Origin and evolution of life-part4 & part 5
Origin and evolution of life-part4 & part 5
Origin and evolution of life-part4 & part 5
Pseudofossils: These are not the fosssils but give simple impression. Sometimes rocks present structure
s. plant remains.such plant structures present in the rock are normally products of minerals.
Infact minerals in rock get crystallized and develop patterns that resemble the outlines opf plant. Such
structres are called pseudofo
Evolution of horse
On the basis of fossils records, it is confirmed that the true ancestor of modern horse was Eohippus which
were lived 60 million years ago in the Eocene period. It was the size of the fox and possessed 4 limbs digits,
the teeth were 44 and chick were only specialized for grinding. From eohippus modified into
miohippus,parahippus and merichyppus since 27 million year back. The body size slightly increases with 3
digits in the limbs. Pliohippus came into existence with almost the size of the donkey with two functional
digits in the limbs with slightly extended Muzzele since 13 million year.
The modern horse equus gained full body shape since 2 million year back which is still continuing. Due to
continuous running habit limbs of the modern horse.
The measure modification accord in the course of evolution modern horse are as follows:
• Increase in the body size
• Increase of length and mobility of the neck
• Reduction in the number of toes from four to one
• Elongation of fore part of the skull
• Elongation of distal parts of limbs so that the wrist and the ankle are higher.
• Specialization of teeth(molar and premolar) for grinding grasses
• Fusion of metatarsals and metacarpals
Evolution of horse :
Jean Baptist De Lamarck (1744-1829) was a famous Botanist in that period has
written many books and articles and also discovered many plants. He was the first
man to coin the words biology and invertebrate. After the age of 50 turned his
interest towards the evolution of animals. In 1809 published the theory called
theory of inheritance of acquired character. In the French Science Journal
Philpsophie Zoologies. According to his theory said that the modifications gained by
the adaption will gradually hand down to generation as a part of heredity with
respect to environment which after long period of time changes into new animals.
The major characters of theory are as follows;
1. Tendency to grow
2.Formation of new organ
3. Use and disuse of organs.
4. Inheritance of acquired character.
Theory of Lamarck or Lamarckism
1) Tendency to grow:
Living organisms and their component parts tend to increase continually in
size. Each and every organism has the natural tendency to grow. The
increase in size is upto a certain limit which is determined by the life itself.
2) Formation of new organ:
-Production of a new organ results from a new need and from the new
movements which this need starts and maintains.
3) Use and Disuse of Organs:
- If an organ is used constantly, it tends to become enlarged, whereas lack of
use result in degeneration.
4) Inheritance of Acquired Characters:
- Modification produced by the above principles during the lifetime of
an individual will be inherited by its offspring, with the result that changes
are cumulative over a period of time.
Examples in Support of Lamarckism
Examples used by Lamarck are:
. Long neck of giraffe
. Disappearance of limbs in snakes
. Webbed feet of ducks
.Change in length of horse
Elongated neck in Giraffe
Evidences against the Inheritance of Acquired Characters
Weismann’s Theory of Continuity of Germplasm
August Weismann (1834-1914), a German biologist the main opposer of the inheritance
of acquired characters. According to him-
- The characters influencing the germ cells are only inherited. There is a continuity of
(protoplasm of germ cells) but the somatoplasm(protoplasm of somatic cells) is not
transmitted to the next generation hence it does not carry characters to the next
- Cut off the tails of rats for as many as 21 generations and allowed them to breed, but
tailless rats were never born.
- Boring of pinna (external ear) and nose of women
is never inherited to the next generations.
- The wrestler’s powerful muscles are not transmitted to
the offspring.
- European ladies wear tight waist garments in order to
keep their waist slender but their offspring at the time of
birth have normal waists.
- Chinese women used to wear iron shoes in order to have
small feet, but their children at the time of birth have
always normal feet.
and evolved from their most likely recent common ancestor, Homo erectus .