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Delmia Reference Brochure Volume 6

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“DELMIA is a great support for our scheduling teams and it will

go along with the future evolution of our organisation and our
– Françoise Beckers, Global Planning Leader, 3BFibreglass


Challenge: 3B has acquired extensive glass fibre expertise in its 50-year
existence. It has manufacturing facilities in Belgium, Norway
To meet increasing global demand for composite
and India, an R&D facility in Battice, Belgium, as well as a
materials, 3B needed a modern, more powerful
customer service centre in Brussels, Belgium.
and scalable solution to pilot its three glass
fibre production facilities that operate without The fibreglass products manufactured by 3B are:
interruption 24/7. • Long fibres or direct rovings, either made of E-CR glass or of
Solution: high-modulus glass (HiPer-tex®)

The company uses Dassault Systèmes’ DELMIA • short fibres, also called chopped strands
Ortems advanced planning and scheduling • non-woven mats.
solution to create optimum schedules of its
production sequences and to monitor work over
the various plant resources.
With a coherent and overall view of its plants,
3B can plan production according to sales
forecasts, stock levels on a global scale and
production constraints, so as to always respond
to customers specific product needs.

“Production runs 24/7

with no interruptions, with
a major part of our products DELMIA Ortems defines an optimal schedule for each
production process
being make-to-stock.”
— Françoise Beckers,
Global Planning Leader, 3B
“DELMIA Ortems is a powerful and
scalable solution with an intuitive
LEADING SUPPLIER OF GLASS FIBRE SOLUTIONS and easy to understand user interface
The need for a greener planet requires companies to develop
products that take advantage of innovative materials and that can evolve with us over time”
solutions to reduce their carbon footprint. Glass fibre is a
— Françoise Beckers, Global Planning Leader , 3B
material of choice for the production of composite materials,
which are widely used in cars, wind turbines or other everyday
Belgium-based 3B-the fibreglass company develops high- CONTINUOUS IN LINE PRODUCTION
performing glass fibres, used for automotive and wind energy 3B has a well-defined and proven production process.
applications. Glass fibre reinforced composite parts are an “Production runs 24/7 with no interruptions, with a major
alternative to heavier metallic parts. It is key for the automotive part of our products being make-to-stock. Therefore, my
industry, as it continuously seeks ways to lighten parts, in job consists in defining the production schedule for all three
an effort to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. factories and making sure our stock is sufficient and well-
In the wind industry, the new generations of wind turbines balanced to meet customer demand. I also closely follow the
are larger and larger to produce cost-effective green energy: quantity of raw materials available for the manufacture of our
high-modulus glass fibre reinforcements are required. 3B is glass fibre products” says Françoise Beckers, Global Planning
committed to working hand in hand with its customers to help Leader. Until recently the company was using a scheduling
them address these very challenges. Sustainability is the main solution developed 25 years ago and originally customized to
growth driver for this business. fit their specific processes at the time. However, this solution
was no longer maintained, rendering it obsolete. “The tool we


were using did not cover our evolving needs or the software
evolutions of SAP” explains Charlotte Neumann, Supply Chain
Specialist at 3B. “So we set out to find a new solution, starting
with 12 prospects and narrowing the list down to three, two
of which were eventually found to either be too dependent on
customizations or too expensive. The solution that we finally
chose was Dassault Systèmes DELMIA Ortems. We saw it as a
powerful and scalable software able to evolve with us over time.
We also found that it had an intuitive and easy-to-understand
user interface, that it could integrate beautifully with SAP.
It was also in line with our budget.”
Today, DELMIA defines an optimal schedule for each production
process and pop-up messages inform production planners
when their attention is required. “For example, if the initial
planning suggests a production change during the weekend
- which actually is not feasible in our organisation - DELMIA
requires the manual intervention of the scheduler in advance”,
Beckers explains.

“Now with that visibility in the

solution, we can better anticipate”
— Françoise Beckers, Global Planning Leader

“Moreover, what DELMIA Supply Chain Planning & Operations

Solution does that our previous solution didn’t is to pre-
create production orders in accordance with our forecasts.
By entering a forecast in the system, DELMIA will look at
the customer orders, the forecasts, as well as our stocks, and DELMIA Ortems takes into account customer orders
create a production order if stocks are below critical levels. and forecasts to create a production order
DELMIA offers a useful overview of all parameters. Another
advantage: a production report for each plant can be issued
automatically. Now with that visibility in the solution, we can
better anticipate”, says Beckers.
The tool’s user-friendliness is a major asset that enables a new
employee to prepare a production schedule without requiring
extensive planning experience. “With our previous tool, only
an expert planner with thorough knowledge of the production
process would have been able to generate a planning that could
be accepted by production,” Beckers said.
3B first deployed DELMIA in its Belgian plant, than in Norway.
Implementation will be done in India in a few months. “75%
of the core model of our Belgian facility will be used in our
two other facilities, which we will then tailor to their specific
production constraints,” Beckers said. “When this is done, we
will have better visibility over our global operations. We’ll be
able to react faster to sales requests. Moreover, we will have
a real-time view of where we are with respect to raw material
availability because it is linked to the forecast. DELMIA is a
great support for our scheduling teams and it will go along with
the future evolution of our organisation and our processes.”


Focus on 3B Fibreglass
Leading developer and supplier of glass fibre solutions for
the reinforcement of thermoplastic and thermoset polymers.

Products: dry-used chopped strand, wet chopped strand,

direct rovings, continuous filament mat, choppable roving,
chopped strand mat

Employees: 1,000

Headquarters: Battice, Belgium

For more information




“The 3DEXPERIENCE platform brings together all stakeholders

around a single source of truth. This means that all data related
to a construction project – from the design phase to the
execution phase, to the operation and maintenance phase of
the building – will be located in the platform.”
– Frédéric Gal, Program Director of Business Transformation, Bouygues Construction



“The collaboration with the Dassault Systèmes’ teams was very

fruitful because the principle of this relationship was based on
their integration into our teams, a kind of “live my life” to help
them really understand our way of doing things, our way of
working and then build our use cases and our own experience
of the platform.”
– Guilhem Bourgoin, Head of Works, Bouygues Construction



“DELMIA Apriso MOM platform has actually reached to all

aspects of our company, from product development at early
stage through process validation to actual production, quality
control and delivery after volume production starts, and even
finally to material management.”
– Shengrui Wu, Plant Director, Fawer Y-Tec



“It was the proof of concept with DELMIA Quintiq Optimized

Planning that made our decision for us. We needed an agile
system to handle what-if scenarios and it could do that and
– Tiina Lahti, Head of Ground Resource Planning, Finnair


Finnair, the airline with the shortest connection
between Asia and Europe, needed a powerful
workforce planning solution to manage the
complexity of rostering hundreds of employees
in maintenance, passenger services, cargo
handling and catering. To cope with the
challenging business environment airlines
operate in, the company needed a solution
capable of producing the most efficient
schedules, while ensuring compliance with
working time regulations, labor laws and
individual characteristics such as skills, shift
preferences and vacation leave.
To ensure smooth and efficient operations,
Finnair partnered with the DELMIA brand
of Dassault Systèmes and uses the DELMIA The workforce planners at Finnair have the important role of
Quintiq solution to plan its ground operations making sure each department across the Finnish airline has
workforce. The centralized system provides exactly the right number of workers on shift to ensure the
all the functionality required by the company smooth running of the business at all times. They are tasked
to handle the planning challenges of different with managing the rostering for hundreds of ground operations
departments, generating rosters that factor in employees, setting monthly agreements and forecasting
all unique scheduling constraints. resource needs months in advance. The airline, which connects
Europe with Asia and North America, has over 1,350 employees
Benefits: across its maintenance, passenger services, cargo handling and
With its modern planning system, the company catering departments when running at full capacity.
can optimize its workforce and run leaner, Like many airlines, one of the biggest challenges Finnair faced
smoother and more cost efficient operations. was ensuring each employee schedule complied with multiple
Finnair planners now use a single solution labor agreements and regulations, taking into account enforced
to manage employee schedules across all breaks, shift preferences, planned vacations and so on. Before
departments, ensuring everything complies the company modernized its workforce planning solution, its
with all labor agreements and regulations. planners used multiple systems to manage all these specific
Backed by powerful insights, they can plan requirements across individual departments. Manually creating
ahead strategically and make truly informed and maintaining these employee schedules was very time
decisions. consuming and labor intensive.
Today, the daily tasks carried out by the Finnair workforce
planners have been transformed for the better, thanks to the
new DELMIA Quintiq workforce planning solution they now
use. All of the functionality they need is available in a single
“Not only has the amount of system, allowing them to generate rosters that factor in all
unique scheduling constraints, seek optimal alternatives, better
manual work we do been manage disruptions and plan ahead with true insight.

reduced, but we’re now able CHOOSING THE BEST FIT

to optimize our processes Finnair’s journey to DELMIA Quintiq was a long time in the
making. The company’s resource planning managers were
and end up with better charged with finding the right solution for the business and
results.” consolidating all resource planning processes. A team of Finnair
experts then headed up a thorough procurement process before
— Tiina Lahti, eventually deciding on DELMIA Quintiq.
Head of Ground Resource Planning, Finnair


“We started with an enhancement project, aiming to make
incremental improvements to our workforce planning
processes,” said Tiina Lahti, head of Ground Resource Planning
at Finnair. “But we quickly realized we needed to make bigger
changes and we began looking into the systems available on
the market that could help us.”
Over two years, Finnair assessed multiple systems that could
meet its specific requirements.
“As we have many different service level agreements and local
regulations as well as labor rules and requirements in different
units, we quickly found that most solution providers couldn’t
offer all the functionality we needed within one system,” Lahti
said. “But this was out of the question for us. We had to find a
centralized system. In the end, we narrowed our choice down
to a couple of solutions, but it was the proof of concept with
DELMIA Quintiq Optimized Planning that made our decision for EMPOWERED PLANNERS
us. We needed an agile system to handle what-if scenarios and
it could do that and more.” Finnair’s planners use DELMIA Quintiq to manage the entire
workforce planning process across all ground operations
Finnair worked with Dassault Systèmes’ partner and local departments, including short-, mid- and long-term planning.
workforce planning specialist Roima Intelligence to implement As they’ve transitioned away from time-consuming, manual
DELMIA Quintiq and achieve its business goals. processes to a more agile, automated approach, they are able to
“Roima handled the implementation alongside DELMIA work more efficiently and effectively than ever before.
Quintiq,” Lahti said. “They really got to know us and “Their processes are totally different today,” Lahti said.
understand our business needs to ensure the solution and “They’re able to access the information they need directly
support agreement was the right fit for us. When you’re trying from the system and it’s presented to them far more intuitively.
to figure out complex labor rules and technical issues, it’s so It means they now carry out far more interesting work and are
handy to be able to talk to a supportive team in your native empowered to think strategically as they can look ahead and
language. It really helped us navigate this complicated, multi- see the entire business. They have a lot more responsibility and
faceted project.” can make a huge impact with their decision-making.”
After defining the requirements for the system across all Feedback from the planners about the new solution has been
its business units, Finnair implemented DELMIA Quintiq. positive.
The implementation took place between September 2017 and
December 2018, covering ground resource planning, technical “They find DELMIA Quintiq easy to use and can carry out
and kitchen operations. many of their everyday tasks intuitively without instructions,”
Lahti said. “They can now see further ahead in terms of their
“Roima’s dedicated team helped us navigate the technical planning and can try different optimizers for different shift
issues we experienced in removing the legacy systems and structures. It has transformed their work into a more strategic
making the transition to DELMIA Quintiq,” Lahti said. “Today, role and they know they have a powerful tool that they can
we continue to work closely with them.” rely on. They appreciate that it’s modern and industry leading.
Everybody has embraced this modern approach and wouldn’t
want to return to our previous ways of working.”
The new system has been well received by all shift workers
“DELMIA Quintiq too, as they now have far greater visibility of their working
successfully demonstrated arrangements.
“They can see more information about their working quotas,
how a single system can check how many hours of overtime they’ve done and how
manage the planning many vacation days they have banked,” Lahti said. “Everything
is far more visible and it means they have to ask fewer
challenges of different questions of our workforce planners. They can check most
things themselves.”
More streamlined and automated processes have also translated
— Jaakko Schildt, COO, Finnair to efficiencies and cost savings across the business.
“Not only has the amount of manual work we do been reduced,
but we’re now able to optimize our processes and end up with
better results,” Lahti said.


Focus on Finnair In recent months, Finnair has faced an extremely challenging
Finnair flies between Asia, Europe and North America. time as it navigates travel restrictions and reduced air travel
Its extensive network connects 19 cities in Asia and 7 cities demand as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic. With a
in North America with over 100 destinations in Europe. smaller workforce offering a limited service, Finnair is using
Founded in 1923, Finnair is one of the oldest continuously DELMIA Quintiq to optimize its resources and keep costs under
operating airlines in the world. control.
“Even though we have fewer people at work, we’re still
For more information following the same processes and we can optimize regardless,”
https://company.finnair.com Lahti said. “It means we’re still able to offer the best quality
service despite the huge changes.”
As Finnair looks to the future and positions itself for brighter
times ahead, it knows it has a reliable, future-proof workforce
planning system it can rely on.
Focus on Roima Intelligence “Smooth and efficient operations at our hub is a must,” said
Based in Finland, Roima Intelligence empowers people to Jaakko Schildt, COO of Finnair. “DELMIA Quintiq successfully
reach the optimal and sustainable outcome for business, demonstrated how a single system can manage the planning
society and environment through digitalization and artificial challenges of different departments. This project is yet another
intelligence in manufacturing and logistics. The company example of Finnair’s determination to maintain operational
boosts productivity through innovative automation excellence and improve both customer and employee
solutions, intelligent use of digital technologies, and satisfaction.”
continuous improvement. Roima’s experts are leading
professionals in their industries, who already serve over 300
growth-oriented customers both in Finland and around the

For more information




“We entered into a strong partnership with Dassault Systèmes to

create our own digital twin of the paintshop floor. The solution
we have developed runs on DELMIA and is called PES (Paint
Execution System). It is basically the operational system of our
paintshops. It means we can now offer our customers a tailored
paintshop solution and even a full manufacturing execution
system (MES) for the entire factory needed to build a car.”
– Daryush Arabnia, President and CEO of Geico Taikisha Group


Challenge: Geico Taikisha is on a mission to push the boundaries of
innovation and harness the latest automation technologies
Geico Taikisha is a global leader in the
to improve product quality while also meeting ambitious
planning and construction of turnkey
sustainability and energy efficiency goals. The company
automated car painting systems. As it brings
achieved a world first when it successfully developed an
its Smart Paintshop vision to life, it needed
entirely energy self-sufficient paintshop. Today, its systems
a powerful manufacturing execution solution
can reach 70% less energy to paint a car body compared to
that would provide full visibility, control, and
competitors while using renewable energy sources.
synchronization of all paint shop operations
to improve the efficiency, safety, quality, and “We decided to invest heavily in Industry 4.0 technologies and
costs of future mobility solution paint jobs. offer our customers innovative solutions that allow them to
manage their paintshops in a more effective way, giving them
Solution: far greater flexibility and efficiency,” said Daryush Arabnia,
In partnership with Dassault Systèmes, Geico president and CEO of Geico Taikisha Group. “This comes down
Taikisha has pre-configured the DELMIA to the ability to connect everything together and that requires
Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM) a strong brain that controls and manages everything.”
solution to support its Smart Paintshop. DELMIA Central to Geico Taikisha’s Smart Paintshop vision is the
executes each step of the painting process configuration of executable manufacturing processes for each
in complete synchronization with all systems custom paintshop, which monitor and manage every process
controllers (including Robots, Painting Booths, to simplify quality control, enable predictive maintenance,
Ovens, Conveyors, etc.) and provides deep and progressively improve performance and efficiency.
insights across the entire range of processes in The company turned to Dassault Systèmes to help bring
the paintshop, from the production order all the its future car paintshop to life and, today, the company is
way through to the finished painted car. using the DELMIA Apriso application to gain deep insights
Benefits: across the entire car painting process­­—managing, guiding, and
documenting each step with pinpoint precision to deliver the
With DELMIA supporting all processes in highest quality results.
the paintshop, Geico Taikisha can deliver
customized paintshop solutions to its “We entered into a strong partnership with Dassault Systèmes
customers that guarantee the highest quality to create our own digital twin of the paintshop floor,” Arabnia
finish, ensure smooth production, and reduce said. “The solution we have developed runs on DELMIA and
energy consumption and running costs. is called PES (Paint Execution System). It is basically the
Real-time monitoring and safety sensors operational system of our paintshops. It means we can now
prevent malfunctions and support predictive offer our customers a tailored paintshop solution and even a full
maintenance, and all painting stages are manufacturing execution system (MES) for the entire factory
analyzed and tracked to support the final visual needed to build a car.”

“This comes down to the

Geico Taikisha, one of the world’s leading automotive painting
ability to connect everything
systems providers, is completing a paintshop in Germany together and that requires a
which is set to be one of the most advanced high-volume
electric vehicle production plants in the world. Everything strong brain that controls and
about the factory’s production technologies and methods
will be cutting-edge, including its next-generation paintshop,
manages everything.”
which will enable the manufacturer to achieve a color-tone — Daryush Arabnia,
depth and complexity in the paint finish not usually seen in President and CEO of Geico Taikisha Group
volume production cars. It will harness the company’s Smart
Paintshop technology, including safety sensors to prevent
malfunctions, Internet of Things (IoT) to analyze and improve
the painting stages in real time, and an innovative system for
managing energy consumption.


To demonstrate the full potential of its smart paintshop DELMIA also supports quality control and the final inspection
systems, Geico Taikisha uses DELMIA to handle and monitor stage, allowing visual inspectors to digitally log any defects,
all plant processes in its Digital Factory Showcase at its Pardis marking exactly where they are on the vehicle complete with
Innovation Center, based in Cinisello Balsamo, Italy. a full description.
“For our engineers, it’s basically a playground where they can “This allows us to pinpoint if there is a problem with the car
experiment with new features, technologies, and designs, and and gives us full confidence to release it to the end of the line or
we can execute them in real life,” said Frank Levering, new not,” Levering said. “If we do find a defect, we can mark on the
technology and IT senior manager at Geico Taikisha. “We are system exactly where it is, what it is, and indicate the severity
using DELMIA here to replicate a real-life plant and the flow of the problem. All of this information is added to the individual
through all the processes as if it were a reality.” car body logbook in the system, which ensures quality control
as it enters and leaves each process in the paintshop. This
In the Smart Paintshop live demonstration, DELMIA controls
unique identifier allows us to track very precisely everything
and provides a physical representation of each stage in the
that’s happened at each stage and capture all useful data.”
plant as the car body enters the different tanks and spray
booths to achieve a perfectly painted finish. The Digital
Factory Showcase also reveals how manufacturers can achieve
increased production flexibility, assess an entire car body’s
history at a glance, and make more informed decisions about
the process flow, facilitated by industrial IoT, optimized HMI,
and edge processing.


DELMIA control screens on the shop floor in the Digital Factory
Showcase display in real time what’s happening at each stage
of the paintshop process. In the control room, workers can look
in greater detail at each process digitally and switch to any
zone in the manufacturing plant to interrogate and see the flow
of car bodies at each stage.
“The DELMIA - PES system control room provides an overview
of all processes in one place, so you can see all the different key
performance indicators,” Levering said. “If something requires
DELMIA controls and provides a physical representation
attention, it will be visible immediately in the process and
of each stage in the plant as the car body enters the
flagged in the icons, allowing immediate action and the ability
different tanks and spray booths to achieve a perfectly
to zoom in on that process so you can see what is going on at
painted finish.
that point in time. It provides a lot of flexibility and control to
be fully aware of exactly what’s happening in the paintshop.”
Importantly, DELMIA connects all plant processes together to
provide a complete view of the production facility and indicate
how each stage impacts the next—critical for ensuring uptime
and proactively managing maintenance issues.
“We can see which machines are connected to each process
and drill down into anything we may need to know beyond
what we’re looking at on the surface,” Levering said. “Through
DELMIA, we can look at the maintenance requirements, for
example, and see what maintenance needs to be carried out on
the various machines and if urgent action needs to be taken,
helping to anticipate and mitigate production issues before
they become a problem and impact delivery times.”

Geico Taikisha is using the DELMIA Apriso application to

gain deep insights across the entire car painting process.


As Geico Taikisha works with its automotive clients to deliver
innovative, tailored paintshop solutions, its technology
empowers them to differentiate themselves by going beyond
traditional painting methods while ensuring they keep costs,
delivery times, and energy consumption to a minimum.
“With our Paintshop Execution System powered by DELMIA
Apriso, we can simplify quality control, predictive maintenance,
and the management of the paintshop as a whole,” Arabnia
said. “To bring value to our customers, we must continue to
innovate and help make their lives easier and that’s exactly
what we’re doing with DELMIA and our Smart Paintshop.”

Focus on Geico Taikisha

Geico Taikisha is a world leader in the design and construction
of turnkey automated automotive body paint shops. The
company is a union between Geico, founded in Italy in 1963,
and Taikisha, established in Japan in 1949, who joined forces
in 2011. Today, the company has a presence in 20 countries
worldwide, with a network of over 43 locations and six
production units. It is one of the first companies globally to
offer a zero environmental impact paint shop, reducing
consumption by 70%.

For more information




“We’ve designed in 3D from the beginning of the project. All

the designers and system engineers – more than 1,000 people
– work together at the same time using the same application.
We can then share 3D models and digital mockups all over the
world for review and change.”
– Jean-Pierre Mailharrancin, PLM Project Manager, ITER


Founded by seven member states, the Turning fusion power into a new source of energy for humanity:
ITER project (International Thermonuclear this is the raison d’être of ITER™ (International Thermonuclear
Experimental Reactor) brings together 35 Experimental Reactor), the largest nuclear fusion research
nations to build the world’s largest fusion project in the world. Its aim is to demonstrate that it is possible
device, and demonstrate the scientific and to build a thermonuclear power plant capable of producing
technical feasibility of fusion power as a large energy in a safe, sustainable and environmentally friendly
scale energy source. The organization needed manner.
a platform to define the proper engineering Since 2005, ITER’s members – China, the European Union,
processes to effectively manage the technical India, Japan, Korea, Russia and the United States – have
configuration and establish a common working committed to a long-term collaboration to build and operate
basis for all stakeholders involved in the project. the ITER experimental device.
Solution: Based in the south of France, ITER involves 35 nations
collaborating to build the most advanced and largest tokamak
ITER adopted the 3DEXPERIENCE platform to
magnetic confinement fusion experiment. When complete,
manage the entire lifecycle of the plant. Using
it will be twice the size of the largest machines currently
the Capital Facilities Information Excellence
in operation, with ten times the plasma chamber volume,
solution, the organization gains a single source
and demonstrate that fusion power can be generated on a
of truth for every stage of the project. All design
commercial scale.
and engineering processes are available on the
platform and all stakeholders use the same set Countries around the world have committed to Net Zero
of tools and connect via a single user interface. emissions by 2050 as part of the UN Race to Zero campaign
and recognize that they must decarbonize their energy sectors
Benefits: if they are to succeed. Global leaders are backing this initiative
• A common platform for seamless global as nuclear fusion holds the potential of generating colossal
collaboration amounts of power that is low carbon, safer and produces much
• Centrally stored data to deliver a single source smaller amounts of waste. Compared to the chemical reaction
from burning coal, oil or gas, nuclear fusion releases nearly four
of truth throughout the entire plant lifecycle
million times more energy, and four times more than nuclear
• Project schedules under control and consistent
technical configuration
• Data indexed to deliver intuitive access to ONE OF THE WORLD’S GREATEST
information and analytics ENGINEERING FEATS
• Compliance with global nuclear standards Thousands of people are working towards the project’s success,
building millions of components, some of which weigh several
hundred metric tons. Factories around the world ship them to
France to be assembled into the giant reactor. It is one of the
most complex engineering endeavors in history.

“What we have at ITER with “Constructing the machine piece by piece will be like assembling
a 3D puzzle on an intricate timeline,” said Bernard Bigot,
the 3DEXPERIENCE platform director-general of ITER. “Every aspect of project management,
systems engineering, risk management and logistics of the
is state-of-the-art.” machine assembly must perform together with the precision
– Hans-Henrich Altfeld, Sponsor of the PLM of a Swiss watch.”
Implementation Project, ITER For such a project spanning decades, ITER needed an industry-
leading technology platform to help it orchestrate all the global
participants; achieve scalable, multi-site, secure collaboration;
define common design and engineering processes; effectively
manage the technical configuration and ensure compliance
with nuclear standards. It found the answer in Dassault
Systèmes’ 3DEXPERIENCE® platform.
From the very beginning, ITER has used CATIA to design
the tokamak. Since then, as part of its product lifecycle
management (PLM) project, it has expanded the scope of
applications it uses from Dassault Systèmes within the
3DEXPERIENCE platform to include ENOVIA for collaboration,


DELMIA for process analysis and most recently EXALEAD for “The terms ‘complex project’ have the connotation that the
indexing and intuitively accessing data. project is not under control,” Altfeld said. “Instead, we want to
make it complicated, which is still challenging but manageable.
“We are managing a huge amount of data,” said Jean-Pierre
That’s why we have to slice the elephant and break the
Mailharrancin, configuration system coordinator and PLM
machine down into hundreds of thousands of parts, and
project manager at ITER. “One of the major issues we faced
manage each individual element. Of course, you need to
before was that we were using many tools that weren’t
ensure that the interfaces between each of these breakdown
accessible to all. We wanted to reduce their quantity and bring
structures integrate seamlessly, and are properly managed.
consistency to our organization. To do so, we needed to put
That’s what the 3DEXPERIENCE platform enables.”
in place a central database to bring together all stakeholders
within ITER, store and access accurate data, and gain a single
version of the truth. With the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, we can
One of the main drivers for implementing the 3DEXPERIENCE
now connect everything together, so that all users access, share
platform was to improve ITER’s configuration management
and gain insights from all the data.”
processes to bridge the gap between design and engineering.
SLICING THE ELEPHANT “We need a system that enables us to implement proper
For Hans-Henrich Altfeld, head of the Project Control configuration management processes, based on international
Office and sponsor of the PLM implementation at ITER, the standards,” Altfeld said.
3DEXPERIENCE platform is helping the organization tackle With hundreds of thousands of documents, all part of the
the enormous complexity that comes with an operation of tokamak technical description, it was crucial for ITER to have a
this scope and scale, and gain transparency of each project robust system running in the background to help manage and
breakdown. keep track of everything.
“This project is characterized by two dimensions – enormous “The 3DEXPERIENCE platform has allowed us to centrally
complexity and a long duration,” Altfeld said. “This presents define the configuration management and implement it so
a number of challenges that include the knowhow generated everyone at ITER can benefit from it,” Altfeld explained. “This
as the project progresses, and allowing people who join the is not just related to engineering documents, it’s also about
project later to dig into that information. Preserving our ensuring all 3D models are included and fully linked to the
knowledge is critical. engineering data. So, when you’re in the platform and click on
“In terms of structural complexity, ITER is comparable to a component in 3D, you can see all the relevant engineering
building the international space station, yet it has even more data associated with it. “Since all data has been fully approved
member states,” he added. “We must handle the structural and and authorized, you can be sure that it’s reliable.”
dynamic complexity of this project, contending with the sheer At the same time, the platform helps ITER achieve compliance
number of people, components and suppliers involved but also with global government and environmental regulations, and
the amount of changes that occur. In a first-of-a-kind project ensure safer construction.
like ITER, there’s a lot of learning going on.”
“All requirements from regulators and authorities are identified
To gain control, ITER is reducing complexity by breaking the in our baseline and managed in the platform,” Mailharrancin
project down into smaller parts and connecting them all via said. “Our configuration management system ensures that all
a continuous digital thread on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. global regulations are included and implemented at every stage
By having a complete view of all data surrounding each of the project.”
component, ITER is able to ensure stringent quality control
as the machine progresses through the assembly stage of the

“All requirements from

regulators and authorities
are identified in our baseline
and managed in the
– Jean-Pierre Mailharrancin,
PLM Project Manager, ITER


ITER uses the 3DEXPERIENCE platform to design all More about the solution:
components in the tokamak, bringing together the work from Capital Facilities Information Excellence provides a single
all contributors globally and allowing them to share up-to-date source of trust for every stage of the plant lifecycle, from
digital mockups. early design and engineering, to construction, operation and
“We’ve designed in 3D from the beginning of the project,” decommissioning. Knowledge is accessible to enable business
Mailharrancin said. “All the designers and system engineers processes control, project governance and to drive continuous
– more than 1,000 people – work together at the same time improvement in execution from information structuring to
using the same application. We can then share 3D models and activity data monitoring, and from requirements traceability
digital mockups all over the world for review and change.” to intellectual property classification.
Critically, the platform helps to ensure that technical
modifications are correctly implemented and all affected
• Reduce schedule deviations and mitigate cost overruns
stakeholders are notified at each stage of the project.
• Improve daily productivity and increase knowledge reuse
“As part of change monitoring, the platform allows me to track • Facilitate compliance and streamline handover processes
all modification decisions and record the impact analysis made
by the different domains,” said Vincent Clochard, product
change request manager at ITER. “It also links the modifications
to each part of the impacted design, whether it’s documents or
data, and provides full traceability.”
The 3DEXPERIENCE platform serves as the collaboration
environment for the ITER development community. Its program
and project management functionalities are used in three main
areas: to create a document production plan to implement the
list of expected deliverables for the various activities (design,
procurement, assembly, commissioning, and operation); to
manage project change requests; and to send construction-
related documents from the platform out to construction.
Then ITER simulates in 4D (3D + time) on the platform its most
critical processes, ranging from the validation of the concept of
the fusion reactor to construction, operation and maintenance.
The solution serves as a process analysis platform and ITER
uses its planning feature to optimize all the resources allocated
to assembly and maintenance. At the same time, process-
Cutaway of the ITER Tokamak produced by the ITER
slicing functions, including kinematics and robotics definition,
Design Office.
allow a more in-depth analysis of critical processes and related
equipment, using 3D models directly linked to the most recent
digital version.
“We’ve done lots of assembly simulations,” Mailharrancin
said. “The 3DEXPERIENCE platform has been invaluable for
confirming that the components can be put together and that
there is no physical clashing.”

Vacuum vessel sector N°6 is on a platform across from

the large assembly tool where it will be mounted in a
vertical position during the first sector sub-assembly


ITER plans for all the core parts of the reactor to be installed,
Focus on ITER
fully integrated and ready to produce first plasma by 2025. As
ITER is an international, large-scale scientific research project
the project progresses through the assembly stage and beyond,
intended to prove the viability of nuclear fusion as an energy
ITER needs controlled engineering information and reliable
source, and to collect the data necessary for the design and
data to successfully complete each stage and hand over from
subsequent operation of the first electricity-producing
one discipline to the next.
fusion power plant. Thirty-five nations have joined forces to
build the ITER tokamak, the world’s largest fusion device, “With our current system, we have a fantastic basis to serve
and share in every aspect of the project: science, procurement, our clients [construction contractors, domestic agencies,
financing, staffing and intellectual property. operational clients, etc.] with robust engineering information,”
Altfeld said. “Once the machine is built, we’ll have clients in
The ITER project is based in Saint-Paul Lez Durance, in the commissioning doing the validation and testing. Then clients
south of France, where the fusion plant is under construction. operating the machine will need maintenance manuals. And
once all the research is done, the next client will carry out
For more information: www.iter.org deactivation and safely dismantle the machine and bring the
site back to nature. All these clients will need the technical
information we’re currently generating. And they need to be
sure in years to come that all this data is accurate and can
support them in their role.”
“For me, the most important feature within the platform is
the traceability it delivers,” added Adriana Rossi, technical
document controller for ITER’s cooling water system. “With the
way we’re storing information on the platform, you can easily
get hold of any documentation and retrieve the information
you need related to a specific engineering work package.”
Critically, the 3DEXPERIENCE platform allows ITER to take
control of the entire lifecycle of the tokamak experiment and
master the complexity of one of the greatest engineering feats
to date.
“What we have at ITER with the 3DEXPERIENCE platform
is state-of-the-art,” Altfeld said. “Some people believe that
machines of this complexity can only be managed by specialists.
However, they vastly underestimate the complexity created by
the interdependence of all these thousands of experts and
components that must come together. This is something the
human brain cannot capture. We had to support a project
like this with a powerful solution like the 3DEXPERIENCE



“DELMIA Apriso is a core model for the global MES framework

of the future. We want to see where it can take us. As operating
systems change and the technological infrastructure evolves,
we hope DELMIA Apriso keeps on functioning as a cutting-
edge platform.”
– Fumiyuki Itou, Senior Manager, Logistics Procurement System Department SOR System Division
IT Function, LIXIL


Challenge: “We knew the project would be a company-wide initiative,
stretching into every corner of operations,“ explains Fumiyuki
To standardize its global manufacturing
Itou, Senior Manager, Logistics Procurement System
systems, LIXIL needed a Manufacturing
Department SOR System Division IT Function. “In the Supply
Execution System (MES) that would comply
Chain Management (SCM) area, for example, we built the
with a wide variety of site requirements, enable
effort around the concept of creating a system platform
quick, efficient development and deployment,
that would let us standardize business across the housing,
and offer functionality on a global scale.
materials, and building segments and deploy our SCM business
Solution: processes right away—global elements, too.“ The company
laid out clear objectives: standardizing and patterning product-
LIXIL decided to implement Dassault Systèmes
specific business in the three segments, integrating its MES,
DELMIA Apriso, a solution that would make it
and coordinating demand predictions with production and
possible to apply LIXIL’s production know-how
purchasing plans to help prevent against stockouts and reduced
to the new system, replicate the look and feel of
inventory levels.
the existing systems, and ensure compatibility
Serving as the MES phase of the company’s LIXIL’s supply chain is an enormous system of high-mix, low-
volume production. Whenever an order comes in, the company
integrated manufacturing control system,
quickly ships the necessary items to meet the customer’s
DELMIA Apriso enables uniform manufacturing
needs. Production follows several different formats—Made to
execution without sacrificing any of LIXIL’s
Stock (MTS), Assemble to Order (ATO), Made to Order (MTO),
know-how in on-site manufacturing. In
and Engineered to Order (ETO)— and operates on a massive
addition, LIXIL is now able to have a clear real-
scale. LIXIL processes roughly 270,000 orders daily, produces
time view of company wide inventory across
tens of millions of items, produces ten million individual parts,
several sites.
and has 40 plants in Japan (as of March 2019).
“We produce and ship so many items from so many plants,
and the five individual companies had used different setups and
LIXIL GROWTH DEMANDS OVERHAUL AND different methods for all their manufacturing processes prior to
STANDARDIZATION OF SUPPLY CHAIN the merger,“ explains Hideharu Tamaki, the director of the SC
MANAGEMENT AND PRODUCTION SYSTEMS Systems Division in the Information Systems Unit.
LIXIL Group makes pioneering water and housing products “The systems were all over the place, too, decentralized
such as baths, kitchens, toilets, showers and faucets, doors and on client servers and End User Computing (EUC). It was a
windows, interiors, and exteriors. Today, it is a global enterprise disjointed assemblage of pieces, all in black boxes. To pull
with about 75,000 employees in more than 150 countries everything together into an integrated whole, we took the
worldwide, having expanded internationally by acquiring some ‘To Be’ approach. Basically, we focused on the ideal objective
of the most trusted names in the industry, including GROHE and worked backward to iron out the project. The best way of
and American Standard. LIXIL Corporation, born in 2011 making that ideal a reality, we decided, was to use consumer
through a mer ger of five of Japan’s most successful building packaged goods—resources that would let us keep our platform
materials and housing companies, draws on the Japanese in place over the course of future system maintenance.” With
heritage to create world-leading technology and innovation to the Information Systems Division getting smaller, the company
make high quality products that transform homes. also knew that system maintenance would eventually be
After integrating into LIXIL, the five constituent companies kept impossible without standardization. Consumer packaged
using their individual, separate SCM and production systems. In goods presented the best approach to unifying processes and
2014, however, LIXIL launched a project to begin overhauling best practices, which included elements like standardizing
and integrating its domestic mission critical system and laying systems with the same functions and establishing common
the groundwork for future optimization—a process that involves development languages.
standardizing and consolidating operations in anticipation of
new business and unification across the company’s global
structure. Knowing that it would need a world-standard system
for effective global management and an integrated system
for optimal business performance, LIXIL is using the project to
replace many of the separate systems throughout the corporate
organization—which number into the thousands— with a new
set of roughly 16 new categories of systems.


unit a reality, a process where its production know-how (best
practices) come into play.
“It was the per fect fit for LIXIL: That expertise ranges across four different dimensions: real-
the right global functionality, time capabilities, on-sit e flexibility, performance and quality
management, and inventory management. Given the specificity
the right flexibility and integrity of all the on-sit e requirements and the nebulous nature of the
qualities at hand, not all MES software solutions that are ridged
for a wide arr ay of products, simply lack the elements necessary to cover everything. “Real-
production methods, and sites, time capabilities mean getting a good understanding of site
conditions in real time and issuing orders accordingly. We need
and the right customizability for that timeliness in our orders—which we manage with down-to-
the-second precision,“ says Ito. “On-sit e flexibility is another
different screen designs.“ big part of the picture. We need to be able to integrate with
- Hideharu Tamaki, Senior Manager, IT different run-to-run systems for our audio systems, handheld
Strategy Dept. LIXIL Housing Technology terminals, PLCs, and other products. The interface needs to
easy for on-site personnel to use, of course, and our round-the-
JAPAN Conc, and IT Function LHT IT
clock production operations require non-stop support. Then
there’s performance and quality management, which we do
by the manufacturing process,“ he continues, «and inventory
management, which has to be pretty sophisticated for certain
LIXIL wanted a packaged MES / MOM solution that would
products and sites.“
also be compatible with a diverse mix of on-site requirements,
conducive to quick, agile development and deployment, and DELMIA Apriso sits right between off the shelf and being
easy to deploy on a global scale. In its search for a MES solution highly configurable to support unique requirements. That made
that would fit the bill, LIXIL eventually decided on Dassault it the ideal tool for applying LIXIL’s production know-how as
Systèmes’ DELMIA Apriso. is, without having to make any sacrifices or modifications.
Another key feature of the solution is the flexibility of its screen
Why DELMIA Apriso? LIXIL attributes the choice to the
layouts, which users have considerable control over. LIXIL could
solution’s excellent degree of freedom and global-support
replicate the look and feel of its existing best practices, develop
capabilities. LIXIL’s lineup includes plenty of products that
its setup quickly, and deploy the results with a sense of speed.
involve the same building materials but completely different
production methods, which means that the corresponding
systems need a considerable degree of freedom. Seeing as
how that brand of versatility helps the company differentiate
itself from the competition, LIXIL was looking for a solution
with room for quite a bit of from-scratch development. “In our The project team then set to downsizing LIXIL’s sizable
RFP, we laid out lots of different requirements. The flexibility assortment of over 100 different product-specific business
to comply with on-site variability, for example, was key. With variations to around 10% of its original scale. Once that
that, we started asking providers if they’d be able to meet our consolidated base of business patterns started taking shape,
needs,“ says group leader Yukihiro Yamafuji of the Manager, they got to work on an integrated production management
Metal SOR Renovation office SOR System Division IT Function. system to align with the new setup. LIXIL’s systems in
DELMIA Apriso checked the right boxes. We knew that, with the supply-chain domain used to operate separately on its
the solution, we’d be able to patch over any holes in the constituent companies’ hosts; each separate host had multiple
package with stuff we could create from scratch. It made for systems, varying by the product, and each system had different
easy, effective combinations ready-to-go resources and from- functions, varying by the plant. Every system was optimized on
scratch additions.“ an individual basis for the corresponding company or product.
In transitioning to a new integrated management system, LIXIL
A KEY IS TO APPLY AND UTILIZE ACCUMULATED arranged its existing systems into a hierarchical structure: the
PRODUCTION KNOW-HOW Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) phase, Master Production
Scheduling (MPS) phase, MES phase, and equipment control
A completely standard and configurable MES solution can
phase (see the accompanying illustration). “The equipment
handle standard items like toilets and faucets, but products
control phase involves tasks like equipment coordination and
involving lots of custom-made articles require the solution to
tag output, which means that no two products can share the
be also flexible enough to allow for custom requirements while
same arrangement, but other phases are consistent across the
maintaining a path forward. Kitchen and bathroom units fall
entire lineup—there are no product-specific elements,” Tamaki
into that category: virtually every unit has its own individual
explains. “ERP, for example, is for payments, inventory, and
specifications, as customers head to showrooms to combine
order information, while MPS covers the deployment of Bills
a host of different components into one-of-a-kind setups.
of Materials (BOM), supply-demand planning, and production
LIXIL has to make every last piece of each custom-designed


planning on the daily and monthly levels. That’s all the same. a natural offshoot of those improvements, will allow LIXIL
The MES, which involves production schedule-planning orders, to present its customers with accurate turnaround estimates
production orders, production performance, and more, is where and better quality performance—which the company sees as
we can achieve some differentiation. DELMIA Apriso let us do vital ingredients to improvements in customer satisfaction.
that, making it possible to adapt our MES to our different lines “DELMIA Apriso is a core model for the global MES framework
of business.” of the future,” Yamafuji says. “We want to see where it can
take us. As operating systems change and the technological
After implementing DELMIA Apriso at its first plant in July 2015,
infrastructure evolves, we hope DELMIA Apriso keeps on
the company has since rolled the solution out to eight more
functioning as a cutting-edge platform. Ten years from know,
plants and laid out plans to continue the deployment effort at
I’m hoping that we’ll be looking back on our decision to go with
other production sites. Using the solution’s standard models,
DELMIA Apriso as the right move at the right time.”
the company has created many of its own functions; the
framework for inventory management and inventory valuation, Through its implementation project, LIXIL is hoping to overhaul
for example, are information-gathering infrastructures with its domestic mission critical system, standardize its global
roots in the DELMIA Apriso foundation. “LIXIL is a manufacturer, manufacturing systems, and take its global management
so we need to have a solid grasp of how materials and products structure to the next level of sophistication. The company
are moving. Where do you locate all that movement? It’s not in continues to train its sights on exploring possibilities and
the planning phase; you have to go deeper, into the execution growing its business activities with a sense of responsibility,
phase, and monitor the real performance information as it always striving to provide well-conceived products and
changes,” Ito explains. “DELMIA Apriso is our platform for designs—thoroughly rooted in the consumer perspective—that
meeting that need. When you connect the solution on the can make life more comfortable and fulfilling for people around
execution phase to our ERP phase, the accounting division can the world.
also get a clear picture of performance using ERP without any
difficulty. That makes it easy t o implement the MES through
our standardization approach no matter what kind of site we’re System layout for the SC domain
dealing with, even places with limited inventory-management
functions.” The accounting division, which had always collected [Traditional setup] Specific optimization by constituent company and product
its information from individual local sources piece by piece, can Functional distribution
(1) Constituent company- Sanitary
now leverage the solution into a powerful, comprehensive specific hosts Bathroom
ware S3
Parts S3
information-gathering tool—one that reinforces the legitimacy S3

of the company’s accounting reports and financial statements (2) Product-specific

through the benefits of uniform consolidation.
21 4 4 1 2 2 2 1
USING DELMIA APRISO AS A CORE MES MODEL plants plants plants plant plants plants plants plant

(3) Plant-specific
Sashes Buildings Bathrooms Toilets Sanitary Faucet Tiling Electronic
SYSTEMS ware parts devices

LIXIL is also looking into implementing Dassault Systèmes’

DELMIA Ortems scheduler, which could pair with DELMIA
Apriso to enable real-time modifications to production-
schedule planning in the execution phase. For Tamaki, real-
time versatility is an invaluable asset. “Say a facility just
stops working all of a sudden. If you’re using a consumer
packaged system, you have to run batch processes that can
take anywhere from half a day to a full day,” he says. “LIXIL
doesn’t have the luxury to shut things down for that long,
considering how many quick-delivery products we offer. When [After the creation of the company-wide infrastructure platform]
we run into something like that, we have to send people Functional distribution
(1) Enterprise resource · Acceptance-delivery/
straight to the production floor and cancel the existing orders. planning phase (ERP)
inventory information
ware S3
Bathroom · Order information, etc.Parts S3
DELMIA Ortems would eliminate the need to go to the point S3
· BOM deployment
of production, which would streamline the whole schedule- (2) Master production
scheduling phase (MPS)
· Order information, etc.
· Production plans (monthly and
daily), etc.
modification process and boost overall productivity.” (3) Manufacturing execution
system phase (MES) · Production schedule planning
Looking ahead, LIXIL will be able to monitor its inventory on 21
· Production orders
· Production
a company-wide basis as the relevant inventory information (4) Equipment control · Equipment integration
phase · Tag output, etc.
converges into a more centralized framework with the accounting Sashes Buildings Bathrooms Toilets Sanitary Faucet Tiling Electronic
ware parts devices
division as the primary hub. The processes of formulating plans
and issuing site orders will run more smoothly, too, as personnel
will be able to link information and reflect trends from one LIXIL's infrastructure platform:
Before and after the project launch
plan to the next more effectively. Higher-precision planning,



“In the era where the paradigm in the future business like
construction is changing, we create a new business.”
– Mun Gwang-Sik, Design BIM Team Leader, POSCO A&C; DELMIA User Champion



“I recommend DELMIA for clothing companies around the world

who want to have better visibility and control over their
production. In effect, the solution meets all of our company´s
– Onesia Liotto, Director of Rosa Maria


To improve the efficiency of its business, Rosa
Maria, a Brazilian textile company, specializing Rosa Maria, one of Brazil’s leading women’s fitness fashion
in the manufacture of women’s clothing, companies, needed to manage a complex environment with
needed to control its production capacity to more than 45 different suppliers and production of more than
meet evolving consumer demand. The company 300,000 articles per month. Its clothing is distributed in 30
also needed to adapt its production process of the most important retail chains in Brazil and in more than
to be more agile and flexible to fulfill the 15 stores in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Mexico and the
requirements of both local and global markets. United States. These daunting challenges required Rosa Maria
to improve its agility and to simplify its processes to remain
Solution: competitive.
The company adopted DELMIA Ortems’ “Our challenge has always been to organize and plan production
advanced planning and scheduling solution for involving dozens of suppliers and hundreds of machines,”
Supply Chain Planning & Operations to enhance Onesia Liotto, director of Rosa Maria said. To address this
visibility, flexibility and coordination of its issue, the company decided to look for an advanced production
production lines and for inventory management. planning and scheduling (APS) system that could improve the
performance of its production unit. DELMIA ORTEMS Supply
Chain Planning & Operations solution, developed by Dassault
DELMIA cut production lead time by 50%, Systèmes, was selected based on its advanced features for
reducing product delivery from 90 to only scheduling and control of production flows.
45 days. By improving production capacity,
“With the support of DELMIA, we are able to align our
simplifying workload balance and inventory
production capacity with evolving business demands,” Liotto
control in its own production line and that of
affirmed. She said that using the solution will help position the
its suppliers, DELMIA helps generate important
company on a global level within the sportswear production
gains, such as a reduction of Rosa Maria’s total
market, by enhancing visibility, flexibility and coordination on
inventory by 37% and that of its intermediate
production lines and by improving inventory management.
stock by 23%.
Investing in technology and through continuous development,
the company seeks to ensure on-time delivery to major retail
brands with which it does business.
Rosa Maria´s director affirmed that the main goal of the
company with the adoption of new digital solutions was
“Our greatest dream has always to improve operational efficiency, overcoming the challenge
caused by the lack of control over the pace of production
been to organize and plan which, in the past, generated interruptions in the factory and
production with world-class considerable waste of raw materials.

quality and excellence. Now, FROM EXCEL TO ADVANCED PLANNING AND

with DELMIA, we are making Rosa Maria began to implement the Advanced Planning and
that dream a reality.” Scheduling (APS) solution from Dassault Systèmes, initiating
a true internal transformation with a new digital environment.
— Onesia Liotto, Director of Rosa Maria Until 2015, production control of the factory was done
manually using EXCEL spreadsheets. “Factory planning was
time-consuming and generated errors,” Liotto said. “Defining a
two-week production schedule used to take 12 hours of work.
Today with DELMIA, planning production for a full-year takes
only 30 minutes, with more accuracy, and complete control
over inventory and raw materials,” she said. Thanks to a simple
and intuitive interface, only one person is needed to plan and
monitor the annual production of thousands of articles.


Solving the complexity of its industrial environment was PLANNING AND SCHEDULING TO ADVANCE IN THE
essential to Rosa Maria’s business transformation. “We reduced FUTURE
our production lead time by 50%, shrinking production delivery Rosa Maria is always looking for ways to improve its products
from 90 to only 45 days. This enabled us to optimize our and to continuously innovate to help ensure its sustainability.
production capacity, increase our ability to process new orders, Today, the company is able to expand its production and
including those linked to specific campaigns, and to expand distribution of sportswear. “Our greatest dream has always
sales throughout the country,” Liotto declared. “I recommend been to organize and plan production with world-class quality
DELMIA for clothing companies around the world who want and excellence. Now, with DELMIA, we are making that dream
to have better visibility and control over their production,” a reality,” Liotto said.
she said. “In effect, the solution meets all of our company´s


ENHANCED PREDICTION OF RESOURCE UTILIZATION “We reduced our production lead time by 50%,
DELMIA has also improved the company’s operational shrinking production delivery from 90 to only 45
management, simplifying workload balance and control of
inventories in the production line and at its suppliers. According days. This enabled us to optimize our production
to Liotto, in addition to decreasing the time required to produce
and organize the plant’s planning, the project generated
capacity, increase our ability to process new
important benefits, such as a 37% reduction of its total orders, including those linked to specific
inventory and a 23% reduction of its intermediate stock.
campaigns, and to expand sales throughout the
DELMIA provides planning and scheduling capabilities for
collaborative production, enabling manufacturing companies to country”
more accurately predict the resources needed throughout their
operations, from receipt of orders to delivery of the products to — Onesia Liotto, Director of Rosa Maria.
retailers and customers. “It also improves our flexibility and the
ability of our production managers to make the right decisions,
even when changes occur in the process,” Liotto said.


DELMIA is also able to analyze and manage more than 70
constraints, such as type of product, color, size and delivery due
date, which are required to optimize the complete scheduling
of operations. “We have more visibility, integration and control
over raw materials used and a plant´s workflow,” Liotto said.
“Without this solution, it would be impossible to expand our
production as we have done in recent years and, at the same
time, deliver orders on time and in compliance with each
retailer’s specific characteristics,” she said. In effect, according
to Rosa Maria’s director, the company today can claim that it is
more competitive thanks to the digital transformation enabled
by state-of-the-art technology from Dassault Systèmes.
The integration between its commercial and production
activities also helps to increase the company’s competitive
edge, positioning Rosa Maria as a player capable of handling
new demands from its customers who change their preferences
with each season. “Rosa Maria is ahead of the market thanks
to the use of DELMIA,” said Vanessa Maciel Husemann, sales
director, responsible for sales and deployment of the DELMIA
Planning & Scheduling solution at Rosa Maria.


Focus on Rosa Maria
Manufacturer of women’s sportswear.

Products: fitness and sports clothing for women

Employees: 140

Headquarters: Brusque, Brazil

For more information


Rosa Maria manages a complex environment with more

than 45 different suppliers and over 300,000 articles
About G2A per month
G2A is a Brazil based consultancy company specializing in
ERP implementation and Planning & Scheduling Solutions.

Since 2009, G2A has been a partner of DELMIA Ortems

Advanced Planning and Scheduling Solutions successfully
developing numerous large scale projects across various
industries within South America.

For more information


Inventory management is operated without

interrupting production



“What I really like about DELMIA Quintiq is the transparency it

provides. You can follow all data from the customer forecast all
the way to production demand and through all the production
steps to the very first input. This system really works for us.”
– Andreas Legner, Tribotecc


Challenge: company supports its customers through a reliable supply of
raw materials, intelligent processes and high-quality products,
Tribotecc, one of the world’s leading
and embraces the latest technologies to optimize its operations,
manufacturers of synthetic and natural metal
including its production planning.
sulfides for friction stabilizers, needed greater
control and visibility of its supply chain. The aim Annually, Tribotecc produces an average capacity of 25,000
was to move from a manual to an automated metric tons of metal sulfides. For many years, it relied on
production scheduling and planning approach, the rough information coming through from its sales team
drawing data from every aspect of its business to plan production. While this approach gave an indication
to plan and optimize its complex supply chain. of the quantities of products required in a given timeframe,
The aim: to make profitable decisions and the company’s manufacturing plant lacked visibility of what
improve delivery performance while reducing was specifically required and in what form. It meant that the
stock. production setup had to change almost daily to keep up with
demand, and this impacted changeover, work and lead times.
Andreas Legner is plant manager and Six Sigma Black Belt
Tribotecc now uses DELMIA Quintiq for demand at Tribotecc and one of his key responsibilities is to plan the
and procurement planning as well as production company’s production processes and material flows. He knew
scheduling. The solution provides industry- there must be a better way and sought a more sophisticated
specific capabilities that allow Tribotecc to planning solution that would deliver true operational visibility
model, plan and optimize its complex production and accurate forecasting. Legner found the answer in DELMIA
chain from end to end through sophisticated Quintiq.
what-if scenario planning, collaborative
“We were looking for a reliable, world-leading partner with an
decision-making, and full data transparency.
established planning solution on the market that would give
Benefits: us complete control and full data transparency,” Legner said.
DELMIA cut production lead time by 50%, “DELMIA Quintiq met all of our key requirements.”
reducing product delivery from 90 to only
45 days. By improving production capacity,
simplifying workload balance and inventory
control in its own production line and that of
its suppliers, DELMIA helps generate important
gains, such as a reduction of Rosa Maria’s total
inventory by 37% and that of its intermediate
stock by 23%.


Get in a car or board a train, plane, or bus from anywhere
in the world and chances are that at least one of Tribotecc’s
products will accompany you on your journey. The leading
Austrian manufacturer produces high-performance synthetic
and natural metal sulfides. These are used as functional
additives in brake pads and clutch facings as well as lubricants,
polymers, powder metallurgy and abrasives across a wide
range of fields globally.
Tribotecc’s market-leading reputation is built on its premium
products and solution-oriented approach. It uses a unique,
patented synthetic manufacturing process designed to
guarantee the production of metal sulfides in any required
composition, quantity and of consistent quality. In the friction
industry, for example, Tribotecc’s friction stabilizers and
comfort additives are used by automotive manufacturers to
extend the durability and performance of disc brake pads and
drum brake linings. But when it comes to Tribotecc’s customer
service, friction free is the mantra that drives its approach. The


CHEMICAL INDUSTRY Today, Tribotecc splits its planning processes between three
DELMIA Quintiq’s rich functionality and flexibility makes departments, all supported by DELMIA Quintiq. Sales handles
it ideally suited to the needs of the chemical industry. The the product forecasts and estimate demand; purchasing
DELMIA Quintiq team worked closely with Tribotecc to provides the latest updates on raw material lead times and
determine its business needs, understand its processes and target stock, and ensures the raw materials meet Tribotecc’s
customized the planning solution accordingly to tackle the quality requirements; and production monitors the workforce,
following challenges: equipment and work order statuses.
“Because of our lead times, production is planned for up to six
months and for those months I have the exact data to ensure
Challenge One we have enough raw materials to work with,” Legner said.
“DELMIA Quintiq does all the planning work and delivers the
“We produce some products in bulk and it’s only at the
plan that we then work to.”
end of the production process that we decide how it’s
going to be packaged,” Legner said. DELMIA Quintiq provides decision support at every stage,
allowing each team to analyze almost limitless options and
Challenge Two recommend the optimal course of action. From the very
“From some raw materials we use, only about 20% beginning, then, Tribotecc can build accurate and cost-efficient
is used for the main product, the rest is by-product, schedules and optimize specific sequences, all aligned with its
which we use for several other applications,” Legner business KPIs. Now, all three teams work towards a plan which
said. “If there’s a rise in demand for the main product, is updated every fortnight, bar the rare exception when they
we will end up with more by-products. We need the must replan for an unanticipated customer order.
ability to plan ahead and determine if we can use this “This forms the basis for our production, and it keeps us
by-product for other applications or whether we need all calm,” Legner said. “Everyone is now able to work with
to use alternative routing.” confidence, knowing that we won’t be changing our production
setup every day.”
Challenge Three
“We work with some materials that require so-called FULL OPERATIONAL VISIBILITY
rework inputs,” Legner said. “We need to be able to
DELMIA Quintiq brings full visibility to Tribotecc’s entire sales,
calculate this, know how much we need to keep in
purchase and production chain, and ensures a seamless data
stock and ensure automatic replenishment, so we
flow from one stage to the next.
don’t impact production.”

Challenge Four
“We work with more than 50 raw materials, producing
220 finished goods and 50 semi-finished goods,”
Legner said. “But we have overlapping process steps
and up to five steps per product, and 15 different lines.
So, we needed a specific sequence which reduces loss
and changeover times.”

DELMIA Quintiq worked closely with Tribotecc to understand

exactly how it operates and was committed to helping solve
these challenges.
“They demonstrated the platform’s (DELMIA Quintiq’s)
integration capabilities, transparency and flexibility,” Legner
said. “It meant the software could be tailored to manage the
many specific requirements of both the chemical industry and
Tribotecc, such as by-products, alternative raw material input,
loss, lot optimization and sequencing, over various planning “I had a problem with our data for years in terms of its
horizons, allowing us to achieve our goals.” reliability,” Legner said. “Now, I can say that all the planning
outputs we work with, we can trust. What I really like about
DELMIA Quintiq is the transparency it provides. You can follow
all data from the customer forecast all the way to production
demand and through all the production steps to the very first
input. This system really works for us.”
Backed by DELMIA Quintiq, Tribotecc now benefits from
accurate forecasting and full visibility of stock levels,
Focus on Tribotecc empowering it to increase productivity, reduce lead times,
Tribotecc, based in Arnoldstein, Austria, is the world’s largest decrease inventory, reduce waste and optimize lot sizes and
manufacturer of special metal sulfides. As functional packaging.
additives, they are used in brake pads and clutch facings as
well as in lubricants, polymers, powder metallurgy, abrasives “Through better organization, we’ve reduced our inventory by
and batteries across a wide range of fields globally. Tribotecc about 40%,” Legner said.
has also gained world leadership in technology and
innovation. The company develops, manufactures and
distributes both synthetic and natural metal sulfides using a “Despite a replenishment time
unique, patented synthetic manufacturing process.
of up to 120 days for raw
For more information
www.tribotecc.com materials, we are able to
deliver finished products
almost just-in-time with
DELMIA Quintiq, as we’ve
Focus on bisonaire shifted from made-to-order
bisonaire is an agile DELMIA Quintiq Gold Partner located in
Weißenhorn, Germany. They are a company of experts with production to make-to-stock
extensive field expertise in planning, SCPO and project
production. We’ve boosted
on-time delivery performance
bisonaire offers its services to customers around the globe
across a wide range of industries with a special focus on the from 85% to upwards of 99%.”
Metals and Manufacturing industries.
— Andreas Legner, Tribotecc
In addition to consulting, project management and support,
bisonaire adds individualized customer training and
assistance in the setup of customer based Centers of During the COVID-19 pandemic, Tribotecc used DELMIA
Excellence. Quintiq to adapt its operations, helping to protect employees
and ensure production availability.
For more information “Despite high demand and difficulties with raw materials
https://bisonaire.com/en supply, we kept a delivery capability of 99% and were able to
strengthen our image as a reliable partner with our customers,”
Legner said. “Throughout, DELMIA Quintiq supported us with
transparent planning. We introduced an additional four shifts
in our operations, which run 24/7; we adapted to short-term
changes and shifts in demand; and we carried out partial daily
planning instead of 14-day planning.”
Looking ahead, the company plans to integrate DELMIA
Quintiq with its enterprise resource planning system to further
connect its business processes. But already, the solution has
made a big difference to the way Tribotecc operates.
“We wouldn’t be able to plan our entire operation as effectively
as we do, connecting everyone across our different departments
from sales to the shop floor without DELMIA Quintiq,” Legner
said. “It’s a key tool to the success of our business.”



“3DLean is easy to use, so when we are in front of this screen, I

can ask individual team members to take over and run different
parts of the meeting. It helps to get everyone involved and
makes our meetings much more fluid and dynamic.”
– Ari Linsuri, Director of Sales and Operations Planning, Valmet’s Board and Paper business


Challenge: As the company rises to the challenges of the digital era
and pursues new sustainability targets, its innovation efforts
Valmet, a global developer and supplier of
remain focused on helping customers use their resources more
process technologies, automation and services
efficiently. Through the Industrial Internet and digitalization,
for the pulp, paper and energy industries,
for example, it is capturing opportunities to improve the
wanted to evolve its networked global
support it provides for hundreds of machines around the world
production environment and support employees
and using real-world operating data to enhance future designs.
with modern working practices. To sustain its
competitive advantage, the company sought Not only is Valmet committed to helping its customers embrace
an online meeting and collaboration tool that technology to achieve resource efficiencies, but the company is
would support multi-site meetings, integrate also underway with its own digital transformation to improve
with digital data sources, deliver strong the way it operates. As part of this, it has implemented the
action management and ensure all tasks and advanced meeting and collaboration tool DELMIA 3DLean on
supporting data are readily available after each the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
Solution: DELMIA 3DLean is a web-based meeting tool that provides
The company’s Board and Paper Business the framework for Valmet to foster collaboration and boost
unit implemented DELMIA 3DLean on team performance. It’s designed to promote a Lean culture,
the 3DEXPERIENCE platform to improve harmonize shop floor processes and improve company-wide
collaboration and transform its meetings quality. During meetings, it helps to keep all team members
and follow-up processes, empowering teams focused and allow them identify and solve issues before they
to improve their performance and ensure turn into bigger problems through clear communication and
their meeting practices align with corporate the ability to visualize rich 3D content and data.
targets. Valmet’s teams use the digital visual “We had looked into using a digital tool for this kind of thing
management board and intuitive shared before, but they only worked with static data,” said Ari Linsuri,
environment on the cloud to support their Director of Sales and Operations Planning at Valmet’s Board
meetings, and make decisions and manage and Paper business.
actions guided by rich content and Lean
“DELMIA 3DLean was the first
DELMIA 3DLean is enabling positive change in
Valmet’s daily management processes, giving solution that made it possible for us to
management better visibility of their operations have interactive discussions,
and Lean practices, and empowering teams to supported by a clear agenda for the
run more efficiently. Now, both office and shop meeting and an action log, which
floor workers clearly understand their goals and
stores and follows up on agreed
leave each meeting with a clear view of actions
and who is responsible for them. Meetings end actions. As soon as we deployed
on time with all topics covered, team members 3DLean, I noticed an immediate
are more engaged and willing to contribute benefit.”
ideas and content, and problems are more
easily identified and quickly resolved. — Ari Linsuri,
Director of Sales and Operations Planning,
Valmet’s Board and Paper business


Organizational agility and a lean mindset have been the driving
force of Valmet’s product development strategy throughout
its 220-year history. In that time, the company has adapted
constantly to the ever-changing requirements of the paper,
pulp and energy industries. Today, Valmet is one of the world’s
leading providers of process technologies, automation and
services to these sectors.


Linsuri’s Sales and Operations Planning team is responsible KEEPING THE GLOBAL S&OP TEAM INFORMED
for managing customer deliveries and optimizing resource With DELMIA 3DLean and its visual management board, Linsuri
capacity. Distributed over two sites, it oversees Valmet’s Project is able to ensure meetings stay focused, cover all points on the
Delivery process, which ensures all machine sections and parts agenda and stay within the allotted time. He uses the tool to
produced by different sources across different regions are plan his meetings effectively.
delivered to customers at precisely the right time for assembly.
The team previously used to write on paper and a whiteboard “The way 3DLean is set up is that the screen is divided into
during its daily update meetings, but Linsuri wanted to find a different meeting boards and each has its own agenda,” Linsuri
better way of noting down and sharing information. said. “For example, on Monday we pull up the sales projects
on the screen and we can see all items on the agenda related
“The majority of our team usually works in one open-plan to that area. It helps me remember what we need to handle
office,” Linsuri said. “Every morning, when I came into the office, and is always updated with the latest information. We have a
I’d ask how everyone is getting on and those conversations clear agenda to follow and can assign tasks to team members
helped to inform what was happening across the team and as we go.”
highlight any issues we may face. But I realized that it would be
useful if the rest of the team members also had access to this With a clear view of the meeting format, team members are
information. We moved to short, daily meetings and I wrote the now more willing to actively engage.
agenda up on the whiteboard and made notes. But sometimes “3DLean is easy to use, so when we are in front of this screen,
there was too much to discuss, we missed information or did I can ask individual team members to take over and run
not write important tasks down. And meetings often overran.” different parts of the meeting,” Linsuri said. “It helps to get
Valmet made the decision to implement DELMIA 3DLean to everyone involved and makes our meetings much more fluid
not only ensure meetings were more productive, but also to and dynamic.”
support its workforce with digital tools that promoted more Critically, anyone in the team can revisit the virtual meeting
efficient ways of working. board to check the latest updates. So, even if they miss a
particular meeting, they can still access the information they
need and get up to speed quickly.
“Everyone in the team has a personal login to the system, so
“Before, being able to share they can read the notes and see which tasks have been added
knowledge and keep all stakeholders to their responsibilities,” Linsuri said.
up to date with the most important
information was a challenge,”
As DELMIA 3DLean is gradually rolled out across the company,
Linsuri said. “Now, we’re using this
more teams beyond the office are benefiting from the new
state-of-the-art tool as a platform to digital meeting approach, including Valmet’s workshops.
support our business processes,
“We use 3DLean in our meetings to monitor our production
improve decision-making and status,” said Kyösti Häkkinen, workshop manager at Valmet,
enhance company-wide visibility.” overseeing more than 60 employees on the shop floor. “It gives
our meetings structure and we can update it as we go so we
— Ari Linsuri, don’t forget any important issues, such as a safety issue.”
Director of Sales and Operations Planning,
Valmet’s Board and Paper business DELMIA 3DLean helps the workshop track tasks against key
performance indicators (KPIs) and resolve production issues
early on.
“We used to juggle all kinds of issues and now you take each
KPI and follow up on it easily,” Häkkinen said. “3DLean allows
us to see the bigger picture, and from that we can identify
potential problems and take action. By having this kind of
system, we keep everyone in the team updated as to what is
going on.”
The workshops run several meetings per week, all with different
agendas supported by 3DLean. They find the action log feature
in DELMIA 3DLean particularly valuable.
“At the beginning of every meeting, we check the action log
and at the end we check it again and identify any new actions
we must prioritize,” said Anssi Puttonen, workshop manager at
Valmet, overseeing 100 employees on the shop floor.


“These action logs help us to find all PANDEMIC
the agreed actions from different Even when Valmet’s teams switched fully to remote working
meetings in one place. It’s all there during the COVID-19 pandemic, DELMIA 3DLean helped to
keep daily meetings running smoothly online.
and the takeaway actions are
available for everyone to see. The “The pandemic changed how we used the tool,” Linsuri said.
“Until then, we used it in front of everyone on a big screen. But
ability to follow up on tasks and
when we had to work remotely, we started to share it virtually
issues is really helpful.” and we could configure it ourselves to meet our evolving needs
without IT support. It’s really flexible. Before, when we had
— Anssi Puttonen, Workshop Manager, Valmet
a couple of team members working in another location, we
found it difficult to organize their participation. Now, we’ve
discovered how to use 3DLean when you have meetings
Puttonen has noticed that because meetings are now much in different locations. Going forward, we will take a hybrid
more focused, they now generally take half the time compared approach and be able to include both people working in the
to before. office and remotely. In many ways, the pandemic has forced us
“Our meetings are shorter,” he said. “Before, we tried to solve to develop faster and adopt new ways of working.”
all issues in a single meeting, but now we’re able to delegate
issues and follow up on actions in a considered manner rather COLLABORATIVE THINKING, SUSTAINABLE FUTURE
than trying to do everything upfront. Meetings are more Valmet’s Sales and Operations Planning team was the first
structured and efficient. They used to last around 90 minutes, in the company to go live with DELMIA 3DLean and now
but now they only take 45 minutes.” the company is beginning to see greater benefits as more
departments embrace the tool.
“Now other teams across the company are also using it, we
can begin to send action tickets and share messages across
departments,” Linsuri said. “It will really help to improve cross-
team collaboration and bring even greater transparency to the
way we run our business, giving management full oversight of
our Lean processes.”
As the company continues to deliver on its vision of becoming
a global champion in serving its customers, and acts on its
mission to convert renewable resources into sustainable results,
digital tools like 3DLean will help the company stay focused on
achieving its goals.
“Through digitalization, we are boosting employee engagement
and developing the best talent to support the workforce
of the future,” Linsuri said. “3DLean empowers us to build
better team relationships, support flexible working and drive
continuous improvements across our business, all within a
digital, lean framework.”

Focus on Valmet
Valmet is the leading global developer and supplier of process
technologies, automation and services for the pulp, paper
and energy industries. Headquartered in Finland, the
company aims to be the global champion in serving its
customers. It has more than 14,000 professionals around the
world, all committed to moving its customers’ performance
forward, every day.

For more information



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