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As we hypothesized, the average heart rate of Gimeno, A. L., Gimeno, M. F., & Webb, J. L.
daphnia is significantly lower after 5% ethanol (1962). Effects of ethanol on cellular membrane
alcohol submergence, compared to submergence in potentials and contractility of isolated rat
aquarium water (as seen on figure 1). This atrium. American Journal of Physiology.
correlation was consistent throughout all five 203(1): 194-196.
daphnia in our experiment. Our control group, the
daphnia not submerged in ethanol, had no Hill, R. B., et al. "Nervous regulation of the
significant heart rate increase before and after the myogenic heart in early juveniles of the isopod c
seven minutes of sitting on the slide. The Fisher rustacean, Ligia exotica." Phylogenetic
study supports our conclusion that alcohol Models in Functional Coupling of the CNS
consumption decreases action potentials in and the Cardiovascular System: 3rd
myogenic organisms (Fisher, 1975). Because International Congress of Comparative
humans and daphnia are both myogenic, it is a Physiology and Biochemistry, Satellite
reasonable conclusion that alcohol decreases action Symposium, Shimoda, August 31-September
potentials, and therefore heart rate, in humans. 2, 1991. Vol. 11. Karger Medical and
As an alternative interpretation, one could Scientific Publishers, 1992.
argue that the decreased heart rate is more
dependent on the lab setting and. stress that the Kaas, B., Krishnarao, K., Marion, E., Stuckey, L., &
organism was placed under rather than the alcohol. Kohn, R. (2009). Effects of melatonin and
However, our control group goes to disprove this ethanol on the heart rate of Daphnia magna.
interpretation by showing no decrease in heart rate Impulse: the premier journal for
when no ethanol was used. Another alternative undergraduate publications in the
interpretation of our results could be that the vagus neurosciences.
nerve regulated the lowering of the heart rate, rather
than the alcohol consumption. Shaw, T. & French, D. (2018). Authentic Research
The reason for decreased action potentials in in Introductory Biology, 2018 Ed.
daphnia due to ethanol consumption is unknown, as Fountainhead, Fort Worth.
it could be decreased acetylcholine release, lowered
sensitivity of acetylcholine receptors, or a Stein, R. J., Richter, W. R., Zussman, R. A., &
combination of both (Kaas, 2009). As a future Brynjolfsson, G. (1966). Ultrastructural
experiment, the amount of acetylcholine released in characterization of Daphnia heart muscle.
the synapse could be measured in order to help The Journal of cell biology, 29(1), 168.
determine the exact reason for the decrease in action
potentials caused by ethanol alcohol. This could Wallner, M., H. J. Hanchar, and R. W. Olsen.
help to show how exactly what kind of heart "Ethanol enhances α4β3δ and α6β3δ γ-
problems could be combated with ethanol. aminobutyric acid type A receptors at low
concentrations known to affect humans."
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Lowering by Specific and Selective I f
Current Inhibition with Ivabradine. A New
Therapeutic Perspective in Cardiovascular
Disease. 64(16): 1757-1765.