A. Background
The students also need to be trained in everyday life so that the lessons
that have been learned are remembered and memorized. Dorathy (2011) states that
role play is very important in teaching English because it gives the students an
opportunity to practice communicating in different social context and in different
social roles. Hence, role play in the classroom situation is good to make students
set the context and support the learning. It encourages thinking and creativity, lets
students develop and practice new language and behavioral skill in a relatively
non threatening setting, and create the motivation and involvement necessary for
learning to develop. Kusnierek (2015) stated that role play can be successful
method in the teachers hands. As its prime goal is to boost students interaction in
the classroom, educators should not forget to include a speaking activity to reflect
learners theoretical knowledge of a B language practice. In role play, a teacher has
important role to make teaching and learning process successful or not. A teacher
must have effective and efficient ways to improve English vocabulary. Role play
exercises help students improve their communication abilities and extend their
vocabulary learning through conversational exercises (Alabsi, 2016). Role play is
very useful in the world of education, especially in English lessons so students can
work together with other students in competing roles and students do not feel
bored in class.
Therefore, the researcher will to conduct a research on the use the role play
method to increase students vocabulary in English speaking skills, especially at
seventh grade in SMPN 2 Tambangan entitled " The Implementation of Role Play
in Teaching Vocabulary at Seventh Grade Student of SMPN 2 Tambangan".
B. Problem Identification
Here are some issues that can be found in the context of the topics
mentioned above:
1. The method use by the teacher is still monotonous and uses the conventional
2. Students lack of vocabulary in English at class.
C. Problem Limitation
The following are several problem formulations and research questions that
can be found in the context of the topics mentioned above:
E. Study Objective
The following are several study objective that can be found in the context of
the topic mentioned above:
1. To find out whether the implementation the role play in method in students'
vocabulary Ability at SMPN 2 Tambangan.
2. To find out whether there is any significant difference between the students
vocabulary taught by using role play and without using role play.
According to the researcher, the role play is good for English students,
especially in learning vocabulary to students in class. Role play can be applied by
teachers so that students are more enthusiastic about learning vocabulary so that
students' vocabulary can be increased at SMP Negeri 2 Tambangan.
2. For students
A. Theoretical Framework
1. Vocabulary
information in English urgently needed. From the foregoing discussion, the
researcher draws the conclusion that students vocabulary can be defined as a
group of words that they can use and comprehend to be proficient in speaking,
writing, reading, and listening. Everyone needs to understand vocabulary since it
not only makes it easier for individuals to interact with one another, but it also
makes it possible for them to function in society.
use because without an extensive vocabulary, students will be unable to use the
structures and functions they may have learned for comprehensible
b. Types of Vocabulary
According to Hatch and Brown (1995) as cited in Susanto (2017), there are
two categories of vocabulary:
The words that learners comprehend, can pronounce correctly, and use
effectively in speaking and writing are referred to as productive vocabulary. They
consists of the elements required for receptive vocabulary in addition to the
capacity to speak or write at the proper time. Because students may create the
words to communicate their ideas to others, productive vocabulary instruction can
be approached as an active process (Stuart, 2008, as cited in Susanto 2017).
but not all the words are used when speaking or writing, because the students does
not have to know everything about a word to understand its meaning. Every
Student is constantly trying to learn and remember a new language.This is caused
by various variables, one of which is that students feel bored and bored during the
lesson session. In addition, students do not have many dictionaries.
There are additional issues that frequently cause students to have trouble
learning vocabulary. The issues, according to Thornbury (2002) as cited in
Zamzami (2019) are:
a. Pronunciation
b. Spelling
d. Grammar
Another issue is the grammar attached to the words, especially if it is
different from the counterpart in the first language.
e. Meaning
2. Role Play
really existed in accordance with their role. He also said that role play can
be used to encourage oral skill fluency and to train students for specific situations.
In this activity, students will be able to practice communicating with the others,
increase their activity and improve their conversational skills.
Harmer (2005) as cited in Rosnani (2017), also says that simulation and
role play have three distinct advantages, include:
a. Both simulation and role play can be good fun and thus motivating.
b. The activities permit the students to use a much wider range of language
than some more task-centered activities may do.
Each learning model has its own objectives with the ease of achieving the
desired competency goals. Purpose of role playing According to Afifi (2017), the
purpose of the role-playing model is to teach students how to effectively perform
their roles and how to be accepting members of society. As stated by Kurniasih
(2016) role play aims to teach students how to address sociopsychological issues
and providing empathy to pupils and preparing students to get along because
children will understand it better and absorb it. According to Uno (2014), role-
playing as a learning method aims to help students find their meaning in society
and use groups to solve dilemmas. Students learn how to use and understand role
concepts through role play. They consider their own behavior as well as the
behavior of others and play various roles. According to Djamarah (2013) the
purpose of using the roleplay model is to help students appreciate and respect the
feelings of other people, learn to share responsibility, learn how to make decisions
in group situations spontaneously and stimulate the class to think and solve
According to some of the expert opinions above that the purpose of using
role play is to teach students to learn vocabulary easily and use it in the
community environment.
In the learning process, it is hoped that teachers and students will acquire
appreciation of values and feelings. By playing the role, student are expected to
face and play a role in various imaginary extras or real figures in various
situations. Role play can involve cognitive affective aspects of the basic figures
they play. The advantages of the role play according to Tukiran Taniredja (2016)
a. Encourage all pupils to engage so they can develop their teamwork abilities.
b. Students are free to decide what to do and how to express themselves.
c. The game is simple to create and may be applied in a variety of contexts.
d. Through observation while playing, the teacher can gauge each student's
e. The play is an enjoyable event for each kid.
Through the role play method carried out by students, they can improve
their ability to communicate well with other friends, and skills students' thinking
is more developed by analyzing various kinds of events that are carried out.
Besides that, the creation of cooperation, sensitivity and responsibility of students
in groups has an impact on good team performance forming attitudes mutual
cooperation and motivation to show the best. This is in line with the advantages of
the role play method put forward by Alicie (2016), the advantages of the role play
method is by applying the role play method the quantifying student can
understand, given the material to be dramatized about open material. Furthermore,
students will get used to being creative, taking the initiative as well creative.
B. Relevant Studies
The first previous research was researcher used studies related to the title
as relevant references.A research by Balqis (2019) entitled Improving Students'
Vacabulary mastery By Using Role Play at SMP Muhammadiyah 12 Binjai the
Academic Year 2019/2020. This study aims to determine the increase in
students' vocabulary mastery by using role play with the theme of vocabulary
about the names of objects, animals and plants. The purpose of this research is
to improve students' vocabulary mastery by using role playing. The results of the
data analysis showed that there was an increase in students' vocabulary mastery
in each cycle. Where there are more students who get success criteria and few
students who are not successful. In other words, students' vocabulary mastery
All the studies above learn that role play is a useful method for learning a
language. However, most of the research was conducted outside Mandailing
Natal. Research on this topic in Mandailing Natal is still rarely done. The
differences between previous research and current research are in the learning
methods, research locations, stages, and some of the subjects used. The learning
method used is Role Play. The stages that the researcher carried out pretest,
treatment and the subject use grade 7 English with vocabulary topics. Location the
research that will be examined by researchers is SMPN 2 Tambangan because this
institution has not yet implemented the role play learning method in English
C. Conceptual Framework
Students can use the role play method to help them get through some of
the difficulties associated with learning English in a instant. Students can use the
role play method to help their language learning. It is a tool for developing new
learning settings and increasing student motivation. The role play method can be
easily learned by anyone. Students are able to remember new terms.
D. Research Hypothesis
a. The alternative hypothesis (H1): Role play has significant effect at the seventh
grade students' vocabulary ability at SMPN 2 Tambangan.
b. The null hypothesis (H0): Role play doesn’t have a significant effect at the
seventh grade students' vocabulary ability at SMPN 2 Tambangan.
In this chapter, the researcher presents the method of the research design,
variables, population, instrument of the research, procedure of collecting data and
technique of the data analysis.
The researcher uses pretest and posttest in both the experimental and
control sessions. The goal is to find out how the role play method can be used to
teach students vocabulary. To determine a significant effect, researcher compared
the pretest and posttest of the experimental and control classes. This is a model of
a quasi-experimental design.
B. Variable
1. Population
VII A 24 Student
VII B 24 tudent
2. Sample
NPSN : 10208097
Address : Tambangan
D. Instrument of the Research
1). Observation
2). Pre-test
- Before the pre-test, first test the validity by try out the pre-test questions first
with colleagues, teachers and students.
- The researcher will enter the class and explain the purpose of the research to
the students.
- The researcher give pre-test, which aim to know students’ vocabulary before
treatment. The students are give 45 minute to do the test.
- The test is modifie into two kind of vocabulary test translating words and
matching words in Indonesian into English.
3). Treatment
4). Post-test
After doing the treatments, so the students will give post test in the last
meeting. In post test the researcher distribute the write test that will give in the
pre-test. By post-test researcher can know the improve vocabulary of students
with role play. The same as pre-test students will give.45 minutes to do the test.
5). Documentation
Documentation is to find data on things in records, books, and gaps.
Documentation media in this study are the names of seventh-grade students of
SMPN 2 Tambangan and the learning outcomes of seventh-grade students, the
geographical location of the school, educators, and lesson plan. The
documentation instrument in this study useda datasheet, a list of data needed by
researcher obtained from SMPN 2 Tambangan.
The researcher will collect test results from the students in order to
determine how well they knew vocabulary when using role play in the
experimental class and without using it in the control class. Following the
collection of all student scores, the researcher use SPSS to measure the results of
the normality and homogeneity tests. After examining the results of the normality
and homogeneity tests, the T-test Will use to determine the differences in student
performance between the pre-and post-tests for each class in the experimental and
control groups.
The researcher will collect test results from the students in order to
determine how well they knew vocabulary when using English songs in the
experimental class and without using it in the control class. Following the
collection of all student scores, the researcher will use SPSS to measure the results
of the normality and homogeneity tests. After examining the results of the
normality and homogeneity tests, the T-test will use to determine the differences
in student performance between the pre-and post-tests for each class in the
experimental and control groups.
The following formula can be use to determine the impact of using English
songs on students' vocabulary achievement when utilizing a t-test:
X 1−X 2
√ ( )
2 2
s1 s2 r s1
+ −2 +¿ ¿
n1 n 2 √ n1
t = test of significance
1. Validity
According (Sugiyono, 2018) states that the validity test is the similarity of
the data reported by researchers with data obtained directly that occurs with the
research subjects. Validity was one of the primary considerations for quantitative
study results. According to this definition, validity is the degree of correctness
between data that occurred in the study object and the researcher's reporting
capacity. Basically, the research tool itself needs to be reliable. When determining
if a test instrument is valid or not, there are a number of provisions or validity-
relate factor that should be examine. The following formula can be use to test the
t-test using Pearson's product-moment correlation or the SPSS program:
r xy =N ¿ ¿
N = Number of samples
∑ x = Score item
∑ y = Total score
r xy = Correlation coefficient
2. Reliability
K M( )
r 11 = (1− K −M )
K −1 KS 2
Where :
3. Normality Test
According to Ghozali (2016), the normality test is carrie out to test whether,
in a regression model, an independent variable and a dependent variable or both
have a normal or abnormal distribution. Using the Lilifors test or the SPSS
program, it is possible to determine whether the data, which acquired from the
students' scores, had a normal distribution or not. The normality test for this study
carrie out using SPSS. To determine if the data normal or not when performing
the Lilifors test, Lo should be compare against Lt with α = 0,05. The Lilifors test's
characteristics were:
4. Homogeneity Test
Levene's test (Levene 1960) is used to test whether k samples have the same
variance. The same variance between samples is called homogeneity variance.
Some statistical tests, for example analysis of variance, assume that variances are
the same between groups or samples. Levene's test can be used to verify this
P= x 100 %
Where :
P = Percentage
f = frequency of respondents
n = number of sample
F. Hypothesis
The definition of hypothesis according to Sugiyono (2017), in his book
Quantitative Qualitative Research Methods and R&D is a temporary answer to
the formulation of a research problem, where the formulation of the research
problem has been stated in the form of a question sentence.
1. Zero Hypothesis (H0) is a hypothesis which was tested. Usually, this
hypothesis is a statement that shows that a population parameter has a certain
value. The null hypothesis is usually stated with the words "no difference or
no effect".
2. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is the same statement with the same population
parameters as those used in the null hypothesis. Usually this hypothesis is a
statement that states that the population parameter has a different value from
the statement stated in the null hypothesis, namely that there is an influence.
A. Findings
B. Specific Findings
1. Data
The experimental class used in this study was Class VII-A, consisting of 24
students. The pre-test measured student achievement in vocabulary when taught
using role-play. Based on the pre-test score, the average score of the experimental
class was 53.96, with the lowest score being 30 and the highest score being 80.
After measuring the pre-test data, role-play was implemented in this class.
After the treatment concluded, the post-test was conducted to measure whether
role-play had an effect on students’ ability in vocabulary by comparing both pre-
test and post-test scores. The post-test results showed the mean score of students in
the experimental class increased to 82, and the range of the mean score from pre-
test to post-test was 30. The results of the pre-test and post-test can be seen on the
second attached page.
a. Mean
∑ f n xn
60+50+80 … … .+ 45
x= =53,96
b. Median
Median =
+ x [ +1]
Median =
[ ]
+ x [ + 1]
x [ 12 ] + x [13]
= 2
= 2
= 50
c. Range
= 50
d. Variance
= ∑ ¿¿ ¿
Where :
S : Sample varience
x i: Value of each data
x : Avarage value of all observations
n : Number of observation data
S = 1¿¿¿
2 3.548 , 9
S =
= 147,87
e. Std. deviation
Sd = √∑ f i−¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
Where :
S : Std. deviation
f i : Group frequency
x i : Middle value of x
n : Number of data
s= √
3.548 , 9
= √ 147 , 87
= 12,16
The following table shows the additional results from the experimental
class's pre-test score.
Table. 4.1
Table of Data Statistics of the Pre-Test Result in Experimental Class
Mean 53,96
Media 50
Mode 45
Std.Deviation 12,16
Variance 147,87
Range 50
Maximum 80
Minimum 30
From the table above it can be seen that the average score of 24 students is
53,96 in the experimental class so it can be concluded that the achievement is still
Frequency of student grades
Interval Frequency percent
30-49 9 37,5%
50-69 12 50%
70-79 1 4.16%
80-89 2 8,3%
90-100 -
24 99,9%
a. Mean
∑ f n xn
70+70+95 … … .+ 45
Mean = = 66,88
b. Median
= [ ]
n n
x + x [ +1]
Median 2 2
X : Ordered list of value
n : Sum of all value
Median = 2
= 67,5
c. Range
S = ∑ ¿¿ ¿
Where :
S : Sample varience
x i: Value of each data
x : Avarage value of all observations
n : Number of observation data
s =1 ¿ ¿ ¿
2 1(78.415 ,12)
S =
= 280,027
f. Std. deviation
Sd = √∑ f i−¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
Where :
S : Std. deviation
f i : Group frequency
x i : Middle value of x
n : Number of data
sd =
√78.415 , 12
= √ 280,027
= 16,734
Table. 4.4
Frequency of student grades
Interval Frequency percentage
45-59 9 37,5%
Age60-69 3 12,5%
70-79 4 16,6%
80-89 5 20,8%
90-99 3 12,5%
24 99,9%
The control class used in this study was Class VII-B, consisting of 24
students. Pre-tests were conducted to measure students’ ability in vocabulary.
From the table below, it can be observed that the mean score of the pre-test was
55.42. After conducting the pre-test and the treatment without using role play, the
post-test was carried out to measure the mean score. It was observed that the post-
test scores were 56.25. The range of the mean score from pre-test to post-test was
found to be 0.78. The results of the pre-test and post-test can be seen on the third
a. Mean
∑ f n xn
60+60+70 … … .+35
Mean = = 55,42
b. Median
= [ ]
n n
x + x [ +1]
Median 2 2
X : Ordered list of value
n : Sum of all value
Median = 2
= 55,7
c. Range
= ∑ ¿¿ ¿
Where :
S : Sample varience
x i: Value of each data
x : Avarage value of all observations
n : Number of observation data
s =1 ¿ ¿ ¿
2 1(3.744,824)
S =
= 156,0343
g. Std. deviation
Sd = √∑ f i−¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
Where :
S : Std. deviation
f i : Group frequency
x i : Middle value of x
X : Avarage value of data
n : Number of data
s = √ 24
= √ 156,0343 = 12,491
The following table shows the additional findings from the pre-test score
in the control class:
Table. 4.5
Table of Data Statistics of the Pre-Test Result in Control Class
Mean 55,42
Median 55,7
Mode 60
Std.Deviation 12,491
Variance 156,0343
Range 50
Maximum 80
Minimum 30
From the table above it can be seen that the average score of 24 students is
55,42in the experimental class so it can be concluded that the achievement is still
80-89 1 4.1%
90-100 - -
24 99,9%
∑ f n xn
65+65+80 … … .+ 40
Mean = = 56,25
b. Median
= [ ]
n n
x + x [ +1]
Median 2 2
X : Ordered list of value
n : sum of all data
Median = 2
= 55
c. Range
Range = X Maxs – X Min
= 80 – 35
= 45
d. Variance
= ∑ ¿¿ ¿
Where :
S : Sample varience
x i: Value of each data
x : Avarage value of all observations
n : Number of observation data
s =1 ¿ ¿ ¿
1(3748 ,54 )
= 24
= 156,189
e. Std. deviation
Sd = √∑ f i−¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
Where :
S : Std. deviation
f i : Group frequency
x i : Middle value of x
n : Number of data
√3.748 , 54
= √ 156,189 = 12,497
The following table shows the additional findings from post-test scores in
the control class:
Table. 4.7
Table of Data Statistics of the Post-Test Result in Control Class
Mean 56,25
Median 55
Mode 40.55,60
Std.Deviation 12,497
Variance 156.189
Range 45
Maximum 80
Minimum 35
From the table above it can be seen that the average score of 24 students is
56,25 in the experimental class so it can be concluded that the achievement is still
35-49 6 25%
50-69 14 58,3%
70-79 2 8,3%
80-89 2 8,3%
90-100 - -
24 99,9%
2. Data Analysis
1. Validity
a. Validity of Test
The SPSS V 29 program was utilized for calculating the validity of the test
instrument. The analysis was conducted on the results of the 50-question test
instrument. If the test is valid, the researcher should obtain an rcount > rtable
result, and vice versa, as shown in the fourth attachment.
From the table, it is evident that all test items are valid, with rcount being
greater than rtable. This table provides confirmation of the validity of each test
item. To assess students’ learning abilities, conducting tests becomes imperative.
= √( 119 ) (82.304 ) = 0,417
2. Reliability
When utilizing SPSS V 29, the researcher should found that rcount > rtable,
and vice versa, if the question is genuine. Due to rcount > rtable (1,050z > 0.404)
with N (the number of students) being 24 students and 50 items, the test’s
reliability, assessed using SPSS V 29, yielded a high-level reliability result. The
significance level was 0.05, indicating that the test is trustworthy, as can be seen
below :
Table 4.9
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach’s Alpha N of item
1,050 50
K M( )
r 11 = (1− K −M )
K −1 KS 2
50 66 , 88(50−66 , 88)
= (1 - ¿
50−1 50(16,734 2)
50 (−1.128 , 93)
= (1 - )
49 50(280,026)
50 (−1.128 , 93) 50
= (1- ¿= ( 1- (-0,080))
49 14.001 , 3 49
50 52, 92
= (1,080) =
49 50
r 11 = 1,050
3. Normality Test
Table 4.10
Test of Normality from the Pre-Test Result of both Experimental and
Control Classes
Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
According to the criteria mentioned in the previous chapter, the data can be
considered valid if the significance score was greater than 0.05, indicating that the
data had a normal distribution. Therefore, it can be said that both the pre-test data
for the experimental and control classes had a regularly distributed distribution.
The subsequent table displays the results of the normality test using post-
test scores from both experimental and control classes:
Table 4.11
Test of Normality from the Post-Test Result both of Experimental and
Control Class
Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
4. Homogeneity Test
The following table presen the results of the homogeneity test in the pre-
Table 4.12
Homogeneity Pre-Test Result both Experimental and Control Class
The following table present the results of the post-test homogeneity test:
Table 4.13
Homogeneity Post-Test Result in both Experimental and Control Class
Test of Homogeneity of Variance
Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
According to the table above, the significant uniformity in the post-test for
both the experimental and control classes was 0.062. The post-test results in both
the experimental and control classes had a homogenous distribution.
5. Test of Hypothesis
After determining the results of the homogeneity and normality tests, a test
of hypothesis was conducted. In this study, the data were measured using a t-
test in SPSS V 29 to determine whether there were any appreciable differences
in the students' vocabulary between the experimental and control classes. To
determine whether there was a significant difference or not, hypothesis tests
were performed on the results of the post-test following the role play of the
treatment. The data from the mean score in both the experimental and control
classes should be entered. The results of the exams taken in the experimental
class were acceptable, as shown in the following table, which demonstrates the
influence of utilizing the role play on students' vocabulary Ability. The
following table displays the findings of the hypothesis test conducted using
the SPSS V 29 program:
Table 4.14
The Result of T-Test Calculation
Group Statistics
The table above shows that there were different numbers of students in each
class; there were 24 students in the experimental class and 24 in the control class.
The test was carried out to determine the differences in vocabulary Ability
between students who used the role play and those who did not. In the
experimental class, the mean score was 66.88, while it was 56.25 in the control
class, according to the table. It can be seen that there was a 12.41 point difference
in mean scores between the experimental and control classes. It can be concluded
that the mean score of the experimental class was higher than the control class.
Table 4.15
The Result of Independence Sample Tests
Independent Samples Test
Test for
Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means
Interval of the
Sig. Difference
(2- Mean
tailed Differenc Lowe
F Sig. T df ) e r Upper
a. Discussion
This section discussed the teaching of vocabulary through role play, focusing
on how role-playing games enhanced students' vocabulary retention. The research
results demonstrated that role play effectively contributed to maintaining students'
vocabulary, as evidenced by the increase in student scores. The average pre-test
score in the experimental class was 53.96. Following the implementation of role
play, the average post-test score rose to 66.88. In the control class, the average
pre-test score was 55.42, with a post-test average of 56.25. The Minimum
Completeness Criteria (KKM) was set at 70 as the specified success criterion.
formal and monotonous, making students enthusiastic during the learning process
and preventing boredom. Teachers can also reignite students' enthusiasm through
role play. Therefore, role play significantly influences students' learning
achievements in the classroom.
This can be compared with previous research, such as Balqis's thesis (2019)
titled "Increasing Students' Vocabulary Mastery Using Role Play at
Muhammadiyah 12 Binjai Middle School for the 2019/2020 Academic Year."
Although the researcher's thesis differed by employing a two-class approach, the
overall impact on increasing students' vocabulary aligned with Balqis's findings
using Class Actions with cycles I and II.
Both studies used two classes for research material. The results from
previous research, along with the current study, indicated that role play
significantly influenced students' ability to learn English.
A. Conclusion
(56.25). In conclusion, it is evident that role play had a substantial impact on the
vocabulary abilities of seventh-grade students at SMPN 2 Tambangan.
B. Suggestions
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