Unofficial Outward Roleplaying Game
Unofficial Outward Roleplaying Game
Unofficial Outward Roleplaying Game
Unofficial Outward The easiest way to regain Health, Stamina, and Mana is to
Roleplaying Game rest. For every 1 hour spent sleeping in a comfortable area
(such as an inn), you regain 10 Health, Stamina, and Mana.
Index If sleeping in an area that would be deemed uncomfortable
(such as camping in a tent), you instead regain 5 Health,
1. The Basics Stamina, and Mana for every hour spent sleeping.
2. Skills
Rolling and Dice
3. Races UORPG is a d10 system, meaning for a majority of rolls, you
4. Actions, Defenses, and Conditions roll 1d10 and add any relevant modifier. This die is
accompanied by other dice as well, generally for damage
5. Abilities purposes. These other dice include the d4, d6, d8, and d12.
There are generally only two types of rolls in UORPG; a skill
6. Advancement roll and a damage roll. On rare occasions, untyped rolls may
7. Equipment be used as well, but these generally have no modifiers and do
not count as skill or damage rolls for any reason. Skill rolls
8. Magic will be explained in the Skills section of this document, while
damage rolls will be explained in the Equipment section.
9. Survival
10. NPCs Combat
In combat, each creature will roll a special skill roll called an
Initiative Check. Initiative Checks can use one of two skills:
The Basics Perception or Reflexes. A creature generally uses its highest
The basics of UORPG are split into three subcategories: skill between these two for its Initiative Checks. Whoever has
attributes, rolls, and combat. Attributes allow us to define our the highest Initiative Check acts first (and ties are broken by
characters' strengths and weaknesses when it comes to whoever has the highest skill used). After a creature performs
playing the game, rolls determine how we decide our all aspects of its turn and chooses to end its turn, the next
characters' ability apart from our own, and combat goes creature in initiative order takes their turn. This goes until
through the basics of how combat works in the system. every creature has taken a turn in initiative order, then
returns to the top of initiative order. This is called a round.
Attributes Actions
There are four categories of attributes in UORPG: Health, There are three forms of actions a creature can take on their
Stamina, and Mana, called Vitals, as well as Defenses. Each turn: a full action, a half action, and a move action. During a
attribute determines varying things about your character, as turn, a creature has a full action and move action, but can
described below. choose to split their full action into two half actions.
Health: Determines how much damage you can take Certain abilities, including magic, may take full actions,
before succombing to your injuries. half actions, or move actions, and are what make combat
more interesting than just move and attack.
Stamina: Determines how often you can perform special
actions, as well as travel before becoming tired. Skills
Mana: Determines how much magic you can produce There are many different skills in UORPG, each of which has
before becoming tapped of your magical source. different uses. Some skills are meant for combat, while
Defenses: Determines your defenses against varying others are meant for exploration or social interactions.
forms of damage and effects; generally determined by
equipment rather than character choices and progression. Bonuses and Values
Your skills and their ranks will generally be described as a
skill value. Your value is the base bonus you have to a skill,
Allocating Your Vitals and this is applied to many things, such as carryweight and
You have 100 points to allocate between your Health, movement speed. Some things may specify you gain a bonus
Stamina, and Mana. Having a close to equal amount in each or penalty to skill rolls. If this is the case, always treat any
vital makes for a well rounded character, however you may bonus or penalty as also being applied to to your skill value.
want to build for a more specific type of character. You must For example, a +1 bonus to Speed skill rolls would also
allocate at least 25 points into Health and Stamina at the increase your movement speed by +1.
start of character creation. When determining different forms of skill rolls, refer to the
following list:
Standard Skill Roll: A standard skill roll is a roll with a Skill Categories
predetermined difficulty set by the Game Master. Roll Skills fall under four categories: Health, Stamina, Mana, and
1d10 and add the relevant skill, comparing it to the Miscellaneous. Depending on your current Health, Stamina,
difficulty set by the GM. If the roll meets or exceeds the and Mana, skills that fall under those categories gain a bonus
difficulty class (called DC). it is a success. The GM may to their effective level equal to your current Health, Stamina,
also decide that failed roll that is close to the DC may have or Mana divided by 10, rounded down. For example, a
a better outcome than a failed roll that is not close to the creature with 50 current Stamina and only the default 1 rank
DC, but this is not always required. in Speed has an effective Speed value of 6. This does not
Contested Skill Roll: A contested skill roll is when two apply to skill values for the purpose of Self-Contested skill
opponents are actively testing their skills against one rolls.
another. In this scenario, both opponents would roll 1d10 Skill List
plus the relevant skill and compare them to each others' The following are all skills listed in alphabetical order and by
roll. Whoever's roll is the highest wins the contested skill category:
roll. In the case of a tie, the opponent that did not engage
the contested skill roll (called the defender) wins. Health
Self-Contested Skill Roll: A self-contested skill roll is Fortitude
when a situation calls for a DC set purely by a creature's
own capabilities, or when a GM is unsure of what the DC Stamina
of a roll should be. When something calls for a self- Athletics
contested skill roll, the creature rolls 1d10 and compares Melee
it to their skill value. If the result is less than or equal to Ranged
their value, the skill roll is a success. Reflexes
Extended Skill Rolls: An extended skill roll takes place Strength
when a certain task would take an extended amount of
time, generally more than 1 minute. The GM can call for Mana
an extended skill roll for a few reasons, including time Arcana
restraints, expenditure of resources, or more. An extended Intellect
skill roll is always eventually a success, and therefore if no Willpower
issues are to arise from time being spent, there is no
reason for the extended skill roll. When making an Miscellaneous
extended skill roll, roll 1d10 and add the relevant skill for Deception
roughly every 1 minute spent on the task (or more if the Empathy
task is a particularly long one). The GM should set a DC Intimidation
that is far greater than what is achievable with a single Perception
roll, and each roll adds to the total result against the DC. Persuasion
Critical Successes and Failures Survival
When you make a skill roll, there is the possibility of critically Skill Ranks
succeeding or critically failing. If you roll a 10 on the d10, the
roll is a critical success. If you roll a 1 on the d10, the roll is a At character creation, you have 19 skill ranks to allocate
critical failure. If you achieve a critical success or failure, it between your skills. Because all four general skills
does not automatically mean you succeed or fail at whatever automatically allocate 1 point, this means you have 15
you're attempting. Instead, you either gain a bonus or penalty leftover to allocate to skills of your choice. Each skill has
to the roll. If the roll was a critical success, roll an additional three thresholds: untrained, trained, and expert.
d10 and add that total to the roll. If the roll was a critical Untrained skills are skills that have no ranks allocated to
failure, roll an additional d10 and subtract that total from the them (also meaning general skills are never untrained),
roll. These additional dice cannot critically succeed or fail trained skills have between 1 and 5 ranks allocated to them,
themself. and expert skills have between 6 and 10 ranks allocated to
them. A skill can never have more than 10 points allocated to
General Skills it, however some abilities, equipment, category bonuses, and
There are four skills that are considered general skills, more may increase a skill value past the soft limitation of 10.
meaning all characters are at least slightly trained in them. Increasing a skill by 1 from untrained to trained, as well as
These skills are Intellect, Perception, Speed, and Strength. within the trained threshold, costs 1 skill rank. Increasing a
Characters automatically allocate 1 rank in these skills, as skill by 1 from trained to expert, as well as within the expert
explained later in this document. threshold, costs 2 skill ranks.
Skill Descriptions Races
Fortitude: Determines your ability to resist various There are many different races within the world of Outward.
conditions, including poisoned, diseases, and other effects While generally, adventurers are Humans, other races can
that specify. take up the mantle of adventurer, albeit with some difficulties
moving about the world without danger of being scrutinized,
Athletics: A skill that covers many things such as climbing, if not straight up attacked by Humans and other races. To
jumping, balancing, using some maneuvers, and defending play any race besides a Human, make sure GM permission is
against maneuvers as explained in the abilities section. attained, as having a non-Human in the party may complicate
things. Humans are not listed below, as they have no changes
Melee: Used for attacking creatures with melee weapons. to any skills, attributes, or other mechanics.
Ranged: Used for attacking creatures with ranged Ash Giant
weapons. Ash Giants are a race of large, slow-moving humanoid
creatures. Like Humans, there are good and evil Ash Giants,
Reflexes: Used for defending against various effects with some forming civilizations akin to Human cities, while
including most attacks and areas of effect. others are little more than barbaric monsters. As an Ash
Giant, you gain the following effects:
Speed: Determines how many meters you can move with Gigantic: You stand around 15 feet tall. Whenever you
one move action. make a skill roll to perform a maneuver against a creature
smaller than you, you treat their maneuver defense as
Strength: Determines how much you can lift and carry, as being 0 + their Athletics skill value instead of the normal 5
described in the survival section. + their Athletics skill value, however, it's more difficult for
to stand up when knocked down. You cannot move after
Arcana: Used for attacking creatures with magic. using the stand up from prone action.
Intellect: Used for recalling knowledge, investigating, Strong-Armed: You gain a +1 to all Athletics, Fortitude,
researching, and similar activities. and Strength skill rolls, however you take a -1 penalty to
all Ranged, Reflexes, and Stealth skill rolls.
Willpower: Used for defending against various conditions, Giant Anatomy: Your anatomy allows for quicker natural
including cursed, doomed, haunted, and other effects that regeneration. When resting, you regain 5 more Health for
specify. every 1 hour spent sleeping, however your anatomy also
Deception: Used for deceiving others in conversation. has a critical weakness. You have vulnerability to frost
damage, as explained in the equipment section.
Empathy: Used for detecting deception and reading things
like body language, mannerisms, and the like. Immaculate
Immaculates are scourge, birthed from the many monstrous
Intimidation: Used for provoking others in conversation. scourge creatures from the Gates of Catharsis. Most
Immaculates are hostile to Humans and other civilized races,
Perception: Used to get a general sense of locational though the rare few choose to have at least a neutral
awareness, as well as spot and hear things. relationship with Humanity.
Persuasion: Used to convince others in conversation. Warrior-Build: You stand around 10 feet tall. Your agile
frame and innate defenses allow you to treat your
Stealth: Used for keeping out of sight and earshot, as well maneuver defense as 10 + your Athletics skill value
as doing things without notice, such as pickpocketing. instead of the normal 5 + your Athletics skill value,
however your build causes momentum to be difficult to
Survival: Used for understanding and performing tasks stop. When taking the run action, you can only move in a
that aid in surviving in the wild, as well as tending wounds, straight line. This can be negated when using a half action
both of which are described in the survival section. to move instead of a move action.
Agile: You gain a +1 to all Athletics, Reflexes, and Speed
skill rolls, however you take a -1 penalty to all Deception,
Empathy, and Persuasion rolls.
Scourge Anatomy: Your anatomy allows for quicker Prepare: You prepare a half action you will take when a
natural regeneration. When resting, you regain 5 more specific event occurs, such as 'attack when the enemy gets
Health for every 1 hour spent sleeping, however your within my weapon's range'. If the event doesn't occur before
anatomy also has a critical weakness. You have the start of your next turn, the half action is wasted.
vulnerability to lightning damage, as explained in the
equipment section. Defend: You focus on your defense. Until the start of your
next turn, you treat your defenses against attacks and
Troglodyte maneuvers as being 10 + the relevant skill value instead of
The sentient mushroom species known as Troglodytes live the normal 5 + the relevant skill value.
primitive, tribal lives underground. Though a significant
majority see no use in trade or other relations with Humans, Maneuver: You perform a single maneuver, as described
the rare Troglodyte may wander to the surface and toward the end of this section.
preemptively stop itself from killing everything that moves.
Parallel Evolution: You gain a +1 bonus to all Fortitude, Interact: You perform a short interaction with one or more
Stealth, and Survival skill rolls, however you take a -1 objects. Generally, this interaction can include performing
penalty to all Intellect, Perception, and Empathy skill rolls. any single interaction or any interaction where you also do
the inverse, such as opening and closing a door or stowing
Fungal Anatomy: Your anatomy gives you innate defenses and drawing a weapon. You can also use this action to take
and weaknesses. You have resistance to decay damage, any consumable out of a bag or container and use it unless
but vulnerability to lightning damage, as explained in the otherwise specified.
equipment section.
Run: You move a number of meters equal to your Speed
value. This movement can be in any direction and in any
Actions, Defenses, and Conditions increments before or after performing another action.
In a single turn of combat, a creature can perform several
different forms of actions. These actions are as follows: Stand up from Prone: You return to your feet after
becoming prone (usually due to a maneuver being used
Full Action: A full action is something that takes a against you). After standing up, you can move up to half your
majority of a turn. If you take a full action on your turn, the Speed value, rounded down, as if you had taken the Run
only other action you can perform is a move action. action.
Half Action: A half action is the most basic form of action.
To take a half action, you must choose to split your full Special Attack: You perform the special attack of your held
action into two half actions. weapon, as explained in the equipment section.
Move Action: A move action allows you to do a limited set Revive: You attempt to aid a creature that is unconscious,
of things, but is primarily used for moving on your turn. It as explained later in this section.
can be done on top of any full or half action you take. Any
move action can be taken as a half action unless otherwise Defenses
specified. There are many forms of varying defenses. The most basic of
which, attack defense and maneuver defense, are calculated
These are the standard actions all characters can take. with the following formulas:
More actions exist that are explained in the abilities section.
Attack Defense = 5 + your Reflexes skill value
Action Type Maneuver Defense = 5 + your Athletics skill value
Attack Half Action
The GM can choose to call for other defenses in certain
Prepare Half Action situations. Whenever a defense other than these two is
Defend Half Action specified (such as calling for a Willpower defense), follow the
same formulas as above, using the specified skill in place of
Maneuver Half Action Reflexes or Athletics. Don't forget your current Health,
Interact Move Action Stamina, and Mana alter your skill values, and therefore
Run Move Action increase your defenses.
Stand up from Prone Move Action Conditions
Special Attack Full Action There are many different conditions that can give positive or
negative effects to creatures. Generally, applying a condition
Revive Full Action is done by using a maneuver, ability, special attack, or magic.
Attack: You make a single attack with a weapon you are Blessed / Doomed: You halve all incoming lightning
holding. damage / You double all incoming lightning damage.
Bleeding: You lose 5 Health at the start of each of your When you drop to 0 Health, you begin dying. You are knocked
turns. You or a creature adjacent to you can end this effect by unconscious, lose all of your remaining Stamina, and gain the
making a Self-Contested skill roll using Survival. bleeding condition. Continue tracking your Health into a
negative value. If another creature uses the Revive action on
Burning: You take 10 fire damage at the start of each of you, they must make a Survival skill roll, restoring Health to
your turns. You can use a move action to stop, drop, and roll, you equal to the roll. If the result would bring you above 0
ending the effect, but leaving you prone. Alternatively, you or Health, it only brings you to 1 Health, and the bleeding
a creature adjacent to you can end the effect by using a full condition ends.
action to completely douse you with water. If you ever regain Health in another way, such as a potion
being administered to you, you also regain consciousness and
Cooled / Chilled: You halve all incoming frost damage / end the bleeding condition, and aren't limited to only being
You double all incoming frost damage. brought up with 1 Health.
If you ever reach a negative Health value equal to half your
Disicplined: Add your Stamina category bonus to your maximum Health, rounded down, you die.
Weapon damage dealt.
Confused: Creatures add their Health category bonus to Maneuvers are a form of offense that allow you to disable
Impact damage dealt against you. your opponents. None directly deal damage, though with
good positioning and use of your environment, they can be
Enraged: Add your Health category bonus to your Impact potent options.
damage dealt.
Grapple: You make an Athletics or Strength skill roll
Grappled: You cannot use your move action, nor can you against a creature's maneuver defense. On a success, the
use a half action to take an action that would normally be a creature gains the grappled condition. You must have at least
move action. As a full action, you can attempt to end the 1 free hand to grapple a creature, and you can only grapple
grappled condition by making an Athletics, Reflexes, or creatures that are one size larger than you or smaller. While
Strength skill roll against your grappler's maneuver defense, grappling a creature, you can drag them with you when
ending the condition on a success. taking the run action, but only at half your Speed value unless
the creature is at least two sizes smaller than you.
Misted / Haunted: You halve all incoming ethereal
damage / You double all incoming ethereal damage. Bash: You make an Athletics, Melee, or Strength skill roll
against a creature's maneuver defense. On a success, the
Pained: Creatures add their Stamina category bonus to creature is either pushed back 1 meter or knocked prone
Weapon damage dealt against you. (your choice), and gains the confused condition until the start
of your next turn.
Possessed / Cursed: You halve all incoming decay
damage / You double all incoming decay damage. Disarm: You make a Melee or Strength skill roll against a
creature's maneuver defense. On a success, one object the
Poisoned: You take 1 decay damage at the start of each of creature is wielding is disarmed. If you have a free hand, you
your turns and when you make an attack or maneuver, roll can choose to take the object. If not, it lands in a space of
twice and take the lowest result. This lasts until something your choice within 3 meters of the creature.
specifies that it ends the condition takes place.
Stagger: This maneuver can be done as a half action or full
Prone: When you take the Run action, you move at half action. You make a Melee or Strength skill roll against a
your Speed value, rounded down. Additionally, treat your creature's maneuver defense. On a success, you either apply
Attack and Maneuver Defense as being 0 + your relevant skill the pained condition (if done as a half action) or the stunned
value, instead of 5 + your relevant skill value as normal. condition (if done as a full action). Regardless of the condition
applied, it lasts until the start of your next turn.
Stunned: The only action you can take on your turn is one
half action. Additionally, treat your Attack and Maneuver Abilities
Defense as being 0 + your relevant skill value, instead of 5 +
your relevant skill value as normal. The primary means of advancement in UORPG is through
learning new abilities. There are eight ability trees, each of
Unconscious: You cannot take any actions, are unaware of which has three tiers of abilities. These tiers, referred to as
your surroundings, and gain the prone condition (unless Universal abilities (Tier 1), Breakthrough abilities (Tier 2),
otherwise specified). and Pinnacle abilities (Tier 3), allow you to mix and match
your varying capabilities to make a unique adventurer.
Warmed / Scorched: You halve all incoming fire damage /
You double all incoming fire damage.
Universal Abilities Wild Hunter: This tree focuses on throwing themselves
Tier 1 abilities are the easiest abilities for a character to into rages and enhancing their archery capabilities.
access. Anyone can gain a universal ability with no limitations Cabal Hermit
other than the cost of experience (as explained later in this
section, and more in the advancement section). Reveal Soul (Tier 1): As a half action, you can spend 5
Breakthrough Abilities Mana to reveal the souls of the dead near you. For the next
Tier 2 abilities are also accessible to anyone, however a 10 minutes, you can see shimmers of blue light aimlessly
character is limited in the number of breakthrough abilities wandering near bodies of dead creatures. The light is in the
they can gain. Once a character has gained three general shape of the dead creature it originates from, but not
breakthrough abilities, he or she can no longer gain any more clear enough to discern details. Additionally, if you use the
breakthrough abilities, also meaning they are unable to gain spark ability while within 5 meters of one of these souls, you
pinnacle abilities in the trees they lack the breakthrough can replace the original effect to instead absorb the soul's
ability. You are not required to take a tree's universal abilities power, regaining 25% of your Mana, rounded down.
to take its breakthrough abilities. Call to Elements (Tier 1): As a half action, you can spend
Pinnacle Abilities 5 Mana and choose between water, earth, fire, and air. For the
Tier 3 abilities are the highest forms of achievement and next 1 hour, you can minorly manipulate the chosen element.
progression. Gaining a pinnacle ability requires you already The element cannot be created from nothing, simply being
have the breakthrough ability of the ability tree the pinnacle manipulated such as moving the element from one place to
ability is from. another, shaping the element, or otherwise controlling the
element. Doing so requires the interact action, and when you
Experience Costs do so, you can only manipulate an amount of the element at a
Gaining a new ability costs experience. The set cost of time that fits in a 1-foot cube. Generally, you can only move
abilities are as follows: the element about 3 meters per action used; not enough to
cause any sort of damage.
Universal Abilities (Tier 1): 100 XP Mana Push (Tier 1): As a half action, you can spend 5
Breakthrough Abilities (Tier 2): 300 XP Mana to shoot a blast of wind at a nearby creature. Make an
attack against a creature within 3 meters of you using your
Pinnacle Abilities (Tier 3): 600 XP Arcana skill value. On a hit, the creature takes 3d6 impact
damage. See the magic section for more details on using this
Tree Descriptions ability.
The eight ability trees to choose from are the Cabal Hermit, Weather Tolerance (Tier 1): You have resistance to hot
Kazite Spellblade, Mercenary, Philosopher, Rogue Engineer, and cold weather. See the survival section for more
Rune Sage, Warrior Monk, and Wild Hunter. information on weather conditions.
Cabal Hermit: This tree focuses on a form of shamanic Shamanic Resonance (Tier 2): Your Mana is aligned to
magic, allowing users to manipulate wind, souls, and weather. the elements. Whenever you would directly deal decay,
Kazite Spellblade: This tree focuses on adaptability in ethereal, fire, frost, or lightning damage (not through burning
combat through infusing weapons with magic and utilizing a or poisoned), you can add your Mana category bonus to the
mix of close quarters and range. damage dealt.
Mercenary: This tree focuses on maintaining and Sigil of Wind (Tier 3 - Cannot take Infuse Wind): As a
expanding the limits of basic equipment, as well as having the full action, you can spend 15 Mana to conjure a magical sigil
most ability in the battlefield. on the ground beneath you in 1 meter radius that lasts for 1
minute. This sigil empowers your magic when spells are cast
Philosopher: This tree focuses on using magic that is within it, but does nothing by itself. See the magic section for
most potent when prepared, as well as using magic to more details about using this ability.
manipulate objects. Infuse Wind (Tier 3 - Cannot take Sigil of Wind): You
Rogue Engineer: This tree focuses on creating complex can imbue your arms with speed of the wind by spending 15
traps, exploiting stealth, and attacking from the shadows. Mana as a half action. For the next minute, you gain an
additional half action on your turn. This half action can only
Rune Sage: This tree focuses on using minor magical be used to take the attack action with a weapon or take a
effects in conjunction to produce powerful results. move action.
Warrior Monk: This tree focuses on utilizing melee
weapons to inflict conditions, as well as make more use of
using the prepared action.
Elemental Discharge (Tier 3): If you are wielding a The
Conjure (Tier 3): You invoke a spiritual power as a full weapon affected by an Infused element (as per Infuse Wind,
action by spending 15 Mana. The spell does nothing on its Fire, or Frost), you can spend 5 Mana as a half action to fire a Tel
own, but if cast within 5 meters of a revealed soul, you bolt of your element at a creature within 10 meters of you. attac
conjure the ghost of the soul and put it under your command Make an attack against the creature using your Arcana skill magi
for 1 hour. See the magic section for more details about using value. On a hit, the creature takes 3d6 fire (if Infuse Fire is you in
this ability, and see the NPC section for the ghost's statistics. used), frost (if Infuse Frost is used), or Impact damage (if range
Infuse Wind is used). hand
Kazite Spellblade The Mercenary
Steady Arm (Tier 1): When you take the defend action, Shatter Bullet (Tier 1): Before you make an attack with a
you can spend 5 Stamina to add your Health category bonus pistol, you can spend 5 Stamina to aim for a better shot. If the
to your Impact Resistance. attack hits, the creature takes an additional 1d12 Impact
damage and gains the pained condition until the start of your
Shield Charge (Tier 1): You can use the shield bash next turn. Additionally, you can substitute bullets for other
special attack as a half action instead of a full action. materials such as scraps of metal, shards of glass, or other
similar materials.
Fitness (Tier 1): You lose half as much Health from
bleeding, and when you rest, you regain 5 additional Health Frost Bullet (Tier 1): Before you make an attack with a
for each hour spent sleeping. pistol against a creature within 5 meters of you, you can
spend 5 Mana to imbue the shot with frost. If the attack hits,
Spellblade's Awakening (Tier 2): When you spend Mana, the creature gains the stunned condition until the start of
you regain Stamina equal to the amount of Mana spent. your next turn, and both it and all creatures within 1 meter of
it take an additional 1d12 frost damage.
Infuse Fire (Tier 3 - Cannot take Infuse Frost): You can
spend between 10 and 20 Mana as a half action to infuse a Armor Maintenance (Tier 1): You can spend an hour to
weapon you're holding in your hand with flames. For the next use materials worth 10 silver to add an additional 3 points of
minute, you deal additional fire damage with that weapon your choice to an armor's point buy. A set can only benefit
equal to half the Mana spent, rounded down. Additionally, you from this once, but can be changed by using the ability again.
gain a new special attack with the weapon. This special
attack has the effects of a normal attack, but applies the Armor Training (Tier 1): You treat armor as being one
burning condition on a successful hit. step lighter for the purpose of its weight class.
Infuse Frost (Tier 3 - Cannot take Infuse Fire): You can Swift Foot (Tier 2): Whenever you take a half action, you
spend between 10 and 20 Mana as a half action to infuse a can move 3 meters for free before or after the action is taken
weapon you're holding in your hand with frostbite. For the (or 6 meters if taking a full action).
next minute, you deal additional frost damage with that
weapon equal to half the Mana spent, rounded down. Marathoner (Tier 3): You can spend 5 Stamina to take an
Additionally, you gain a new special attack with the weapon. additional move action on your turn. You can only do this
This special attack has the effects of a normal attack, but once per turn.
applies the stunned condition on a successful hit, which lasts
until the end of your next turn. Shield Infusion (Tier 3 - Cannot take Blood Bullet):
Once per turn when you take elemental damage while you
Gong Strike (Tier 3): If you are wielding both a shield and are holding a shield, you can spend 10 Stamina to absorb the
a weapon affected by an Infused element (as per Infuse Wind, damage, gaining resistance to the damage. The next time you
Fire, or Frost), you can spend 10 Stamina as a half action to hit a creature with a melee attack, you release this energy in
strike your shield with your weapon, immediately ending your an explosive burst against the creature and all creatues other
Infused element and dealing 4d10 fire (if Infuse Fire is used), than yourself in a 3 meter radius. All creatures in that area
frost (if Infuse Frost is used), or Impact damage (if Infuse take 4d6 damage of the type you absorbed. Additionally, all
Wind is used) to all creatures besides yourself in a 5 meter creatures in the area are knocked prone. Affected creatures
radius centered on yourself. Affected creatures can make a can make a Reflexes skill roll against a DC of 20, taking half
Reflexes skill roll against a DC of 20, taking half damage on a damage and not being knocked prone on a success.
Blood Bullet (Tier 3 - Cannot take Shield Infusion):
Before you make an attack against a creature with a pistol,
you can spend 10 Mana to imbue the shot with a life draining
source. If the attack hits, all of the Weapon damage is
converted to decay damage, the attack deals an additional
1d12 decay damage, and you regain Health equal to the total
damage dealt.
Telekinetic Arc (Tier 1): As a full action, you can spend 10 Sweep Kick (Tier 1): As a half action, you can spend 10
Mana to make a wide-arcing swing with a melee weapon you Stamina to make a wide-arcing kick to disrupt your foes.
are holding. The weapon leaves your hands and makes a Make a Melee skill roll against against the Attack Defense of
single attack against up to three targets within 5 meters of up to three creatures within 1 meter of you. If you
you. After the attacks, the weapon then returns to your hands. successfully hit a creature, apply the effects of the bash
maneuver to it, however you can choose to knock the
Sigil of Fire (Tier 1): As a full action, you can spend 10 creature back 1 meter and make it fall prone.
Mana to conjure a magical sigil on the ground beneath you in
a 1 meter radius that lasts for 1 minute. This sigil empowers Trap Training (Tier 1): You can add your Stamina
your magic when spells are cast within it, but does nothing by category bonus to Survival skill rolls when placing traps.
itself. See the magic section for more details about using this
ability. Using this ability requires the caster to be wielding a Opportunist Stab (Tier 1): If you hit a creature with the
fire stone, which is consumed in the process of conjuring the Pained or Confused condition with an attack with a one-
sigil. handed melee weapon, double your Weapon damage (if the
creature has the Pained condition) or your Impact damage (if
Mana Ward (Tier 1): When you take the defend action, the creature has the Confused condition). If the creature has
you can spend 10 Mana to focus your magical energies into a both, double both. If used with Backstab, do not double the
deflective shield. The first time you would take damage, you damage results twice. Instead, triple the original result.
instead take no damage. See the magic section for more
details about using this ability. Feather Dodge (Tier 2): When a creature misses you with
an attack or maneuver, you can move 1 meter for free.
Leyline Connection (Tier 2): You naturally regenerate Additionally, if a creature attempts to make an attack or
Mana at a quicker rate. You regain an additional 5 Mana maneuver against you more than once on its turn, the second
when resting, and do not need to sleep for Mana to be (and any subsequent) attack or maneuver must be rolled
replenished. Instead, you can do light activity such as reading, twice and take the lowest result.
keeping watch, or doing light travel with no threat of danger,
such as shopping in a city. Serpent's Parry (Tier 3): When you take the defend
action, you can spend 15 Stamina to ready a parrying strike
Telekinetic Dance (Tier 3): As a full action, you can spend with a one-handed melee weapon you are holding. The first
15 Mana to magically make a melee weapon you are holding attack that hits you instead misses you, and you can make a
dance in an area. Choose a point within 10 meters of you. All free attack against the creature that triggered this effect. If
creatures within 3 meters of that point must make a Reflexes the attacker has the Confused condition, it ends the condition
skill roll against a DC of 20. On a failure, a creature takes one and gains the Stunned condition, which lasts until the end of
successful hit of the weapon, plus an additional hit for every 5 your next turn. If the attacker has the Pained condition, it
points it failed its Reflexes skill roll by. On a success, a ends the condition and gains the Bleeding condition.
creature only takes one successful hit of the weapon.
Stealth Training (Tier 3 - Cannot take Trap Expertise):
Sigil of Ice (Tier 3 - Cannot take Fire Affinity): As a full You can add your Stamina category bonus to all Stealth skill
action, you can spend 10 Mana to conjure a magical sigil on rolls.
the ground beneath you in a 1 meter radius that lasts for 1
minute. This sigil empowers your magic when spells are cast Trap Expertise (Tier 3 - Cannot take Stealth Training):
within it, but does nothing by itself. See the magic section for You learn to set traps carefully and safely. Traps and trap
more details about using this ability. Using this ability ingredients you set are not consumed.
requires the caster to be wielding a cold stone, which is
consumed in the process of conjuring the sigil.
Rune Sage
Fire Affinity (Tier 3 - Cannot take Sigil of Ice): You
permanently have the Warmed condition. Additionally, when Rune: Dez (Tier 1): As a half action, you can spend 5
you apply the Burning condition to a creature, the damage Mana to produce the Dez rune, which lasts until the end of
increases from 10 to 15. your next turn or until combined with another rune. This
rune can be combined with others to produce powerful
magical effects, but does nothing by itself. See the magic
Rogue Engineer section for more details about using this ability.
Backstab (Tier 1): Before making an attack with a one- Rune: Egoth (Tier 1): As a half action, you can spend 5
handed melee weapon, you can spend 5 Stamina and declare Mana to produce the Egoth rune, which lasts until the end of
the attack a backstab. Make the attack roll as normal, your next turn or until combined with another rune. This
however treat the creature's Attack Defense as being 10 + its rune can be combined with others to produce powerful
Reflexes skill value instead of the normal 5 + its Reflexes skill magical effects, but does nothing by itself. See the magic
value. If the attack hits, double its Weapon damage and section for more details about using this ability.
Impact damage dealt.
Master of Motion (Tier 3 - Cannot take Perfect Strike):
Rune: Fal (Tier 1): As a half action, you can spend 5 Mana You naturally focus your efforts on defense over offense.
to produce the Fal rune, which lasts until the end of your next While you have the disciplined condition, add half your
turn or until combined with another rune. This rune can be Stamina category bonus (rounded down) to your Damage
combined with others to produce powerful magical effects, Resistance and Impact Resistance.
but does nothing by itself. See the magic section for more
details about using this ability. Flash Onslaught (Tier 3 - Cannot take Counterstrike):
Using this ability requires you to have the Disciplined
Rune: Shim (Tier 1): As a half action, you can spend 5 condition. As a full action, you spend 20 Stamina and end the
Mana to produce the Shim rune, which lasts until the end of Disciplined condition on yourself to make a number of
your next turn or until combined with another rune. This attacks with a melee weapon you are holding equal to your
rune can be combined with others to produce powerful Stamina category bonus. These attacks can be distributed
magical effects, but does nothing by itself. See the magic amongst any number of creatures within your weapon's
section for more details about using this ability. reach.
Well of Mana (Tier 2): You have a particularly deep well of Counterstrike (Tier 3 - Cannot take Flash Onslaught):
Mana to draw from when casting your spells. Increase the When you take the defend action, you can spend 15 Stamina
maximum amount of Mana you can purchase to 125, and to prepare a counter attack with a melee weapon you are
increase your current maximum by 25. holding. The first attack that hits you instead misses you, and
you can make a free attack against the creature that triggered
Arcane Syntax (Tier 3): You can produce more powerful this effect using a melee weapon. If you successfully hit the
runic combinations. See the magic section for more details creature, deal damage as normal and apply the effect of the
about using this ability. stagger maneuver (if done as a full action).
Internalized Lexicon (Tier 3 - Cannot take Runic
Prefix): You do not need to use a lexicon to cast runes. Wild Hunter
Runix Prefix (Tier 3 - Cannot take Internalized Enrage (Tier 1): As a full action, you can spend 20 Health
Lexicon): You gain additional benefits when using runes to to work yourself up into a rage, gaining the Enraged
produce magical effects. See the magic section for more condition for 1 minute or until you fall unconscious.
details about using this ability.
Evasion Shot (Tier 1): As a half action, you can spend 5
Stamina to make a crippling shot with a bow. Make an attack
Warrior Monk against a creature with a bow as normal. If the attack hits, the
creature treats its Stamina category bonus as being 0 for the
Brace (Tier 1): When you take the defend action, you can purpose of its Speed value until the end of your next turn.
spend 5 Stamina to ready yourself to attack. If an attack
misses you, you gain the Disciplined condition until the end Hunter's Eye (Tier 1): When using a bow's longshot
of your next turn. property, you take the -1 penalty for every 20 meters instead
of every 10 meters.
Slow Metabolism (Tier 1): You can go two days without
water before gaining Thirst, and double the number of days it Sniper Shot (Tier 1): At the cost of a full action, move
takes to gain levels of Hunger. action, and 10 Stamina, you let loose a shot from a bow that
has incredibly stopping power. If the attack hits, deal damage
Focus (Tier 1): As a full action, you can spend 20 Stamina as normal and the creature gains the effect of the bash
to enter yourself into a focused state of mind. You gain the maneuver.
Disciplined condition, which lasts for 1 minute or until your
fall unconscious. Survivor's Resilience (Tier 2): You are incredibly hardy
and difficult to fell. Increase the maximum amount of Health
Steadfast Ascetic (Tier 2): You have a much higher you can purchase to 125, and increase your current
tolerance for draining your own endurance. Increase the maximum by 25.
maximum amount of Stamina you can purchase to 125, and
increase your current maximum by 25. Predator Leap (Tier 3 - Cannot take Piercing Shot): As
a full action, you can spend 15 Stamina to leap up to 3
Perfect Strike (Tier 3 - Cannot take Master of Motion): meters and slam a melee weapon you're holding into the
You spend 10 Stamina as a full action to strike a creature ground. All creatures other than yourself in a 3 meter radius
with a melee weapon you are holding. If the attack hits, you of where you land take damage from your weapon as if you
ignore all Damage Resistance and Impact Resistance of the hit them with an attack and must make a Strength skill roll
target, and the target gains the Pained condition until the end against a DC of 20. On a failure, triple your Impact damage
of your next turn. for the attack.
challenges in unique ways. This can be in the form of XP
Piercing Shot (Tier 3 - Cannot take Predator Leap): As payouts per session or a large lumpsum at significant points
a half action, you can spend 15 Stamina to make a piercing in the campaign. For a standard 4 hour session in which the
shot with a bow. Make a single attack roll with your bow party has 1 encounter, it is recommended they receive
against all creatures in a 30 meter line directly in front of you. between 60 and 120 XP dependent on how fast the GM
On a hit, deal damage as normal and the creature gains the wishes for them to progress and other factors described
Bleeding condition. above.
Feral Strikes (Tier 3): Using this ability requires you to Equipment
have the Enraged condition. As a full action, you spend 20 There are many forms of equipment in UORPG, each of
Stamina and end the Enraged condition on yourself to make which are needed for an adventurer to be prepared. There are
two attacks with a melee weapon against one or more four sections of equipment that will be covered, including
creatures within your weapon's reach. On a hit, deal damage armor, weapons, miscellaneous, and magic.
as normal and the creature gains the Bleeding and Pained
conditions. The Pained condition lasts for 1 minute, however
the creature can make a Fortitude skill roll against a DC 20 Resistances and Damage
at the end of each of its turns to end the condition. There are three forms of defenses listed in this section.
These are called resistances and are separate from attack,
maneuver, and other defenses as listed earlier in this
Advancement document.
Advancing in UORPG has four major forms, three of which
engage in the use of experience points. Experience points, Resistances
also known as XP, are gained by many different ways The three forms of resistances include Damage Resistance,
dependent on the GM of your group. Generally, XP is Elemental Resistance, and Impact Resistance.
rewarded for completing some form of objective such as a
quest, goal, or encounter. XP can be rewarded in a lumpsum Damage Resistance (DR): Most armors have a damage
or spread out dependent on how the group wants to be resistance value. This value is subtracted from any weapon
rewarded. For example, a group may be rewarded after each damage dealt to the character. For example, a damage roll of
encounter they complete (an encounter generally being a 10 against a damage resistance of 5 would deal 5 damage to
combat or other situation that expends resources), or a group the character. Damage resistance cannot reduce a source of
may be rewarded a larger amount after fully completing a damage below zero, meaning a weapon damage roll will
quest which may contain multiple encounters. The three always deal at least 1 damage.
ways XP can be spent are as follows:
Elemental Resistance (ER): Some armors, items, and
Skills races give resistance to an element. Elemental resistance
Raising a skill by 1 rank from untrained to trained or within simple means halve all incoming damage of the specified
the trained threshold (ranks 1-5) costs 30 XP, while raising a type, rounded down (minimum 1). This stacks with
skill by 1 rank from trained to expert or within the expert conditions that halve incoming types of elemental damage.
threshold (ranks 6-10) costs 60 XP. A skill can not be raised Additionally, some effects may give vulnerability or immunity
past 10 in this way. to an elemental damage of a specified type. Vulnerability
simply means double all damage received of the specified
Vitals type, while immunity means you take no damage of the
One vital of your choice can be increased by 5 points by specified type.
spending 50 XP. A vital can not be raised past 100 in this way.
Impact Resistance (IR): Most armors have some
Abilities resistance to impact. Impact damage is explained later in this
Abilities can be attained from skill trees as described in the section, but like DR, impact resistance is subtracted from all
previous section. Universal abilities cost 100 XP, incoming impact damage, but cannot reduce a source of
breakthrough abilities cost 300 XP, and pinnacle abilities cost impact damage below zero.
600 XP. See more on abilities in the previous section.
Equipment Like the resistances listed above, there are three forms of
The other way characters progress is through gaining more damage. These include Elemental Damage, Impact Damage,
powerful equipment. This document does not give statistics and Weapon Damage. There is a fourth form of damage,
for all the many types of benefits equipment can provide, but called Untyped Damage. Untyped damage is not resisted in
GMs should feel free to take inspiration from equipment any way, and is generally rare to come across.
found in the actual game to progress their players.
Elemental Damage (ED): This is damage of any elemental
Recommended Experience type, including decay, ethereal, fire, frost, and lightning
It is recommended that players receive between 10 and 20 damage. Elemental damage ignores all resistances other
XP for each hour played, as well as additional bonuses for than elemental resistance, and is dealt to Health.
completing particularly difficult challenges or completing
Impact Damage (ID): This is damage that affects a
creature's Stamina instead of Health. Otherwise, the damage Axes
works just as normal weapon damage.
Damage ─ WD 1d8 ─ ID 1d10
Weapon Damage (WD): This is the most standard form of Dice
damage. Most weapons deal weapon damage, and some Reach ─ 2 meters
other effects may deal weapon damage as well. Weapon
damage is dealt to Health. Weapon
If you hit a creature with an
attack, that creature loses its
move action on its next turn.
There are ten different types of weapons to choose from, Weapon Getting If you critically fail an attack, the
each of which have their own benefits and downsides. The Drawback Stuck weapon gets stuck in nearby
types include axes, bows, maces, polearms, spears, swords, terrain, requiring an interact
action to remove.
gauntlets, chakrams, daggers, and pistols. Weapons marked
with a + are considered ranged weapons for the purpose of Special Talus You can spend 5 Stamina to
what skill to use for attack rolls. Attack 1 Cleaver make a single attack. This attack
is a critical hit on a roll of 9 or
Damage Die 10. On a hit, a creature cannot
use a half action to take a move
Each type of weapon has two dice that are tied to its weapon action on its next turn. On a
and impact damages. This is the base damage and impact of critical hit, the creature also gains
the weapon, and can be changed if the weapon is special in the pained condition until the
some way, such as being magical or otherwise unique. end of your next turn.
Reach Special Executioner You can spend 5 Stamina to
Attack 2 make a downward strike against a
Each type of weapon has a reach in which it can effectively creature. If the creature is prone,
attack. As long as the wielder is within this reach, they can it takes an additional 1d6 weapon
make attacks with the weapon as normal. and impact damage. If the attack
is a critical hit, maximize both
Weapon Properties d6s.
Each type of weapon has a passive benefit called its weapon
property. Generally, these are a benefit given to making
Weapon Drawbacks Bows+ (Bows require two hands to use,
Each type of weapon has a passive detriment called its but otherwise are treated as one-handed
weapon drawback. Generally, these are a detriment that weapons)
apply to either attacking or being attacked while wielding the
weapon. Damage ─ WD 1d6 ─ ID 1d10
Special Attacks
Each type of weapon has two forms of special attacks. The Reach ─ 10 meters
types of attacks vary between each weapon type, but Weapon Longshot This weapon can attack past its
generally allow for unique effects. All special attacks require Property normal reach. For every 10
a full action to perform. meters past the reach, take a -1
penalty to the skill roll.
One-Handed and Two-Handed Weapon Ammunition This weapon requires
The information listed for each type of weapon is for one- Drawback ammunition to be used. See
handed variants of the weapon. If using a two-handed variant, arrows later in this section.
roll one additional damage die for the weapon damage and Special Tri-Shot You can spend 5 Stamina to draw
impact damage, as well as an additional die in any special Attack 1 three arrows in a single shot.
attack that adds dice, and increase the weapon's reach by 1 Make an attack as normal. If the
meter. Using a two-handed weapon does have its downsides attack hits, roll three separate
however. Taking the attack action with a two-handed weapon damage rolls, each affected by
requires a full action instead of a half action as normal, and resistances as normal. If the
increase the Stamina cost of special attacks by 5 Stamina. attack is a critical hit, maximize
the impact damage of each roll.
Special Strafing Run You can spend 10 Stamina to
Attack 2 rapidly draw and loose arrows.
Make up to five attacks against
up to five different targets. Each
attack must target a different
Damage ─ WD 2d8 ─ ID 2d8 Da
Dice D
Reach ─ 3 meters Re
Damage ─ WD 1d6 ─ ID 1d12 Weapon Versatility Before making an attack, you can We
Dice Property choose to focus on weapon or Pro
Reach ─ 2 meters impact damage. If you do so,
decrease either the weapon or
Weapon Crushing If you hit a creature with an impact damage by one die, and
Property attack, you treat that creature's increase the other by one die.
damage resistance as being half We
its value, rounded down for the Weapon Closing In When making a melee roll against Draw
attack. If the attack is a critical hit, Drawback creatures within 1 meter of you,
you instead completely ignore its you roll twice and take the lowest
damage resistance. result.
Weapon Momentum If you miss an attack on your turn, Special Moon You can spend 10 Stamina to make Att
Drawback you open yourself up for counter Attack 1 Swipe a single, sweeping attack against up
attacks. Until the start of your to three creatures. Each hit deals an
next turn, creatures roll impact additional 2d4 impact damage.
damage against you twice and Special Splitter You can spend 15 Stamina to make
take the highest result. Attack 2 a leaping strike against a single
Special Juggernaut You can spend 5 Stamina to wind creature. Make an attack as normal.
Attack 1 up a powerful strike. Make an If it hits, gain a bonus to the
attack as normal. On a hit, roll weapon damage equal to the
weapon and impact damage twice amount of Health the target is Sp
and take the highest result, and below its maximum, divided by 5, Att
deal an additional 1d8 impact rounded down.
Special Crescendo You can spend 10 Stamina to
Attack 2 make three quick strikes against a
single creature. Each hit deals an
additional 1d4 weapon damage.
Polearms (Polearms require two hands to D
use, and take all effects of using two-
hands into account in their statistics)
Damage ─ WD 1d12 ─ ID 1d6 Dam
Dice D
Gauntlets (Gauntlets do not have two-
handed variants) Reach ─ 1 meter Re
Weapon Throwing Chakrams are made to be thrown. We
Damage ─ WD 1d6 ─ ID 1d6 Property Disk You can throw a chakram up to Pro
Dice 10 meters to make an attack, and
the chakram will return to your
Reach ─ 1 meter hand at the end of your turn. We
Weapon One- When wielding a gauntlet in each Weapon Dangerous If you critically fail a melee roll,
Property Two hand, you can make one additional Drawback Weapon you cut yourself, gaining the
Punch attack when using both half actions to bleeding condition.
take a normal attack action. Sp
Special Spinning You can spend 10 Stamina to Att
Weapon Hand- Creatures 2 or more meters away from Attack 1 Blade threaten the area around you until
Drawback to- you roll weapon damage twice and the start of your next turn. Any
Hand take the highest result when attacking creature that moves within 1
with a melee weapon that is not being meter of you or starts its turn
thrown. within 1 meter of you must make
Special Vital You can spend 10 Stamina to make a a DC 15 Reflexes skill roll or take
Attack 1 Crash running tackle against a creature the weapon's damage.
within 3 meters of you. Move up to Special Grounded You can spend 5 Stamina to Att
the creature for free and make an Attack 2 Disk rapidly spin the chakram across
attack as normal. If it hits, gain a bonus the ground in a straight line 10
to the weapon damage equal to your meters long. Any creature in that
Stamina category bonus and a bonus line must make a DC 15 Reflexes
to impact damage equal to your Health skill roll or take the weapon's
category bonus. damage.
Special Tight You can spend 5 Stamina while you
Attack 2 Grip have a creature grappled to
automatically inflict your weapon and
impact damage, ignoring all damage
and impact resistance.
Daggers (Daggers do not have two-
handed variants)
Chakrams (Chakrams do not have two- var
handed variants)
Armor To determine the tier that armor should fall into, apply the
There are many different forms of armor that give different following logic:
amounts of damage, elemental, and impact resistances. Damage Resistance: 1:1 value for the first three points,
Because there are too many to list here, this system works on
a point buy system with armor, as explained soon in this then 2:1 value for the next three, and lastly 3:1 for any more.
section. For example, an armor with just 4 damage resistance would
be 5 points (1 + 1 + 1 + 2), while an armor with just 8 damage
Weight Classes resistance would be 15 points (1 + 1 + 1+ 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 3).
There are three different weight classes for armor; light,
medium, and heavy. Light armor allows for unimpeded Elemental Resistance: 3:1 value for each element the
movement. Medium armor gives its wearer a -2 penalty to armor gives resistance to. For example, an armor that gave
Reflexes and Speed skill values. Heavy armor gives its wearer just resistance to decay and ethereal would be 6 points.
a -4 penalty to Reflexes and Speed skill values.
Impact Resistance: See damage resistance.
Armor Point Buy
There are five tiers of armor in this point buy system. Tier 1 Weight Class: Heavy armor is free, medium armor costs 4
is armor that is weak, fragile, or otherwise not very good, points, and light armor costs 8 points.
while tier 5 is some of the best defense possible, often far too
good to even purchase. The tiers are as follows: Stamina or Mana Cost Reduction: 3:1 value for every -1
to Stamina or Mana cost reduction. Note that the Stamina or
Armor Tiers Mana cost of an effect can never go below zero.
Tier Point Buy Value
1 1-5 Weather Defense: 3 points for resistance to one form of
weather and 6 points for immunity to one form of weather
2 6-10 (each of which are described in the survival section).
3 11-20
4 21-30
5 31+
Example Armors
Point Weight Stamina Cost Mana Cost Weather
Name Cost Class DR ER IR Reduction Reduction Defense
Desert Set 15 Light 2 None 1 None None Heat Immunity
Entomber Set 32 Light 4 Decay, 3 -2 None Heat Immunity
Ammolite Set 25 Medium 6 Frost 5 None None Cold Resistance
Brigand Set 11 Medium 3 None 2 None None Cold Resistance
Black Plate 28 Heavy 9 None 4 None None Cold Resistance
Halfplate Set 10 Heavy 5 None 3 None None None
Weapons and Armor (For armor, add +0 weight if light, +2 if medium, or +4 if heavy)
Name Weight Cost (SP)
Armor (Tier 1) 2 30
Armor (Tier 2) 2 60
Armor (Tier 3) 2 120
Armor (Tier 4) 2 360
Armor (Tier 5) 2 720+
Axe, Mace, Spear, Sword, or Chakram (One-Handed) 1 30
Axe, Mace, Spear, Sword, or Polearm (Two-Handed) 2 50
Bow 1 50
Gauntlet 0.5 20
Dagger 0.5 30
Pistol 1 100
Shield 2 30
Magical Equipment
Lexicon: Required for runic magic, as described in the There are several items in UORPG that are magical in
magic section. nature. Some are used to imbue weapons with elemental
power, some are used for casting magic, and some are
Oil: Used to fuel lanterns. Consumed upon use. alchemical potions that give unique power. Magical
equipment is more difficult to find than more common
Pressure Plate Trap: Can place in an adjacent square equipment, and often far more expensive as well. Despite
using an Interact action. Can use an additional Interact this, magical equipment is one of the most useful tools an
action to arm the trap. Make a Survival skill roll to determine adventurer could have at their disposal.
the DC when arming the trap and choose a charge or other
item deemed appropriate. If a creature steps on the square, it Stacking Potion Effects
and all creatures within 1 meter of the square must make a Bonuses gained from potions do not stack with one another.
Reflexes skill roll against the DC, taking 4d6 damage of the For example, drinking an assassin's elixir and stealth potion
specified type on a failure, or half as much on a success. If does not stack the +3 bonus to your Stealth value with one
the trap is detonated, both the pressure plate and charge (or another for a +6 bonus. Instead, you'd simply gain the +3
other appropriate object) are consumed. The trap can only be bonus to Stealth value alongside the other effects. Effects
seen with a successful Perception skill roll against the DC of that can stack include Stamina and Mana being regained
the trap. Creatures that saw the trap planted automatically over time (such as using an endurance potion and survivor
succeed on this roll. A creature can attempt to disarm the elixir).
trap after it's set by making an Intellect skill roll against the
DC of the trap. Whoever set the trap automatically succeeds Stacking Imbues
on this skill roll. When using a consumed imbue, you apply the effect to a
single weapon you are holding. Consumed imbues cannot be
Ration: Can feed a medium sized creature for three meals, stacked with one another under any circumstances. If you
a large sized creature for two meals, or a huge sized creature apply a new imbue to a weapon, any previous imbue on the
for one meal. weapon ends. Consumed imbues can be stacked with
magical imbues, such as the fire and ice imbues from the
Spike: Used to arm tripwire traps, as explained in the kazite spellblade tree.
tripwire trap description. Wooden spikes deal 1d10 weapon
damage, iron spikes deal 2d10 weapon damage, and Magic
palladium spikes deal 4d10 weapon damage.
Magic flows through the leylines of the world of UORPG.
Torch: Produces light in a 5 meter radius for 1 hour. Creatures can tap into these leylines to gain magical power.
Consumed after use. Can be lit or doused as an Interact UORPG assumes that characters did this as part of their
action. backstory instead of requiring it to be done in the campaign.
There are several forms of magic that creatures can access,
Tripwire Trap: Can place in an adjacent square using an each of which give interesting and unique effects.
Interact action. Can use an additional Interact action to arm The Basics
the trap. Make a Survival skill roll to determine the DC when Everyone with Mana has a small amount of magical ability
arming the trap and choose a spike or other item deemed even without learning magic through ability trees. All
appropriate. If a creature steps on the square, it must make a characters with Mana know the following ability:
Reflexes skill roll against the DC, taking the spike or other
item's damage on a failure, or half as much on a success. If Spark: By spending 5 Mana as a half action, you produce a
the trap is triggered, both the tripwire and spike (or other small spark of fire at your fingertips. This is enough to light a
appropriate object) are consumed. The trap can only be seen torch, campfire, or other flammable object. You can also
with a successful Perception skill roll against the DC of the attempt to singe a creature with this ability. Make an attack
trap. Creatures that saw the trap planted automatically against a creature within 1 meter of you using Arcana. On a
succeed on this roll. A creature can attempt to disarm the successful hit, the creature takes 1d4 fire damage. On a
trap after it's set by making an Intellect skill roll against the critical hit, the creature also gains the burning condition.
DC of the trap. Whoever set the trap automatically succeeds
on this skill roll. Sigils
Waterskin: Can hold one liter of water, enough to sustain a There are three different sigils that can be created by
creature for one day (or less than one day if the creature is characters skilled enough in magic, each of which give
larger than normal, such as an Ash Giant or Immaculate, as special effects when certain actions are taken inside them.
decided by the GM). An empty waterskin weighs 0.1. Sigil of Fire: There are two spell combinations and one
item combination with the fire sigil.
Potions (Consumed upon use)
Name Weight (SP) Effect Duration
Assassin Elixir 0.5 40 Gain a +3 bonus to your Speed value and Stealth value, and if you hit a 10
creature with an attack twice on your turn, they gain the poisoned condition. minutes
Astral Potion 0.5 20 Instantly regain 25% of your maximum Mana, rounded down, and remove Instant
25% Mana Burn, rounded down.
Blessed Potion 0.5 20 Gain the blessed condition. 1 minute
Cool Potion 0.5 20 Gain the cooled condition. 1 minute
Discipline Potion 0.5 40 Gain the disciplined condition. 1 minute
Elemental 0.5 120 Gain immunity to all elemental damage. 1 minute
Immunity Potion
Elemental 0.5 60 Gain resistance to all elemental damage. 1 minute
Resistance Potion
Endurance Potion 0.5 40 Instantly regain 25% of your maximum Stamina, rounded down. Additionally, 10
you regain 1 Stamina at the start of each of your turns (10 per minute). minutes
Golem Elixir 0.5 80 Gain the disciplined, enraged, and possessed conditions. 1 minute
Great Astral Potion 0.5 80 Instantly regain all of your Mana and remove 50% Mana Burn, rounded down. Instant
Great Endurance 0.5 80 Instantly regain all of your Stamina. Instant
Great Life Potion 0.5 80 Instantly regain all of your Health and end of the bleeding condition. Instant
Hex Cleaner 0.5 30 Instantly end the doomed, chilled, haunted, cursed, and scorched conditions. Instant
Leyline Water 0.5 30 You regain 1 Mana at the start of each of your turns (10 per minute). 10
Life Potion 0.5 20 Instantly regain 25% of your maximum Health, rounded down. Instant
Mist Potion 0.5 20 Gain the misted condition. 1 minute
Possessed Potion 0.5 20 Gain the possessed condition. 1 minute
Rage Potion 0.5 40 Gain the enraged condition. 1 minute
Stability Potion 0.5 20 Gain a +3 bonus to your Impact Resistance. 1 minute
Stealth Potion 0.5 20 Gain a +3 bonus to your Stealth value. 10
Stoneflesh Elixir 0.5 60 Gain the disciplined and enraged conditions, and gain a +3 bonus to your 1 minute
Impact Resistance.
Survivor Elixir 0.5 80 You gain resistance to hot and cold weather, and regain 1 Stamina at the start 1 hour
of each of your turns (10 per minute).
Warm Potion 0.5 20 Gain the warmed condition. 1 minute
Warrior Elixir 0.5 80 Gain the disciplined condition, enraged condition, and a +3 bonus to Weapon 1 minute
Weather Defense 0.5 30 You gain resistance to hot and cold weather. 1 hour
Imbues and Stones (Consumed upon use)
Name Weight (SP) Effect Duration
Bolt Rag 0.1 20 Add +3 lightning damage to your weapon. 1 minute
Bolt 0.5 80 Add +6 lightning damage to your weapon. 10
Varnish minutes
Cold Stone 0.5 80 Used for creating ice sigils. Instant
Dark 0.5 80 Add +6 decay damage to your weapon. 10
Varnish minutes
Fire Rag 0.1 20 Add +3 fire damage to your weapon. 1 minute
Fire Stone 0.5 80 Used for creating fire sigils. Instant
Fire 0.5 120 Add +6 fire damage to your weapon and inflict the burning condition when you 10
Varnish damage a creature with the fire damage. minutes
Ice Rag 0.1 20 Add +3 frost damage to your weapon. 1 minute
Ice Varnish 0.5 120 Add +6 frost damage to your weapon and when you damage a creature with the frost 10
damage, it treats its Stamina as being 0 for the purpose of its Speed value until the minutes
start of your next turn.
Poison Rag 0.1 60 Inflict the poisoned condition when you damage a creature with Weapon damage. 1 minute
Poison 0.5 120 Add +6 decay damage to your weapon and inflict the poisoned condition when you 10
Varnish damage a creature with Weapon damage. minutes
Spiritual 0.5 80 Add +6 ethereal damage to your weapon. 10
Varnish minutes
Fireball: By using spark while within the sigil, you replace Frost Burst: By using mana ward while within the sigil,
the original effect with a fireball is flung toward a creature you replace the original effect to create an explosion of
within 10 meters of you. The creature and any other frost around yourself in a 3 meter radius. All creatures
creature within 2 meters of it must make a DC 15 within the radius besides yourself must make a DC 15
Reflexes skill roll, taking 2d6 fire damage on a failed roll, Reflexes skill roll, taking 2d6 frost damage on a failure, or
or half as much on a success. Additionally, a creature that half as much on a success. Additionally, creatures that fail
fails its roll gains the burning condition. their roll lose their move action on their next turn.
Immolate: By using mana ward while within the sigil, you Frost Kick: By making a bash maneuver while within the
replace the original effect to set yourself alight and sigil, you can bash a creature within 5 meters of you with
empower your fire power. You gain the burning condition, an icy blast. Roll the maneuver as normal. On a success, it
and until the condition ends, you roll all fire damage you takes an additional 1d8 frost damage and it loses its move
deal twice and take the highest result. Additionally, your action on its next turn.
fire damage ignores the warmed condition for the same
duration. Frost Push: By using mana push while within the sigil, you
replace the original effect with a spike of ice that launches
Ring of Fire: By touching the fire sigil with a burning toward a creature within 10 meters of you. Make an attack
object, the sigil is set alight. Any creature that starts its using Arcana. On a hit, the creature takes 2d6 frost
turn inside the sigil or enters it for the first time on a turn damage and treats its Stamina as being 0 for the purpose
(other than the one that created the sigil) must make a DC of its Speed value until the start of your next turn.
15 Reflexes skill roll, gaining the burning condition on a
failure. Sigil of Wind: There are three spell combinations and one
attack combination with the wind sigil.
Sigil of Ice: There are two spell combinations and one
maneuver combination with the ice sigil.
Ethereal Bolt: By using mana push while within the sigil, Egoth + Dez (Runic Heal): If you have runic protection
you replace the original effect with a long ranged bolt of active, you end the effect and regain 25% of your maximum
magical energy. Make an attack using Arcana against a Health, rounded down.
creature within 20 meters of you. On a hit, the creature
takes 1d6 ethereal damage and 2d6 Impact damage. Shim + Egoth (Great Runic Blade): If you have runic
Lightning Bullet: By firing a pistol while within the sigil, blade active, you end the effect and summon a two-handed
sword in its place for 1 minute. Like the runic blade, this
you replace the original effect with a powerful lightning sword deals ethereal damage in place of Weapon damage.
projectile. Roll the pistol's damage as normal, but convert Additionally, the blade counts as a lexicon for the purpose of
both its weapon damage and Impact damage into using runic magic.
lightning damage, combining them for the total amount.
Lightning Spark: By using spark while within the sigil, you Fal + Shim (Runic Lightning): If you have runic lantern
create an explosion of lightning around you in a 3 meter active, you fire a blast of lightning. Make an attack against a
radius. Each creature of your choice within the radius creature within 10 meters of you using Arcana. On a hit, you
must make a DC 15 Reflexes skill roll, taking 2d4 deal 2d6 lightning damage.
lightning damage on a failure, or half as much on a
success. Shim + Shim (Runic Detonation): If you have a runic trap
active, you remotely detonate the trap. Any creatures within 2
Lightning Strike: By using conjure while within the sigil, meters of the trap must make a DC 20 Reflexes skill roll,
you create a massive explosion of lightning around you in taking 2d6 ethereal damage on a failure, or half as much on a
a 5 meter radius. Each creature of your choice within the success.
radius must make a DC 15 Reflexes skill roll, taking 3d6
lightning damage and 3d6 Impact damage on a failure, or Arcane Prefix
half as much on a success. If you have multiple wind sigils Those with the arcane prefix ability gain special benefits to
placed, this effect happens on the center of each one. each of the runic combinations.
Runic Magic Runic Protection: Increase the DR gained by +1.
There are four distinct runes that can be used in combination Additionally, you gain elemental resistance to one element of
to produce varying magical effects. These runes allow for a your choice when you produce the effect.
large amount of effects, including bolstering defense, Runic Blade: When you produce the effect, you can
producing light, setting traps, and more. To produce each choose to convert the Impact damage to lightning damage,
effect, runes must be cast in order. Additionally, characters and the weapon produces light in a 5 meter radius.
must be holding a lexicon (as described in the equipment
section) to produce runic magic. The runic combinations are Runic Lantern: The effect lasts for 1 hour instead of 10
as follows: minutes.
Dez + Egoth (Runic Protection): You bolster your Runic Trap: Add an additional 1d6 decay damage.
defenses, gaining +2 to your DR for 1 minute.
Shim + Egoth (Runic Blade): You summon a magical Runic Heal: Instead of ending the effect, you replace the
blade in your hand for 1 minute. It uses the statistics for a effect with regaining 5 Health at the start of each of your
one-handed sword, but deals ethereal damage in place of turns for the duration. This is in addition to regaining 25% of
Weapon damage. your maximum Health, rounded down.
Fal + Dez (Runic Lantern) You produce a magical light Great Runic Blade: When you produce the effect, you can
around yourself in a 10 meter radius. It lasts for 10 minutes. choose to convert the Impact damage to decay damage.
Shim + Fal (Runic Trap): You place a faintly visible mark Runic Lightning: Add an additional 1d6 lightning damage.
on the square directly beneath you that lasts for 1 minute. Runic Detonation: Add an additional 1d6 decay damage.
Any creature other than yourself that steps on the mark
triggers it and must make a DC 15 Reflexes skill roll, taking
2d6 ethereal damage on a failure, or half as much on a Survival
success, after which the mark disappears. A creature can The survival aspects of the game are an important aspect that
spot the mark with a DC 15 Perception or Arcana skill roll. sets it apart from similar games on the market. This being a
tabletop roleplaying game, the following rules are optional.
Arcane Syntax
Those with the arcane syntax ability are able to produce Needs
more advanced effects by using new combinations while There are three primary needs in UORPG; food, drink, and
another effect is already active. sleep. Each of these are easy enough to fulfill, though
situations may arise where one or more must be rationed or
completely gone without. In areas where this is the case,
generally wilderness, apply the following rules:
Exhaustion Levels
Food and Drink: A creature that doesn't drink water for Level Effect
one day gains one level of Thirst, as described later in this
section. Each additional day gone without water increases 1 You do not regain Stamina from sleeping.
the creature's Thirst level by one. A creature that doesn't eat 2 You lose 1 Stamina every 10 minutes.
for a day gains a level of Hunger, as described later in this 3 You do not regain Health from sleeping.
section. Additionaly days gone without food increase the
creature's Hunger level, as described in later in this section. 4 You cannot regain Health or Stamina by any means.
Generally, a ration and filled waterskin is enough to stave off 5 Death
hunger and thirst for a day. Thirst and hunger levels apply the
effect of the level and all levels below it. Carryweight
Meal Prices and Inns: Generally, you can buy a filling Creatures can carry a maximum amount of weight equal to
meal for a single silver piece. In a town, it's assumed their Strength value multiplied by three. This is a considered
characters can spend 3 silver per day to fulfill their food and a heavy load, which gives penalties as shown below.
drink needs. Additionally, towns often have inns where Characters can also be carrying a light or medium load, each
characters can rest. Inns will usually cost between 10 and 20 of which are also described below.
silver per night, which includes the 3 silver per day for meals. Carryweight
Load Weight Effect
Hunting and Gathering: Characters may wish to spend
some time hunting and gathering their own food. Enough Light (Strength No penalties.
food for one meal can be gained with a DC 10 Survival skill value)
roll over the course of an hour. It's assumed this DC is for a Medium (Strength You take a -2 penalty to your Reflexes
relatively normal environment such as a forest, plains, etc. If value x 2) and Speed skill values.
the environment isn't well suited for hunting, this DC can Heavy (Strength You take a -4 penalty to your Reflexes
raise to 15 or even 20. Water can also be found in this way. A value x 3) and Speed skill values.
separate DC 10 Survival skill roll can be made to find a
source of water. Once a source is found, it can be used to Lifting and Dragging
collect water indefinitely. Once again, the DC to find a source You can lift and drag things that you'd normally be unable to
of water may be higher if the environment isn't particularly carry. You can drag weight up to four times your Strength
well suited to it. value. While dragging weight in this way, you move 1 meter
Sleep: For each day a character goes without at least 4 per move action. You can also lift weight up to four times your
hours of sleep, they gain a level of exhaustion. Getting at least Strength value. While lifting in this way, you cannot move.
8 hours of sleep reduces your exhaustion level by one. Like Weather
hunger and thirst, exhaustion levels apply the effect of the Weather can be just as dangerous as wild life. There are two
level and all levels below it. primary forms of weather; heat and cold. These can be
expanded upon by the GM, but these are the main forms. If a
Thirst Levels creature has resistance to a type of weather, they reduce the
Level Effect DC imposed by 5. If a creature has immunity, they
automatically succeed on the skill roll.
1 When spending Stamina, you must spend twice as
much. Hot Weather: For every hour spent traveling in hot
2 You treat your Stamina as being 0 for the purpose of weather, a creature must make a DC 15 Fortitude skill roll or
Melee and Ranged skill rolls. gain a level of Thirst. This thirst level can be removed
3 You treat your Stamina as being 0 for the purpose of immediately by drinking a full liter worth of water.
all skill rolls.
Cold Weather: For every hour spent traveling in cold
4 Death weather, a creature must make a DC 15 Fortitude skill roll or
begin freezing. A freezing creature treats its Stamina as
Hunger Levels being 0 for the purpose of its Speed value. If a freezing
Days Effect creature fails a second skill roll, frostbite begins setting in,
1 You cannot regain Health past half your maximum. causing the creature to lose 1 Health every 10 minutes.
Things that heat up the environment such as a torch or
2-4 You treat your Health as being 0 for the purpose of
all skill rolls.
campfire reduce the DC of this roll by 5 and delay the Health
loss from frostbite. If an effect is warm enough, the GM can
5- When taking damage to your Health, you take twice choose to not require the skill roll. After spending at least an
12 as much. hour in a warm place, the freezing and frostbite end.
13+ Death
NPCs Weapons: Choose one from Axe, Mace, Sword, or Spear; IR
one-handed or two-handed. Deals Ethereal damage in place Ge
There are many different types of people, monsters, and odd of Weapon damage. Stren
creatures in UORPG. This section focuses on giving statistics Other Effects: Immunity to Bleeding and Poisoned
for these creatures for GMs to use on the fly. GMs should feel conditions.
free to make changes to the following statistics for any given If GM wishes, ghosts can move through objects and
creature to better suit whatever situation they plan on using structures.
them for. Listed here will be the statistics for the vast Vengeful Ghost can add +50 Health, +50 Stamina, +4 DR,
majority of creatures that can found in the Chersonese region +2 IR, and +2 to all skills.
of the game, giving GMs enough statistics to run a game in
the Chersonese region without needing to make their own Hyena
creature statistics.
Health: 30
Animated Skeleton Stamina: 30
Mana: 0
Health: 30 DR: 0
Stamina: 25 ER: 0
Mana: 0 IR: 1
DR: 0 General Skills: Intellect -2, Perception +4, Speed +5,
ER: 0 Strength +1
IR: 0 Attack and Defense Skills: Melee +2, Reflexes +2
General Skills: Intellect -1, Perception +2, Speed +2, Other Skills: Stealth +4, Survival +4
Strength +1 Weapons: Bite: 1d8 WD - 1d6 ID. 1 meter reach. Has
Attack and Defense Skills: Melee +3, Ranged +3, Reflexes Exploit Weakness, Bladed, not Blunt, Vital Crash, and
+2 Puncture
Other Skills: None Other Effects: On a critical hit with bite, target must make
Weapons: Choose one from Axe, Mace, Sword, Spear, or DC 15 Fortitude roll or gain an infection. Infection makes
Bow; one-handed or two-handed. target lose 1 Health every 10 minutes. Can be cured with 10
Other Effects: Immunity to Bleeding and Poisoned minutes and successful DC 15 Survival roll, which can be
condition. repeated.
Bandit Illuminator Horror
Health: 40 Health: 100
Stamina: 40 Stamina: 100
Mana: 0 Mana: 0
DR: 2 DR: 0
ER: 0 ER: Vulnerability to Lightning
IR: 2 IR: 2
General Skills: Intellect +1, Perception +2, Speed +3, General Skills: Intellect -1, Perception +4, Speed +0,
Strength +2 Strength +2
Attack and Defense Skills: Athletics +3, Melee +3, Ranged Attack and Defense Skills: Ranged +6, Reflexes +1
+3, Reflexes +4 Other Skills: None
Other Skills: None Weapons: Projectile: Shoots three per half action dealing
Weapons: Any weapon 1d6 decay and impact each. Targets one or more creatures
Other Effects: Bandit Captains can add +25 Health and within 5 meters. Gives Poisoned condition on critical hit.
Stamina, +2 DR and IR, and +1 to all skills Mine: Sets three floating mines per half action in three
adjacent squares which lasts until end of next turn. If
Ghost creature starts its turn in the space or enters the space on its
turn, they take 1d10 decay and impact damage.
Health: 50 Healing: Heals self or other illuminator horror of choice
Stamina: 40 within 5 meters 3d6 Health per half action.
Mana: 0 Other Effects: None
DR: 8
ER: Vulnerability to Ethereal Mantis Shrimp
IR: 3
General Skills: Intellect +1, Perception +2, Speed +3, Health: 85
Strength +0 Stamina: 75
Attack and Defense Skills: Melee +4, Reflexes +5 Mana: 0
Other Skills: None DR: 2
ER: Resistance to Lightning, Vulnerabiity to Decay and
Attack and Defense Skills: Melee +5, Ranged +5, Reflexes Additionally, can use a full action and spend 5 Mana to give
+3 self and two other creatures within 10 meters of its choice
Other Skills: None the Disciplined and Enraged condition for 1 minute. Can also
Weapons: Claws: 1d10 WD - 1d12 ID. 2 meter reach. Has use full action and spend 5 Mana to give three creatures
Crushing, Getting Stuck, Talus Cleaver, and Splitter. within 10 meters of its choice the Confused and Pained
Lightning Orb: 2d6 lightning damage - 3d6 impact damage. condition. Creatures can make a DC 15 Willpower roll to
20 meter reach. Has Knee Shot and Point Blank, but replace resist.
additional 1d12 Weapon damage with additional 1d12 Grenadier Troglodyte gains +25 Health and Stamina, +1
lightning damage. IR, and has +2 to all skills it already possesses. Doesn't have
Other Effects: Rock Mantis has +75 Health, +50 Stamina, a weapon. Instead throws poisonous explosives against spot
+4 DR, +3 IR, and +1 to all skills. Not resistant to lightning within 5 meters. Creatures within 1 meter of chosen spot
and not vulnerable to decay. Cannot use lightning orb, but must make DC 15 Fortitude roll or take 1d6 decay damage
inflicts Confused condition on successful claw attacks, which and gain Poisoned condition for 1 minute. Poisoned
lasts until the end of its next turn. creatures can remake the roll at the end of each of their turns
Mana Mantis has +25 Health, +25 Stamina, +1 DR, +1 IR, to end the condition.
and +1 to all skills. Not resistant to lightning and not Knight Troglodyte gains +75 Health and +50 Stamina, +3
vulnerable to decay, but has resistance to ethereal. Cannot DR, +4 IR, and +2 to all skills it already possesses. Also
use lightning orb, but deals an extra 1d6 ethereal damage on inflicts Confused condition on successful attacks, which lasts
claw attacks. until the end of its next turn.
Pearlbird Shell Horror
Health: 20 Health: 200
Stamina: 30 Stamina: 125
Mana: 0 Mana: 0
DR: 0 DR: 3
ER: 0 ER: Vulnerability to Lightning
IR: 0 IR: 6
General Skills: Intellect -1, Perception +5, Speed +5, General Skills: Intellect -1, Perception +5, Speed +4,
Strength +0 Strength +7
Attack and Defense Skills: Melee +1, Reflexes +1 Attack and Defense Skills: Athletics +6, Melee +8,
Other Skills: Stealth +4, Survival +3 Reflexes +1
Weapons: Peck: 1d6 WD - 1d6 ID. 1 meter reach. Has Other Skills: None
Lunge, Hand-to-Hand, Simeon's Gambit, and Crescendo Weapons: Smash: 2d8 WD - 2d12 ID - 1d8 decay damage.
Other Effects: Pearlbird Cutthroat has +80 Health, +20 2 meter reach. Has Crushing, Momentum, Juggernaut, and
Stamina, +3 IR, and +3 to all skills it already possesses. Executioner.
Additionally, add an extra die of damage to its peck's Weapon Other Effects: Inflicts Poisoned condition on critical hits.
damage, and successful attacks with peck apply the Pained
condition until the end of the its next turn. Wendigo
Troglodyte Health: 150
Stamina: 125
Health: 40 Mana: 0
Stamina: 40 DR: 0
Mana: 0 ER: Resistance to Decay, Immunity to Frost, Vulnerability
DR: 0 to Lightning and Fire
ER: Resistance to Decay and Vulnerability to Lightning IR: 4
IR: 0 General Skills: Intellect +0, Perception +7, Speed +7,
General Skills: Intellect +0, Perception +2, Speed +3, Strength +5
Strength +2 Attack and Defense Skills: Athletics +6, Melee +7,
Attack and Defense Skills: Athletics +3, Melee +3, Ranged Reflexes +6
+3, Reflexes +4 Other Skills: None
Other Skills: Survival +2 Weapons: Claws: 2d6 WD - 2d8 ID - 2d6 frost damage. 3
Weapons: Spear or polearm; two-handed only meter reach. Has Slashing, Bladed, not Blunt, Moon Swipe,
Other Effects: Armored Troglodyte gains +50 Health, +25 and Crescendo
Stamina, +5 DR, +4 IR, and has +2 to all skills it already Blast: Can spend 10 Stamina as a full action. Creatures in
possesses. Also inflicts Poisoned condition on successful 3 meter cone in front must make DC 20 Reflexes or Fortitude
attacks, which lasts until the end of its next turn. roll, taking 4d6 frost damage and 4d6 impact damage on a
Mana Troglodyte gains +25 Health, +20 Mana, +1 IR, and failure, or half as much on a success. For each creature that
+2 to all skills it already possesses. Also has resistance to fails its roll, the Wendigo regains Health equal to the frost
ethereal damage and deals an additional 1d4 ethereal damage dealt.
damage on hits. Other Effects: Inflicts Chilled condition on hits with claws.