Every Teen Girl's Little Pink Book On Gab
Every Teen Girl's Little Pink Book On Gab
Every Teen Girl's Little Pink Book On Gab
Harrison House
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the
King James Version of the Bible.
Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New
International Version®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International
Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.
Scripture quotations marked MSG are taken from The Message. Copyright
© 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson. Used
by permission of NavPress Publishing Group.
Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James
Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All
rights reserved.
Scripture quotations marked AMP are taken from the Amplified® Bible,
copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman
Foundation. Used by permission. (www.Lockman.org).
Scripture quotations taken from the New Life Version (NLV), copyright © by
Christian Literature International.
Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living
Translation, copyright © 1996 by Tyndale Charitable Trust. Used by permis-
sion of Tyndale House Publishers.
10 09 08 07 06 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
gabsters ............................................................25
good gab..........................................................48
kind gab............................................................68
gab goop..........................................................84
courageous gab................................................87
t h e g i f t o f g a b 5
A bit in the mouth of a horse controls the
whole horse. A small rudder on a huge
ship in the hands of a skilled captain sets
a course in the face of the strongest
winds. A word out of your mouth may
seem of no account, but it can
accomplish nearly anything—or destroy
it! It only takes a spark, remember, to set
off a forest fire.
James 3:3-5 MSG
t h e g i f t o f g a b 7
This Scripture isn’t just talking about cussing. I
believe it’s talking about gossiping, backbiting,
telling dirty jokes, and even complaining.
Pray. The Lord will help you if you ask Him to.
t h e g i f t o f g a b 9
think pink
1 5 : 1 N K J V
t h e g i f t o f g a b 11
A false witness will not go
unpunished, and he who speaks lies
shall perish.
Proverbs 19:9 NKJV
The man did just as he’d been told and came back
to his friend. The friend said, “I’ve forgiven you.
But to realize how much harm your gossiping has
caused me, go back to the center of town and
collect all the feathers.” The man regretfully real-
ized it would be impossible to find and collect
every feather.
t h e g i f t o f g a b 13
Girls are detailed.
We love to know exactly
what happened when
our best friend got her
driver’s license or when
she had her hair done.
And we want to tell every
detail when something happens to us.
d e t a i l s , d e t a i l s 15
think pink
P R O V E R B S 2 1 : 9 A M P
d e t a i l s , d e t a i l s 17
6 gabs to avoid
We have all been in relationships in which
we thought someone was our true friend
and then down the road realized she
wasn’t. A true friend doesn’t just call
herself a friend, but backs up her words
with action. Check out the gab fro m
these 6 so-called “friends,” and learn to
avoid them.
1. Backstabber
This is someone who talks one way in front of you,
but says something totally different behind your
back. A backstabber cannot be trusted by anyone.
2. User
The user is just looking for a temporary friend. This
person will sweet-talk you for personal gain and
then toss you out like a dirty dishrag.
3. Control freak
“It’s my way or the highway,” this one will say. The
control freak will not compromise. You’re only
4. Manipulator
If you don’t want to do what the manipulator wants
you to do, this person will find a way to convince
you to do it her way. The manipulator is sly and will
influence you to do things you never thought you
would do—all for her own selfish ambitions.
5. Moocher
This person wants you to provide for her every
need. “Can I borrow your clothes?” “Can I
borrow your car?” “Can I borrow a couple of
bucks?” As you give, you’ll never receive
anything in return.
6. Complainer
You can never please the complainer no matter
what you do. If you gave this person a $100 bill,
she would complain because it’s not two $50 bills.
Save yourself, and avoid this one.
d e t a i l s , d e t a i l s 19
Gab can be a curse
gab test
or a gift, depending
on how we choose to
use it. When we say the
right thing at the right
time, our words can actu-
ally soothe people and
bring healing. Good and kind words can change
someone’s life.
1. Am I a blabber gabber?
Definition: One who gossips and spreads
rumors, always saying something negative
about her family and friends.
Yes No Sometimes
2. Am I a crabby gabby?
Definition: One who is constantly grumbling
and complaining about everything. One who
Yes No Sometimes
3. Am I a drab gab?
Yes No Sometimes
4. Am I a jab gab?
Yes No Sometimes
d e t a i l s , d e t a i l s 21
It’s brutal, dangerous, hurts a lot, and is
v e ry deceptive!
Yes No Sometimes
6. Am I a tabs gab?
Definition: One who puts her nose in every-
one’s business. One who feels it is her
responsibility to keep tabs on everyone and
let everyone else know about it. Also known
as a busybody gab.
Yes No Sometimes
7. Am I a fab gab?
Definition: One who uses gab to encourage,
build up, give life, kindness, and wisdom. This
is delightful, beautiful, and extremely pleasing!
1 T H E S S A L O N I A N S
5 : 1 4 M S G
d e t a i l s , d e t a i l s 23
“Watch your thoughts;
they become your words.
Watch your words; they
become your actions.
Watch your actions; they
become your habits. Watch
your habits; they become
your character. Watch
your character for it will
become your destiny.”
—Frank Outlawiii
g a b s t e r s 25
a habit to speak life. Speak good things.
Sometimes that’s hard, especially when you are
faced with a difficult circumstance. You might
want to just complain or cry, but if you can find a
positive Scripture to say in that situation instead,
you will be on the path to success.
2 5 : 1 1 A M P
g a b s t e r s 27
The reason a dog has so
many friends is that he
wags his tail instead of
his tongue.
—Author Unknown
g a b s t e r s 29
When I was a little
girl, I had a doll
named Chatty
Cathy. (She’s sold in
antique stores now.
Ouch!) Anyway, I would
pull her string and she
would “chat”: “Hi, I’m Chatty Cathy. How are you
today? I love you!” and so on. My mom told me
that I went through a couple of those dolls
because I would wear them right out.
P S A L M 1 4 1 : 3 , 4 M S G
c h a t t y c a t h y 31
There are people who,
instead of listening to
what is being said to
them, are already listening
to what they are going
to say themselves.
—Albert Guinoniv
c h a t t y c a t h y 33
Have you ever
noticed that when
2 ears— we girls get together,
1 mouth we can talk so fast
and furious? We are
known for this.
2 e a r s — 1 m o u t h 35
think pink
1 7 : 2 8 N K J V
2 e a r s — 1 m o u t h 37
listen up
A great American leadership and
management trainer recently said, “In
h u n d reds of interviews with people at all
levels, I’ve made this discovery: The
bigger the person, the more apt he is to
encourage you to talk; the smaller the
person, the more apt he is to preach to
you. Big people monopolize the listen-
ing; small people monopolize the
gab about
God put it in you to
be attracted to guys.
Just don’t go overboard
in your thoughts and
words. Guys are n ’t every-
thing (even though they
may seem to be). The guys you know today might
not even cross your mind in 2 or 3 years. Hold out
for God’s best. Don’t commit too much.
Proverbs 18:24 NLT says, “There are ‘friends’ who
destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer
than a brother.”
2 e a r s — 1 m o u t h 39
other with their words. Maybe you and your
friends tore each other down in fourth grade, but
now you’re making friends for life. Wo rds can hurt ,
or words can heal. When you have friends, you
stick by each other—especially with your words.
Seems like you either love them or, uh, are chal-
lenged with them. You can find favor with either
kind of teacher—even the most difficult one. If
you say positive things over your relationships
with teachers and keep yourself from talking them
down with your friends, you can build favor for
yourself. It might be tough to keep it quiet, espe-
cially when you’d like to rip those teachers to
shreds, but you will win in the long run if you keep
the trash talk out of your life.
The Wo rd of God tells us that we should honor our
parents. Of the Ten Commandments, it’s the first
one with a promise. That promise is a long life!
g a b a b o u t e v e r y o n e ! 41
too. You honor them by keeping a good attitude
even when you don’t want to. A good attitude
includes saying good words about them. You can
do it! It’s worth a long life, and you’ll win big
points with your parents and God.
| 4 : 6 N I V
g a b a b o u t e v e r y o n e ! 43
Always attempt to be
mannerly and gracious,
seeking never to offend in
word or deed, always
considering the feelings
of others.
—Sharon Daughertyvi
If you can’t say
something nice, don’t say
nothing at all!
g a b a b o u t e v e r y o n e ! 45
3 things to gab with your parents
Communication is the key to victory in any
kind of relationship. Great companies,
great armies, great churches, great sports
teams, and great homes all have 1 thing in
common: They have learned to communi-
cate effectively with one another.
Communication is not just talking. It is
listening, observing, studying, and, finally,
talking. People who only learn to talk are
not communicating; they are spewing. In opening
up good communication lines with your parents,
there are 3 things you must always tell them.
g a b a b o u t e v e r y o n e ! 47
There is one type of
gab that is in a cate-
good gab gory of its own. It’s
(the best
gab of all) the kind of gab that we
can only experience with
God, and it is the most
p o w e rful thing we can
do with our mouths. When we talk with God and
thank Him, and when we remind Him of His words
to us, our mouths are being used to accomplish
His will in this world.
For example:
g o o d g a b 49
Prayer heals broken hearts, sets people free from
addictions, opens people’s eyes to the truth, and
makes them whole in their spirit, soul, and body.
P R O V E R B S 1 6 : 2 3
g o o d g a b 51
A slip of the foot you
may soon recover, but a
slip of the tongue you
may never get over.
—Benjamin Franklinvii
g o o d g a b 53
When you do, you’ll gain new revelation and
better understanding about how to make it work
in your life.
C’mon—try it.
b e l i e v e i n y o u r g a b 55
true most of time, then when it comes time to
pray, it’s pretty tough to believe that you’ll get
what you ask for. When your words are messed
up, your believer is all messed up! Your spiritual
side doesn’t know when to believe or when not
to believe.
H E B R E W S 4 : 1 4 N K J V
b e l i e v e i n y o u r g a b 59
3. ”Just give up.”
Jesus didn’t quit on you. He doesn’t have a quit-
ting spirit, and He didn’t put a quitting spirit in
you. Persevere and finish the race! Say out loud,
“I will not quit. I have a strong spirit. I will find my
destiny, and I will finish my course.”
g e t w h a t y o u g a b 61
stripes of Jesus you are healed. You believe that
Scripture is true for you, and then you say that
Scripture over your life. Words and thoughts are
important to God. He made an easy way for you
to connect with Him and change the circum-
stances in your life: talk!
H E B R E W S 1 1 : 3 N L V
g e t w h a t y o u g a b 63
When God created the world, He
used words. When He spoke,
things happened. God said, “Let
there be light,” and light was. God
said, “Let the earth bring forth
living creatures,” and animals
appeared. His words caused the
science of this world to form.
In the same way, your words
can affect your world. Keep your
words positive, and speak life!
g e t w h a t y o u g a b 65
7 words to remove from your gab
1. “Can’t.”
You can do all things through Christ who
strengthens you. (Phil. 4:13.)
2. “Never.”
All things are possible to those who
believe. (Mark 9:23.)
3. “Quit.”
“Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in
due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart”
(Gal. 6:9 NKJV).
4. “Depressed.”
“Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say,
Rejoice” (Phil. 4:4).
5. “Hate.”
The Holy Ghost sheds the love of God abroad in
our hearts. (Rom. 5:5.)
7. “Broke.”
My God shall supply all of your needs by His
riches in glory in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 4:19.)
g e t w h a t y o u g a b 67
Psalm 45:1 says
kind gab
that our tongue is as
the pen of a ready
writer. The book of
P roverbs says we are to
write God’s Wo rd on the
tablet of our heart s .
Let’s use our tongues to write God’s love on
people’s hearts.
k i n d g a b 69
think pink
k i n d g a b 71
3 things God hates
There are six things the Lord hates, seven that
are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying
tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a
heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that
are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who
pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissen-
sion among brothers.
Proverbs 6:16-19
Notice that 3 of the 7 things the Lord hates have to do
with our mouths.
God says He hates:
A lying tongue. We should ALWAYS speak the truth.
A false witness who pours out lies. God’s daughters
shouldn’t lie about others. We don’t want anyone
lying about us, right?
A person who sows discord among brothers and
sisters. In other words, mind your own business.
Wow! If we know how much the Lord loves us and we
know He’s given us these warnings for our protection,
then we must take heed and ask Him to help us keep
our tongue under control. As His girls, our words
should be containers of truth and love.
The Lord simply doesn’t like gossip. We shouldn’t be
spreading lies or negative things about others, even if
it’s true. We always want to help people up, not bring
them down.
l i s t e n b e f o r e y o u g a b 73
4. God believes in listening. What do you think
He’s doing when we pray? He’s listening.
That’s why He gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth:
We ought to listen twice as much as we talk.
1 2 : 1 5 N L T
l i s t e n b e f o r e y o u g a b 75
Perhaps the most
important thing we ever
give each other is our
attention.... A loving
silence often has more
power to heal and connect
than the most well-
intentioned words.
—Rachel Naomi Remenxi
l i s t e n b e f o r e y o u g a b 77
Matthew 4:4
NLV says:
gab with
God But Jesus said, “It is
written, ‘Man is not
to live on bread
only. Man is to live
by every word that
God speaks.’”
g a b w i t h G o d 79
think pink
g a b w i t h G o d 81
listening to God
g a b w i t h G o d 83
Have you ever made
gab goop
a mess with your gab
and had to be
forgiven? When your
words get you in trouble,
God made a way for you
to be forgiven and in right
standing with Him again.
J A M E S 4 : 8 M S G
g a b g o o p 85
Prayer is the great engine
to overthrow and rout my
spiritual enemies, the great
means to procure the
graces of which I stand
in hourly need.
—John Newtonxiii
c o u r a g e o u s g a b 87
think pink
P R O V E R B S 1 1 : 3 0 N L T
c o u r a g e o u s g a b 89
gab about God
As you grow in your relationship with God,
your life will begin to reflect His goodness.
Your gab will be filled with thoughts about
Him and stories about His faithfulness in
your life.
Walking in the Fruit of the Spirit (Tulsa: Victory Christian
Center, 1998).
Single and Loving It (Tulsa: Harrison House Publishers, 2003)
p. 86.
h t t p : / / w w w. c y b e r n a t i o n . c o m / q u o t a t i o n c e n t e r /
h t t p : / / w w w. c y b e r n a t i o n . c o m / q u o t a t i o n c e n t e r /
prayer of salvation
God loves you—no matter who you are, no matter what
your past. God loves you so much that He gave His one
and only begotten Son for you. The Bible tells us that
“...whoever believes in him shall not perish but have
eternal life” (John 3:16 NIV). Jesus laid down His life and
rose again so that we could spend eternity with Him in
heaven and experience His absolute best on earth. If
you would like to receive Jesus into your life, say the
following prayer out loud and mean it from your heart.
Heavenly Father, I come to You admitting that
I am a sinner. Right now, I choose to turn away
from sin, and I ask You to cleanse me of all
unrighteousness. I believe that Your Son,
Jesus, died on the cross to take away my sins.
I also believe that He rose again from the
dead so that I might be forgiven of my sins
and made righteous through faith in Him. I
call upon the name of Jesus Christ to be the
Savior and Lord of my life. Jesus, I choose to
follow You and ask that You fill me with the
power of the Holy Spirit. I declare that right
now I am a child of God. I am free from sin
and full of the righteousness of God. I am
saved in Jesus’ name. Amen.
If you prayed this prayer to receive Jesus Christ as your
Savior for the first time, please contact us on the Web at
www.harrisonhouse.com to receive a free book.
Or you may write to us at
Harrison House
P.O. Box 35035 • Tulsa, Oklahoma 74153
about the author
For more than a quarter of a century, Cathy Bartel has served
alongside her husband, Blaine, in what they believe is the
hope of the world, the local church. For the better part of
two decades, they have served their pastor, Willie George, in
building one of America’s most respected churches, Church
on the Move, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Most recently, they helped
found Oneighty, which has become one of the most
emulated youth ministries in the past 10 years, reaching
2,500–3,000 students weekly under their leadership.
While Blaine is known for his communication and leader-
ship skills, Cathy is known for her heart and hospitality.
Blaine is quick to recognize her “behind the scenes”
gifting to lift and encourage people as one of the great
strengths of their ministry together. Her effervescent spirit
and contagious smile open the door for her ministry each
day, whether she’s in the church or at the grocery store.
Cathy is currently helping Blaine raise a new community of
believers committed to relevant ministry and evangelism.
Northstar Church will open its doors in the growing north
Dallas suburb of Frisco, Texas, in the fall of 2006.
Cathy’s greatest reward has come in the raising of her 3
boys—Jeremy, 21, Dillon, 19, and Brock, 17. Today, each
son is serving Christ with his unique abilities and is deeply
involved in Blaine and Cathy’s ongoing ministry.
being mommy or
daddy’s little princess can get challenging
sometimes. plug into God’s Word and
discover what it means to be your heavenly
Father’s daughter and how special you are to
your “fam.”
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