA
(A) lqUnj yky (B) enuyky (C) j?kqth (D) psru jk?ko
85. ‘Bhomat’ area in Rajasthan is related with-
(A) Udaipur (B) Banswara (C) Bhilwara (D) Alwar
jktLFkku esa ^HkkseV* {ks= lEcaf/kr gS&
(A) mn;iqj ls (B) ckalokM+k ls (C) HkhyokM+k ls (D) vyoj ls
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86. What was the name of first Rajasthani film?
(A) Nijarano (B) Babasa Ri Ladli
(C) Bai Chali Sasariye (D) Mhari Pyari Chanana
çFke jktLFkkuh fQYe dk uke D;k Fkk\
(A) futjkuksa (B) ckcklk jh ykMyha
(C) ckbZ pyh lklfj;s (D) Egkjh I;kjh pu.kk
87. Who took oath as Chief Minister of Rajasthan maximum number of times?
(A) Mohanlal Sukhadia and Haridev Joshi
(B) Haridev Joshi and Bhairon Singh Shekhawat
(C) Bhairon Singh Shekhawat and Hira Lal Devpura
(D) Shivcharan Mathur and Haridev Joshi
jktLFkku ds eq[;ea=h ds :i esa lokZf/kd ckj 'kiFk fdlus yh\
(A) eksguyky lq[kkfM+;k ,oa gfjnso tks’kh
(B) gfjnso tks’kh ,oa HkSajksflag 'ks[kkor
(C) HkSajksflag 'ks[kkor ,oa ghjkyky nsoiqjk
(D) f’kopj.k ekFkqj ,oa gfjnso tks’kh
88. Degana region is known for which mineral in Rajasthan?
(A) Manganese (B) Coal (C) Tungsten (D) Iron ore
Msxkuk {ks= jktLFkku esa fdl [kfut ds fy, tkuk tkrk gS\
(A) eSxuht+ (B) dks;yk (C) VaxLVu (D) ykSg v;Ld
89. Who is known as ‘Gandhi of Rajasthan’?
(A) Bhogi Lal Pandya (B) Gokul Bhai Bhatt
(C) Janki Lal (D) Damodar Vyas
^jktLFkku ds xk¡/kh* ds :i esa fdls tkuk tkrk gS\
(A) Hkksxh yky i.M;k (B) xksdqy HkkbZ Hkê
(C) tkudh yky (D) nkeksnj O;kl
90. Where is the only bird hospital of Rajasthan?
(A) Jaipur (B) Ajmer (C) Kota (D) Jodhpur
jktLFkku dk ,dek= i{kh fpfdRlky; dgk¡ gS\
(A) t;iqj (B) vtesj (C) dksVk (D) tks/kiqj
91. What is ‘Lag – bag’?
(A) Name of bird (B) Tax levied on farmers
(C) Name of cannon (D) Name of elephant of Man Singh
^ykx & ckx* D;k gS\
(A) fpfM+;k dk uke (B) fdlkuksa ij vkjksfir dj
(C) rksi dk uke (D) ekuflag ds gkFkh dk uke
92. Rajasthan in its present shape came into the year-
(A) 1956 (B) 1957 (C) 1958 (D) 1959
jktLFkku vius orZeku Lo:Ik esa vk;k gS o"kZ&
(A) 1956 (B) 1957 (C) 1958 (D) 1959
NKP-2018 (Series-C) Page 14 of 32
93. Word ‘Rajasthan’ was first used by historian known as-
(A) Tod (B) G.N Sharma (C) G.C. Pande (D) Satish Chandra
'kCn ^jktLFkku^ dk igyh ckj iz;ksx] fuEu bfrgkldkj }kjk fd;k x;k&
(A) VkWM (B) th-,u- 'kekZ (C) th- lh- ikaMs (D) lrh’k pUæ
94. Kali banga, an old historical site is located in the following district of Rajasthan :
(A) Bikaner (B) Ganganagar (C) Barmer (D) Jodhpur
dkyhcaxk] tks ,d ,sfrgkfld LFkku gS] og jktLFkku ds fdl ftys esa fLFkr gS&
(A) chdkusj (B) xaxkuxj (C) ckM+esj (D) tks/kiqj
95. The copper culture signs are available in the district of-
(A) Udaipur (B) Kota (C) Bundi (D) Alwar
rkez laLd`fr ds fpUg fdl ftys esa miyC/k gS&
(A) mn;iqj (B) dksVk (C) cwUnh (D) vyoj
96. The seervi, caste is in agriculture, they are found mostly in the district of-
(A) Kota (B) Jaipur (C) Jodhpur (D) Bharatpur
fljoh tkfr [ksrh ls tqM+h gS] ;s vf/kdka’kr% fdl ftys esa ikbZ tkrh gS&
(A) dksVk (B) t;iqj (C) tks/kiqj (D) Hkjriqj
97. Sisodias of Mewar were regarded as-
(A) Suryavanshi (B) Chandravanshi (C) Agnivanshi (D) Nagvanshi
esokM+ ds fllksfn;kvkas dks fuEu ekuk tkrk gS&
(A) lw;Zo’a kh (B) pnzo’a kh (C) vfXuoa’kh(D) ukxoa’kh
98. The first formal grammar of Rajasthani was written by the following -
(A) Jayasimha Siddharaja (B) Udyotan Suri
(C) Bhoja (D) Hemachandra Suri
jkTkLFkkuh dh igyh@vkSipkfjd O;kdj.k fy[kh xbZ] fuEu ds }kjk&
(A) t; flEgk fl)jktk (B) mn;ksru lwjh
(C) Hkkst (D) gsepUnz lwjh
99. Who among the following is a famous singer of the Jaipur Gharana of Music?
(A) Bhim sen Joshi (B) Jasraj (C) Girija Devi (D) Malikarjun Mansur
laxhr ds t;iqj ?kjkus ds çfl) laxhrdkj dkSu tkus tkrs gS&
(A) Hkhelsu tks’kh (B) tljkt (C) fxfjtk nsoh (D) efydktqZu eUlwj
100. Phad paintings of Rajasthan belong to the following school of paintings-
(A) Jaipur (B) Kota (C) Mewar (D) Bikaner
jktLFkku dh QM fp=dkjh] fp=dyk ds fdl Ldwy ls tqM+h gS&
(A) t;iqj (B) dksVk (C) esokM+ (D) chdkusj

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Teaching Aptitude / f’k{k.k vfHk{kerk
101. When you instruct a person to close the door and he strictly follows the instruction, then it
can be concluded that –
(A) You have given an effective instruction.
(B) The message has been received by the receiver.
(C) The message has been well explained by you.
(D) The receiver is ready to accept your order.
tc vki fdlh O;fDr dsk njoktk can djus dk funsZ’k nsrs gSa vkSj og dM+kbZ ls funsZ’k dk ikyu
djrk gS rks ;g fu"d"kZ fudkyk tk ldrk gS fd &
(A) vkius ,d izHkkoh funsZ’k fn;k gSA
(B) lan’s k xzkgh }kjk izkIr fd;k x;k gSA
(C) vkius lan’s k Hkyh Hkkafr Li"V fd;k gSA
(D) xzkgh vkids vkns’k dks Lohdkj djus ds fy, rS;kj gSA
102. Communication in classroom depends on –
(A) Teacher’s ability to explain (B) Difficulty level of Subject
(C) Student’s ability (D) Class – room interaction
d{kk d{k esa lapkj fuHkZj djrk gS &
(A) f’k{kd dh Li"V djus dh {kerk ij (B) fo"k; dk dfBukbZ Lrj ij
(C) fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh ;ksX;rk ij (D) d{kk var%fØ;k ij
103. A teacher should –
(A) Earn money as much as he can.
(B) Make efforts for educational upliftment of students.
(C) Work for students benefits.
(D) Take care of students.
,d f’k{kd dks djuk pkfg, &
(A) vf/kdkf/kd ek=k esa /ku dekukA
(B) Nk=ksa ds 'kSf{kd mRFkku ds fy, iz;klA
(C) Nk=ksa ds fgr ds dk;ZA
(D) Nk=ksa dh ns[kHkkyA
104. The reason of highest rate of dropouts in rural areas is –
(A) Irrelevant curriculum
(B) Poverty
(C) Eagerness for quick employment
(D) Inappropriate interpersonal relations with teachers
xzkeh.k {ks=ksa esa fo|ky; NksMu+ s okyksa dh lokZf/kd nj dk dkj.k gS &
(A) vizklafxd ikB~;Øe (B) xjhch
(C) Rofjr jkstxkj ds fy, mRlqdrk (D) f’k{kdksa ds lkFk vuqi;qDr ikjLifjd lac/a k
NKP-2018 (Series-C) Page 16 of 32
105. How can a teacher establish warm relationship with his students?
(A) Always laughing with them.
(B) By making suitable distances.
(C) By hearing their difficulties and resolving them.
(D) By making students his friends.
,d f’k{kd vius Nk=ksa ls e/kqj lac/a k fdl izdkj LFkkfir dj ldrk gS\
(A) muls lnSo galh etkd djdsA
(B) muls mfpr nwjh cukdjA
(C) mudh leL;kvksa dks lquus ds ckn mudk funku djdsA
(D) Nk=ksa dks viuk fe= cukdjA
106. If some poor students want to study in extra time from you, then you –
(A) Ask them to take tuition.
(B) Keep them off.
(C) From time to time meet their difficulties as needed.
(D) Send them to another teacher.
;fn dqN fu/kZu Nk= vkils vfrfjDr le; esa i<+uk pkgrs gS]a rks vki &
(A) mudks V;w’ku ysus ds fy, dgsx
a As
(B) mUgs Vkyrs jgsx
a As
(C) vko’;drk vuqlkj le; le; ij mudh dfBukbZ;ksa dks iwjk djsx a As
(D) mUgsa fdlh vU; f’k{kd ds ikl Hkstx
sa As
107. During the educational journey, a student fights with an old man about the place of seating,
then, what will you do?
(A) will take the side of the student. (B) will explain him to respect elders.
(C) will ignore it (D) will interfere to resolve
'kSf{kd ;k=k ds nkSjku cSBus dh txg dks ysdj ,d Nk= fdlh o`) ls >xM+ cSBrk gS] rks eSa &
(A) Nk= dk i{k yw¡xkA (B) mls le>kÅ¡xk fd cM+ks dk vknj djs
(C) mls vuns[kk d:¡xkA (D) fuiVkus ds fy, n[ky nwx
a kA
108. It is necessary to give details of the student’s progress to the parents so that –
(A) Parents can know the progress of their children.
(B) This gives proper guidance for parents to organize tuition.
(C) This keeps children in fear.
(D) Children can not give wrong information to their parents.
Nk=ksa dh izxfr dk C;kSjk vfHkHkkodksa dks nsuk vko’;d gS &
(A) blls vfHkHkkod vius cPpksa dh izxfr tku ldrs gSAa
(B) blls vfHkHkkod dks V;w’ku yxkus dh mfpr lykg feyrh gSA
(C) blls cPpksa esa Mj cuk jgrk gSA
(D) cPps vfHkHkkodksa dks xyr tkudkjh ugha ns ldrsA

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109. If you are evaluating, then you will –
(A) provide marks according to the work.
(B) give more marks to those who study tuition from you.
(C) give rich students more marks.
(D) give more marks to weak students.
;fn vki ewY;kadu dj jgs gS]a rks vki &
(A) dk;Z ds vuqlkj gh vad iznku djsx a As
(B) mUgsa vf/kd vad nsxa s tks vkils V;w’ku i<+rs gSAa
(C) vehj Nk=ksa dks vf/kd vad nsx a As
(D) fiNM+s Nk=ksa dks vf/kd vad nsx a As
110. A teacher should use audio visual material, because –
(A) Student’s interest is created in the lesson.
(B) The focus of student’s attention remains in learning.
(C) It helps in realizing knowledge and diversification of text.
(D) All of the above.
,d v/;kid dks n`’;&JO; lkexzh dk iz;ksx djuk pkfg,] D;ksfa d &
(A) Nk=ksa dh ikB eas #fp jgrh gSAa
(B) Nk=ksa dk /;ku i<+kbZ esa dsfUnzr j[krh gSAa
(C) Kku dks okLrfod :i iznku djus o ikB esa fofo/krk ykus esa lgk;d gksrh gaSA
(D) mijksDr lHkhA
111. Class–room communication should be –
(A) Teacher–Centered (B) General–Focus
(C) Learner–Centered (D) Test book–Centered
d{kk&d{k lEiz"s k.k gksuk pkfg, &
(A) f’k{kd dsfUnzr (B) lkekU; dsfUnzr
(C) Nk= dsfUnzr (D) ikB~;iqLrd dsfUnzr
112. While using ICT with teaching in class –
(A) No teacher will be required
(B) More work load will be there for the teacher
(C) Teacher’s role will be as a facilitator
(D) Teacher’s role will be central
d{kk f’k{k.k esa ICT iz;qDRk djrsa le; &
(A) v/;kid dh vko’;drk ugha jgsxhA
(B) v/;kid ds fy, dk;ZHkkj vf/kd gks tk,xkA
(C) v/;kid dh Hkwfedk leUo;d ds :i esa jgsxhA
(D) v/;kid dh Hkwfedk dsUnzh; gks tk,xhA
113. The status of teachers in the society should be high because they -
(A) Do great mental work (B) Meet people of the society
(C) Prepare future citizens (D) Do more labour.
lekt esa f’k{kdksa dk Lrj Å¡pk gksuk pkfg,] D;ksfa d os &
(A) vR;kf/kd ekufld dk;Z djrs gSAa (B) lekt ds yksxksa ls feyrs gSAa
(C) Hkkoh ukxfjdksa dks rS;kj djrs gSAa (D) vf/kd Je djrs gSAa

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114. For a teacher to make a place in society -
(A) Must stay in political party.
(B) Must fulfill his obligation.
(C) Keeping one self active in the activities of society.
(D) Accumulating more money for becoming influential.
f’k{kd dks lekt esa LFkku cukus ds fy;s &
(A) fdlh jktuSfrd ikVhZ esa jguk pkfg;sA
(B) vius nkf;Ro dks fuHkkuk pkfg;sA
(C) lekt dh xfrfof/k;ksa esa vius dks lfØ; j[kuk pkfg;sA
(D) vf/kd ls vf/kd /ku lap; djds vius izHkko dks c<+kuk pkfg;sA
115. As a teacher, you would like to devote your evening time to what work?
(A) In discussing politics (B) In entertainment work
(C) In other activities to earn money (D) In social work
,d v/;kid ds :i esa vki viuh 'kke dk le; fdl dk;kZ esa yxkuk ilan djsx
a \s
(A) jktuhfr dh ppkZ djus esa (B) euksjt
a u dk;ksZa esa
(C) /ku izkfIr ds vU; dk;ksZa esa (D) lkekftd dk;kasZ esa
116. A successful teacher is one who -
(A) Gives good marks (B) Checks homework regularly
(C) Keeps strict discipline (D) Remains aware about the progress of students
lQy f’k{kd ogh gS] tks &
(A) vPNs vad nsrk gSA (B) fu;fer x`gdk;Z ns[krk gSA
(C) dBksj vuq’kklu j[krk gSA (D) Nk=ksa dh izzxfr ds izfr ltx jgrk gSA
117. Which of the following criteria would you follow when punishing students -
(A) frequency and seriousness of offence.
(B) equal punishment for all without discrimination.
(C) only the seriousness of offender.
(D) only the frequency of offence.
vki Nk=ksa dks n.M nsrs le; fuEu esa ls fdl ekin.M dk ikyu djsx
a \s
(A) vijk/k dh vko`fr ,oa xaHkhjrk
(B) fcuk fdlh HksnHkko ds lHkh dks leku n.M
(C) dsoy vijk/kh dh xaHkhjrk
(D) dsoy vijk/k dh vko`fÙk
118. If a student regularly comes late in school then you will -
(A) Complain to his parents (B) Find out the reasons
(C) Remove student from school (D) Punish the student in front of all students
;fn ,d Nk= yxkrkj fo|ky; esa foyac ls vkrk gS] rks &
(A) mlds vfHkHkkodksa ls f’kdk;r djsx a As (B) blds dkj.kksa dk irk yxk;sxa As
(C) Nk= dks fo|ky; ls fudky nsx a As (D) lHkh Nk=ksa ds lkeus mls nf.Mr djsx
a As

NKP-2018 (Series-C) Page 19 of 32
119. When would you like to take additional responsibility as a teacher?
(A) For new knowledge (B) For praise
(C) For promotion (D) For Co-operation
f'k{kd ds :i esa vki dc vfrfjDr mÙkjnkf;Ro ysuk pkgsx
a \s
(A) u;s Kku ds fy;s (B) iz’kalk ds fy;s
(C) inkséfr ds fy;s (D) lg;ksx ds fy;s
120. The best way to create awareness is through-
(A) Family (B) Society
(C) Books (D) Companion
ltxrk iSnk djus ds fy;s loksZÙke lk/ku gS &
(A) ifjokj (B) lekt
(C) iqLrd (D) laxh lkFkh
121. ……… helps to increase the general knowledge of the teacher -
(A) Students (B) Fellow teacher
(C) Newpaper-Magazines (D) Family members
v/;kid dk lkekU;&Kku c<+kus esa lgk;d gS &
(A) Nk= (B) lkFkh v/;kid
(C) i=&if=dk,¡ (D) ifjokj tu
122. Main objective of education is -
(A) Development of language skills (B) Development of Social Citizenship
(C) Give punishment (D) Personality development
f'k{kk dk ,d izeq[k mn~n’s ; gS &
(A) Hkk"kk dkS’ky dk fodkl (B) lkekftd ukxfjdrk dk fodkl
(C) n.M nsuk (D) O;fDrRo fodkl
123. Successful leadership is -
(A) Democratic (B) Monarchic
(C) Group based (D) Dictatorship
lQy usr`Ro gksrk gS &
(A) iztkrkaf=d (B) jktrkaf=d
(C) lewg vk/kkfjr (D) rkuk’kkgh
124. Teachers in the teaching profession do tuition because -
(A) Students force them to do this.
(B) Their greed for wealth has increased.
(C) Their Salary is low.
(D) With growth in their knowledge they want to disseminate it.
v/;kiu O;olk; esa f’k{kd V~;’w ku djrs gS] D;ksfa d &
(A) Nk= mUgsa ,slk djus ds fy;s ck/; djrs gSA
(B) mudh /ku&yksyqirk c<+ xbZ gSAa
(C) mudk osru de gSA
(D) Lo;a ds Kku esa vfHko`f) gksus ls os vius Kku dk izlkj djuk pkgrs gSAa
NKP-2018 (Series-C) Page 20 of 32
125. The education given to the students by the teacher should be :-
(A) Professional education (B) Scientific education
(C) Related with Culture and spiritual (D) All above
f'k{kd }kjk Nk=ksa dks nh tkus okyh f’k{kk fuEu ls lacfa /kr gksuh pkfg;s &
(A) f’k{kk O;olkf;d gks (B) oSKkfud gks
(C) laLÑfr ,oa vk/;kRe ls lacfa /kr gks (D) mi;qZDr lHkh
126. Depends on the teacher’s awareness -
(A) Teacher’s knowledge (B) Teacher’s financial Status
(C) Teacher’s popularity (D) Teacher’s Resourcefulness
v/;kid dh tkx#drk ij fuHkZj djrk gS &
(A) v/;kid dk Kku (B) v/;kid dh vkfFkZd fLFkfr
(C) v/;kid dh [;kfr (D) v/;kid dh L=ksriw.kZrk
127. If there is a political debate, then you -
(A) will actively participate (B) will enjoy
(C) will be one sided (D) will not pay attention
;fn dgha jktuhfrd cgl gks jgh gS] rks vki &
(A) lfØ; Hkkx ysaxs (B) vkuan ysx
a s
(C) fdlh ,d i{k dh vksj gksx
a s (D) /;ku ugha nsx
a s
128. All round development of students can be done -
(A) By providing education facilities
(B) Through realisation of Social Responsibility
(C) By considering the interest of students themselves
(D) By giving them money
Nk=ksa dk lokaZxh.k fodkl fd;k tk ldrk gS &
(A) f’k{k.k lqfo/kk nsdj (B) lkekftd nkf;Ro dk cks/k djkds
(C) Nk=ksa esa Lo;a ds fgr dk Kku nsdj (D) mudks /ku nsdj
129. The leader of the group can only give successful leadership when he will :-
(A) Be patient (B) Be disciplined
(C) Be serious (D) Be rich
lewg dk usrk rHkh lQy usr`Ro ns ldrk gS] tc og &
(A) lgu’khy gks (B) vuq’kkluh; gks
(C) xaHkhj gks (D) /kuh gks
130. Complex and difficult subject matter should be taught -
(A) According to students (B) In Sections
(C) Afterwards (D) In between
tfVy rFkk dfBu fo"k;oLrq dk f’k{k.k djkuk pkfg;s &
(A) Nk=ksa ds vuqlkj (B) [k.Mksa esa
(C) ckn esa (D) chp&chp esa
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131. The best way of studying evils in the nearby society is by-
(A) Contact with students (B) Contact with parents
(C) Social survey (D) Book study
fudV lekt esa O;kIr cqjkb;ksa dk v/;;u djus dk loksZÙke lk/ku gS &
(A) Nk=ksa ls laidZ (B) vfHkHkkodksa ls laidZ
(C) lkekftd losZ{k.k (D) iqLrd v/;;u
132. Effective decision making depends on -
(A) Leaders (B) Members
(C) Both Leaders & Members (D) Interactions between the two
izHkkoh fu.kZ;&fuekZ.k fuHkZj djrk gS &
(A) usrk ij (B) lnL;ksa ij
(C) usrk ,oa lnL;] nksuksa ij (D) nksuksa ds e/; var% fØ;k ij
133. I often get angry when people -
(A) Do not agree with me (B) Talk about their own interest
(C) Blame some innocent (D) Quarrel with each other
eq>s vDlj Øks/k vkrk gS] tc yksx &
(A) esjh ckr ugha ekurs gaSA (B) vius LokFkZ dh ckr djrs gSAa
(C) fdlh funksZ"k dks nks"k nsrs gSAa (D) vkil esa >xM+k djrs gSAa
134. How to improve Education?
(A) By administrative reform (B) By changing the method of examination
(C) By spending more money on education (D) By recruiting best teachers
f'k{kk esa lq/kkj fdl izdkj laHko gS\
(A) iz’kklfud lq/kkj }kjk (B) ijh{kk i)fr esa ifjorZu djds
(C) f’k{kk ij vf/kd /ku O;; djds (D) Js"B f’k{kdksa dh fu;qfDr djds
135. If the students do not understand the text the teacher should -
(A) Explain again (B) Start next lesson
(C) Talk to Principal (D) Ask questions
Nk=ksa dks ikB le> esa ugha vkus ij v/;kid dks pkfg;s fd &
(A) nqckjk le>k;sxa s (B) vxyk ikB 'kq# dj nsx
a s
(C) izkpk;Z ls ckr djsxa s (D) iz'u iwNx sa s
136. What should teachers do to get rid of theft habit in students -
(A) Explain ill effects (B) Explain with example
(C) Give punishment (D) Scold
Nk=ksa esa pksjh dh vknr NqM+kus ds fy;s v/;kid dks D;k djuk pkfg;s\
(A) nq"ifj.kke crkus pkfg;s (B) mnkgj.k nsdj le>kuk pkfg;s
(C) ltk nsuk pkfg;s (D) rkM+uk nsdj
137. Selection of subject requires -
(A) Scholarship (B) Educational guidance
(C) Professional guidance (D) Choice of students
fo"k;ksa ds p;u ds fy;s vko’;d gS &
(A) fo}rk dh (B) 'kSf{kd funsZ’ku dh
(C) O;olkf;d funsZ’ku dh (D) Nk=ksa dh bPNk dh
NKP-2018 (Series-C) Page 22 of 32
138. The teacher gets good information about the events of Country and abroad -
(A) From history books (B) From Newspapers
(C) From radio news (D) From world tour
v/;kid dks ns’k & fons’k dh ?kVukvksa dh vPNh tkudkjh izkIr gksrh gS &
(A) bfrgkl dh iqLrdksa ls (B) lekpkj&i=ksa ls
(C) jsfM;ksa lekpkj ls (D) fo’o Hkze.k ls
139. While teaching in the class, the teachers should –
(A) Seek active cooperation of the students. (B) Keep the students as passive listeners.
(C) Do not pay any attention to the students. (D) Remove the difficulties of the students.
d{kk esa i<+krs le;] f’k{kdksa dks pkfg, &
(A) Nk=ksa ds lfØ; lg;ksx dk Á;kl djsAa (B) Nk=ksa dks fuf"Ø; Jksrkvksa ds :i esa j[ksAa
(C) Nk=ksa ij dksbZ /;ku u nsaA (D) Nk=ksa dh dfBukb;ksa dks nwj djsAa
140. To motivate students in the class, the teachers should –
(A) always praise their students.
(B) always criticize their students.
(C) judiciously use praise and criticism.
(D) give such comments which neither indicate praise nor criticism.
d{kk esa Nk=ksa dks izfs jr djus ds fy,] f’k{kdksa dks pkfg, &
(A) ges’kk vius Nk=ksa dh ljkguk djsAa
(B) ges’kk vius Nk=ksa dh vkykspuk djsAa
(C) foosd ls iz’kalk vkSj vkykspuk dk mi;ksx djsAa
(D) ,slh fVIif.k;ka nsa tks u gh ljkguk vkSj u gh vkykspuk,a bafa xr djsAa
141. During teaching in the class if a student asks question, the teachers should –
(A) give correct answer immediately to him.
(B) ask the student to come after period for the answer.
(C) scold him and tell him not to disturb the teaching.
(D) not pay any attention and continue his teaching .
d{kk esa i<+kus ds nkSjku ,d Nk= iz’u iwNrk gS] f’k{kd dks pkfg, &
(A) mls rRdky lgh tokc nsAa
(B) Nk= dks mÙkj ds fy, dkyka’k ds ckn vkus ds fy, dgsA
(C) mls MkaVs vkSj mls dgs f’k{k.k esa ck/kk mRiUu u djsA
(D) dksbZ /;ku u nsa vkSj vius f’k{k.k dks tkjh j[ksAa
142. The basic responsibility of teacher in the class is –
(A) to promote learning in the class.
(B) to extract school’s fee from the students.
(C) to arrange the records of the students of the class.
(D) to give extra importance to the students having tuition.
d{kk esa f’k{kd dh ewy ft+Eesnkjh gS &
(A) d{kk esa vf/kxe dks c<+kukA
(B) Nk=ksa ls fo|ky; 'kqYd olwyukA
(C) d{kk ds Nk=ksa ds fjdkMZ dks O;ofLFkr djukA
(D) V;w’ku okys Nk=ksa dks vf/kd egÙo nsukA

NKP-2018 (Series-C) Page 23 of 32
143. A class teacher is expected to behave with his students –
(A) more loving with intelligent students.
(B) reluctance towards poor students.
(C) equal behaviour with all the students.
(D) behaviour according to the expectations of the students.
,d d{kk f’k{kd dks vius Nk=kas ds lkFk O;ogkj djus dh mEehn gSa &
(A) cqf)eku Nk=ksa ds lkFk vf/kd I;kjA
(B) xjhc Nk=ksa ds izfr vyxkoA
(C) lHkh Nk=ksa ds lkFk leku O;ogkjA
(D) Nk=ksa dh mEehnksa ds vuqlkj O;ogkjA
144. The teacher is considered to be the guide, because –
(A) he has unfathomable capacities to build the future society.
(B) he is a symbol of social belief.
(C) he is a guard to the society.
(D) he is indulged in giving shapes to frustrations.
f’k{kd dks ekxZ n’kZd ekuk tkrk gS] D;ksfa d &
(A) mlesa Hkfo"; ds lekt ds fuekZ.k dh vFkkg {kerk gSAa
(B) og lkekftd fo’okl dk izrhd gaSA
(C) og lekt ds fy, ,d j[kokyk gSAa
(D) og dqB a kvksa dks vkdkj nsus esa fyIr gaSA
145. Teaching should be mainly done by –
(A) Skilled and trained teachers (B) Untrained persons
(C) Experienced teachers (D) Young talented persons
f'k{k.k eq[; :i ls ------------------ }kjk fd;k tkuk pkfg,A
(A) dq’ky vkSj izf’kf{kr f’k{kdksa (B) vizf’kf{kr O;fDr;ksa
(C) vuqHkoh f’k{kdksa (D) ;qok izfrHkk’kkyh O;fDr;kas
146. To inculcate human virtues among students as a teacher –
(A) you will not do anything wrong so as not to send wrong message to the children.
(B) you will reflect all those virtues, which you wish to imbibe.
(C) you will continuously tell them and make them understand.
(D) you will bring change in the children to suit the present context.
,d f’k{kd ds :i esa Nk=ksa esa ekuo&xq.kksa dks fodflr djus ds fy, &
(A) vki dqN Hkh xyr ugha djsx a s rkfd cPps dks xyr lan’s k uk tk;sA
(B) vki mu lHkh xq.kksa dks izfrfcafcr djsx a ]s ftUgs vki vkRelkr djokuk pkgrs gSAa
(C) vki mUgsa yxkrkj crk,axs vkSj mUgs le>k,sx a As
(D) vki orZeku lanHkZ ds vuq:i cPpksa esa cnyko yk,axAs
NKP-2018 (Series-C) Page 24 of 32
147. The monitor of the class should be –
(A) The most popular student of the class. (B) The loving student of the teacher.
(C) The most powerful student of the class. (D) The extrovert student of the class.
d{kk dk ekWuhVj gksuk pkfg, &
(A) d{kk dk lcls yksdfÁ; fo|kFkhZA (B) f’k{kd dk I;kjk fo|kFkhZA
(C) d{kk dk lcls 'kfDr’kkyh fo|kFkhZA (D) d{kk dk cfgeqZ[kh fo|kFkhZA
148. Teacher can develop moral values in students, because –
(A) Teacher has ability to motivate students.
(B) Teacher is role model for students.
(C) Students have fear for teacher.
(D) Students follow every instruction of teacher.
f'k{kd Nk=ksa esa uSfrd ewY;ksa dks fodflr dj ldrs gS]a D;ksfa d &
(A) f’k{kd esa fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks izfs jr djus dh {kerk gSAa
(B) f’k{kd fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy, vkn’kZ gSAa
(C) fo|kfFkZ;ksa esa f’k{kd ds izfr Hk; gksrk gSAa
(D) fo|kFkhZ f’k{kd ds izR;sd funsZ’k dk ikyu djrs gSAa
149. Suppose a gifted student is sitting in the class and gives quick answers to all your questions.
What would you do with regard to your student?
(A) you will ask comparatively difficult questions and persuade him not to become
(B) you think that he must give all the answers quickly so you can feel a sign of relief from
your responsibilities.
(C) you will tell him that this is an unhealthy behaviour in the class.
(D) you will ask difficult questions to answer so as to make him realise him that you are
among one of the best teachers.
Ekku yhft, vkidh d{kk esa ,d izfrHkk’kkyh Nk= cSBk gS vkSj vkids lHkh iz’uksa ds Rofjr mÙkj
nsrk gSA vki vius Nk= ds lac/a k esa D;k djsx a \s
(A) vki rqyukRed :i ls dfBu iz’u iwNx sa s vkSj mls v/khj u gksus ds fy, euk,axAs
(B) vki le>rs gSa fd mls rqjar lHkh mÙkj ns nsus pkfg, rkfd vki viuh ftEesnkfj;ksa ls eqDr
gks ldsAa
(C) vki mls dgsx a s fd d{kk esa v/khj gksuk vuqi;qDr O;ogkj gSAa
(D) vki fo|kFkhZ ls vR;f/kd tfVy iz’u iwNx sa s ftlls mls ;g ,glkl gks fd vki lcls vPNs
f’k{kdksa esa ls ,d gSAa
150. This is believed that female teachers are more suitable for primary level teaching because –
(A) They work patiently and affectionately with children.
(B) They have less opportunity for other professions.
(C) They agree to work on low salary.
(D) There is no need of high qualification for this profession.
;g ekuk tkrk gS fd efgyk f’k{kd izkFkfed Lrj dh f’k{kk ds fy, vf/kd mi;qDr gS]a D;ksfa d &
(A) os cPps ds lkFk /kS;ZiwoZd vkSj I;kj ls dke djrh gSAa
(B) muds ikl vU; O;olk;ksa ds fy, de volj gSAa
(C) os de osru ij dke djus ds fy, lger gksrh gSAa
(D) bl is’ks ds fy, mPp ;ksX;rk dh dksbZ vko’;drk ugha gSAa
NKP-2018 (Series-C) Page 25 of 32
Language Proficiency-English

Directions: (Q. 151 –152) Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets-
151. Only a coward would say so. (Transform into Negative)-
(A) Not even a coward would say so (B) None but a coward would say so
(C) A coward would only not say so (D) No coward would say so
152. Mohini is more beautiful than Mitali. (Use positive degree)-
(A) Mohini is not so beautiful as Mitali. (B) Mohini is rather beautiful than Mitali.
(C) Mitali is not as beautiful as Mohini. (D) Mitali is as beautiful as Mohini.
Directions: (Q.153) Choose the correct Tense-
153. I ……………… the stadium long before the match.
(A) reach (B) was reaching
(C) had reached (D) had been reaching
Directions: (Q.154) Change the Direct narration to Indirect narration-
154. She said to me, “What are you doing?”
(A) She asked me what was I doing (B) She asked me what am I doing
(C) She asked me what I was doing (D) She asked me what were you doing
Directions: (Q.155) Choose the correctly spelt word-
155. (A) Dicease (B) Disease (C) Desease (D) Diseese
Directions: Find one word for the group of words given below-
156. A person with long experience of any occupation-
(A) Veteran (B) Wizard (C) Genius (D) Expert
Directions: Choose the correct Synonym of ‘Eradicate’
157. (A) Emerge (B) Uplift (C) Remove (D) Increase

Directions: Give the correct Antonym of ‘Compassion’-

158. (A) Anxiety (B) Hatred (C) Connection (D) Conducive

Direction : (Q.159) Choose the option that is correct-

159. The teacher was too angry that she left the classroom-
(A) The teacher was very angry that she leave the classroom.
(B) The teacher was so angry that she left the classroom.
(C) The teacher was too angry and she had left the classroom.
(D) The teacher was too angry but she leave the classroom.

NKP-2018 (Series-C) Page 26 of 32
Direction : (Q.160) Choose the option with the word that is closest in meaning-
160. Abandon-
(A) Try (B) Join (C) Forsake (D) Adopt
Direction : (Q.161) Choose the option with word opposite in meaning-
161. Entangle-
(A) Twist (B) Untwist (C) Hook (D) Impede
Direction : (Q.162) Choose the correctly spelt word-
162. (A) Abbreviate (B) Abreviate (C) Abrreviate (D) Abriviat
163. Person who loves books and reading -
(A) Philologist (B) Bibliophile (C) Misogynist (D) Misologist
Directions : (Q.164-167) Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow-
At this stage of civilisation, when many nations are brought in to close and vital contact for
good and evil, it is essential, as never before, that their gross ignorance of one another
should be diminished, that they should begin to understand a little of one another’s historical
experience and resulting mentality. It is the fault of the English to expect the people of other
countries to react as they do, to political and international situations. Our genuine goodwill
and good intentions are often brought to nothing, because we expect other people to like us.
This would be corrected if we know history, not necessarily in detail but in broad outlines, of
the social and political conditions which have given to each nation its present character.
164. Mentality of a nation, according to the author, is a product of …………….
(A) Present character (B) Politics (C) History (D) Geography
165. The character of a nation is the result of its-
(A) Ignorance (B) Cultural heritage
(C) Socio political conditions (D) Mentality
166. The need for a greater understanding between nations-
(A) is more today than ever before (B) was more there in the past
(C) is no longer there (D) has never been there
167. ‘Genuine’ in the passage means -
(A) Historical (B) Political (C) Real (D) Fake
Directions : (Q.168 - 170) Choose the correct alternative -
168. …………… car must be insured.
(A) A (B) An (C) The (D) All
169. Everyone expected the same team ……………
(A) to win (B) was winning (C) won (D) will win
170. It took longer ……………………. I expected.
(A) though (B) but (C) than (D) then

NKP-2018 (Series-C) Page 27 of 32
Hkk"kk ;ksX;rk % fgUnh
171. ^^lq/kk fnu&jkr i<+rh gS rkfd mldk izfr;ksxh ijh{kk esa p;u gks tk,^^A js[kkafdr in gS&
(A) lac/a k cks/kd vO;; (B) mÌs’; cks/kd O;kf/kdj.k leqPp; cks/kd
(C) lekukf/kdj.k leqPp; cks/kd (D) fuikr
172. ^xq: th^ vk jgs gS^a A okD; esa ^opu^ iz;ksx gS&
(A) ,dopu (B) cgqopu
C) ,dopu ds LFkku ij cgqopu (D) cgqopu ds LFkku ij ,dopu
173. L=hcks/kd izR;; ls fufeZr 'kCn ugha gS&
(A) ysf[kdk (B) iM+kfs lu (C) cguksbZ (D) Hkonh;
174. fuEu esa v’kq) i;kZ;okph lewg gS&
(A) fuf’k] jtuh] ;kfeuh (B) veh] ih;w"k] lq/kk
(C) lq/kka’kq] fgeka’kq] 'k’kkad (D) uhjt] okfjt] tyn
175. fuEu esa v’kq) foijhrkFkhZ lewg gS&
(A) i{k&izfri{k (B) vkfLrd&ukfLrd (C) LoxZ&ujd (D) lkfe"k&’kkdkgkjh
176. ioZr] jRu fo’ks"k] lw;Z] liZ] o`{k fdl vusdkFkhZ ds vFkZ gS&
(A) fxfj (B) ux (C) HkkLdj (D) lkjax
177. 'kq) okD;ka’k cks/kd 'kCn ugha gS&
(A) tks thrk u tk lds % vt; (B) vkdk’k esa mM+us okyk % [kx
(C) xksn fy;k gqvk % nÙkd (D) tks fxjk gqvk gks % ifrr
178. ^cqf)eku gksus dk xoZ^ vFkZcks/kd eqgkojk gS&
(A) vDy dk nq’eu (B) vDy ij iRFkj iM+uk
(C) vDy ds ?kksM+s nkSM+kuk (D) vDy dk iqryk
179. ^^dcgq¡ fujkfe"k gks; u dkxk^^A yksdksfDr dk vFkZ gS&
(A) nq"Vksa dh fe=rk 'kh?kz lekIr gks tkrh gSA (B) nq"V viuh nq"Vrk ugha NksM+rkA
(C) nq"V ds lkFk cqjk O;ogkj djukA (D) dkS, vkSj nq"V lc txg ik, tkrs gSA
180. ;.k laf/k dks n’kkZus okyk fodYi gS&
(A) 'khrrqZ (B) "kMkuu (C) xqokZKk (D) egkSnk;
181. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSulk laf/k foPNsn lgh ugha gS&
(A) vfHk $ lsd (B) jke $ v;u (C) fo $ le (D) fu $ p;
182. ^ØhM+k{ks=^ 'kCn dk lgh lekl foxzg gS&
(A) ØhM+k ds fy, {ks= (B) ØhM+k dk {ks=
(C) ØhM+k vkSj {ks= (D) ØhM+k vSkj {ks= dk lewg
183. deZ/kkj; lekl dks n’kkZus okyk fodYi gS&
(A) uhydey (B) f=Hkqou (C) vkej.k (D) lektnzkgs h
184. ^uhps] ghu vkSj vHkko^ dks n’kkZus okyk milxZ gS&
(A) mi (B) vo (C) izfr (D) vfHk

NKP-2018 (Series-C) Page 28 of 32
185. fons’kh Hkk"kk ds milxZ ls cuk 'kCn gS&
(A) iqjLdkj (B) HkjisV (C) v/kdPpk (D) gjjkst
186. Hkkookpd rf)r izR;; ls cus 'kCn dks n’kkZus okyk fodYi gS&
(A) ifugkj (B) /kuoku (C) ykfyek (D) ydM+gkjk
187. ^vfXu^ dks n’kkZus okyk 'kCn ugha gS&
(A) ikod (B) pew (C) d`’kkuq (D) tkrosn
188. dkSulk 'kCn lewg ^dey^ dk i;kZ;okph gS&
(A) vEHk] mnd] lfyy (B) fof’k[k] b"kq] vk’kxq
(C) vofu] {kkS.kh] esfnuh (D) ufyu] rkejl] 'krny
189. fo"kkn 'kCn dk foijhrkFkZd 'kCn gS&
(A) e`nq (B) ojnku (C) vkg~ykn (D) Lrqfr
190. dkSulk fodYi foykse 'kCnksa dks ugha n’kkZrk gS&
(A) lEeq[k&foeq[k (B) xfjek&yf?kek (C) la;ksx&lq;ksx (D) jkx&fojkx
191. ^fpj&phj^ 'kCn ;qXeksa dks vFkZ gksrk gS&
(A) ijkdk"Bk&peM+k (B) cgqr le; rd& oL=
(C) lQsn&eqLdku (D) ;q)& dky
192. tgk¡ xaxk] ;equk cgrh gS] og ns’k mitkÅ gSA okD; gS&
(A) lk/kkj.k okD; (B) la;qDr okD; (C) feJ okD; (D) fu"ks/kokpd okD;
193. fuEu esa ls fdl fodYi ds lHkh 'kCn 'kq) gS&
(A) izkr%dky] v/kksiru (B) ewrhZ] jkf=
(C) fonw"kh] Jherh (D) okYehfd] bdkbZ
194. v’kq) okD; gS&
(A) o`{k ij dkSok cksy jgk gSA (B) t;k ,d cqf)eku ckfydk gSA
(C) gkFkh ij gkSnk j[k nksA (D) dq[;kr vkradoknh ekjk x;kA
195. fdlh oLrq dks ikus dh mRdV ykylk dks n’kkZus okyk eqgkojk gS&
(A) vk¡[kksa esa xM+uk (B) vk¡[ksa pkj gksuk
(C) vk¡[kksa esa [kwu mrjuk (D) vk¡[ksa [kqyuk
196. ^^dksl&dksl ij cnys ikuh] pkj dksl ij --------------------------------^^A fdl Hkkf"kd bdkbZ dks Li"V djrk
(A) /ofu (B) Hkk"kk (C) cksyh (D) fyfi
197. fuEu esa v’kq) vk{kfjd [k.M gS&
(A) d~ $ "k ¾ {k (B) r~ $ j ¾ = (C) x~ $ ; ¾ K (D) 'k~ $ j ¾ J
198. rRle&rn~Hko dk v’kq) ;qXe gS&
(A) b{kq&bZ[k (B) vKkuh&vutkuk (C) ,yk&byk;ph (D) nf/k&nw/k
199. ^^mlus yM+kbZ dh gS^^A okD; esa dky Hksn gS&
(A) lkekU; Hkwrdky (B) vklUu Hkwrdky (C) viw.kZ Hkwrdky (D) lkekU; orZeku dky
200. fuEu esa Hkkookpd laKk ughs gS&
(A) cpiu (B) cukjlh (C) cSBd (D) ,drk

NKP-2018 (Series-C) Page 29 of 32
Hkk"kk ;ksX;rk % laLd`r
171. fuEus"kq v’kq)~ okD;efLr&
(A) tVkfHkLrkil% (B) fir`H;% Lo/kk
(C) mik/;k;kr~ v/khrs (D) Nk=s.k xksiky% iVqre%
172. ^dkjdkf.k^ HkofUr&
(A) iap (B) "kV~ (C) lIr (D) v"V
173. inlaKk;k% fo/kk;d lw=e~ vfLr&
(A) vkfnjUR;su lgsrk (B) gyks·uUrjk la;ksx%(C) lqfIræ Ura ine~ (D) ij% lfUud"kZ% lafgrk%
174. cgqozhfg leklL; iz/kku y{k.ke~ vfLr&
(A) mÙkjinkFkZiz/kku% (B) iwoZinkFkZiz/kku% (C) vU;inkFkZiz/kku% (D) mHk;inkFkZiz/kku%
175. ^fu"Bk^ izR;;% Hkofr&
(A) 'kr`&’kkup~ (B) Dr&Drorq (C) DRok&Y;i~ (D) rqequ~
176. ^n’kZd%^ bR;fLeu~ ins izd`frizR;;ks% ;ksx%&
(A) n`’k~ $ vd~ (B) n`’k~ $ v.k~ (C) n`’k~ $.oqy~ (D) n`’k~ $ ?k¥~
177. fuEus"kq okD;s"kq 'kq)&okD;e~ vfLr&
(A) dkekr~ Øks/kks·fHktk;rs (B) dkesu Øks/kks·fHktk;rs
(C) dkeL; Øks/kks·fHktk;rs (D) dkek; Øks/kks·fHktk;rs
178. ^ikod%^ bfr inL; lfU/kfoPNsn% vfLr&
(A) iks $ vd% (B) ikS $ vd% (C) iks $ vkd% (D) ikS $ vkd%
179. okfrZddkj% d%\
(A) ikf.kfu (B) irata fy (C) dkR;k;u (D) ojnjkt
180. vkH;Urj iz;Ruk% dfrfo/k% lfUr\
(A) f=fo/k% (B) prqfoZ/k% (C) iapfo/k% (D) "kM~fo/k%
181. Qy’kCnL; prqFkhZ&cgqopus :ia Hkfo";fr&\
(A) QykH;ke~ (B) QysH;% (C) Qyk; (D) Qysu
182. "kdkjL; mPpkj.ka LFkkuefLr&
(A) ew/kkZ (B) rkyw (C) nUrk% (D) d.B%
183. nUrks"Ba o.kZ% vfLr&
(A) rdkj% (B) odkj% (C) mdkj% (D) ldkj%
184. ^^izkn;% fØ;k;ksxs ---------- laKk% L;q%^^ fjDr% LFkkua Hkofr&
(A) /kkrq% (B) milxZ (C) fØ;k (D) 'kCn%
NKP-2018 (Series-C) Page 30 of 32
185. laLd`rs milxkZ% dfr\
(A) v"Vkn’k% (B) n~okfoa’kfr% (C) ,dksufoa’kfr% (D) foa’kfr%
186. ^ns;e~^ bR;fLeu~ ins izd`frizR;;ks% ;ksx%&
(A) nk $ ;r~ (B) ns $ ;r~ (C) nh $ ;r~ (D) ns; $ ;r~
187. ^^izrh;rs fo/kh;rs bfr ---------------- ^^ fjDr% LFkkua vfLr&
(A) /kkrq% (B) 'kCn% (C) vO;; (D) izR;;
188. ^/kk;Ze~^ bR;fLeu~ ins izdf` rizR;;ks% ;ksx%&
(A) /k` $ .;r~ (B) /kk $ .;r~ (C) /kk;Z $ .;r~ (D) /kh $ .;r~
189. drZ̀deZn~okjk rfUu"BfØ;k;k vk/kkj% dkjde~ ---------------------------- L;kr~&
(A) deZ% (B) lEiznkue~ (C) viknkue~ (D) vf/kdj.ke~
190. viknkukfnfo’ks"kSjfoof{krra dkjda dk laKa L;kr~\
(A) viknkue~ (B) lEiznkue (C) deZ (D) vf/kdj.ke~
191. la[;kiwoksZ d% lekl%\
(A) deZ/kkj; (B) vO;;hHkko% (C) rRiq#"k (D) n~foxq%
192. ^n~fo;eque~^ bR;= leklfo/kk;da lw=a fde~\
(A) n~oUn~os f?k (B) fu"Bk (C) unhfHk’p (D) "k"Bh
193. ^fo’ks"k.ka fo’ks";s.k cgqye~%^ lw=L; mngkj.kefLr&
(A) ?ku’;ke% (B) dqi# q "k% (C) uhyksRiye~ (D) ;qDr;ksx%
194. ^fo".kw bekS^ v= dk laKk izoÙkZr\s
(A) f?k (B) la;ksx% (C) izx`º;e~ (D) unh
195. [kfj volkus p inkUrL; jsQL; --------------------------------------- dk laf/k%\
(A) gye~ (B) O;atue~ (C) folxZ% (D) Loj%
196. vo.kkZnfp ijs iwoZij;ksjd s ks dk vkns’k% L;kr~&
(A) o`n~f/k% (B) izx`º;e~ (C) xq.k% (D) nh?kZ%
197. ^f’koks·s P;Z%^ bR;fLeu~ mnkgj.ks laf/k&foPNsn% d%\
(A) f’koks $ vP;Z% (B) f’koe~ $ vP;Z% (C) f’ko% $ vkP;Z% (D) f’kol~ $ vP;Z%
198. ^d`^ /kkrks% fof/kfy³~dkjL; mÙkeiq#"kL; n~foopus :ia Hkfo";fr&
(A) dqoZ% (B) dq;kZe (C) dq;kZe~ (D) dq;kZo
199. ^fCkHksrq^ bfr ins /kkrqydkj’p vfLr&
(A) Hkh $ yksV~ydkj (B) Hkh $ y`Vydkj (C) Hkh $ y³~ydkj (D) Hkh $ fof/kfy³~ydkj
200. ^jke^ 'kCnL; lIreh foHkDrs% :iefLr&
(A) jkekr~ (B) jkes"kq (C) jkes.k (D) jkek.kke~

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jQ dk;Z ds fy,
(For Rough Work Only)

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