Since globalization has an effect on continuous workplace, removal of inferior results related to lack of
competition in all business industry, many researchers have successes and breaks, and development of workplace both
argued that the definition of productivity as the ratio safety and quality [13]. The notion of the 5S has its origin in
between output and input as well as the terms of efficiency Japan, developed by Osada [14] in the early 1980s [15]. The
and effectiveness resulting from the use of the said resources name 5S is the abbreviation of five Japanese words
is narrow and inappropriate for measuring the success of the including Seri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke.
current business [4, 5]. Thus, modern notion of productivity First, Seri (sort) is aimed to sort, organize the workplace,
includes consideration of social and ecological costs, ability and get rid of superfluous materials. Through the
to create value for customers and stakeholders in the supply appropriate classifying, it can identify the materials,
chain, ability to meet customers’ requirements that change equipment, tools and inevitable information for
over time, survival in high competition, and agility and comprehension the tasks. Sorting or classifying removes the
speed in adapting to meet customer needs [4, 5]. excess of both raw materials and materials, defective
products, and damaged tools and equipment. It assists to
B. Continuous Improvement
keep the polished and tidy workplace and raises the
Continuous improvement can be viewed as several effectiveness of exploring and acquiring things, cutting the
aspects. First, continuous improvement is as much a period of managing the production. Second, Seiton (set in
philosophy as a set of particular techniques and quality order) aims to visualize the workplace and place for
instruments. Thus, it would be seemed to be specifically everything (e.g. painting the floor assists to determine the
essential for executives to have an attention regarding areas of storage of each raw material, material or transport
procedure emphasizing on the appropriate method of trails; sketching the appearances of equipment and tools
performing things. Second, continuous improvement can be helps it possible for the rapid positioning aside them on the
seen as generic characteristics which focus on the value of constant areas; colored labels allow to determine the raw
making continuous incremental changes [6]. Users materials, materials, surplus parts or official papers etc.). It
emphasize on creating minor changes, amending should carry out the separation of items or objects and
procedures, and finally generating a substantial progressive indicate the areas of their keeping. Third, Seiso (shine) aims
result [6, 7]. While each trivial alter may not have a to clean and remove wastes or dust. Ordinary cleaning
quantifiable impact, the progressive result can be completely allows to determine and to get rid of origins of disordering
profound. Third, continuous improvement is viewed as and to perpetuate the clean workspaces. Throughout the time
improving method for both products and processes which of cleaning, it checks the cleanness of workplace, floor and
involve employees from all positions and all departments in machine, conciseness of equipment, neatness of pipes, lines,
the company [8]. The objective is to eliminate wasteful origins of light, present data, clarity and comprehensibility
practices [9] and achieve lean production [10]. Employees of provided information, etc. Indispensable is the looking
persistently chip away the fatty tissues of firm and establish after of and preservation of individual neat of the employee.
lean manufacturing procedures [9]. Finally, continuous Next, Seiketsu (standardize) aims to be indicated area for
improvement is a category of meditation approach that objects or items, consistent regulations of company,
discloses its profundity only through continual reiteration preservation and maintaining cleanness. Worked out and
and modification [11]. applied guidelines in the form of instructions and procedures
The Deming’s quality cycle or PDCA-cycle is used to allow to maintain the order on the workspaces. Guidelines
coordinate continuous improvement efforts. The should be extremely communicative, explicit and
accomplishment of one cycle continues with the beginning uncomplicated to comprehend. In respect of this period of
of the next. A PDCA-cycle comprises four sequential phases arrangements and getting better, it should involve all
or steps. First, plan step is an investigation of what requires participants of the procedure on the specified workspace; it
to be made better by taking into consideration areas that means direct employees. The group realizes the best
possess chances for alteration, e.g. determination on what specificity of its own activities, and method of elaboration
should be modified. Second, do step is an application of the and after that, usage provides them chance of
alternations that are determined on in the plan phase. Third, comprehending the essence and each manner of the
check phase is a control and measurement of products and operation. In the purpose of convincing all the effortless
processes in accordance to modifications made in preceding access, compulsory guidelines should be found in
phases and in accordance to policies, desired results and unchanging and perceptible areas. Finally, Shitsuke (sustain)
products requirements. Lastly, act step is a reaction or an aims to be automatic realization of the above-mentioned
adoption to the alternations or handling the PDCA-cycle rules [16]. Applying the notion of the 5S will desire from
through again, maintaining continuous improvement [12]. employees the massive self-discipline related to applying
C. 5S Practices and complying with the rules of regularity in classifying and
cleaning. It brings about expanding the awareness of
The 5S practice embarks on each programme of
employees, and declining the quantity of defective products
improvement. It is the technique for assisting the
and systems, advances in the internal transmission, and
investigation of processes managing on the place of work.
through this to enhancement in the human relations.
The 5S is the approach of generation and perpetuating
effectively managed, clean, highly successful and excessive
quality place of work. Its consequence is the productive
company of the place of work, depletion of environment of
D. Work Study the existence of these wastes. The list of wastes can also
Work study is an essential management technique to indicate possible goals for continuous improvement
accomplish superior productivity. It is associated with endeavors.
individual work, process of performing tasks and standard of
performance. The existence of any company is based on III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
utilization of the latest technology and effective production The purpose of this examination is to enhance
processes. To get better effectiveness of production, it productivity in corrugated carton industry. The study was
requires productive mobilization of factory, tools, conducted from November 2018 to March 2019 from XYZ
equipment and employees. This can be accomplished by Co., Ltd. The data were collected from the managers and
implementing work study which studies methods and supervisors and the problems were analyzed by
measures the performance. It separates tasks into diminutive brainstorming and cause and effect diagram. The current
components, learns it, and repositions it to receive the productivity is measured by the ratio between current output
regular or higher effectiveness at diminished cost. divided by current input. After measuring current
Work study was defined by International Labor productivity, the analyzed and improved processes were
Organization as the procedure of method study and work developed by means of 5S, work study, and Muda
measurement employed to endorse the excellent conceivable elimination. Next, the productivity after improvement was
utilization of employee and material resources in managing measured by the ratio between output after improvement,
a determined activity. It is also a supervision service divided by input after improvement. Meanwhile,
dependent on method study and work measurement applied productivity growth was calculated by the ratio between the
in assessment of individual work resulting in examination of difference of productivity after improvement and current
all the resources that affect effectiveness and economy of productivity, divided by current productivity.
situation in order to bring about development. Moreover, Table 1. Analyzing Wastes and Problems
International Labor Organization asserts that work study is Wastes/ Details Targeted
aimed to decrease cost either by designing the work for Problems
extreme productivity or by developing productivity in Machine idle time Employees stopped Reduce the machine
current job through improvement in existing processes by machine 1-2 hours to idle time from 1-2
prepare materials and hours to 15-30
decreasing inefficient and squandered time [17]. equipment while minutes.
E. Muda Elimination changing new Increase output more
purchasing order than 10 percent
The Muda is defined as losses and wastes which refer to Defect work Material of preceding Reduce defect work
any activity that does not increase any worth to the pieces order remained in the pieces from 160 pieces
purchaser or that the purchaser is not hearty to expend for. machine while per month to less than
Waste emerges in whole process and in company. No operating machine for 145 pieces per month
matter how effective or efficient a process may be, some new purchasing order
Take long time to Mixing among wet, Improved by 5S
degree of waste is normally displayed. Ohno, often
find quality roll of damp, and quality roll principles, leading to
mentioned to as the father of the Toyota Production System corrugated paper of corrugated paper ease to find and reduce
[18], determined seven forms of waste that occur in a sorting and classifying
process including: 1) inventory refers to the number of items Higher defects Wet and damp rolls time
of work at each activity step. Inventory waste is items due to low quality interlaced or Removing wet and
beyond minimal quantities and an idle resource which takes of raw materials overlapped to other damp roll to other
rolls of corrugated place leading to
up floor space and adds to cost such as superfluous raw
paper reduced defect of raw
material, work in process, and finished products, and materials
redundant operating suppliers. 2) Overproduction involves Employees 6 employees ignored Reduce number of
excessive use of manufacturing resources or output that ignored to comply to comply with rules employees who
exceeds the customer expectation or was produced early rules and and regulations neglected rules and
(before it is demanded). 3) Waiting time refers to the time regulations regulations from 6 to 3
spent waiting between activities, queues, and idle time,
which requires space and adds no value. 4) Unnecessary 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡
transporting refers to movement between activities which 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 = (1)
𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐼𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡
increases handling and work in process such as moving
materials between plants or between work centers and 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 =
handling more than once. 5) Overprocessing refers to 𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡
unnecessary production steps and scraps such as work 𝐼𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡
IV. RESULTS AND FINDINGS mixing among wet, damp, and quality rolls of corrugated
paper resulted in moisture penetrated to quality roll of paper,
A. Results from brainstorming and cause and effect
causing defect raw materials. Figure 2 shows the warehouse
area before improvement while figure 3 presents warehouse
Based on the participation and observation study together after improvement.
with brainstorming with managers, supervisors, and relevant
employees, as shown in the figure 1, and referring to the
results, it was found that crucial problems of corrugated
carton production occurred from human errors which
include production employees who ignored to check the
availability of machines before operating the machine, and
production employees who ignored to prepare material for
next order while machines operating, and warehouse
employees who randomly checked the humidity of
warehouse area before storage corrugated sheet papers.
Regarding the storage process, once it was improved by continuous development. Muda elimination is one of the
sorting, cleaning, classifying materials, products and areas options to reduce non value-added activity (wastes) and
with sign boards, the results showed that the materials and improve operational efficiency of the organization. The
products were easier to find and product quality was efficient implementation of 5S technique leads to
increased. The findings presented that the number of improvement in environmental performance and thus
employees who neglected to comply with the regulations of primarily related to reduction of wastes in manufacturing. It
the company was reduced from 6 persons to 2 persons, promotes neatness in storage of raw materials and finished
accounting for 66.67 percent of improvement. products, reduction in accident, and increase of awareness
and moral of employees [19]. Regarding work study, both
V. DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSION method and time study are necessary to be analyzed at the
The purpose of this study is to reduce waste and improve same time as changing method leads to reducing time.
productivity in corrugated carton industry. Brain storming Regarding method improvement, it is unnecessary to change
and cause and effect were used to identify root causes of or invent new machine or equipment as method can be
wastes, bottleneck, and quality problems. Referring to the improved by study motion and process, eliminated
results, it was found that crucial problems of corrugated unnecessary motion and movements, and rearranged or
carton production occurred from human error. Human error excised superfluous processes.
can occur from the two causes, i.e. not knowing the The findings demonstrated that 5S, work study, and Muda
rules/procedures of work, and knowing but deciding to elimination can be viewed as an efficient method that can
ignore them. New employees may be doing wrong due to reduce waste and improve business performance which can
not knowing the rules/procedures of work or be implemented in any industry as well as any size of
misunderstanding them, and the error can be eliminated by company. It can be considered as the promotion of the
providing well training before working and coaching while improvement techniques amongst the employees and as a
doing their job. On the other hand, current employees may training approach for the employees. The findings
be ignoring rules and regulations due to weak enforcement, demonstrated, nevertheless, that there are hurdles in the
considered not important. Communication is essential to successful utilization of the improvement techniques for any
solve misunderstanding problem, both top-down and improvement goal. The most crucial obstacles recognized
bottom-up communication. Management needs to place are connected to depletion of communication, gap between
importance on communication and benefits of obeying work the executive and shop floor operators and also the
instruction, rules and regulations, while focusing on 5S insufficiency of training and awareness of this activity
activities and the advantages to be derived, e.g. higher amongst the employees. Therefore, the full advantages of
productivity and income, fewer losses, wastes and working the improvement techniques cannot be knowledgeable in the
accidents. Meanwhile, employees need to transmit obstacles business sector as long as all the drawbacks related with
of complying which require to be supported from application of the improvement techniques are recognized,
management. Continuous improvement is known as Kaizen completely comprehended and tackled. Ceaseless evaluation
in Japanese. The implementation of the Kaizen notions in all levels of firms is one major driver to change the
assumes a ceaseless communication both vertical improvement culture of the company. This evaluation
communication between the executives and the workers and should be emphasized on the progress and improvement of
horizontal communication between the workers on the same quantity and quality of products, level of morale and
hierarchical level. The application of the Kaizen principles satisfaction of employee, level of quantity and quality of
relates to no crucial cost, but only increased observation to communication, financial performance, and customer
details and empirical methods to do things superior and satisfaction.
extremely effectively. The directly productive employees
are particularly encouraged so that they can suggest and VI. RECOMMENDATIONS
make improvements [19]. With a detailed analysis, the There are several recommendations as followed:
results have remarked that, even in the spaces where no 1) Japanese management and Toyota Production System
improvements are required such as warehouse area, there is techniques require a top-down technique that comes to be
still a lot of probability to get better. A well management of part of the corporate fabric. Teaching Toyota Production
human resources in the company is one of the strategic System techniques cannot take place in a classroom or
purposes of the firm which should be obviously described through seminars, but where the productions actually take
and admitted by all members. The continuous improvement place. To be successful, all employees must be completely
concepts are the resistance structure that should be built on, conscious of the diverse forms that waste can take and be
so that we can obtain to a sustained and step by step persistently watchful of any chances to attack and get rid of
improvement of the organizational performance. Difficult these wastes. Senior managers must normally walk through
situations should not be linked to employees because laying the productions, keeping an eye on the activities, asking
the blame on employees does not find the answer to the inquiries, and expressing their dedication to the process. Too
problem. Problem solving should use feed-back techniques. often, firms treat these processes as programs that can be
The results demonstrated that the implementation of 5S, began and ended as required.
work study, and Muda elimination techniques can be applied
in small scale industry. These techniques involve with
Toyota Production System which emphasizes on the active
participation of all employee categories, aiming to small but
Retrieval Number: E10260585C19/2019©BEIESP Published By:
DOI:10.35940/ijeat.E1026.0585C19 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: www.ijeat.org and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
182 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
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event point and payback period before deciding to invest in Dr. B. Piyachat received her bachelor’s degree of
training course for novel equipment utilization. production engineering from King Mongkut’s University
of Technology Thonburi, master degree of business
administration from Mahanakorn University of
VII. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Technology, and Ph.D degree in Management from
The author would like to demonstrate gratitude to all Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi,
Thailand. She is currently working as Assistant Professor in the Faculty of
participants who gave priceless information, including the Business Administration, Rajamangala University of Technology
XYZ Co., Ltd., for the consents that authorized the author to Thanyaburi (RMUTT), Thailand. She has 10 years of working experience
successfully perform this study. in manufacturing industry and 5 years of teaching experience in industrial
management field.
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