Mech 2102

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B.TECH/ME/3RD SEM/MECH 2102/2016 B.

TECH/ME/3RD SEM/MECH 2102/2016

(vii) Point of contraflexure of a beam is defined as the point where MPa.. Also determine the torque if the solid shaft is replaced by a
(a) shear force is maximum hollow shaft of the same mass and of 90 mm inner diameter.
(b) bending moment is maximum (b) Determine the critical load Pcr and the equation of the buckled shape
(c) shear force changes its sign for an ideal column with ends fixed against rotation (see Fig.
(d) bending moment changes its sign. solving the differential equation of the deflection curve.
(viii) Maximum deflection in a cantilever beam of length l carrying a load p
at its end will
(a) pl3/3EI (b) pl2/8EI (c) pl3/32EI (d) pl2/4EI.
(ix) Which of the following is the largest allowable diameter of a 3 m long
steel rod (G = 77 GPa) if the rod is to be twisted through 30° without
exceeding a shearing stress of 80 MPa?
(a) 17.85 mm (b) 11.9 mm (c)
c) 5.95 mm (d) 8.9 mm.
Fig. 6
(x) The Rankine's formula holds good for (2 + 2) + 8 = 12
(a) short columns (b) long columns
(c) both short and long columns (d) weak columns. 9. (a) The torques shown in Fig
Fig. 7, are exerted on pulleys A, B, C. Knowing that
both shaftss are solid and made of brass(G = 40 GPa), determine
Group - B (a) shearing stress in shaft AB (b) shearing stress in shaft BC (c) the
2. (a) A bar system is loaded as shown in Fig. 1. Determine. (i) the reaction angle of twist between A and B (d) the angle of twist between A and C
of the lower support, and (ii) thee stresses in the bar. Take E=E=205

Fig. 7
(b) An aluminum tube AB of circular cross section has a guided support at
Fig. 1 the base and is pinned at the top to a horizontal beam supporting a
load Q = 200 kN (see figure 8). Determine the required thickness t of
(b) A uniformly tapered rod, as shown in Fig. 2, iss held between two rigid
the tube if its outside diameter d is 200 mm and the desired factor of
supports at room temperature. The rod is made of steel with E = 200GPa
safety with respect to Euler buckling is n = 3.0. (Assume E = 72 GPa
and coefficient of thermal expansion is 12 X 10-6/0C. Find out the
maximum stress induced in the rod if temperature is raised by 300C.

Fig. 2 Fig. 8
6 + 6 = 12 6 + 6 = 12
MECH 2102 2 MECH 2102 5
B.TECH/ME/3RD SEM/MECH 2102/2016
(MECH 2102)

Time Allotted : 3 hrs Full Marks : 70

Figures out of the right margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to answer Group A and
any 5 (five) from Group B to E, taking at least one from each group.
Candidates are required to give answer in their own words as far as
Group – A
(Multiple Choice Type Questions)

1. Choose the correct alternative for the following: 10 × 1 = 10

(i) If the radius of a wire is doubled, then its Young’s modulus will be
(a) doubled (b) halved
(c) become four times (d) remain unchanged.
(ii) The shape of the bending moment diagram over the length of a
beam, carrying a uniformly distributed load is always
(a) parabolic (b) linear
(c) circular (d) cubical.
(iii) The ratio of elongations of a conical bar and that of a prismatic bar of
the same length due to its own weight is
(a) 1/5 (b) 1/2 (c) 1/3 (d) 1/4.
(iv) Radius of the Mohr’s circle signifies
(a) major principal stress (b) minor principal stress
(c) maximum shear stress (d) none of the above.
(v) Hoop stress of a thin cylinder of diameter d and thickness t subjected
to pressure p will be
(a) pd/2t (b) pd/4t (c) 4p/td (d) 2p/td.
(vi) The shear stress at any section of a shaft of radius r is maximum
(a) at the top of the surface
(b) at the centre of the section
(c) at a distance r/2 from the centre
(d) at a distance 3r/4 from the centre.

MECH 2102 1
B.TECH/ME/3RD SEM/MECH 2102/2016 B.TECH/ME/3RD SEM/MECH 2102/2016
3. (a) Three wires of the same material and cross-section support a rigid 3. (a) Three wires of the same material and cross-section support a rigid
bar which further supports a weight of 5 kN as shown in Fig. 3. The bar which further supports a weight of 5 kN as shown in Figure 3.
length of the wires is 5 m, 8 m and 6 m in order. The spacing The length of the wires is 5 m, 8 m and 6 m in order. The spacing
between the wires is 2 m and weight acts at 1.6 m from the first wire. between the wires is 2 m and weight acts at 1.6 m from the first wire.
Determine the load carried by each wire. Determine the load carried by each wire.

Fig. 3 Fig. 3
(b) (i) A bar of 30 mm diameter is subjected to a pull of 60 kN. The (b) (i) A bar of 30 mm diameter is subjected to a pull of 60 kN
measured extension on a gauge length of 200 mm is 0.08 mm and measured extension on a gauge length of 200 mm is 0.08 mm
the change in diameter is 0.004 mm. Calculate the Poisson’s ratio the change in diameter is 0.004 mm. Calculate the Poisson’s ratio
and the values of the three moduli. and the values of the three moduli.
(ii) Define: Modulus of resilience and toughness. (ii) Define: Modulus of resilience and toughness.
7 + (3 + 2) = 12 7 + (3 + 2)

Group - C Group - C
4. (a) Direct stresses of 160 MPa tensile and 120 MPa compressive exist on 4. (a) Direct stresses of 160 MPa tensile and 120 MPa compressive exist on
two perpendicular planes at a certain point in a body. They are also two perpendicular planes at a certain point in a body. They are also
accompanied by shear stresses on the planes. The greatest principal accompanied by shear stresses on the planes. The greatest principal
stress at the point due to these is 200 MPa. (i) What must be the stress at the point due to these is 200 MPa. (i) What must be the
magnitude of the shearing stresses on the planes? (ii) Draw the magnitude of the shearing stresses on the planes? (ii) Draw the
Mohr’s circle and find out the maximum shear at the point. Mohr’s circle and find out the maximum shear at the point.
(b) Using moment area method find out the deflection of a simply (b) Using moment area method find out the deflection of a simply
supported beam of span l, carrying a point load W at mid span. supported beam of span l, carrying a point load W at mid span.
(3 + 5) + 4 = 12 (3 + 5) + 4 = 12

5. (a) A cantilever of length 2 m carries a uniformly distributed load of 2500 5. (a) A cantilever of length 2 m carries a uniformly distributed load of 2500
N/m for a length of 1.25 m from the fixed end and a point load of 1000N N/m for a length of 1.25 m from the fixed end and a point load of 1000N
at the free end. If the section is rectangular 120 mm side and 240 mm at the free end. If the section is rectangular 120 mm side and 240 m
deep, find the deflection at the free end (Take E = 10000 MPa). deep, find the deflection at the free end (Take E = 10000 MPa).
(b) A hollow cylindrical drum 600 mm in diameter has a thickness of 10 (b) A hollow cylindrical drum 600 mm in diameter has a thickness of 10
mm. If the drum is subjected to an internal air pressure of 3 N/mm2, mm. If the drum is subjected to an internal air pressure of 3 N/mm
determine the longitudinal and circumferential strain (Take E = 200 determine the longitudinal and circumferential strain (Take E
GPa and Poisson’s ratio is 0.3). GPa and Poisson’s ratio is 0.3).
8 + 4 = 12 8 + 4 = 12
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B.TECH/ME/3RD SEM/MECH 2102/2016 B.TECH/ME/3RD SEM/MECH 2102/2016
Group - D Group - D
6. (a) Draw the S.F. and B.M. diagram for the overhanging beam carrying 6. (a) Draw the S.F. and B.M. diagram for the overhanging beam carrying
loads as shown in Fig. 4. Locate the point of contraflexure, if any, loads as shown in Fig
Fig. 4. Locate the point of contraflexure, if any,
uniformly distributed and concentrated. uniformly distributed and concentrated.

Fig. 4 Fig. 4
(b) Show that for a beam of rectangular section, the maximum shear (b) Show that for a beam of rectangular section, the maximum shear
stress is 1.5 times the average stress. stress is 1.5 times the average stress.
8 + 4 = 12 8 + 4 = 12

7. (a) An Isection shown in Fig. 5 is simply supported over a span of 12 m. 7. (a) An Isection
section shown in Fig. 5 is simply supported over a span of 12 m.
If the maximum permissible bending stress is 80 N/mm2, what If the maximum permissible bending stress is 80 N/mm2, what
concentrated load can be carried at a distance of 4 m from one concentrated load can be carried at a distance of 4 m from one
support? support?

Fig. 5 Fig. 5

(b) Write short note on pure bending of beam. (b) Write short note on pure bending of beam.
Define slenderness ratio of a column and show the variation of Define slenderness
ss ratio of a column and show the variation of
compressive stress induced in a column with the above ratio. compressive stress induced in a column with the above ratio.
9 + 3 = 12 9 + 3 = 12

Group - E Group - E
8. (a) Determine the torque which may be applied to a solid shaft of 90 mm 8. (a) Determine the torque which may be applied to a solid shaft of 90
outer diameter without exceeding an allowable shearing stress of 75 outer diameter without exceeding an allowable shearing stress of
MECH 2102 4 MECH 2102 4

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