IBM PLM Version 5 Solutions For Shipbuilding: Digital Manufacturing: The Virtual Shipyard
IBM PLM Version 5 Solutions For Shipbuilding: Digital Manufacturing: The Virtual Shipyard
IBM PLM Version 5 Solutions For Shipbuilding: Digital Manufacturing: The Virtual Shipyard
As the leading providers of information technology solutions for the global shipbuilding
industry, IBM and Dassault Systèmes have worked with many major yards, design
companies and consultants, to understanding the shipbuilding process from concept to
float-out and to identifying common challenges and devising innovative, end-to-end
Highlights of that effort are offered in a new Thought Leadership Series of papers called
Setting the Course and Strategy for Digital Shipbuilding. These papers are jointly
authored by IBM and Dassault Systèmes. Each paper examines a different aspect of the
challenges currently facing shipyards and the ways in which Product Lifecycle
Management from IBM (PLM) has been designed to resolve them.
This paper, “Digital Manufacturing: The Virtual Shipyard,” is one in the series. It focuses
on new technologies for production planning, including process simulation, facility design
and layout, and digital manufacturing. Other topics in the series will include overviews of
shipbuilding economics; IBM PLM Shipbuilding vision; solutions and offerings; best
practices; and PDM, digital mockup and collaboration. Some papers in the series will be
confidential and subject to non-disclosure agreements with customers. This paper is not
The authors wish to thank Bob Brown, Thomas Scotton and Alain Houard for their many
contributions to this paper.
Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 4
Product Process Resource Hub .................................................................................... 5
Driving Production ......................................................................................................... 6
Digital Manufacturing..................................................................................................... 7
Benefits of the Manufacturing Hub Approach................................................................ 7
Process Planning .............................................................................................................. 9
A brief overview ............................................................................................................. 9
Process Engineering ................................................................................................... 10
Process Graphs........................................................................................................... 11
Manufacturing Constraints........................................................................................... 11
Time Analysis .............................................................................................................. 11
Manufacturing Concept ............................................................................................... 12
Layout Definition.......................................................................................................... 13
Discrete Event Simulation ........................................................................................... 13
Process Planning Summary ........................................................................................ 14
Process Detailing and Validation .................................................................................... 15
Production Detailing, Part Motion, Collision and Clearance Detection........................ 15
Resource Modeling and Simulation............................................................................. 16
Human Simulation.................................................................................................... 16
Robotic Simulation ................................................................................................... 16
Manufacturing Data and Work Instructions ................................................................. 17
Manufacturing and Engineering Hub Connections ...................................................... 17
Hub Architecture, Data & Facilities.............................................................................. 19
Core Components.................................................................................................... 19
Implementations in Shipyards ......................................................................................... 20
Design for Assembly, Design for Supportability, LPD-17 ............................................ 20
Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) is optimizing panel line production ......................... 20
Production plan optimizes production at BIW for LPD-17 ........................................... 21
Building a standard design at multiple yards – DD(X) stealth destroyer project.......... 21
Off-line programming of welding robots at Fincantieri and NGSS............................... 22
ISSELNORD maintenance training ............................................................................. 23
Design / Build using Digital Assembly analysis at General Dynamics Electric Boat ... 23
Digital Reconstruction of Naval History ....................................................................... 24
Summary......................................................................................................................... 25
Conclusions ................................................................................................................. 25
Appendix A – Abbreviations & Acronyms........................................................................ 26
Appendix B – Digital Manufacturing Solutions ................................................................ 27
References...................................................................................................................... 31
Advanced production planners face new challenges in building today’s ships. Not only are
onboard systems far more complex and interdependent than before, but economics
dictates that many will be built by suppliers at off-yard sites. The risk of miscommunication
of requirements or design changes is high. With corporate consolidations, portions of a
ship may be fabricated in multiple locations and then brought together to be integrated.
The philosophy and use of the Manufacturing Hub is described in detail later in this paper.
It serves as a common database offering widespread integration benefits between design,
engineering and manufacturing applications. The Digital Manufacturing environment
enables the manufacturing team to influence the design to reduce the cost of
manufacturing and eliminate engineering change orders caused by previously undetected
problems with manufacturability. Data in the manufacturing hub also provides a rich
resource for Maintenance Planning and the creation of 3D Maintenance and Repair
Instructions. High-level Process Planning by the Advance Planners during the conceptual
design phase ensures that the units of construction can be efficiently manufactured in
yards and in supplier facilities. Because a Digital Manufacturing environment allows the
discovery of producability problems early in the design cycle, the cost of change is minimal.
During the detail design phase, detailed planning and process design is finalized and
verified in a 3D environment. These producability studies can be used to create 3D work
instructions for the shop, unifying the spectrum from concept design through production
execution. Digital manufacturing includes the creation of the production system, the
planning of the production process and verification of the sequence of operations using
simulation to support design for manufacturing. The functions supported include process
planning, process verification, time measurement, layout planning, ergonomics, robotics,
NC simulation, yard material flow simulation, production management and 3D Electronic
Work Instructions.
The Manufacturing Hub architecture provides a common, shared manufacturing database
that starts at the conceptual level before CAD is available and serves as the repository for
detailed process plans and manufacturing bills of material that support production. It
becomes the “authority” for the “as planned” data for each hull number. It also defines the
deliverables from suppliers, providing an in-process status of the ship sections yet to be
integrated but not represented in the “as-designed” models.
References to product data in the Engineering Hub are updated as the product design
evolves. The ability to maintain change control and configuration management of the
product data in the Engineering Hub – along with the references to this product data in the
Manufacturing Hub -- is critical. Applications in shipbuilding like panel welding, machinery
installation, block assembly, outfitting and painting are described below.
Engineering and production managers will quickly see the benefits of having seamless
integration between digital design and digital manufacturing using an integrated,
authoritative build-to, buy-to and support-to database. This common, shared database
ensures that all participants work with then-current data for design and manufacturing.
The Product- Process- Resource or PPR Hub, contains both the Engineering and
Manufacturing Hub mentioned above. It is a unique data strategy for digital manufacturing
that provides storage and management of all product, process, and resource information
required for production system design - from early ship design concepts through
This paper focuses mainly on the Manufacturing Hub part of PPR Hub.
Driving Production
Yards worldwide are undertaking significant facility upgrades with one objective in mind –
to streamline production. Waterfront expansion, larger high-bay assembly buildings,
larger crane lifting capacity, improved materials handling, assembly lane modernization,
robotic welding panel lines and integrated pipe bending are just a few of the upgrades
being made. Why are yards making these changes? One answer is that the economics of
shipbuilding are rapidly changing and only those with adaptable and lean manufacturing
practices will be able to bid on new ships and grow profit margins.
Without a doubt, the designs of most ships are more complex and more integrated than
ever before. Yards have become increasingly dependent on outsourcing, both to other
yards within the same corporation and to consortium partners. In a sense, yards are
engaged in distributed manufacturing. The emphasis is on CAIV (Cost As an Independent
Variable) and affordability, where pre-assembly, pre-outfitting and Just-In-Time (JIT) are
now given conditions.
But outsourcing increases the size of delivered systems and puts a premium on ensuring
the relevant system interfaces, structures, etc. are ready to receive. Many times the
system being received is in an “in-process” state. Some of the parts may be in an
installation kit, which is not represented in any design drawings or models. The high costs
of rework and physical prototypes, combined with competition for equipment, assembly
space and materials handling when multiple ships are being built simultaneously, make
process planning and digital manufacturing attractive technologies.
Outside the yards, owner/operators are demanding smarter and more cost-efficient ways
of manufacturing. Prior to IBM PLM, concurrent product and process design was
impossible and production system development was a sequential process. Today, with
IBM PLM Solutions to maintain the relationships between the Product, Process and
Resource data models, both design and production can be integrated, optimized and
brought, quite literally, to the waterfront and to each yard worker.
Given the new economics of shipbuilding, the ideal Digital Manufacturing solution is one
that provides a bridge between design and manufacturing execution and enables
simulation-based design where no physical prototypes are required. Digital Manufacturing
takes place in a virtual, collaborative environment. The Vision for the process is one that:
Digital Manufacturing
What is digital manufacturing? Essentially it is a computer technique for defining all the
steps necessary to build a product (structural assembly, install an engine, join blocks
together, bend pipe, etc.), test them for completeness, and generate machine and work
instructions to manufacture them. The overall phases are: Process Planning; Process
Detailing and Validation; Resource Modeling
and Simulation; and the extraction of
Manufacturing Data and Work Instructions.
Manufacturing today is a multi-user and multi-site activity. The PPR offers access to data
in a collaborative environment and provides security and controlled access to authorized
users. Because data views can be customized to particular user needs, the Hub offers
additional benefits by managing configuration, effectivity, revision control and change
management of the processes and resources.
As mentioned before, the PPR Hub is the logical integration point with the PDM system for
product configuration and management. It also is the point for creating process and
resource libraries to facilitate reuse of best practices and for storing existing shop layouts
and equipment specifications.
Perhaps the greatest benefit in the PPR Hub approach is the ability it offers for teams to
work together. The PPR Hub facilitates managing large and complex process plans, while
simultaneously retaining detailed production planning information for use on the next ship,
even a year later. Most production planners realize that they “reinvent the wheel” many
times because there has been no way to capture best practices and carry them over from
one project to another. Digital manufacturing now offers a solution.
IBM PLM Digital Manufacturing is delivered in a series of steps that begin when DMU
product models, produced in CATIA, and the product structure, produced in ENOVIA, are
released for manufacturing. At this point they become linked to the MBOM in the
Manufacturing Hub, where Process Planning, Detailing and Validation, Resource Modeling
and Simulation take place. The end result is Manufacturing Data for machines and Work
Instructions for personnel.
Process Planning
A brief overview
The first step in Digital Manufacturing
is Process Planning. Product models
designed and detailed in earlier steps
by naval architects and systems
engineering are passed on to
production planners for manufacturing.
Designs for large structural steel block
assemblies, for example, must be “de-
constructed” or broken down into the
build units and the steps needed to
build them. Process Graphs capture
the sequence. IBM PLM workbenches
accomplish this entirely in a 3D digital
environment – no physical mockups or
prototypes are involved. Constraints or
Premises are added to the various tasks in the Process Graph. They might be critical due
dates, cost or labor limits or the availability of key machinery.
For example, within the steel structural block assembly, a particular sub-assembly of steel
plates must be completed by a particular date. The date might indicate the availability of a
particular welding robot. Once the Process Graph is completed, an initial manufacturing
assessment is performed. Simple diagrammatic equipment layouts and shop-floor areas
are assumed, but initial assessments can be made and bottlenecks identified. Detailed
Layout Definitions of the yard’s floor plans and actual equipment arrangements are then
At a later stage, process engineers will enhance the original product models (structural
block assembly, in this example) and add manufacturing features like cutouts, bevels, etc.
as required by the various pieces of equipment to be used and the sequence of assembly.
Process Planning is an iterative process. The end result is a highly refined and optimized
Manufacturing Concept Definition where bottlenecks have been removed, redundant
process steps eliminated and equipment and shop-floor areas used to optimum levels.
Process Engineering
In Digital Manufacturing,
process engineers
electronically collaborate
with the ship’s design
teams. Using Process
Engineer solutions, design
assemblies ready for
construction are extracted
from the Engineering and
Manufacturing Hubs.
Large assemblies are broken down into groupings of minor parts. In effect, the virtual
assembly is “deconstructed” or taken apart. The intent is to create a build strategy based
on a hierarchy of parts and sequences – which parts are needed first to build the next
Since block production is one of the most common and resource-consuming activities in a
shipyard, we will develop one to illustrate the process and the benefits of digital
manufacturing. Using this example, production teams access a previously designed block
and create a high-level process diagram or graph showing the general steps needed to
build it.
At this time, the focus is on sequencing the steps and identifying which elements are
interim products along the way. Little attention is given to how the product will be made,
only what is to be made and in what order – parts and sequences.
Build strategies result in hierarchies that may differ from the product structure created in
the design phase. There the focus was on part definition, standardization, design rules
and meeting customer requirements. Differences between the two hierarchies are
acceptable and the Engineering and Manufacturing Hubs maintain links that allow both
views to coexist without duplicating data and while maintaining data synchronization.
During Process Engineering, no additional parts or features for manufacturing are added.
Process Graphs
Manufacturing Constraints
Ship production is almost always constrained by cost, production rates, planning targets,
schedules, production site space and the availability of machines for welding, painting,
lifting or sandblasting. To reflect these realities, DELMIA Process Engineer provides a
special workbench to define “Premises.” The goal is to simulate the reality of production
as closely as possible. “Premises” are data values that generally impose a limit of some
sort or establish a target such as resource
utilization. They play a role later when
scheduling or simulations are performed.
Constraints include available shop-floor
area, maximum costs, work shift labor
rates, milestone dates, etc. Premise data
are maintained in the Manufacturing Hub.
To estimate the flow time for a
Manufacturing Concept, time estimates
must be established for each task.
Time Analysis
Earlier steps in process planning have defined the assembly breakdown, graphed the
sequence of tasks and imposed constraints (premises). Using internationally recognized
time standards like MTM, or custom time standards for a specific yard, the Time
Measurement workbench defines time as a resource for work processes and task
completion. Reports for estimated times and process times, using a variety of methods,
are possible. It is here that the operations and sequences defined in the process graph
combine with individual time assessments to create a realistic picture of how long it will
take to make the product and the duration of each sub-task. Typical time elements may
be man-hours, man-days, yard operations calendars, machine turn-around cycles, etc.
Once time has been defined and linked to the process graph, a general Manufacturing
Concept is prepared.
Manufacturing Concept
The Process Graph is re-used as a
backbone to create the next step in the
planning process: the Manufacturing
Concept. The objective of the
Manufacturing Concept is to allocate
manufacturing resources to create a
graphical overview of the manufacturing
system that includes product, process and
Layout Definition
The Manufacturing Concept produces a
schematic layout – a logical block diagram
of the steps necessary to manufacture the
product. But yards are constrained by
practical considerations such as available
floor area, actual equipment locations
(robots, welders, flame cutters, pipe
benders, sand blasting and painting, etc.)
and transport systems including cranes
and lifts. The Layout Planning workbench
is used to convert block diagrams into 3D
layouts that reflect these actual yard
The Layout Planning workbench revises the Layout Definition by adding floor plans,
equipment footprints and material lay-down areas. Bills of Resources, 2D and 3D
workplace views, drawings and facility layouts are the result. Such outputs are critical in
communicating the impact of manufacturing alternatives on the facilities and in assessing
the ROI for renovating facilities or purchasing new capital equipment.
This provides a realistic prediction of the shop-floor throughput identifies bottlenecks and
reports on asset utilization. Through a high-level simulation language, users define custom
behaviors of process machines as well as human and materials movement. Sequences of
manufacturing steps can be linked together to validate that they work and to visualize the
consequences at startup or shutdown.
QUEST can accept 2D facility descriptions and develop more realistic 3D descriptions. In
this way, the model can start off at a simple conceptual level of detail and then evolve as
the design process progresses. This approach avoids the requirement for two different
models being created on different software. QUEST also provides complete CAD
capability to create and modify geometries or to import geometries from a wide range of
CAD packages. 2D and 3D geometries can be saved and used in different models.
Performance statistics can be displayed or sent to a file for use by other software
Time estimates and constraints (dates, equipment availability, etc.) are added, resulting in
a highly structured database sufficient for discrete event simulation and task producibility
simulations. A full digital manufacturing simulation identifies bottlenecks and allows
process planners an empirical base to try “what if?” scenarios to secure additional time
and cost improvements from alternative layouts, different machinery, alternative shop-floor
layouts or even product redesign and modification. This planning has achieved high-level
process optimization; the next step is to add manufacturing details and to validate that
individual tasks can be performed as anticipated.
Process Detailing and Validation
Systems designers often experience situations where well thought-out design components
cannot be easily manufactured, operated, or maintained once onboard the ship. While
CATIA Digital Mockup tools provide part modeling, assembly and mechanism kinematics,
DELMIA Digital Product Manufacturing (DPM) orchestrates inter-product relationships.
DPM uses process detailing and validation tools to detect these problems early, allowing
designers to reconsider their solutions before committing them to production.
Resource Modeling and Simulation
The highest payoffs from Digital Manufacturing occur when overall processes can be
optimized, tasks and non-value-added tasks eliminated, and resources including labor,
shop-floor or machinery maximized with the shortest cycle times. Human factors and
ergonomic analysis also can create a much safer workplace.
Human Simulation
In many production situations, work cell
layout and ergonomics play critical roles.
Human simulations are possible at every
stage of design, manufacturing,
installation, operations and maintenance.
In early design phases, lines-of-sight play
a key role in navigation bridge layout,
while ergonomics are important to
operating machinery or removing
equipment. At the manufacturing level,
workcell layout, access to sub-assembly
areas, etc. are important. In extremely
tight spaces such as a fan room, the
ability of the human to accomplish the
tasks required may have an impact on
the design of the space.
Human models are considered resources in the PPR data model. The physical human
attributes of manikins are defined and physical limits are set. These can be modified to
reflect a specific population. The user assigns humans to a process as resources.
Workbench tools assist in building libraries and in assigning human resources to tasks.
This includes motion tracks, all of the body motions necessary to carry out a task. Timed
motion and operations sequences provide excellent scheduling and labor cost data.
Yards with Human Simulation capabilities analyze horizontal and vertical reach and fields
of vision. In extreme operating environments such as submarines or tight machinery
spaces, this analysis is invaluable. On the
shop floor, workstation design, tool and part
accessibility, placement of scaffolding and
safety fences, access to fixtures and robots
and machine controllers can be simulated
as well.
Robotic Simulation
Shipyards today are placing great emphasis
on yard automation. The economics of
shipbuilding demand greater
standardization, modular design and
consistent project-to-project practice.
Some yards have achieved significant
automation levels in their panel lines, flame
cutting and pipe spool bending processes. Digital Manufacturing addresses these needs
in two ways: simulation involving specific equipment like cranes, robots or NC machines,
and general throughput simulation in which several operations, like nesting and flame-
cutting, take place.
manufacturing requirements and/or specifications can be “consumed” by manufacturing or
inspection processes.
The Engineering Hub is the product “as designed,” often referred to as the Engineering
Bills of Material (EBOM) plus the CAD model for each part. As such, it is the master for all
product data, geometry, object relationships and part-product structures. It also tracks
attributes and effectivities that may be present, some of which are important for
manufacturing. Product authoring is the primary role of the CATIA solution set.
ENOVIA synchronizes product data in VPM V5 with the references to product data in the
Manufacturing Hub; maintains links to the part, assembly, model, document, configuration,
hull number, effectivities, annotations, tolerance information, maturity, geometrty cache;
and math data, such as accurate measurement of the solids; and provides configuration
identification for processing a portion of the ship in the Digital Manufacturing environment.
A typical sequence might begin with a Process Engineer. The user selects data from the
ENOVIA LCA-maintained Engineering Hub. The user is given a custom view of the
project structure (a project administration feature of ENOVIA) maintained by the
Engineering Hub. The user further refines the product structure selection and ENOVIA
responds by creating the necessary links to the DELMIA Process Engineer Client. The
user then has access to the product data of the parts, product structure of the assemblies,
configuration, effectivity, maturity, product attributes and both the CATIA model and a
geometric representation. In terms of effectivity, ENOVIA maintained attributes that are
relevant for manufacturing, linked to the Manufacturing Hub attributes.
Process Engineer clients use filters to create the links for particular product configurations
in the Engineering Hub. The linkage is accomplished in steps: 1) display the available
configurations in the Engineering Hub; 2) send the linkages to the Manufacturing Hub; 3)
display the unfiltered and filtered project to the Process Engineer client; and 4) show and
compare the filtered project in DELMIA.
Process Engineer offers search functions based on the updated status of entities in the
project database and allows the user a way to determine if parts are new or updated. It
also displays different icons for updated parts. During Detailed Planning, Process
Engineers have the model math data available to take measurements when dimensions
may not be available.
The IBM PLM Shipbuilding Vision has been described at two levels so far – the planning
process involved in Digital Manufacturing and the relationship between the Engineering
and Manufacturing Hubs that maintain all product, process and resource data. Here we
review the architecture and bring both visions together.
Core Components
The primary data contained in the Manufacturing Hub are:
Process operations (fabrication, construction, outfitting, testing etc.) and process attributes;
Process operations linked to the Product Data (part geometry, attributes, EBOM, MBOM,
LBOM1, etc.) for the components or assemblies used in each operation; and
Process operations linked to the Resource Data (jigs, welding machines, labor
classification, forklift trucks, user attributes, etc.) utilized in each operation.
The logical data model for product, process and resources is hierarchical. Products
include ships, grand blocks, sub-assemblies, grouped machinery, panels or individual
plates. Processes include fabrication, construction, outfitting or testing. Resources are
machinery, materials transport, cranes, labor classifications and the yard’s waterfront.
Workbenches like Process Engineer, QUEST, DPM for Assembly or DELMIA Human
access the Manufacturing Hub to manage:
• Knowledge for re-use: Detailed processes with links to resources such as labor
classification and required equipment (weld process linked to welder and welding
machine) can be cataloged and reused;
• Constraints/rules in knowledge base are linked to applicable PPR objects in the
database. For example, this class of weld requires pre-heating or this process
should be completed before blast and paint;
• Time and sequences: Sequence of operations/precedence or Pert/Gant chart
visualizations; and
• Work balancing to balance labor resources for optimal craft labor utilization.
EBOM-Engineering Bill of Material, MBOM-Manufacturing Bill of Material, LBOM-Logistical Bill of
Implementations in Shipyards
With an overall vision for digital manufacturing established, how are shipyards using this
technology today and what future applications are envisioned? Here we provide a series
of short vignettes on IBM PLM implementations at a number of yards. Most are in their
initial phases of setup. A few have reached mature implementations.
landmark for process innovation in traditional shipbuilding. SHI plans to invest over three
years. By the end of 2004 the project is expected to make significant contributions in cost
reduction and improved quality through more streamlined and automated manufacturing
Gregory T. Dobson, DD(X) Manufacturing Process Modeling Technology, 2002
and analyze processes that effect capacity, flow, cost and value-added. Research
involves creating PBOMs for MRP systems, and work order content for MES systems.
The goal is to reduce production costs and effort, production planning time, the number of
production reworks and the time/effort for performing production M&S. Participating DD(X)
alliance yards want to increase reuse of models and simulations, evaluate the impact of
changes, assess early designs for production and test new manufacturing processes.
ISSELNORD maintenance training4
ISSELNORD, technical engineering service
company based in Italy, is researching the
application of advanced simulation and
virtual reality to ship maintenance. Initial
assessments were made of replacing a
ship’s propeller blades. Models were
prepared of the propeller assembly,
surrounding hull form, and the dry dock
area where work is performed. Except in
cases of damage, propeller blades would
only be disassembled in hydraulic and
internal mechanical system maintenance
procedures. This task involves a team of
five or six people working for approximately
half a day. The propeller blades are very heavy, requiring special lifting procedures. In
addition, the propeller blades are attached using tools that exert extremely high pressure.
Understandably, for a procedure of this complexity, rigorous directives and highly defined
procedures must be followed. DELMIA DPM holds all the physics-based information
needed to run such a multifaceted model. The world-class cruise ship builder, Fincantieri,
sees the potential for application of this technology at its yard. Development at
ISSELNORD was supported by the DELMIA team of Turin, Italy.
from DELMIA World News, “Virtual Health and Safety Could be the Answer for Infrequent Tasks”,
Troy, MI: article, Virtual Manufacturing for Real Savings column, DELMIA World News No. 7,
September-October 2003.
from “Shipbuilding Facility Planning and Design: A Product-Centric Appproach”, paper by Mark T.
Traband et. al. NSRP Conference, undated.
facilities. Products were sorted into different families based on their characteristics, such
as plate thickness, weight, fitting/welding rations, fixture requirements, welding/preheat
requirements, piping complexity, and machining, inspection and pressure-testing
requirements. Approximately 100 products were identified as candidates for assembly in
the new structural fabrication facility. Spheres and flasks, foundation tanks, bulkheads,
decks, large and small foundations and tanks are among them. DPM Assembly and
CATIA CAD models were used as a starting point for simulation of manufacturing
processes. Detailed process models -- down to the individual part assembly level --were
created for foundation tanks, bulkheads, spheres and decks. A number of process
improvements were realized, reducing non-value added time and overall production time
for components modeled. The resulting facility layout provided numerous advantages
over current production facilities at Electric Boat. Additional work is being done on the
actual design of product cells, including the location of electrical and gas services, power
supplies and part staging.
Digital Reconstruction of Naval History
In 1896, the Holland VI became the first
commercially successful submarine when
its design was adopted by many navies of
the world. Its inventor, John P. Holland,
developed innovative solutions for diving,
ballast and trim, navigation (dive and rudder
planes), dual propulsion (electric/gasoline)
and weapons, including torpedoes and a
dynamite gun. A 3D digital reconstruction
of 1,300 major parts, accomplished with
CATIA, was analyzed by DELMIA DPM to
simulate operation of all equipment onboard,
including torpedo launching and reloading,
submerging and the three modes of
propulsion plant operation. Construction
sequences and analysis were carried out to
identify the most labor- and equipment-
intense tasks.
from Edward Popko, Gary McCue, The Holland Project – Digital Reconstruction of Naval History,
Poughkeepsie, NY: white paper and interactive compact disk, second edition June 2003.
The linkage in IBM PLM between the Engineering Hub and the Manufacturing Hub is the
critical bridge between digital design and Digital Manufacturing. Digital Manufacturing
solutions using the Manufacturing Hub database leverage the 3D design data in the
Engineering Hub in manufacturing. This enables the shipbuilder to “build” the ship in the
digital environment before executing it in the physical environment. This gives the
shipbuilder an opportunity to perform a large number of iterations in the digital
environment without a physical mockup. This can be used both to optimize manufacturing
processes and to react quickly to unplanned events in the yard. Digital Manufacturing,
built on the data in the Manufacturing Hub, is the next frontier for integrating design,
manufacturing and production execution.
Advanced yards are re-examining their manufacturing processes to reduce time-to-market,
improve quality and eliminate the costs associated with rework. Digital Manufacturing
technology has already been proven in automotive and aircraft manufacturing and is now
being successfully applied in shipyards worldwide. Initial benefits leveraging the IBM PLM
digital manufacturing solutions have been obtained within the General Dynamics Marine
Group at Bath Iron Works, Electric Boat and NASSCO; Northrop Grumman Ship Systems
and Northrop Grumman Newport News; ISSELNORD; Fincantieri; and most recently at
Samsung Heavy Industries.
Appendix A – Abbreviations & Acronyms
Appendix B – Digital Manufacturing Solutions
This section provides abstracts of the main DELMIA offerings that have been referenced in
this paper. DELMIA solutions focus on the processes and resources needed for
manufacturing and integrating shipboard systems and structural blocks. Typically these
products and assemblies are defined in CATIA by one or more of the solutions described
DELMIA software solutions provide digital manufacturing and simulation support from
concept design through manufacturing execution. They support production planning,
facility layout, process verification, time and cost estimating, human factors and process
flow analysis. The key benefits of using DELMIA for Digital Manufacturing are:
Process Engineer
DELMIA Process Engineer enables the
user to define, develop and analyze
alternative approaches to the
manufacturing process. It provides the
user with the ability to easily organize and
visualize relevant planning data. The
Process and Resource Planning module
is used to generate a process graph of the
sequence of operations and then to
automatically generate a manufacturing
For the communication and sharing of information across the enterprise, DELMIA offers
the PPR Navigator for Manufacturing module for accessing all the manufacturing data.
All Process Design and Analysis modules are based on one Product, Process and
Resource (PPR) data model, the
Manufacturing Hub. This allows users to
share the same data among the different
locations, departments and disciplines
throughout the enterprise and across the
supply chain.
DPM Assembly
DELMIA DPM Assembly is used to
develop more detailed process plans
based on the geometry created in CATIA
and other CAD systems. Product,
Process and Resource information is all
directly retrievable from the
Manufacturing Hub database. DPM
Assembly is used to determine the
correct assembly process for the products
and provides the user with the ability to
evaluate alternative jig and fixturing
approaches for the assembly sequence.
generated with a single mouse click, executing a customizable Visual Basic script. These
EWIs can be created in html or xml formats with embedded hyper-links, providing the user
with easy navigation of the required process step and support information.
Process Engineer and DPM Assembly generate the process and resource information in
the Manufacturing Hub, which makes it possible to generate a QUEST discrete event
factory model of the process flow.
QUEST provides tools for simulation programming, process flow analysis, statistics
capture and reporting, as well as visualizations. QUEST allows models to be transferred
from the 2D world into the 3D world. In this way, the model can start off at a simple
conceptual level of detail and then evolve as the design process progresses. This
approach avoids the requirement for two different models being created on different
software. QUEST also provides complete CAD capability to create and modify geometries
or to import geometries from a wide range of CAD packages.
Barnes, Martin R., An Introduction to Quest. Troy, MI: DELMIA Corp., white paper, 2002.
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DELMIA Corp., DELMIA Process Engineer – A Process Driven Approach to Process and
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DELMIA Corp., UltraArc - Arc Welding Process simulation and Robot offline programming
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DELMIA Corp., DELMIA Shop Floor Delivery Solutions, Troy, MI: DELMIA Corp.,
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DELMIA Corp., DELMIA simulation tools key to collaboration in building 21st century assult
ships, Troy, MI: DELMIA Corp., WORLD NEWS No. 5, July 2002, pp.11-12
DELMIA Corp., DELMIA Solutions Selected for U.S. Navy Shipbuilding Project, Troy, MI:
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DELMIA Corp., The USS Holland: Submarine Design & Operation, Troy, MI: DELMIA
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DELMIA Corp., Virtual Health and Safety Could be the Answer for Infrequent Tasks, Troy,
MI: DELMIA Corp., WORLD NEWS No. 7, September-October 2003, pp.27-28
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IBM Corp., ENOVIA Version 5 Release 11 Solutions application portfolio, Grand Rapids,
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IBM Corp., Version 5 Release 12 Configurations portfolio, Grand Rapids, Michigan: IBM
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Kanerva, Markku, Virtual Ship at the Virtual Yard, Rauma, Finland: Deltamarin Ltd.,
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Planning and Design: A Product Centric Approach, Society of Naval Architects and
Mechanical Engineers (SNAME), 2003.
IBM PLM Version 5 Solutions for Shipbuilding
Setting the course and strategy for digital shipbuilding
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