Edited - English Proverbs Meanings

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Proverbs with their meanings for students’ review.

Proverb: Proverb: Proverb:

Absence makes the heart grow Don't put all your eggs in one There is more than one way to
fonder. basket. skin a cat.

Meaning: Meaning: Meaning:

If you spend time away from You should not depend on just There is more than one way to
someone you love, you will one thing for success. Instead, solve a problem. In other
love them even more. In other you should diversify your risks. words, if one solution doesn't
words, you realise how much For example, don't invest all work, try to find another way to
you love something when you your money in one thing solve the problem.
are spending time away from because you might lose
it. everything if it fails.

Proverb: Proverb: Proverb:

You can lead a horse to water What doesn't kill you makes you Necessity is the mother of
but you can't make it drink. stronger. invention.

Meaning: Meaning: Meaning:

You can tell somebody what People become tougher and If you really need to do
the best thing to do is, but you wiser by facing hardships. For something you will find a way.
can't make them do it. In other example, if someone cheats you In other words, people can be
words, even if you give out of money, the experience very creative when they have
somebody good advice, they will make you wiser so that you to be.
might not follow it. cannot be cheated next time.

Proverb: Proverb: Proverb:

The apple doesn't fall far from Don't count your chickens That's the pot calling the kettle
the tree. before they hatch. black.

Meaning: Meaning: Meaning:

Children grow up to be similar Don't rely on something that You shouldn't criticise other
to their parents. For example, if hasn't happened yet. For people's faults if you have
the parents are bad then the example, you shouldn't spend those same faults. For
child will be bad as well. money that you haven't earned example, if you are lazy you
yet. shouldn't complain when other
people are lazy.

Proverb: Proverb: Proverb:

Every cloud has a silver lining. When it rains, it pours. A leopard cannot change its
Meaning: Meaning:
There is a positive side to When bad* things happen, they Meaning:
every bad situation. In other happen all at once. In other People cannot change their
words, bad things also produce words, if you have some bad personality or nature. For
some good. luck, more bad luck will follow example, if someone is bad
shortly. then they will always be bad
(*It is also sometimes used for (so don't believe people who
good things as well.) say they've changed).
Proverb: Proverb: Proverb:
You shouldn't judge a book by Good things come to those who Too many cooks spoil the
its cover. can wait. broth.

Meaning: Meaning: Meaning:

Outward appearances can be If someone is willing to work If too many people are
deceiving. In other words, you hard and wait for an outcome managing something, it will
should look at something they desire, it is going to come. fail. In other words, it's better
closely before deciding if it is Patient people eventually to have one person directing a
good or bad. receive all things. project than many people.

Proverb: Proverb: Proverb:

All things are difficult before A bad workman always blames The best of friends must part.
they are easy. his tools.
Meaning: Meaning: No matter how much friends
You should be patient with It is used when someone care for each other, they
learning and learners. It takes performs a task poorly or cannot be together forever.
time to learn to do things. unsuccessfully but lays the
What seems easy to us now blame on external factors.
may have been difficult at

Proverb: Proverb: Proverb:

Beauty is but skin deep. Better late than never. Do not wash your dirty linen in
Meaning: Meaning:
External attractiveness has no It is better to do something after Meaning:
relation to goodness or it was supposed to have be You should not discuss very
essential qualities. A person done than not to do it all. private, personal matters,
who looks beautiful may not especially those that may be
have a pleasing personality. embarrassing, in public or
other people.

Proverb: Proverb: Proverb:

Deeds, not words. All that glitters is not gold. Honesty is the best policy.

Meaning: Meaning: Meaning:

You must not only promise to Do not rely on external Telling the truth is always
do something for someone goodness. Something that better than lying when it is hard
but do it by fulfilling the action. seems to be good on the to be truthful.
surface might not be so when
you look at it more closely. In
other words, not everything that
looks precious or true turns out
to be so.
Proverb: Proverb: Proverb:
Hope for the best and prepare Half a loaf is better than no A stitch in time saves nine.
for the worst. bread.
Meaning: Meaning: You should solve the problem
You should be optimistic but Something is better than right away to stop it from
ready for challenging times nothing, even if is less than what becoming a much bigger one.
also. It is good to be hopeful you wanted.
that there would be a positive
result of our task but at the
same time one should be
ready for negative outcomes

Proverb: Proverb: Proverb:

Don’t teach your grandmother Where there is a will, there is a Look before you leap.
to suck eggs. way.
Meaning: Meaning: You should carefully plan
Do not give advice to another If someone has the desire and things before you do anything.
person in a subject with which determination to do something, In other words, don't be hasty
the other person is already he or she can find a method of because If you act rashly, you
familiar. In other words, don’t accomplishing it. might get hurt.
think that you know better than
someone who is older and
more experienced than you.

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