EPV1374 Objectives: to determine the clinical factors that impact the func-
tioning in stabilized patients withschizophrenia and schizoaffective
Antipsychotics induced constipation in patients with
mental disorders. treatment suggestion with Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional, descriptive and analyt-
prucalopride in refractory cases. case report and ical study. It was carried out on an outpatient population with
literature review schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder diagnosis. We used the
P. Mpouras1, P. Argitis2*, O. Pikou3, A. Karampas2, S. Karavia2, Functional Assessment Staging Scale (FAST) to measure the func-
F.-E. Kakavitsas1 and Z. Chaviaras2 tional capacity, the PANSS to assess psychosis symptom severity
1 and the Calgary scale to screen for comorbid depression.
General Hospital of Corfu, General Medicine, corfu, Greece; 2General Results: Seventy-five patients were included with 61 males (81.3%).
Hospital of Corfu, Psychiatric, Corfu, Greece and 3General Hospital of The mean age was 39.81 9.96 years. The mean sore of the Fast
Corfu, Dermatology, corfu, Greece
scale was 33 14.95. 90% of our patients scored higher than 11 on
*Corresponding author.
the FAST scale revealing a functioning deficiency. 18.7% scored
doi: 10.1192/j.eurpsy.2022.2014
higher than 6 on the Calgary scale revealing a comorbid depression .
No significant correlations were found between the FAST score and
Introduction: Successful stabilization of patients with mental dis-
the age of patient, the gender,the age of onset of psychosis, the
orders requires most of the times the use of more than one anti-
duration of untreated psychosis and the number of life-time epi-
psychotic medications with increase prevalence of clozapine in
sodes. Scores of PANSS were significantly higher among patients
refractory cases. Constipation consists one of the most debilitating
with a functioning deficiency (p<0.00).No significant correlation
side effect of the therapy, which gradually progresses to a chronic
was found between the FAST score and the Calgary score.
state of bowel movement dysfunction, with recurrent episode of
Conclusions: Our study suggests that the severity of residual positive
paralytic ileus of various severity.
and negative symptoms affects negatively the functioning of patients
Objectives: We describe the case of a middle age male treated with
with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. Thus, targeting those
clozapine for refractory mental disorder, who developed ileus and
symptoms in the treatment may have significant functional benefits.
subsequent bowel dysfunction not amenable to laxatives.
Methods: The acute episode have been treated conservatively with Disclosure: No significant relationships.
nasogastric decompression, intravenous replacement of fluids and Keywords: functioning; schizophrénia
electrolytes, antibiotics chemoprophylaxis and low molecular
weight heparin. His overall physical status was unremarkable for
obesity, diabetes, hypertension, allergies, previous operations and a EPV1374
former endoscopic evaluation conducted in the recent past, which Is it psychosis? Heads or tails. A case report
had ruled out malignant neoplastic disease.
Results: A course of per os prucalopride have been instituted, which B. Rodado León1*, M. Huete Naval2, A. García Carpintero3,
showed preliminary promising results in restoring proper bowel M. Jiménez Cabañas3, A. Bermejo Pastor3 and M. Pérez Lombardo4
movements, without any serious side effect and without the need to Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Instituto De Psiquiatría Y Salud Mental,
discontinue his course with antipsychotics. Prucalopride is a 5 HT4 Madrid, Spain; 2Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Institute Of Psychiatry
agonist which selectively binds to the receptors of the intestine, And Mental Health, Madrid, Spain; 3Hospital Clínico San Carlos,
resulting in muscular contractions as well as clorium secretion from Institute Of Psyquiatry And Mental Health, Madrid, Spain and
the mucosa promoting an osmotic defecation.The substance has Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Psychiatry, Madrid, Spain
been extensively use in the treatment of irritable bowel disease of *Corresponding author.
the chronic constipation type. doi: 10.1192/j.eurpsy.2022.2016
Conclusions: We suggest the more systematic use of this agent in
this group of patients after proper endoscopic evaluation and Introduction: Psychotic disorders usually come with diagnosis
restoration of all secondary causes of constipation. difficulties, especially when the clinical presentation is recent or if
there are organic factor associated. Regarding this, we propose the
Disclosure: No significant relationships. clinical case of a man 47 years old without psychiatric history, who
Keywords: CONSTIPATION; PRUCALOPRIDE is brought to the hospital after being run over by the subway. At his
arrival, he verbalizes delirious thoughts of persecution and harm.
EPV1373 Objectives: The objective is to emphasize the importance of making
an appropriate somatic study in psychosis cases, especially when we
Clinical factors affecting functioning in patients with don’t know the time of setting or we can’t make a psychiatric
schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder interview in optimal conditions.
Methods: The study included a blood test including methemoglo-
C. Neily*, N. Charfi, G. Smaoui, N. Feki, R. Omri, L. Zouari, bine, cranial tomography, serologies and a heavy metals test. We
J. Ben Thabet, M. Maâlejboauli and M. Maalej reviewed the scientific literature in Pubmed and Web of Science
Hedi Chaker hospital, Psychiatry Department, Sfax, Tunisia about the possible association between the psychiatric and the
*Corresponding author. dermatological symptoms.
doi: 10.1192/j.eurpsy.2022.2015 Results: During his admission, the patient recognizes delusional
thoughts of harm since he was young and he was so frightened
Introduction: Schizophrenia is often associated with impaired because of this that he tried to commit suicide in the subway.
functioning abilities due to its disabling symptoms. Moreover, he also thinks that silver can heal any disease, so he
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